Herné konzoly
Sony PlayStation 4 Pro 1TB
Konzola novej generácie s vynoveným dizajnom, ktorá bude mať dva krát výkonnejšou grafiku ako jej predchodcovia. Taktiež prináša novú verziu bezdrôtového PlayStation 4 ovládača. Okrem stratosférického výkonu, ktorý zahŕňa osemjadrový procesor, 8 GB GDDR5 pamäte a výkonný grafický čip, svoj kus mágie do herného sveta pridávajú vývojárske štúdiá, ktoré práve pre Sony vyrábajú svoje exkluzívne hry, ktoré doslova rozbíjajú rebríčky kritikov.
Sony PlayStation 4 Pro 1TB
Konzola novej generácie s vynoveným dizajnom, ktorá bude mať dva krát výkonnejšou grafiku ako jej predchodcovia. Taktiež prináša novú verziu bezdrôtového PlayStation 4 ovládača. Okrem stratosférického výkonu, ktorý zahŕňa osemjadrový procesor, 8 GB GDDR5 pamäte a výkonný grafický čip, svoj kus mágie do herného sveta pridávajú vývojárske štúdiá, ktoré práve pre Sony vyrábajú svoje exkluzívne hry, ktoré doslova rozbíjajú rebríčky kritikov.

Podobné inzeráty

PSN ucet z 50 hrami
Uprednostnujem osobny odber
na fotkach bez zamku su hry ktore su hratelne bez pluska
tieto su kupene v zlave cez plus
Playable with PS Plus (30)
Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales
Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales
Call of Duty®: WWII
Call of Duty®: Black Ops 4
PUBG - Public Test Server
Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep: A Wonderlands One-shot Adventure
God of War® III Remastered
STAR WARS™ Battlefront™ II
Team Sonic Racing
Just Cause 4
Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning
Worms Rumble
The Last of Us™ Remastered
Mortal Kombat X
Mortal Shell
Worms Rumble
Shadow of the Tomb Raider
Rise of the Tomb Raider
Battlefield™ V
Call of Duty®: Modern Warfare® Remastered
Need for Speed™ Payback

Predám hernú konzolu PS4 Pro. Konzola je v 100% stave, nemá žiadne poškodenia a všetko funguje. Pridám ku nej všetko príslušenstvo a ovládač. V prípade záujmu sa dá dokúpiť druhý ovládač za 45€ alebo nabíjačka na ovládače za 19€. Možnosť dokúpiť aj hry z mojej zbierky:
Need For Speed Heat: 23€
Project CARS 2 (Limited Edition): 18€
GTA 5 : 18€
Playerunknown's Battlegrounds: 15€
Horizon: Forbidden West: 32€
Elden Ring: 32€
Subnautica: 18€
Watch Dogs 3 Legion: 8€
Watch Dogs 2: 11€
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt GOTY: 19€
Killzone: Shadow Fall: 8€
Days Gone: 14€
EA Sports UFC 3: 22€
Ratchet and Clank: 8€
Rise of the Tomb Raider (20 Year Celebration Edition): 10€
No Man's Sky: 14€
Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales: 27€
Marvel’s Spider-Man: 17€
UFC: 12€
The Last of Us Remastered CZ: 12€
Gran Turismo Sport CZ: 9€
Need for Speed Hot Pursuit Remastered: 19€
Far Cry Primal: 12€
Assassins Creed: Odyssey: 14€
Assasins Creed: Origins: 12€
Assassins Creed 4: Black Flag: 10€
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare: 22€
Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare (Legacy Pro Edition): 19€
Call of Duty: WWII: 19€
Call of Duty: Black Ops 3: 15€
God of War CZ: 10€
God of War 3 Remastered: 8€
Horizon: Zero Dawn Complete: 9€
WWE 2K22: 22€
Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus: 13€
Sackboy: A Big Adventures: 22€
Driveclub: 8€
Tom Clancys Ghost Recon: Wildlands: 12€
Tom Clancys Ghost Recon: Breakpoint: 7€
Rayman Legends: 12€
Dishonored 2: 7€
Uncharted: The Lost Legacy: 12€
Uncharted 4: A Thiefs End: 9€
Uncharted (The Nathan Drake Collection): 9€
Tom Clancys The Division 2: 8€
DiRT Rally 2.0: 18€
Cyberpunk 2077: 18€
Batman: Arkham Knight: 9€
Tom Clancys Rainbow Six: Extraction: 9€
Bloodborne: 9€
Mortal Kombat X: 12€
Sackboy: A Big Adventures (Special Edition): 29€
F1 2017: 8€
inFAMOUS: Second Son: 11€
Friday the 13th: The Game (Ultimate Slasher Edition): 19€
Worms W.M.D: 12€
Little Big Planet 3: 8€
Injustice 2: 12€
Robinson The Journey: 19€
Hidden Agenda: 9€
MudRunner: a Spintires Game (American Wilds Edition): 16€
The Last of Us: Part II: 17€
Singstar: 5€
Thats You!: 5€
Jump Force: 15€
Destiny: 5€
Destiny: The Taken King (Legendary Edition): 7€
Just Dance 2020: 16€
WWE 2K18: 15€
Dead or Alive 6: 12€
Until Dawn: Rush of Blood: 11€
Farpoint VR: 12€
Just Dance 2018: 15€
Knack: 8€
Bravo Team: 10€
Hitman (The Complete First Season): 16€
Death Stranding: 10€
Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain: 15€
Shadow of the Colossus: 13€
Battlefield: Hardline: 8€
Chimparty: 10€
NioH: 8€
Monster Hunter World: 9€
ARK (Ultimate Survivor Edition): 18€
Watch Dogs: 7€
Let's Sing Presents Queen + mikrofon: 12€
F1 2018: 9€
Star Wars: Battlefront 2: 14€
Battlefield 1: 7€
Just Dance 2021: 14€
Fallout 4: 7€
NHL 21: 18€
Titanfall 2: 7€
WWE 2K20: 10€

Predám alebo vymením za Xbox Series X alebo PS4 Pro/ PS4 Slim, hernú konzolu Playstation 5 s mechanikou. Konzola je v 100% stave, nemá žiadne známky používania. Záruka platí 2 roky na Slovensku, mám aj záručný list / faktúru. V prípade záujmu sa dá dokúpiť druhý biely alebo čierny ovládač za 59€, originál nabíjačka na ovládače za 19€ alebo TV Remote za 19€. Možnosť dokúpiť hry z mojej zbierky:
Dead Space: 52€
Gran Turismo 7 CZ: 28€
Stray: 26€
Horizon: Forbidden West CZ: 28€
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2: 52€
Returnal: 28€
F1 2021: 19€
Battlefield 2042: 15€
FIFA 22 CZ: 22€
NBA 2K22: 12€
Chernobylite: 16€
GTA 5: 25€
Sackboy: A Big Adventure: 25€
Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales CZ: 28€
Hry na PS4:
Need For Speed Heat: 23€
Project CARS 2 (Limited Edition): 18€
GTA 5 : 18€
Playerunknown's Battlegrounds: 15€
Horizon: Forbidden West: 32€
Elden Ring: 32€
Subnautica: 18€
Watch Dogs 3 Legion: 8€
Watch Dogs 2: 11€
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt GOTY: 19€
Killzone: Shadow Fall: 8€
Days Gone: 14€
EA Sports UFC 3: 22€
Ratchet and Clank: 8€
Rise of the Tomb Raider (20 Year Celebration Edition): 10€
No Man's Sky: 14€
Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales: 27€
Marvel’s Spider-Man: 17€
UFC: 12€
The Last of Us Remastered CZ: 12€
Gran Turismo Sport CZ: 9€
Need for Speed Hot Pursuit Remastered: 19€
Far Cry Primal: 12€
Assassins Creed: Odyssey: 14€
Assasins Creed: Origins: 12€
Assassins Creed 4: Black Flag: 10€
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare: 22€
Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare (Legacy Pro Edition): 19€
Call of Duty: WWII: 19€
Call of Duty: Black Ops 3: 15€
God of War CZ: 10€
God of War 3 Remastered: 8€
Horizon: Zero Dawn Complete: 9€
WWE 2K22: 22€
Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus: 13€
Sackboy: A Big Adventures: 22€
Driveclub: 8€
Tom Clancys Ghost Recon: Wildlands: 12€
Tom Clancys Ghost Recon: Breakpoint: 7€
Rayman Legends: 12€
Dishonored 2: 7€
Uncharted: The Lost Legacy: 12€
Uncharted 4: A Thiefs End: 9€
Uncharted (The Nathan Drake Collection): 9€
Tom Clancys The Division 2: 8€
DiRT Rally 2.0: 18€
Cyberpunk 2077: 18€
Batman: Arkham Knight: 9€
Tom Clancys Rainbow Six: Extraction: 9€
Bloodborne: 9€
Mortal Kombat X: 12€
Sackboy: A Big Adventures (Special Edition): 29€
F1 2017: 8€
inFAMOUS: Second Son: 11€
Friday the 13th: The Game (Ultimate Slasher Edition): 19€
Worms W.M.D: 12€
Little Big Planet 3: 8€
Injustice 2: 12€
Robinson The Journey: 19€
Hidden Agenda: 9€
MudRunner: a Spintires Game (American Wilds Edition): 16€
The Last of Us: Part II: 17€
Singstar: 5€
Thats You!: 5€
Jump Force: 15€
Destiny: 5€
Destiny: The Taken King (Legendary Edition): 7€
Just Dance 2020: 16€
WWE 2K18: 15€
Dead or Alive 6: 12€
Until Dawn: Rush of Blood: 11€
Farpoint VR: 12€
Just Dance 2018: 15€
Knack: 8€
Bravo Team: 10€
Hitman (T

Predám hernú konzolu Playstation 4 Slim. Konzola je vo veľmi dobrom stave, nemá žiadne vady a všetko funguje. Jedná sa o verziu s 1TB pamäte. Ovládač je takisto v perfektnom stave ako vidno aj na fotkách. Možnosť dokúpiť druhý ovládač za 45€ alebo hry z mojej zbierky:
Need For Speed Heat: 23€
Project CARS 2 (Limited Edition): 18€
GTA 5 : 18€
Playerunknown's Battlegrounds: 15€
Horizon: Forbidden West: 32€
Elden Ring: 32€
Subnautica: 18€
Watch Dogs 3 Legion: 8€
Watch Dogs 2: 11€
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt GOTY: 19€
Killzone: Shadow Fall: 8€
Days Gone: 14€
EA Sports UFC 3: 22€
Ratchet and Clank: 8€
Rise of the Tomb Raider (20 Year Celebration Edition): 10€
No Man's Sky: 14€
Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales: 27€
Marvel’s Spider-Man: 17€
UFC: 12€
The Last of Us Remastered CZ: 12€
Gran Turismo Sport CZ: 9€
Need for Speed Hot Pursuit Remastered: 19€
Far Cry Primal: 12€
Assassins Creed: Odyssey: 14€
Assasins Creed: Origins: 12€
Assassins Creed 4: Black Flag: 10€
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare: 22€
Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare (Legacy Pro Edition): 19€
Call of Duty: WWII: 19€
Call of Duty: Black Ops 3: 15€
God of War CZ: 10€
God of War 3 Remastered: 8€
Horizon: Zero Dawn Complete: 9€
WWE 2K22: 22€
Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus: 13€
Sackboy: A Big Adventures: 22€
Driveclub: 8€
Tom Clancys Ghost Recon: Wildlands: 12€
Tom Clancys Ghost Recon: Breakpoint: 7€
Rayman Legends: 12€
Dishonored 2: 7€
Uncharted: The Lost Legacy: 12€
Uncharted 4: A Thiefs End: 9€
Uncharted (The Nathan Drake Collection): 9€
Tom Clancys The Division 2: 8€
DiRT Rally 2.0: 18€
Cyberpunk 2077: 18€
Batman: Arkham Knight: 9€
Tom Clancys Rainbow Six: Extraction: 9€
Bloodborne: 9€
Mortal Kombat X: 12€
Sackboy: A Big Adventures (Special Edition): 29€
F1 2017: 8€
inFAMOUS: Second Son: 11€
Friday the 13th: The Game (Ultimate Slasher Edition): 19€
Worms W.M.D: 12€
Little Big Planet 3: 8€
Injustice 2: 12€
Robinson The Journey: 19€
Hidden Agenda: 9€
MudRunner: a Spintires Game (American Wilds Edition): 16€
The Last of Us: Part II: 17€
Singstar: 5€
Thats You!: 5€
Jump Force: 15€
Destiny: 5€
Destiny: The Taken King (Legendary Edition): 7€
Just Dance 2020: 16€
WWE 2K18: 15€
Dead or Alive 6: 12€
Until Dawn: Rush of Blood: 11€
Farpoint VR: 12€
Just Dance 2018: 15€
Knack: 8€
Bravo Team: 10€
Hitman (The Complete First Season): 16€
Death Stranding: 10€
Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain: 15€
Shadow of the Colossus: 13€
Battlefield: Hardline: 8€
Chimparty: 10€
NioH: 8€
Monster Hunter World: 9€
ARK (Ultimate Survivor Edition): 18€
Watch Dogs: 7€
Let's Sing Presents Queen + mikrofon: 12€
F1 2018: 9€
Star Wars: Battlefront 2: 14€
Battlefield 1: 7€
Just Dance 2021: 14€
Fallout 4: 7€
NHL 21: 18€
Titanfall 2: 7€
WWE 2K20: 10€

Predám hernú konzolu PS4 Pro. Konzola je v 100% stave, nemá žiadne poškodenia a všetko funguje. Pridám ku nej všetko príslušenstvo a ovládač. V prípade záujmu sa dá dokúpiť druhý ovládač za 45€ alebo nabíjačka na ovládače za 19€. Možnosť dokúpiť aj hry z mojej zbierky:
Need For Speed Heat: 23€
Project CARS 2 (Limited Edition): 18€
GTA 5 : 18€
Minecraft: 24€
Playerunknown's Battlegrounds: 15€
Horizon: Forbidden West: 32€
Elden Ring: 32€
Subnautica: 18€
FIFA 22 CZ: 25€
Watch Dogs 3 Legion: 8€
Watch Dogs 2: 11€
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt GOTY: 19€
Killzone: Shadow Fall: 8€
Days Gone: 14€
Mafia Trilogy: 19€
Crash Bandicoot 4: Its About Time: 32€
EA Sports UFC 3: 22€
Ratchet and Clank: 8€
Rise of the Tomb Raider (20 Year Celebration Edition): 10€
No Man's Sky: 14€
Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales: 27€
Marvel’s Spider-Man: 17€
Knack 2: 15€
UFC: 12€
Marvels Avengers: 10€
The Last of Us Remastered CZ: 12€
Gran Turismo Sport CZ: 9€
Need for Speed Hot Pursuit Remastered: 19€
Far Cry Primal: 12€
Assassins Creed: The Ezio Collection: 10€
Assassins Creed: Odyssey: 14€
Assasins Creed: Origins: 12€
Assassins Creed 4: Black Flag: 10€
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare: 22€
Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare (Legacy Pro Edition): 19€
Call of Duty: WWII: 19€
Call of Duty: Black Ops 3: 15€
God of War CZ: 10€
God of War 3 Remastered: 8€
Horizon: Zero Dawn Complete: 9€
WWE 2K22: 22€
Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus: 13€
Sackboy: A Big Adventures: 22€
Driveclub: 8€
Tom Clancys Ghost Recon: Wildlands: 12€
Tom Clancys Ghost Recon: Breakpoint: 7€
Spyro Reignited Trilogy: 21€
Rayman Legends: 12€
Dishonored 2: 7€
Uncharted: The Lost Legacy: 12€
Uncharted 4: A Thiefs End: 9€
Uncharted (The Nathan Drake Collection): 9€
Tom Clancys The Division 2: 8€
DiRT Rally 2.0: 18€
Cyberpunk 2077: 18€
Batman: Arkham Knight: 9€
Tom Clancys Rainbow Six: Extraction: 9€
Bloodborne: 9€
FIFA 22 CZ: 25€
Mortal Kombat X: 12€
Sackboy: A Big Adventures (Special Edition): 29€
Doom Eternal: 9€
DOOM: 10€
F1 2017: 8€
inFAMOUS: Second Son: 11€
Unravel: Yarny Bundle: 19€
Friday the 13th: The Game (Ultimate Slasher Edition): 19€
Worms W.M.D: 12€
Little Big Planet 3: 8€
Injustice 2: 12€
Robinson The Journey: 19€
Hidden Agenda: 9€
MudRunner: a Spintires Game (American Wilds Edition): 16€
The Last of Us: Part II: 17€
LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham: 8€
Singstar: 5€
Thats You!: 5€
Jump Force: 15€
Destiny: 5€
Destiny: The Taken King (Legendary Edition): 7€
Playstation World: 5€
Just Dance 2020: 16€
Wolfenstein: The New Order: 9€
WWE 2K18: 15€
Dead or Alive 6: 12€
Until Dawn: Rush of Blood: 11€
Farpoint VR: 12€
Just Dance 2018: 15€
Knack: 8€
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes: 10€
Bravo Team: 10€
Hitman (The Complete First Season): 16€
Death Stranding: 10€

Predám hernú konzolu Playstation 4 Slim vo verzii 1TB. Konzola je vo veľmi dobrom stave, nemá žiadne vady a všetko funguje. Ovládač je takisto vo perfektnom stave ako vidno aj na fotkách. Možnosť dokúpiť druhý ovládač za 45€ alebo hry z mojej zbierky:
Need For Speed Heat: 23€
Project CARS 2 (Limited Edition): 18€
GTA 5 : 18€
Minecraft: 24€
Playerunknown's Battlegrounds: 15€
Horizon: Forbidden West: 32€
Elden Ring: 32€
Subnautica: 18€
FIFA 22 CZ: 25€
Watch Dogs 3 Legion: 8€
Watch Dogs 2: 11€
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt GOTY: 19€
Killzone: Shadow Fall: 8€
Days Gone: 14€
Mafia Trilogy: 19€
Crash Bandicoot 4: Its About Time: 32€
EA Sports UFC 3: 22€
Ratchet and Clank: 8€
Rise of the Tomb Raider (20 Year Celebration Edition): 10€
No Man's Sky: 14€
Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales: 27€
Marvel’s Spider-Man: 17€
Knack 2: 15€
UFC: 12€
Marvels Avengers: 10€
The Last of Us Remastered CZ: 12€
Gran Turismo Sport CZ: 9€
Need for Speed Hot Pursuit Remastered: 19€
Far Cry Primal: 12€
Assassins Creed: The Ezio Collection: 10€
Assassins Creed: Odyssey: 14€
Assasins Creed: Origins: 12€
Assassins Creed 4: Black Flag: 10€
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare: 22€
Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare (Legacy Pro Edition): 19€
Call of Duty: WWII: 19€
Call of Duty: Black Ops 3: 15€
God of War CZ: 10€
God of War 3 Remastered: 8€
Horizon: Zero Dawn Complete: 9€
WWE 2K22: 22€
Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus: 13€
Sackboy: A Big Adventures: 22€
Driveclub: 8€
Tom Clancys Ghost Recon: Wildlands: 12€
Tom Clancys Ghost Recon: Breakpoint: 7€
Spyro Reignited Trilogy: 21€
Rayman Legends: 12€
Dishonored 2: 7€
Uncharted: The Lost Legacy: 12€
Uncharted 4: A Thiefs End: 9€
Uncharted (The Nathan Drake Collection): 9€
Tom Clancys The Division 2: 8€
DiRT Rally 2.0: 18€
Cyberpunk 2077: 18€
Batman: Arkham Knight: 9€
Tom Clancys Rainbow Six: Extraction: 9€
Bloodborne: 9€
FIFA 22 CZ: 25€
Mortal Kombat X: 12€
Sackboy: A Big Adventures (Special Edition): 29€
Doom Eternal: 9€
DOOM: 10€
F1 2017: 8€
inFAMOUS: Second Son: 11€
Unravel: Yarny Bundle: 19€
Friday the 13th: The Game (Ultimate Slasher Edition): 19€
Worms W.M.D: 12€
Little Big Planet 3: 8€
Injustice 2: 12€
Robinson The Journey: 19€
Hidden Agenda: 9€
MudRunner: a Spintires Game (American Wilds Edition): 16€
The Last of Us: Part II: 17€
LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham: 8€
Singstar: 5€
Thats You!: 5€
Jump Force: 15€
Destiny: 5€
Destiny: The Taken King (Legendary Edition): 7€
Playstation World: 5€
Just Dance 2020: 16€
Wolfenstein: The New Order: 9€
WWE 2K18: 15€
Dead or Alive 6: 12€
Until Dawn: Rush of Blood: 11€
Farpoint VR: 12€
Just Dance 2018: 15€
Knack: 8€
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes: 10€
Bravo Team: 10€
Hitman (The Complete First Season): 16€
Death Stranding: 10€
Metal Gear Soli