PS4: Ratchet & Clank - 10€
Predám hry na PS4. Som 1 majiteľ. Hry sú v 100% stave bez škrabančekov.
NA DOBIERKU NEPOSIELAM !!! Posielam jedine cez Packetu (zásielkovňa) Poštou minimálny odber 2 kusy + poštovné 2.50€. Osobný odber v Pezinku. Pri kliknutí na moje meno sa zobrazia ďalšie ponúkané hry
NA DOBIERKU NEPOSIELAM !!! Posielam jedine cez Packetu (zásielkovňa) Poštou minimálny odber 2 kusy + poštovné 2.50€. Osobný odber v Pezinku. Pri kliknutí na moje meno sa zobrazia ďalšie ponúkané hry

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len osobný odber alebo viem priviesť BA, SC, DS okolie.

Predám hru na PS4 Ratchet and Clank, novú, nerozbalenú. Syn dostal dve rovnaké. Patrí medzi jeho obľúbené.
Od 7 rokov.
Ratchet & Clank
#ratchetandclank #ratchet&clank

Predám hry na PS3 :
The Jak and Daxter Trilogy -20€
Mafia 2 -10€
TwistedMetal -10€
Gran Turismo 5 Prologue -8€
Motor Storm Pacific Rift -15€
Rayman origins -8€
Crysis 2 -8€
Haze -15€
MySims Skyheroes -8€
GTA 4 Episodes from Liberty City -8€
Dead Space -10€
Avatar -8€
Ratchet &Clank a crack in time -15€
Ratchet &Clank tools of destruction-15€
Ratchet &Clank Quest for Booty-15€
Ratchet &Clank all4one -15€
Všetky hry su plne funkčne + manuáli !
Uprednostňujem kontaktovať cez email .

Hry na ps3
Alone in The Dark inferno - 10€
Army of Two - predané
Army of Two The Devil’s Cartel - 10€
Bakugan Battle Brawlers - 20€
Bakugan Defenders of Core (nová) - 25€
Bodycount - 6€
Brothers in Arms - 8€
Blacksite Area 51 - 10€
Call of duty Modern warfare 2 - predané
Call of Juarez Bound in Blood - 6€
Clash of The Titans - 10€
Club - 6€
Dante’s Inferno - 11€
Dragon Age Origins - 5€
Dragon Ball Z Burst Limit - 20€
Dragon Ball Raging Blast - 20€
Dragon Ball Raging Blast 2 - predané
Dragon Ball Z Budokai Collection HD - 40€
Dragon Ball Z Ultimate Tenkaichi - 15€
Dark Void - 6€
Dead Island Game of The Year - 8€
Darkness - 7€
Darkness 2 - 10€
Devil May Cry 4 - 8€
Elder Scrolls Oblivion Game of The Year - 12€
Fallout 3 GOTY - 11€
Fallout New Vegas - 11€
Fracture - 7€
FEAR 2 - 10€
Final Fantasy XIII-2 - 10€
FUSE - 9€
FIFA 08 - predané
FIFA 09 - predané
FIFA 11 - predané
Genji DAYS of The blade - 20€
God of War Collection - predané
God of War Collection Volume 2 - predané
God of War Saga - 40€
GI. Joe Rise of Cobra - 20€
Inversion - 10€
Jericho - 15€
Kingdom of Amalur Reckoning - 8€
Legendary - 7€
Mercenaries 2 - 9€
Mass Effect 2 - 7€
Mass Effect 3 - 7€
Medal of Honor Warfighter - 7€
Need for Speed Undercover - predané
One Piece Pirate Warriors - predané
Prototype - 7€
PES 2009 - 2€
Rogue Warrior - 7€
Resistance Fall of Man - 11€
Resistance 2 - 12€
Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City - 10€
Red Dead Redemption Greatest Hits - 12€
Ratchet & Clank Tools of Destruction - 20€ (škrabance)
Ratchet & Clank Crack in Time - 20€ (škrabance)
Ratchet & Clank All 4 one - 20€ (škrabance)
Ratchet & Clank Trilogy - 45€
Singularity - 7€
Timeshift - 8€
Terminator Salvation - 10€
Turning Point - 7€
Tom Clancy’s Rainbow six Vegas 2 - 8€
Untold Legends Dark Kingdom - 10€
WET - 8€
Where The wild things are - 8€
Xcom Enemy Within - 8€
Pri kúpe viac hier možná zľava.
Osobný odber BA, poštou po platbe vopred
Nevolať ďakujem.

Predám nasledujúce hry na Playstation 3
Všetky hry sú plne funkčné
- Brothers in Arms Hell’s Highway - 12€
- Call of Juarez Bound in Blood - 8€
- The Club - 8€
- Devil May Cry 4 - 14€
- Medal of Honor Airborne - 15€
- Mercenaries 2 World in Flame - 12€
- PES 2009 - 5€
- Prototype - 15€
- The Simpsons Game - 30€
- Untold Legends Dark Kingdom - 10€
- Gran Turismo 5 Prologue - 8€
- Blacksite Area 51 - 10€
- The Darkness - 12€
- Dragonball Burstlimit - 20€
- Fallout 3 GOTY - 8€
- FEAR 2 Project Origin - 10€
- Fracture - 8€
- Genji - 15€
- G.I.JOE The Rise of Cobra - 25€
- Heavenly Sword - 15€
- Jericho - 15€
- Legendary - 8€
- Rogue Warrior - predané
- Resistance Fall of Man - 9€
- Resistance 2 - 9€
- Terminator Salvation - 15€
- Timeshift - predané
- Turning Point Fall of Liberty - 10€
- WET - 12€
- Wolfenstein - 20€
- Where The Wild Things Are - 12€
- Ratchet & Clank Tools of Destruction - 15€
- Elder Scrolls Oblivion GOTY - 20€
- Rainbow Six Vegas 2 - 10€
- Ratchet & Clank Crack in Time - 25€
- Sniper Ghost Warrior - 10€
- Red Dead Redemption Greatest Hits - 20€
- Army of Two The Devil’s Cartel - 12€
- Bakugan Battle Brawlers - 25€
- Bodycount - 8€
- Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 - 14€
- Clash of The Titans - 12€
- Dark Souls 2 - 20€
- Dark Void - 10€
- The Darkness 2 - 12€
- Dante’s Inferno - 10€
- Dead Space 3 - predané
- Dead Island GOTY - 12€
- Dead Island Riptide - 12€
- Dragon Age Origins - 12€
- Dragon Ball Ultimate Tenkaichi - 20€
- Dragon Ball Raging Blast - 20€
- Dragon Ball Z Budokai HD Collection - 40€
- Fallout New Vegas - 7€
- Formula 2010 - 10€
- Final Fantasy XIII - 12€
- Final Fantasy XIII-2 - 12€
- FUSE - predané
- God of War Saga - 80€
- Hitman Absolution - 8€
- Homefront - 10€
- Inversion - 8€
- Killzone 3 - 7€
- LEGO Batman 2 - 14€
- LEGO Star Wars Clone Wars - 15€
- Mass Effect 2 - 7€
- Mass Effect 3 - 7€
- Medal of Honor Warfighter - 10€
- Ratchet & Clank All 4 one - 20€
- Ratchet & Clank Trilogy - 60€
- Reckoning - 12€
- Resident Evil Operation Racoon City - 20€
- Singularity - 10€
- Uncharted 3 - predané
- XCOM Enemy Within - 12€
- Batman Arkham City - 10€
- Risen 2 - 8€
- FIFA World Cup 2014 Brasil - 6€
- Medal of Honor Tier 1 Edition - 9€
- PURE - 6€
- FUEL - 6€
- The Lord of The Rings Conquest - 12€
- Stuntman Ignition - 9€
Kontaktovať iba cez SMS alebo EMAIL
Osobný odber BA, poštou len po platbe vopred na účet. (Poštovné +4€)

Predam hry:
Horizon Forbidden west PS5 - 20€
Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart - 25€
Battlefield 2042 PS5 - predané
Ghost of Tsushima PS4 - predané
Fifa 21 PS4 - predané
Uncharted a Thiefs End PS4 - predané
Farcry 5 PS4 - predané
Cyberpunk 2077 PS4 - predané
Red dead redemption 2 PS4 - predané
Raz prejdene. Všetky PS4 hry sa dajú hrať aj na PS5.
Cena je pevná. Len osobný odber BA.