Rock a metal - encyklopedie hard rocku a heavy metalu cz
Ponukam titul Rock metal a metal - encyklopedie hard rocku a heavy metalu stav výborný, čeština,knihy zasielam poštou, alebo knihy si možete prebrat osobne aj cez vikendy!! Za stav a kvalitu vzdy ručim!! Kontakt - telefonický, formular NA SMS NEREAGUJEM!! Mám aj ine inzeraty.

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Ponúkam k predaju nižšie uvedenú autokozmetiku. Autokozmetika je balená v originál baleniach, dôvod predaja je zrušenie prevádzky. Ceny pri jednotlivých produktoch sú vypočítané z obchodných cien z najväčších balení, takže sú to tie najvýhodnejšie ceny. Cena za celý tento sortiment má hodnotu 2968,12€. Veľa veci je nahadzaných do krabíc, ktoré som tu ani nespomenul z tohto dôvodu že to nemalo zmysel počítať (vosky, aplikátory, utierky, špongie, rukavice, sealanty, kefky, štetce a veľa podobných veci). Všetko je od značky Cartec, CarPro, Colourlock, Zvizzer, Autosol. Kozmetika je profesionálna rada, žiadne hobby produkty. Predáva sa to len ako komplet všetko spolu, takže poprosím nepísať či sa to nepredá aj po častiach. Ušetrite tak čas sebe aj mne. Komplet všetko čo predávam má hodnotu necelých 4000€ a ja chcem za to len 2000€, takže ušetrite peknú sumu. Vhodné pre rozbehnuté prevádzky a taktiež aj pre začiatočníkov. Taktiež vhodné pre autoumývareň aj pre detailing.
Royal Forte - 30L - 134,10€
Royal Insect - 29L - 148,92€
Splash Shampoo - 19L - 79,23€
Cherry Wash - 16L - 51,92€
Wheel Cleaner - 5L - 28,60€
Royal Guard - 12L - 215,04€
Royal Foam - 17L - 84,49€
MV40 Engine Cleaner - 16L - 77,12€
Tar&Glue Remover - 11L - 75,46€
Iron Wash - 16L - 166€
Motor Fresh - 7L - 80,19€
Interior Cleaner - 10L - 55,50€
Dash Fresh Matný - 8L - 94,16€
Dash Fresh Lesklý - 13L - 158,73€
All Purpose Cleaner (APC) - 5L - 24,90€
Fast Glaze - 5L - 37,98€
Acid Clean - 7L - 49,49€
One 3in1 - 1,2L - 101,76€
UC1000 Ultrafine Cut - 0,700L - 48,53€
FC2000 Fine Cut - 0,250L - 17,33€
MC3000 Medium Cut - 0,300L - 21,60€
HC4000 Heavy Cut - 0,700L - 40,13€
PC5000 Pre Cut - 0,700L - 41,53€
Thermo Hard Green 90mm - 1x - 7,70€
Thermo Medium Blue 135mm - 2x - 24,80€
Thermo Soft Black 90mm - 3x - 23,10€
Thermo Soft Black 135mm - 3x - 37,20€
Thermo Super Hard Grey 90mm - 1x - 7,70€
All-Rounder Pad Blue Extra Hard 140mm - 3x - 36€
Trapez Extrahard Blue 95mm - 2x - 14,80€
Trapez Hard Red 95mm - 2x - 12,20€
Trapez Hard Red 145mm - 4x 36,80€
Trapez Medium Orange 145mm - 5x - 46€
Trapez Soft Yellow 95mm - 5x - 30,50€
Trapez Soft Yellow 145mm - 4x - 36,80€
Doodle Woolpad Standard Black 80mm - 2x - 13,20€
Doodle Woolpad Standard Black 135mm - 6x - 58,20€
Doodle Woolpad Standard White 80mm - 2x - 14,80€
Doodle Woolpad Standard White 135mm 2x - 23€
Rotary Extrahard Blue 150mm - 8x - 40€
Rotary Hard Red 150mm - 9x - 59,40€
Rotary Medium Orange 150mm - 9x - 58,40€
Rotary Soft Yellow 150mm - 5x - 33€
CeriGlass Pasta - 0,500L - 32€
InnerQD - 1L - 14,50€
Reload - 1,5L - 100,50€
ECH2O - 0,400L - 5,22
Hand Wash Microfiber Mitt - 2x - 33€
Mikrovláknové Rukavice - 5x - 29,50€
Leder Reiniger Stark - 1L - 38€
Leder Reiniger Mild - 1L - 33,50€
Leder Versiegelung - 1L - 36,75€
Leder Pro

Black majesty-Tomorrowland-6eur
Britny Fox-Springhead motorshark-5eur
Hanoi Rocks-Street poetry-5eur
Lizzy Borden-Deal With the devil-6eur
Killers/ex-Paul Diano-Iron Maiden/-Best-5eur
Malmsteen Yngwie-Facing the animal-6eur
Royal hunt-Eyewitness-5eur
Royal Hunt-Paradox-5eur
Shadow King-shadow King-5eur
Shadow Gallery-Gigital ghosts-6eur
Black Star Riders-All hell breaks loose-6eur
Sheavy-Celestial Hi-Fi-5eur
Jackyl-Push come to shove-4eur
Axxis-Matters of survival-5eur
Keel-Streets of Rock,N,Roll-5eur
Imperious Rex-Speed demon-4eur
Destiny-Future of the past-4eur
Morgana lefay-morgana lefay-4eur
Elegy of madness-The bridge of sighs-4eur
Evansence-The open door-5eur
Liv Kristine-Deus ex machina-5eur
My ruin-The horror of beauty-4eur
Pretenders-Loose screw-4eur
Atoms for peace-bez obalu-3eur
Foo Fighters-one by one-5eur
Levellers-Green blade rising-4eur
Independent days-2cd-backyard babes-5eur
Angelika express-Alltag fur alle-3eur
Berserker-Blood of the Warriors-7eur
Hatriot-Heroes of origin-6eur
Dew Scented-Icarus-7eur
Dew Scented-Incinirate-7eur
Dew Scented-Impact-7eur
Septicflesh-The creat mass-7eur
Septicflesh-sumerian daemons-7eur
Mael Moroha-sealtacht mael moroha-5eur
Graveworm-engrared in black
Metal Allegiance-Cd+DVD-Metal Allegiance-A.Skolnick+Ch.Billy+D.ellefson+G.Holt...7eur
Propain-Run for cover-5eur
Kreator-Past life trauma-7eur-predane
Torment-Withhout god blessing-4eur
Trivium-Vengeance falls-4eur
Dark tranquillity-Damage done-4eur
Bleeding through-The truth-4eur
The agonistOnce only imagined-6eur
Try to breathe-To find a compúromise-3eur
Peace Mind-Values between o and-3eur
Subway to sally-bastard-6eur
Candlemass-2cd-Dactylis glomerata+Abstrakt
algebra II-8eur
Judgment night-Výber-helmet,Biohazard,Faith no More,Slayer...-5eur
Slovensky+Česky-Hard Core,Trash,Death:
ČAD-Čertova kovadlina-6eur
5-symbols-About me maybe about you-5eur
X core-In hell-5eur

- Ako nové, oblečené 2×
- veľkosť: XL
- šírka: 59 cm od pazuchy po pazuchu.
- dĺžka: 75 cm od vrchu goliera po dolný lem.
- cena: 21,70 €, poštovné vrátané zasielam doporučene
Slov.poštou, prevodom vopred na účet.
- info: e-mail/SMS.
Venom, Cronos, Hard Rock, Welcome to hell, Satanic, Infernal, Heavy Metal, Black Metal, In League With Satan, Metal, Metalove tričko.

Knižná séria mapujúca české metalové kapely, spracovaná až encyklopedickým spôsobom. Prehľad kapiel a ich tvorby, najzásadnejšie postavy českej metalovej scény, rozhovory atď.
Kniha 1: death metal, black metal, thrash metal.
Kniha 2: doom metal a grindcore.
Kniha 3: heavy metal a melodické štýly.
Stav: výborný (1x čítané).
Cena: 30€, iba spolu. Osobne v rámci BA alebo + poštovné.
Ceny poštovného:
Balík na poštu: pri platbe vopred 3,10€ alebo na dobierku 4,30€.
Zásielkovňa: pri platbe vopred 3,30€ alebo na dobierku 4,60€.

Argent-Hold your head up-6eur
Bolan Marc-Misty mist-5eur
Black Star Riders-All hell breaks loose-5eur
Bachman Turner Overdrive-Head on-7eur-predane
Beach Boys-Pet sounds-6eur-predane
Baker Gurvitz Army-Freedom-Audi+Video cd-7eur
Creedence Clearwater Revival-Pendulum-predane
Crosby+Still+Nash+Young-Deja vu-7eur-predane
Cooper Alice-Dragontown-5eur
Clarke Gilby-/ex Guns,N,Roses/-99 live-5eur
Deep Purple-DVD+CD-Phoenix Rising-predane
Darkness-Permission to land-4eur
Electric Light Orchestra-Part II-5eur
Electric Light Orchestra-On the-predane
Eagles-On the border-5eur
Frampton Peter-Love taker-5eur
Foghat-2cd -Rock,N,Roll+Energized-predane
Four horsemen-Nobody said it was easy-5eur
Grand Funk-Were an american band-7eur-predane
Kravitz Lenny-Lenny-5eur
Kansas-Point of know return-5eur-predane
Malmsteen yngwie-Facing the animal-7eur
Night Ranger-2cd-Live acoustic-6eur
Palmer Robert-live New York city-5eur
Royal Hunt-Eyewitnesss-5eur
Reospeedwagon-Find your own way home-5eur
Roth Lee David-Your filthy little mouth-5eur
Orbison Roy-Best-4eur
Scorpions-2cd-Live 2011-8eur-predane
Scorpions-Pure instinct-5eur
Sheavy-Celestial Hi-Fi-5eur
Shadow Gallery-Digital ghosts-5eur
Shadow King-Shadow King-5eur
Sweet-Funny Funny 1971-5eur
Sweet-live in Denmark-5eur
Status Quo-Best-5eur
Saga-Steel umbrellas-5eur
Tyrannosaurus Rex-A beard of stars-5eur
UFO-DVD+CD-Broadcast rarities-7eur
Uriah Heep-Spellbinder-5eur
U2-Achtung baby-5eur
Zar-Hard to the beat-5eur
Wishbone ash-Colection-5eur
Quatro Suzi-What goes around-5eur
Paganini-24 capriess op.1-5eur
Paganin-Best of-5eur
Mozart Amadeus-Superstar-5eur
Johann Strauss-Popular melodies-5eur
Baroque Mastepie-Best-Macello,Handel,Albinoni
Mikulaš jelínek-2cd-Reminisceces-5eu/Zabalene
vo folie/
Celtic Rock-3eur

Argent-Hold your head up-6eur
Bolan Marc-Misty mist-5eur
Black Star Riders-All hell breaks loose-5eur
Bachman Turner Overdrive-Head on-7eur-predane
Beach Boys-Pet sounds-6eur-predane
Baker Gurvitz Army-Freedom-Audi+Video cd-7eur
Creedence Clearwater Revival-Pendulum-predane
Crosby+Still+Nash+Young-Deja vu-7eur-predane
Cooper Alice-Dragontown-5eur
Clarke Gilby-/ex Guns,N,Roses/-99 live-5eur
Deep Purple-DVD+CD-Phoenix Rising-predane
Darkness-Permission to land-4eur
Electric Light Orchestra-Part II-5eur
Electric Light Orchestra-On the-predane
Eagles-On the border-5eur
Frampton Peter-Love taker-5eur
Foghat-2cd -Rock,N,Roll+Energized-predane
Four horsemen-Nobody said it was easy-5eur
Grand Funk-Were an american band-7eur-predane
Kravitz Lenny-Lenny-5eur
Kansas-Point of know return-5eur-predane
Malmsteen yngwie-Facing the animal-7eur
Night Ranger-2cd-Live acoustic-6eur
Palmer Robert-live New York city-5eur
Royal Hunt-Eyewitnesss-5eur
Reospeedwagon-Find your own way home-5eur
Roth Lee David-Your filthy little mouth-5eur
Orbison Roy-Best-4eur
Scorpions-2cd-Live 2011-8eur-predane
Scorpions-Pure instinct-5eur
Sheavy-Celestial Hi-Fi-5eur
Shadow Gallery-Digital ghosts-5eur
Shadow King-Shadow King-5eur
Sweet-Funny Funny 1971-5eur-predane
Sweet-live in Denmark-5eur
Status Quo-Best-5eur
Saga-Steel umbrellas-5eur
Tyrannosaurus Rex-A beard of stars-5eur
UFO-DVD+CD-Broadcast rarities-7eur
Uriah Heep-Spellbinder-5eur
U2-Achtung baby-5eur
Zar-Hard to the beat-5eur
Wishbone ash-Colection-5eur
Quatro Suzi-What goes around-5eur
Paganini-24 capriess op.1-5eur
Paganin-Best of-5eur
Mozart Amadeus-Superstar-5eur
Johann Strauss-Popular melodies-5eur
Baroque Mastepie-Best-Macello,Handel,Albinoni
Mikulaš jelínek-2cd-Reminisceces-5eu/Zabalene
vo folie/
Celtic Rock-3eur