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Shusaku Endo - Silence
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Father Rodrigues is an idealistic Portuguese Jesuit priest who, in the 1640s, sets sail for Japan on a determined mission to help the brutally oppressed Japanese Christians and to discover the truth behind unthinkable rumours that his famous teacher Ferreira has renounced his faith. Once faced with the realities of religious persecution Rodrigues himself is forced to make an impossible choice: whether to abandon his flock or his God. Winner of the 1966 Tanizaki Prize, Silence is Shusaku Endo's most highly acclaimed novel and a classic of its genre. It caused major controversy in Japan following its publication in 1967.
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Father Rodrigues is an idealistic Portuguese Jesuit priest who, in the 1640s, sets sail for Japan on a determined mission to help the brutally oppressed Japanese Christians and to discover the truth behind unthinkable rumours that his famous teacher Ferreira has renounced his faith. Once faced with the realities of religious persecution Rodrigues himself is forced to make an impossible choice: whether to abandon his flock or his God. Winner of the 1966 Tanizaki Prize, Silence is Shusaku Endo's most highly acclaimed novel and a classic of its genre. It caused major controversy in Japan following its publication in 1967.

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Shusaku Endo - Silence
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Father Rodrigues is an idealistic Portuguese Jesuit priest who, in the 1640s, sets sail for Japan on a determined mission to help the brutally oppressed Japanese Christians and to discover the truth behind unthinkable rumours that his famous teacher Ferreira has renounced his faith. Once faced with the realities of religious persecution Rodrigues himself is forced to make an impossible choice: whether to abandon his flock or his God. Winner of the 1966 Tanizaki Prize, Silence is Shusaku Endo's most highly acclaimed novel and a classic of its genre. It caused major controversy in Japan following its publication in 1967.

Predám raz čítanú knihu - Silence in the age of noise od Erlinga Kaggeho.
Preferujem osobné stretnutie alebo dobierkou cez poštu - cena knihy + dobierka.

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Vsetky knihy su v top stave (malo citane, ako nove) pokial nie je uvedene inak.
Niektore mozu mat mierne poskodeny vonkajsi obal.
Som mimo SK, tak jedine postou, postovne je 5Eur, pri vacsiom nakupe sa da dohodnut lepsia cena za knihy.
Z dovodu, ze som mimo Slovenska to na dobierku poslat NEVIEM. Platba je prevodom na ucet. Poskytnem cislo na sledovanie zasielky.
Harris - Hannibal rising, Red dragon, Silence of the lambs (seria o Hannibalovi Lecterovi) 6Eur/kniha alebo 15 spolu
Sam Esmail - Mr. Robot - Red wheelbarrow (pre fanusikov serialu Mr. Robot) 18Eur
James Shore, Shane Warden - The art of Agile Development 30Eur
David Hume Kennerly - Shooter 40Eur
Sophie Howarth - Street Photography Now 15Eur
Paul M. Sammon - Future Noir (Making of Blade Runner) 18Eur
Johannes Stahl - Street art 15Eur
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Ak ste mi pisali ohladom inzeratu a nevidite odomna odpoved, skontrolujte si priecinok nevyziadanej posty.

Paul Davies' "The Mind of God: Science and the Search for Ultimate Meaning" explores how modern science is beginning to shed light on the mysteries of our existence. Is the universe - and our place in it - the result of random chance, or is there an ultimate meaning to existence? Where did the laws of nature come from? Were they created by a higher force, or can they be explained in some other way? How, for example, could a mechanism as complex as an eye have evolved without a creator? Paul Davies argues that the achievement of science and mathematics in unlocking the secrets of nature mean that there must be a deep and significant link between the human mind and the organization of the physical world. In this quest for an ultimate explanation of the universe, he examines the origin of the cosmos, the possibility of other universes and the claim that we inhabit a kind of gigantic computer. The universe is, he concludes, no mere quirk of fate but a meaningful place for thinking beings. Through science, we can truly glimpse the mind of God. "Makes us re-examine the great questions of existence". ("The New York Times"). "The greatest achievement of the book is to provide an insight into the nature of science itself and the uncertainties that lie in the physical realm". (John Gribbin, "Sunday Times"). "For those brought up on a diet of Adam and Eve, "The Mind of God" will make surprising reading". ("Independent"). Paul Davies is Director of the Beyond Center for Fundamental Concepts in Science, and co-Director of the Cosmology Initiative, both at Arizona State University. An internationally-acclaimed physicist, writer and broadcaster, Davies is the author of some twenty award-winning books, including "The Eerie Silence: Searching for Ourselves in the Universe", "The Goldilocks Enigma: Why is the Universe Just Right for Life?" and "About Time: Einstein's Unfinished Revolution".

DEAN KOONTZ The darkest evening of the year ( Najtemnejší večer roka) - 3€
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DEAN KOONTZ - The servants of Twilight - 3€
DEAN KOONTZ - Life Expectancy , Delightful..funny, scary abd entertaining - 3€
DEAN KOONTZ- God Thomas - 3€
DEAN KOONTZ - Forever odd - 3€
DEAN KOONTZ - Dragon Tears → 3€
DEAN KOONTZ - Fear Nothing → 3€
DEAN KOONTZ - Seize the night → 3€
FYODOR DOSTOYEVSKY (Fjodor dostojevksi) - THE Idiot → 3€
THOMAS HARRIS hannibal lecter is back - The silence of the Lambs → 4€
LOUIS L´Amour - May there be a road → 2€
MARIO PUZO - The Godfather → 4€
SHAKESPEARE - King Leader → 2€
ALDOUS HUXLEY - Brave new world → 5€
J.D.SALINGER - The catcher in the rye → 3€
J.D.SALINGER - Raise high the roof beam carpenters and seymour an introduction → 3€
GEORGE ORWELL- Animal Farm → 1€ ( niektoré strany majú odtrhnuté spodky)
Pri odbere viacerých dohoda možná !!
Zachovalý čítaní stav bez poškodení

Zdravim, rozpredavam kniznicu.
Vsetky knihy su v top stave (malo citane, ako nove) pokial nie je uvedene inak.
Niektore mozu mat mierne poskodeny vonkajsi obal.
Som mimo SK, tak jedine postou, postovne je 5Eur, pri vacsiom nakupe sa da dohodnut lepsia cena za knihy.
Z dovodu, ze som mimo Slovenska to na dobierku poslat NEVIEM. Platba je prevodom na ucet. Poskytnem cislo na sledovanie zasielky.
Posielam postou, na zasielkovnu to poslat NEVIEM.
Harris - Hannibal rising, Red dragon, Silence of the lambs (seria o Hannibalovi Lecterovi) 6Eur/kniha alebo 15 spolu
James Shore, Shane Warden - The art of Agile Development 30Eur
David Hume Kennerly - Shooter 40Eur
Sophie Howarth - Street Photography Now 15Eur
Johannes Stahl - Street art 15Eur
V pripade zaujmu prosim kontaktovat na e-mail, nie telefon. Dakujem
Prosim pozrite aj moje ostatne inzeraty. Knihy z roznych inzeratov je mozne kombinovat.
Ak ste mi pisali ohladom inzeratu a nevidite odomna odpoved, skontrolujte si priecinok nevyziadanej posty.