The first weeks of life
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Predam uplne novu knihu By J. B. West, Mary Lynn Kotz - Upstairs at the White House: My Life with the First Ladies. Nebol ani raz citana. n this New York Times bestseller, the White House chief usher for nearly three decades offers a behind-the-scenes look at America's first families.
J. B. West, chief usher of the White House, directed the operations and maintenance of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue--and coordinated its daily life--at the request of the president and his family. He directed state functions
planned parties, weddings and funerals, gardens and playgrounds, and extensive renovations
and, with a large staff, supervised every activity in the presidential home. For twenty-eight years, first as assistant to the chief usher, then as chief usher, he witnessed national crises and triumphs, and interacted daily with six consecutive presidents and first ladies, as well as their parents, children and grandchildren, and houseguests--including friends, relatives, and heads of state.
J. B. West, whom Jackie Kennedy called "one of the most extraordinary men I have ever met," provides an absorbing, one-of-a-kind history of life among the first ladies. Alive with anecdotes ranging from Eleanor Roosevelt's fascinating political strategies to Jackie Kennedy's tragic loss and the personal struggles of Pat Nixon, Upstairs at the White House is a rich account of a slice of American history that usually remains behind closed doors.

Predam novu knihu On the Road: Growing Up in Eight Journeys - My Early Years
An autobiography of "Top Gear" co-host Richard Hammond, told througheight significant road journeys he has taken In a new and very appropriate form of autobiography, Richard Hammond tells his life story through a series of significant driving episodes. He's a child in the back seat of Dad's car on the way to the seaside. He's on his first bike, a red one; then on his first motorcycle, a Honda MTX50. He's at the wheel of his first car, and with his first girlfriend. He is driving a furniture delivery van as part of his first job. Now he is showing off with a friend, risking everything. Then he is surging ahead in an open-top, a successful TV star. Next, a car crash that made national headlines.This is an emotional road map in which each chapter has its own registration number, and its own distinctive interior. This memoirsurges on to its destination, reversing or moving quickly through

Predam novu knihu Seuss-isms, A guide to life by Dr. Seuss. Je v lahsej anglictine.
Cena 6 eur uz aj s postovnym.
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Invaluable life advice from the one and only Dr. Seuss! The one and only Dr. Seuss dispenses invaluable advice about life in this splendiferous collection of his most memorable quotes.With over sixty pages of cherished Seuss art and quotes from such classics as The Cat in the Hat, Horton Hatches the Egg, Green Eggs and Ham, How the Grinch Stole Christmas!, Oh, the Places You'll Go!, and many more, this humorous and inspiring collection is the perfect gift to inspire you to live your most Seuss-ian life!

Predám Anglické učebnice:
New First Certificate Student's Book - Populární kurz pro přípravu na zkoušku Cambridge First Certificate in English (FCE). Rozšiřuje a upevňuje slovní zásobu, posiluje znalosti mluvnice a rozšiřuje jazykové dovednosti- 10 €
Working in English Student's Book – 10 €
New Headway Intermediate, Workbook with key, The Third Edition- 5 €
New Inside Out - Pre-intermediate, Student's Book + 1x CD - 7 €
New Inside Out - Pre-intermediate, Workbook with key + 1x CD - 7 €
New Headway Pre-Intermediate, Student's Book, The Third Edition + 2x CD- 5 €
New Headway Upper- Intermediate, Workbook with key, The Third Edition- 5€
Real Life - Pre-intermediate - Student's Book, učebnica – 8 €
Real Life - Pre-Intermediate - Pracovný zošit – 7 €
Gateway B1 - Student's Book -10 €
New English File, Pre-Intermediate Workbook, rok vydania 2005 – 4 €
In Company, Intermediate, Mark Powell – 10 €
New Headway Elementary, Student's Book, The Third Edition + 1x CD- 7 €
New Headway Pre-Intermediate workbook with key, New Headway English Course Pre-Intermediate workbook with key, New Headway English Course Elementary workbook with key.
Pozrite aj iné moje inzeráty kníh a učebníc.
Osobný odber Bratislava - Dúbravka, Nitra, Hlohovec, Kľačany.
Poštou pri platbe vopred na účet.

Predam knihu Kardashian Konfidential od Kim Kardashian, Kourtney Kardashian , Khloe Kardashian
Confessions of life as a Kardashian sister—stuffed with family stories, advice, beauty tips and exclusive gorgeous full color photos, personal snapshots and the inside scoop on their life growing up into the gorgeous Dash Dolls
The stars of not one but two #1 reality television shows, and frequent cover girls on all the weekly celebrity magazines, Kourtney, Kim & Khloé Kardashian live large and glamorous lives. But not everything is on the screen—how they really live, get along (and feud) as sisters is the subject of the Kardashians’ very first book. Kardashian Konfidential is their sisterhood autobiography, full of fun facts about their childhoods (guess who was the ugly duckling?), their beauty and style secrets, the wisdom they learned from their beloved father, and the street smarts they got from their mother that sustain them in life and in business.
Kardashian Konfidential is bursting at the seams with photos, memorabilia, diary entries, datebook pages, and old Valentines the girls sent to each other, as well as many other artifacts put together just for their book. As glamorous, fun and fashionable as the girls themselves, this is the perfect buy-one-for-me-buy-three-for-friends fan’s book.

Predám čítané knihy v anglickom jazyku. Knihy sú v dobrom stave, mäkká väzba. Cena za knihu 5 eur + poštovné a balné v závislosti od hmotnosti. Posielam nasledujúci pracovný deň pri platbe vopred, na dobierku neposielam. Ku každej knihe ručne vyrobená záložka. Na požiadanie pošlem detailnejšie fotky kníh. V prípade záujmu ma kontaktujte.
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