Toshiba Satelite A 500 CPU fan
Predám 2 ks nepoužitých CPU ventilator pre Toshiba Satelite A 500.

Podobné inzeráty

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plne funkcne.

cpu intel xeon e5-1620v2 20€
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cpu intel core i5-4590T 50€ predane
cpu intel core i7-3770 50€ predane
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plne funkcne.

Prehrieva sa Vám Intel Core i7 / Intel Core i9 ? Existuje riešenie --- Delid CPU ---
Ponúkam službu delid CPU pre 12. a 13. generáciu Intela. Od i3 12100F až po i9 13900KS. Jedná sa o odstránenie IHS a výmena pajky za tekutý kov. Postup je nasledovný.
- cpu testovaný na funkčnosť pred delidom
- odstránenie IHS
- očistenie od lepidla
- očistenie od pájky
- vyleštenie jadra CPU do zrkadlovej podoby
- zalakovanie SMD lakom pre ochranu ( platí iba pri 12.gen )
- aplikácia tekutého kovu na jadro CPU + IHS ( Thermal Grizlly Conductonaut )
- nanesenie lepidla na IHS a zalepenie CPU
- cpu testovaný na funkčnosť po delide
Hotovo :) CPU je vizuálne rovnaký ako v sériovom stave. V prípade keby CPU poškodím ( nejaké riziko tam je vždy ) samozrejme dodám nové CPU.
Zlepšenie teplôt pri samotnom delide je v priemere cca 10-15C, čo spraví rozdiel medzi prehrievaním sa a plným výkonom. Vhodné aj pri pretaktovaní, na dosiahnutie vyšších frekvencí.
Kto vlastní custom vodné chladenie ( pozor, nie AIO ) sa dá na dalšie zlepšenie teplôt spraviť aj direct die chladenie ( chladenie priamo jadra CPU, bez použitia IHS ) ktoré spraví rozdiel v teplote dalších cca 10-15C, ciže dokopy zlepšenie teplôt aj o 30C.
Teraz bola delidnutá 13900K a teplota po delide klesla z 97C na 83C. Pri použití direct die bloku klesla teplota z 97C na 65C :) Ciže o vyše ako 30C !
Test a fotky tu :
Cena sa delid:
i5 = 50€
i7 = 55€
i9 = 60€
Bližšie info poprosím email. Pozri aj moje dalšie inzeráty.
12600K, 12600KF, 13600K, 13600KF, 12700K, 12700KF, 13700K, 13700KF, 12900K, 12900KF, 12900KS, 13900K, 13900KF, 13900KS

Predám AMD Athlon II X3 445
General information
Type CPU / Microprocessor
Market segment Desktop
Family AMD Athlon II X3
Model number ? 445
CPU part numbers
ADX445WFK32GM is an OEM/tray microprocessor
ADX445WFGMBOX is a boxed microprocessor with fan and heatsink
Frequency ? 3.1 GHz / 3100 MHz
Bus speed ? 667 MHz Memory controller
One 2000 MHz 16-bit HyperTransport link
Clock multiplier ? 15.5
Package 938-pin organic micro-PGA
Socket Socket AM2+
Socket AM3
Weight 1.4oz / 38.3g (CPU)
12.6oz / 358g (box)
Fan/heatsink AVC-Z7UH01R101-4909
Introduction date May 10, 2010
Price at introduction $87
Architecture / Microarchitecture
Microarchitecture K10
Processor core ? Rana
Core stepping ? BL-C3
CPUID 100F53
Manufacturing process 0.045 micron silicon-on-insulator (SOI) technology
Die 169mm2
Data width 64 bit
The number of CPU cores 3
The number of threads 3
Floating Point Unit Integrated
Level 1 cache size ? 3 x 64 KB 2-way set associative instruction caches
3 x 64 KB 2-way set associative data caches
Level 2 cache size ? 3 x 512 KB 16-way set associative caches
Level 3 cache size None
Cache latency 3 (L1 cache)
15 (L2 cache)
Multiprocessing Uniprocessor
Extensions & Technologies
MMX instructions
Extensions to MMX
3DNow! technology
Extensions to 3DNow!
SSE / Streaming SIMD Extensions
SSE2 / Streaming SIMD Extensions 2
SSE3 / Streaming SIMD Extensions 3
SSE4a ?
AMD64 / AMD 64-bit technology ?
AMD-V / AMD Virtualization technology
Security Features EVP / Enhanced Virus Protection ?
Low power features
Cool'n'Quiet 3.0
CoolCore Technology ?
Integrated peripherals / components
Integrated graphics None
Memory controller The number of controllers: 1
Memory channels (per controller): 2
Memory channels (total): 2
Supported memory: DDR2-1066, DDR3-1333
Other peripherals HyperTransport 3 technology
Electrical / Thermal parameters
V core ? 0.85V - 1.4V
Maximum operating temperature ? 55°C - 75°C
Thermal Design Power ? 95 Watt

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plne funkcne.

Na predaj procesor AMD FX 6350 125W;
Dobierka stoji 5 EUR.
email: jsteffanovic@
General information
Type CPU / Microprocessor
Market segment Desktop
Family AMD FX-Series
Model number ? FX-6350
CPU part numbers
FD6350FRW6KHK is an OEM/tray microprocessor
FD6350FRHKBOX is a boxed microprocessor with fan and heatsink
FD6350FRHKHBX is a boxed microprocessor with low-noise fan and heatsink (Wraith cooler)
Frequency ? 3.9 GHz / 3900 MHz
Maximum turbo frequency 4.2 GHz / 4200 MHz
Boosted P states^M #1: 4200 MHz, 1.425V
Package 940-pin organic micro Pin Grid Array (UOC940)
Socket Socket AM3+
Introduction date October 2012 (shipped in OEM PCs)
Price at introduction $132
Architecture / Microarchitecture
Instruction set x86
Microarchitecture Piledriver
Platform Volan
Processor core ? Vishera
Core stepping ? OR-C0
CPUID 600F20
Manufacturing process 0.032 micron
Data width 64 bit
The number of CPU cores 6
The number of threads 6
Floating Point Unit Integrated
Level 1 cache size ? 3 x 64 KB 2-way set associative shared instruction caches
6 x 16 KB 4-way set associative data caches
Level 2 cache size ? 3 x 2 MB 16-way set associative shared exclusive caches
Level 3 cache size 8 MB 64-way set associative shared cache
Multiprocessing Uniprocessor
Extensions & Technologies
MMX instructions
Extensions to MMX
SSE / Streaming SIMD Extensions
SSE2 / Streaming SIMD Extensions 2
SSE3 / Streaming SIMD Extensions 3
SSSE3 / Supplemental Streaming SIMD Extensions 3
SSE4 / SSE4.1 + SSE4.2 / Streaming SIMD Extensions 4 ?
SSE4a ?
AES / Advanced Encryption Standard instructions
AVX / Advanced Vector Extensions
BMI1 / Bit Manipulation instructions 1
F16C / 16-bit Floating-Point conversion instructions
FMA3 / 3-operand Fused Multiply-Add instructions
FMA4 / 4-operand Fused Multiply-Add instructions
TBM / Trailing Bit Manipulation instructions
XOP / eXtended Operations instructions
AMD64 / AMD 64-bit technology ?
AMD-V / AMD Virtualization technology
Turbo Core 3.0 technology
Security Features EVP / Enhanced Virus Protection ?
Low power features PowerNow!
Low power P states^M #1: 3600 MHz, 1.2875V
#2: 3100 MHz, 1.2V
#3: 2500 MHz, 1.1V
#4: 2000 MHz, 1V
#5: 1400 MHz, 0.875V