Unlimited English B1+, B2
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Učebnica+ prác zošit farebné prefotené,čisté. B1 zošit originál+CD, cena za set 15€

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Predám nasledujúce tituly:
English File 3/e Elementary Student's Book 3/e
English File 3/e Pre-intermediate Student's Book 3/e
English File 3/e Intermediate Student's Book 3/e
English File 3/e Intermediate Plus Student's Book (B1+) 3/e
English File 3/e Up-Intermediate Student's Book (B2) 3/e
English File 3/e Elementary Student's Book 3/e
English File 3/e Pre-intermediate Workbook w/k 3/e
English File 3/e Int Plus Workbook w/k 3/e
English File 3/e Up-Intermediate Workbook w/k 3/e
English File 3/e Elementary Teacher's Book +Test CD-Rom 3/e
English File 3/e Pre-intermediate Teacher's Book +Test CD-Rom 3/e
English File 3/e Intermediate Teacher's Book +Test CD-Rom 3/e
English File 3/e Intermediate Plus Teacher's Book +Test CD-Rom 3/e
English File 3/e Up-Intermediate Teacher's Book +Test CD-Rom 3/e
English File 3/e Advanced Teacher's Book +Test CD-Rom 3/e

Učebnice a pracovné zošity anglického jazyka. - 13.2. - 10:40
Predám nasledovné učebnice a pracovné zošity anglického jazyka:
1/ Brian Abbs, Ingrid Freebairn: OPENING STRATEGIES (Strategies 1 – An Integrated Language Course for Beginners of English) – Students´ Book, Longman Group UK Limited, England, r. 1991, 129 strán, ISBN: 0-582-51690-0
2/ Brian Abbs, Ingrid Freebairn: OPENING STRATEGIES – Workbook, Longman Group UK Limited, England, r. 1993, 77 strán, ISBN: 0-582-51689-7
3/ Brian Abbs, Ingrid Freebairn: BUILDING STRATEGIES (Strategies 2 – An Integrated Language Course for Learners of English) – Students´ Book, New Edition, Longman Group UK Limited, England, r. 1990, 144 strán, ISBN: 0-582-57945-7
4/ ChristopherJones – BUILDING STRATEGIES – Workbook, New Edition, Longman Group UK Limited, England, r. 1991, 48 strán, ISBN: 0-582-57994-5
5/ Brian Abbs, Ingrid Freebairn: DEVELOPING STRATEGIES (Strategies 3 – An Integrated Language Course for Intermediate Students) – Students´ Book, Longman Group UK Limited, England, r. 1990, 128 strán, ISBN: 0-582-51627-7
6/ Michael Swan, Catherine Walter: THE CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH COURSE – Students´ Book 2, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, r. 1991, 161 strán, ISBN: 0-521-28984-X
7/ Michael Swan, Catherine Walter: THE CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH COURSE – Practice Book 2, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, r. 1990, 144 strán, ISBN: 0-521-28983-1
8/ L. G. Alexander: FIRST THINGS FIRST (An Integrated Course for Beginners) – Students´ book, New ConceptEnglish, Longman Group Limited, London, r. 1977, 148 strán, ISBN: 0 582 52329 X
9/ L. G. Alexander: PRACTICE AND PROGRESS (An Integrated Course for Pre-Intermediate Students) – Students´ book, New Concept English, Longman Group Limited, London, r. 1976, 232 strán, ISBN: 0 582 52330 3
10/ L. G. Alexander: LONGMAN ENGLISH GRAMMAR PRACTICE FOR INTERMEDIATE STUDENTS, Longman Group UK Limited, England, r. 1995, 296 strán, ISBN: 0-582-04500-2
11/ Joanna Gray: STARTING ENGLISH + Cassette, Mladé letá, Bratislava , r. 1991, 125 strán, ISBN: 80-06-00484-6 (súb.), ISBN: 80-06-00472-2
12/ Damien Doorley: STARTING ENGLISH Workbook, Mladé letá, Bratislava , r. 1991, 44 strán, ISBN: 80-06-00484-6 (súb.), ISBN: 80-06-00473-0
13/ Michael Thorn: EXPLORING ENGLISH + Cassette 1, Mladé letá, Bratislava, r. 1993, 178 strán, ISBN: 80-06-00327-0
14/ H. Templeton, T. Blakey: EXPLORING ENGLISH Workbook, Mladé letá, Bratislava, r. 1993, 92 strán, ISBN: 80-06-00322-X
15/ Joanna Gray: DISCOVERING ENGLISH, Mladex Bratislava, 155 strán, ISBN: 80 85 450-02-X (+DISCOVERING ENGLISH Cassette 1 and Cassette 2, Mladex, r. 1991)
16/ Damien Doorley: DISCOVERING ENGLISH Workbook, Mladex Bratislava, 60 strán, ISBN: 80- 85450-01-1
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>>> Ostatné tituly predané
English File 3/e Intermediate Plus Student's Book (B1+) 3/e
English File 3/e Int Plus Workbook w/k 3/e
English File 3/e Elementary Teacher's Book +Test CD-Rom 3/e
English File 3/e Pre-intermediate Teacher's Book +Test CD-Rom 3/e
English File 3/e Intermediate Teacher's Book +Test CD-Rom 3/e
English File 3/e Intermediate Plus Teacher's Book +Test CD-Rom 3/e
English File 3/e Up-Intermediate Teacher's Book +Test CD-Rom 3/e
English File 3/e Advanced Teacher's Book +Test CD-Rom 3/e

The New International Webster's Pocket Dictionary
- kolekcia vreckových výkladových anglických slovníkov, spolu 8 zväzkov :
1. The new international Webster's pocket dictionary of the english language
2. The new international Webster's pocket spelling dictionary of the english language
3. The new international Webster's pocket thesaurus of the english language
4. The new international Webster's pocket computer dictionary of the english language
5. The new international Webster's pocket business dictionary of the english language
6. The new international Webster's pocket medical & first aid dictionary of the english language
7. The new international Webster's pocket quotation dictionary of the english language
8. The new international Webster's pocket grammar, speech & style dictionary of the english language
1998 edition
stav: zachovalý
cena: 20 eur spolu už aj s poštovným
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- platba prosím predom cez internet banking, vklad na účet

The Cambridge English Course 1 Students Book, Michael Swan and Catherine Walter, Cambridge University Press, SNP 24-02-14/2, ISBN 80-04-55047-9, ISBN 80-0425920-0
The Cambridge English Course 1 Praktice Book, Michael Swan and Catherine Walter, Cambridge University Press, SNP 2312013, ISBN 80-04-26-396-8
The Cambridge English Course 2 Students Book, Michael Swan and Catherine Walter, Cambridge University Press, SNP 2-61-69/1, ISBN 80-04-55035-5, ISBN 80-04-25924-3
The Cambridge English Course 2 Praktice Book, Michael Swan and Catherine Walter, Cambridge University Press, SNP 2-61-70/1, ISBN 80-04-55035-5, ISBN 80-04-25925-1
The Cambridge English Course 3 Students Book, Michael Swan and Catherine Walter, Cambridge University Press, ISBN 0-521-27879-1
The Cambridge English Course 3 Praktice Book, Michael Swan and Catherine Walter, Cambridge University Press, ISBN 0-521-35788-8
cena:dohodou, osobní jednání

výborný stav,bez poškodenia, rok vydania 2006
v prípade záujmu prosím píšte na email
1. An interview with Tom McArthur Rani Rubdy and Mario Saraceni
2. Global intelligibility and local diversity: possibility or paradox?
3. English as a lingua franca in the expanding circle: what it isn't
4. Defining the 'successful bilingual speaker' of English Luke Prodromou, freelance teacher
5. Which model of English: Native-speaker, nativised or lingua franca?
6. World Englishes or English as a lingua franca? A view from the perspective of non-Anglo Englishes
7. Standard English in the World Anthea Fraser Gupta, University of Leeds.
Part II: Pedagogical Implications of EIL
8. EIL curriculum development Sandra McKay, San Francisco State University