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Unlock Your Muscle Gene - Ori Hofmekler

Kategória: Hobby, odborné knihy

Predám knihu Unlock Your Muscle Gene - Ori Hofmekler. Posielam aj na dobierku, cena dobierky 3,6 eur. Pri platbe vopred je cena dobierky 2,6 eur. Pokiaľ tu inzerát je, ponuka stále platí. Osobný odber je možné uskutočniť v Nitre, Zlatých Moravciach, Vrábľoch a v blízkom okolí po dohode.
Unlock Your Muscle Gene - Ori Hofmekler
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Unlock Your Muscle Gene - Ori Hofmekler
Predám knihu Unlock Your Muscle Gene - Ori Hofmekler. Posielam aj na dobierku, cena dobierky 3,6 eur. Pri platbe vopred je cena dobierky 1,7 eur. Pokiaľ tu inzerát je, ponuka stále platí. Osobný odber je možné uskutočniť v Nitre, Zlatých Moravciach, Vrábľoch a v blízkom okolí po dohode.
Digital Marketing All-In-One For Dummies
ASIN: 1119560233 Jazyk: angličtina Typ: paperback – ilustrovaný Datum: 17.5.2019 Nepouzita, necitana. Osobny odber BA alebo posta (postovne hradi kupujuci). O knihe: Unlock the value in online marketing A well-executed digital marketing plan is a proven component of success in business, and Digital Marketing All-In-One For Dummies covers everything you need to build and implement a winning plan. Whether you're a novice in the online space or an expert marketer looking to improve your digital ROI, this book has easy-to-absorb tips and insights that will turn online prospects into loyal customers. This book compresses the essential information on 8 topics, so you have all the information you need and none of what you don't. You'll learn social media marketing, marketing to millennials, account-based marketing, influencer marketing, content marketing strategies, and more! * Use targeted, measurable marketing strategies to promote brands and products * Increase brand awareness, customer acquisitions, and audience engagement * Measure what your online traffic is worth and improve ROI on digital marketing * Develop a solid digital marketing plan and put it to work for your brand From SEO and SEM to brand awareness and why you need it, Digital Marketing All-In-One For Dummies will help you level up your digital marketing game and avoid the common mistakes that might be holding your business back. 15 eur
Kniha: Wong Vincent - Property Entrepreneur aj s podpisom
Predám 2 čisto nové knihy priamo od Vincenta Wonga aj s jeho originál podpisom v oboch knihách. Knihy sú v angličtine. Cena 9€ je za 1ks + dobierka. Dohoda možná. This book will show you: - How to start viewing property investing as a business - Why you need to eliminate unproductive habits and attitudes - The best ways to maximise profits and create a secure, passive income - How to nurture your entrepreneurial spirit and watch your business grow
Anglická audiokniha Wink(and Grow Rich) 1 & 2-Roger Hamilton
Predam audioknihu Wink (and Grow Rich) prvy a druhy diel. Kniha popisuje dynamiku bohatstva cez pribeh 9 rocneho chlapca, ktory chce pomoct svojmu otcovi a nastupi na cestu hladania, kde stretava ludi, ktori mu popisuju ako sa dopracovali k svojmu bohatstvu. Aj ked sposoby su rozne, spaja ich to, ze ich dany sposob bavi. Autor: Roger Hamilton/ Wealth Dynamics Format: 2 original CD od autora Viac o audioknihe: "Wink and Grow Rich" is the fable of a nine year old boy being raised by his carpenter father who is both sick and tired...In fact, he is tired of being sick and sick of being tired. Every day for the last twenty years the carpenter has visited the Well of Wealth and spent a dollar there, because it is generally known by the townsfolk that if they give generously to the Well, it will give generously to them in return. On this day, the carpenter is so ill that he is unable to visit the well, so he entrusts his nine-year-old son Richard with a crumpled but treasured dollar and sends him in his place. Along the way, Richard discovers that the Well of Wealth is not where he thought it would be – so he follows a different, more overgrown path, on which he meets an old woman, an optometrist, a plumber, a gardener, a fisherman, a rower, a musician, and an innkeeper. These intriguing and mysterious characters act as guides for Richard and share their wisdom with him. They have all built their wealth in very different ways, yet there is something about each that is common to all. This fictional tale makes one think more deeply about the dynamics of wealth creation. The keys to wealth are in the story behind the story; the lesson behind the lesson. That means that to find the key, the reader needs to become better at seeing – a philosophy the author sums up as: "What you see is always what you get." Each time the reader reads this book, they will discover new keys, one by one, until finally they unlock the doors to their own wealth. BA Ruzinov. Viem poslat aj postou, postovne cez postu 2.40 eur, zasielkovna 3,30 eur. Kontaktovat ma mozete mailom (cez formular), telefonicky (nie sms), pripadne mozete napisat spravu cez Telegram aplikaciu. --------- Pozrite si aj moje ostatne inzeraty kliknutim na meno.
Anglická audiokniha Wink(and Grow Rich) 1 & 2-Roger Hamilton
Predam audioknihu Wink (and Grow Rich) prvy a druhy diel. Autor: Roger Hamilton/ Wealth Dynamics Format: 2 original CD od autora Viac o audioknihe: "Wink and Grow Rich" is the fable of a nine year old boy being raised by his carpenter father who is both sick and tired...In fact, he is tired of being sick and sick of being tired. Every day for the last twenty years the carpenter has visited the Well of Wealth and spent a dollar there, because it is generally known by the townsfolk that if they give generously to the Well, it will give generously to them in return. On this day, the carpenter is so ill that he is unable to visit the well, so he entrusts his nine-year-old son Richard with a crumpled but treasured dollar and sends him in his place. Along the way, Richard discovers that the Well of Wealth is not where he thought it would be – so he follows a different, more overgrown path, on which he meets an old woman, an optometrist, a plumber, a gardener, a fisherman, a rower, a musician, and an innkeeper. These intriguing and mysterious characters act as guides for Richard and share their wisdom with him. They have all built their wealth in very different ways, yet there is something about each that is common to all. This fictional tale makes one think more deeply about the dynamics of wealth creation. The keys to wealth are in the story behind the story; the lesson behind the lesson. That means that to find the key, the reader needs to become better at seeing – a philosophy the author sums up as: "What you see is always what you get." Each time the reader reads this book, they will discover new keys, one by one, until finally they unlock the doors to their own wealth. BA Ruzinov. Viem poslat aj postou, postovne cez postu 2.40 eur, zasielkovna 3,30 eur. Kontaktovat ma mozete mailom (cez formular), telefonicky (nie sms), pripadne mozete napisat spravu cez Telegram aplikaciu. --------- Pozrite si aj moje ostatne inzeraty kliknutim na meno.
Sám sobe psychologem, Delordelizace hlavy, Moc Vasho podvedomia, Finding your element, Triumf, + Chuck Norris + Stopy Všetky sú v skvelom stave. Kus 5 eúr, 3+1 zadarmo volať , BA ***Psychokybernetika PREDANÁ