5€/kus, min. odber 2 kusy.
5 kusov = 20€.
Niektoré su dvojCD, niektoré ešte zabalené.
Osobne v BA alebo poštou/Packetou.
Ďalšie CD a LP v mojich inzerátoch.
5 kusov = 20€.
Niektoré su dvojCD, niektoré ešte zabalené.
Osobne v BA alebo poštou/Packetou.
Ďalšie CD a LP v mojich inzerátoch.

Podobné inzeráty

After Rain – The Funeral Marches (doom-metal)
Alanis Morissette - MTV Unplugged (rock/pop)
Alter Ego – Back To Rock n´Roll (hard rock)
All That Remains - Behind Silence And Solitude (metalcore)
Bee Gees - The Very Best Of (pop/rock)
Bon Jovi - Blaze Of Glory (hard rock)
Bryan Adams – Waking Up The Neighbours (pop/rock)
Brobdingnagian - Pretty Magoo Cancer (black-metal/noise)
Casketgarden - Open The Casket, Enter The Garden (Promo) (death/thrash-metal)
Celine Dion – Falling Into You (pop)
Dan Deagh Wealcan - Fragmented Consciousness (alternative rock)
Dark Moor – Project X (power/progressive-metal)
Diehard Youth - Without The Kids We Wolud Be Dead (hardcore)
Elton John - The Big Picture (pop)
Eric Claplton - The Cream Of Eric Clapton (rock)
Erik Clapton - Timepieces - The best of (rock)
Genesis - Turn It On Again (Best Of 81 – 83) (rock)
Guns n´Roses - Appetite For Destruction (rock)
Children Of Bodom – Blooddrunk (singel) (melodic death-metal)
I Am Ghost - Lovers´Requiem (Promo) (punk/rock)
Jagger - Wandering Spirit (rock)
Jethro Tull - Original Maters (rock)
KYPCK – Черно (Promo) (doom/heavy metal)
Lenny Kravitz - Greatest Hits (rock)
Lenny Kravitz – Lenny (rock)
Madonna – Music (pop)
Meat Loaf - Bat Out Of Hell (rock)
Meat Loaf - Hits Out Of Hell (rock)
Mysteria – Temple Of The Scorn (death-metal)
No Doubt - Tragic Kingdom (rock)
Nocta - Wicked Woman (heavy-metal)
One Machine – The Distortion Of Lies... (thrash/power/prog-metal)
Phil Collins - ...But Seriously (pop/rock)
Roxette – Joyride (pop/rock)
Scabbard – Lidské Loutky (death-metal)
Semper – Khaos (progressive-metal)
Subway To Sally – Engelskrieger (folk-rock/metal)
The Offspring - Americana (punk/alternative rock)
The River Of The Lost Souls - The Midnight Album (hard-rock)
Therapy? - High Anxiety (rock)
Unkind – Harhakuvat (hardcore)
CD su vo velmi dobrom stave, cena 5€/ks.
Pozri aj dalsie moje inzeraty.

After Rain – The Funeral Marches (doom-metal)
Alanis Morissette - MTV Unplugged (rock/pop)
Alter Ego – Back To Rock n´Roll (hard rock)
All That Remains - Behind Silence And Solitude (metalcore)
Bee Gees - The Very Best Of (pop/rock)
Bon Jovi - Blaze Of Glory (hard rock)
Bryan Adams – Waking Up The Neighbours (pop/rock)
Brobdingnagian - Pretty Magoo Cancer (black-metal/noise)
Casketgarden - Open The Casket, Enter The Garden (Promo) (death/thrash-metal)
Celine Dion – Falling Into You (pop)
Dan Deagh Wealcan - Fragmented Consciousness (alternative rock)
Dark Moor – Project X (power/progressive-metal)
Diehard Youth - Without The Kids We Wolud Be Dead (hardcore)
Elton John - The Big Picture (pop)
Eric Claplton - The Cream Of Eric Clapton (rock)
Erik Clapton - Timepieces - The best of (rock)
Genesis - Turn It On Again (Best Of 81 – 83) (rock)
Children Of Bodom – Blooddrunk (singel) (melodic death-metal)
I Am Ghost - Lovers´Requiem (Promo) (punk/rock)
Jagger - Wandering Spirit (rock)
Jethro Tull - Original Maters (rock)
KYPCK – Черно (Promo) (doom/heavy metal)
Lenny Kravitz - Greatest Hits (rock)
Lenny Kravitz – Lenny (rock)
Madonna – Music (pop)
Meat Loaf - Bat Out Of Hell (rock)
Meat Loaf - Hits Out Of Hell (rock)
Mysteria – Temple Of The Scorn (death-metal)
No Doubt - Tragic Kingdom (rock)
Nocta - Wicked Woman (heavy-metal)
One Machine – The Distortion Of Lies... (thrash/power/prog-metal)
Phil Collins - ...But Seriously (pop/rock)
Roxette – Joyride (pop/rock)
Scabbard – Lidské Loutky (death-metal)
Semper – Khaos (progressive-metal)
Subway To Sally – Engelskrieger (folk-rock/metal)
The River Of The Lost Souls - The Midnight Album (hard-rock)
Therapy? - High Anxiety (rock)
Unkind – Harhakuvat (hardcore)
CD su vo velmi dobrom stave, cena 5€/ks.
Pozri aj dalsie moje inzeraty.

After Rain – The Funeral Marches (doom-metal)
Alanis Morissette - MTV Unplugged (rock/pop)
Alter Ego – Back To Rock n´Roll (hard rock)
All That Remains - Behind Silence And Solitude (metalcore)
Bee Gees - The Very Best Of (pop/rock)
Bon Jovi - Blaze Of Glory (hard rock)
Bryan Adams – Waking Up The Neighbours (pop/rock)
Brobdingnagian - Pretty Magoo Cancer (black-metal/noise)
Casketgarden - Open The Casket, Enter The Garden (Promo) (death/thrash-metal)
Celine Dion – Falling Into You (pop)
Dan Deagh Wealcan - Fragmented Consciousness (alternative rock)
Dark Moor – Project X (power/progressive-metal)
Diehard Youth - Without The Kids We Wolud Be Dead (hardcore)
Elton John - The Big Picture (pop)
Eric Claplton - The Cream Of Eric Clapton (rock)
Erik Clapton - Timepieces - The best of (rock)
Genesis - Turn It On Again (Best Of 81 – 83) (rock)
Guano Apes – Don't Give Me Names (alternative rock/nu metal)
Children Of Bodom – Blooddrunk (singel) (melodic death-metal)
I Am Ghost - Lovers´Requiem (Promo) (punk/rock)
Jagger - Wandering Spirit (rock)
Jethro Tull - Original Maters (rock)
KYPCK – Черно (Promo) (doom/heavy metal)
Lenny Kravitz - Greatest Hits (rock)
Lenny Kravitz – Lenny (rock)
Madonna – Music (pop)
Meat Loaf - Bat Out Of Hell (rock)
Meat Loaf - Hits Out Of Hell (rock)
Mysteria – Temple Of The Scorn (death-metal)
No Doubt - Tragic Kingdom (rock)
Nocta - Wicked Woman (heavy-metal)
One Machine – The Distortion Of Lies... (thrash/power/prog-metal)
Phil Collins - ...But Seriously (pop/rock)
Roxette – Joyride (pop/rock)
Scabbard – Lidské Loutky (death-metal)
Semper – Khaos (progressive-metal)
Subway To Sally – Engelskrieger (folk-rock/metal)
The River Of The Lost Souls - The Midnight Album (hard-rock)
Unkind – Harhakuvat (hardcore)
CD su vo velmi dobrom stave, cena 5€/ks.
Pozri aj dalsie moje inzeraty.

After Rain – The Funeral Marches (doom-metal)
Alanis Morissette - MTV Unplugged (rock/pop)
Alter Ego – Back To Rock n´Roll (hard rock)
All That Remains - Behind Silence And Solitude (metalcore)
Bon Jovi - Blaze Of Glory (hard rock)
Bryan Adams – Waking Up The Neighbours (pop/rock)
Brobdingnagian - Pretty Magoo Cancer (black-metal/noise)
Bruce Springsteen - Human Touch (rock)
Casketgarden - Open The Casket, Enter The Garden (Promo) (death/thrash-metal)
Celine Dion – Falling Into You (pop)
Dan Deagh Wealcan - Fragmented Consciousness (alternative rock)
Dark Moor – Project X (power/progressive-metal)
Diehard Youth - Without The Kids We Wolud Be Dead (hardcore)
Elton John - The Big Picture (pop)
Eric Claplton - The Cream Of Eric Clapton (rock)
Genesis - Turn It On Again (Best Of 81 – 83) (rock)
Guns n´Roses - Appetite For Destruction (rock)
Children Of Bodom – Blooddrunk (singel) (melodic death-metal)
I Am Ghost - Lovers´Requiem (Promo) (punk/rock)
Jagger - Wandering Spirit (rock)
Jethro Tull - Original Maters (rock)
KYPCK – Черно (Promo) (doom/heavy metal)
Lenny Kravitz - Greatest Hits (rock)
Lenny Kravitz – Lenny (rock)
Madonna – Music (pop)
Meat Loaf - Bat Out Of Hell (rock)
Meat Loaf - Hits Out Of Hell (rock)
Mysteria – Temple Of The Scorn (death-metal)
No Doubt - Tragic Kingdom (rock)
Nocta - Wicked Woman (heavy-metal)
One Machine – The Distortion Of Lies... (thrash/power/prog-metal)
Phil Collins - ...But Seriously (pop/rock)
Roxette – Joyride (pop/rock)
Scabbard – Lidské Loutky (death-metal)
Semper – Khaos (progressive-metal)
Subway To Sally – Engelskrieger (folk-rock/metal)
The River Of The Lost Souls - The Midnight Album (hard-rock)
Therapy? - High Anxiety (rock)
Unkind – Harhakuvat (hardcore)
CD su vo velmi dobrom stave, cena 5€/ks.
Pozri aj dalsie moje inzeraty.

predam LP platne JAZZ
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X greatest jazz tunes 15e ...vyberovka miles davis,herbie hancock,chick corea...
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X gustav brom - plays for you pop jazz and swing 100e ...NOVA
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X herb alpert - herb alpert 10e
X herbie hancock - future shock 18e B
X charles ives - charles ives 20e ...JAZZ
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X chris barber & acker bilk - the best of 9e
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X josef kainar - chvile lasky - sansony a verse 10e
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X jozef skrzek - jozefina 10e ...NOVA

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