Cudzojazyčná literatúra - inzercia, predaj, predám, bazár - strana 87

Reagujem iba na emaily. Otvorená spoveď miliardára Radima Passera. Pútavé rozprávanie o pozoruhodnej životnej ceste plnej nečakaných udalostí, odhodlania a viery. V anglickom jazyku.

Predám novú, original zabalenú knihu o železničných staniciach vo Viedni v NJ so slovenskou prílohou "Wien auf Schiene. Bahnhöfe 1937 - 2015".

Necitana,makka vazba,anglicky jazyk.
Osobny odber BA/postou.
V pripade zaujmu prosim kontaktujte vylucne emailom na nika.miklasova@

Kniha nova, necitana, na obalke stopy po nalepke o cene. Dala by sa este vycistit.
Of Love and Life: The French Gardener / Star Gazing / After River

Predám knihu The Maya od Henriho Stierlina. Kniha je na chrbte a na prednej strane obálky /pás v dolnej časti/ zožltnutá od svetla, inak je kniha vo veľmi dobrom stave. Mäkká väzba. Cena: 10 Eur + poštovné.

T. Christian Miller/Ken Armstrong - Unbelievable. Je ako nová.
Cena + poštovné (v závislosti od hmotnosti). V prípade záujmu ma kontaktujte prosím cez email.
Mám na predaj aj iné knihy - pozrite si moje ďaľšie inzeráty.
She said she was raped.
Police said she lied.
She was made to retract the report - but the nightmare only got worse.
On 11 August 2008, eighteen-year-old Marie reported that a masked man had broken into her home and raped her. Within days, police - and even those closest to Marie - became suspicious of her story. Confronted by these minor inconsistencies and doubt, Marie broke down and said her story was a lie. The police charged her with making a false report. Two years later, Colorado detective Stacy Galbraith was assigned to a case of sexual assault. It bore an eerie resemblance to a rape that had taken place months earlier in a nearby town. Joining forces with the detective on that case, Edna Hendershot, the two soon discovered they were dealing with a serial rapist. As their investigation deepened, it became clear that numerous police departments had extremely similar cases on their hands - and that Marie's story bore an eerie resemblance to the cases they were investigating.
Unbelievable is a chilling tale of doubt, lies, and the hunt for justice, unveiling the disturbing reality of how sexual assault is investigated and the long history of skepticism toward its victims. Previously published as A False Report

Ponúkam na predaj anglickú knihu Hard Times od Charlesa Dickensa. Kniha je ako nová, vhodná ako darček.

Popri klasických pamätihodnostiach ako Schönbrunn, Stephansdom či Sacher tu nájdeme informácie o tom, v akých podnikoch najlepšie strávite večer, kde nájsť židovskú Viedeň a kde zas modernú architektúru. V knihe majú svoj priestor aj typické viedenské "inštitúcie" ako kaviareň Hawelka či menej známe múzeá,
224 strán, Metroverlag, 2011, v angličtine, nemčine, 21x3x27 cm. Kniha je original zabalená, vhodná ako darček.

Predám knihu o Viedni - Vienna. Introduction and Reminiscence z r. 2000, vydavateľstvo Pichler Verlag, hardcover, 79 s, hmotnosť 520 g. nová, nerozbalená.