DVD, CD, MC, LP - inzercia, predaj, predám, bazár - strana 757

abba more abba hits vol. II.
amanda lear follow me back in my arms
arakain blackjack
arakain trash the trash
až sa znova narodím
bara basikova tak jinak
Bratislavska beatova omsa 95
buty pomalu
cannibal corpse the bleeding
carmen na moravske svadbe
ceský hit století IV.
ceský hit století V.
české megahity 1990-2000
dalibor janda 18 nejvetsich hitu o lasce
dálnice II
danubio blue
death individual thought patterns
debustrol neuropatolog
deviated instinct gutural breath
disko výber 2000
disko výber 2001
Elan Netvor z ciernej hviezdy
frau holle
golden piško
hana zagorová hanka
hana zagorová já?
hana zagorová maluj zase obrazky
hana zagorová maluj zase obrazky II.
hana zagorová ohen v dusi me/ stripky
helena vondrackova hádej
helena vondrackova sejdeme se na vysluni I.
helena vondrackova v lucerne
helena vondrackova vodopad
hello again international hits
hlozek kottwald zagorova jinak to nejde
Hogo pogo Kujoni a odkundesi
hrobari vs premier
cher believe
Isabelle Isabelle
Isabelle- Odvratena tvar
iveta bartošová hej pane diskjokey
ja rad disco II.
jsi muj pan I. muzikál
jsi muj pan II. muzikál
karel zich ja ti spívam
karel zich karel zich
KMFDM- Angst
krabathor only our death is welcome
kryptor time 4 crime
lenka filipová za vsechno muze laska
leona machalkova film a muzikál
lojzo my nic my muzikanti
love for money love for money
lucie bíla jampa dampa
lucie bíla uplne naha
made in czechoslovakia I/2002
Madonna dont cry for me argentina
marie rottrova marie a spol.
megadeth youthanasia
michal david diskopribeh
michal david diskopribeh 2.
michal david Id live to live
michal david nenapovidej
michal david par pratel staci mit
michal david to ti nikdy neslibim
miro žbirka 12 naj
nel santo canto Te
nirvana incesticide
pavel bobek ja pri tom byl
pestilence spheres
phil collins serious hits live
pinocchio v nemčine
Platinová Helena Vondráčková
Richard Muller Retro
Richard Muller Monogamny vztah
Richard Muller Koniec sveta
Robo Grigorov z extremu do extremu
sax zona strachu
split 88
super hity stoleti 1970-1979
super oldies super dancing
ta naše diskoška česka 2.
Team 5
Team Volna zona
Vanessa- Monogamy
Vidiek tri styri
viktor lazlo, karel zich sweet, soft and lazy
vlada hron uvadi hvezdy ktere nehasnou
wet wet wet high on the happy side
zlata helena vondráčková

Dobierka 4.50
Staci adresa a posielam

SHOCKING BLUE „ Venus“ /Jolly 1970/psychedlic/ pop , +Mariska Veres/spev/ , vyslo v Taliansku s inym obalom ako povodne vydanie At Home /Holandsko/ , LP je obohatena o skladby Venus a Mighty Joe /neboli na povodnej lP/!!!skvely stav, velmi vzacne! ed!/ .. Postovne: . 2.80 /doporucene pri platbe vopred na ucet/,dobierka: 4.00, doporucujem zasielkovnu

Accept- Eat the heat
AC/DC Razors edge
Black Sabbath- Attention Black Sabbath
Blondie The Hunter
Blondie best of blondie
Blondie plastic letters
Bon Jovi slippery when wet
Bon Jovi new jersey
Bruce Springsteen- Born in the USA
Bruce Springsteen- Tunnel of love
Cinderella heartbreak station
D.C. Lacroix crack of doom
D.C. Lacroix living by the sword
Deep purple storm bringer
Deep purple who do we think we are?
Deep purple fireball
Deep purple burn
Deep purple Singles A's & B's
Deep purple perfect stranger
Deep purple the house of blue light
Deep purple Made in Europe
Deep purple slaves and masters
Deep Purple- In rock
Def Leppard Hysteria
Dio lock up the wolves
Dire straits on every street
Doors- Light my fire
Doors- Strange days
Doors- Morrison hotel
Doors- Star Collection
Doors Greatest hits
Doors L.A. Woman
Elvis Presley-Pure Gold
Elvis Presley-Promised Land
Eurythmics- Revenge
Guns and Roses- Use your ilusion 2
Jethro Tull too old to rocknroll too young to die
Jethro Tull A
Jethro Tull Stormwatch
Led Zeppelin- Led Zeppelin
Led Zeppelin III
Led Zeppelin- Untitled
Metallica- Garage days revisited
Motorhead- Ace of Spades
Motorhead- Death or Glory
Nazareth- Hair of the dog
Nazareth 2XS
Nazareth malice in wonderland
Nazareth- Cinema
Pink Floyd- Wish you were here
QUEEN- The works
QUEEN- Hot Space
Queen- Greatest hits
Queen- A kind of magic
Rainbow down to Earth
REM- Out of time
Rolling Stones Stone Age
Rolling Stones through the past darkly
Rolling Stones Sticky fingers
Rolling Stones Exile on main street
Rolling Stones Goats head soup
Rolling Stones Steel wheels
Rolling Stones Made in the shade
Rolling Stones Rewind
Rolling Stones Lady Jane
Rolling Stones Play with fire
Rolling Stones All together
Raxy music- Country life
Roxy music- Roxy music
Roxy music- Siren
Scorpions In trance
Scorpions- Love at first sting
Scorpions- Lovedrive
Scorpions Live
Slade Slayed
Slade Rogues gallery
Smokie- Bright Lights and Back Alleys
Smokie- Greatest hits
Status Quo Never too late
Status Quo hello
Status Quo Rock til you drop
Status Quo If you can stand in the heat
Status Quo just supposin
Status Quo rocking all over the world
Supertramp- Famous last words
U2- Joshua Tree
U2- Rattle and hum
Uriah heep innocent victim
Uriah heep very eavy very umble
Uriah heep The magician birthday
Whitesnake- Live
ZZ Top Eliminator

Dobrý deň predám LP platne Joan Baez cena 6e za ks
Joan Baez
1,Joan Baez France 1981
2,Joan Baez vol.2 UK1977
3,Joan Baez 5 Austria 1964
4,Joan Baez – House of rising sun France
5,Joan Baez -
6,Joan Baez 6957105 NL
7,Joan Baez in Concert 2
8, Joan Baez from every stage 2LP
9.Joan Baez

Dobrý deň predám tieto LP:
Big suspense movie themes MFP50035 5e
Les Uns et les autres (Jedni i Druzi) 2xLP RTI124 6e
Geoff Love and his orchestra-big holl.movie themes MFP50195 5e
Melody of Brodway STALP7020 5e
Ray Conniff and singers, ,my fair lady,marry poppins,, 5e
The Pallisers,Dr.Who...themes 4e
Who pays Ferryman? 4E
Big War movie Themes 4e
Love story 5e
Annie – original motion picture soundtrack 3e
Spijkerhoek – 6e
The A Team – 5e
The Graduate – songs by Paul Simon (Simon and Garefunkel) 6e
The Great Gatsby - 6e
Nashville – original motion picture soundtrack 5e
The Sting – 5e
The Golden Lady – 6e
Lord of the rings 7e
Young Billy Young - soundtrack western USA 1969 6e
Jerome Morros - The Big Country – original soundtrack UK 6
Lemon Popsicle 5 – Baby Love soundtrack2xLP NL1986 7e
TV Western themes – 5e
Les Grands Westerns 2 LP 5e
Famous Western film melodies 5e
The Stud – soundtrack 6e
Mikes Murder – 4e
Deer Hunter – Lovec Jeleňov Robert de Niro 1979 10e
Ennio Morricone – Once upon time in the west nl 7e
West side story 4e
Jonathan Livingston Seagull as told by Richard Harris Us1970 6e
Jonathan Livingston Seagull – Neil Diamond UK 1973 5e

mam na predaj - michael jackson - the collection 5 cd
cd su nove nepouzivane a bez jedineho skrabanceka na cd

predam LP od Beatles :
A Hard days night
Abbey road
Beatles 1962- 1970
Beatles 62-65
Beatles 62-66
Beatles 67-70
Beatles Greatest 1967
Beatles- The historic sessions
Beatles VI
Expedice Rnr
Golden Greatest Hits
Let it be
Love songs
Please Please Me
Rock n Roll Music
Sgt peppers lonely hearts club band
The Beatles
The Beatles Greatest
The Beatles- The Beatles
Tribute to the Beatles
With the Beatles
Yellow Submarine 1983
John Lennon for President
John Lennon live in New York City
John Lennon- Imagine
Julian Lennon- Valotte
Paul McCARTNEY All the best. BEST
Paul McCARTNEY Band on the run
Paul McCARTNEY Venus and Mars.....Japan press.......
Paul McCARTNEY Wings at the Speed of sound
Paul McCARTNEY London town
Paul McCARTNEY Back to the egg
Paul McCARTNEY Tug of war
Paul McCARTNEY Pipes of peace
Paul McCARTNEY Flowers in the dirt
Paul McCARTNEY Press to play
Mc Cartney- Mc Cartney
George HARRISON Cloud nine
Pozri aj dalsie moje inzeraty, klikni dole na Vintage Vinyl.

Dobrý deň predám tieto LP:
Jacques Brel vol.2 France 7e
Charles Aznavour – 16 Gouden Successen NL1978 7e
Charles Aznavour – She UK1979 7e
Aznavour sings Aznavour vol.3 – France 6e
Isabelle Antena – En Cavale TWI610 Belgium 1986 8e
Daniel Guichard – Album 1980 4e
Jacques Brel 1977 France (96010) 6e
Aznavour sins Aznavour vol 3 6e
Viva La France vol.6 2xLP 7e
Mireille Mathieu – Apres Tol 5e
Ekseption 3 Holland 5e
Ekseption 5 – NL 5e
Ekseption 5e
Flairck – Variaties op een dame 2925072 holland 1978 6e Klasická hudba
Thijs van Leer - Musica per la notte di Natale 69239 holland 1976 klasicka hudba 6e
Drukwerk – ho stil,wacht stop 5e
Thijs Van Leer – Introspection 5e
Ras mandala Reggae – Dasanudasa 5e
Golden Love songs vol.1 (Nazareth,E.John,Foreigner) 4e
Golden Love songs vol.2 (KC and the sunshine band, E.John) 4e
Sentimental Gold 2LP (A.Franklin,Tonny Benett,Mammas and pappas) 6e
Friend and Lovers – 16 love songs 1987 (Alison Moyet,Elton John,Percy Sledge,Dionne Warwick) 5e
Greatest hits vol.7 (E.Clapton,Abba,The Drifters) NL 6e
Klaatu – Hope 5c06285223 Capitol records Holland 1977 6e
All time smash hits – (hey jude, whiter shade of pale) 6e
Hits revival vo.2 – 5e
Pure Prairie league – Dance 6e

AC+ Nemusis sa tienov bat
Beata Dubasova- Beata 1987
Bezinky- Bezinky 1976
Bez ladu a skladu 1990
Brano Hronec uvadza 1974
Brano Hronec Sound- Srdecny pozdrav 1974
Bratislavska lyra 1974
Bratislavska lyra 1975
Brezovsky -Rozsa- HRANA
Bukasovy masiv- Nudaplaz- 1990
Bukasovy masiv- Black & White
Dano Junas- Fantom do perin
Darinka Rolincova- Co o mne vies
Dusan Hlavacek- Zalubeni
Eva Kostolanyiova - 1973
Eva Mazikova 1974
Extip- Extip
Fermata- Huascaran 1980
Fontana pre Zuzanu 2
Frantisek Kristof Vesely- Preco sa mame rozist
Frantisek Zvarik spieva slovenske ludove piesne
Gejza Dusik- Rodny moj kraj 1989
Gravis- Kolotoc masiek 1989
Helena Bleharova- Helena Bleharova 1977
Jozef Pesko- Fujarocka moja
Karol Konarik- Stastny navrat 1982
Karol Konarik a Scarabeus 1977
Koktail z PKO 1979
Jana Kocianova- Vecna hra 1975
Julia Heckova- Maturitne tablo 1989
Julia Heckova- Sny vo farbach
Kolotoc smiechu
Laco Lucenic- Zastavky na znamenie 1987
Laco Lucenic- Pilot from nowhere
Lasica-Filip- Stahovavi vtaci 1990
LBT- Lubo Belak Team
Magda Medvedova- Zjtra ta cakam 1984
Marcela Laiferova- Marcela Laiferova 1974
Marian Labuda- Hektoliter tango 1978
Metalinda- Metalinda- 1990
Metalinda- Za vsetky prachy 1991
Metalinda- Svetlo na druhom brehu
Na skle malovane
Nezna revolucia- dvojalbum
Orchester Juraja Velcovskeho 1974
Pavol Habera- Pavol Habera
Pesnicky na udici 1981
Peter Breiner- Hudba z muzikalov
Peter Dvorsky- L amore destino
Peter Dvorsky - Slovenske ludove piesne
PETER LIPA- Je to stale tak 1988
Peter Lipa a T&R Band 1989
Prognoza-Prognoza 1981
PRUDY – Zvonte zvonky 1990
Robo GRIGOROV- Robo Grigorov 1987
Robo Grigorov a Midi- Nohy 1988
Rozpravkovi stopari 1979
Sexit- Sexit 1993
SLNIECKO- Burgynova kampan
Slobodna europa- Pakaren
Slobodna europa Stvorka
Snehulienka a 7 pretekarov
TAKTICI- Vlado Kolenic- 10 dkg tresky
Team 1988
TEAM- Prichyteny pri zivote 1990
Team 3 1990
Tomas Janovic- Kozmicke piesne
Ventil rg- 1991
VIDIEK- Nechajte si ju- 1988
YPS-YPS 1988
Zona A- Potopa 1990
Z operety do operety 1978
Zuzana Homolova- Cas odchadza z domu 1989

Dobrý deň predám tieto LP:
George Baker Selection – Paloma Blanca NL1975 7e
Jay and The Americans – The very best of NL1975 7e
Simon and Garefunkel – Bridge over the troubled water NL1970 7e
Simon&Garefunkel – Sounds of silence 4e
Simon&Garefunkel – The concert in central park .. iba jedno LP 4e
The great made famous by Simon &Garefunkel 4e
Art Garefunkel – Breakaway 3e
Chuck Berry – Flashback iba jedno LP 4e
The Hollies – The very best of USA 1975 8e mono/stereo
Hollies- Hollies NL1974 6e
24 Tangos and Pasos 2LP 8e
Moon beams - 16 golden songs 1978 (Scot McKenzie,Sailor,Mash) 5e
Julio Iglesias- A flor de piel Spain1976 8e
Demis Roussos - USA1978 10e
Bobby Brown – Dont be cruel 7e
Paolo Conte – Collezione NL1978 8e
Dean Martin – Most beautiful songs 2LP 10e
Barry Manilow – If I should love again USA1981 8e
Paul Anka – My way UK 7e
The Shadows – 20Golden hits NL1977 7e
Don Williams – A Touch of NL1980 7e
Roots of Reggae 2LP NL1981 10e
Aphrodites child – Greatest hits NL 8e
Village People – Go west NL1979 7
Pop sound 70 - 5e
The Holy city – NL 10e
Boudewijn de groot concert 2LP NL 8e
Manitas De Plata – Et ses guitares gitanes NL1972 6e
Rod Stewart – Foot Loose and Fancy Free – UK1977 + knižka 6e
Don Johnson – Heart Beat NL1976 5e
Shakin Stevens – Shaky Supraphon 6e
Billy Joel – Innocent man NL1983 5e
Malando and his grand tango orchestra – Blue tango NL 6e
Malando Wereldsuccessen – 30 Tangos 2LP NL 8e
Edmundo Ros Wereldsuccessen 2LP 8e

Ponukam LP / Vinyl MAGNUM : SLEEPWALKING v super stave :
Vydanie - stav - cena
Nemecko EMI–10, vinyl VG+, obal NM, OIS NM cena: DOHODOU
Uprednostnujem osobny odber v Bratislave alebo zasielku postou s platbou na ucet vopred
POZRI aj moje dalsie LP inzeraty !

Foo Fighters - There Is Nothing Left To Lose, Beasty Boys III Communication a Spermbirds- Eating Glass. MC sú originál no bez obalov. Hrané. Cena dohodou. Iba osobný odber Rajka.

cena 9,5E + (dobierka 5E - zásielkovň) --- USA, Alternative/Heavy Metal, kompilace, hrací čas 56:49, originál, výborný stav... Epic – 507623 2
1 Poop Loser 1:22
2 Seed 3:27
3 Cultivate 4:18
4 Some Assembly Required 2:47
5 I.D.I.O.T. 3:38
6 Central Disposal 3:17
7 Coal 5:04
8 Fear 4:43
9 Dig (Future Evolution Remix) 5:42
10 Dig (Everything And Nothing Remix) 4:57
11 L.D. 50 17:15
Chad Gray - vocals
Greg Tribbett - guitar
Shawn Barclay - bass (Tracks 1-3, 5 and 7)
Ryan Martinie - bass (Tracks 4, 6 and 8-11)
Matthew McDonough - drums