about you zlava 25 - strana 8
Počet nájdených inzerátov ABOUT YOU ZLAVA 25
: 1000 - strana 8
![Gramofonové platne SP malé single 7"](https://images.bazarcek.sk/www.senzabazar.sk/402/75641269656.jpg)
Slade: Look what you dun 2€
Jane Child: Welcome to the real world 5€
Hot Chocolate: A part of being with you 3€
Rod Stewart: This the art of mine 2€
Goombay Dance band: Seven tears 3€
Steel Pulse: Prodigal son 3€
Culture Club: Do you really want to hurt me 3€
Police: Spirit in the metal world 1€
Hot Chocolate: No doubt about it 2€
Platne sú v dobrom až velmi dobrom stave. Sú vyčistené ULTRAZVUKOM.
Možnosť zaslať na Dobierku,prevod na ucet,aj osobný odber, aj v Rk,Dk,Mt...Viac info ako aj kontakt mailom...
Pokial odomna nedostanete odpoved do 24 hodín,prezrite si aj Spam kôš...niekedy to tam hádže odpovede.
Pozrite si aj dalšie moje inzeráty gramofonových platní ...
Ponúkam tiež ČISTENIE platní ULTRAZVUKOM prípadným záujemcom.
![CD Pop/Rock/Hard Rock 5](https://images.bazarcek.sk/www.senzabazar.sk/402/75649817369.jpg)
Magnum Breath of life / Brand new morning (2xCD,nový) 9,00 €
Meat Loaf Bat out of hell pt.2 5,00 €
Melissa Morgan Still in love with you 2,00 €
Meniketti Meniketti 15,00 €
Midnight Oil Blue sky mining 5,00 €
Michael Jackson Off the wall 6,00 €
Michael Jackson Thriller (goldCD+DVD,slipcase) 8,00 €
Michael Jackson Bad 6,00 €
Michael Jackson Dangerous 6,00 €
Michael Jackson Invincible 6,00 €
Michael Jackson HIStory-Past,Present and Future Book1 (2CD) 8,00 €
Mike & The Mechanics Living years 6,00 €
Mike & The Mechanics Word of mouth 6,00 €
Mike & The Mechanics Beggar on a beach of gold 6,00 €
Mike & The Mechanics Hits 5,00 €
Mike Oldfield Tubular bells II 6,00 €
Mike Oldfield Voyager 6,00 €
Mike Oldfield Songs of distant earth 6,00 €
Mike Tramp Stray from the flock (Irond) 7,00 €
Mr.Big Lean into it 6,00 €
Mr.Big Hey man 7,00 €
Naro Glass mountain 10,00 €
Naro Press play 10,00 €
Nelson After the rain 6,00 €
Nickelback Here and now 6,00 €
Nickelback Dead horse 4,00 €
Nickelback No fixed adress (nový) 4,00 €
Nirvana Bleach 6,00 €
Nirvana From the muddy banks of the wishkah 4,00 €
Nirvana Nevermind 7,00 €
Nirvana Incesticide (nový) 7,00 €
Nirvana Unplugged in New York 8,00 €
Oasis Don't believe the truth 4,00 €
Oasis Heathen chemistry 4,00 €
Oceansize Effloresce (digipak) 8,00 €
Only Child Only Child 10,00 €
Papa Roach Infest 4,00 €
Papa Roach Getting away with murder 4,00 €
Papa Roach The paramour sessions 4,00 €
Phil Collins No jacket required 4,00 €
Phil Collins Hello,I must be going 4,00 €
Phil Collins Testify 4,00 €
Phil Collins Both sides 4,00 €
Phil Collins Dance into the light 4,00 €
Phil Collins The singles (2CD) 8,00 €
Pink Missunderztood/Cant take me home (digisleeve,2CD) 5,00 €
Pink I'm not dead 4,00 €
Pink Floyd Meddle 8,00 €
Pink Floyd Dark side of the moon 8,00 €
Pink Floyd Wish you were here (RM) 6,00 €
Pink Floyd Wish you were here (Harvest) 8,00 €
Pink Floyd The wall (2CD) 10,00 €
Pink Floyd The division bell 7,00 €
Pink Floyd The endless river (digibook) 8,00 €
Pink Floyd Echoes - The best of Pink Floyd (digipak,2CD) 8,00 €
klikni na meno a pozri ďalšiu ponuku
![Teutonia Be You 3kombinácia + 1 autosedačka navyše](https://images.bazarcek.sk/www.senzabazar.sk/395/84269936270.jpg)
Predám trojkombináciu kočík nemeckej značky Teutonia Be You z r. 2013 s bohatým príslušenstvom. Vo veľmi dobrom stave po dvoch deťoch, som prvý majiteľ. Veľmi dobrá ovládateľnosť, aj jednou rukou. Vďaka preklápaniu rukoväte do oboch strán výborne zvláda rôzny terén vrátane snehu. Rúčka sa môže vyklápať, takže je vhodná aj pre vyšších rodičov. Možnosť nasadiť vaničku aj športovú časť v oboch smeroch. Vanička má polohovateľnú chrbtovú opierku, rovnako aj sedacia časť, pričom je možné polohovať aj do úplne vodorovnej polohy. Pripojím aj bohaté príslušenstvo: slnečník, prebaľovacia taška, termoobal na fľašu, prebaľovacia podložka, sieťka proti hmyzu, dve pláštenky jedna na vaničku, druhá na športovú časť, nánožníky, ktoré sedia aj na vaničku aj na športovú časť. Podložka do hlbokej vaničky bola ušitá na mieru, mám aj náhradný originál. Kolesá sú mäkké, odpružené a zaručujú pohodlnú jazdu aj po hrboľatom teréne, nie sú nafukovacie, takže nehrozí defekt. Kočík má veľmi užitočnú ručnú brzdu- výborná ovládateľnosť aj v kopcoch. Súčasťou trojkombinácie je aj Tario báza - rám ktorý sa dáva na podvozok a tak sa dá nakliknúť priamo autosedačka aj s dieťaťom. Podvozok má veľký, priestranný košík aj na väčšie nákupy. Zároveň zadarmo priložím navyše 1 autosedačku - vajíčko (nie je na fotke), užitočné pri presunoch v 2 autách, u starých rodičov apod.
Teutonia Be You bol svojho času top kočík, veľmi flexibilný, so všetkými vychytávkami, ktoré by ste od kočíka očakávali. Pôvodná cena bola 1300 EUR.
![1 bedroom apartment for rent in Nitra Cerman](https://images.bazarcek.sk/www.senzabazar.sk/291/92207036537.jpg)
1 bedroom apartment for rent in Nitra Cerman,
on a very popular Potravinarska street, new building with balcony, 2nd floor.
5mins drive to motorway R1
1mins grocery shop
5mins public transport stop
10mins walk to gym
Free parking in front of the house
The apartment is fully equipped - smart tv, air condition, dishwasher, washing machine, furniture as you can see on the pictures, wifi connection etc.
In the hall huge rolldor wardrobe, another wardrobe in the bedroom.
The price 600EUR monthly including all bills (water, electricity, gas, internet etc)
1 month deposit and 1 month rent payable before moving in.
Preferably 1 or 2 woking adults.
Viewing and moving in possible after 17th December.
Please feel free to call if you are interested
Thank you
![perfectly fine without scratches(ps 4)god of war disc](https://images.bazarcek.sk/www.senzabazar.sk/3/92742242363.jpg)
perfectly fine without scratches,don't worry . selling only dis because i sold the case simulutionesly to some else on this l come to you packaged in a box perfeclty safe.if you want a case i l recomend you where to buy it.for a new disc it s really kinda cheap.have a great day:)
![NOVOSTAVBA BYTU S VÝHĽADOM NA HRAD, SK/EN](https://images.bazarcek.sk/www.senzabazar.sk/291/100368921265.jpg)
Ponúkame Vám unikátnu novostavbu 3 izbového bytu v rezidencii Schön v NADŠTANDARTNOM PRÉMIOVOM PREVEDENÍ s klimatizáciou, podlahovým kúrením a DVOMA KÚPEĽŇAMI pre každú izbu samostatne vo výbornej lokalite Starého mesta neďaleko Michalskej brány. Byt sa predáva aj s PIVNIČNOU KOBKOU, kompletne MODERNE ZARIADENÝ!
BYT: Úžitková plocha bytu je 89,19m2. K bytu prislúcha pivnica. Nachádza sa na 4. poschodí s výťahom. Byt ponúka dostatok úložného priestoru, ktorý je dômyselne doladený do interiéru bytu. Z izieb je krásny výhľad na hrad. V bytovom dome sa nachádza iba 16 bytov, čo zabezpečuje maximálne súkromie.
Rezidencia Schön sídliaca na začiatku Obchodnej ulice spája komfortné bývanie so zachovaním originálnych funkčných prvkov navrhnutých významným slovenským architektom Fridrichom Weinwurmom.
ZARIADENIE: Kuchynská linka so zabudovanými spotrebičmi a umývačkou riadu.
Francúzske okná Aluprof so zvukovou izoláciou a trojsklom, podlahové kúrenie, klimatizácia v každej izbe, videovrátnik a vstupné bezpečnostné dvere Sherlock. Vysoké stropy a funkčne riešená dispozícia bytu zaručujú maximálne komfortné bývanie.
DISPOZÍCIA: Vstupná chodba s úložným priestorom, 2x samostatná izba, 2x kúpeľňa s toaletou a obývačka spojená s kuchyňou.
LOKALITA: Zabezpečuje pre majiteľa každodenné pohodlie a dostupnosť všetkých služieb. Iba pár metrov od nehnuteľnosti sa nachádza Michalská brána, historické centrum mesta, obchody, kaviarne, banka, pošta, školy, škôlky a služby.
+ výborná lokalita pri Michalskej bráne
+ výhľad na hrad
+ výborná investičná príležitosť
+ ideálne na prenájom, keďže každá izba disponuje vlastnou kúpeľňou s toaletou
+ v byte ešte nikto nebýval
+ v každej izbe klimatizácia
+ podlahové kúrenie
CENA: 459 000 €
(K uvedenej cene sa pripočíta provízia pre RK vo výške 2,5%. Provízia zahŕňa vypracovanie rezervačnej a kúpnej zmluvy advokátskou kanceláriou, notárske poplatky, základný poplatok na katastri a hypotekárne poradenstvo.)
Would you like to be in the centre of everything? So this flat is just for you. The address is with perfect potencial and it is suitable for the most pretentious client.
We offer you perfect 3 rooms flat in Schön residence which is situated in perfect location of the Old town next to Michael’s gate.
FLAT: The useful area of the flat is 89,19 m2. The flat has also basement. The flat is situated on the 4.th floor with the lift. The flat has enough cargo space. There is a nice view on the Bratislava’s castle from the rooms. There is only 16 flats in the flat buliding.
![Kefa / hrebeň / kulma keramická na vyrovnávanie vlasov VKK,](https://www.senzabazar.sk/images/no-photo.png)
VKK Hair Straightener Brush, Make Hair Straightening Easier - VKK hair straightener kefy používa unikátny Heatproof Comb Tooth Design, ktorý môže byť straighten vaše vlasy pri kombinovanej vlasy, a nie je pekný o burned ako.
Double Layer 3D Tooth Comb Design - je tvorený double-layer 3D tooth comb.Vnútorná časť je keramický vŕtací zubný hrebeň, ktorý generuje niekoľko a stabilnú hlavu bez poškodzovania vlasov; Outerová časť je anti-scald zubné kombi do avoid kontakt s hlavicou bodmi, a plameň-retardant plastové rámčeky sú chránené všetkými anglami.
Save More Time - Tieto vlasy straightening brush adopts PTC heating technology, ktoré môžu pomaly držať temperature do 170 ° C v 25 sekundách; 0.09-inch zubný pitch zvyšuje contact area medzi zaoblenou hrebeňom a vlasmi, nazýva sa, že vlasy môže adhere to na povrchu škvrnitého klinca a byť zaoblené, úplne straighten the hair.
Safety Protection with Auto-off - Ako stavba v bezpečí feature, VKK straightening kefy bude automaticky turn off po 30 minútach od časového úseku, držať sa bezpečne od nehody a burns, a zahrievanie svojej bezpečia.
5 Adjustable Temperature - VKK Straightening Comb s 5 úrovňami temperatúry, môžete urobiť temperature medzi 140°C a 200°C. No matter what hair type you have, you can find the temperature that works best for you.
![Perl and CGI for the world wide web - 2nd edition](https://www.senzabazar.sk/images/no-photo.png)
Predám knihu Perl and CGI for the world wide web - 2nd edition.
Visual quick start guide.
Autor: Elizabeth Castro.
Kniha je v anglickom jazyku.
Popis knihy: Perl is by far the most popular programming language for creating scripts that add powerful interactive features to Web pages. Included on most UNIX platforms and available free of charge for Windows and Macintosh, Perl lets you place forms on your Web site that collect and process user input such as product orders and comments, enable visitors to conduct keyword searches for information on your site, and integrate a database into your site, among many other capabilities.Perl and CGI for the World Wide Web: Visual QuickStart Guide gets you to the heart of Perl scripting with CGI. Even first-time programmers will be able to create interactive Web pages and, more importantly, you'll be able to use your new-found familiarity with Perl to understand and customize the multitude of scripts that already exist on the Web.
Viem poslat aj postou, postovne 3,10 eur, zaslanie cez Zásielkovnu/ Packetu 3,30 eur.
Kontaktovat ma mozete mailom (cez formular), telefonicky (nie sms), pripadne mozete napisat spravu cez Telegram aplikaciu.
Pozrite si aj moje ostatne inzeraty kliknutim na meno.
![Jedinečný 1-i byt na prenájom](https://www.senzabazar.sk/images/no-photo.png)
Tento veľký 1 izbový byt , v historickom bytovom dome, ponúka príjemné bývanie v tichej lokalite centre mesta Košíc, v blízkosti mestského parku. Byt je na 1 poschodí, má rozlohu 44 m2, z toho 26 m2 má izba a 7 m2 kuchyňa. K dispozícii je aj kúpeľňa so sprchovým kútom a predsieň. Byt sa nachádza v historickom obytnom dome, čo tomuto bývaniu pridáva svoju atmosféru, v celom byte sú pekné drevené parkety, stropy vysoké 3,5 m a veľké okná v izbe aj kuchyni sú zárukou, že byt je svetlý a slnečný. Veľkou výhodou je, že nájomca môže tráviť čas na priestrannom upravenom spoločnom dvore, ktorý je prístupný iba pre obyvateľov domu.
Byt sa prenajíma max. pre 2 osoby. Zariadenie izby je možné dohodnúť s majiteľom, podľa vlastnej predstavy.
Cena prenájmu, ktorá zahŕňa aj cenu energií pre 2 osoby - dohodou. Depozit je povinný. Minimálna dĺžka nájmu je 12 mesiacov. Fajčenie v byte ani domáce zvieratá povolené nie sú.
Tento byt vám ponúka viac ako len bývanie, presvedčte sa sami, v prípade záujmu o bližšie informácie ma prosím kontaktujte telefonicky na t. č.:
a dohodneme aj obhliadku bytu.
english trans.:
For Rent - A beautiful brick apartment in an excellent location, in the center of Košice, which you will fall in love with.
This large 1-room apartment, in a historic apartment building, offers pleasant living in a quiet location in the center of Košice, near the city park. The apartment is on the 1st floor, has an area of 44 m², of which 26 m² is the bedroom and 7 m² is the kitchen. There is also a bathroom with a shower and a vestibule. The apartment is located in a historic residential building, which adds its own atmosphere to the apartment, there are nice wooden parquet floors throughout the apartment, 3.5 m high ceilings and large windows in both the bedroom and the kitchen guarantee that the apartment is bright and sunny. A big advantage is that the tenant can spend time in the spacious landscaped common yard, which is accessible only to the residents of the house.
The apartment is rented for max. 2 people. Room furnishings can be arranged with the owner, according to your own ideas.
The rental price ( which also includes the price of energy, for 2 people ) -by agreement. The deposit is obliged. The minimum rental period is 12 months. Smoking in the apartment and pets are not allowed.
This apartment offers you more than just living, see for yourself, if you are interested in more information, please contact me by phone number listed below and we will arrange a viewing of the apartment.
phone number:+346
![I know how she does it - Laura Vanderkam](https://www.senzabazar.sk/images/no-photo.png)
Paperback, raz prečítaný. Vidieť mierne známky na obale. Praktická kniha pre každého, kto hľadá trochu voľného času medzi svojimi každodennými povinnosťami. Kniha je v angličtine. Cena je už aj s poštový, posielam po zaplatení na účet.
In I Know How She Does It, time management expert Laura Vanderkam offers powerful insights from the diaries of successful women. Everyone has an opinion, anecdote, or horror story about women and work. Most believe that a woman who wants a challenging career will have to make huge sacrifices - in family, social life, hobbies or even a decent night's sleep. But what if balancing work and family is actually not as hard as it's made out to be? What if all those tragic anecdotes ignore the women who quietly but consistently do just fine with the juggle? Instead of relying on scattered stories, time management expert Laura Vanderkam set out to find some hard data. She collected hour-by-hour time logs from 1,001 days in the lives of women who make at least $100,000 a year. And she found some surprising patterns: these women worked less and slept more than they thought. They went to the gym, played with their children, scheduled date nights, and had lunches with friends. They could be spontaneous and make time for the things that gave them pleasure and meaning.
With examples from hundreds of real women, Vanderkam proves that you don't have to give up on the things you really want. In I Know How She Does It, she offers specific strategies proven to help you manage your time and build a life that works, one hour at a time.
![Dámsky cyklodres Castelli Gore Windstopper veľ. M](https://www.senzabazar.sk/images/no-photo.png)
Cyklistický dres Castelli Rossocorsa perfetto Gore Windstopper veľ. M.
Ani raz použitý, nesadol ako darček, s obrovskou ľútosťou posúvam. Viac info mailom.
It was the pros who first asked for something that´s not as hot as the Gabba but warmer than a Perfetto Vest. So we started from the Gabba and made the back in Nano Light Pro fabric the same fabric as our Nano Flex tights but without the brushed fleece inside. This gives the jacket a lot of breathability and keeps you from overheating inside. We further lightened it up by using a lighter weight of Windstopper® (a full 25% lighter than the one used on the Gabba) on the front. You may think that this is filling a very small niche. But just try it. It can cover most of the conditions of the Gabba (except wet racing and very cold), yet it handles warmer temperatures better. And the fit is exceptional, which is one more reason You´ll keep reaching for it. The consensus of our Castelli test crew is that this piece doesn’t fully replace the Gabba or Perfetto Vest, but it´s another arrow in your quiver that is ideally suited to cool temperatures, especially when it´s dry or There is a risk of light rain.
- Gore® Windstopper® 150 fabric on front, sleeves and yoke for lightweight wind protection
- Nano Light Pro fabric on the back sheds water but allows significant breathability
- 3 external rear pockets
- Extended tail with reflective Castelli wordmark
- YKK® Vislon® zipper for easy opening and closing
- Weight: 225g
- Gore Windstopper
- Nano Flex
- Rosso corsa
PC: 149€
![CD ALBUMY 11-22](https://www.senzabazar.sk/images/no-photo.png)
Predám originálne CD albumy. Všetky CD sú vo veľmi dobrom stave, prípadne uvedené priamo pri CD. Pre viac info, foto atd... ma prosím kontaktujte mailom prípadne telefonicky.
BLOF - Blauwe Ruis - 1,00€ (cd má známky používania)
BRENDAN BENSON - One Mississippi - 2,00€
DEAN MARTIN - At The Sands - 2,00€
GENE - Revelations - 2,00€
CHEAP STUFF - Live And Die In The Prison Of Life - 4,00€
CHRIS DE BURGH - Into The Light - 4,00€
CHRIS DE BURGH - The Getaway - 4,00€
JOE COCKER - Night Calls - 3,00€
KINGS OF LEON - Because Of The Times - 4,00€
MARIA MENA - Apparently Unaffected - 2,00€
MATCHBOX TWENTY - More Than You Think You Are - 1,00€ (cd má známky používania)
MATTAFIX - Signs Of a Struggle - 3,00€
MEAT LOAF - Hits Out Of Hell - 4,00€
NATALIE IMBRUGLIA - Left Of The Middle - 2,00€
PROPELLERHEADS - Decksanddrumsandrockandroll - 3,00€
RAINBIRDS - Two Faces - 3,00€
RONAN KEATING - Destination - 2,00€
SAMANTHA MUMBA - Gotta Tell You (Special Edition) - 3,00€
THE HOUSEMARTINS - Now Thats What I Call Quite Good - 4,00€
THE TROGGS - All The Hits Plus More - 1,00e (cd má známky používania)
TINA TURNER - Simply The Best - 4,00€
BAD CO. PROJECT - Sucker Stories - 3,00€ (nové, zabalene)
CRASH TEST DUMMIES - God Shuffled His Feet - 3,00€
CRYSTAL SHAWANDA - Dawn Of A New Day - 3,00€
ETERNAL - Always & Forever - 2,00€
FANCY - Colours Of Life - 8,00€
GIPSY KINGS - Gipsy Kings - 3,00€
JANET JACKSON - Design Of A Decade 1986-1996 - 3,00€
KRUPPT - The Spunion Field -4,00€
MADONNA - Ray Of Light - 3,00€
PATRICIA KAAS - Le Mot De Passe - 3,00€
ROBBIE WILLIAMS - Escapology Mix 2003 - 4,00€
![Predam zbierku CD](https://www.senzabazar.sk/images/no-photo.png)
Predam osobnu zbierku CD vo vybornom stave, citlive zaobchadzanie. Konecna cena bude klesat od poctu CD a druhu skupiny. Rozne styly, pop, rock, art, soft, alternative, electro, new wave, drum and base, breakbeat acid-jazz, soul, experimental, ambient, trip-hop, downtempo, classical, folk, synthpop, post-punk, ballads. Celkovy zoznam aj s coversheet obrazkami a hudobnymi stylmi zaslem na dopyt.
Alan Parsons Project ~Stereotomy
Aloof ~Seeking Pleasure ~Wish you were here (Maxi)
Amos Tori ~Boys For Pele
Apollo Four Forty ~Electro Glide In Blue
Blue Chip Orchestra ~Bolero, Suite
Booth Tim, Angelo Badalamenti ~Booth and the Bad Angel
Brand New Heavies ~Shelter
Clannad ~Magical Ring
Depeche Mode ~Condemnation/paris mix
Deutsch Amerikanische Freundschaft ~Gold Und Liebe
Dolby Thomas ~Premium Gold Collection
Don Dorsey ~Bachbusters
Doors ~A Film by Oliver Stone
Dubstar ~Disgraceful
Durutti Column ~Fidelity
Everything But The Girl ~The Best of EBTG
Farmer Mylene ~L'autre
Fila Brazillia ~Luck Be A Weirdo Tonight
Flock of Seagulls ~I Ran
Garbage ~Garbage ~Version 2.0
Genesis ~Genesis
Heaven 17 ~Penthouse And Pavement ~The Luxury Gap
Human League ~Dare! ~Secrets
Indochine ~Unita
Japan ~Assemblage ~Tin Drum
Kajagoogoo - Limahl ~Too Shy - The Singles And More
Kosheen ~Kokopelli
Laika ~Sounds of The Satellites
Madonna ~Ray Of Light ~Something to Remember
Mandalay ~Empathy ~Instinct
Minogue Kylie ~Impossible Princess
Morcheeba ~Charango ~Charango (Instrumental) ~Dive Deep ~Who Can You Trust?
Mulu ~Smiles Like a Shark
Nena ~Nena ~?(Fragezeichen)
Ohm Square ~Ohmophonica
Prefab Sprout ~A Life Of Surprises
Republica ~Republica
Roxy Music ~Flesh + Blood ~Heart Still Beating
Sleeper ~Pleased To Meet You
Sneaker Pimps ~Becoming X
Sparks ~Kimono My House
Support Lesbiens ~Tune Da Radio
Tante Elze ~Hmota
Thompson Twins ~The Collections
Trio ~Triologie - The Best Of
Ultravox ~Systems Of Romance
White Barry ~The Unlimited Love Collection
White Town ~Women in Technology
Yes ~The Very Best of Yes
![CD VYBERY ROZNE VSETKY ZANRE 2](https://www.senzabazar.sk/images/no-photo.png)
Predam cd vybery rozne pre kazdeho nieco.. kus cca 5e podla kusov a dohody,v horisom stave su lacnejsie..
italo mix mixed by dj romano
i love you
italo pop 3cd
italia amore mio 2cd
italo platinum mega hit mixes
italian classics
its only rock n roll 2cd
its only rock & roll
just the best vol 5
just the best vol 13
just the best 3-98
just the best vol.40
just the best vol 43
kuschel rock 6
kuschel rock 8
kuschel rock 9
kuschel rock 11
kuschel rock14
kuschel rock special edition
latina fever vol.2
legendy francouskych a italskych pisni
let the hammer fall vol.19
let the hammer fall vol.28
lat the hammer fall vol.33
les compagnons de la chanson
legendy platinum collection
le chick de paris-best of french music
love story vol.3
love songs
missing you 2cd
medias affenstarke oldimer
mindset overhaul
music & movement two
maximum hit power 2001/2
maxi dance sensation 18
maxi dance sensation 25
mr.music hits 1-99
mr music hits 2
mr music hits 3
mr music hits 4
mr music hits 5
mr music hits 6
mr music hits 7
mr music hits 8
mr music hits 9
mr music hits 10
mr music hits 9-98
nejvetsi hity 80 let
now arabia 2005
now hits reference vol.6
now 1983
now 38
now 39
now 41
no 1 rockin chart toppers
oro italia 2cd
over the under vol.3
originals various artist
panorama 01 the alprausch compilation
pop party 6
pop n hits vol 12
pop diamonds
party hit mix disco
party hit mix rock
party hit mix reggae
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reference highlights
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the very best of 2
the greatest 50 rockhits
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we will rock you!
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![Predám vinylové platne LP/SP (rôzne žánre a interpreti) 2](https://www.senzabazar.sk/images/no-photo.png)
Predám vinylové platne, rôzne žánre a interpreti. Zoznam nižšie. V prípade záujmu rád pošlem stav, fotky a cenu do mailu.
Cena dohodou.
Rick Astley - Whenever You Need Somebody
Robin Gibb - How Old Are You?
Stanislav Hložek A Petr Kotvald*- Taková Je Láska Má (Making Love Of Nothing At All) / Co S Láskou (So Bad)
Szivárvány Citerazenekar Mezőtúr - Szivárvány = Rainbow
Taneční Orchestr Čs. Rozhlasu - Alžbětinská Serenáda / Pár Vzpomínek
The B-52's - Cosmic Thing
The Country Family - Clementine
TOČR V Bratislave - Spomienky
Tom Jones - The Very Best Of Tom Jones
Trio Rio - I'm Still In Love With You
Václav Kučera Se Svou Skupinou - Las Maňanitas / Ave Maria
Various - Dvanáct Sezón
Various - Karácsonyi Dalok (Christmas Songs)
Various - Nejhezčí Dárek
Various - Nežná Revolúcia / Dokumenty, Ktoré Hovoria
Various - Réten,Réten...
Věra Špinarová - Kosmická Láska / Láskou Spálená
Vítězslav Nezval - Manon Lescaut
Waldemar Matuška / Eva Pilarová - Don, Diri Don / Rekviem
Б. Окуджава* = Bulat Okudjava* - Песни - Songs
Владимир Высоцкий - Чужая Колея
Жанна Бичевская - Жанна Бичевская поет песни Булата Окуджавы
![Gramofonové platne LP 5](https://www.senzabazar.sk/images/no-photo.png)
Platne sú vyčistené ULTRAZVUKOM
Tom Jones: Music for the millions 10€
Blue Mink: the Best of 5€
Perry Como sings 6€
Klaus Wunderlich: Super star sound 8€
Westminster Hi-Fi: Lab sampler 5€
Last train to Waterloo - Quadraphonic 6€
Poco: Head over heels 6€
Burt Bacharach: Bacharach Bonanza 2xLP(Australia) 6€
Herb Alpert & the Tijuana bros: 40 greatest hits[2xLP] 8€
Herb Alpert & the Tijuana bros: This guy's in love with you 5€
Stevie Wonder: the Woman in red=soundtrack 8€
Tell me on a Sunday 5€
Mask - soundtrack 4€
STUD : 20 original soundtracks 6€
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Starlight express 6€
West side story (2xLP) 10€
Phantom of the opera (2xLP) 9€
Jesus Christ superstar (2xLP) 4€
Jesus Christ Superstar-Highlights 10€
Andrew Lloyd Webber: the Premier collection 10€
Fiddler on the roof (2xLP) 9€
Saturday night fever-Music from 10€
Liverpool Expres: Tracks 5€
Buck Fizz: Are you ready 5€
Buck Fizz: Hand cut 10€
Flairck: Flairck 5€
Jim Reeves: Golden record 6€
Jim Reeves: Have I told you lately...6€
Southside Johnny and the Ashbury jukes: Hearts of stone 6€
John Denver: the Best of 7€
John Denver: Vindsong 8€
Eddie Rabbitt: Horizon 8€
Clasic Rock" London symphony orchestra 8€
More golden greats the ventures 6€
Ray Conniff: Great contemporary instrumental 7€
the New Sqadronaires: In the mood 8€
3's A Crowd: Christopher's Movie Matinee 12€
Growing up with Wally Whyton 4€
Papa Bue's Viking Jazz band: Live in Tivoli 8€
Papa Bue's Viking Jazz band: Jazzparty 8€
Zinica -Nikaragua latino folk 6€
Lenny Bruce: Carnegie hall 4.Feb.1961(hovorene slovo)3xLP 5€
Lenny Bruce: Unexpurgated (hovorené slovo)3€
Robert Louis Stevenson: His poetry,prose and the story...(hovorene slovo) 3€
Edward Ramsbottom: Ideas 1 (hovorene slovo)3€
Platne sú v dobrom až vynikajucom stave. Sú vyčistené ULTRAZVUKOM:
Možnosť poslať na Dobierku,Prevod na ucet,aj osobný odber aj v Rk,Dk,Mt. Kontakt ako aj viac info mailom...
Pokial odomna nedostanete odpoved do 24 hodín,prezrite si aj Spam kôš...niekedy to tam hádže odpovede.
Pozrite si aj dalšie moje inzeráty gramofonových platní ...
Ponúkam tiež ČISTENIE platní ULTRAZVUKOM prípadným záujemcom.
![CD MAXI SINGLE č.6](https://www.senzabazar.sk/images/no-photo.png)
Predám originálne CD MAXI SINGLE . Všetky cd sú v dobrom stave . Pre viac info , foto atd... ma prosím kontaktujte mailom prípadne telefonicky.
ORBIT 6 - It´s A Mission/Spanish Fly - 4,00€
NINA - One & Only - 7,00€
ONDA DEL FUTURO - Terra (Remix) - 2,00€
PRINCESS PARAGON - A Girl Like You - 2,00€
PAPAJAM - Do What I Wanna Do - 3,00€
PITCH SHIFTER - I Wanna Be Free - 1,00€
PANDERA - Lunica Donna Per Me - 2,00€
ROBIN SCHULZ Feat. HARLOE - All This Love - 4,00€ (alebo nové zabalené v cene 8,00€)
RAGGA 2 SUNSHINE - Sunshine Love - 4,00€
REDNEX - The Spirit Of The Hawk - 1,00€
EDELWEISS - Raumschiff Edelweiss - 2,00€
ROCHUS - High Noon - 9,00€
SARAGOSSA BAND - The Hula Loop - 4,00€
SHAMEN - Boss Drum - 1,00€
SACCOMAN - Pyramid Soundwave - 6,00€
SAHARA Feat. SHAGGY - Champagne - 3,00€
SILENT CIRCLE - Night Train - 15,00€
SOV Feat. ROBERT STUART - You Spin Me Round! - 8,00€
STRUCTURE - Emergency - 6,00€
STANDBY - Make Your Dream Come True - 6,00€
SUZY WONG - Se* Y Sol Y Mar - 3,00€
S.W.A.T. Feat. Real - Eins, Zwei Polizei - 2,00€
SONNIT - Get Your Mind Free - 2,00€
TEN MINUTES - Let It Be - 1,00€
STEE WEE BEE - Call Me - 2,00€
STEE WEE BEE - F..k This Bit*h - 2,00€
THE EGG - Wall - 3,00€
THE ENTERTAINER Feat. SOLO - Check Your Body - 2,00€
T.RIO - Coopeta - 2,00€
TODD TERRY - Something Goin On - 2,00€
TITIYO - Come Along - 1,00€
U.S.U.R.A. - Sweat - 1,00€
TRICKY - Christiansands - 1,00€
TRICKY - Makes Me Wanna Die - 1,00€
VISION QUEST - Dreams - 7,00€
WHISKEY - Get Back - 9,00€
ALEXANDRA STAN - Mr. Saxobeat (5 track) - 15,00€
CAPPELLA - Tell Me The Way - 2,00€
BABYLON BOY - Rivers Of Babylon - 2,00€
BANG ! - You Know , I Know - 3,00€
![45x Euro House - Disco - Italo platne](https://www.senzabazar.sk/images/no-photo.png)
Ahoj, predávam balíček 45 Euro House - Disco - Italo platní.. platne aj obaly sú v dobrom stave, niekde však môže chýbať origo obal a je nahradený za uni.. popisok alebo nálepka sa niekde môže objaviť..
Platba prevodom na účet alebo na paypal, poprípade osobný odber (BB-Malachov)..
..poštovné v cene, na dobierku neposielam..
Euro House Italo:
Alici - I Want Your Love
B.A.R. Feat. Roxy - Come Together
Baby Roots - Rock Me Baby
DJ VooDoo – El Verano - Elvissa
Drop The Bomb - Wild & Crazy Megamix Of Erasure Hits
Eartha Kitt - Where Is My Man
Edelweiss – Bring Me Edelweiss
Elvis Isn't Dead - Little Sister, Theme Fron L.S. 95' (House Mix)
Fine 69 Vs. Vic - French Kiss '98
Gate XX XXX Feat. Sally Kaniaru – Yuwaja
Gigi D'Agostino - Bla Bla Bla
Infinito - Funky Nassau
Loft - Summer Summer (Remix)
Marc Z Feat. Coco – Time Is On My Side
Molella & Phil Jay PresHeaven 17/Fast Eddie - With This Ring Let Me Go
On The Case Featuring Cousin Rachel - Shikisha
Petula Clark – Downtown '88
Rhythm Of Life - A Tropical Shower
Ritmo Ritmo featuring Ricardo DC – Matador
Sampled Mind Feat. Another Class - Don't You
Sir Prize - Time Is Alright For Love
Sir Prize – Don't Go Away
Stella Getz – Dr. Love
Techno Trax Megamix Vol. 2
Teeko X - We Got To Move
The Party – Summer Vacation
Tolga "Flim Flam" Balkan – The Best Of Joint Mix
X-Cite - It Takes You
Ya Red - Silent Cry
Cerrone - Back Track
Cisko Brothers - Guaglione (12", Promo)
Coo Coo - Up Side Down
Eddy Grant – Baby Come Back
Fun Fun – Happy Station (Scratch Version)
Kinkina - Jungle Fever (1987 Megamixes)
Laserdance - Cosmo Tron
Mito - Unit
Pee Bee Squad – Rugged And Mean, Butch & On Screen
Pointer Sisters - Goldmine
Sabrina – Boys (Summertime Love) Remixed
Secchi Featuring Orlando Johnson - I Say Yeah
Sonique - Let Me Hold You
Stars On 45 – Stars On 45 Volume 3
The Dysfunctional Psychedelic Waltons - All Over My Face
Togo Togo Feat. Jerome Leeds – The Lion Sleeps Tonight
![CD ALBUMY 35-22](https://www.senzabazar.sk/images/no-photo.png)
Predám originálne CD albumy. Všetky CD sú vo veľmi dobrom stave , prípadne uvedené priamo pri CD. Pre viac info , foto atd... ma prosím kontaktujte mailom prípadne telefonicky.
DAVID BOWIE - Best Of Bowie - 4,00€ PREDANE
SISTER OF MERCY - A Slight Case Of Overbombing - Greatest Hits Volume One - 4,00€ PREDANE
UFO - The Best Of UFO - 3,00€ (cd má vlásočnice)
JETHRO TULL - The Very Best Of - 5,00€
BOB DYLAN - Greatest Hits - 4,00€
LEONARD COHEN - Greatest Hits - 3,00€ PREDANE
STEPPENWOLF - Gold (Their Great Hits) - 5,00€
STATUS QUO - Whatever You Want - The Very Best Of (2CD) - 5,00€
BILLY IDOL - Idol Songs - 11 Of The Best - 4,00€ PREDANE
EAST 17 - Steam - 4,00€ PREDANE
ROXETTE - Joyride - 4,00€ PREDANE
M.C. HAMMER - Please Hammer Don´t Hurt Em - 1,00€ (cd má známky používania) PREDANE
SPENCER DAVIS - Keep On Running - 1,00€ (cd má známky používania) PREDANE
JIMI HENDRIX - All The Hits - 3,00€ PREDANE
SHOWADDYWADDY - Showaddywaddy - 3,00€
ALICIA KEYS - Girl On Fire - 3,00€
GEORGE MICHAEL - Ladie & Gentlemen - The Best Of George Michael (2 CD) - 4,00€ PREDANE
LEONA LEWIS - Spirit - 3,00€ PREDANE
THE HUMAN LEAGUE - Greatest Hits - 4,00€ PREDANE
MEAT LOAF - Simply The Best - 3,00€
ALFIE - Soundtrack (2 CD) - 3,00€
EMBRACE - If You´ve Never Been - 2,00€
1000 CLOWNS - Freelance Bubblehead (promo) - 2,00€
NELLY FURTADO - Whoa Nelly! - 3,00€
VAYA CON DIOS - Time Flies - 1,00€ (cd má známky používania) PREDANE
PAULA ABDUL - Spellbound - 4,00€ PREDANE
MADONNA - Music - 3,00€
ADELE - 21 - 4,00€ PREDANE
CHER - You Better Sit Down Kids - 3,00€ PREDANE
CARLY SIMON - The Best Of - 3,00€
AMY MACDONALD - This Is The Life - 3,00€ PREDANE
BRIAN FERRY & ROXY MUISC - More Than This - The Best Of - 1,00€ (cd má známky používania) PREDANE
SMALL FACES - Greatest Hits - 3,00€ PREDANE
SLADE - Greatest Hits - Feel The Noize - 3,00€ PREDANE
JOHN LEE HOOKER - Rockstar Music 23 - 2,00€
BILLIE RAY MARTIN - 18 Carat Garbage - 3,00€
MARC COHN - The Rainy Season - 2,00€
PETER STUART - Propeller - 2,00€
MILES DAVIS - Kind Of Blue - 2,00€ PREDANE
![40x club house - speed garage platne](https://www.senzabazar.sk/images/no-photo.png)
Ahoj, predávam balíček 40 club house - speed garage platní.. platne aj obaly sú v dobrom stave, niekde však môže chýbať origo obal a je nahradený za uni.. popisok alebo nálepka sa niekde môže objaviť..
Platba prevodom na účet alebo na paypal, poprípade osobný odber (BB-Malachov)..
..poštovné v cene, na dobierku neposielam..
30 February – Sunshine Everyday (HNO 5013-12)
Alenia – Stranger In São Paulo (Missile 62)
Bamboo – The Strutt (VCRTDJ35)
Bel Amour – Promise Me (KLR 011)
Big Ron - Let The Freak (VVR5013276)
Byron Stingily – You Make Me Feel (Mighty Real) (006453-0 CLU)
Cevin Fisher's Big Freak – The Freaks Come Out (Part 1) (MOS127)
Cevin Fisher's Big Freak – The Freaks Come Out (0066300 CLU)
Christian Falk – Make It Right (Remix) (3984-29334-0)
Delication Recommends The Fuck – What The F... Is Going On (12")
Dive – Boogie (WEA 147 T1)
DJ Antoine – Visit Me (clubstar006-1) white
DJ Cyrus – Patrik Pacard (Cyrus Trax 006)
Gee Tee / The Movement - Herbie Rides Again / Stevies Wish
George Michael – Star People '97 (The Dance Mixes) (8 94244 6)
Ian Oliver Feat. Eastenders – Vino Vino (K664)
Juliet Roberts – So Good / Free Love 98 (74321554001)
Liza Da Costa – Banana Coco
Luomo – What's Good (RSP 014)
Madame B – Back To Party (MQMN 005)
Magma – Bum Bum Baby 2001 (URBDJ 2087)
Marcel Krieg Presents The Ghetto Boys - Tonite (Promo)
Mee-Ra – My Money (The Mixes) (0002039-6)
Michael Simon – To Be Love (CLR 003)
Michael Simon – To Be Love Remix (Clubland)
Mojolators - Make You Move (Camouflage / CM036)
Nathalie De Borah – Heart But House (FIM US 16)
Nicoromano Pres. Sunflower – Sing A Song (BIG 5044-12)
Phats & Small – Sun Comes Out (82876 59873 1)
Plastic – The Secret Key Of Life (88 12 899)
Project 2000 Ft. Billie Godfrey – It's About Time (vinyl 1) (Ther 011)
Project 2000 Ft. Billie Godfrey – It's About Time (Ther 012)
Salvo – Somebody
Sharam Jay - Shake Your.. (Underwater Rec. / H2O 030)
Sharp Boys Feat. Kenny C – Raise The Alarm (Sharp / JP Aviance Mixes)
Simone Anés Ft. Nicole Tyler – Where I Belong (MIN023)
Spike – So In Luv (The Special DJ Edition) (561 718-1)
Spoon Nation – I Don't Know Remixes (562 329-1)
Stony Funky – You Need Someone (HU 006)
Zeroleen – All Good