inzercia, predaj, predám, bazár

after 2: sľub - strana 16

Počet nájdených inzerátov AFTER 2: SĽUB : 739 - strana 16

Ponúkam 3 knihy o skupine Beatles: Schmiedel - The Beatles, Benson - Paul McCartney, The Beatles ... after the break-up /v angličtine/. Cena 4, 6, 8 Euro + pošta.
Keyboard Apple Magic Keyboard (EN International)
Predávam svoju klávesnicu Apple Magic Keyboard (EN International) Kúpená na Alze koncom augusta. Kúpil som ju, ale chýba s rozložením. Uprednostňujem americké rozloženie a to bolo s EN International. Takže po dvoch mesiacoch mám inú klávesnicu s preferovaným rozložením a teraz predávam túto. Nová, bez škrabancov a poškodení, necestovala, nič sa nedeje, len položená na stole a píše sa. Len E-mail! ---- I'm selling my Keyboard Apple Magic Keyboard (EN International) Bought on Alza in the end of august. I've bought it, but missed with layout. I prefer US layout and it was with EN International. So after two month I've got other keyboard with preferred layout and now am selling this one. New, no scratches or damages, no travelling, nothing happens, just laid down on a table and typing Email only
Bird Box
Josh Malerman - Bird Box Cena + poštovné. V prípade záujmu ma kontaktujte prosím cez email. Ponúkam na predaj aj iné knihy - pozrite si moje ďaľšie inzeráty. *** If you've seen what's out there... It's already too late. Malorie raises the children the only way she can: indoors, with the doors locked, the curtains closed, and mattresses nailed over the windows. The children sleep in the bedroom across the hall, but soon she will have to wake them and blindfold them. Today they will risk everything. Today they will leave the house. Josh Malerman's New York Times bestselling Bird Box is a terrifying psychological thriller that will haunt you long after reading.
CD ALBUMY 1,00€ / kus
Predám originálne CD albumy . Každý kus v cene 1,00€. Niektoré CD majú známky používania prípadne nedostatok na booklete. Pre viac info, foto atd... ma prosím kontaktujte mailom prípadne telefonicky. ROBBIE WILLIAM - Escapology PREDANE MIXED EMOTIONS - Deep From The Heart PREDANE PERCY SLEDGE - His Greatest Hits - New Recorded BOYZONE - Said and Done ORANGE BLUE - Forever / Best Of LIT - A Place In The Sun BOYZ II MEN - Evolution AZ YET - Az Yet STRETCH - Elastique NAWFEL - Nawfel DREADZONE - Biological Radio PAULINE HENRY - Do Over SUCH A SURGE - Der Surge Effekt MICHELE CENTOZA – Michele Centonza OST - S*x & The City CHRISTINA - Freier Fall MARLA GLEN - In Concert MARLA GLEN - Our World STEFANIE HEINZMANN - Stefanie Heinzmann NATASHA BEDINGFIELD - Unwritten ARCADE FIRE - Neon Bible JJ72 - JJ72 DARIUS - Dive In ELVIS PRESLEY - Hound Dog NO ANGELS - Now...Us! TOM JONES - Live BO DIDDLEY - Greatest Hits BREATHE - All That Jazz THE LIGHTNING SEEDS - Cloudcuckooland MY BRIGHTEST DIAMOND - Tear It Down PAUL RUTHRFORD - Oh World COUNTING CROWS - August And Everything After D12 - D12 World US 5 - Here we Go THE LAND - Ixelles ROGER WHITTAKER - The Collection THE BEAUTIFUL SOUTH - Choke REALITY BROTHERS - Lowlife ROMUALD BOROWIAK - Guitarra SONYA HUNTER - Headlights & Other Constellations
Knihy o cestovani
Predám plnofarebné knihy o cestovaní: - Poklady Asie - EUR 5 - 80 islands to escape to..and live happily ever after (AJ) - EUR 5 Knihy sú nové, nepoškodené, vhodné ako dar.
Predám knihy v Anglickom jazyku
Predám knihy v Anglickom jazyku cena dohodou Sex and the city The Tower of London Never let mi go After me comes the flood American bar The cold heart of summer Welcome to my World
Madinat Jumeirah Living Dubai Investicne Nehnutelnosti
Madinat Jumeirah Living #Apartments by #Meraas Location: Madinat Jumeirah Handover: October 2025 Nearby Hotels: Burj Al Arab, Al Qasr, Mina A'Salam, Al Naseem Starting Prices: 1 BR - $410.000 | 60 m2 2 BR - $650.000 | 111 m2 3 BR - $1.090.000 | 154 m2 Payment Plan: 50/50 20% - On booking 10% - February 2023 10% - August 2023 10% - May 2024 50% - On Handover | November 2025 Exit Strategy - Capital Growth: 2-6 months +20% 6-12 months +27% Before Handover +83% After Handover +104% This information does not constitute individual investment advice. Full Floors with Discount (circa 15%): From $4.900.000 WhatsApp: Мario
Sobha Creek Vistas Heights Dubai Investicne nehnutelnosti
CREEK VISTAS HEIGHTS #Apartments by #Sobha Sales Start: August 30, 2022 Location: Sobha Hartland Handover: June 2026 Prices: 1 BR - $330.000 | 56,7 m2 (611 sq.ft.) 2 BR - $547.000 | 90,7 m2 (976 sq.ft.) 3 BR - $663.000 | 115,7 m2 (2,274 sq.ft.) Payment Plan: 60/40 10% - On Booking 10% - 3rd month 10% - 12th month 10% - 15th month 10% - 24th month 10% - 30th month 40% - On Handover | June 2026 Exit Strategy: - in 1 Year +10% - 2m Before Handover +26% - 2m After Handover +39% This information does not constitute individual investment advice. WhatsApp: Mario
Central Park at City Walk Dubai Investicne nehnutelnosti
Central Park at City Walk #Apartments by #Meraas Location: 1,5 km from the sea and 1 km from Burj Khalifa. Specific for the project: a lot of green areas. Sales start: 7.9.2022 Registration starting: 29.8.2022 Prices: 1 BR from $408.000 2 BR from $700.000 3 BR from $1.110.000 4 BR from $2.395.000 Handover: November 2025 Payment plan: 20% - At booking 10% - February 2023 10% - August 2023 10% - May 2024 50% - November 2025 Exit strategy: 1. Before the first Installment +30-70% from the invested amount. 2. Before Handover +150-200% from the invested amount. 3. After Handover +200-300% This information does not constitute individual investment advice. WhatsApp: Mario
Malta - Damac Lagoons - Dubai Investicne nehnutelnosti
DAMAC LAGOONS - Malta #Villas by #Damac Sales Start: August 2022 Location: Damac Hills Handover: 2025 Q4 Prices: 4 BR - $472.600 | 211 m2 (2,274 sq.ft.) 5 BR - $647.000 | 313,8 m2 (3,378 sq.ft.) Payment Plan: 80/20 20% - On Booking 60% - During Construction 20% - On Handover Exit Strategy: - in 1 Year + 27% - 2m Before Handover + 86% - 2m After Handover + 134% This information does not constitute individual investment advice. WhatsApp: Mario
address the bay dubai investicne nehnutelnosti
Address Residences the Bay #apartments by #Emaar Location: Emaar Beachfront Selling fully furnished Handover: December 2026 г. Starting prices: 1 BR $871,000 2 BR $1.116.000 Payment Plan: 80/20 10% - On Booking 10% - November 2022 г. 10% - July 2023 г. 10% - May 2024 г. 10% - September 2024 г. 10% - May 2025 г. 10% - December 2025 г. 10% - June 2026 г. 20% - On Handover | December 2026 Exit Strategy - Capital Growth: 2-6 months +14% 6-12 months +29% 12-18 months 36% Before Handover +67% After Handover +94% This information does not constitute individual investment advice. WhatsApp: Mario
Mudon Al Ranim Meraas Dubai Investicne nehnutelnosti
Mudon Al Ranim #Townhouses by #Meraas Sales Start: August 30, 2022 Handover: November 2025 Prices: 3 BR - $544.000 | 205,9 m2 (2,217 sq.ft.) 4 BR - $688.000 | 236,8 m2 (2,549 sq.ft.) Payment Plan: 40/60 10% - On Booking 10% - 6 and 11 Months after Booking 5% - Every 3 months 40% - On Handover | November 2025 Exit Strategy - Capital growth: - in 4 Months +15% - in 1 Year +32% - 2m Before Handover +86% This information does not constitute individual investment advice. WhatsApp: Mario
Kresley Cole A Hunger like no other Hlad jako žádný jiný
predám knihu v angličtine zo série The immortals after dark,v super stave, cena 6€ plus poštovné
The Great Zimbabwe (2012)  - Spoločenská hra
nova / nerozbalena popis: The Great Zimbabwe is a game about building a trade based civilization in ancient Africa. It has been inspired by the old kingdoms surrounding the Great Zimbabwe, a world heritage site in southern Africa. Far into the previous century, colonial governments denied that a civilization that produced such impressive monuments and beautiful artwork could have been African in origin. But of course, this civilization was African, and the country of Zimbabwe itself was proudly named after this impressive cultural heritage. As always in our games, we have used this history for inspiration; however, first and foremost we wanted to create a highly playable and replayable Splotter game, so in many cases we took liberties with historical names, periods and artwork. In the game, players strive to build the most impressive monuments to one god of their choice. They can choose this god themselves-- each of the twelve gods offers a unique blessing, but each also requires a different amount of work to win the game. Building the monuments is done by developing a logistics network stretching across the region. Through this network, players produce and obtain ritual goods to raise their monuments and bring honour to the god of their choice.
Kvalitne natočíme Vašu svadbu, hudobný videoklip, reportáž, prijímanie... Točíme vždy dvaja, obaja zo stabilizátora, ďalšie dve kamery sú na stativoch. Výsledný film je teda až 4--kamerový. Zvuk je okrem štyroch kamier zaznamenávaný aj na externý audiorekordér, pokiaľ sa točí na sále s kapelou alebo DJ-om, hlavný zvukový záznam sa nahráva priamo z mixážneho pultu bez okolitých ruchov a zároveň sa nahráva aj live stopa zo sály. Video je spracované teda ako celovečerný film, ktorý je autentický, aby aj po rokoch priniesol skutočnú emóciu z Vašej udalosti. Hlavný kameraman je tiež aktívny hudobný skladateľ, muzikant aj spevák, ktorý bude Váš film strihať, preto o dynamiku presného taktového strihu nebudete mať núdzu :) Používame vysokosveteľné objektívy, preto nesvietime nikomu do očí žiadnymi svetlami. Technika: • 2 x kamera (Sony Alpha) • magnetické ND filtre VF Foto • 2 x kamera na statíve (GoPro) • dron (DJI-podľa podmienok) • stabilizátory (DJI) • motorový slider (Konova) • audiorekordér pre zvuk priamo z mixážneho pultu a živý zvuk (Tascam) Používame profesionálne softvéry: • Adobe Premiere Pro 2022 • Adobe After Effect 2022 • Adobe Audition 2022 • Steinberg Cubase 11 Dodanie svadby je do 10 týždňov, sväté prijímanie do 6 týždňov (podľa vyťaženosti a dohody, termín na 99,9 % stihneme skôr, než povieme). Dodávame film (minimálne 90 min.) + svadobný klip (dĺžka jednej - Vami vybranej piesne). Film vo Full HD (1920 x 1080), svadobný klip vo Full HD aj 4K (3840 x 2160) na vygravírovanom USB kľúči s kapacitou 32 GB. V prípade svätého prijímania s menej účastníkmi viem vec riešiť bez nákupu a gravírovania USB kľúčov, zaslaním linku na stiahnutie filmu do Vášho PC. Podmienkou pre realizáciu je povolenie Vášho svadobného, hudobného klipu alebo v prípade inej spolupráce - krátkeho zostrihu v našom portfóliu a predovšetkým osobné stretnutie pred realizáciou. Nie sme skúpi na náš čas!Sme Vám k dispozícii od skorého rána, najmä čo sa svadieb týka a naše priateľstvo ostáva v drvivej väčšine priateľstvom úprimným a stálym. Video ukážky: Pár recenzií:
Kardashian Dynasty - Ian Halperin
Predam knihu Kardashian Dynasty - Ian Halperin New York Times bestselling author and investigator Ian Halperin pulls back the curtain on America’s notorious Kardashian family – exposing their shaky foundation for fame – one shocking revelation at a time. The Kardashians and Jenners have taken the world by storm, collectively rising to superfame after making their reality show debut on E! with Keeping Up with the Kardashians in 2007. Since then, their family life has remained a constant circus of tabloid headlines, red carpet appearances, branding deals, reality shows and their spinoffs, and a slew of media coverage. As revered and polarizing as royalty, the Kardashians have stolen the celebrity spotlight – and they show no signs of giving it up. And yet, amidst their mega success, the Kardashians have faced a firestorm of negative publicity over the years: particularly over Kris Jenner’s role in the family. As matriarch and momager of the Kardashian clan, Kris has been accused of exploiting her children for fame and money and playing the media like a deck of cards. Based on extensive research, Ian Halperin delivers the salacious details behind the Kardashians’ rise to fame. With revelations exposing the family’s foundation as shaky at best and scandalous at worst, Halperin provides an unparalleled glimpse into the events and scandals that have propelled the Kardashians to worldwide celebrity, for better or worse.
Predám knihu Star Wars: Inferno Squad
Set in the aftermath of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, this action-packed prequel to the hotly anticipated videogame Battlefront II introduces the Empire's elite force: Inferno Squad. After the humiliating theft of the Death Star plans and the destruction of the battle station, the Empire is on the defensive. But not for long. In retaliation, the elite Imperial soldiers of Inferno Squad have been called in for the crucial mission of infiltrating and eliminating the Partisans-the rebel faction once led by notorious Republic freedom fighter Saw Gerrera. Following the death of their leader, the Partisans have carried on his extremist legacy, determined to thwart the Empire-no matter the cost. Now Inferno Squad must prove its status as the best of the best and take down the Partisans from within. But the growing threat of being discovered in their enemy's midst turns an already dangerous operation into a do-or-die acid test they dare not fail. To protect and preserve the Empire, to what lengths will Inferno Squad go . . . and how far beyond them?The Rebellion may have heroes like Jyn Erso and Luke Skywalker. But the Empire has Inferno Squad. Jazyk - Anglický, v nepoškodenom stave :)
Range: How Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World
David Epstein - Range. Je ako nová. Cena + poštovné. V prípade záujmu ma kontaktujte prosím cez email. Ponúkam na predaj aj iné knihy - pozrite si moje ďaľšie inzeráty. *** A powerful argument for how to succeed in any field: develop broad interests and skills while everyone around you is rushing to specialize. From the '10,000 hours rule' to the power of Tiger parenting, we have been taught that success in any field requires early specialization and many hours of deliberate practice. And, worse, that if you dabble or delay, you'll never catch up with those who got a head start. This is completely wrong. In this landmark book, David Epstein shows you that the way to succeed is by sampling widely, gaining a breadth of experiences, taking detours, experimenting relentlessly, juggling many interests - in other words, by developing range. Studying the world's most successful athletes, artists, musicians, inventors and scientists, Epstein demonstrates why in most fields - especially those that are complex and unpredictable - generalists, not specialists are primed to excel. No matter what you do, where you are in life, whether you are a teacher, student, scientist, business analyst, parent, job hunter, retiree, you will see the world differently after you've read Range. You'll understand better how we solve problems, how we learn and how we succeed. You'll see why failing a test is the best way to learn and why frequent quitters end up with the most fulfilling careers. As experts silo themselves further while computers master more of the skills once reserved for highly focused humans, Range shows how people who think broadly and embrace diverse experiences and perspectives will increasingly thrive and why spreading your knowledge across multiple domains is the key to your success, and how to achieve it.
Predám štvordiskový NAS ZyXEL
Predám výkonné sieťové úložisko, NAS, podporujúci až štyri 2,5 alebo 3,5 palcové disky. Pomocou 4-diskového úložného serveru ZYXEL NAS540 získate ľahký prístup k veľkému množstvu dokumentov a multimediálnych súborov z mobilných zariadení všade tam, kde je k dispozícii pripojenie na internet. Jednoducho ho môžete zosynchronizovať s mobilnými zariadeniami pomocou populárnych cloudových aplikácií. Zariadenie ZYXEL NAS540 je vybavené dvojjadrovým procesorom s frekvenciou 1,2 GHz a pamäťou s veľkosťou 1 GB. Vďaka výkonnému procesoru dokáže plniť aj náročné úlohy. Dva LAN porty s možnosťou agregácie liniek zaisťujú optimálnu rýchlosť prenosu dát a k dispozícii sú aj rýchle USB porty 3.0, ktoré ponúkajú komunikáciu s externými pamäťovými zariadeniami. Úložisko je vybavené aj slotom pre SD kartu a podporuje technológie SDXC. Hardvér: - CPU: FreeScale Dual Core Cortex-A9 1.2 GHz - Memory: DDR3 1GB - 4x 2.5" or 3.5" SATA hard disk the max support up to 64 TB (16 TB x4) - Hot swappable HDD support - 2x Gigabit Ethernet RJ-45 connectors - 3x USB 3.0 ports - 1x SDXC card read (Up to 128 GB) Softvér: - Network protocol: CIFS/SMB for Windows, NFS for Linux/Unix, AFP for Mac, DHCP client, PPPoE, Network Time Protocol (NTP), iSCSI. - Network applications: Media server, Twonky media server with DLNA 1.5 and UPnP AV, iTunes server, Logitech media server, Photo album server - Web service: WebDAV, FTP server, phpMyAdmin/MySQL/PHP, RSS client & server, Print server (CIFS), Remote access support (DyDNS) - iOS and Android application: Zyxel Drive, zCloud, ownCloud - Network application management: User & group management, Package management for setting up applications - Network security: Support HTTPS and FTPES (FTP over explicit TLS/SSL), Encrypted NAS to NAS remote replication, Encrypted NAS to external disk archive backup - Backup support: One-touch copy/sync button for external USB capable devices backup, Backup planner, Instant/Scheduled backup, NAS to NAS synchronization/archive backup, Rsync, NAS to external USB hard disk backup - Download/Upload support: Auto-download from FTP/HTTP/P2P download service (Torrent file supported), Scheduled download, Auto-upload photos and videos - Power control: Internal disk hibernation support, Scheduled power on/off/reboot, Wake-on-LAN support, System automatically resume after power outage, APC USB UPS monitoring and auto shutdown Server je veľmi výkonný, nabitý funkciami, možnosti servera sú rozšíriteľné pomocou doinštalovania ďalších balíčkov aplikácií (rovnako ako pri Synology). Pri serióznom jednaní pridám štartovací 500GB disk ZADARMO.
Rozne knihy
1) Rex Beach - 4 knihy, 1925-1931: 1. Stribrna zaplava; 2. Zlaty proud; 3. Koristnici; 4. Bariera. Su to starsie knihy, zachovale, u niektorych obal v chrbtovej casti treba podlepit, stranky su zazltnute, obcas su na nich jemne fliaciky alebo natrhnutia. Stranky nechybaju. Cena 5,50€ ks alebo 21€ za vsetky spolu + posta (balik na postu 3,10€). 2) Kniha Estonia. Candidate for membership in the European Union. V anglickom jazyku. 2000-2001 r., 479s. Tvrdy obal. Super stav, asi necitana. Cena 2€ + posta (list do 1kg, obycajne 2. tr. 2€). 3) Adobe After Effects: výukový průvodce tvorbou videoefektů a animací. Trish Meyer, Chris Meyer. V ceskom jazyku. Computer press, Brno, 2009. Pocet stran: 416s. Makka vazba. Citana, obal je kusok lepeny, a na poslednych dvoch stranach su fliaciky. Inak dobry stav. Cena 10€ + posta (ako balik do 5kg 3,10€). 4) Kniha Angelika a sultan / Anzelika i sultan, v ruskom jazyku, Anne a Serge Golon, 1991, 104s. Tvrdy obal. Kniha je pouzivana, trochu poskodeny obal (vid foto) a na par strankach casom sa utvorili male hnede fliaciky, inak dobry stav. Cena 1,50€ + posta (obyc. 2. tr. 1,30€). 5) Cerveny a cierny I (prva cast) - Kronika devatnasteho storocia. Autor: Stendhal. Preklad: Vladimir Reisel. Svet, Turciansky sv. Martin, 1946, 294s. Tvrda vazba. Stav: 1946 r., vcelku zachovala, stranky su mierne zazltnute, na niektorych su peciatky, jemne fliaciky, odtrhnuty roh poslednej stranky, niektore miesta v knihe su podciarknute ceruzkou. Stranky nechybaju. Cena 4€ + posta (obyc. 2. tr. 1,30€). 6) Volna laska (Dva deniky), III. Dil: Druhy denik, 1929. Autor: Nemirovic - Dancenko, Vasilij Ivanovic. Preklad: Emerich Čech, Ceskomoravske podniky tiskarske a vydavatelske v Praze, 1929, 174s. Tvrda vazba. Stav: 1929 r., zachovala, stranky su zazltnute, 1 stranka je trochu natrhnuta, na niektorych strankach su peciatky, jemne fliaciky, niektore miesta v knihe su podciarknute ceruzkou / perom, niektore stranky su lepene. Stranky nechybaju. Cena 4,50€ + posta (obyc. 2. tr. 1,30€). 7) Kniha Detske izby: tvorive napady. Inspiracie, ako zariadit detsku izbu. Autor: Cristian Campos. Prekladatel: Milica Matejkova. Rok vydania: 2008. Vydavatelstvo: SLOVART. Pocet stran: 239. Tvrdy obal. Super stav, minimalne pouzivana. Cena 3,50€ + posta (vaha 670g, list do 1kg, obyc. 2. tr. 2€). Prosim, nie SMS (na SMS neodpovedam), kontaktujte ma cez formular pod inzeratom, pri osobnom odbere - telefonicky. Cena + posta podla vahy (1,30€ - 3,10€). Posielam po nabehnuti penazi na ucet. Alebo osobny odber v Bratislave (Dubravka). Na dobierku posielam iba po nabehnuti na ucet sumy postovneho (pri dobierke postovne je drahsie - list do 500g 3,30€; balik do 5kg 4,30€). Inzerat plati do zmazania. Pozrite si kliknutim na meno ostatne moje inzeraty.