inzercia, predaj, predám, bazár

and other stories - strana 16

Počet nájdených inzerátov AND OTHER STORIES : 1000 - strana 16

The Sunday Lunch Club
Juliet Ashton - The Sunday Lunch Club Cena + poštovné (v závislosti od hmotnosti). V prípade záujmu ma kontaktujte prosím cez email. Mám na predaj aj iné knihy - pozrite si moje ďaľšie inzeráty. *** Every few Sundays, Anna and her extended family and friends get together for lunch. They talk, they laugh, they bicker, they eat too much. Sometimes the important stuff is left unsaid, other times it's said in the wrong way. Sitting between her ex-husband and her new lover, Anna is coming to terms with an unexpected pregnancy at the age of forty. Also at the table are her ageing grandmother, her promiscuous sister, her flamboyantly gay brother and a memory too terrible to contemplate. Until, that is, a letter arrives from the person Anna scarred all those years ago. Can Anna reconcile her painful past with her uncertain future?
Prenájom, kancelársky priestor Prešov, 338 m2 - NOVOSTAVBA
Ponúkame na prenájom veľký, vysoko nadštandardný kancelársky priestor v širšom centre mesta o výmere 338 m2. Ucelený priestor v rámci celého jedného tretieho samostatného podlažia pozostáva z dvoch veľkoplošných kancelárií, na ktoré nadväzujú dve menšie samostatné kancelárie. Ďalej sa tam nachádza samostatná rokovacia miestnosť, miestnosť na prípadný samostatný server, kuchynka, toalety a sklad. Všetky kancelárie sú klimatizované, okná majú vonkajšie aj vnútorné žalúzie, v kanceláriách v podlahe je predpríprava na sieťové pripojenie intranetu a telefónu z ústredne (možnosť napojenia na optické vedenie Telekom). Orientácia kancelárií je východ - západ. Na toto tretie poschodie sa dostanete VYŤAHOM. Celý priestor je zároveň BEZBARIÉROVÝ. Priestory sú vhodné pre činnosť administratívnu, projektovú (ako ateliéry), ale aj ako prenájom pre iné voľnočasové aktivity (fitko a pod.), prípadne terapeutické centrum. Je to priestor taktiež vhodný pre expandujúcu slovenskú, alebo zahraničnú spoločnosť, ako centrála, alebo jej filiálka. K priestorom patrí 7 parkovacích miest pred budovou (možnosť dohody) a garáž pre jedno auto. Možnosť doplnkového prenájmu kancelárie na prízemí pri vstupe do budovy. Objekt je napojený na pult centrálnej ochrany. Odporúčam! English version: We offer for rent a large, highly above-standard office space in the wider city center with an area of ??338 m2. The complete space within the entire third separate floor consists of two large offices, which are followed by two smaller separate offices. There is also a separate meeting room, a room for a possible separate server, kitchen, toilets and storage. All offices are air-conditioned, the windows have external and internal blinds, the offices in the floor are pre-prepared for the network connection of the intranet and telephone from the exchange (possibility of connection to the Telekom optical line). The orientation of the offices is east - west. An ELEVATOR takes you to this third floor. The whole space is also BARRIER-FREE. The premises are suitable for administrative, project activities (as studios), but also as rent for other leisure activities (fitness, etc.), or therapeutic center. It is also a space suitable for an expanding Slovak or foreign company, such as headquarters or its branch. The premises include 7 parking spaces in front of the building (possibility of agreement) and a garage for one car. Possibility of additional rental of an office on the ground floor at the entrance to the building. The building is connected to the central security desk. I recommend! Energetická trieda B. Bližšie informácie Vám radi poskytneme na telefónnom čísle alebo na ID ponuky: PO-51683 U NÁS MÁTE ISTOTU: -------------------------------------------------------- - pre vašu bezpečnosť sme členom ZDRUŽENIA REALITNÝCH KANCELÁRIÍ SLOVENSKA - ZRKS - prvotriedny servis a služby po celom Slovensku, dôvera TISÍCOK PREDÁVAJÚCICH - nestra
CD predaj: grunge, rock, metal...
Aktuálne len tituly v texte!: PEARL JAM: Binaural 2000 8€ PEARL JAM: Ten 1992 9€ PEARL JAM: Riot Act 2002 (jzp) 8€ PEARL JAM: Pearl Jam 2006 8€ PEARL JAM: Yield 1998 (unoficial) jzp 3€ ALICE IN CHAINS: Dirt 1992 (jzp) 7€ ALICE IN CHAINS: Spacelift 1990 (jzp) 7€ ALICE IN CHAINS: Alice in Chains 1995 (jzp) 7€ ALICE IN CHAINS: Nothing Safe 1999 (zzp) 5€ ALICE IN CHAINS: Live 2000 (jzp) 7€ JERRY CANTRELL(Alice in Chains): Boggy Depot 1998 9€ GREEN RIVER: Dry as a Bone/Rehab Doll 1990 9€ TEMPLE OF THE DOG: The Same 1991 7€ MOTHER LOVE BONE: The Same 1992 (jzp) 7€ STONE TEMPLE PILOTS: N*4 1999 (jzp) 6€ STONE TEMPLE PILOTS: Shangri La Dee Da 2001 8€ PARADISE LOST: Paradise Lost 2005 8€ PARADISE LOST: Believe in Nothing 2001 8 PARADISE LOST: Host 1999 (jzp) 7€ A PERFECT CIRCLE: Mer de Noms 2000 9€ SYSTEM OF A DOWN: Toxicity 2001 (jzp) 7€ SYSTEM OF A DOWN: Steal this Album! 6€ (jzp) 2002 KORN: Greatest Hits Vol.1 CD/DVD 2004 9€ LIMP BIZKIT: Significant Other 1999 (jzp) 6 LIMP BIZKIT: Maximum Bizkit 2000 7€ LIMP BIZKIT: Chocolate St*rfish and the Hot Dog Flavored Water 2000 6€ LIMP BIZKIT: Three Dollar Bill, Valls 1997 (jzp) 7€ BLACK SABBATH: Past Lives 2CD 2002 11 UNION(J.Corabi,B.Kulick): The Blue Room 1999 (nz) 10€ MEGADETH: Youthanasia 1994 7€ MEGADETH: The World Needs a Hero 2001 (unoficial) 2€ MARILLION: A Singles Collection 1992 8€ VAN HALEN: The Best Of Both Worlds 2CD 2004 9€ RAMMSTEIN: Reise, Reise 2004 8€ RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE: Township Rebellion (Live USA) 1993 jzp 6€ THE CULT: Beyond Good and Evil 2001 7€ THE CULT: Pure Cult 1993 8€ THE BLACK CROWES: The Southern 1992 Harmony and Musical Companion 5€ THE VERVE: Urban Hymns 1997 4€ THE VERVE: The Singles 92-98 2004 4€ VELVET REVOLVER: Contraband 2004 6€ STRAMONIO: Seasons of Imagination 2003 10€ INCUBUS: Morning View 2001 4€ PUDDLE OF MUD: Come Clean 2001 6€ OFFSPRING: Smash 1994 (zzp) 4€ SEX PISTOLS: Filthy Lucre Live 1996 9€ LEFTFIELD: Rhythm and Stealth 1999 5€ PRODIGY: Breathe 1996 4€ RADIOHEAD: OK Computer 1997 4€ jzp- jemné známky používania zzp- značné známky používania
The Sunday Lunch Club
Juliet Ashton - The Sunday Lunch Club Cena + poštovné. V prípade záujmu ma kontaktujte prosím cez email. Ponúkam na predaj aj iné knihy - pozrite si moje ďaľšie inzeráty. *** Every few Sundays, Anna and her extended family and friends get together for lunch. They talk, they laugh, they bicker, they eat too much. Sometimes the important stuff is left unsaid, other times it's said in the wrong way. Sitting between her ex-husband and her new lover, Anna is coming to terms with an unexpected pregnancy at the age of forty. Also at the table are her ageing grandmother, her promiscuous sister, her flamboyantly gay brother and a memory too terrible to contemplate. Until, that is, a letter arrives from the person Anna scarred all those years ago. Can Anna reconcile her painful past with her uncertain future?
Predám -	gitarové kombo EVH 5150 III 2x12
Predám v nepoškodenom stave combo EVH 5150III 2x12: Ukážka - Series: 5150III Amplifier Type: Tube Height: 25" (63.5 cm) Width: 27.5" Depth: 12" (30.4 cm) Weight: 84 lbs Speakers: 2 - Celestion G12M 8 ohm Speakers Output Impedance: 4, 8 or 16 ohms (Selectable) Power Output: Adjustable-50 watts RMS max Down to 1 watt Speaker Jacks: Two Speaker Jacks in Parallel - Internal Speaker System Connected to One. Preamp Tubes: 7 x JJ ECC83 (12AX7) Power Tubes: 2 x JJ 6L6 Inputs: One 1/4" Channels: Three Channels: Clean, Crunch, and Lead Control Knobs: Gain, Low, Mid, High, Volume, Master Presence, Rear Master Resonance, Power Level, Reverb Effects: Built-in DSP Reverb Effects Loop: 1/4" Effects Send and Return Jacks Casters: Included Headphone Jack: 1 Headphone Output Jack - Connection Mutes Power Amp Line Out: Preamp Out Cabinet Material: Custom Shaped Birch with Unique Internal Baffling Handle: Recessed Metal Side and Top Plastic Strap Handles Knobs: Vintage Chicken-Head Pointer Knobs Amp Jewel: Red Footswitch: 4-Button EVH 1/4" Footswitch. Ch1, CH2, CH3, Reverb Cover: Optional Amp Cover Available Other Features: Midi Channel and Reverb Switchable, 50-1 watt Adjustable Power Level, Master Resonance Control
Central Asian Shepherd Puppies
Puppies are from parents with very serious exhibition results. The puppy's mother is the club winner - BOS the most prestigious exhibition for Central Asian Shepherds in Europe - SKÁaRO (180 dogs submitted) in Slovakia, while the male at the same show was the winner of intermedia class 1/14. Both dogs are junior and mature champions of Serbia. For all other information, more pictures and videos of both puppies and parents, please contact via viber or on the face profile of Aca Brad where you can see all our work related to upbringing and the exhibitions we visited.    BEARD'S KENNEL - FCI 7733 Serbia VIBER or WhatsApp
PRENÁJOM (RENT) - 3izbovy Byt, Košice - Terasa, ul. Obrody
Ponúkame na dlhodobý prenájom krásny slnečný 3 izbový byt s veľkou loggiou. Byt je k dispozícii od Februára 2023. Byt je na 9.poschodí (z celkovo 10) na Ulici Obrody v Košiciach. Byt sa nachádza blízko OC Galéria, v blízkosti Medicínskeho centra, Magistrátu mesta, blízko električkových a autobusových zastávok. Do centra to sú iba 4 zastávky, pešo do 15 minút. Byt prenajímame celý, s nábytkom ktorý môžete vidieť na fotkách. V kuchyni sa nachádza kompletné zariadenie - sporák, chladnička, mirkovlnka,hrnce,príbory poháre aj taniere. V obývačke sa nachádza nábytok, police a konferenčný stolík a lampa. Vo vačšej spálni je vstavaná skriňa, a súčasťou bytu je šikovný príručný šatník s policami a tyčami na vešanie kabátov. Vo vstupnej chodbe je skrina na topánky so zrkadlom. Byt je práve čertvo vymaľovaný, je krásne slnečný, orientáciou na západ a sever. Spálne sú neprechodné, obývačka je spojená s kuchyňou. V cene sú zahrnuté všetky poplatky vrátane energií aj internetu a TV s rozsiahlym balíkom programov. Byt je voľný od februára 2023. Požadujeme depozit vo výške 1 mesačného nájmu. AVAILABLE FROM FEBRUARY 2023. We have 3 room appartmment with big loggia for long-term rent. app is situated on a 9.floor, name of a street is Obrody. It lies near Shopping Center Galeria, close to UPJŠ or TUKE Faculty and Hospital, very close to city center - approximately 4 bus stops or 15 minutes walking. Our appartment has 2 bedrooms, living room, kitchen, bathroom and toilet, and closet Kitchen is full equiped, other rooms are as equiped as you can see from photos. Internet and TV fees are included - so price is final per 1 month. Our appartment is sunny, orientated N + W. We requier 1 month deposit.
Acer 24" Predator XB240H Full HD TN Gaming Monitor
Na predaj herny monitor Acer 24" Predator XB240H Full HD TN vo velmi zachovalom stave, bez chyb a poskodenia. Monitor uz nie je v zaruke. Key Features The 1920 x 1080 resolution of the Acer 24" Predator XB240H Full HD TN Gaming Monitor makes it ideal for RPG, FPS, and other games that prioritise immersion and high levels of detail. With its 144Hz refresh rate, this gaming monitor delivers content with reduced motion blur, frame rendering, and input lags. Thanks to its 1ms response time, the Acer Predator Gaming Monitor renders fast-moving actions smoothly without ghosting or smearing. When playing in dark environments, you can use the monitor's low dimming technology to dim the screen to only 15% of brightness. Ideal for heavy monitor users like writers, graphic designers, and programmers, the Predator XB240H Full HD TN Monitor incorporates flicker-less technology.
CD predaj: grunge, rock, metal...
Aktuálne len tituly v texte!: PEARL JAM: Binaural 2000 7€ PEARL JAM: Ten 1992 8€ PEARL JAM: Riot Act 2002 (jzp) 7€ PEARL JAM: Pearl Jam 2006 7€ PEARL JAM: Yield 1998 (unoficial) jzp 3€ ALICE IN CHAINS: Dirt 1992 (jzp) 6€ ALICE IN CHAINS: Spacelift 1990 (jzp) 6€ ALICE IN CHAINS: Alice in Chains 1995 (jzp) 6€ ALICE IN CHAINS: Nothing Safe 1999 (zzp) 5€ ALICE IN CHAINS: Live 2000 (jzp) 6€ JERRY CANTRELL(Alice in Chains): Boggy Depot 1998 8€ GREEN RIVER: Dry as a Bone/Rehab Doll 1990 8€ TEMPLE OF THE DOG: The Same 1991 6€ MOTHER LOVE BONE: The Same 1992 (jzp) 6€ STONE TEMPLE PILOTS: N*4 1999 (jzp) 5€ STONE TEMPLE PILOTS: Shangri La Dee Da 2001 7€ PARADISE LOST: Paradise Lost 2005 7€ PARADISE LOST: Believe in Nothing 2001 7 PARADISE LOST: Host 1999 (jzp) 6€ A PERFECT CIRCLE: Mer de Noms 2000 8€ SYSTEM OF A DOWN: Toxicity 2001 (jzp) 6€ SYSTEM OF A DOWN: Steal this Album! 5€ (jzp) 2002 KORN: Greatest Hits Vol.1 CD/DVD 2004 8€ LIMP BIZKIT: Significant Other 1999 (jzp) 5 LIMP BIZKIT: Maximum Bizkit 2000 6€ LIMP BIZKIT: Chocolate St*rfish and the Hot Dog Flavored Water 2000 5€ LIMP BIZKIT: Three Dollar Bill, Valls 1997 (jzp) 6€ MEGADETH: Youthanasia 1994 6€ MEGADETH: The World Needs a Hero 2001 (unoficial) 2€ MARILLION: A Singles Collection 1992 8€ RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE: Township Rebellion (Live USA) 1993 jzp 6€ THE CULT: Beyond Good and Evil 2001 7€ THE CULT: Pure Cult 1993 7€ THE BLACK CROWES: The Southern 1992 Harmony and Musical Companion 5€ THE VERVE: Urban Hymns 1997 4€ THE VERVE: The Singles 92-98 2004 4€ VELVET REVOLVER: Contraband 2004 6€ STRAMONIO: Seasons of Imagination 2003 9€ INCUBUS: Morning View 2001 4€ PUDDLE OF MUD: Come Clean 2001 5€ OFFSPRING: Smash 1994 (zzp) 3€ SEX PISTOLS: Filthy Lucre Live 1996 9€ LEFTFIELD: Rhythm and Stealth 1999 5€ PRODIGY: Breathe 1996 4€ RADIOHEAD: OK Computer 1997 4€ jzp- jemné známky používania zzp- značné známky používania
Prenájom, kancelársky priestor Prešov, 218 m2 - NOVOSTAVBA
Ponúkame na prenájom veľký, vysoko nadštandardný kancelársky priestor v širšom centre mesta o výmere 338 m2. Ucelený priestor v rámci celého jedného tretieho samostatného podlažia pozostáva z dvoch veľkoplošných kancelárií, na ktoré nadväzujú dve menšie samostatné kancelárie. Ďalej sa tam nachádza samostatná rokovacia miestnosť, miestnosť na prípadný samostatný server, kuchynka, toalety a sklad. Všetky kancelárie sú klimatizované, okná majú vonkajšie aj vnútorné žalúzie, v kanceláriách v podlahe je predpríprava na sieťové pripojenie intranetu a telefónu z ústredne (možnosť napojenia na optické vedenie Telekom). Orientácia kancelárií je východ - západ. Na toto tretie poschodie sa dostanete VYŤAHOM. Celý priestor je zároveň BEZBARIÉROVÝ. Priestory sú vhodné pre činnosť administratívnu, projektovú (ako ateliéry), ale aj ako prenájom pre iné voľnočasové aktivity (fitko a pod.), prípadne terapeutické centrum. Je to priestor taktiež vhodný pre expandujúcu slovenskú, alebo zahraničnú spoločnosť, ako centrála, alebo jej filiálka. K priestorom patrí 7 parkovacích miest pred budovou (možnosť dohody) a garáž pre jedno auto. Možnosť doplnkového prenájmu kancelárie na prízemí pri vstupe do budovy. Objekt je napojený na pult centrálnej ochrany. Odporúčam! English version: We offer for rent a large, highly above-standard office space in the wider city center with an area of ??338 m2. The complete space within the entire third separate floor consists of two large offices, which are followed by two smaller separate offices. There is also a separate meeting room, a room for a possible separate server, kitchen, toilets and storage. All offices are air-conditioned, the windows have external and internal blinds, the offices in the floor are pre-prepared for the network connection of the intranet and telephone from the exchange (possibility of connection to the Telekom optical line). The orientation of the offices is east - west. An ELEVATOR takes you to this third floor. The whole space is also BARRIER-FREE. The premises are suitable for administrative, project activities (as studios), but also as rent for other leisure activities (fitness, etc.), or therapeutic center. It is also a space suitable for an expanding Slovak or foreign company, such as headquarters or its branch. The premises include 7 parking spaces in front of the building (possibility of agreement) and a garage for one car. Possibility of additional rental of an office on the ground floor at the entrance to the building. The building is connected to the central security desk. I recommend! Energetická trieda B. Bližšie informácie Vám radi poskytneme na telefónnom čísle alebo na ID ponuky: PO-51683 U NÁS MÁTE ISTOTU: -------------------------------------------------------- - pre vašu bezpečnosť sme členom ZDRUŽENIA REALITNÝCH KANCELÁRIÍ SLOVENSKA - ZRKS - prvotriedny servis a služby po celom Slovensku, dôvera TISÍCOK PREDÁVAJÚCICH - nestra
ARRI Daylight Compact 6000 Plus HMI Fresnel
Nový, nepoužitý kus. V cene je aj nová, ešte nezaložená 6kW výbojka OSRAM HMI 6000W/SE K dispozícii aj s nepoužitým balastom 6/9 EB. Osobne v BA, pre viac info ma môžete kontaktovať telefonicky, alebo emailom. "ARRI's Daylight Compact 6000 Plus HMI Fresnel is the choice of discerning professionals who need a great deal of light at minimal weight. Its clean modular construction and IP 23 rated weather-resistant design hint at this light's carefully wrought design features. The wire-guarded 16.5" Fresnel lens is part of a hinged swing-away door with integral accessory holders that enables rapid lamp swapping. Front and back focusing knobs make beam adjustments easy regardless of placement and there's a focus position indicator so that you can easily match settings to other lights. The sturdy yoke is fitted with a 1 1/8" stud for stands and accessories with a junior receiver."
Predám BMW F31 316D Sport EfficientDynamics Edition Rv.2014 sivá metalíza najazdených 315 400km. Výbava: 4x el. okná, digitálna klimatizácia, idrive, keyless, navigácia, multifunkčný volant, fólie, elektrické otváranie a zatváranie kufra, voľba jazdných režimov, pdc, dsc, tempomat 2x kľúč atď. Na aute bolo menené pri 310 tisíc km: komplet spojková sada, nové rozvody komplet, predné aj zadné tlmiče, nové predné aj zadné brzdy kotúče aj doštičky, zánovné letné gumy Continental Runflat. Auto má upravený výkon na 105kw. Pri 315 tisíc km menený olej a všetky filtre. STK a EK platné do 6/2024. Auto bolo pravidelne servisované a je v dobrom stave. Cena je 8950eur. Prosím len volať ďakujem. Nereagujem na SMS! Comfort and interior equipment S420 Sun protection glazing S423 Floor mats velours S431 Interior mirror with automatic-dip S465 Through-loading system S481 Sports seat S493 Storage compartment package S4AE Armrest front, retractable S4AT Interior trim finishers black high-gloss S4DN Accent strips, korall-rot matt Multimedia S609 Navigation system Professional S698 Area-Code 2 for DVD S6NH Hands-free system with USB interface S6WA Instrument panel with extended scope Driver assistance and lightning S508 Park Distance Control (PDC) S520 Fog lights S521 Rain sensor S534 Automatic air conditioning S544 Cruise control with brake function S548 Kilometre speedo S563 Light package S5DC Rear-seat headrests, folding Wheels and drive S216 Hydro steering-servotronic S230 Extra package, EU-speciifc S249 Multifunction f steering wheel S255 Sports leather steering wheel S258 Tyres with runflat properties S2A6 BMW LA wheel, double spoke 392 S2PA Locking wheel bolt S2VB Tyre pressure display Environment and safety S322 Comfort access S3AA Roof railing black S854 Language version, French S881 On-board literature, French S8KA Oil service interval 24 mths / 30,000 km S8S3 Automatic locking during starting S8V1 Information plate Other equipment S1CA Selection of COP-relevant vehicles S1CB CO2 equipment S9AA Outer skin protection SA090 90 Ah AGM battery SKLED Leatherette Podobné ako: Audi A3,A4,A6 Ford Focus, Mondeo, Hyundai i30,i40, Kia ceed, Mazda 6, Mercedes Benz trieda C,E, Opel Insignia, Astra, Peugeot 207,307, Renault, Seat Exeo, Leon, Škoda Superb, Octavia, Fabia, Volkswagen Golf, Passat, Volvo V50.... atď Najazdené km: 315402
Charles Dickens: Great Expectations (Penguin Readers: Level
Predám zjednodušenú verziu knihy Great Expectations (Veľké nádeje) od autora: Charles Dickens. Jazyk: angličtina. Simplified version (zjednodušená verzia). Séria Penguin Readers: Level 6. Ako nová. Cena: 5 eur + poštovné (osobne Prešov) Viac o knihe Classic / British English. Pip is a poor orphan whose life is changed forever by two very different meetings – one with an escaped convict and the other with an eccentric old lady and the beautiful girl who lives with her. And who is the mysterious person who leaves him a fortune? Penguin Readers is an ELT graded reader series for learners of English as a foreign language. With carefully adapted text, new illustrations and language learning exercises, the print edition also includes instructions to access supporting material online.
ARRI Daylight Compact 6000 Plus HMI Fresnel
Nový, nepoužitý kus. V cene je aj nová, ešte nezaložená 6kW výbojka OSRAM HMI 6000W/SE K dispozícii aj s nepoužitým balastom 6/9 EB. Osobne v BA, pre viac info ma môžete kontaktovať telefonicky, alebo emailom. "ARRI's Daylight Compact 6000 Plus HMI Fresnel is the choice of discerning professionals who need a great deal of light at minimal weight. Its clean modular construction and IP 23 rated weather-resistant design hint at this light's carefully wrought design features. The wire-guarded 16.5" Fresnel lens is part of a hinged swing-away door with integral accessory holders that enables rapid lamp swapping. Front and back focusing knobs make beam adjustments easy regardless of placement and there's a focus position indicator so that you can easily match settings to other lights. The sturdy yoke is fitted with a 1 1/8" stud for stands and accessories with a junior receiver." Uvedená cena je bez DPH.
Predam cd v stave novyvh kusov. SUPPORT LESBIENS-Medicine man 2cd 10€ SUPPORT LESBIENS-Euphony and other adventures 6€ GUNS N ROSES-Use your illusion I 5€ GUNS N ROSRS-use your illusion II 5€ RAGA AGAINTS THE MACHINE-The battles of Los Angeles 8€ NORAH JONES - Feels like home 5€ KRAFTWERK-Man machine 8€ UFO-The monkey puzzle 10€ VAN HALEN-Women and children first 5€ YES-Tales from topographic oceans 10 € YES-The yes album 5€ AHA-Headlines and deadlines 5€ YNGWIE MALMSTEEN-Fire and ice 7€ TOTO- IV 5€ CARLOS SANTATA-Masers guitar 4€ YES-Magnification 5€ UFO-Essential 5€ OUTKAST-Idlewild 4 € SPARKS-Kimono my house 8€ RADIOHEAD-The bends 5€
CD predaj: grunge, rock, metal...
Aktuálne len tituly v texte!: PEARL JAM: Binaural 2000 7€ PEARL JAM: Riot Act 2002 (jzp) 7€ PEARL JAM: Pearl Jam 2006 7€ PEARL JAM: Yield 1998 (unoficial) jzp 3€ ALICE IN CHAINS: Dirt 1992 (jzp) 6€ ALICE IN CHAINS: Spacelift 1990 (jzp) 6€ ALICE IN CHAINS: Alice in Chains 1995 (jzp) 6€ ALICE IN CHAINS: Nothing Safe 1999 (zzp) 5€ ALICE IN CHAINS: Live 2000 (jzp) 6€ JERRY CANTRELL(Alice in Chains): Boggy Depot 1998 8€ GREEN RIVER: Dry as a Bone/Rehab Doll 1990 8€ TEMPLE OF THE DOG: The Same 1991 6€ MOTHER LOVE BONE: The Same 1992 (jzp) 6€ STONE TEMPLE PILOTS: N*4 1999 (jzp) 5€ STONE TEMPLE PILOTS: Shangri La Dee Da 2001 7€ PARADISE LOST: Faith Divides Us/Death Unites Us 2009 9€ PARADISE LOST: Believe in Nothing 2001 7 A PERFECT CIRCLE: Mer de Noms 2000 8€ SYSTEM OF A DOWN: Toxicity 2001 (jzp) 6€ SYSTEM OF A DOWN: Steal this Album! 5€ (jzp) 2002 KORN: Greatest Hits Vol.1 CD/DVD 2004 8€ LIMP BIZKIT: Significant Other 1999 (jzp) 5 LIMP BIZKIT: Maximum Bizkit 2000 6€ LIMP BIZKIT: Chocolate St*rfish and the Hot Dog Flavored Water 2000 5€ LIMP BIZKIT: Three Dollar Bill, Valls 1997 (jzp) 6€ MEGADETH: Youthanasia 1994 6€ MEGADETH: The World Needs a Hero 2001 (unoficial) 2€ MARILLION: A Singles Collection 1992 8€ RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE: Township Rebellion (Live USA) 1993 jzp 6€ THE CULT: Beyond Good and Evil 2001 7€ THE CULT: Pure Cult 1993 7€ THE BLACK CROWES: The Southern 1992 Harmony and Musical Companion 5€ THE VERVE: Urban Hymns 1997 4€ THE VERVE: The Singles 92-98 2004 4€ VELVET REVOLVER: Contraband 2004 6€ STRAMONIO: Seasons of Imagination 2003 9€ INCUBUS: Morning View 2001 4€ PUDDLE OF MUD: Come Clean 2001 5€ OFFSPRING: Smash 1994 (zzp) 3€ SEX PISTOLS: Filthy Lucre Live 1996 9€ LEFTFIELD: Rhythm and Stealth 1999 5€ PRODIGY: Breathe 1996 4€ RADIOHEAD: OK Computer 1997 4€ jzp- jemné známky používania zzp- značné známky používania
Prenájom rodinného domu na Kĺzavej ulici pod lesom na Kramár
Samostatný 2 podlažný rodinný dom - novostavba priamo pod lesom v tichej lokalite, plocha domu je 270 m, dom je 5 izbový a je zariadený nábytkom vrátane kuchynskej linky so spotrebičmi. Dispozícia domu tvorí: - na prízemí vstupná chodba, šatník, obývačka, samostatná kuchyňa s jedálenskou časťou, kúpeľňa s WC - poschodie domu tvoria 4 spálne a kúpeľňa a samostatné WC K domu patrí terasa a samostatná garáž pre 1 auto + parkovanie priamo pred domom pre druhé auto. K domu patrí menšia záhradka, dom sa nachádza v spoločnom uzatvorenom objekte, kde sú ďalšie dva rodinné domy. Cena 1 700 €/mesiac + energie 300 EUR Separate 2-storey family house - new construction directly under the forest in a quiet location, the house area is 270 m, the house has 5 rooms and is furnished with furniture, including a kitchen unit with appliances. The layout of the house consists of: - on the ground floor, entrance hall, wardrobe, living room, separate kitchen with dining area, bathroom with toilet - the floor of the house consists of 4 bedrooms and a bathroom and a separate toilet The house includes a terrace and a separate garage for 1 car + parking right in front of the house for a second car. The house has a small garden, the house is located in a common closed building where there are two other family houses. Price 1,700 EUR/month + energy 300 EUR
LP Renaissance ‎– 5x
Predam: Renaissance‎– Scheherazade And Other Stories - RVP-6008 - Japan Renaissance ‎– A Song For All Seasons - P-10525W - Japan Renaissance ‎– Renaissance - 87 609 ET - Gremany Renaissance ‎– Illusion - 85 689 ET - Germany Renaissance ‎– Turn Of The Cards - BTM 1000 Stav obalov: VG++;EX Stav platni: VG++;EX Cena: 35/19/15/15/15EUR
First Love and Other Stories (Oxford World´s Classics)
Vo výbornom stave, nepopísaná. Vhodné pre B1 a B2. Celá kniha je v angličtine. Autor: Turgenev Ivan Sergejevič Vydavateľstvo :Oxford University Press Jazyk: čisto anglický Počet strán: 304 Najlepšie osobný odber: sídlisko Ťahanovce KE