ariana grande vonavka thank u next - strana 35
Počet nájdených inzerátov ARIANA GRANDE VONAVKA THANK U NEXT
: 1000 - strana 35

P.o.n.ú.k.a.m n.a p.r.e.d.a.j:
strieborné mince na obrázku. Posielam na dobierku na výdajné miesto Packeta. Poštovné 10€ hradí kupujúci.
Zoznam mincí a ceny sú nasledovné:
Niue Double Dragon 2018 45 €
Niue Rok kozy 2015 40 €
Austrália Rok kozy 2015 Privy lev 48 €
Veľká Británia Rok opice 2016 45 €
Čína Panda 2017 50 €
I sell 1oz silver coin(s) as shown on the photo(s). The coins are encapsulated and kept sealed in vacuum bags. Pure silver. I ship to all European countries. Payment on delivery or in advance (due to your preference). Cost of delivery on demand. I would be happy to answer your questions. Thank you for your interest about my coins.

P.o.n.ú.k.a.m n.a p.r.e.d.a.j:
strieborné mince na obrázku. Posielam na dobierku na výdajné miesto Packeta. Poštovné 10€ hradí kupujúci.
Zoznam mincí a ceny sú nasledovné:
Arménsko Noemova archa 2013 35 €
USA Liberty 2015 35 €
Niue Aténska sova 2018 35 €
Rakúsko Robin Hood 2019 35 €
Austrália Wombat 2021 (prvá minca zo série) 50 €
I sell 1oz silver coin(s) as shown on the photo(s). The coins are encapsulated and kept sealed in vacuum bags. Pure silver. I ship to all European countries. Payment on delivery or in advance (due to your preference). Cost of delivery on demand. I would be happy to answer your questions. Thank you for your interest about my coins.

P.o.n.ú.k.a.m n.a p.r.e.d.a.j:
strieborné mince China Panda, 1 oz. Ročníky 1995, 1997, 1989.
Uvedená cena je za všetky 3 mince. Predám aj jednotlivo. Cena jednotlivo dohodou.
Pošlem na dobierku na výdajné miesto Packeta SK/CZ za príplatok +10€. Ak máte otázku, napíšte.
I sell silver coin(s) as shown on the photo(s). The coin(s) has/have not yet been taken out from the original capsule(s). I keep all coins in vacuum sealed bags. Pure silver. I ship to all European countries. Payment on delivery or in advance (due to your preference). Cost of delivery on demand. I would be happy to answer your questions. Thank you for your interest about my coins.

P.o.n.ú.k.a.m n.a p.r.e.d.a.j:
mincu Algorithm 2oz 2022 od LeGrand Mint.
2 Oz Silver Coin 5$ Niue 2022. Minca je ešte zapečatená a mnou vákuovo zabalená. Mimoriadne nízky náklad len 333 kusov. Posielam na dobierku na výdajné miesto Packeta kdekoľvek v SR/CR do 4-8 dní. Poštovné 10€ hradí kupujúci.
I sell 2oz silver coin(s) as shown on the photo(s). The coins are encapsulated and kept sealed in vacuum bags. Pure silver. I ship to all European countries. Payment on delivery or in advance (due to your preference). Cost of delivery on demand. I would be happy to answer your questions. Thank you for your interest about my coins.

P.o.n.ú.k.a.m n.a p.r.e.d.a.j:
mincu Liberty 2022 Fortress, 2oz, od LeGrand Mint. Minca je ešte zapečatená a mnou vákuovo zabalená. Mimoriadne nízky náklad len 333 kusov. Posielam na dobierku na výdajné miesto Packeta kdekoľvek v SR/CR do 4-8 dní. Poštovné 10€ hradí kupujúci.
I sell 2oz silver coin(s) as shown on the photo(s). The coins are encapsulated and kept sealed in vacuum bags. Pure silver. I ship to all European countries. Payment on delivery or in advance (due to your preference). Cost of delivery on demand. I would be happy to answer your questions. Thank you for your interest about my coins.

P.o.n.ú.k.a.m n.a p.r.e.d.a.j:
2 jednouncové strieborné mince v top stave. Posielam na dobierku na výdajné miesto Packeta kdekoľvek v SR/CR do 4-8 dní. Poštovné 10€ hradí kupujúci.
I sell 2x 1oz silver coin(s) as shown on the photo(s). The coins are encapsulated and kept sealed in vacuum bags. Pure silver. I ship to all European countries. Payment on delivery or in advance (due to your preference). Cost of delivery on demand. I would be happy to answer your questions. Thank you for your interest about my coins.

Ponúkam do prenájmu 2-izbový zariadený byt v tesnej blízkosti starej nemocnice (Univerzitná nemocnica Louisa Pasteura – UN LP KE). Pešia dostupnosť do centra mesta je max. 10 minút. Výhodou je aj blízkosť jednotlivých Business centier, či už Aupark, Štúrova alebo Moldavská. V blízkosti sa taktiež nachádzajú obchody ale aj obchodné centrá. Byt prešiel rekonštrukciou a k dispozícií je nová kúpeľňa a sanita, ako aj dostatok úložného priestoru, či vybavenosť kuchyne.
Cena prenájmu: 530 EUR /mesiac vrátane energií a optického internetu.
Depozit vo výške mesačného nájmu, t.j.: 530 EUR.
Dostupnosť od 1.1.2023.
Poprosím serióznych záujemcov, preferovane tých, ktorí hľadajú dlhodobý podnájom, aby ma kontaktovali, či už e-mailom alebo telefonicky. Cena je možná aj po dohode. Ďakujem.
I offer a 1 bedroom and 1 living room (possible to use as a second bedroom) furnished apartment near old hospital (Louis Pasteur University Hospital - UN LP KE) for rent. Walking distance to the city center is max. 10 minutes. The advantage is also the nearness of individual Business Centers like Aupark, Štúrova or Moldavská. Shops and shopping centers are nearby too. The apartment has been renovated and there is a new bathroom and sanitary facilities, as well as plenty of storage space, or kitchen equipment.
Rental price: 530 EUR/month including utilities and optical internet.
Deposit in the amount of the monthly rent, i.e.: 530 EUR.
Availability from 1/1/2023
I would like to ask serious candidates, preferably those who are looking for long-term rentals, to contact me, either by email or by phone. Price is possible also by agreement. Thank you.

P.o.n.ú.k.a.m n.a p.r.e.d.a.j:
strieborné mince zo série britské hudobné legendy - The Who, Queen, David Bowie, Elton John. Mince sa predávajú iba komplet spolu so štýlovými kapsulami quadrum. Posielam na dobierku na výdajné miesto Packeta kdekoľvek v SR/CR do 4-8 dní. Poštovné 10€ hradí kupujúci.
I sell 4x 1oz silver coin(s) as shown on the photo(s). The coins are encapsulated and kept sealed in vacuum bags. Pure silver. I ship to all European countries. Payment on delivery or in advance (due to your preference). Cost of delivery on demand. I would be happy to answer your questions. Thank you for your interest about my coins.

P.o.n.ú.k.a.m n.a p.r.e.d.a.j:
sériu strieborných mincí čínska panda. Každá minca váži 1 unciu cca. 31,1g resp. 30g (od r. 2016). Celkom cca. 1.175g striebra. Mince sú v originálnych kapsulách, vákuovo balené.
Pošlem na dobierku s poistením (viacero balíkov, 700€ na balík). Osobný odber na Slovensku alebo v Česku po dohode.
I sell silver panda coins, 10 yuan, material silver (1 troy ounce or 30g since 2016). The coins are in very good condition without tarnish or scratches. The coins have not yet been taken out from the original capsules. I keep all coins in vacuum sealed bags. Pure silver. I ship to all European countries. Payment on delivery or in advance (due to your preference). Cost of delivery on demand. I would be happy to answer your questions. Thank you for your interest about my coins.

P.o.n.ú.k.a.m n.a p.r.e.d.a.j:
zberatelsku mincu Kamerun 3000 Francs 2021, Kama Sutra III, Moments of Love.
Vaha: 93.3 g
Material: Striebro 99,90%
Priemer: 55 mm
Razba: 500 ks (!)
Stav: uplne nova v dekorativnej krabicke a kapsule. Prevedenie proof s antique finish, high relief, digital printing. Kvalitna zaoblena kapsula a luxusne balenie dodavaju minci exkluzivny charakter.
Minca je velmi atraktivna, luxusne balena a urcite potesi srdce kazdeho zberatela a znalca minci.
Poslem na dobierku na vydajne miesto Packeta alebo na adresu za doplatok +15€. V pripade otazok mi napiste spravu.
I sell silver coin(s) as shown on the photo(s). The coin(s) has/have not yet been taken out from the original capsule(s). I keep all coins in vacuum sealed bags. Pure silver. I ship to all European countries. Payment on delivery or in advance (due to your preference). Cost of delivery on demand. I would be happy to answer your questions. Thank you for your interest about my coins.

P.o.n.ú.k.a.m n.a p.r.e.d.a.j:
zberatelsku mincu Kamerun 3000 Francs 2021, Kama Sutra II, Moments of Love.
Vaha: 93.3 g
Material: Striebro 99,90%
Priemer: 55 mm
Razba: 500 ks (!)
Stav: uplne nova v dekorativnej krabicke a kapsule, vakuovo balena. Prevedenie proof, high relief a dugital printing. Kvalitna zaoblena kapsula a luxusne balenie dodavaju minci exkluzivny charakter.
Minca je velmi atraktivna, luxusne balena a urcite potesi srdce kazdeho zberatela a znalca minci.
Poslem na dobierku na vydajne miesto Packeta alebo na adresu za doplatok +15€. V pripade otazok mi napiste spravu.
I sell silver coin(s) as shown on the photo(s). The coin(s) has/have not yet been taken out from the original capsule(s). I keep all coins in vacuum sealed bags. Pure silver. I ship to all European countries. Payment on delivery or in advance (due to your preference). Cost of delivery on demand. I would be happy to answer your questions. Thank you for your interest about my coins.

P.o.n.ú.k.a.m n.a p.r.e.d.a.j:
striebornu mincu Lunar II, Year of the Ox, 2021, 2oz, Ag 9999, farebne prevedenie. Minca sa vyznacuje kvalitnou razbou (Perth Mint) a je naozaj pekna a hodnotna ako zberatelsky kusok alebo investicia.
Cena za dobierku na vydajne miesto packeta alebo k Vam domov +15€.
I sell to all EU countries by cash on delivery (). I have multiple complete series of these valuable coins. If you have questions, please leave a message. Thank you.

Kazde CD je original.
Posielam dobierkou.
Cena 10e za CD
Kontakt iba mail.
audioslave - out of exile
praet rain
rage - reflections of shadow
liege lord - burn to my touch
alice cooper - dragon town
jack panzer - the fourth judgement
fire down under riot
metalium - stage of trumph
saxon - unleash the beast
centvrion - arise of the ampire
symphony x - paradise lost
symphony x - twilight in olympus
voice prediction
iomim fused
slaughter - revolution
liquid monster
jack panzer - chain of commann
jack panzer - casting the stones
jack panzer - dessident alliance
dianno - nomad
ufo - sharks
antithesis - dying fo life
pegazus - wings of destiny
weinhold - bellow the line
holy mother - my world war
slaughter - stick into it to ya
porta - infery
another world
edguy - kingdom of maddness
hammer heroes
firewind - forge by fire
pain - dancing with death
virgin stell - the mariage of heaven and hell part 1
sleeping gods - new sensation
the eyes of alice cooper - brutal planet
zandelle - twilight on humanity
guns n roses - chinese democrasy
squealer - made of eternity
slaughter - fear no evil
hollow - modern cathedral
anwill - pound for pound
elegy - manifestation of fear
holy mother - toxic rain
gillian ian
glenn hughes - joe lin turner
ufo - you are here
warior - the code of life
primal - fear
virgin stelle - the mariage of heavea and hell part 2
rage - unity
zandelle - vengeance rising
doctor butcher
leather - shock waves
molly hatchet - wariors of the rainbow bridge
dragon lord - black wings of destiny
the wariors - war is hell
chastain - in an outrage
judas priest - screaming for vengeance
judas priest - nostradamus
halford - crucible
slaughter - back to reality
hell star - burning star
rage - end of all days
metal church - the wait of the world
mistyc prophercy - fireangel
blaze - two originals of blaze
tarantula - chemomarsh
ozzy osbourne - black rain
damage plan - new found power
defenestration - one inch God
halford - resurection
slaughter - the wild life
never more - the politist of estasy
power God - evolution part 2
power God - nemesis
holy mother - criminal after life
badlands - wodoo hihgway
12 stones
agent steel - order of the iluminaty
never more - this Godless endeavour
jack panzer - the age of mastery
rage - reflection of shadow
celtic frost - monohtheyst
ufo - covenant
over kill - kill box 13
retarted fish - u have one unheard message
rage - sound chaser
metal church - master piece
jack panzer - thank to throne
icedearth - something wicked this way comes
never more - enemies of reality
never more - deathheart in dead world
destiny end - breed deep the dark
ian parrys - consortium project
burning s

1 bedroom apartment for rent in Nitra Cerman,
on a very popular Potravinarska street, new building with balcony, 2nd floor.
5mins drive to motorway R1
1mins grocery shop
5mins public transport stop
10mins walk to gym
Free parking in front of the house
The apartment is fully equipped - smart tv, air condition, dishwasher, washing machine, furniture as you can see on the pictures, wifi connection etc.
In the hall huge rolldor wardrobe, another wardrobe in the bedroom.
The price 600EUR monthly including all bills (water, electricity, gas, internet etc)
1 month deposit and 1 month rent payable before moving in.
Preferably 1 or 2 woking adults.
Viewing and moving in possible after 17th December.
Please feel free to call if you are interested
Thank you

Predám za symbolické sumy
Hnedé srdiečka 169ks
Zlaté srdiečka 103ks
Nadpis Thank you 100ks
Kontakt: ondkaninovad@

Nálepky srdce 2€
Nalepky thank u - 2€
Vlajka 1€
Rekvizity na fotenie - 5€
Ekalyptove srdce 10€
Veľké ruze 10ks - 2€
Make ruze 15ks 1€
Konvalinky 2e
Eukalyptove listy a ruskus 10ks 2e

Ahojte, predavam saty, kosele, mikiny a rifle. Oblecenie je v dobrom stave len ho uz nepouzivam. Cena €35 za vsetko alebo 10€ saty s kratkym rukavom, 10€ saty s dlhym rukavom, kosele obe 6€, mikiny 10€ obe, rifle 7€.
Hi, I’m selling dresses, blouses, jumpers and jeans. The clothes are in good condition, I just don’t wear them anymore. All together for €35 otherwise 10€ per dress, 6€ for blouses, jumpers €10 and jeans 7€
Thank you.

Ahojte, predavam oblecenie znacky Orsay a Reserved. Malo pouzivane. Velkost 38 (M).
Osobny odber. Cena €60 dokopy za vsetko, alebo 20€ za kostym, saty €15, overal €15.
Hi, selling some of my clothes from Orsay and Reserved. The clothes are in a really good condition due to low usage. Size 38(M). Pick up in person only. The price is €60 for everything together or 20€ for the costumes and 15€ for the dresses. Thank you.

2 jednouncové strieborné mince v top stave. Posielam na výdajné miesto . Poštovné +10€.
I sell 2x 1oz silver coin(s) as shown on the photo(s). The coins are encapsulated and kept sealed in vacuum bags. Pure silver. I ship to all European countries. Payment on delivery or in advance (due to your preference). Cost of delivery on demand. I would be happy to answer your questions. Thank you for your interest about my coins.

P r e d á m:
strieborné mince zo série britské hudobné legendy - The Who, Queen, David Bowie, Elton John. Mince sa predávajú iba komplet spolu so štýlovými kapsulami quadrum. Posielam na dobierku na výdajné miesto Packeta kdekoľvek v SR/CR do 4-8 dní. Poštovné 10€ hradí kupujúci.
I sell 4x 1oz silver coin(s) as shown on the photo(s). The coins are encapsulated and kept sealed in vacuum bags. Pure silver. I ship to all European countries. Payment on delivery or in advance (due to your preference). Cost of delivery on demand. I would be happy to answer your questions. Thank you for your interest about my coins.