author stratos - strana 42
Počet nájdených inzerátov AUTHOR STRATOS
: 1000 - strana 42

Prodám staré "původní" modely autíček z 80. let od firmy Bburago (většina Made in Italy) v měřítku 1:43, konkrétně např. modely Lancia Stratos, Chevrolet Corvette, mnoho typů Ferrari, MCA Centenaire a další. Stav viz foto. V případě zájmu mohu zaslat podrobnější fotografie jednotlivých modelů mailem. Budu rád, pokud cenu nabídnete rovněž mailem. Mohu nabídnout i mnoho modelů Matchbox, Corgi Toys, Corgi Juniors, Schuco, Mebetoys, Norev, Pilen, Baravelli, Efsi, Maisto, Majorette, Polistil, Politoys, Penny, Mira, Playart, Yatming apod. (konkrétní modely dotazujte). Koukněte i na mé další inzeráty, kde nabízím mnoho podobných modelů. Děkuji

Ponúkam tieto autíčka rôznych výrobcov. Stav rôzny, viď foto. V prípade záujmu pošlem viac foto. Jedná sa o:
PLAYART - Fire Tender
PLAYART - Fire Truck
PLAYAER - Skip Truck
ROAD TOUGH - Ford Thunderbird 1:43, naťahovací mechanizmus
SUMMER - Lancia Stratos
SUMMER - Porsche 935
YATMING - Ford Wagon
YATMING - Porsche Targa
YATMING - Saab Sonet
ZYLMEX - Volkswagen Beetle
ZYLMEX - ???
2x čina formula a Porsche - naťahovací mechanizmus
Posielam 2. triedou doporučene prípadne Packet po pripísaní peňazí na účet. Na DOBIERKU z dlhodobých negatívnych skúseností nezasielam, možné aj osobné stretnutie. Viď moje hodnotenia.

Ponukam na predaj zberatelske modely. V pripade zaujmu poprosim spravu, pripadne ma kontaktujte telefonicky. Na SMS nebudem reagovat. Mozete taktiez pozriet vsetky moje inzeraty, kde je toho dost. Dakujem pekne.
1. Lancia 037 Sicilia 1983 Targa Florio Winner, Cunico, Bartolich #24 (Kyosho) - 210 Eur
2. Lancia 037 Monte Carlo 1983, W. Rohrl/Ch. Geistdorfer #1 (Kyosho, Martini, night race) - 210 Eur
3. Lancia 037 Monza International Winner 1984, A. Bettega/M. Perissinot #1 (Kyosho, Martini) - 240 Eur
4. Lancia 037 Monte Carlo 1985 H. Toivonen/J. Piironen #4 (Kyosho, Martini) - 270 Eur
5. Lancia Stratos HF Rally '77 Monte Carlo #1 (Kyosho) - 200 Eur

predam zberatelske modely.
Vyrobca WHITEBOX. Mierka 1:24.
Modely su nove!!!
Zdokumentovane za pomoci realnych fotiek!!!
Balenie model na podstavci v original papierovej krabici.
Lancia Stratos HF, svetlozelená, 1975
Opel Monza A2 GSE, strieborná, 1983 (Predné dvere otvárateľné)
CENA za kus 25,95 Euro
Pre blizsie info napiste spravu.
Na vyziadanie viem zaslat viacej fotodokumentacie.
Moznost dorucenie aj cez Zasielkovnu / Packeta.

Predám kompletnú sadu kolies na Škodu Superb III (alebo VW Arteon, VW Passat).
Disky originál strieborné Škoda ANTARES 18" 8,0Jx18", ET44, rozteč 5x112 mm (3V0071498J 8Z8). Nie sú oškreté, buchnuté ani inak poškodené.
Obuté sú špičkové letné pneumatiky Bridgestone Turanza T005 v rozmere 235/45 R18 94W. Podľa štítku spotreba A, jazda na vode B, hlučnosť B (71 dB), v testoch jeden z top modelov letných pneumatík.
Jedná sa o obutie z nového auta, jazdené necelú sezónu (5,5 mesiaca), presne 8685 km. Fotky, hĺbky dezénov a presné DOT číslo dodám neskôr, ale ten DOT bude z konca roku 2021 alebo začiatok 2022.
Kolesá boli pred zimou vyvážené, kompletne očistené, označené, jednotlivo zabalené a uchované vo vykurovanej garáži. Stačí ich dať na auto a môže sa jazdiť.
Dôvod predaja: na zimu som kúpil celoročné obutie a z dôvodu pomerne malého kilometrového nájazdu ich nechávam obuté aj na leto.
Cena novej sady bez dopravy, bez obutia a bez vyváženia vychádza na 1570 € alebo viac (podľa toho kde kúpite pneumatiky). Inzerát je platný do zmazania. V prípade rýchleho jednania dohoda možná.
//-- Triton 17" Zenith 18" Cassiopeia 18" Supernova 19" Canopus 19" Sirius 19" Stratos 17" Modus 18" Trinity 19" Pegasus 18" Markab 17" Cepeus 19" Vela 18" Hermes 16" Acamar 19" Orion 16" Vega 19" --//

Predám nabožensku literatúru:
Karg, Kassian (Author), Cap, O. M. Malé tajomstvo vydaná: Trnava : Posol B. Srdca, 1932. Edícia: Katolícke spisy číslo 20, cena 12 €, 56 strán
Kateri Tekakwitha lalia mohawkov 1946, 111 strán, cena 7 €
Izidor Štefík Tajomstvo šťastia, Vydavateľ: Posol Trnava, Rok vydania: 1941, cena 7 €
Nová zmluva obrázková biblia, 1991, cena 5 €
A. Kliman Kristus a dnešný človek, Vydavateľ: Spolok Sv. Vojtecha, Rok vydania: 1934, cena 25 €
Modlitby Pánových svedkov, rok 1970 cena 8 €

Predám horský bicykel pre dospelých striebornej farby zn. Author. Veľkosť kolies 26, s prehadzovačkou (7x3 prevody), odpružená vidlica. 80 € (Piešťany, ivcotravel@, )

Predam Juniorsky cestny bicykel Madison.
Hlinikovy ram o velkosti 15. Velkost kolies 22 palcov. Sportove sedlo. 15 rychlosti 3x5 . Shimano prehadzovacky.

Salman Rushdie - Quichotte. Je ako nová.
Cena + poštovné. V prípade záujmu ma kontaktujte prosím cez email.
Ponúkam na predaj aj iné knihy - pozrite si moje ďaľšie inzeráty.
In a tour-de-force that is a modern masterpiece about the quest for love and family, Booker Prize-winning, internationally bestselling author Salman Rushdie has created a dazzling Don Quixote for the modern age. Inspired by the Cervantes classic, Sam DuChamp, mediocre writer of spy thrillers, creates Quichotte, a courtly, addled salesman obsessed with television, who falls in impossible love with the TV star Salman R. Together with his (imaginary) son Sancho, Quichotte sets off on a picaresque quest across America to prove worthy of her hand, gallantly braving the tragicomic perils of an age where 'Anything-Can-Happen'. Meanwhile his creator, in a midlife crisis, has equally urgent challenges of his own. Just as Cervantes wrote Don Quixote to satirize the culture of his time, Rushdie takes the reader on a wild ride through a country on the verge of moral and spiritual collapse, with the kind of storytelling magic that is the hallmark of his work. The fully realized lives of DuChamp and Quichotte intertwine in a profoundly human quest for love and a wickedly entertaining portrait of an age in which fact is so often indiscernible from fiction.

Tim Marshall - Prisoners of Geography
Cena + poštovné. V prípade záujmu ma kontaktujte prosím cez email.
Ponúkam na predaj aj iné knihy - pozrite si moje ďaľšie inzeráty.
All leaders are constrained by geography. Their choices are limited by mountains, rivers, seas and concrete. Yes, to follow world events you need to understand people, ideas and movements - but if you don't know geography, you'll never have the full picture. If you've ever wondered why Putin is so obsessed with Crimea, why the USA was destined to become a global superpower, or why China's power base continues to expand ever outwards, the answers are all here. In ten chapters (covering Russia; China; the USA; Latin America; the Middle East; Africa; India and Pakistan; Europe; Japan and Korea; and the Arctic), using maps, essays and occasionally the personal experiences of the widely travelled author, Prisoners of Geography looks at the past, present and future to offer an essential insight into one of the major factors that determines world history. It's time to put the 'geo' back into geopolitics.

Predám nepoužitý, zabalený držiak svetla, cyklopočítača, prípadne iných zariadení na riadidlá. Zariadenia potom nezavadzajú na baranoch. Nerozbalené v originálnej fólii.
Len osobný odber. Dovoz do vybraných častí západného a stredného Slovenska možný.
Prosím, neposielajte SMS.

Predam cestný bicykel vystavaný vo vybornom stave a po servise .
RÁM MATRIX WHIRLWIND RS 105-Duralový ,váha komplet 9kg.
SADA SHIMANO TIAGRA (7 rýchlostná kazeta)
KOLESA HLINÍKOVÉ REMAX S OSKAMI SHIMANO 600(čisto nove plášte Michelin)
1.TRETRY SHIMANO RO88 vel.43 (ideálne sedia na nohe 9a stav 9/10
2.Fľaša NOVÁ
3.Duša x 2
4.Omotavacia páska x 2 čierna a červená NOVÁ
5.Author pedále
7.Cyklocomputer Sigma
8.Podsedadlova brasna
Dôvod predaja upgrade na vyšší level.
Kontakt len e mail a následne aj telefonicky.

Predam knihu Kardashian Dynasty - Ian Halperin
New York Times bestselling author and investigator Ian Halperin pulls back the curtain on America’s notorious Kardashian family – exposing their shaky foundation for fame – one shocking revelation at a time.
The Kardashians and Jenners have taken the world by storm, collectively rising to superfame after making their reality show debut on E! with Keeping Up with the Kardashians in 2007. Since then, their family life has remained a constant circus of tabloid headlines, red carpet appearances, branding deals, reality shows and their spinoffs, and a slew of media coverage. As revered and polarizing as royalty, the Kardashians have stolen the celebrity spotlight – and they show no signs of giving it up.
And yet, amidst their mega success, the Kardashians have faced a firestorm of negative publicity over the years: particularly over Kris Jenner’s role in the family. As matriarch and momager of the Kardashian clan, Kris has been accused of exploiting her children for fame and money and playing the media like a deck of cards.
Based on extensive research, Ian Halperin delivers the salacious details behind the Kardashians’ rise to fame. With revelations exposing the family’s foundation as shaky at best and scandalous at worst, Halperin provides an unparalleled glimpse into the events and scandals that have propelled the Kardashians to worldwide celebrity, for better or worse.

Predam bicykel Author Gang mtb velkost ramu 13. Kolesa 24 kotucove kapalinove brzdy shimano.Predny kotuc novy rozmer 180mm. Nova zadna guma Schwalba predna Kendo. Meneny stred. Predna vydla SR Suntour. Nova retaz. Poprad cena:350eur. Tel.

Predam pansky horsky bicykel Kellys. Bicykel je nevyužívany, takze stav je ako novy, najazdene cca 200 km.
Velkost je Mko na výsku 167 až 179cm. Je ho mozne vyuzit aj ako damsky nakolko na ňom jazdila žena.
K bicyklu je servisna knižka, blocek a este zaruka. Mozne pouzit aj ako damsky.
Vidlica: Suntour XCM, uzamykatelna 100 mm
Kolesa 27.5
Brzdy hydraulicke
Prosim iba važna zaujem.
Rovnaky ako ctm, dema, author, rockmachine

Detský bicykel + prilba
Freestylový bicykel model: AGANG AUTHOR PIMP 2.0 + prilba HLMT 5, žltá 55-58 Uvex - presne k tomu určená.
Bicykel má čierno žlté prevedenie - dá sa vidieť v prílohe. Je určený na freestylové jazdenie, ale aj bežné pre menšie deti do 12 rokov. Zároveň k tomu je presne určená prilba. Okrem zobrazenej ceny za bicykel a prilbu + poštovné ak nie pri osobnom odbere.

Vertec 99eur
Author 149cena bez kolies s kolesami +50eur
Celo Karbonovy Cube litening Campagnolo Record Titanium-990 eur
Cena bez kolies 990eur + Kolesa na foto 249 eur alebo shimano kolesa+99eur

Predam novu osku na cirkular 20 e , Demižon 10 e , Otočny hrot č. 5 15/e , Mazacie lisy nove 10/e/ks , Palivove filtre nove 10/e/ks , Zatka chladiča 5/e , Nove podadavacie čerpadlo paliva BOSCH 20/E , Bicykel AUTHOR 50/E , Nabijačku na elektro
bicykel 42 V 35 E Dotazy meilom

Yuval Noah Harari - Homo Deus
Cena + poštovné. V prípade záujmu ma kontaktujte prosím cez email.
Ponúkam na predaj aj iné knihy - pozrite si moje ďaľšie inzeráty
Yuval Noah Harari, author of the critically-acclaimed New York Times bestseller and international phenomenon Sapiens, returns with an equally original, compelling, and provocative book, turning his focus toward humanity’s future, and our quest to upgrade humans into gods.
Over the past century humankind has managed to do the impossible and rein in famine, plague, and war. This may seem hard to accept, but, as Harari explains in his trademark style—thorough, yet riveting—famine, plague and war have been transformed from incomprehensible and uncontrollable forces of nature into manageable challenges. For the first time ever, more people die from eating too much than from eating too little; more people die from old age than from infectious diseases; and more people commit suicide than are killed by soldiers, terrorists and criminals put together. The average American is a thousand times more likely to die from binging at McDonalds than from being blown up by Al Qaeda.
What then will replace famine, plague, and war at the top of the human agenda? As the self-made gods of planet earth, what destinies will we set ourselves, and which quests will we undertake? Homo Deus explores the projects, dreams and nightmares that will shape the twenty-first century—from overcoming death to creating artificial life. It asks the fundamental questions: Where do we go from here? And how will we protect this fragile world from our own destructive powers? This is the next stage of evolution. This is Homo Deus. With the same insight and clarity that made Sapiens an international hit and a New York Times bestseller, Harari maps out our future.