batman maska - strana 17
Počet nájdených inzerátov BATMAN MASKA
: 1000 - strana 17

Predám auto Batman hot wheels monster truck.
Výška je 15 cm a dĺžka 16 cm.
Osobný odber Ba 5 v prípade záujmu poštou plus poštovné.
Cena je 15 eur

Ponúkam na predaj sochu/figúrku
Batman The Dark Knight
Premium Format™ Figure by Sideshow Collectibles vo veľkosti 1/4.
Stav: Vynikajúci (bez poškodenia)
Veľkosť sochy:
Výška: 50,8cm
Šírka: 27,9cm
Hĺbka: 30,5cm
Hmotnosť: 6,8 kg
Veľkosť krabice
Výška: 40,6 cm
Šírka: 45,7cm
Hĺbka: 53,3 cm
Váha zásielky: 7,7 kg
K soche mám obe pôvodne krabice.
Cena: 600€ (je možné dohodnúť sa aj na splátkach)
Posielam aj poštou.
V prípade záujmu alebo nejakých otázok ma kontaktujte cez E-mail.
Pozri ďalšie moje inzeráty.

Predám LEGO Batman Movie 70903 Hádankár a jeho vozidlo Riddle RacerRiddle Racer.
Lego je v 100 %stave, bez poškodenia.
Súčasťou je samozrejme originál krabica a návod na skladanie.

Predám nový detský kostým Batman ktorý má svaly ako veľký hrdina.
Svaly sú na rukách aj bruchu.
Balenie obsahuje overal, ktorý je z elastického materiálu takže sa prispôsobí postavičke a masku z PVC + plášť na šnúrku
veľkosť S (3 - 4 rokov) dĺžka overalu 100 cm na výšku 95-115 cm
veľkosť M (5 - 6 rokov) dĺžka overalu 112 cm na výšku 115-125 cm
veľkosť L (7 - 8 rokov) dĺžka overalu 117 cm na výšku 125-130 cm
cena 27,00 + pošta
v ponuke mám aj kostýmky: Spiderman, Hulk, Thor, Iron man, Kapitán Amerika...
možný je aj osobný odber v BAII
poštovné je po úhrade na účet 2,30 alebo dobierka 3,50

Predam pouzivane Lego Batman Movie 70908 Scuttler.
Komplet balenie 775 dielikov.
Ponukam aj ine Lega.
Osobny odber PK alebo poslem na postu, resp. adresu.

Na predaj komplet lego s krabicou, návodom a panáčikmi - LEGO Batman Movie 70902 Catwoman a naháňačka na Catcycle.
Trošku poškrabané okno
Osobne BA4 - Karlova Ves, prípadne poštou

Predám sadu akčných postavičiek Batman Vs Azrael armor z DC multiverse s doplnkami od McFarlane. Figurky su v orig. obale. Balenie je kompletne až na 3 meče ktoré chýbaju, tie nemám.
Na dobierku neposielam.
Uprednostnujem platbu na ucet predom. Zasielky podavam elektronicky a nasledne po obdrzani platby odnasam na poštu. Zasielky posielam so sledovacim čislom, ktore vam pošlem.
(action figure, akčná figúrka, postavička)

Na predaj su Captain America, Ironman, Spiderman, Batman, Superman.
Velkost 30 cm
Cena je 10 eur za kus
![[TOP] Hry na Playstation 3 (2+1 ZDARMA)](
▲ marko.inzeraty@
Ponúkam na predaj originálne hry pre Playstation 3.
Ideálny typ na vianočný darček? Spoločná zábava s hrou.
Hrou ako darček na Vianoce nič nepokazíte!
■ AKCIA 2+1 hra (do 7€) zadarmo ■
■ AKCIA 2+1 hra (do 7€) zadarmo ■
■ AKCIA 2+1 hra (do 7€) zadarmo ■
Ponúkam na predaj všetky žánre:
Detské, tanečné, športové, závodné (pretekárske – autá, motorky), akčné, strieľačky, bitkárske, dobrodružné, hry pre dvoch a viacerých hráčov, hry pre chlapcov a dievčatá
Zoznam hier, ktoré ponúkam:
Assassin Creed, After Hours, Army of Two, Anarchy Reigns, Alien Isolation
Battlefield, Beyond Two Souls, Band Hero, Batman, Borderlands, Brothers in Arms, Blazing Angels, Burnout Paradise
Call of Duty, Call of Juarez, Colin McRae Dirt, Crysis
Doom, Devil May Cry, Dishonored, Driver San Francisco, Dead Island, DJ Hero, Dungeon Siege, Diablo, Dragon Age, Disney – UP / Cars / Epic Mickey, Duke Nukem, Darksiders, Dead Rising, Def Jam, Deus Ex, Dynasty Warriors, Dance, Dead Space
FIFA, Far Cry, F1 (Formula), Farming Simulator, Fallout, Final Fantasy, Fast and Furious, Fight Night
Gran Turismo, Grand Theft Auto (GTA), God of War, Guitar Hero, Grid
Harry Potter, Heavy Rain, Heavy Fire, Homefront
Just Dance, Just Cause, Journey
Killzone, Kingdoms of Amalur, Kane and Lynch
LEGO – Marvel / Star Wars / Batman / Movie, Lost Planet, Lair, Little Big Planet
Minecraft, Midnight Club, Medal of Honor, Motorstorm, Mafia 2, Mindjack, Mass Effect, Mirror Edge, Madden NFL, MotoGP, Mercenaries, Metal Gear, Move Fitness, Modnation Racers
NBA, NHL, Need for Speed, Naruto Shippuden
Operation Flashpoint, Overlord
Pro Evolution Soccer, Payday, Pure Football, Prototype, Plants vs Zombies, Prince of Persia
Ratchet and Clank, Red Dead Redemption, Resistance, Resident Evil, Red Faction, Ridge Racer, Rocksmith, Remember Me, Rocket Sports
Spiderman, Silent Hill, Singstar, Shadow of Colossus, Saints Row, Sniper Ghost Warrior, Skate, Sacred, Superbike, Shrek, Skylanders, Sports Champions, SEGA
The Godfather, The Last of Us, The Walking Dead, The Lord of The Rings, The Fight, The Orange Box, The Evil Within, The Club, The Darkness, Tomb Raider, Turning Point, Top Spin, Turok, Time Crisis, Test Drive, Transformers, Tiger Woods, Tom Clancy – Splinter Cell / HAWX / Endwar / Ghost Recon / Rainbow Six
Uncharted, Unreal Tournament, UFC Trainer
Virtua Tennis
Watch Dogs, Wonderbook, Warhammer
XCOM, Yakuza, Zum

Značkové pánske/chlapčenské tričká.
Niektoré ešte s vysačkou, niektoré bez.
Všetky NOVÉ, nenosené.
1. Fishbone (L) -6€
2. Angry Birds (S) -7€
3. Batman (S) - 8€
4. Star Wars (S) -8€
5. Superman (S) -9€
6. Batman (XS) -8€
7. Fisherfield (S) -5€
8. Kenvelo (S) -6€
Vhodné ako darček.
Kontakt cez e-mail.

Lego Super Heroes 10737, Batman vs.Mr. Freeze, cena 10€.
Lego Super Heroes 76035 Jokerland 40€,
LEGO Super Heroes 76010 Batman Súboj s Tučniakom 6€,
LEGO Super Heroes 76059 Pasca z chapadiel dr. Occa 20€,
LEGO Super Heroes 76006 Iron Man Námorná bitka Ex 10€,
Lego Avengers 76030 Zuctovanie s hydrou, cena 15€.
Lego 76036 Canagov vzdusny utok, 15€.
Lega su hrane.
Predaj vzdy to co je na foto. Ak na foto nie je navod alebo krabica tak ich nemam.
Navody je mozne stiahnut z internetu na
Na dobierku posielam po prevedeni postovneho na ucet, obycajne po prevedeni celej sumy a postovneho.
Kliknutim na meno pozrite aj dalsie moje inzeraty.

Predám hry na Xbox 360, všetky hry fungujú bez problémov. Už ich nehrám, tak ich posuniem ďalej. V prípade kúpy viac hier dohoda na cene istá. Ak zoberiete 4 hry, piata hra zadarmo. Osobný odber v Leviciach, Nitre, Vrábľoch alebo poštou (platba vopred na účet alebo dobierka).
Ak chcete ďalšie informácie, pokojne napíšte, mail aj číslo platné.
Batman Arkham Asylum – 6
Batman Arkham City – 7
Battlefield 3 – 7
Battlefield Bad Company 2 – 5
Battlefield Hardline CZ – 6
Beijing 2008 – 4
Bioshock – 5
BioShock 2 – 5
Blacksite: Area 51 – 4
Bourne Conspiracy – 5
Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare – 7
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 – 6
Crysis 3 CZ – 6
Dark Sector – 5
Dead Island – 6
Dead Island Riptide – 6
Deus Ex Human Revolution – 3
Dishonored – 5
F.E.A.R. 3 – 5
FIFA 2015 – 5
FIFA Street – 7
Gears of War – 4
Gears of War 2 – 5
GTA IV – 7
GTA V – 7
Halo Wars – 5
Hitman Absolution – 5
Just Cause 2 – 5
Mass Effect – 5
Mass Effect 2 – 6
Medal of Honor: Warfighter – 6
Metro Last Light - 7
Mirror's Edge – 5
Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising – 4
Portal 2 – 7
Rage – 3
Red Dead Redemption – 7
Saints Row 3 – 4
Skate – 6
Sleeping Dogs – 6
Syndicate – 5
Thief – 6
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Blacklist – 7
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Conviction – 7
Tomb Raider 2013 – 7
Watch Dogs CZ – 6

Predám hry na PS3. Vsetky hry su uvedene na obrazkoch alebo v tomto linku:
007 Golden Eye Reloaded 10€
007 Quantum of Solace 10€
Aliens vs. Predator 13€
Army of Two 10€
Assassin's Creed I, II po 9€
Assas.Brotherhood, Revolations po 9€
Assas.IV Black Flag 13€
Batman Arkham City 13€
Battlefield 3 10€
Battlefield 4 15€
Bioshock 2 10€
Borderlands 10€
Bourne Conspiracy 13€
Bulletstorm 10€
Call of Duty Adv. War. 16€
COD Black Ops 1 10€
COD BO2 2 12€
COD Ghosts 10€
COD 4 MW 10€
COD MW 2 12€
COD MW 3 10€
Club 10€
Crysis 2 13€
Dark Sector 10€
Dark Void 10€
Dead Rising 2 12€
Dead Space 1,2,3 po 13€
Devil May Cry 4 10€
Diablo 20€
Dungeon Siege III 15€
Oblivion 10€
Skyrim 12€
FarCry 3 12€
Genji 15€
G.I. Joe 15€
GTA V 18€
Heavy Rain 13€
Hitman Absolution 15€
Killzone 3 10€
L.A. Noire 10€
Last of Us 15€
Legendary 10€
Lost Planet 13€
Mafia 2 25€
Mass Effect 2,3 po 10€
Max Payne 3 15€
Medal of Honor 13€
MOH lim. ed. 15€
MOH Warfighter 14€
MGS 5 15€
Metro Last Light 20€
Mindjack 13€
Minecraft: PS 3 ed. 30€
Minecraft: Story Mode 25€
Naruto Shippuden: UNS 3 20€
Prince of Persia Trilogy 40€
Prison Break 25€
Red Dead Redemption 20€
Resident Evil 5 15€
Resistance 1, 2 po 10€
Sly Cooper TinT 30€
Sniper Ghost Warrior 2 15€
Soulcalibur IV 16€
Terminator Salvation 17€
Rainbow Six Vegas 1,2 po 13€
Tomb Raider, Underworld po 17€
Uncharted 1, 2 po 12€
Uncharted 3 13€
Vampire Rain 25€
Vanquish 13€
Virtua Fighter 5 17€
Watch Dogs 15€
Beijing 2008 10€
Ben 10 gal. rac. 15€
Big Game Hunter 2010 30€
Dirt 2 15€
Dirt 3 20€
F1 2010 11€
F1 2012 20€
F1 2014 30€
FIFA 10, 11 po 6€
FIFA 12, 13 po 7€
FIFA 15 8€
FIFA 19 40€
FUEL 15€
Gran Turismo 5 13€
GT 5 Ac. Ed. 13€
NBA 2K13 13€
Need for Speed Hot Pursuit 17€
NFS Shift 15€
NHL 08 6€
NHL 11 10€
Peking 2008 10€
PES 2008 5€
PES 2011 6€
Ridge Racer 7 17€
Stuntman Ingnition 13€
UFC Und. 2009 15€
UFC Und. 2010 18€
Virtua Tennis 4 15€
WWE 12 15€
WWE 2K15 20€
WWE 2K16 25€
Ako vycvičiť draka 2 30€
Crash Bandicoot 3 45€
Cars 2 25€
Harry Potter a Fenixov rád 25€
HP a dary smrti 1 25€
Lego Batman 1,2,3 po 20€
Lego HP: Years 1-4, 5-7 po 20€
Lego Hobbit 20€
Lego Jurský park 20€
Lego Star Wars po 20€
Little Big Planet 15€
LBP 3 20€
Ratchet Tools of Destr. 15€
Ace Combat 16€
Birds of Steel 16€
Blazing Angels 18€
Damage Inc. Pacific 18€
Il-2 Sturmovnik 16€
Farming Simulator 30€
Top Gun 18€
Final fantasy po10€

Assassins Creed: Odyssey: 12€
GTA 5: 19€
Subnautica: 16€
Crash Bandicoot 4: Its About Time: 32€
Crash Bandicoot N Sane Trilogy: 25€
Mafia (Definitive Edition): 14€
Marvel’s Spider-Man: 15€
Elden Ring (Launch Edition): 39€
Sackboy: A Big Adventures (Special Edition): 29€
Horizon: Zero Dawn Complete: 9€
MudRunner: a Spintires Game (American Wilds Edition): 18€
Batman: Arkham Knight: 11€
Cyberpunk 2077: 18€
Red Dead Redemption 2: 19€
Friday the 13th: The Game: 15€
Call of Duty: WWII: 16€
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare: 25€
Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare (Legacy Edition): 15€
Call of Duty: Ghosts: 8€
Call of Duty: Black Ops 3: 15€
Call of Duty: Black Ops 3: 15€
Uncharted (The Nathan Drake Collection): 10€
Uncharted 4: 9€
Fallout 4: 9€
The Last of Us Remastered: 9€
God Of War: 9€
Sackboy: A Big Adventures: 19€
Destiny 2: 9€
Destiny The Taken King: 5€
Gran Turismo Sport: 9€
Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus: 14€
Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds: 17€
Battlefield 1: 9€
Mafia 3: 12€
ARK (Ultimate Survivor Edition): 16€
Watch Dogs 3 Legion: 8€
NioH: 9€
Tom Clancys Rainbow Six: Extraction: 12€
God of War 3 (Remaster Anniversary Edition): 9€
Rise of the Tomb Raider (20 Year Celebration Edition): 10€
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt GOTY: 19€
Tom Clancys The Division 2: 7€
Titanfall 2: 8€
Dishonored 2: 8€
Driveclub: 9€
Tom Clancys Ghost Recon: Breakpoint: 8€
Tom Clancys Ghost Recon: Wildlands: 12€
Mafia Trilogy (bez 3teho dielu): 12€
Assassins Creed 4: Black Flag: 9€
Far Cry Primal: 12€
Uncharted: The Lost Legacy: 12€
Unravel: Yarny Bundle: 19€
Project CARS 2 (Limited Edition): 22€
Ratchet and Clank: 9€
Battlefield: Hardline: 8€
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes: 11€
Plants Vs Zombies: Battle For Neighborville: 15€
Injustice 2: 12€
For Honor: 5€
Knack: 7€
Star Wars: Battlefront 2: 15€
Shadow of the Colossus: 14€
Watch Dogs 2: 7€
Spyro Reignited Trilogy: 20€
Lego Batman: 9€
Battlefield 1: 8€
Frantics: 5€
Fallout 4: 8€
Just Dance 2021: 12€
Watch Dogs : 5€
Just Dance 2020: 9€
Hitman (The Complete First Season): 15€
Let's Sing Presents Queen + mikrofon: 12€
F1 2018: 7€
Bloodborne: 9€
Littlew Big Planet 3: 9€
Thats You!: 5€
Monster Hunter World: 8€
Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain: 14€
Singstar: 5€
Battlefield 1 (Revolution Edition): 12€
DOOM: 12€
Hidden Agenda: 8€
Death Stranding: 12€
inFAMOUS: Second Son: 9€
F1 2017: 7

Predám hry na Playstation 4 a Playstation 5 :
NHL 23 CZ: 36€
Gran Turismo 7 CZ: 28€
FIFA 23 CZ: 39€
Horizon: Forbidden West CZ: 29€
Farming Simulator 22: 32€
Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War: 32€
F1 2021: 19€
FIFA 22 CZ: 22€
Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales (Ultimate Edition): 28€
Battlefield 2042: 14€
The DioField Chronicle: 29€
NBA 2K22: 14€
Horizon: Forbidden West: 29€
Assassins Creed: Odyssey: 12€
GTA 5: 19€
Subnautica: 16€
Crash Bandicoot 4: Its About Time: 32€
Crash Bandicoot N Sane Trilogy: 25€
Mafia (Definitive Edition): 14€
Marvel’s Spider-Man: 15€
Elden Ring (Launch Edition): 39€
Sackboy: A Big Adventures (Special Edition): 29€
Horizon: Zero Dawn Complete: 9€
MudRunner: a Spintires Game (American Wilds Edition): 18€
Batman: Arkham Knight: 11€
Cyberpunk 2077: 18€
Red Dead Redemption 2: 19€
Friday the 13th: The Game: 15€
Call of Duty: WWII: 16€
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare: 25€
Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare (Legacy Edition): 15€
Call of Duty: Ghosts: 8€
Call of Duty: Black Ops 3: 15€
Call of Duty: Black Ops 3: 15€
Uncharted (The Nathan Drake Collection): 10€
Uncharted 4: 9€
Fallout 4: 9€
The Last of Us Remastered: 9€
God Of War: 9€
Sackboy: A Big Adventures: 19€
Destiny 2: 9€
Destiny The Taken King: 5€
Gran Turismo Sport: 9€
Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus: 14€
Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds: 17€
Battlefield 1: 9€
Mafia 3: 12€
ARK (Ultimate Survivor Edition): 16€
Watch Dogs 3 Legion: 8€
NioH: 9€
Tom Clancys Rainbow Six: Extraction: 12€
God of War 3 (Remaster Anniversary Edition): 9€
Rise of the Tomb Raider (20 Year Celebration Edition): 10€
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt GOTY: 19€
Tom Clancys The Division 2: 7€
Titanfall 2: 8€
Dishonored 2: 8€
Driveclub: 9€
Tom Clancys Ghost Recon: Breakpoint: 8€
Tom Clancys Ghost Recon: Wildlands: 12€
Mafia Trilogy (bez 3teho dielu): 12€
Assassins Creed 4: Black Flag: 9€
Far Cry Primal: 12€
Uncharted: The Lost Legacy: 12€
Unravel: Yarny Bundle: 19€
Project CARS 2 (Limited Edition): 22€
Ratchet and Clank: 9€
Battlefield: Hardline: 8€
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes: 11€
Plants Vs Zombies: Battle For Neighborville: 15€
Injustice 2: 12€
For Honor: 5€
Knack: 7€
Star Wars: Battlefront 2: 15€
Shadow of the Colossus: 14€
Watch Dogs 2: 7€
Spyro Reignited Trilogy: 20€
Lego Batman: 9€
Battlefield 1: 8€
Frantics: 5€
Fallout 4: 8€
Just Dance 2021: 12€
Watch Dogs : 5€
Just Dance 2020: 9€
Hitman (The Complete First Season): 15€
Let's Sing Presents Queen + mikrofon: 12€
F1 2018: 7€
Bloodborne: 9€
Littlew Big Planet 3: 9€
Thats You!: 5€
Monster Hunter World: 8€
Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain: 14€
Singstar: 5€
Battlefield 1 (Revolution Edition): 12€
DOOM: 12€
Hidden Agenda: 8€
Death Stranding: 12€
inFAMOUS: Second Son: 9€
F1 2017: 7