inzercia, predaj, predám, bazár

befly air two - strana 26

Počet nájdených inzerátov BEFLY AIR TWO : 1000 - strana 26

Bmx wtp
Predám vyskladanu Bmx v dobrom stave Ram wtp arcade 21T Kluky wtp 175mm Prevodnik rant Riaditka sunday 9 Gripy odi Predne koleso Náboj salt Rafik salt Spice salt Zadné koleso Náboj Wtp freecoaster lhd Spice oddysey Rafik dvojstenny eclat Plaste befly Pedale shadow Predstavec rant Vidlica rant
Predám Freestyle BMX Bicykel
Predávam Freestyle BMXku značky BeFly, menšie škrabančeky na ráme a na riaditkách. Bicykel je vybavený kvalitným rámom. Okrem toho má tiež skvelé komponenty, ktoré umožňujú hladkú jazdu. Špecifikácie: Rám: Full CrMo Steel TIG welded frame Top tube: 20.75" Head tube: 74.5° Seat tube: 71° Chainstay: 13.25" Vidlica: CrMo Steel TaperedTubing, 28mm offset Riaditká: BE FLY 9.25" Bar backsweep: 12° upsweep: 2°
Predám bmx čiernej farby, nový lak od Januára 2023, premazaná a vyčistená. Prevodovník 25T Zadný náboj 9T značky BeFly Cena je 230€ dohoda možná
Detský BMX bicykel Befly pick, kolesa 16”
Profesionálny freestyle bicykel. Vo veľmi dobrom stave, 2 roky rekreačne jazdený na pumptrack. Pre cca 5-10 rocnych. Píšte mail prosim.
NS bike movement 2
Zdravím predám mašinu NSbike v top stave nič nepuká ani nebúcha, bike ma vyšiel celkovo 1700€ ale nemám na jazdenie čas ani chuť Sú tam nové: Kluky race face aefect 175mm Nový stred od race face Nový befly zadný naboj Nová oil slick retaz Gripy odi longneck Plašte race king Po sezóne menená brzdová kvapalina Doklady od biku mám Na cene sa vieme dohodnúť
Predám bmx Novy stred nové kluky Kolesá befly Viac info volaj
dirt bike na pump-track NS bikes Metropolis 2018
Predám NS bike Metropolis ročník 2018. Bike bol jazdený rok a pol. Dlhodobo nevyužívaný, preto aj predávam. Zadné koleso: nsbikes ráfik aj náboj Predné koleso: nsbikes ráfik a XT náboj Vidla: rockshox reba 80mm Riaditka: sting 720mm Predstavec: sting 45mm Plášte: schwalbe rapid rob 2.10 Gripy: ethic Sedlo: befly pivotal Pedále: da bomb napalm bomb Brzda: sram level
Predam set Hike&Fly Paragliding
Predam uplne novy set: Sedačka Bi Pax Carbon speed Záložka Dreamfly X-two Kontajner na záložku Advance Vario Sky Drop dvoj batéria Krídlo Air Design Eazy 2 S SL raspberry predam iba ako set/spolu. Vdaka, dohoda mozna.
Why We Sleep - Walker Matthew
Predam uplne novu knizku, necitana. Povodna cena 20€, predam za 9€. O knihe: “Why We Sleep is an important and fascinating book…Walker taught me a lot about this basic activity that every person on Earth needs. I suspect his book will do the same for you.” —Bill Gates A New York Times bestseller and international sensation, this “stimulating and important book” (Financial Times) is a fascinating dive into the purpose and power of slumber. With two appearances on CBS This Morning and Fresh Air's most popular interview of 2017, Matthew Walker has made abundantly clear that sleep is one of the most important but least understood aspects of our life. Until very recently, science had no answer to the question of why we sleep, or what good it served, or why we suffer such devastating health consequences when it is absent. Compared to the other basic drives in life—eating, drinking, and reproducing—the purpose of sleep remains more elusive. Within the brain, sleep enriches a diversity of functions, including our ability to learn, memorize, and make logical decisions. It recalibrates our emotions, restocks our immune system, fine-tunes our metabolism, and regulates our appetite. Dreaming creates a virtual reality space in which the brain melds past and present knowledge, inspiring creativity.
Koncova fréza na sloupky Murat  fa 533 na okna
Automatická fréza na sloupky na dvě frézovací sady k výrobě PVC a ALU oken. FA 533 Automatic End Milling Machine Description For end milling of transom in PVC and Aluminium profiles Automatic feed of the milling unit Ability to rout at varying angles up to 45° left and 30° right Vertical pneumatic profile clamping system enables optimum work piece fixing Positioning of the tools with pneumatic feed cylinder Fully guarded Without changing the cutter set, two different series of transom profiles can be processed Technical Power supply 415V, 3ph, 50-60Hz Power output 1.1 kW Max. cutter diameter 160mm Spindle speed 2,800rpm Maximum routing height 90mm Maximum routing depth 30mm Maximum profile width 120mm Maximum profile height 90mm Air pressure 6-8bar Machine height 1,220mm Machine length 960mm Machine width 820mm Machine weight 95kg Cena 2000 eur bez dph
Subwoofer Caliber CWX12 & zosilňovač SAL RFX 7230
Vymením 12” 30cm Subwoofer Caliber a zosilovač SAL za drevený/športový volant. Zostali mi po predaji auta, 5 rokov nepoužívané, predtým plne funkčné. Aktuálne funkčnosť overiť neviem. Zosilovač má hrdzavý obal viď foto. Parametre subwoofera: Subwoofer serie CWX-12 nom. Conediam. (Inch) 12 nom. Conediam. (cm) 30,48 Voicecoil diam. (mm) 64 Voicecoil heigh (mm) 30 amount of Layers of voicecoil 4 Power rating RMS (Watt) 150x2 Power rating MAX. (Watt) 400x2 Nominal imp. Z (ohm/coil) 2 x 6 OHM Re-ohm two coils in parallel 3,2 par Fs free-air resonance (Hz) 32,2 Zosilňovač -2/1 kanálový -výstupný výkon: 2x130W (2ohm), 2x80W (4ohm) -možnosť zapojenia do mostíka: 1x230W (4ohm) -regulovateľná elektronika na zvýraznenie basov -3 režimy výhybky: pre basové, stredobasové+výškové a širokopásmové reprodukory -regulovateľný deliaci kmitočet+regulácia hlasitosti -výstup pre zapojenie ďaľšieho zosilňovača -pozlátené prípojky NAJRADŠEJ BY SOM PRISTÚPIL NA VÝMENU ZA NEJAKÝ DREVENÝ/ŠPORTOVÝ DOBOVÝ VOLANT. Iba osobný odber. Ponuky poprosím na mail Jozef.audy95@
Anglicke a Spanielake knihy
Lierre Keith - The Vegetarian myth /10€ Osho - Meditation / 6€ Allan Max Collins - Air force one /3€ Tom Clancy / The hunt for red october / 3€ Hal Lindsey - Satan is alive and well on planet earth / 3€ Paul Harrington - The secret of teen power /4€ Paulo Coelho - The Valkyries /8€ Paulo Coelho - Mannual of the warrior of life/8€ Richard Carlson - An hour to live an hour to love / 3€ Robert Louis Stevenson - El extrano caso del Dr. Jekyl y Mr. Hyde / 3€ Mary Sheley - Frankenstein - EN - / 3€ Gabriel Gancía Márquez - Crónica de una muerta anunciada - / 8€ Oxford - Basic English Dictionary / 3€ Francuzsko Slovensky slovnik / 8€ Homer - The Odyssey / 4€ Derren Brown - Tricks of the mind / 10€ Derren Brown - Happy /Why more or less everything is absolutelly fine / 10€ Charles Dickens - A tale of two cities / 3€ Bran Stoker - Drakula /ES/3€ Osho - The book of children / 8€ Joseph Heller - Catch 22 / 6€ Jack London - The call of the wild and white fang / 3€ Ayumu Takahashi - Love and Free/ 20 € Edward O´Thoole - Zen Gnosis / 6€ Abrazoz - / 6€
Knihy v anglictine a spanelstine
Lierre Keith - The Vegetarian Myth / 10€ Allan Max Collins - Air force one /3€ Tom Clancy / The hunt for red October / 3€ Hal Lindsey - Satan is alive and well on planet earth / 3€ Paul Harrington - The secret of teen power /4€ Paulo Coelho - The Valkyries /8€ Paulo Coelho - Mannual of the warrior of life/8€ Richard Carlson - An hour to live an hour to love / 3€ Robert Louis Stevenson - El extrano caso del Dr. Jekyl y Mr. Hyde / 3€ Mary Sheley - Frankenstein - EN - / 3€ Gabriel Gancía Márquez - Crónica de una muerta anunciada - / 8€ Oxford - Basic English Dictionary / 3€ Francuzsko Slovensky slovnik / 8€ Homer - The Odyssey / 4€ Derren Brown - Tricks of the mind / 10€ Derren Brown - Happy /Why more or less everything is absolutelly fine / 10€ Charles Dickens - A tale of two cities / 3€ Bran Stoker - Drakula /SP/3€ Osho - The book of children / 8€ Joseph Heller - Catch 22 / 6€ Jack London - The call of the wild and white fang / 3€ Ayumu Takahashi - Love and Free/ 20 € Edward O´Thoole - Zen Gnosis / 6€ Abrazoz - / 6€
Prenájom, komerčný objekt Prešov, administratívna budova - N
Ponúkame na prenájom štvorpodlažnú, vysoko nadštandardnú novú budovu s kancelárskymi priestormi v širšom centre mesta o celkovej výmere 1309 m2. Výmery jednotlivých podlaží sú nasledovné: 1. podlažie 218 m2 2. podlažie 363 m2 3. podlažie 364 m2 4. podlažie 364 m2 Každé podlažie tvorí ucelený priestor v ktorom sú dve veľkoplošné kancelárie, na ktoré nadväzujú menšie samostatné kancelárie, samostatná rokovacia miestnosť, miestnosť na prípadný server, kuchynka, toalety a sklady. Všetky kancelárie okrem prízemia sú klimatizované, okná majú vonkajšie aj vnútorné žalúzie, v kanceláriách v podlahe je predpríprava na sieťové pripojenie intranetu a telefónu z ústredne (možnosť napojenia na optické vedenie Telekom). Orientácia kancelárií je východ - západ. Na každé podlažie sa dostanete výťahom aj schodiskom. Všetky priestory v budove sú BEZBARIÉROVÉ. Priestory sú vhodné najmä pre činnosť administratívnu, projektovú (ako ateliéry), ale taktiež pre iné voľnočasové aktivity (fitko a pod.), prípadne terapeutické centrum. Je to priestor taktiež vhodný pre expandujúcu slovenskú, alebo zahraničnú spoločnosť, ako centrála, alebo jej filiálka. K budove patria 3 miesta v garáži, prístrešok pre 8 áut a 16 parkovacích miest. Objekt je napojený na pult centrálnej ochrany. Odporúčam! English version: We offer for rent a four-story, high-standard building with office space in the wider city center with a total area of ??1309 m2. The dimensions of the individual floors are as follows: 1st floor 218 m2 2nd floor 363 m2 3rd floor 364 m2 4th floor 364 m2 Each floor forms a complete space in which there are two large-scale offices, which are followed by smaller separate offices, a separate meeting room, a room for a possible server, a kitchenette, toilets and warehouses. All offices except the ground floor are air-conditioned, the windows have external and internal blinds, in the offices on the floor there is preparation for network connection of the intranet and telephone from the switchboard (possibility of connection to the Telekom optical line). The orientation of the offices is east - west. Each floor can be reached by elevator and stairs. All spaces in the building are BARRIER-FREE. The premises are particularly suitable for administrative and project activities (such as studios), but also for other leisure activities (fitness, etc.), or a therapeutic center. It is a space also suitable for an expanding Slovak or foreign company, as a headquarters or its branch. The building includes 3 spaces in the garage, a carport for 8 cars and 16 parking spaces. The object is connected to the central protection desk. I recommend! Energetická trieda B. Bližšie informácie Vám radi poskytneme na telefónnom čísle alebo na ID ponuky: PO-60100 U NÁS MÁTE ISTOTU: -------------------------------------------------------- - pre vašu bezpečnosť sme členom ZDRUŽENIA REALITNÝCH KANCELÁRIÍ SLOVENSKA
CD na Predaj
Darchaic - Materia 5e EDGAR - Priestor pre dušu 5e Midnightscream - Dark blood 5e Summercollection (Mungo Jerry,Tremeloes...)2CD 6e INXS - The Greatest Hits 5e (zvlnený booklet) Jirka Schelinger - HRR NA NĚ 12e TV HITS -3CD 10e 60´ s NO.1 Hits - 3e Eric Clapton - The Best of 5e Lenny Kravitz - Mama Said 6e MOBY - 18 5e The Byrds - Ballad of EASY RIDER 5e INNOXIA CORPORA - K čertu 8e EDITOR - Svet je proti nám 5e DISCHARGE - 2002 6e Curved Air - Phantasmagoria 6e Helena Vondráčková - blázen kdo se lásky zříká/Hity a rarity 12e(zabalené CD) Magnum – Chapter & Verse (The Very Best Of Magnum) 5e KYUSS - The Best of 5e Oleander - Joyride 4e Festival Latin 3e I Love Pop Music (výberovka) 5e Tegan and Sara - If it was You 5e Super Reggae Hits 5e The Number 1 POP Collection 4e Mindstorm - Confluence 5e Metalium - State of Triumph-chapter two 7e predané ART - Astral Sleep 5e Jiří Korn - Duety 9e Bob Dylan - Výber 2CD 8e Vanessa Mae - Classics 2e Jadranka III. 4e Andrew Lloyd Weber - The very best of 5e Bob Dylan - Blowin in the wind 5e Luciano Pavarotti - The Barcelona concert 5e Natasha Bedingfield - Unwritten 4e QUEEN - Made In Heaven 6e Midnight Oil - Blue Sky Mining 6e TAKE THAT - Greatest Hits 5e Bangles - Greatest Hits 7e Demis Roussos - Výber 5e Legendy Folku 4e Dire Straits - Brothers in Arms 6e No Problem ! Ariel 2e Marilyn Manson - Holy Wood 5e Strauss - The Romantic Walz 5e TEAM - 5 10e METALINDA - 13 10e
Veľkometrážny 4-izbový byt I 110m² I 2x balkón, 2x parking |
English below Copy this 3D virtual view link into your browser: Patrik z RADO Reality Vám ponúka na prenájom krásny 4-izbový byt s rozlohou 110m² v tichej lokalite. Byt sa nachádza na 2. poschodí rezidenčného domu s výťahom na Guothovej ulici na Kramároch. Byt pozostáva zo vstupnej chodby, prepojenej obývačky s kuchyňou a jedálenskou časťou, troch samostatných izieb - spálne, detskej izby a pracovne s posteľou, kúpeľne s WC a jedným samostatným WC. V byte sa nachádza walk-in šatník a technická miestnosť, ktorá má ďalší úložný priestor. Z obývačky sa dostaneme na 2 priestranné balkóny, pričom jeden balkón je prepojený aj so spálňou. Byt sa prenajíma kompletne zariadený vrátane kuchynskej linky so zabudovanými spotrebičmi (umývačka riadu, el. varná platňa, el. rúra, mikrovlnná rúra, chladnička s mrazničkou). K vybaveniu bytu patrí práčka, klimatizácia, bezpečnostné dvere, samostatný šatník a vstavané skrine. V byte je pripojenie na káblovú televíziu a internet. V okolí bytu sa nachádza kompletná občianska vybavenosť. Viacero materských škôl, dve základné školy, spoločná nemecko - slovenská škola a škôlka (Deutsche Schule Bratislava - Bárdošova ul.), Nemocnica s pohotovosťou Kramáre, centrum mesta (10 minút) autom alebo MHD. V blízkosti Koliba (6 minút) a Železná studnička (10 minút). K bytu patrí samostatná uzatvárateľná garáž s diaľkovým ovládaním pre dva automobily. V garáži je aj pivnica. Garáž a pivnica sú zahrnuté v cene nájmu. Byt bude k dispozícii do 2-3 týždňov. Cena prenájmu je 1699 €/mesiac, vrátane energií s internetom a TV. ENGLISH Patrik from RADO Reality offers for rent beautiful 4-room apartment with an area of ​​110 m² in a quiet location. The apartment is located on the 2nd floor of a residential building with an elevator on Guothova street in Kramare district. The apartment consists of an entrance hall, a connected living room with a kitchen and a dining area, three separate rooms - a bedroom, a children's room and a study with a bed, a bathroom with a toilet and one separate toilet. The apartment has a walk-in wardrobe and a utility room with additional storage space. From the living room you can reach 2 spacious balconies, one of them is also connected to the bedroom. The apartment is fully furnished, including built-in appliances in kitchen (dishwasher, electric hob, electric oven, microwave oven, refrigerator with freezer). The apartment is equipped with a washing machine, air conditioning, security door, separate wardrobe and built-in wardrobes. The apartment has cable TV and internet connection. The apartment is surrounded by complete amenities. Several kindergartens, two elementary schools, joint German-Slovak school and kindergarten (Deutsche Schule Bratislava - Bardosova st.), Kramare emergency hospital, city center (10 minutes) by car or public transport. Clo
2400W, 2 Channel Power Amplifier QSC RMX 2450
MX Series is packed full of professional features that increase performance and flexibility: The RMX 1850HD provides improved thermal performance that gives you higher continuous power in 2 ohms stereo or 4 ohms bridged applications (a RMX 1850HD exclusive!) Independent defeatable clip limiters reduce distortion without sacrificing peak performance Selectable low-frequency filters boost system response, protect speakers and ensure low-end tightness by more precisely matching the amplifier's range to the loudspeakers Barrier strip, XLR and 1/4" balanced inputs plus Speakon and binding post outputs provide easy connections Low-noise variable speed fans with rear-to-front air flow keep amplifiers and racks cool General Features: Compact size - up to 2400 watts in 2 rack spaces Professional quality performance - incorporates road-proven QSC designs High-current toroidal transformers for greater two-ohm power and low noise Independent user-defeatable clip limiters reduce distortion Selectable low-frequency filters (30 Hz or 50 Hz) protect speakers and increase headroom Balanced 1/4" (6.3mm) TRS, XLR and barrier strip inputs Binding post and Neutrik Speakon outputs Front mounted gain controls for easy access Signal and Clip LED indicators to monitor performance Independent DC and thermal overload protection on each channel automatically protects amplifier and speakers 3-year Manufacturer's warranty SPECIFICATIONS RMX 850 RMX 1450 RMX 1850HD RMX 2450 STEREO MODE (Both Channels Driven) 8 ohms FTC 20 Hz - 20 kHz, 0.1% THD EIA 1 kHz, 0.1% THD 185 W 200 W 260 W 280 W 350 W 360 W 450 W 500 W 4 ohms FTC 20 Hz - 20 kHz, 0.1% THD EIA 1 kHz, 0.1% THD 280 W 300 W 400 W 450 W 550 W 600 W 650 W 750 W 2 ohms EIA 1 kHz, 1% THD 430 W 700 W 900 W 1200 W BRIDGE MONO MODE 8 ohms FTC 20 Hz - 20 kHz, 0.1% THD EIA 1 kHz, 0.1% THD 530 W 600 W 800 W 900 W 1100 W 1200 W 1300 W 1500 W 4 ohms EIA 1 kHz, 1% THD 830 W 1400 W 1800 W 2400 W Signal to Noise, 20 Hz-20 kHz 100 dB 100 dB 100 dB 100 dB Distortion (SMPTE-IM) Less than 0.01% Less than 0.01% Less than 0.02% Less than 0.02% Input Sensitivity @ 8 ohms 1.15V (+3.4 dBu) 1.15V (+3.4 dBu) 1.16V (+3.5 dBu) 1.23V (+4.0 dBu) Voltage Gain 31.6x (30 dB) 40x (32 dB) 46x (33 dB) 50x (34 dB) Output Circuitry AB AB Class H Class H Power Requirements 1/8 power pink noise at 4 ohms * 5A 6A 6A 7A ALL MODELS Distortion (Typical) 20 Hz - 20 kHz: 10 dB below rated power 1.0 kHz and below: full rated power Less than 0.03% THD, 4 and 8 ohms Less than 0.03% THD, 4 and 8 ohms Frequency Response 20 Hz-20 kHz, ±1 dB -3 dB points: 5 Hz - 50 kHz Damping Factor, 1 kHz and below Greater than 300 at 8 ohms Input Impedance 10k ohms unbalanced, 20k ohms b
Citroen Jumper - Self built camper van
2009 Citroen Jumper 2.2 L2H2 Camper van Hello! So first of all, I'm a foreign student here in Slovakia, and can't speak slovak, so please keep communication in english :) This van is great to experience having a camper van, but on a budget. I've poured a lot of money and love into it, at everything is built by hand by me and helpful people. The whole kitchen is made from 200 year old refurbished red wood, that used to be old floor boards. It's built to last! I bought this van early 2021 as an empty cargo van here in Kosice, and drove it to England and converted it to a camper during the summer of 2021. When I got it, it had engine problems, so I put a refurbished engine in, changed the turbo, remade the brakes, and switched all the diesel injectors. Theres a wooden skeleton put in to accomodate all the conversion. The van is fully insulated with sheets of 5cm normal house board insulation, with rock wool and spray insulation used for the harder to reach areas. There is then reflective radiant barrier insulation roll added everywhere on top of that. Then wooden paneling had been added. Wooden panels with vinyl I added for the floor. I've put in two 200ah leisure batteries that are connected to a split charge to the engine, so it charges while the engine is on. It would be relatively simple to add solar panels, though I haven't had the need for it, because when I use it I have driven a lot. The whole system is 12v. Theres a maxxair fan added to the roof, and another vent towards to back, so there can be complete air flow throughout. The van has a simple sink with an electric pump, that drains from a 20l tank to another 20l grey water tank. Theres a diesel heater with exhaust and intake exiting in the bottom on the van. As you can see from the pictures there is also a 12v fridge (20l or 30l, I can't remember exactly) that runs perfectly. Lights are added for the roof and kitchen. Storage under the seating/bed, in the kitchen, over the bulkhead, and over the seating on built in shelves. The storage is also accessible from the back. There is also a drawer next to the sink I built the seating and in a way that the table can be put down so it turns into a bed, as you can see in the pictures. Very easy and quick. I also have some things that you could probably take over as well if you need them, like a portable gas stove etc. Please don't hesitate to message me for any questions you might have! There's definitely things I have to forgotten to mention, as this is quite a big project. Hope to hear from you! Najazdené km: 280000
1980 Mercedes-Benz 300GD W460
Velmi pěkné, udělané Gé, karoserie v původním odstínu cactus green 6880 s nezničitelným motorem 3.0D. Datakarta od Mercedes-Benz k vozu. VIN WDB8 Model300GD244 Engine617931 10 001369 Transmission711202 10 003615 Paint 1CACTUS GREEN MB 6880 Code Description A71 DIFFERENTIAL LOCK, REAR AXLE C70 REAR TWO-PIECE BUMPER E40 TRAILER PLUG SOCKET,7-POLE E51 SHORT-RANGE INTERFERENCE SUPPRESSION F66 LOCKABLE GLOVE COMPARTMENT G52 CABLE WINCH G75 SPEEDOMETER ADAPTER J33 CLOCK L12 HALOGEN HEADLAMPS M74 RADIATOR GUARD, ENGINE UNDERSHIELD Q57 No code designation available Q58 FRONT TOWING COUPLING R69 SPARE WHEEL CARRIER, SWIVEL TYPE S20 CO-DRIVER'S FOLDING SEAT S26 LEFT FRONT FOLDING SEAT FRAME S30 HEADREST FOR DRIVER SEAT S32 HEADREST FOR PASSENGER SEAT S55 FOLDING SEAT BENCH IN PASSENGER COMPARTMENT U40 SEAT COVER IN SINGLE-COLORED INITATION LEATHER (MB-TEX) V18 INTERIOR TRIM IN BLACK V22 INTERIOR TRIM, UPGRADED VERSION V34 GRAB HANDLE AND INSTRUMENT PANEL PADDED V47 TRAY WITH HOT-AIR GUIDE Y10 FIRST AID BAG Y16 FIRE EXTINGUISHER Y44 HAZARD WARNING TRIANGLE Vůz v přepravě do ČR. K vidění po domluvě v klubu HV v Brandýse nad Labem. Cena: 590 000Kč Vážný zájem vítán, dotazy rádi zodpovíme. Zajišťujeme A-Z : - testování historických vozidel(vyšší hodnota vozu, úlevy na pojištění a daních) - přepravu vozidla kamkoli v rámci ČR - skladování vozidel(krytá stání s dohledem 24/7) - ochranu Vašeho vozu (GPS vyhledávání) - renovace a soutěžní úpravy - servis a pick-up servis - SPZ na přání - konzultace a plánování - pravidelné soukromé akce i firemní eventy - záruky na vybrané exempláře
Playstation 4 hry
Predám hry na PS4. Všetky funkčné, bez škrabancov. Pošlem aj na dobierku, poštovné 3€. Assassins Creed Syndicate - 10€, Assassins Creed Origins - 12€, Dishonored - 10€, Days Gone - predané, Mark McMorris Infinite Air - predané , NHL 23 - predané , Carmageddon Max damage - 15€, Bloodborne Game of the Year Edition - 15€, Until dawn - predané, MediEvil - 12€, Mafia Definitive edition - 12€, Lords of the Fallen - 10€, Heavy Rain / Beyond two souls - 10€, Singstar Ultimate party - 5€, Singstar Celebration - 5€, Ghost Recon Breakpoint - predané , Horizon Zero Dawn Complete edition - 7€, NHL 16 - predané