can am 1000 renegade - strana 37
Počet nájdených inzerátov CAN AM 1000 RENEGADE
: 1000 - strana 37

Tento veľký 1 izbový byt , v historickom bytovom dome, ponúka príjemné bývanie v tichej lokalite centre mesta Košíc, v blízkosti mestského parku. Byt je na 1 poschodí, má rozlohu 44 m2, z toho 26 m2 má izba a 7 m2 kuchyňa. K dispozícii je aj kúpeľňa so sprchovým kútom a predsieň. Byt sa nachádza v historickom obytnom dome, čo tomuto bývaniu pridáva svoju atmosféru, v celom byte sú pekné drevené parkety, stropy vysoké 3,5 m a veľké okná v izbe aj kuchyni sú zárukou, že byt je svetlý a slnečný. Veľkou výhodou je, že nájomca môže tráviť čas na priestrannom upravenom spoločnom dvore, ktorý je prístupný iba pre obyvateľov domu.
Byt sa prenajíma max. pre 2 osoby. Zariadenie izby je možné dohodnúť s majiteľom, podľa vlastnej predstavy.
Cena prenájmu, ktorá zahŕňa aj cenu energií pre 2 osoby - dohodou. Depozit je povinný. Minimálna dĺžka nájmu je 12 mesiacov. Fajčenie v byte ani domáce zvieratá povolené nie sú.
Tento byt vám ponúka viac ako len bývanie, presvedčte sa sami, v prípade záujmu o bližšie informácie ma prosím kontaktujte telefonicky na t. č.:
a dohodneme aj obhliadku bytu.
english trans.:
For Rent - A beautiful brick apartment in an excellent location, in the center of Košice, which you will fall in love with.
This large 1-room apartment, in a historic apartment building, offers pleasant living in a quiet location in the center of Košice, near the city park. The apartment is on the 1st floor, has an area of 44 m², of which 26 m² is the bedroom and 7 m² is the kitchen. There is also a bathroom with a shower and a vestibule. The apartment is located in a historic residential building, which adds its own atmosphere to the apartment, there are nice wooden parquet floors throughout the apartment, 3.5 m high ceilings and large windows in both the bedroom and the kitchen guarantee that the apartment is bright and sunny. A big advantage is that the tenant can spend time in the spacious landscaped common yard, which is accessible only to the residents of the house.
The apartment is rented for max. 2 people. Room furnishings can be arranged with the owner, according to your own ideas.
The rental price ( which also includes the price of energy, for 2 people ) -by agreement. The deposit is obliged. The minimum rental period is 12 months. Smoking in the apartment and pets are not allowed.
This apartment offers you more than just living, see for yourself, if you are interested in more information, please contact me by phone number listed below and we will arrange a viewing of the apartment.
phone number:+346

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10CC How dare you
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NEKTAR A Tab In The Ocean
NEKTAR Recycled
OLDFIELD Mike Crises
OLDFIELD Mike Discovery
OLDFIELD Mike Five miles out
PHILLIPS Anton Wise after the event
PLANT Robert The principle of moments
REA Chris New light through old windows. BEST
RENAISSANCE Carnegie hall Live
RENAISSANCE Debut album.
RETURN TO FOREVER Romantic warior
Rod Stewart Every picture tells a story
Rod Stewart A night on the town
Rod Stewart Greatest hits
Rod Stewart Out of Order
Rod Stewart Camouflage
ROXY MUSIC Flesh + Blood
RUSH 3 x LP Box Chronicles
RUTHERFORD Mike Smallcreeps day
SAGA Heads or Tales
SAGA Worlds Apart
SANTANA Barboletta
SANTANA Greatest hits 1969-1971. BEST
SANTANA Marathon
SIMON & GARFUNKEL Bridge over troubled water
SIMON Paul Crazy affter all there years
SIMON Paul Graceland
SMITH Patti Easter SKY II...1980 180gr.LP
SMITH Patti Wave
SPIRIT Twelve dreams of. Dr. Sardonicus
SPOCKS BEART Beware of darkness
STEVE MILLER BAND Greatest hits 1974-1978. BEST
STEVENS Cat Mona Bone Jakon
STEVENS Cat Tea for the tillerman
STEVENS Cat Teaser and the firecat
STRAWBS Bursting at the seams
STRAWBS Hero and heroine
STRAWBS Chost STRAWBS Greatest hits
STYX Crystal ball
STYX Equinos
SWEET Fanny adams...1974
SYLVAN Nad The bride saind no.
T.REX & Marc BOLAN 20 century boy. BEST
TALKING HEADS Little creatures
the eagles hotel california
TIKARAM Tanita Ancient heart
TOTO Hydra
TOWNSHEND Pete White city
TRIUMPH Just a Game
U.K. Danger money
U.K. U.K.
VOLENWEIDER Caverna magica
WAKEMAN Rick The six wives of Henry VIII.
WALS Joe / Eagles vois The best of. BEST
WEATHER REPORT Weather report
WINWOOD Steve debut LP
WONDER Stevie Songs in the key of life
YES Relayer
YOUNG Paul No Parlez
YOUNG Paul The secret of association

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Obsahuje CAN BUS nehlásí chybu prasklé žárovky.
Cena uvedena za 1 Ks

Jamie Oliver: 5 Ingredients.ooking doesn't have to be complicated - that's why Jamie's Jamie's 5 Ingredients - Quick & Easy Food is sure to become your new best friend in the kitchen. It's all about making the journey to good food, super-simple. Every recipe uses just five key ingredients, ensuring you can get a plate of food together fast, whether it's finished and on the table super-quickly, or after minimal hands-on prep, you've let the oven do the hard work for you. We're talking quality over quantity, a little diligence on the cooking front, and in return massive flavour. Each recipe has been tried and tested (and tested again!) to ensure the book is packed with no-fuss, budget-friendly dishes that you can rustle up, any day of the week. With over 130 recipes, and chapters on Chicken, Beef, Pork, Lamb, Fish, Eggs, Veg, Salads, Pasta, Rice and Noodles and Sweet Things, there's plenty of quick and easy recipe inspiration to choose from

Predám Can-am outlander 800cm3 XT-R 2014.
Štvorkolka ma najazdených 5650 km 360 mth .
Doplnková výbava , kufor v predu v zadu, svetelná rampa nie je na foto 120 W led svetlomety.
Pri 5 550 km väčší servis: Všetky oleje motor, prevodovká, diferáky, servis variatora ložiská, valčeky, magnety, kolieska vodnej pumpy, brzdová kvapalina, predný homokineticky kĺb. Na foto nie je podbitie ramien dural ktoré som dokupil prednedávnom preto nie je na foto.
Možnost prihlásiť má originál certifikát.
Pre viac info volať
Pri rýchlom jednaní dohoda možná BEZ ŠPZ.

Predam Can-Am outlander 800r xtp-max zTP
Štvorkolka ma značky a platne papiere
Pridám k nemu originál box veľký na zadný rám
A maly box namiesto sedačky spolujazdca
Po veľkom servise cca 2500€
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Cena 7999€ mala dohoda na mieste

Ponukam na vymenu napelky qatar.
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irn: 7
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esp: 16
crc: 6
ger: 15
mar: 1
can: 16
cro: 3
bra: 8
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sui: 7
gha: 7
uru: 10
Zhanam tieto:
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sen: 18, 1
eng: 11, 16
wal: 1
arg: 2, 6, 8, 9, 10, 13, 15
ksa: 1
mex: 1, 2, 5, 11, 19
pol: 1, 16
fra: 3, 4, 5, 8, 10, 11, 15, 16, 17
den: 5, 18
esp: 1, 2, 14, 13, 15
crc: 2
ger: 1
jpn: 5, 7, 11, 18
bel: 1
can: 2
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bra: 16
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por: 6
gha: 2
uru: 19
kor: 1

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miernou zmenou farby na aktuálny model xxc ... ponuky tipu dam toľko a pridem po ňu nereagujem špekulanti neotravovat strou používaný leštenku to nie je

Charles Martin - The Mountain Between Us. Je ako nová.
Cena + poštovné. V prípade záujmu ma kontaktujte prosím cez email.
Ponúkam na predaj aj iné knihy - pozrite si moje ďaľšie inzeráty.
What if your life depended on a stranger? On a stormy winter night, two strangers wait for a flight at the Salt Lake City airport. Ashley Knox is an attractive, successful writer, who is flying East for her much anticipated wedding. Dr Ben Payne has just wrapped up a medical conference and is also eager to return home. When the last outgoing flight is cancelled due to a forthcoming storm, Ben finds a charter plane that can take him around the weather front. And when the pilot says the single engine prop plane can fit one more, Ben offers the seat to Ashley. Then the unthinkable happens and the plane crashes into the High Uintas Wilderness - one of the largest stretches of harsh and remote land in the United States. Ben, who has broken ribs, and Ashley, who suffers a terrible leg fracture, along with the pilot's dog, are faced with a battle to survive. How will they make it out of the wilderness and if they do, will they ever be the same again?

Paul Burrell 'A ROYAL DUTY', 396s, tvrdá väzba s prebalom, ako nová, v angličtine, 8 EUR.
'The untold story behind one of the most sensational chapters in the history of the House of Windsor. Paul Burrell fought to clear his own name. Now he reveals new truths about Princess Diana – and presents for the first time as faithful an account of her thoughts as we can ever hope to read. He was the favourite footman who formed a unique relationship with the Queen. He was the butler who the Princess of Wales called ‘my rock’ and ‘the only man I can trust’. He was accused of theft, then acquitted following the historic intervention of the monarch. He was the Princess’ most intimate confidante – and is the only person able to separate the myth from the truth of the Diana years. Now at last Paul Burrell cuts through the gossip and the lies and takes us closer to the complex heart of the Royal Family than ever before.'
Jamier Oliver 'Happy Days with the Naked Chef', 320s, väčší formát, kriedový papier, ako nová, v angličtine, 10€.
Like Jamie's first two books, Happy Days is filled with fantastic recipes for different occassions. Along with his perfect curry for a night in, Jamie gives you his version of some old favourites in 'Comfort Grub' - try his Steak and Guinness Pie or indulge in his to-die-for pancakes! And in 'Quick Fixes' he whips up some really simple, tasty dinners - just right for when you get home late from work. Plus there's a 'Kid's Club' chapter, all about catching kid's attention and getting them interested in food. It's a starting point for children, to encourage them to have a go at other things in the book with their parents. Get them squashing tomatoes, pouring olive oil, pitting olives and making bread in no time - they'll love it. So, enjoy yourself, get stuck in ... happy days!

Predám štvorkolku Can am MAX 800 LTD limited edition rok2007 kupovanú ako novu na SK. Štvorkolka má aj ŠPZ komplet homologizácia ,v super stave treba príst vyskúšať , kolesa značky ITP 14” ,naviják+dialkové ovladanie ,ochranné návleky can am na tlmičoch + komplet oplastovaný podvozok , sedačka originál BRP viac info osobne alebo treba zavolať .

Predávam hodinky Garmin vivomove luxe 3 .
V dobrom stave stave, nosené s ochrannou fóliou na display.
S krabicou, nabijackou originál kožený remienok, predávam aj s remienkom z chirurgického ocele.
A náhradné fólie na display.
V prípade otázok ma neváhajte kontaktovať.
Hidden Display
The display only appears when you need it. Interact with the touchscreen, and the hands dynamically move away.
Smart Notifications
Receive emails, texts and alerts right on your watch, when paired with a compatible smartphone.
Fitness Tracking
See your daily steps, floors climbed, intensity minutes and more.
Body Battery
Track your body’s energy levels so you can find the best times for activity and rest.
Stress Tracking
Stress tracking can tell if you’re having a calm, balanced or stressful day. Relax reminders will even prompt you to do a short breathing activity.
Heart Rate
Estimated wrist-based heart rate constantly samples your heart rate and will alert you if it stays high while you’re at rest. It also helps gauge how hard you work during activities.
Hydration Tracking
Log your daily water intake as a reminder to stay hydrated.
Sleep Tracking
Get a full picture of how you’re sleeping with a breakdown of your light, deep and REM sleep stages, as well as Pulse Ox.

Predám novinku 30ml Zadig & Voltaire Girls Can Be Crazy. Vôňa je špecifická zložkou z Coca Coly. Hoci je veľmi zaujímavá, mám parfumy, ktoré viac preferujem. Streknuté je z neho asi 3x..Je k tomu aj krabička..k cene treba prirátať poštovné 3 eurá.
Na dobierku neposielam, len platba prevodom, alebo možný aj osobný odber..

Predám Vzduchový kompresor TUXING 4500Psi PCP, Dvojvalcový vysokotlakový. Verzia s automatickým zastavením. Plnenie vzduchových pušiek PC. Potápačské nádrže 220 V.(TXED012)
Odber 2,2 KW.... Treba poriadny 16A istič.Je vodou chladený takže treba mať vodu v nádobe, je pribalená vodná pumpa.
Novy, iba odskúšaný. Osobný odber Devínska Nová Ves alebo Petržalka. Ma 32kg váhu.
TXED01 Series 220V 300 bar 30Mpa PCP Air Compressors Compressor Manufacturer Scuba
TXED01 Series support household 110V&220V power supply. It has double cylinders for fast charging continuously. The TXED012 pressure is adjustable, the compressor will shut off automatically when it reaches the setting pressure. The oil-water separator inlet to make the high pressure air more pure. The TXED01 series can used for filling big tank like 6.8L cylinder in short time. The overload protection guarantee safety during using. The TXED01 compressor can reach high pressure 4500psi 300bar 30Mpa. It is a reliable and better choice for big cylinders filling.