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civilization 6 - strana 3

Počet nájdených inzerátov CIVILIZATION 6 : 45 - strana 3

Xbox ONE 500GB aj s hrami, viac ako 100ks
Predam vycisteny (aj zdroj a ovladac), otestovany (samozrejme funkcny) Microsoft Xbox one 500GB vratane prislusenstva (aj na 1. fotke). Na konzolu su "viazane" hry (aj na obrazku), ktore daju sa hrat s hociakym kontom. assassins creed battlefield borderlands burnout paradise crysis dark souls dirt far cry forza gears of war grand theft auto (gtav) grid halo hitman just cause LEGO mafia payday rayman civilization sniper elite star wars witcher tom clancy´s xcom ...a vela inych Obsah balenia: konzola ovladac (controller) + akumulator zdroj s napajacim kablom HDMI kabel V pripade zaujmu mam: - Microsoft Xbox One Kinect Sensor - 60€ - originalny microsoft "Xbox Play & Charge Kit" (1 akumulator + 1 kabel) - 12€ - 1 akumulator (+ kabel) -10€ - headsety - rozne v ponuke od 5€ - nastavec k headsetu s 3,5mm jack .O56-A
PC Steam hry lacnejšie
Ponúkam Steam hry lacnejšie ako na Steame, heureke alebo inde. Všetky hry nižšie sú vo forme Steam kľúčov Hello Neighbor + Hello Neighbor Hide and Seek Collection 5€ PC Building Simulator 3€ Darksiders Genesis 4€ Pistol Whip 19€ Ragnarock 11€ Vacation Simulator 11€ Down The Rabbit Hole 1,5€ Traffic Jams 1€ PowerBeatsVR 1,5€ Vanishing Realms 1€ Borderlands 3 Super Deluxe 20€ BioShock: The Collection 4€ Borderlands 3: Directors Cut EU DLC 1.5€ Battlefield 5 7,5€ Origin key Sid Meier's Civilization VI 3€ Kerbal Space Program 3,5€ Main Assembly 1,5€ EVE: Valkyrie – Warzone 19,5€ Overload 1,5€ Vikings - Wolves of Midgard 1,8€ Strange Brigade 3,8€ Sunless Sea 2,7€ Smashbox Arena 1,2€ Planet Alpha 1,5€ Regular Human Basketball 0,9€ SEUM: Speedrunners from Hell 1,5€ 911 Operator 1,5€ 60 Parsecs! 4€ Cities in Motion 2 1,2€ Goat Simulator 1,7€ The Final Station 1,8€ Pillars of Eternity 2,4€ Killing Floor 3€ King's Bounty: Platinum Edition 2€ Punch Club 1,2€ Blockstorm 1€ Q.U.B.E: Director's Cut 2€ Dungeon of the Endless 1,1€ Primal Carnage: Extinction 4€ Magicka 1,5€ Psychonauts 1,5€ Epistory - Typing Chronicles 1€ Infested Planet 1,5€ Caveblazers 1€ Marooners 1€ Samorost 3 1,5€ Party Hard 1,9€ Ziggurat 1,4€ Deadlight Directors Cut 1,5€ STRIDER™ 1€ Uncanny Valley 1,5€ Five Nights at Freddy’s: Sister Location 6,8€ XCOM: ULTIMATE COLLECTION 4€ Lawn Mowing Simulator 1,5€ Necromunda Hired Gun 4€ Banners of Ruin 1,5€ Planet Zoo 6,5€ SpongeBob SquarePants: Battle for Bikini Bottom Rehydrated 5,5€ Command & Conquer Remastered Collection 2,5€ Embr 1,5€ Surviving the Aftermath 2,3€ Spellcaster University 1,5€ Evoland 2,5€ The Surge 2 3,5€ Deadly Days 1€ ELDERBORN 1,5€ Amnesia Rebirth 2€ We Need to Go Deeper 3,7€ Drake Hollow 2,5€ 112 Operator 2€ WRATH Aeon of Ruin 2,5€ Partisans 1941 2€ Trine 4 The Nightmare Prince 4,5€ Beyond the Wire 3€ Endzone A World Apart 3€ Void Bastards 3€ Fell Seal Arbiters Mark 1,5€ Destroy All Humans 3,8€ Endless Space 2 4€ Heliborne 3€ Battle Chasers: Nightwar 3€ Trailmakers 5€ Before We Leave 1,5€ Rebel Galaxy Outlaw 1,5€ Black Book 1,6€ Ghostrunner 6,5€ Hello Neighbor + Hello Neighbor Hide and Seek 5€ Rise Of Industry 2€ Age of Wonders Planetfall 2€ Battlestar Galactica Deadlock 2,1€ Rogue Heroes Ruins of Tasos 2€ Relicta 1€ Aven Colony 2€ MO Astray 2,5€ Hellpoint 2€ Rock of Ages 3 Make and Break 2,8€ The Survivalists 4,2€ Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts 4,5€ Darksiders Genesis 4,2€ Chivalry Medieval Warfare 2,5€ Popup Dungeon 1€ Just Die Already 1,5€ Forager 3€ Crawl 5,5€ Elite Dangerous 4,5€ Pony Island 2€ Space Haven 6,2€ Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 10€ Warhammer 40K Gladius Relics of War 2,
playstation 4 Hry DOOM, CIVILIZATION VI
predám hry na ps4 vid, foto cena za kus 10€ na sms a email nereagujem
Epic Games sučet 130 hier
XCOM 2 Wolfenstein THe new order Watch Dogs 2 Total War: Warhammer Star Wars Squadron Tomb Raider PC Building Simulator NBA 2k21 Metro 2033 Redux Jurassic World Evolution Hitman Galactic Civilization 2 Europa Universalis 2 Death Stranding Dead by DAylight Control Borderlands 3 Alien Isolution
Hry pc
Zdravím Predám nasledujúce hry určené hlavňe pre zberateľov. Všetky hry sú maximálne v dobrom stave nepoškodené s kompletným obsahom, čo majú obsahovať a odskúšané. Všetky hry sú zabalené v ZIP sáčkoch kvôli ochrane a poškodeniu. Zoznam nasledujúcich hier: --- GTA 5 hra nerozbalená + kniha + kľúčenka 100€ --- Max Payne 3 Special Edition hra nerozbalená 100€ --- Far Cry 2 CZ 25€ --- Battlefield 1 steel book prázdne 10€ --- Civilization IV 10€ --- SWAT 4 big box 40€ --- DRIV3R CZ 10€ --- Fallout Tactics CZ 5€ --- Foto na tomto odkaze: Osobný odber alebo poslanie cez zásielkovňu. Len vážny záujem !. Viac info kontaktovať prosím cez email ďakujem.