crooks and castles - strana 23
Počet nájdených inzerátov CROOKS AND CASTLES
: 1000 - strana 23

Ponúkam na predaj anglický porcelán značky Olde Country Castles Britisch Anchor vyrobený v anglicku. Krásny stav bez poškodenia chýba akurát jedna podšálka viď. fotky.
Cena za všetko spolu je 220€ pri rýchlom jednaný možná dohoda na cene. Len osobný odber !
Možnosť priviesť na trase Levice-Nitra-Trnava-Bratislava. Po dohode aj inde.
V prípade že nedvíham zanechajte mi SMS správu alebo email. Pozrite aj ďalšie moje inzeráty

Predám hry, ktoré sme nestihli zahrať a vyrástli sme z nich alebo na nich jednoducho nemáme čas. Otvorený som aj výmene (ponúknite – len kompletné hry bez poškodenia herného materiálu. Nie únikovky apod.). Viac foto na požiadanie. U otvorených hier pred zaslaním (Packeta, SP) kontrolujem kompletnosť herného materiálu. Ceny sú pevné.
1. foto
Staré povesti české (hrané, dobrý stav) – 6 €
Numeropolis (hrané, výborný stav) – 5 €
Nepokojný oceán /hrané, výborný stav) – 2 €
Bacha, spláchni! (hrané, výborý stav) – 2 €
2. foto
Stopár (hraná) - 2 €
Mravce (hraná) – 2 €
Číňan + Barikády (hraná, ako nová) – 5 €
Coco (hraná, ako nová) – 6 €
Kriskros klasik (nehraná) – 8 €
3. foto
Domino - Pán prstenu (2x hrané) – 6 €
Star Wars – Rule the Galaxy (fólia) – 6 €
Da Vinci code (fólia) – 6 €
Tajomstvo podzemia (fólia) – 6 €
Kolonizácia (fólia) – 6 €
Tricky Tracks (vylúpané, nehrané) – 10 €
Mnoho monster (fólia) – 14 €
Block 5 (fólia) – 5 €
4. foto
Svet dostihov (krabica preliačená, herný materiál v poriadku) - 5 €
Investor (krabica preliačená, herný materiál v poriadku) - 5 €
5. foto
Scarab Lords (hrané, ako nové) - 8 €
Empatia (fólia) – 20 €
PREDANÉ Kámen – zbrane – papír (fólia) – 12 €
Venezia 2099 (fólia) – 15 €
6. foto
PREDANÉ Oltree (fólia) – len na výmenu
Golden Horn: Von Venedig nach Konstantinopel (fólia) – 15 €
Pacal's Rocket (hrané, výborný stav) – 14 €
Tortuga (fólia) – 13 €
7. foto
Poznáš Slovensko? (1. vydanie, fólia) – 18 €
Port Royal + 1. Rozšírenie (fólia) – 17 €
Grand Slam (fólia) – 8 €
Coup + Coup – Reformation /China/ (nehrané) - 6 €
Hanabi /China/ (výborný stav) - 4 €
Solo /nehrané) – 4 €
Digital Game (Rummikub) – 7 €
Love Letter /China/ (nehraná) -4 €
8. foto
Stezky tukanu - rozšírenie Přívozy (12 listov minutých)+ nový mapový blok k základu - 6 €
Chefs (Kuchári – Marbushka) – (2x hraná, chýba 1 ľahko nahraditeľný žetón) – 25 €
To je otázka! (nehraná) – 8 €
Balikáři (hrané, nepoškodené) – 10 €
Tain (hraná, nepoškodená, len krabica je trochu odretá) – 5 €
PREDANÉ Dračie zlato / Drachengold / (hraná) - 5 €
9. foto
Castles of Burgundy /PL verzia, no jazykovo nezávislé/ (hrané, ako nové, len krabica trochu preliačená) - 27 €
PREDANÉ Klub ztroskotancu (hraná, výborný stav, karty v obaloch) – 25 €
Ports of Medittearean (nehraná) – 16 €
Condottiere /China/ (nová) - 13 €
Draftosaurus – 2 rozšírenia (Pterodaktyly + Plesiosaury ) (fólia, PL verzia, jazykovo nezávislé) – 20 €
Fuse (hrané, ako nové) – 15 €

Popis v slovencine som nenasiel tak aspon takto...
DAC mi sluzil 5 rokov a je v 100% technickom stave.
The TEAC UD-H01 brings high-end digital-to-analog conversion to an affordable package for component or computer audio playback. Three digital inputs are provided: coaxial, optical, and a USB 2.0 input for connection to Mac or Windows computers. These connect to a premium-quality Burr Brown PCM1795 dual DAC with up to 192kHz/32-bit audio resolution for the highest-quality sources. The device can receive data asynchronously meaning the timing signal is included reducing jitter to the absolute lowest level. Input sources can even be up-converted to higher sampling rates for smoother audio quality.
For output to powered speakers or an amplifier, a Muse 8920 dual operation line amplifier terminates to gold-plated phono or balanced XLR outputs. The output circuit is completely independent in the left and right sides for optimum channel separation and clear stereo imaging. A stereo headphone amp is also provided with independent volume control.
The perfect system for playback of high-res computer formats like FLAC, WAV and Apple Lossless, the TEAC UD-H01 enables high-quality audio playback in your home or office.

Predam 150W aktivny streaming reproduktor Bluesound Pulse 2i. Iba rozbaleny a odskusany, original balenie. Iba osobne v BA a okolie. Poprosim pisat cez kontaktny formular dole.
The most complete powered streaming speaker available, combining Bluetooth, and multi room capabilities the PULSE 2i fills large spaces with rich, clear high-res audio. When it comes to your music, don’t settle for anything less than high-fidelity.
Bluesound’s flagship all-in-one, multi-room speaker.
Top-performing drivers deliver a powerful listening experience greater than other all-in-one speakers.
Bluesound’s innovative amp technology ensures flawless music playback without any distortion.
Dual band Wi-Fi and support for 2-way Bluetooth aptX™ HD ensures music playback without interruption.
Control how and where you listen to your music with the intuitive BluOS Controller app.
Control it with the optional Bluesound RC1 Remote Controller
Stream to multiple Bluesound players throughout the entire home.
Connect Bluesound to your Amazon Echo with the skill in the Alexa app and use Amazon’s Alexa voice assistant to control Players around the home.
AirPlay 2 lets you play music or podcasts from wireless speakers throughout your house — all in sync.

Original Roland Sands, nesedeli na moju motorku (miskomunikacia s RSD a zla objednavka).
Traction and ground clearance are key when riding hard. We took our experience with road racing, mashed it up with classic RSD style and out came the RSD Traction Billet Harley Foot Pegs. Shorter than traditional pegs and wider for more surface contact with your boot, they allow maximum lean and grip when ripping.
CNC machine billet aluminum
Interchangeable RSD Logo Badges
Road Race styled knurling
Foot pegs have veen shortened for more ground clearance
Sold as a pair

below the text in English
Realitná kancelária RE/MAX "EXKLUZÍVNE" ponúka na predaj budovu v meste Nitra, katastrálne územie Mlynárce, na Rastislavovej ulici. Budova sa nachádza v uzavretom areáli s výborným prístupom na rýchlostnú cestu R1, vzdialeného 500m a len 2,2km od priemyselnej zóny JLR. V pešej dostupnosti 300m sa nachádza autobusová zastávka MHD Nitra a vlaková zastávka vzdialená 600m, čo výrazne zjednodušuje dostupnosť pre pracujúcich.
V cene nehnuteľnosti je spoluvlastnícky podiel na prístupovej ceste.
Na nehnuteľnosť je vypracovaný znalecký posudok z roku 2021 a kryje požadovanú cenu za nehnuteľnosť.
Možnosť zriadiť v budove výrobu a zároveň na 3 NP vybudovať ubytovanie pre zamestnancov.
Vypracovaná je projektová štúdia na ubytovňu s kladným vyjadrením mesta Nitra na zmenu účelu užívania existujúcej stavby – administratívna budova na ubytovacie zariadenie – prestavba.
Budova disponuje 3.NP a 1.PP, keby sa zmenil účel užívania na ubytovacie zariadenie, je zamýšľaná celková kapacita objektu 172 lôžok. Ubytovanie v objekte bude riešené bunkovým systémom, ktorý bude pozostávať z dvoj a troj lôžkových izieb.
• Zastavaná plocha objektu o plošnej výmere 757 m2
• Podlažná plocha o plošnej výmere 3028 m2
• Výška budovy 13,10 m
• Obostavaný priestor 9916,7 m3
Obvodové múry: železobetónová konštrukcia
Kúrenie: radiátory + plynový kotol
Siete: elektrina, voda, plyn, kanalizácia
V prípade viacerých záujemcov bude nehnuteľnosť predaná najvýhodnejšej ponuke podľa preferencií majiteľa.
Uvedená cena je vrátane provízie realitnej kancelárie
RE/MAX, kompletného právneho servisu, autorizovaných zmlúv a poplatkov spojených s prevodom vlastníckych práv.
Všetky ďalšie informácie u makléra (dokumenty, vyjadrenia MÚ Nitra, projekty...).
Sale of a building in Nitra with the possibility of conversion into a hostel .
Real estate agency RE / MAX offers for sale a building in the city of Nitra, cadastral area Mlynárce, on Rastislavova street. The building is in an enclosed area with excellent access to the R1 expressway, 500 meters away and only 2.2 km from the JLR industrial zone. Within walking distance of 300m there is a public transport bus stop Nitra and a train stop 600m away, which greatly simplifies accessibility for employees.
The ownership share on the access road is also included in the price of the property.
An expert opinion has been prepared for the real estate from 2021 and covers the required price for the real estate.
Possibility to set up production in the building and at the same time build accommodation for employees on the 3rd floor.
A project study has been prepared for a hostel with a positive statement from the city of Nitra to change the purpose of using the existing building - an administrative building for an accommodation facility - reconstruction.
The building has the three upper floo

Salman Rushdie - Quichotte. Je ako nová.
Cena + poštovné. V prípade záujmu ma kontaktujte prosím cez email.
Ponúkam na predaj aj iné knihy - pozrite si moje ďaľšie inzeráty.
In a tour-de-force that is a modern masterpiece about the quest for love and family, Booker Prize-winning, internationally bestselling author Salman Rushdie has created a dazzling Don Quixote for the modern age. Inspired by the Cervantes classic, Sam DuChamp, mediocre writer of spy thrillers, creates Quichotte, a courtly, addled salesman obsessed with television, who falls in impossible love with the TV star Salman R. Together with his (imaginary) son Sancho, Quichotte sets off on a picaresque quest across America to prove worthy of her hand, gallantly braving the tragicomic perils of an age where 'Anything-Can-Happen'. Meanwhile his creator, in a midlife crisis, has equally urgent challenges of his own. Just as Cervantes wrote Don Quixote to satirize the culture of his time, Rushdie takes the reader on a wild ride through a country on the verge of moral and spiritual collapse, with the kind of storytelling magic that is the hallmark of his work. The fully realized lives of DuChamp and Quichotte intertwine in a profoundly human quest for love and a wickedly entertaining portrait of an age in which fact is so often indiscernible from fiction.

Ponukam novy WiFi Smart vypinac / ovladac zaluzii v prevedeni so sklenenym povrchom a 3 dotykovymi tlacidlami.
1.Smart Home Automation:With the powerful functional smart curtain switch,we are easily able to transform our house into a smart one.Intelligently control our curtains in a much easier and smarter way.Besides,it can work with smart curtain motor or roller shutter to realize automation for all curtains at home.Simply add motorized shades or other similar devices to your smart home with Smart Curtain Motor!(Note:the curtain motor is not included in the package,you need a self-purchase of it at we Moes.)
2. Control from Anywhere:Control the curtains anytime from anywhere with your phone using 'Smart Life' APP.Close the curtain automatically when you are away from home.
3. Hands-Free Voice Control:Compatible with Amazon Alexa and Google Home to voice your curtains, lead you a more smart and convenient life.
4. Multi-scenario Matching:Match different kinds of curtains such as window blinds/rolling blinds/venetian blinds. Install the Smart Curtain Switch in a lot of places, like office/ study/ bedroom/ living room ect., even control the Awning in your yard.
5. Schedules&Counterdown:Set schedules to control the curtains on your own timetable. Automatically open your curtain at the time you get up and close the curtain when you go to bed. When you take a nap, set a counterdown to open the curtains to wake you up.

Huawei CE6870-24S6CQ-EI 24x 1G/10G SFP+ & 6x 40G/100G QSFP28 ports switch
With dual AC power supply and rack mount ears
Refurbished, Fully tested (All ports tested 1/10Gbit + 40/100Gbit with transceivers and Link UP test), 100% Good working Condition, Newest available software and patch
There can be few scratches on the cover of the switches, but it's only esthetical.
Huawei Versatile Routing Platform Software
VRP (R) software, Version 8.191 (CE6870EI )
Copyright (C) 2012-2020 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
HUAWEI CE6870-24S6CQ-EI uptime is 0 days, 2 hours, 26 minutes
Patch Version: V200R019SPH030
CE6870-24S6CQ-EI: 10GE Deep Buffer TOR Switch
1. 24-port 10GE SFP+ , and 6-port 100GE QSFP28, 4GB deep buffer
2. Rich data center features: M-LAG, VxLAN, TRILL, EVPN, iStack, SVF, FCoE, OpenFlow

Ponúkam na predaj raritné hry z PS 1. Hry sú vo výbornom stave. Pri hrách je uvedené či ide o Platinovú (P) alebo Neplatinovú (N) verziu.
South Park(N) 30€
Vigilante 8 (N) 30€
Resident Evil(N) 50€
Resident Evil 3 (N) 50€
GTA 1 (P) 35€
GTA 2 (N) 40€
GTA London 1969 (N) 30€
Spiderman 2(P) 30€
Tekken 1 (N) 30€
Tekken 2 (N) 25€
Tekken 3 (P,N) 40€
Alien Trilogy(N) 25€
Doom(N) 25€
Ape Escape(N) 25€
Syphon Filter 1 (N) 35€
Syphon Filter 2 (N,P) 35€
Syphon Filter 3 (P) 35€
Final Fantasy VIII (P) 27€
Final Fantasy IX (P) 25€
Final Fantasy IX (N) 30€
Command and Conquer(N) 25€
Medal of Honor 1 (N) 25€
Medal of Honor 2 (N) 25€
Italian Job(N) 20€
Men in Black(N) 20€
Heart of Darkness(N) 25€
Oddworld:Oddysee(N,P) 25€
Oddworld:Exoddus(N) 23€
Chase the Expres(N,P) 23€
Duke Nukem:Time to Kill(N) 20€
Duke Nukem:LoB(N) 20€
Area 51 (N) 20€
Tomb Raider 1 (N) 25€
Tomb Raider 2 (N) 25€
Tomb Raider 3 (N,P) 25€
Tomb Raider 4 (N) 25€
Tomb Raider 5 (N) 25€
Tomb Raider 3 + 4 (N) 45€
Syndicate Wars(N) 20€
Simpsons Wrestling(N) 20€
Jurský park(P) 20€
Populous(N) 15€
Incredible Crisis(N) 17€
Mission Impossible(N) 17€
Hidden and Dangerous(N) 15€
007 Racing(P) 15€
007 Tomorrow Never Dies(N) 13€
Kensei Sacred Fist(N) 15€
Firestorm Thunderhawk 2 (P) 12€
Rugrats po 10€
Rainbow Six(N) 15€
Rainbow Six Lone Wolf(N) 10€
Crash Bandicoot 1 (P) 45€
Wacky Races+B. Bunny and Taz(N) 45€
Spyro the Dragon 1 (N,P) 38€
Spyro 2 (N,P) 35€
Spyro 3 (N,P) 35€
Harry Potter 1 (N) 25€
Harry Potter 2 (N) 30€
Tarzan(N) 25€
Lion King Simba´s Mighty Adv.(N) 25€
Lord of the Jungle(N)–NOVÝ 25€
Bomberman(N) 25€
Frogger(N) 25€
Shrek Treasure Hunt(N) 23€
Asterix & Obelix Take on Caesar(N) 20€
Rayman 1 (P) 20€
Rayman 2 (P) 20€
Toy Story 2 (P,N) 20€
Treasure Planet(N) 20€
Stuart Little 2 (N) 20€
Hugo 2 (N) 20€
Disney´s Dinosaur(N) 20€
Inspector Gadget(N) 20€
Monsters inc. Scare Island(P) 18€
Magical Racing Tour(N) 20€
Jungle Book(N) 17€
Aladdin In Nasira´s Revenge(P) 15€
Worms(P) 15€
Worms World Party(N) 15€
Mickey´s Wild Adv.(P) 15€
Buster and The Beanstalk(N) 15€
Flintstones (N) 15€
Scooby-Doo(N) 15€
Dalmatines(N) 15€
CROC 1 (N) 15€
Casper(N) 15€
Mulan(N) 13€
Goldie(N) 13€
A Bugs Life(N) 13€
Magic Carpet(N) 10€
Actua Ice Hockey(N) 25€
Formula 1 98 (N) 25€
Tony Hawk´s 1 (N,P) 24€
Tony Hawk´s 3 (N,P) 25€
EURO 2000 (N) 15€
Gran Turismo 1 (P) 17€
4x4 World Trophy(N) 15€
Colin McRae Rally(N) 15€
This is Football(N) 15€
Cool Boarders 3 (P) 15€
Micro Machines v3 (P) 15€
MTV Snowboarding(N) 17€
Driver(N) 15€
Driver 2 (N,P) 18€
Toca(P) 15€

Predám šatku
Rosslyn Queen's Cross Baby Wrap
Krásna Oscha.
Táto šatka sa už nevyrába.
Úplne nová, opraná raz na 30° v jemnom denkmite.
Luxusné zloženie: čistý bambus a organická bavlna, takže je super v každom ročnom období :)
Pred opraním tuším 250g/m2
Raz naviazaná.
Retail: 165€.
Predám za 100€.
Pri rýchlom jednaní dohoda možná.
Možnosť kúpiť na splátky.
Rosslyn Queen's Cross Baby Wrap
Soft pinks fades through rich to light tones on this stunning pure bamboo and organic combed cotton wrap, as a black welt boldly showcases our Mackinthosh inspired design.
Thick, with a good balance of grip and glide this is a wonderful toddlerworthy wrap. Breathable and cushy with a hint of shimmer this wrap is great for all seasons and will soften a quickly with wear to become soft enough for tiny ones too.
Pre viac info mi napíšte správu..
Predávam ju, pretože ju nevyužijeme a je škoda, aby stála táto kráska v skrini, možno čaká práve na vás :)

My name is Yari, I'm Italian, 36 years old - I don't really speak Slovak (just a few words), but I speak English.
I play the bass-guitar - I have a Fender Jazz reissue of 1962 - and I would like to find an easy-going band to join.
I have several year of experience but I haven't practiced much in a while.
I would like to start playing again on a regular basis to have fun. But, I'm not a good fit for professionals or committing projects. I'm not looking for compensations and I will not invest money for recordings or promotions. I'm willing to pay my share for the rehearsal room, if needed and reasonable.
My favorite genres are: Pop, Rock, Blues and R&B.
I'm very happy to listen to your ideas, please contact via email.
Best regards

Predám čítané knihy v anglickom jazyku. Knihy sú vo veľmi dobrom stave, mäkká väzba. Cena za knihu 5 eur + poštovné a balné v závislosti od hmotnosti. Posielam nasledujúci pracovný deň doporučene pri platbe vopred, na dobierku neposielam. Ku každej knihe ručne vyrobená záložka. V prípade záujmu ma
K dispozicií nasledovné tituly:
Jonas Jonasson - The One Hundred Year Old Man Who Climbed Out The Window and Disappeared
Paoulo Coelho - The Fifth Mountain
Edgar Allan Poe - Tales of Mystery and Imagination
Steve Turner - The Day I Fell Down the Toilet and Other Poems
Stephen King - Wolves of the Calla - Dark Tower
Kate Mosse - Labyrinth
David Baldacci - End Game
Ben Macintyre - Agent Zigzag
Elizabeth Gaskell - North and South
Thomas Hardy - The Mayor of Casterbridge

Family and Friends 2nd Edition iTools – ponúka rozsiahle digitálne materiály vhodné na vyučovanie AJ prostredníctvom interaktívnej tabule alebo dataprojektoru a počítača. iTools obsahuje celý obsah učebnice a pracovného zošita, animované príbehy (od Starter až po Level4), rôzne jazykové hry, karaoke verziu piesní. zahŕňa obsah z Fluency DVD a samozrejme kľúč odpovedí a poznámky, rady a typy pre učiteľa.
Family and Friends Second Edition je nový prepracovaný kurz AJ s úplne novými prvkami a bohatou audio a webovou podporou. Žiaci ZŠ si postupne zdokonaľujú svoje jazykové zručnosti, rozširovať poznatky zo spoločenského života prispôsobené veku a záujmom žiakov. Učebnica obsahuje aj časť Fluency Time! Ide o úplnú novinku s inovatívnym prístupom na precvičenie každodennej angličtiny , s podporou ukážok z praxe na DVD a rôznych výtvarných a projektových aktivít.
Neoceniteľnou podporou, ktorú ocenia ako učitelia tak i rodičia je Online Practice, ktorý ponúka cvičenia a aktivity s automatickou opravou a vyhodnotením. Rodičia a učitelia môžu zadávať úlohy a sledovať pokrok žiakov. Teacher´s Book Plus obsahuje aj časti Assesment and Resource multi Rom, ktorá obsahuje rôzne testy, doplnkové materiály a projekty. Všetky obľúbené časti z prvej edíciu sú zachované, no celkom ide o novú verziu, ktorá nie je kompatibilná s prvou edíciou

Programovatelné svetlo pre morské akvárium.
Je v perfektnom stave bez poškodenia a škrabancov. Takmer ako nové.
Kompletné balenie aj s krabičkou.
Uchytenie sa dá nastaviť vrátane výšky a polohy svetla voči hladine.
Cez aplikáciu do mobilu je možné svetlo plne ovládať, manuálne zapnúť/výpnúť, nastaviť intenzitu všetkých farieb a tiež nastaviť priebeh počas dňa. Presne kedy sa má postupne rozsvetcovať, ktoré farby na koľko percent výkonu, večer zase iba režim modrej a nakoniec klesanie až po zhasnutie.
Perfektné možnosti nastavení.
Predávam nakoľko mením akvárko za väčšie a potrebujem aj silnejšie svetlo.
Osobne v Seredi, Trnave, Šali, Galante.
Operated exclusively via the FluvalSmart App on your mobile device, Marine Nano LED is designed to help you grow brighter, more robust corals in a small saltwater aquarium.
Programmable, gradual 24-hour light cycle settings (sunrise, midday, sunset and night)
7 unique band waves for full spectrum results
Independent colour control
Optional pre-set habitat light configurations (Sunny Reef, Deep Sea Glo, Colour Burst)
Fully adjustable positioning (up/down, side-to-side, forward/backward)
New over-the-glass mounting design with repositionable, secure grip
The new generation of H.T.E (High Thermal Efficiency) LEDs function at a higher operating temperature, providing improved long-term light output and spectral performance
Fully encased aluminum shell provides effective heat transfer and improved protection from water intrusion and humidity
23% lighter, smoother frame than previous generation
Industry leading IP67 waterproof rating - light can be mounted directly above water surface for greater light penetration
Deep coverage - each individual LED casts 120° of illumination for wider, uniform lighting without dead spot
Tech Specs:
Dimensions - 12.7 x 12.7cm (5x5")
No. of LED's - 100
Wattage - 20W
Lumens - 850lm
Colour Temp. - 25,000K
Lifetime - 50,000 hours

Accept- Eat the heat
AC/DC Razors edge
Black Sabbath- Attention Black Sabbath
Blondie The Hunter
Blondie best of blondie
Blondie plastic letters
Bon Jovi slippery when wet
Bon Jovi new jersey
Bruce Springsteen- Born in the USA
Bruce Springsteen- Tunnel of love
Cinderella heartbreak station
D.C. Lacroix crack of doom
D.C. Lacroix living by the sword
Deep purple storm bringer
Deep purple who do we think we are?
Deep purple fireball
Deep purple burn
Deep purple Singles A's & B's
Deep purple perfect stranger
Deep purple the house of blue light
Deep purple Made in Europe
Deep purple slaves and masters
Deep Purple- In rock
Def Leppard Hysteria
Dio lock up the wolves
Dire straits on every street
Doors- Light my fire
Doors- Strange days
Doors- Morrison hotel
Doors- Star Collection
Doors Greatest hits
Doors L.A. Woman
Elvis Presley-Pure Gold
Elvis Presley-Promised Land
Eurythmics- Revenge
Guns and Roses- Use your ilusion 2
Jethro Tull too old to rocknroll too young to die
Jethro Tull A
Jethro Tull Stormwatch
Led Zeppelin- Led Zeppelin
Led Zeppelin III
Led Zeppelin- Untitled
Metallica- Garage days revisited
Motorhead- Ace of Spades
Motorhead- Death or Glory
Nazareth- Hair of the dog
Nazareth 2XS
Nazareth malice in wonderland
Nazareth- Cinema
Pink Floyd- Wish you were here
QUEEN- The works
QUEEN- Hot Space
Queen- Greatest hits
Queen- A kind of magic
Rainbow down to Earth
REM- Out of time
Rolling Stones Stone Age
Rolling Stones through the past darkly
Rolling Stones Sticky fingers
Rolling Stones Exile on main street
Rolling Stones Goats head soup
Rolling Stones Steel wheels
Rolling Stones Made in the shade
Rolling Stones Rewind
Rolling Stones Lady Jane
Rolling Stones Play with fire
Rolling Stones All together
Raxy music- Country life
Roxy music- Roxy music
Roxy music- Siren
Scorpions In trance
Scorpions- Love at first sting
Scorpions- Lovedrive
Scorpions Live
Slade Slayed
Slade Rogues gallery
Smokie- Bright Lights and Back Alleys
Smokie- Greatest hits
Status Quo Never too late
Status Quo hello
Status Quo Rock til you drop
Status Quo If you can stand in the heat
Status Quo just supposin
Status Quo rocking all over the world
Supertramp- Famous last words
U2- Joshua Tree
U2- Rattle and hum
Uriah heep innocent victim
Uriah heep very eavy very umble
Uriah heep The magician birthday
Whitesnake- Live
ZZ Top Eliminator

Predam prenosne reproduktory k notebooku, napajanie cez USB + presnosne puzdro a manual, original v krabici, malo pouzivane, ako nove.
Popis v anglictine:
Logitech S-150 USB Stereo Speakers for Desktop or Laptop
- Crystal-clear stereo sound
- Slim, lightweight speaker design offers simple controls and easy setup for a convenient listening experience.
- Compact, moveable speakers let you easily customize to your setup.
- Connection is simple and quick. Just plug the speakers into your computer USB-A port. An orange LED stays lit when your speakers are on. Disconnect the USB-A cable to power off.
- Easy Controlls, we kept controls really simple: volume and mute. Both are conveniently located on the front of the right speaker so you can easily adjust your audio experience.
Satellite speakers
Height: 6.22 in (158 mm)
Width: 2.68 in (68 mm)
Depth: 2.52 in (64 mm)
Weight: 1.41 oz (0.4 kg)
USB power cable
Cable length: 3.93 ft (120 cm)
Cable connecting speakers
Cable length: 2.62 ft (80 cm)
Volume up and volume down buttons located on right speaker
Mute/unmute button located on right speaker
Power indicator light: Amber LED light on front of right speaker

Ponúkam na predaj pozemok o rozlohe 2,4 ha v Nových Zámkoch/
For sale a plot of land with an area of 5,9 acres in Nove Zamky.
Vhodný na stavbu obchodu, administratívnych budov, hál, skladov, priestorov pre poskytovanie služieb alebo výroby/Suitable for the construction of shops, administrative buildings, halls, warehouses, premises for the provision of services or production.
Pozemok svojou polohou v rámci mesta poskytuje vynikajúcu a ľahkú dostupnosť osobnej aj nákladnej doprave. Má vybudovaný nový zjazd – pripojenie z hlavnej cesty/Due to its location within the city, the land provides excellent and easy accessibility to both passenger and freight transport. It has a new entry / exit - connection from the main road.
Poloha a dostupnosť: Mesto Nové Zámky sú vzdialené asi 38km od Nitry, 30 km od Komárna, 110 km od Bratislavy či 75km od Maďarského mesta Győr/Location and availability: Nove Zamky is about 38 km from Nitra, 30 km from Komarno, 110 km from Bratislava or 75 km from the Hungarian city of Győr.
Pozemok sa nachádza na východnej strane Nových Zámkov, neďaleko Merkury Marketu a Kauflandu, v okrajovej časti, hneď vedľa hlavnej cesty smerom na Dvory nad Žitavou – Dvorskej ceste/The land is located on the eastern side of Nove Zamky, near Merkory Market and Kaufland, in the peripheral part, right next to the main road towards Dvory nad Žitavou - Dvorska cesta.
Miesto: Nové Zámky, okres Nitra, južná časť stredného Slovenska/Place location: Nové Zámky, Nitra district, southern part of central Slovakia.
Celková plocha pozemku/Total land area: 23.943 m²
Vybavenie pozemku: možnosť pripojenia na všetky inžinierske siete – voda, kanalizácia, plyn aj elektrina/Plot equipment: electricity, water, sewerage, gas - at the border of the plot
Aktuálny stav: Pozemok je bez sklonu – rovinatý. Na pozemku sa nachádza len stará neobývaná búda. Momentálne na celom pozemku rastie divoký trávový porast/Current state: The land has no slope - it is flat. There is an old uninhabited shack on the property. Currently, wild perennial grass grows on the entire property.
Pozemok je kúpou voľný ihneď/The land is immediately available
V prípade dohody je možné pozemok odpredať aj po častiach/In case of agreement, the land can be sold in parts.
Všetky informácie nájdete na web stránke nehnuteľnosti/All detailed information can be found on the website of the property:
Cena/The price: 1.429.588,60 €
Cena za m²/the price per m²: 59,70 €
Ceny bez DPH./Prices without VAT.
Pre viac informácií ma kontaktujte alebo si dohodnite obhliadku/Contact me for more information or arrange a viewing of the property:
Marcel Prokop, RSc.
+421 948 68 48 58

The Oppo Find N is an absolute highlight of 2021 with its two 5.5-inch and 7.1-inch OLED displays, its Snapdragon 888, 12 GB LPDDR5 RAM, 512 GB UFS 3.1 ROM and the 50 + 16 + 13 megapixel triple camera. The foldable display rolls in and therefore does not form a crease. Thanks to the 4500 mAh battery, 33 W charge as well as 15 W wireless charge, a long runtime and fast charging is guaranteed. Furthermore, the foldable is pleasingly compact at 132.6 x 73.0 x 15.9 mm.