crooks and castles - strana 8
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: 1000 - strana 8

Možný aj osobný odber Bratislava - Miletička.
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From #1 New York Times bestselling authors Jodi Picoult and Samantha van Leer, OFF THE PAGE is a tender and appealing YA novel filled with romance, humor, and adventure.
Delilah and Oliver shouldn’t be together. But they are together. And just as they’re getting used to the possibility that happily ever after may really, truly be theirs, the universe sends them a message they can’t ignore: they won’t be allowed to rewrite their story.
Delilah and Oliver must decide how much they’re willing to risk for love and what it takes to have a happy ending in a world where the greatest adventures happen off the page.
“Off the Page is just so sweet and magical. In high school, I would have given ANYTHING to crawl inside one of my favorite books to escape the real world. I wish!”—SARAH DESSEN, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Saint Anything

Patrik z RADO Reality Vám ponúka na prenájom krásny 4-izbový byt s rozlohou 110m² v tichej lokalite. Byt sa nachádza na 2. poschodí rezidenčného domu s výťahom na Guothovej ulici na Kramároch.
Byt pozostáva zo vstupnej chodby, prepojenej obývačky s kuchyňou a jedálenskou časťou, troch samostatných izieb - spálne, detskej izby a pracovne s posteľou, kúpeľne s WC a jedným samostatným WC. V byte sa nachádza walk-in šatník a technická miestnosť, ktorá má ďalší úložný priestor.
Z obývačky sa dostaneme na 2 priestranné balkóny, pričom jeden balkón je prepojený aj so spálňou.
Byt sa prenajíma kompletne zariadený vrátane kuchynskej linky so zabudovanými spotrebičmi (umývačka riadu, el. varná platňa, el. rúra, mikrovlnná rúra, chladnička s mrazničkou). K vybaveniu bytu patrí práčka, klimatizácia, bezpečnostné dvere, samostatný šatník a vstavané skrine.
V byte je pripojenie na káblovú televíziu a internet.
V okolí bytu sa nachádza kompletná občianska vybavenosť. Viacero materských škôl, dve základné školy, spoločná nemecko - slovenská škola a škôlka (Deutsche Schule Bratislava - Bárdošova ul.), Nemocnica s pohotovosťou Kramáre, centrum mesta (10 minút) autom alebo MHD. V blízkosti Koliba (6 minút) a Železná studnička (10 minút).
K bytu patrí samostatná uzatvárateľná garáž s diaľkovým ovládaním pre dva automobily. V garáži je aj pivnica. Garáž a pivnica sú zahrnuté v cene nájmu.
Byt bude k dispozícii do 2 týždňov.
Cena prenájmu je 1600 €/mesiac, vrátane energií s internetom a TV.
Patrik from RADO Reality offers for rent beautiful 4-room apartment with an area of 110 m² in a quiet location. The apartment is located on the 2nd floor of a residential building with an elevator on Guothova street in Kramare district.
The apartment consists of an entrance hall, a connected living room with a kitchen and a dining area, three separate rooms - a bedroom, a children's room and a study with a bed, a bathroom with a toilet and one separate toilet. The apartment has a walk-in wardrobe and a utility room with additional storage space.
From the living room you can reach 2 spacious balconies, one of them is also connected to the bedroom.
The apartment is fully furnished, including built-in appliances in kitchen (dishwasher, electric hob, electric oven, microwave oven, refrigerator with freezer). The apartment is equipped with a washing machine, air conditioning, security door, separate wardrobe and built-in wardrobes.
The apartment has cable TV and internet connection.
The apartment is surrounded by complete amenities. Several kindergartens, two elementary schools, joint German-Slovak school and kindergarten (Deutsche Schule Bratislava - Bardosova st.), Kramare emergency hospital, city center (10 minutes) by car or public transport. Close to Koliba (6 minutes) and Park - Železná studnička (10 minutes).

Patrik z RADO Reality Vám ponúka na prenájom krásny 4-izbový byt s rozlohou 110m² v tichej lokalite. Byt sa nachádza na 2. poschodí rezidenčného domu s výťahom na Guothovej ulici na Kramároch.
Byt pozostáva zo vstupnej chodby, prepojenej obývačky s kuchyňou a jedálenskou časťou, troch samostatných izieb - spálne, detskej izby a pracovne s posteľou, kúpeľne s WC a jedným samostatným WC. V byte sa nachádza walk-in šatník a technická miestnosť, ktorá má ďalší úložný priestor.
Z obývačky sa dostaneme na 2 priestranné balkóny, pričom jeden balkón je prepojený aj so spálňou.
Byt sa prenajíma kompletne zariadený vrátane kuchynskej linky so zabudovanými spotrebičmi (umývačka riadu, el. varná platňa, el. rúra, mikrovlnná rúra, chladnička s mrazničkou). K vybaveniu bytu patrí práčka, klimatizácia, bezpečnostné dvere, samostatný šatník a vstavané skrine.
V byte je pripojenie na káblovú televíziu a internet.
V okolí bytu sa nachádza kompletná občianska vybavenosť. Viacero materských škôl, dve základné školy, spoločná nemecko - slovenská škola a škôlka (Deutsche Schule Bratislava - Bárdošova ul.), Nemocnica s pohotovosťou Kramáre, centrum mesta (10 minút) autom alebo MHD. V blízkosti Koliba (6 minút) a Železná studnička (10 minút).
K bytu patrí samostatná uzatvárateľná garáž s diaľkovým ovládaním pre dva automobily. V garáži je aj pivnica. Garáž a pivnica sú zahrnuté v cene nájmu.
Byt bude k dispozícii do 2-3 týždňov.
Cena prenájmu je 1699 €/mesiac, vrátane energií s internetom a TV.
Patrik from RADO Reality offers for rent beautiful 4-room apartment with an area of 110 m² in a quiet location. The apartment is located on the 2nd floor of a residential building with an elevator on Guothova street in Kramare district.
The apartment consists of an entrance hall, a connected living room with a kitchen and a dining area, three separate rooms - a bedroom, a children's room and a study with a bed, a bathroom with a toilet and one separate toilet. The apartment has a walk-in wardrobe and a utility room with additional storage space.
From the living room you can reach 2 spacious balconies, one of them is also connected to the bedroom.
The apartment is fully furnished, including built-in appliances in kitchen (dishwasher, electric hob, electric oven, microwave oven, refrigerator with freezer). The apartment is equipped with a washing machine, air conditioning, security door, separate wardrobe and built-in wardrobes.
The apartment has cable TV and internet connection.
The apartment is surrounded by complete amenities. Several kindergartens, two elementary schools, joint German-Slovak school and kindergarten (Deutsche Schule Bratislava - Bardosova st.), Kramare emergency hospital, city center (10 minutes) by car or public transport. Close to Koliba (6 minutes) and Park - Železná studnička (10 minutes).

Patrik z RADO Reality Vám ponúka na prenájom krásny 4-izbový byt s rozlohou 110m² v tichej lokalite. Byt sa nachádza na 2. poschodí rezidenčného domu s výťahom na Guothovej ulici na Kramároch.
Byt pozostáva zo vstupnej chodby, prepojenej obývačky s kuchyňou a jedálenskou časťou, troch samostatných izieb - spálne, detskej izby a pracovne s posteľou, kúpeľne s WC a jedným samostatným WC. V byte sa nachádza walk-in šatník a technická miestnosť, ktorá má ďalší úložný priestor.
Z obývačky sa dostaneme na 2 priestranné balkóny, pričom jeden balkón je prepojený aj so spálňou.
Byt sa prenajíma kompletne zariadený vrátane kuchynskej linky so zabudovanými spotrebičmi (umývačka riadu, el. varná platňa, el. rúra, mikrovlnná rúra, chladnička s mrazničkou). K vybaveniu bytu patrí práčka, klimatizácia, bezpečnostné dvere, samostatný šatník a vstavané skrine.
V byte je pripojenie na káblovú televíziu a internet.
V okolí bytu sa nachádza kompletná občianska vybavenosť. Viacero materských škôl, dve základné školy, spoločná nemecko - slovenská škola a škôlka (Deutsche Schule Bratislava - Bárdošova ul.), Nemocnica s pohotovosťou Kramáre, centrum mesta (10 minút) autom alebo MHD. V blízkosti Koliba (6 minút) a Železná studnička (10 minút).
K bytu patrí samostatná uzatvárateľná garáž s diaľkovým ovládaním pre dva automobily. V garáži je aj pivnica. Garáž a pivnica sú zahrnuté v cene nájmu.
Byt bude k dispozícii do týždňa.
Cena prenájmu je 1400 €/mesiac, vrátane energií s internetom a TV.
Patrik from RADO Reality offers for rent beautiful 4-room apartment with an area of 110 m² in a quiet location. The apartment is located on the 2nd floor of a residential building with an elevator on Guothova street in Kramare district.
The apartment consists of an entrance hall, a connected living room with a kitchen and a dining area, three separate rooms - a bedroom, a children's room and a study with a bed, a bathroom with a toilet and one separate toilet. The apartment has a walk-in wardrobe and a utility room with additional storage space.
From the living room you can reach 2 spacious balconies, one of them is also connected to the bedroom.
The apartment is fully furnished, including built-in appliances in kitchen (dishwasher, electric hob, electric oven, microwave oven, refrigerator with freezer). The apartment is equipped with a washing machine, air conditioning, security door, separate wardrobe and built-in wardrobes.
The apartment has cable TV and internet connection.
The apartment is surrounded by complete amenities. Several kindergartens, two elementary schools, joint German-Slovak school and kindergarten (Deutsche Schule Bratislava - Bardosova st.), Kramare emergency hospital, city center (10 minutes) by car or public transport. Close to Koliba (6 minutes) and Park - Železná studnička (10 minutes).

Ponúkame exkluzívne na predaj kompletne zrekonštruovaný 3-izbový byt s dvoma loggiami, garážou, saunou a vnútornou spoločnou záhradou v obľúbenej lokalite Limbach:
Pre lepšiu predstavu kliknite na virtuálnu obhliadku.
Lokalita Limbachu ponúka komfort prírody Malých Karpát, vinosadov ktorými je oblasť známa a zároveň kompletnú občiansku vybavenosť priamo v obci a výhodou je aj rýchla dostupnosť do hlavného mesta. (do 30 min.)
Byt prešiel kompletnou rekonštrukciou vrátane výmeny elektriky a vodných trubiek v celom byte.
Úžitková plocha:
✅ byt: 81,15m2,
✅ loggie: 7,02 m2,
✅ garáž: 22,51 m2
✅ miestnosť na cvičenie a sauna: 14,9 m2
Interiér bytu je zariadený nábytkom na mieru vyššieho štandardu, podľa návrhu interiérového dizajnéra. (k nahliadnutiu) Spálňa aj s ďalšou izbou sú orientované s výhľadom na záhradu, čím ponúkajú príjemný pohľad na prírodu a potok na konci pozemku. Kúpeľňa disponuje priestranným sprchovým kútom aj vaňou, čím napĺňa obe preferencie pre budúcich majiteľov. Priestory spoločnej záhrady ponúkajú miesto pre terasové posedenie s možnosťou grilovania, ohnisko na opekanie, domček na náradie, ovocné stromy a možnosť vytvorenia okrasnej či úžitkovej záhrady.
✅ Podlahové kúrenie
✅ Bezpečnostné dvere
✅ Priestranná kuchyňa
✅ Vonkajšie rolety
✅ Garáž
✅ Sauna
✅ Spoločná záhrada
K bytu je v prípade záujmu možnosť dokúpiť nové nízkoenergetické tepelné čerpadlo v hodnote 15.000 EUR
V prípade potreby Vám vieme zabezpečiť komplexné financovanie na mieru v ktorejkoľvek banke s výhodnejším ako bežným úrokom.
We offer exclusively for sale 3-room apartment with 2 loggias, garage, sauna and internal share garden in the popular location of Limbach:
For a better idea, click on virtual tour and drone video.
The location of Limbach offers the comfort of the nature of the Carpathians, the vineyards for which the area is known and at the same time complete civic amenities right in the village, as well as quick access to the capital. (approx 30 min.).
The apartment underwent a complete renovation, including the replacement of electricity and water pipes in the entire apartment.
Usable are of apartment:
✅ apartment 81,15m2
✅ loggias 7,02m2
✅ garage 22,51m2
✅ excercise room and sauna 14,9m2
The interior is furnished with custom - made furniture of higher standard, according to the design of the interior designer. (to view)
The bedroom and the other sleeping room are oriented with a view of the garden, offering a pleasant view of nature and the stream at the end of the land.The bathroom offers a spacious shower along with bathtub, which satisfies preferences of both type of future owners.
The common area of garden offers a place for terraces with possibility for barbecue, a fireplace, tool house, fruit trees and possibility to create an own garden for f

Luxusná 3 podlažná rezidenčná vila na reprezentatívne účely v tichej lokalite v súkromnej uzatvorenej ulici v novej štvrti na Kolibe,dom je vhodný na rezidenciu ambasády či ako reprezentatívne sídlo spoločnosti.
Celková úžitková plocha domu je 588 m2, dom je výborne dispozične riešený na rezidenčnú časť a súkromnú časť na bývanie: priestranná reprezentatívna obývacia izba s luxusným krbom o ploche cca 110 m2 + veľká jedáleň pre cca 40 ludi, samostatná luxusná kuchyňa kompletne vybavená všetkými spotrebičmi a s nákladným výťahom zo suterénu, v dome je celkovo 6 samostatných spálni z toho 5 spální a každá s vlastnou kúpeľňou a WC + 2 samostatné hosťovské WC. Dom má na prízemí wellness s luxusnou saunou s vírivkou a hydromasážnou sprchou s WC.
V celom dome dome sú použité kvalitne nadštandardné materiály, podlahové kúrenie a chladené stropy, alarm, kamerový systém, garáž pre 3 autá + pohodlné parkovanie vo dvore pre 3 autá.
K domu patrí okrasná záhrada so zavlažovaním a priestranná terasa s krásnym výhľadom na hrad a na mesto. Dom je voľný ihneď. Cena: 3 700 €/mesiac + energie 600 €
A luxurious 3-storey residential villa for representative purposes in a quiet location in a private closed street in the new district of Koliba, the house is suitable for an embassy residence or as a representative company headquarters.
The total usable area of the house is 588 m2, the house is excellently laid out into a residential part and a private part for living: a spacious representative living room with a luxurious fireplace of approx. 110 m2 + a large dining room for approx. 40 people, a separate luxury kitchen fully equipped with all appliances and expensive elevator from the basement, there are a total of 6 separate bedrooms in the house, 5 of which are bedrooms and each with its own bathroom and toilet + 2 separate guest toilets. The house has a wellness area on the ground floor with a luxurious sauna with a whirlpool and a hydromassage shower with a toilet.
The entire house uses high-quality materials, underfloor heating and cooled ceilings, alarm, camera system, garage for 3 cars + convenient parking in the yard for 3 cars.
The house includes an ornamental garden with irrigation and a terrace with a beautiful view of the castle and the city. The house is available immediately. Price: 3,700 €/month + energy 600 €

Predám zvukovú kartu ASUS Xonar D2. Iba osobny odber, dohoda mozná. Dá sa u mna vyskúsat. Funguje bez problémov na Windows 10/11 cez Unixonar Driver.
8-channel (7.1 surround) output at 24 bit/192 KHz maximum
Texas Instruments/Burr-Brown PCM1796 DACs to those 7.1 channels
2-channel input at 24 bit/192 KHz maximum, via Cirrus Logic CS5381 ADC
1x PCI-Express interface (PLX 8111 PCI to PCIe bridge chip)
Asus AV200 APU (a re-branded C-Media Oxygen HD CMI8788 of some sort)
S/PDIF input and output, both with optical and coaxial connections
MIDI input and output via daughtercard
Real-time DTS and Dolby Digital Live encoding
Dolby Pro Logic IIx, Headphone, and Virtual Speaker
DTS Connect (DTS Interactive and DTS NEO:PC, all wrapped in one)
EAX 2.0, OpenAL, and the new, new hotness DS3D GX
LEDs and Gold Bling
Stylish EMI shield

Predám zvukovú kartu ASUS Xonar D2X. Iba osobny odber, dohoda mozná. Dá sa u mna vyskúsat. Funguje bez problémov na Windows 10/11 cez Unixonar Driver.
8-channel (7.1 surround) output at 24 bit/192 KHz maximum
Texas Instruments/Burr-Brown PCM1796 DACs to those 7.1 channels
2-channel input at 24 bit/192 KHz maximum, via Cirrus Logic CS5381 ADC
1x PCI-Express interface (PLX 8111 PCI to PCIe bridge chip)
Asus AV200 APU (a re-branded C-Media Oxygen HD CMI8788 of some sort)
S/PDIF input and output, both with optical and coaxial connections
MIDI input and output via daughtercard
Real-time DTS and Dolby Digital Live encoding
Dolby Pro Logic IIx, Headphone, and Virtual Speaker
DTS Connect (DTS Interactive and DTS NEO:PC, all wrapped in one)
EAX 2.0, OpenAL, and the new, new hotness DS3D GX
LEDs and Gold Bling
Stylish EMI shield

REB sk.ponúka na prenájom 3 podlažnú luxusnú reprezetatívnu rezidenčnú vilu BA s výhľadom na mesto - Slavín, Bratislavský hrad
Vila sa nachádza v tichej lokalite, v súkromnej uzatvorenej ulici v novej štvrti na Kolibe.
Celková úžitková plocha domu je 570 m2, dom je výborne dispozične riešený na rezidenčnú časť a súkromnú časť na bývanie: priestranná reprezentatívna obývacia izba s luxusným krbom o ploche cca 110 m2 + veľká jedáleň pre cca 40 ludi, samostatná luxusná kuchyňa kompletne vybavená všetkými spotrebičmi a s nákladným výťahom zo suterénu.
Na 1NP je kuchyňa, pracovňa s terasou a miestnosť pre upratovačku.
Na 3NP je pracovňa, eventuálne izba s terasou.
V dome je celkovo 7 izieb, z toho je 6 samostatných spálni, kde 5 spální má vlastnú kúpeľňu a WC + 2 samostatné hosťovské WC.
Dom má na prízemí wellness s luxusnou saunou s hydromasážnou sprchou s WC, s vyhrievanými ležadlami..
V celom dome dome sú použité kvalitne nadštandardné materiály, podlahové kúrenie a chladené stropy, alarm, kamerový systém.
K dispozícií je krytá garáž pre 3-4 autá + pohodlné parkovanie vo dvore pre 3-4 autá.
K domu patrí okrasná záhrada so zavlažovaním a priestranná terasa s krásnym výhľadom.
V blízkosti vily sa nachádza les.
Prístup do mesta je cca 5-10 minút.
Dom je voľný ihneď.
Cena: 3 700 €/mesiac + energie 600 €
A luxurious 3-storey residential villa for representative purposes in a quiet location in a private closed street in the new district of Koliba, the house is suitable for an embassy residence or as a representative company headquarters.
The total usable area of the house is 570 m2, the house is excellently laid out into a residential part and a private part for living: a spacious representative living room with a luxurious fireplace of approx. 110 m2 + a large dining room for approx. 40 people, a separate luxury kitchen fully equipped with all appliances and expensive elevator from the basement, there are a total of 6 separate bedrooms in the house, 5 of which are bedrooms and each with its own bathroom and toilet + 2 separate guest toilets. The house has a wellness area on the ground floor with a luxurious sauna with a whirlpool and a hydromassage shower with a toilet.
The entire house uses high-quality materials, underfloor heating and cooled ceilings, alarm, camera system, garage for 3 cars + convenient parking in the yard for 3 cars.
The house includes an ornamental garden with irrigation and a terrace with a beautiful view of the castle and the city. The house is available immediately. Price: 3,700 €/month + energy 600 €
Počet poschodí: 3
Počet izieb: 7
Zastavaná plocha: 250m²
Obytná plocha: 570m²
Celková rozloha: 588m²
Rozloha pozemku: 850m²
Úžitková plocha: 570m²
Vlastníctvo: osobné
Internet: optika
Vykurovanie: vlastné - elektrické
Balkón: áno - 2
Pivnica: án

Predám zvukovú kartu ASUS Xonar D2. Iba osobny odber, dohoda mozná. Dá sa u mna vyskúsat. Funguje bez problémov na Windows 10/11 cez Unixonar Driver.
Nemám záujem o vymene a neposielam to s postou!
8-channel (7.1 surround) output at 24 bit/192 KHz maximum
Texas Instruments/Burr-Brown PCM1796 DACs to those 7.1 channels
2-channel input at 24 bit/192 KHz maximum, via Cirrus Logic CS5381 ADC
1x PCI-Express interface (PLX 8111 PCI to PCIe bridge chip)
Asus AV200 APU (a re-branded C-Media Oxygen HD CMI8788 of some sort)
S/PDIF input and output, both with optical and coaxial connections
MIDI input and output via daughtercard
Real-time DTS and Dolby Digital Live encoding
Dolby Pro Logic IIx, Headphone, and Virtual Speaker
DTS Connect (DTS Interactive and DTS NEO:PC, all wrapped in one)
EAX 2.0, OpenAL, and the new, new hotness DS3D GX
LEDs and Gold Bling
Stylish EMI shield

Predám HDMI adaptér SPK618 DENON.
Dohoda možná.
Řešení adaptéru SPK618 HDMI je určeno k odstranění problému s kompatibilitou mezi vybranými A/V receivery, které podporují rozlišení 4K/120Hz a 8K a herními konzolemi, které podporují výstupní rozlišení 4K/120Hz a 8K.
The SPK618 HDMI adapter solution is designed to remedy a compatibility issue between select Denon A/V receivers that support 4K/120Hz and 8K video resolutions (specific models listed below) and gaming consoles that support 4K/120Hz and 8K video resolution output. If you experience a black screen and no audio when trying to pass through 4K/120Hz or 8K signals from gaming devices connected to the 8K input of the Denon A/V receiver, this adapter will help you to get a proper gaming experience. You may register below before the 30th of September 2022 to receive the SPK618 HDMI adapter at no cost (while stocks last). Click here to download the Instruction Manual on how to use the adapter.
If your country is not selectable in the form below, please reach out to the dealer where you bought the product.
Update: August 2021
Quick check — Does your product benefit from the HDMI adapter?
Only Denon models listed below with serial numbers below xxxxxxx70000 are impacted by the HDMI incompatibility issue and require the HDMI adapter to output 4K/120Hz and 8K/60Hz video signals. The below listed models with serial numbers xxxxxxx70000 and greater do not need or benefit from the adapter. If you have one of the affected models and serial numbers, please complete the form below to order the HDMI adapter at no cost.
List of affected products

English Version Below.
Na prenájom ponúkame veľmi pekný priestranný 2-izbový byt v Nitre na Chrenovej,, s veľkými nepriechodnými izbami a oddelenou rozšírenou kuchyňou, výmera je 64 m2 spolu s balkónom. Je kompletne prerobený, vymaľovaný a moderne zariadený novým nábytkom, bielou a čiernou technikou. Má plastové okná so žalúziami, dlažbu a drevené parkety.
Vybavenie bytu: vstupná chodba + šatník, ktorý ponúka množstvo úložného priestoru. Plne vybavená kuchyňa so spotrebičmi (chladnička s mrazničkou, mikrovlnka, plynový sporák s elektrickou rúrou), kuchynský stôl so stoličkami. Svetlá obývacia izba má rohovú rozkladaciu sedačku, konferenčný stolík, modernú obývaciu stenu a komodu.
Nepriechodná spálňa s manželskou posteľou a veľkými skriňami ponúka veľký balkón s pekným výhľadom. Kúpeľňa je spojená s toaletou.
Bytový dom prešiel nedávno kompletnou rekonštrukciou: je zateplený, nová strecha, fasáda, vchod na magnetický kľúč, nové výťahy. Vchod je čistý a udržiavaný, parkovanie bezproblémové pri bytovom dome.
Byt je situovaný v žiadanej lokalite s rýchlou dostupnosťou do centra a s kompletnou občianskou vybavenosťou (poliklinika a zdravotné centrá, obchody, škola, škôlky, autobusová zastávka 4 minúty od bytu).
Je voľný od 1.7.2023, prípadne dohodou. Nájomné 570 eur vrátane energií, správcovských poplatkov a internetu&TV.
We offer a very nice spacious 2-room apartment for rent in Nitra - Chrenova, with large non-passable rooms and a separate extended kitchen. Total usable area has got 64 squared meters plus balcony. It is completely remodeled, painted and modernly furnished with new furniture.
Apartment equipment: entrance hall + wardrobe, which offers a lot of storage space. Fully equipped kitchen with appliances (fridge with freezer, microwave, gas stove with electric oven), kitchen table with chairs. The bright living room has a corner folding sofa, a coffee table, a modern living wall and a chest of drawers.
The impenetrable bedroom with a double bed and large wardrobes offers a large balcony with a nice view. The toilet is a part of the bathroom.
The apartment building has recently been completely renovated: it is insulated, new roof, facade, magnetic key entrance, new elevators. The entrance is clean and well-maintained, parking is easy at the apartment building.
The apartment is located in a desirable location with quick access to the center and complete civic amenities (clinic and health centers, shops, school, kindergartens, bus stop 4 minutes from the apartment).
It is free from July 1, 2023. Rent 570 euro including utilities, administration fees and internet & TV.

Completely renovated apartment located in Dubravka on 4th out of 8 floors for sale (only two apartments on each floor) on the street – “Pri kríži”. The apartment has been renovated to achieve its most effective layout. It offers kitchen with a dining area connected with living room and loggia, 3 separate bedrooms, spacious entrance hall, bathroom with a shower and a separate toilet with sink. The apartment faces two directions – S-SE and N-NW
Technical renovation included change of entire electrical distribution system, installation of energy-saving LED lamps, replacement of water and waste plumbing system, installation of new heaters, new coating and wall painting and new parquet floor.
The complete floor area of the apartment is 70.83 m² including the loggia, which consist of 3.97 m2. The monthly costs for 2 people are €160, including payments for electricity.
The apartment building is well maintained and clean with friendly neighbors. In the surroundings, you will find everything you need for living within walking distance and accessible with ease by public transport.
Price for apartment: 214 900 €

This beautiful book, based on the original notebook and recipe journal of a 1900s "Viennese Baroness", takes readers on a journey through fin de siecle Viennese high society. With over 100 original recipes, all of which have been tested and brought up to date for the modern cook, it is not only a beautiful collection of recipes but is also a fascinating look at the life of a turn-of-the-century family. Filled with anecdotes and personal stories to bring the recipes to life, this book will be a charming insight into a bygone era. The classic recipes will cover a range of dishes both savoury and sweet, with a strong emphasis on the desserts and pastries for which Vienna is famed. It includes chapters such as Starters, Soups, Meat Dishes, Side Dishes, Biscuits & Cookies, Sweet Pastries, Cakes & Gateaux, Tortes and Puddings. In addition there are beautiful photographs of Vienna throughout the book, capturing the architecture, cafe culture and beauty of this elegant city.

Podoblek pod suchy oblek na potapanie, ako novy, velkost L, jediny dovod predaja - zla velkost na mna. Je slusne hruby, vhodny aj do chladnejsej vody.
Seemann Subtech 100. Innovative and warmInnovative under suit made of 3 materials, for neoprene and tri-laminate suits.The outer lining is a water repellent, breathable polyester fabric. It gives durability and comfort and easy donning.The inner lining is made of high quality anti peeling double fleece.This material transports wetness away from your skin and provides excellent insulation.The polyester wadding gives additional panels at the left arm and shoulder ensure fast deflation, independent of valve type and position.Easy donning through 2 mm SCS neoprene wrists.The anatomically shaped neoprene ankles are also made of 2 mm neoprene.2 big hip pockets, 1 zipped pocket at the chest, hand loops, durable two-way spiral zipper elasticized waist.

Tim Marshall - Prisoners of Geography
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All leaders are constrained by geography. Their choices are limited by mountains, rivers, seas and concrete. Yes, to follow world events you need to understand people, ideas and movements - but if you don't know geography, you'll never have the full picture. If you've ever wondered why Putin is so obsessed with Crimea, why the USA was destined to become a global superpower, or why China's power base continues to expand ever outwards, the answers are all here. In ten chapters (covering Russia; China; the USA; Latin America; the Middle East; Africa; India and Pakistan; Europe; Japan and Korea; and the Arctic), using maps, essays and occasionally the personal experiences of the widely travelled author, Prisoners of Geography looks at the past, present and future to offer an essential insight into one of the major factors that determines world history. It's time to put the 'geo' back into geopolitics.

nova / nerozbalena
The Great Zimbabwe is a game about building a trade based civilization in ancient Africa. It has been inspired by the old kingdoms surrounding the Great Zimbabwe, a world heritage site in southern Africa. Far into the previous century, colonial governments denied that a civilization that produced such impressive monuments and beautiful artwork could have been African in origin. But of course, this civilization was African, and the country of Zimbabwe itself was proudly named after this impressive cultural heritage. As always in our games, we have used this history for inspiration; however, first and foremost we wanted to create a highly playable and replayable Splotter game, so in many cases we took liberties with historical names, periods and artwork. In the game, players strive to build the most impressive monuments to one god of their choice. They can choose this god themselves-- each of the twelve gods offers a unique blessing, but each also requires a different amount of work to win the game. Building the monuments is done by developing a logistics network stretching across the region. Through this network, players produce and obtain ritual goods to raise their monuments and bring honour to the god of their choice.

Ideal od Sweden iPhone 11 Pro - Úplne nový nepoužívaný (krabica)
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moja cena 9€
(● Claret Agate compels with rhythmic movements of rich colour for a spectacular agate-inspired composition. Agate stone was first discovered in modern-day Sicily and today is one of the most adored stones for it’s captivating and elegant appearance.
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SPIGEN iPhone XR Liquid Air - Vyskúšané na telefóne raz - používam iné
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Stav nového - bez obalu
(● Flexible case resistant to fingerprint smudges
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X-Doria Defense Ultra for iPhone XR - úplne nové
odporúčaná predajná cena - 35€
moja cena 10€
(- elegantný luxusný dizajn
- ochrana pri páde z výšky 4 metre
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- spĺňa a prevyšuje vojenský štandard ochrany pri páde MIL-STD-810G
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- ochrana okrajov kovovými pásmi
- vnútorná gumená vrstva absorbujúca náraz a pevná vonkajšia vrstva z polykarbonátu
- vonkajší obal z eloxovaného hliníku
- obal nezabraňuje bezdrôtovému nabíjaniu
- jednoduché nasadenie)
Quad lock iPhone 11 Pro
odporúčaná predajná cena 30€
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Predam novu knihu Milan Kundera - Identity.Sometimes - perhaps only for an instant - we fail to recognise a companion; for a moment their identity ceases to exist, and thus we come to doubt our own. The effect is at its most acute in a couple where our existence is given meaning by our perception of a lover, and theirs of us. With his astonishing skill at building on and out from the significant moment, Kundera has placed such a situation and the resulting wave of panic at the core of the novel. In a narrative as intense as it is brief, a moment of confusion sets in motion a complex chain of events which forces the reader to cross and recross the divide between fantasy and reality. Profound, sad and disquieting but above all a love story, Identity provides further proof of Kundera's astonishing gifts as a novelist.

Rory Power - Wilder Girls. Je ako nová.
Cena + poštovné. V prípade záujmu ma kontaktujte prosím cez email.
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A feminist Lord of the Flies about three best friends living in quarantine at their island boarding school, and the lengths they go to uncover the truth of their confinement when one disappears. This fresh, new debut is a mind-bending novel unlike anything you've read before. It's been eighteen months since the Raxter School for Girls was put under quarantine. Since the Tox hit and pulled Hetty's life out from under her. It started slow. First the teachers died one by one. Then it began to infect the students, turning their bodies strange and foreign. Now, cut off from the rest of the world and left to fend for themselves on their island home, the girls don't dare wander outside the school's fence, where the Tox has made the woods wild and dangerous. They wait for the cure they were promised as the Tox seeps into everything. But when Byatt goes missing, Hetty will do anything to find her, even if it means breaking quarantine and braving the horrors that lie beyond the fence. And when she does, Hetty learns that there's more to their story, to their life at Raxter, than she could have ever thought true.