doom 3 - strana 2
Počet nájdených inzerátov DOOM 3
: 375 - strana 2

Dostupné tituly nájdete v zozname nižšie, ostatné veci z fotiek sú predané.
5IVE - 5ive (Instrumental Sludge, Tortuga Recordings 2001) - 5€
BELL WITCH - Four Phantoms (Funeral Doom Metal Cult, Profound Lore Records 2018, nové, zabalené, digipak) - 23€
BLOODY OBSESSION - Husaria (Death Metal, Pařát Production 2017, nové) - 4€
BLUT AUS NORD - Ultima Thulée (Atmospheric Black Metal, Debemur Morti Productions, nové, zabalené, digipak) - 10€
Edícia na čiernom CD disku.
BLUT AUS NORD - Memoria Vetusa I - Fathers of the Icy Ages
(Atmospheric Black Metal, Debemur Morti Productions, nové, zabalené, digipak) - 10€
Edícia na čiernom CD disku.
DEIFICATION – A New God Had Been Created (Death Metal, Brutal Cave Productions 2019, Pro-CDr, nové) - 4€
FORHIST - Forhist (Atmospheric Black Metal, Debemur Morti Productions, nové, zabalené, digipak) - 11€
FUNERAL TEARS - The Only Way Out (Funeral Doom Metal, Cold Art Industry, limited edition, slipcase, nové, zabalené) - 5€
Pre fanúšikov kapiel Colosseum, Frowning, Evoken atď.
INGROWING - Cyberspace (Grindcore, Pařát Production 2018, nové) - 5€
MOURNING DAWN - Dead End Euphoria (Black/Doom Metal, Aesthetic Death Records 2021, nové) - 3€
Predávam iba ako samotné CD, bez obalu a bookletu!
OLDBLOOD - Possessed By Metal From Hell (Thrash/Black n´ Roll, Hell Productions 2013, nové) - 7€
THRICE - Vheissu (Post Hardcore/Rock, Island Records 2005) - 4€
WIGRID - Die Asche Eines Lebens (No Colours Records 2005, nové) - 10€
Black Metal v štýle Burzum.
YERÛŠELEM - The Sublime (Industrial/Experimental/Dreamgaze/Metal, Debemur Morti Productions 2019, nové, zabalené, digipak) - 7€
Možný osobný odber v CA, poštou zasielam len po uhradení sumy za dobierku (4€) vopred na účet.
Alebo suma za daný titul plus 2€ poštovné, pri platbe celkovej sumy vopred na účet.
Kontakt cez e-mail alebo sms.
Pozrite aj ďalšie moje inzeráty kliknutím na moje meno.

Konec hry...250kč
Pekelné nebe....400kč
Peklo na Zemi...200kč
Po kolena v mrtvých..1000kč
série DOOM(4 knihy)...1750kč
série Odkaz dračích jezdců( pevná vazba, 4 knihy)..prodáno
Dračí doupě Příručka Pána jeskyně. Pravidla pro pokročilé. verze 1.6 d...900kč
Dračí doupě pravidla pro pokročilé : verze 1.6 d...900kč
Dračí doupě příručka pána jeskyně - pravidla pro začátečníky 1.6 d...prodáno
Dračí doupě průvodce hrou, pravidla pro začátečníky : verze 1.6 d...prodáno
Taria 2. - Záhvozdí - modul pro Dračí doupě ....prodáno
mrkněte i na moje další nabídky :)

Predam MSI Nvidia Geforce GTX 950 graficku kartu. Mal som ju v starsom hernom PC, kde fungovala dobre, ale vymenil som ju za Zotac Geforce GTX 1060 6GB Mini.
Stale zvlada vacsinu hier v pohode, napriklad aj Cyberpunk na low, GTA5 na high, Doom, Doom Eternal, Forza Horizon, atd.

predám ps4 hry a príslušenstvo v top stave. všetko je odskúšané a plne funkčné.
Ovladac - 35€
Slúchadlá - 20€
4tb HDD - 80€
Drôtovy ovladac - 20€
Nabíjacia stanica - 20€
Stojan na ps4 - 15€
Vsetky hry na fotke sú aktuálne
Zoznam hier :
Crash bandicoot Nsane trilogy a nitro fueled - 50€
fifa 22 - 25€
nhl 22 - 25€
Gta 5 - 20€
Red dead redemption 2 - 20€
Doom - 12€
Doom eternal - 18€
Days gone - 15€
Battlefield 2042 - 16€
Battlefield 5 - 20€
Battlefield 1 - 12€
Battlefield 4 - 10€
Battlefield hardline - 10€
Far cry 5 - 16€
Far cry 4 - 12€
Far cry primal - 15€
Far cry new dawn - 15€
Cyberpunk 2077 - 18€
Metro redux - 12€
Metro exodus - 18€
The last of us remastered - 10€
Tlou 2 - 20€
Resident evil 2 - 18€
Resident evil 7 - 14€
Diablo 3 reaper od souls - 20€
Uncharted the lost legacy - 15€
Uncharted 4 - 10€
Uncharted the nathan drake collection - 15€
Mortal kombat x - 15€
Mortal kombat xl - 15€
Mortal kombat 11 - 20€
Mortal kombat 11 ultimate - 23€
Batman the arkham knight - 12€
Fifa 21 - 20€
Need for speed - 12€
Need for speed heat - 20€
Rocket league - 18€
Crew 2 - 15€
Wrc 5 - 15€
Wreckfest - 18€
Driveclub - 12€
Subnautica - 20€
Ufc 3 - 20€
Grand turismo - 13€
Sims 4 - 12€
Ratchet and clank - 12€
Minecraft - 20€
Spyro - 24€
The hunter - 16€
Batman return to arkham - 15€
Just dance - 18€
Spiderman - 20€
Tony hawks pro skater - 20€
Lego hry - po 15€
Dying light the following - 20€
Dead by daylight - 15€
Assassins creed unity - 15€
Ac syndicate - 15€
Ac odyssey - 16€
Ac origins - 16€
Ac black flag - 15€
Wolfenstein the new order - 15€
Wolfenstein the new colossus - 20€
Death stranding - 12€
God of war - 10€
A way out - 20€
Tom clancys the division - 10€
Tom clancys the division 2 - 10€
Tom clancys raindbow six siege - 12€
Tom clancys wildlands - 12€
Tom clancys breakpoint - 16€
Final fantasy 7 remake - 25€
Do zoznamu sa nezmestili všetky hry, cenu poprípade napíšem do správy.

Predam hernu konzolu Microsoft Xbox One X 1TB v originalnom baleni vratane prislusenstva (aj na 1. fotke).
Konzola aj ovladac boli vycistene, skontrolovane - su plne funkcne.
Obsah balenia:
ovladac (controller)
napajaci kabel
HDMI kabel
Ku konzole si mozete vybrat hry - zoznam ma len informativny charakter - aktualny poslem na vyziadanie.
2 hry z uvedenych:
Agony (HU)
Alien - Isolation
Assassin's Creed - Black Flag (CZ, HU)
Call of Duty - Advanced Warfare
Darksiders II Deathinitive Edition
Dragon Age - Inquisition
Final Fantasy XV
For Honor
Gears of War 4
Lords of the Fallen
Sherlock Holmes - Crimes & Punishments
South Park - The Stick of Truth
The Evil Within + The Fighting Chance Pack
The Evil Within 2
Tom Clancy’s The Division (CZ, HU)
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege (CZ)
Wolfenstein - The Old Blood
Madden NFL 19
Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse
Liftoff Drone Racing
Plants vs. Zombies - Garden Warfare
Project Highrise - Architect's Edition
Assassin's Creed II; Brotherhood;
Battlefield 3
* * *
alebo 1 hru z uvedenych:
AC - Syndicate (CZ, HU); Unity (CZ)
BioShock - The Collection
Borderlands - The Handsome Collection
Call of Duty - Black OPS 4
CoD - Ghosts
Dead Island
Devil May Cry 5
Doom UAC Pack; Eternal
Dragon's Dogma - Dark Arisen
Far Cry New Dawn (CZ); Primal (CZ)
L.A. Noire
Metal Gear Solid V
Metro 2033 Redux (CZ)
Monster Hunter - World
Mortal Kombat X
Rage 2
Resident Evil 2; VII – Biohazard; Revelations 2
Rise of the Tomb Raider; Shadow of TR; TR - Definitive...
Star Wars - Battlefront II, Jedi - Fallen Order
State of Decay 2
The Elder Scrolls V - Skyrim
The Surge 2
The Witcher 3 - WH(CZ; HU)
TC Division 2 (CZ); GR Breakpoint (CZ); Wildlands (CZ)
Warhammer 40;000 Inquisitor - Martyr (HU)
Wasteland 2
Watch Dogs 2 (CZ; HU)
Wolfenstein II - New Colossus
PES2020 (eFootball)
Steep WG
Dragon Ball...
The Voice of Germany
* * *
V pripade zaujmu mam:
- Microsoft Xbox One Kinect Sensor s ADAPTEROM -90€
- originalny microsoft "Xbox Play & Charge Kit" (1 akumulator + 1 kabel) - 12€
- 1 akumulator (+ kabel) -10€
- headset - rozne v ponuke
- nastavec k headsetu s 3,5mm jack

Predam hernu konzolu Microsoft Xbox One X s 1TB alebo s 2TB SSD diskom v originalnom baleni vratane prislusenstva (aj na 1. fotke).
1TB HDD je nahradeny rychlim 1TB alebo s vacsim 2TB SSD diskom!
(SSD ulozisko maju aj najnovsie series S a X)
Konzola aj ovladac boli vycistene, skontrolovane - su plne funkcne.
Obsah balenia:
ovladac (controller)
napajaci kabel
HDMI kabel
Ku konzole si mozete vybrat hry (zoznam je len informativny)
2 hry z uvedenych:
Agony (HU)
Alien - Isolation
Assassin's Creed - Black Flag (CZ, HU)
Darksiders II Deathinitive Edition
Dragon Age - Inquisition
Final Fantasy XV
For Honor
Gears of War 4
The Evil Within + DLC
The Evil Within 2
Tom Clancy’s The Division (CZ, HU)
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege (CZ)
Broken Sword 5
Liftoff Drone Racing
Plants vs. Zombies - Garden Warfare
Assassin's Creed II
AC Brotherhood
CoD Black OPS
Call of Juarez - The Cartel
Dante’s Inferno
Halo - Combat Evolved Anniversary
alebo 1 hru z uvedenych:
Assassin's Creed - Syndicate (CZ, HU); Unity (CZ)
Battlefield V
BioShock - The Collection
Borderlands - The Handsome Collection
Call of Duty - Black OPS III, 4
CoD - Ghosts
Dead Island (Definitive Collection)
Devil May Cry 5
Doom UAC Pack; Eternal
Dragon's Dogma - Dark Arisen
Far Cry Primal (CZ)
Halo - The Master Chief Collection
L.A. Noire
Metal Gear Solid V - The Phantom Pain
Metro 2033 Redux (CZ)
Monster Hunter - World
Mortal Kombat X
Overwatch - Origins Edition
Rage 2
Redeemer - Enhanced Edition
Resident Evil VII Biohazard; Revelations 2
Rise of the Tomb Raider
Shadow of the Tomb Raider
Star Wars Jedi - Fallen Order
The Elder Scrolls V - Skyrim (Special Edition)
The Surge 2
The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt (CZ; HU)
Thief (Limited Edition) - Bank Heist Mission + ArtCards
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Breakpoint (CZ); Wildlands (CZ)
Tomb Raider - Definitive Edition
Warhammer 40;000 Inquisitor - Martyr (HU)
Wasteland 2 (Director's Cut)
Watch Dogs 2 (CZ; HU)
Wolfenstein II - The New Colossus
PES2020 (eFootball)
Steep Winter Games Edition
Bendy and the Ink Machine
Dragon Ball FighterZ; Ball Xenoverse
Ghostbusters the Video Game Remastered
Batman - Arkham Origins
Gears of War
Prince of Persia
Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell – Blacklist
* * *
V pripade zaujmu mam:
- Microsoft Xbox One Kinect Sensor s ADAPTEROM -90€
- originalny microsoft "Xbox Play & Charge Kit" (1 akumulator + 1 kabel) - 12€
- 1 akumulator (+ kabel) -10€
- headset - rozne v ponuke
- nastavec k headsetu s 3,5mm jack

Predám Ashdown Geezer Butler Head of Doom 600-watt Bass hlava vo výbornom stave. Signature hlava basgitaristu BLACK SABBATH. Dôvod predaja je že mám toho veľa tak predávam

V ponuke na predaj !!!
CANDLEMASS - "Ancient Dreams" press CD Active Records © 1988
EPIC DOOM METAL from Sweden.
35,-€ RARITA !!!
V ponuke na predaj !!!
CANDLEMASS - "Tales of Creation" press CD Music for Nations © 1989
EPIC DOOM METAL from Sweden.
35,-€ RARITA !!!

Predam otvaraci noz Doom Blade, čepeľ 8CR18MOV, rukovat kov+G10, novy, neostreny, nepouzivany, + poštovné

Používaný, ale plne funkčný atomizér pre skutočne bohaté mraky s perfektnou chuťou.
Jedno sklíčko je zvnútra už akosi degradované asi od slniečka, no po naplnení liquidom je už pekne priehľadné. Zvyšné 2 sklíčka (jedno plastové a jedno sklenené) sú ešte nepoužité. K atomizéru pribalím po dohode aj liquid podľa dohody :) K atomizéru je komplet balenie
Jednoduchý, ale i tak premyslený dizajn, s tým prichádza nový atomizér od Damn Vape. DOOM X je Mesh RTA, ktoré si užijú nielen skúsení vaperi, ale tiež začiatočníci, hľadajúci svoj prvý atomizér pre vlastné mesh špirálky.

V ponuke na predaj !!!
SILENT STREAM OF GODLESS ELEGY – "Themes" press CD Redblack © 2000
DOOM / DEATH METAL from Czech Republic
35,-€ RARITA!
Nové CD v ponuke na predaj !!!
Redblack © 2004
Krásny doom metal z Moravy.

Nové zapečatené CD v ponuke na predaj !!!
GALADRIEL - ""The Mirror Of Ages""
Doom Records © 2002
Kultový DOOM METAL album zo Slovenska!
65,-€ RARITA !!! Nové zapečatené!

After Rain – The Funeral Marches (doom-metal)
Alanis Morissette - MTV Unplugged (rock/pop)
Alter Ego – Back To Rock n´Roll (hard rock)
All That Remains - Behind Silence And Solitude (metalcore)
Bon Jovi - Blaze Of Glory (hard rock)
Bryan Adams – Waking Up The Neighbours (pop/rock)
Brobdingnagian - Pretty Magoo Cancer (black-metal/noise)
Bruce Springsteen - Human Touch (rock)
Casketgarden - Open The Casket, Enter The Garden (Promo) (death/thrash-metal)
Celine Dion – Falling Into You (pop)
Dan Deagh Wealcan - Fragmented Consciousness (alternative rock)
Dark Moor – Project X (power/progressive-metal)
Diehard Youth - Without The Kids We Wolud Be Dead (hardcore)
Elton John - The Big Picture (pop)
Eric Claplton - The Cream Of Eric Clapton (rock)
Genesis - Turn It On Again (Best Of 81 – 83) (rock)
Guns n´Roses - Appetite For Destruction (rock)
Children Of Bodom – Blooddrunk (singel) (melodic death-metal)
I Am Ghost - Lovers´Requiem (Promo) (punk/rock)
Jagger - Wandering Spirit (rock)
Jethro Tull - Original Maters (rock)
KYPCK – Черно (Promo) (doom/heavy metal)
Lenny Kravitz - Greatest Hits (rock)
Lenny Kravitz – Lenny (rock)
Madonna – Music (pop)
Meat Loaf - Bat Out Of Hell (rock)
Meat Loaf - Hits Out Of Hell (rock)
Mysteria – Temple Of The Scorn (death-metal)
No Doubt - Tragic Kingdom (rock)
Nocta - Wicked Woman (heavy-metal)
One Machine – The Distortion Of Lies... (thrash/power/prog-metal)
Phil Collins - ...But Seriously (pop/rock)
Roxette – Joyride (pop/rock)
Scabbard – Lidské Loutky (death-metal)
Semper – Khaos (progressive-metal)
Subway To Sally – Engelskrieger (folk-rock/metal)
The River Of The Lost Souls - The Midnight Album (hard-rock)
Therapy? - High Anxiety (rock)
Unkind – Harhakuvat (hardcore)
CD su vo velmi dobrom stave, cena 5€/ks.
Pozri aj dalsie moje inzeraty.

Bordelands III: 10€
CD: Modern warfare: 23€
CD: WWII: 12€
CD: Black ops cold war: 25€
CD: Vanguard: 32€
CD: Black OPS III: 10€
CD: Black ops IV: 12€
Dying light: The following (an hanced edition): 15€
Doom eternal: 10€
Pack 1: (Bordelands III, CD Modernwarfare, CD: WWII, Doom eternal): 49€
Pack 2: (Dying light, CD: Black ops cold war, CD: Black OPS III a IV): 59€

Predam hernu konzolu Xbox One X HyperSpace Special Edition vratane prislusenstva (aj na 1. fotke).
Konzola aj ovladac boli vycistene, skontrolovane - su plne funkcne, v TOP stave.
Zaruka skoncila 17.5.2022.
Obsah balenia:
ovladac (controller)
napajaci kabel
HDMI kabel
Ku konzole si mozete vybrat hry,
2 hry z uvedenych:
Agony (HU)
Alien - Isolation
Assassin's Creed - Black Flag (CZ, HU)
Darksiders II Deathinitive Edition
Dragon Age - Inquisition
Final Fantasy XV
For Honor
Gears of War 4
The Evil Within + DLC
The Evil Within 2
Tom Clancy’s The Division (CZ, HU)
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege (CZ)
Madden NFL 19
Broken Sword 5
Liftoff Drone Racing
Plants vs. Zombies - Garden Warfare
Project Highrise - Architect's Edition
Assassin's Creed II
AC Brotherhood
CoD Black OPS
Call of Juarez - The Cartel
Dante’s Inferno
Halo - Combat Evolved Anniversary
alebo 1 hru z uvedenych:
Assassin's Creed - Syndicate (CZ, HU); Unity (CZ)
Battlefield V
BioShock - The Collection
Borderlands - The Handsome Collection
Call of Duty - Black OPS III, 4
CoD - Ghosts
Dead Island (Definitive Collection)
Devil May Cry 5
Doom UAC Pack; Eternal
Dragon's Dogma - Dark Arisen
Far Cry Primal (CZ)
Halo - The Master Chief Collection
L.A. Noire
Metal Gear Solid V - The Phantom Pain
Metro 2033 Redux (CZ)
Monster Hunter - World
Mortal Kombat X
Overwatch - Origins Edition
Rage 2
Redeemer - Enhanced Edition
Resident Evil VII Biohazard; Revelations 2
Rise of the Tomb Raider
Shadow of the Tomb Raider
Star Wars Jedi - Fallen Order
The Elder Scrolls V - Skyrim (Special Edition)
The Surge 2
The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt (CZ; HU)
Thief (Limited Edition) - Bank Heist Mission + ArtCards
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Breakpoint (CZ); Wildlands (CZ)
Tomb Raider - Definitive Edition
Warhammer 40;000 Inquisitor - Martyr (HU)
Wasteland 2 (Director's Cut)
Watch Dogs 2 (CZ; HU)
Wolfenstein II - The New Colossus
PES2020 (eFootball)
Steep Winter Games Edition
Bendy and the Ink Machine
Dragon Ball FighterZ; Ball Xenoverse
Ghostbusters the Video Game Remastered
Batman - Arkham Origins
Gears of War
Prince of Persia
Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell – Blacklist
* * *
V pripade zaujmu mam:
- Microsoft Xbox One Kinect Sensor s ADAPTEROM -90€
- originalny microsoft "Xbox Play & Charge Kit" (1 akumulator + 1 kabel) - 12€
- 1 akumulator (+ kabel) -10€
- headset - rozne v ponuke
- nastavec k headsetu s 3,5mm jack