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dragon stone - strana 3

Počet nájdených inzerátov DRAGON STONE : 1000 - strana 3

TEFAL G2810672 Tefal Black Stone Panvica ø 28 cm
Nová nerozbalena panvica. Nákupná cena 38 Eur. Panvica Tefal Black Stone G2810672 s priemerom 28 cm kombinuje vynikajúci výkon a extrémnu odolnosť. Celý rad riadu Black Stone je inšpirovaný prírodou a disponuje nepriľnavým povrchom Mineralia+ s prírodnými minerálmi na nepriľnavosť a dlhodobú životnosť. Panvica je 100 % bezpečná, neobsahuje zdraviu škodlivé látky. Panvica disponuje exkluzívnymi technológiami Thermo-Signal™ na dokonalé vyprážanie a indukčnou technológiouThermo-Fusion™ na rovnomernú prípravu pokrmov, na ktoré sa môžete spoľahnúť pri každej príprave vašich obľúbených palaciniek. Kľúčové vlastnosti: Panvica s priemerom 28 cm Objem 3,1 l Ukazovateľ teploty Thermo-Spot® Technológia Thermo-Fusion Vnútorný povrch Mineralia+ Na všetky druhy sporákov, vrátane indukcie Vhodná do rúry aj umývačky Materiál hliník
LP Stone Temple Pilots vinyl.
Predám NOVÚ LP platňu: Stone Temple Pilots - Stone Temple Pilots /2018/ Obal ešte vo fólii Vnútorná príloha s textami ⏩CENA 12€ posielam poštou Pri platbe prevodom vopred na účet poštovné 3€, dobierka 4,50€ ⏩ Inf. gramo@, nieSMSprosím Pozrite aj moje ostatné inzeráty na LP⏬ Rock vinyl
Predám štartovací balíček pre budúceho akvaristu, prípadne do zabehnutého akvária. Ide o mix rôznych kamenov Seiryu Stone, Dragon Stone, brydlice a iné, rôzne korene, úkryt pre ryby z kokosu. Ďalej prikladám čierny štrk cca 5kg (frakcia 1,5-2mm), odkalovač a LED osvetlenie. Už len dokúpiť akvárium. Viete z tejto sady vyskladať úplný a plnohodnotný pôdorys pre menšie prípadne stredne veľké akvária. Osobný odber v Trnave, prípadne blízke okolie B. Kostol
Kamene, korene, štrk a príslušenstvo STARTERPACK
Predám štartovací balíček pre budúceho akvaristu, prípadne do zabehnutého akvária. Ide o mix rôznych kamenov Seiryu Stone, Dragon Stone, brydlice a iné, rôzne korene, úkryt pre ryby z kokosu. Ďalej prikladám čierny štrk cca 2kg (frakcia 1,5-2mm), odkalovač a LED osvetlenie. Už len dokúpiť akvárium. Viete z tejto sady vyskladať úplný a plnohodnotný pôdorys pre menšie prípadne stredne veľké akvária. Osobný odber v Trnave, prípadne blízke okolie.
Predam viac ako 110 hier na playstation 1
Predám viac ako 110 originálnych hier na PS1. Hry predávam ako CD, teda nemá originálny obal. Detské hry: Crash Bandicoot 3 Predane Spyro the Dragon 1 20€ Spyro 2 Getaway to Glimmer 20€ Spyro 3 Year of the Dragon 20€ Harry Potter a tajomná komnata 17€ Pandemonium 15€ Hercules 15€ Stuart Little 2 13€ Hugo 3: Quest for the Sunstones 13€ A Bugs Life (život chrobáka) 10€ Mickey´s wild adventure 10€ Casper 10€ Mulan (Disney) 10€ CROC 1 10€ Frogger 10€ Rayman 1 10€ Rayman 2 10€ Rayman Rush 12€ Worms 3D 8€ Scooby-Doo and the Cyber Chasee 8€ Peter Pan Disney 8€ Lord of Jungle 8€ Extreme Ghostbusters 8€ Bob the Builder 5€ Rugrats Studio Tour 4€ Akčné: Resident Evil 1 22€ Spiderman 2 20€ Dune 20€ Tekken 2 18€ Tekken 3 20€ Dino Crisis 1 17€ Blade 15€ Broken Sword 2 15€ Final Fantasy VII 20€ Final Fantasy VIII 15€ Final Fantasy IX 17€ Tenchu: Stealth Assassins 10€ Crusader No Remorse 8€ Mission Impossible 8€ Batman and Robin 8€ Digimon Rumble Arena 8€ Army men Air Attack 7€ Army men Lock n Load 7€ Army men Sarges Heroes 7€ The Simpsons Wrestling 7€ Rainbow Six (Tom Clancy´s) – Lone Wolf 6€ Dragon Ball Z Ultimate Battle 22 5€ Beyblade 5€ Colony Wars III Red Sun 5€ Time Crisis 5€ Spec Ops: Covert Assault 5€ Spec Ops: Airborne Commando 5€ SpecOps: Stealth Patrol 5€ Spec Ops: Ranger Elite 5€ Športové a závodné: Tony Hawk´s Skateboarding 15€ Tony Hawk´s Pro Skater 3 15€ Tony Hawk´s Pro Skater 4 15€ Porsche Challange 8€ Killer Loop 8€ Nascar 2000 7€ FIFA 97 7€ FIFA 2001 10€ VIVA soccer 6€ TOCA World Touring Cars 5€ Formula One 5€ International Track & Field 5€ Air Combat (lietadla) 5€ Acecombat 3 (stihačky) 5€ Black Down (vrtulníky) 5€ Independence Day The Game (lietadla) 5€ Ridge Racer Revolution 4€ No Fear Downhill Mountain Biking 4€ Ready 2 Rumble Boxing Round 2 4€ California Surfing 4€ Street Racer 4€ Wipeout 3€ Knockout Kings 2001 3€ Knockout Kings 2000 3€ Ostatné hry po 2-5€: Hry po 2€ Actua Soccer Bust a Move 3dx Bust a Move 4 Nice Cats Super Puzzle Fighter 2 Turbo Hry po 3€ Blast Radius Centipede Fade to Black G-Police Jeremy Mcgrath Super Cross 98 Jumping Flash! NBA Live 99 Newman Haas Racing Riot Special CT Forces: Back to hell Superbike 2000 The Sword of Camelot Tunnel B1 V-Rally 97 championship edition Hry po 4€ Break Out Cool Boarders 3 Small Soldiers Urban Chaos WWF in Your House Hry po 5€ Micro Machines v3 Space Invaders
XBOX ONE X 1TB - 4K HDR + hra/y
Predam hernu konzolu Microsoft Xbox One X 1TB v originalnom baleni vratane prislusenstva (aj na 1. fotke). Konzola aj ovladac boli vycistene, skontrolovane - su plne funkcne. Obsah balenia: konzola ovladac (controller) napajaci kabel HDMI kabel hra/y Ku konzole si mozete vybrat hry - zoznam ma len informativny charakter - aktualny poslem na vyziadanie. 2 hry z uvedenych: Agony (HU) Alien - Isolation Assassin's Creed - Black Flag (CZ, HU) Call of Duty - Advanced Warfare Darksiders II Deathinitive Edition Doom Dragon Age - Inquisition Final Fantasy XV For Honor Gears of War 4 Lords of the Fallen Sherlock Holmes - Crimes & Punishments South Park - The Stick of Truth The Evil Within + The Fighting Chance Pack The Evil Within 2 Tom Clancy’s The Division (CZ, HU) Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege (CZ) Wolfenstein - The Old Blood Madden NFL 19 UFC WWE W2K18 Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse Liftoff Drone Racing Plants vs. Zombies - Garden Warfare Project Highrise - Architect's Edition Assassin's Creed II; Brotherhood; Battlefield 3 * * * alebo 1 hru z uvedenych: AC - Syndicate (CZ, HU); Unity (CZ) BF V BioShock - The Collection Borderlands - The Handsome Collection Call of Duty - Black OPS 4 CoD - Ghosts Dead Island Devil May Cry 5 Doom UAC Pack; Eternal Dragon's Dogma - Dark Arisen Far Cry New Dawn (CZ); Primal (CZ) L.A. Noire Metal Gear Solid V Metro 2033 Redux (CZ) Monster Hunter - World Mortal Kombat X Overwatch Rage 2 Redeemer Resident Evil 2; VII – Biohazard; Revelations 2 Rise of the Tomb Raider; Shadow of TR; TR - Definitive... Star Wars - Battlefront II, Jedi - Fallen Order State of Decay 2 The Elder Scrolls V - Skyrim The Surge 2 The Witcher 3 - WH(CZ; HU) Thief TC Division 2 (CZ); GR Breakpoint (CZ); Wildlands (CZ) Warhammer 40;000 Inquisitor - Martyr (HU) Wasteland 2 Watch Dogs 2 (CZ; HU) Wolfenstein II - New Colossus PES2020 (eFootball) Steep WG WWE W2K20 Bendy... Dragon Ball... Ghostbusters The Voice of Germany * * * V pripade zaujmu mam: - Microsoft Xbox One Kinect Sensor s ADAPTEROM -90€ - originalny microsoft "Xbox Play & Charge Kit" (1 akumulator + 1 kabel) - 12€ - 1 akumulator (+ kabel) -10€ - headset - rozne v ponuke - nastavec k headsetu s 3,5mm jack X37-
XBOX ONE X 1TB / 2TB SSD - 4K HDR + hra/y
Predam hernu konzolu Microsoft Xbox One X s 1TB alebo s 2TB SSD diskom v originalnom baleni vratane prislusenstva (aj na 1. fotke). 1TB HDD je nahradeny rychlim 1TB alebo s vacsim 2TB SSD diskom! (SSD ulozisko maju aj najnovsie series S a X) Konzola aj ovladac boli vycistene, skontrolovane - su plne funkcne. Obsah balenia: konzola ovladac (controller) napajaci kabel HDMI kabel hra/y Ku konzole si mozete vybrat hry (zoznam je len informativny) 2 hry z uvedenych: Agony (HU) Alien - Isolation Assassin's Creed - Black Flag (CZ, HU) Darksiders II Deathinitive Edition Doom Dragon Age - Inquisition Final Fantasy XV For Honor Gears of War 4 The Evil Within + DLC The Evil Within 2 Tom Clancy’s The Division (CZ, HU) Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege (CZ) Steep Broken Sword 5 Liftoff Drone Racing Plants vs. Zombies - Garden Warfare Assassin's Creed II AC Brotherhood CoD Black OPS Call of Juarez - The Cartel Dante’s Inferno Halo - Combat Evolved Anniversary alebo 1 hru z uvedenych: Assassin's Creed - Syndicate (CZ, HU); Unity (CZ) Battlefield V BioShock - The Collection Borderlands - The Handsome Collection Call of Duty - Black OPS III, 4 CoD - Ghosts Dead Island (Definitive Collection) Devil May Cry 5 Doom UAC Pack; Eternal Dragon's Dogma - Dark Arisen Far Cry Primal (CZ) Halo - The Master Chief Collection L.A. Noire Metal Gear Solid V - The Phantom Pain Metro 2033 Redux (CZ) Monster Hunter - World Mortal Kombat X Overwatch - Origins Edition Rage 2 Redeemer - Enhanced Edition Resident Evil VII Biohazard; Revelations 2 Rise of the Tomb Raider Shadow of the Tomb Raider Star Wars Jedi - Fallen Order The Elder Scrolls V - Skyrim (Special Edition) The Surge 2 The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt (CZ; HU) Thief (Limited Edition) - Bank Heist Mission + ArtCards Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Breakpoint (CZ); Wildlands (CZ) Tomb Raider - Definitive Edition Warhammer 40;000 Inquisitor - Martyr (HU) Wasteland 2 (Director's Cut) Watch Dogs 2 (CZ; HU) Wolfenstein II - The New Colossus PES2020 (eFootball) Steep Winter Games Edition WWE W2K20 Bendy and the Ink Machine Dragon Ball FighterZ; Ball Xenoverse Ghostbusters the Video Game Remastered Batman - Arkham Origins Gears of War Prince of Persia Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell – Blacklist * * * V pripade zaujmu mam: - Microsoft Xbox One Kinect Sensor s ADAPTEROM -90€ - originalny microsoft "Xbox Play & Charge Kit" (1 akumulator + 1 kabel) - 12€ - 1 akumulator (+ kabel) -10€ - headset - rozne v ponuke - nastavec k headsetu s 3,5mm jack X SSD
Top prúty a navijaky
Predám: Dragon CXT FC-X Fast Cast 1,98m 14-35g pôvodná cena 197,-eur teraz 120,-eur Dragon X Treme HD 300C 100-300g 80,-eur Dragon X Treme HD 80C 25-80g 70,-eur XZOGA Black Buster X SF6345 15kg Casting pôvodná cena 380,-eur teraz 280,-eur Shimano Thunns Ci4 6000 pôvodná cena 230,-eur teraz 150,-eur Multiplikator Lews BB1 Pro Series Speed spol povodná cena 220,-eur teraz 140,-eur Všetko 100% stav.
PC DVD hra Dragon Age: Origins (Ultimate Edition)
Predám zabalenú originálnu verziu PC DVD-ROM hry Dragon Age: Origins (Ultimate Edition). Hra je v anglickom jazyku. Okrem pôvodnej hry obsahuje Dragon Age Origins: Awakening a ďalšie prídavné DLC.
PlayStation 3 hry
Predávam použité hry pre PS3 herné konzoly.Všetky hry sú otestované,niektoré obsahujú minimálne škrabance ale sú plne funkčné. Záruka - 12 mesiacov Stav - bazár 007 Quantum of Solace-8€ A.Creed 2 GOTY-5€ A.Creed 3 CZ/HU-8€ A.Creed 4 Black Flag CZ/HU-9€ A.Creed Brotherhood-7€ A.Creed Revelations-6€ A.Creed Rogue-10€ Aliens Colonial Marines-9€ Angry Birds Trilogy-39€ Armored Core Verdict Day-9€ Army of Two-8€ Battlefield 3-6€ Battlefield 3CZ-10€ Battlefield Bad Company 2-7€ Battlefield Bad Company-7€ Beijing 2008-5€ Binary Domain-5€ Bioshock 2-8€ Blitz The League 2-9€ Borderlands 2-5€ Borderlands The Pre-Sequel!-8€ Brothers in Arms Hell´s Highway-10€ Bulletstorm-8€ Call of Duty Black Ops-9€ Call of Duty Ghosts-5€ Crysis 2-7€ DanceStar Party Hits-10€ DanceStar Party-7€ Darkness-5€ DeadRising 2 Off the Record-5€ Defiance-5€ Destiny-8€ Deus Ex Human Revolution-5€ Dragon Age 2-7€ Dragon Age Inquisition-9€ Dragons Dogma-5€ Dungeon Siege 3-5€ F1 2011-5€ Fallout 3-8€ Fallout New Vegas-10€ Far Cry 2-7€ Far Cry 3+Far Cry 4-15€ Far Cry 3-8€ FIFA Street 3-10€ FIFA Street-9€ Final Fantasy XIII-2-8€ Final Fantasy XIV Realm Reborn-5€ GTA 5-15€ GTA Episodes from Liberty City-12€ Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix-15€ Heavenly Sword-5€ Heroes Over Europe-9€ Homefront-5€ inFamous-7€ Just Cause 2-10€ Kane&Lynch:Dead Men-8€ Killzone 2-6€ Killzone 3-8€ LEGO Batman The Videogame-15€ LEGO Disney Pirates of the Carribean-30€ LEGO Harry Potter (Years 1-4)-15€ LEGO Harry Potter (Years 5-7)-15€ LEGO Star Wars The Force Awakens-14€ LEGO The Lord of the Rings-15€ LittleBigPlanet-8€ Mafia 2 CZ-35€ Mass Effect 2-6€ Mass Effect 3-5€ Medal of Honor Warfighter-9€ Mercenaries 2 World in Flames-5€ Metal Gear Solid HD Collection-13€(bez obalu) MindJack-5€ Mini Ninjas-9€ Mirror´s Edge-5€ Mon Coach Personnel-Club Fitness-15€ Monopoly-35€ MXvsATV Supercross-10€ Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 3-15€ NHL 15 CZ-25€ NHL 16 Legacy Edition CZ-35€ Operation Flashpoint Dragon Rising-5€ PES 2015-10€ Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare-15€ Quantum Theory-5€ R.U.S.E.-9€ Rage-5€ Rayman Origins-13€ Resistance 2-4€ Resistance Fall of Man-9€ Risen 2 Dark Waters-5€ RockBand-5€ Komplet zoznam na mail... > Kontakt: > Tel. číslo : > E-mail : gamingbazarsk@ > Alebo dole cez formulár
Predám nadbytočné pruty. 1x Dragon Pro Guide X 198cm 40-90 g. Team Dragon 270 cm 2-14 g 50 eur. Savege gear LRF 226 cm 5-12 g. 60eur. Všetky pruty sú vo výbornom stave malo používané. Osobný odber BA.
Vzduchovka NORICA Dragon Evolution MAX 4,5 mm
Predam vzduchovku NORICA Dragon Evolution MAX 4,5mm. Mam ju necely rok. Aktualne vymeneny piest vramci zaruky. Zaruka este vyse roka v IBO Prešov. PUŠKOHĽAD VALIANT LYNX 4X32 AOSIR MIL-DOT. Pre blizsie info prikladam linky. Vzduchovka Puškohľad Cena spolu 200€ Mala dohoda na cene možná. V prípade zaujmu poslat sms. Vecer sa následne ozvem.
XBOX ONE X 1TB HyperSpace - Limitovana edicia, 4K HDR +hra/y
Predam hernu konzolu Xbox One X HyperSpace Special Edition vratane prislusenstva (aj na 1. fotke). Konzola aj ovladac boli vycistene, skontrolovane - su plne funkcne, v TOP stave. Zaruka skoncila 17.5.2022. Obsah balenia: konzola ovladac (controller) napajaci kabel HDMI kabel hra/y Ku konzole si mozete vybrat hry, 2 hry z uvedenych: Agony (HU) Alien - Isolation Assassin's Creed - Black Flag (CZ, HU) Darksiders II Deathinitive Edition Doom Dragon Age - Inquisition Final Fantasy XV For Honor Gears of War 4 The Evil Within + DLC The Evil Within 2 Tom Clancy’s The Division (CZ, HU) Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege (CZ) Madden NFL 19 Steep Broken Sword 5 Liftoff Drone Racing Plants vs. Zombies - Garden Warfare Project Highrise - Architect's Edition Assassin's Creed II AC Brotherhood CoD Black OPS Call of Juarez - The Cartel Dante’s Inferno Halo - Combat Evolved Anniversary alebo 1 hru z uvedenych: Assassin's Creed - Syndicate (CZ, HU); Unity (CZ) Battlefield V BioShock - The Collection Borderlands - The Handsome Collection Call of Duty - Black OPS III, 4 CoD - Ghosts Dead Island (Definitive Collection) Devil May Cry 5 Doom UAC Pack; Eternal Dragon's Dogma - Dark Arisen Far Cry Primal (CZ) Halo - The Master Chief Collection L.A. Noire Metal Gear Solid V - The Phantom Pain Metro 2033 Redux (CZ) Monster Hunter - World Mortal Kombat X Overwatch - Origins Edition Rage 2 Redeemer - Enhanced Edition Resident Evil VII Biohazard; Revelations 2 Rise of the Tomb Raider Shadow of the Tomb Raider Star Wars Jedi - Fallen Order The Elder Scrolls V - Skyrim (Special Edition) The Surge 2 The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt (CZ; HU) Thief (Limited Edition) - Bank Heist Mission + ArtCards Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Breakpoint (CZ); Wildlands (CZ) Tomb Raider - Definitive Edition Warhammer 40;000 Inquisitor - Martyr (HU) Wasteland 2 (Director's Cut) Watch Dogs 2 (CZ; HU) Wolfenstein II - The New Colossus PES2020 (eFootball) Steep Winter Games Edition WWE W2K20 Bendy and the Ink Machine Dragon Ball FighterZ; Ball Xenoverse Ghostbusters the Video Game Remastered Batman - Arkham Origins Gears of War Prince of Persia Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell – Blacklist * * * V pripade zaujmu mam: - Microsoft Xbox One Kinect Sensor s ADAPTEROM -90€ - originalny microsoft "Xbox Play & Charge Kit" (1 akumulator + 1 kabel) - 12€ - 1 akumulator (+ kabel) -10€ - headset - rozne v ponuke - nastavec k headsetu s 3,5mm jack X64
Lego Ninjago sety (nove a pouzite)
Posuvam zbierku Lego Ninjago setov: NINJAGO neotvorene sety: 70593 THE GREEN NRG DRAGON 90,00 € 70594 THE LIGHTHOUSE SIEGE 135,00 € 70627 DRAGON´S FORGE 145,00 € 70650 DESTINY´S WING 35,00 € 70652 STORMBRINGER 95,00 € 70653 FIRSTBOURNE 110,00 € 30292 JAY NANOTECH 6,00 € 891616 BUCKO FOIL PACK 4,00 € NINJAGO - pouzite sety: 70603 RAID ZEPPELIN 35,00 € - instrukcie, krabica 70621 THE VERMILION ATTACK 18,00 € - instrukcie, krabica 70622 DESERT LIGHTNING 19,00 € - instrukcie, krabica 70624 VERMILLION INVADER 32,00 € - instrukcie, krabica 70625 SAMURAI VXL 59,00 € - instrukcie, krabica 70626 DAWN OF IRON DOOM 159,00 € - instrukcie, krabica 70627 DRAGON´S FORGE 129,00 € - instrukcie, krabica kontakt e-mailom.
Team Dragon Z-series 2,45g 4-18g  Nepouzity Prut
Predam nikdy nepouzite privlacove specialy Team Dragon.Bezna cena cez 130eur.Moja 75eur/kus.
Predam viac ako 110 hier na playstation 1
Predám viac ako 110 originálnych hier na PS1. Hry predávam ako CD, teda nemá originálny obal. Detské hry: Crash Bandicoot 3 Predane Spyro the Dragon 1 20€ Spyro 2 Getaway to Glimmer 20€ Spyro 3 Year of the Dragon 20€ Pandemonium 15€ Hercules 15€ Stuart Little 2 13€ Hugo 3: Quest for the Sunstones 13€ A Bugs Life (život chrobáka) 10€ Mulan (Disney) 10€ CROC 1 10€ Rayman 1 10€ Rayman 2 10€ Rayman Rush 12€ Worms 3D 8€ Scooby-Doo and the Cyber Chasee 8€ Peter Pan Disney 8€ Lord of Jungle 8€ Extreme Ghostbusters 8€ Bob the Builder 5€ Rugrats Studio Tour 4€ Akčné: Resident Evil 1 22€ Spiderman 2 20€ Dune 20€ Tekken 2 18€ Dino Crisis 1 17€ Blade 15€ Broken Sword 2 15€ Final Fantasy VII 20€ Final Fantasy VIII 15€ Final Fantasy IX 17€ Tenchu: Stealth Assassins 10€ Crusader No Remorse 8€ Mission Impossible 8€ Batman and Robin 8€ Digimon Rumble Arena 8€ Army men Air Attack 7€ Army men Lock n Load 7€ Army men Sarges Heroes 7€ The Simpsons Wrestling 7€ Rainbow Six (Tom Clancy´s) – Lone Wolf 6€ Dragon Ball Z Ultimate Battle 22 5€ Beyblade 5€ Colony Wars III Red Sun 5€ Time Crisis 5€ Spec Ops: Covert Assault 5€ Spec Ops: Airborne Commando 5€ SpecOps: Stealth Patrol 5€ Spec Ops: Ranger Elite 5€ Športové a závodné: Tony Hawk´s Skateboarding 15€ Tony Hawk´s Pro Skater 3 15€ Tony Hawk´s Pro Skater 4 15€ Porsche Challange 8€ Killer Loop 8€ Nascar 2000 7€ FIFA 97 7€ FIFA 2001 10€ VIVA soccer 6€ TOCA World Touring Cars 5€ International Track & Field 5€ Air Combat (lietadla) 5€ Acecombat 3 (stihačky) 5€ Black Down (vrtulníky) 5€ Independence Day The Game (lietadla) 5€ Ridge Racer Revolution 4€ No Fear Downhill Mountain Biking 4€ Ready 2 Rumble Boxing Round 2 4€ California Surfing 4€ Wipeout 3€ Knockout Kings 2001 3€ Knockout Kings 2000 3€ Ostatné hry po 2-5€: Hry po 2€ Actua Soccer Bust a Move 3dx Bust a Move 4 Nice Cats Super Puzzle Fighter 2 Turbo Hry po 3€ Blast Radius Centipede Fade to Black G-Police Jeremy Mcgrath Super Cross 98 NBA Live 99 Newman Haas Racing Riot Special CT Forces: Back to hell The Sword of Camelot Tunnel B1 V-Rally 97 championship edition Hry po 4€ Break Out Cool Boarders 3 Small Soldiers Urban Chaos WWF in Your House Hry po 5€ Micro Machines v3 Space Invaders
XBOX ONE X 1TB - 4K HDR + hra/y
Predam hernu konzolu Microsoft Xbox One X 1TB v originalnom baleni vratane prislusenstva (aj na 1. fotke). Konzola aj ovladac boli vycistene, skontrolovane - su plne funkcne. Obsah balenia: konzola ovladac (controller) napajaci kabel HDMI kabel hra/y Ku konzole si mozete vybrat hry, 2 hry z uvedenych: Agony (HU) Alien - Isolation Assassin's Creed - Black Flag (CZ, HU) Darksiders II Deathinitive Edition Doom Dragon Age - Inquisition Final Fantasy XV For Honor Gears of War 4 The Evil Within + DLC The Evil Within 2 Tom Clancy’s The Division (CZ, HU) Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege (CZ) Madden NFL 19 Steep Broken Sword 5 Liftoff Drone Racing Plants vs. Zombies - Garden Warfare Project Highrise - Architect's Edition Assassin's Creed II AC Brotherhood CoD Black OPS Call of Juarez - The Cartel Dante’s Inferno Halo - Combat Evolved Anniversary alebo 1 hru z uvedenych: Assassin's Creed - Syndicate (CZ, HU); Unity (CZ) Battlefield V BioShock - The Collection Borderlands - The Handsome Collection Call of Duty - Black OPS III, 4 CoD - Ghosts Dead Island (Definitive Collection) Devil May Cry 5 Doom UAC Pack; Eternal Dragon's Dogma - Dark Arisen Far Cry Primal (CZ) Halo - The Master Chief Collection L.A. Noire Metal Gear Solid V - The Phantom Pain Metro 2033 Redux (CZ) Monster Hunter - World Mortal Kombat X Overwatch - Origins Edition Rage 2 Redeemer - Enhanced Edition Resident Evil VII Biohazard; Revelations 2 Rise of the Tomb Raider Shadow of the Tomb Raider Star Wars Jedi - Fallen Order The Elder Scrolls V - Skyrim (Special Edition) The Surge 2 The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt (CZ; HU) Thief (Limited Edition) - Bank Heist Mission + ArtCards Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Breakpoint (CZ); Wildlands (CZ) Tomb Raider - Definitive Edition Warhammer 40;000 Inquisitor - Martyr (HU) Wasteland 2 (Director's Cut) Watch Dogs 2 (CZ; HU) Wolfenstein II - The New Colossus PES2020 (eFootball) Steep Winter Games Edition WWE W2K20 Bendy and the Ink Machine Dragon Ball FighterZ; Ball Xenoverse Ghostbusters the Video Game Remastered Batman - Arkham Origins Gears of War Prince of Persia Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell – Blacklist * * * V pripade zaujmu mam: - Microsoft Xbox One Kinect Sensor s ADAPTEROM -90€ - originalny microsoft "Xbox Play & Charge Kit" (1 akumulator + 1 kabel) - 12€ - 1 akumulator (+ kabel) -10€ - headset - rozne v ponuke - nastavec k headsetu s 3,5mm jack X37-
Predám mix modelov 01/2023
Lietadlá: 1/144 Il-78 Midas /Trumpeter - 03902/ - 19€ A320neo /Revell-63840 / - 22€ 1/72 Tu-128UT Fiddler /Trumpeter - 01688/ - 26€ Jak-40 /Mars Model - 72102/ - 37€ - súčasťou modelu sú obtisky na CS aerolínie - rezervované Lockheed EC-121 Warning Star /Heller 80311/ - AKCIA 22€ Lockheed C-121A Constellation /Heller 80382/ - AKCIA 22€ - rezervované An-10 "Ukraina" /ModelSvit 72008/ - 49€ 1/48: Zero /Eduard 11155/ - 44€ - rezervované EA-18G /Italeri-2641 + Ed:48745+EX15/ - 40€ -zánovné predám len komplet AKCIA 35€ H-21C Flying Banana /Italeri 2774/ - 26€ Su-25 /Zvezda - 4807/ - 39€ Dc-3 /Trumpeter - 05813/ - AKCIA 35€ rezervované Scheuch-Schlepper Tractor /GasPatch 48238/ - 29€ Detail Set pre Me 163B /GasPatch 48237/ - 17€ La-15 /MARS MODELS 48101/ - 33€ 1ks rezervované Mr.Dibbleyviac doma nemám S-2N S-2A Tracker /Kinetic 48118/ - 44€ E-2C Hawkeye /Kinetic - 48122/ - 46€ Mig-25RB/RBT /Kitty Hawk - 80113/ - 55€ F/A-18F /Meng - LS-016/ - 57€ - rezervované Jak-9D /Zvezda-4815/ - 21€ 1/35 V-1 Flying Bomb /Takom-2151/ - 25€ Focke-Wulf Fw C.30A /Miniart 41012/ - 15€ L 282 V-16 Kolibri /MiniArt 41002/ - 18€ 1/32 Kawasaki Ki-45 Kai Tei Toryu (Nick) /Zoukei-Mura SWS13/ - 125€ HORTEN HO-229 /Zoukei-Mura SWS08/ - 140€ AH-1G Cobra /ICM 32060/ - 42€ Builders Choice /Revell 63835/ - 17€ 1/24 Bayraktar /Tanmodel ASD2411/ - 36€ Masky Su-27UB Galaxy Model D48010 - 16€ Technika 1/35 MAN LKW 5t /HB-85508/ - AKCIA 40€ PLA ZBD-4A IFV /PANDA PH35042/ - 25€ T-14 Armata /Panda PH 35016/ - 25€ MBV-2 /HB-85515/ - 56€ 9K79 Tochka /85509/ - 53€ M4 81mm Mortar Carrier /Dragon 6361/ - 36€ Sd.Kfz.171 Panther D /Dragon 6428/ - 36€ rezervované Duri T19 105mm /Dragon 6496/ - 36€ Lode 1/600 Queen Mary 2 /Heller 80626/ - 25€ Poštovné nie je v cene. - Osobné prevzatie v blízkosti Púchova je možné, po vzájomnej dohode, pri osobnom prevzatí možná platba v Kč. - Balíky najradšej posielam cez packeta /zásielkovňu /sk,cz//, je možnosť: - formou dobierky ceny poštovného: - balík v rámci Slovenska + 4,50€, - balík zo SR do ČR + 5€ - pri platbe vopred na môj účet: - balík v rámci Slovenska + 3€, - balík zo SR do ČR + 4€ Pri kúpe 3 a viac modelov poštovné je na mňa - platí aj pre ČR. Moja ponuka platí pre balík, kde súčet strán balíka s modelmi nepresiahne 150 cm a hmotnosťou 10 kg.
XBOX ONE X 1TB - Robot White Special Edition
Predam bielu hernu konzolu Microsoft Xbox One X 1TB vratane prislusenstva (aj na 1. fotke). Konzola aj ovladac boli vycistene, skontrolovane - su plne funkcne. Obsah balenia: konzola ovladac (controller) napajaci kabel HDMI kabel hra/y Ku konzole si mozete vybrat hry, 2 hry z uvedenych: Agony (HU) Alien - Isolation Assassin's Creed - Black Flag (CZ, HU) Darksiders II Deathinitive Edition Doom Dragon Age - Inquisition Final Fantasy XV For Honor Gears of War 4 The Evil Within + DLC The Evil Within 2 Tom Clancy’s The Division (CZ, HU) Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege (CZ) Madden NFL 19 Steep Broken Sword 5 Liftoff Drone Racing Plants vs. Zombies - Garden Warfare Project Highrise - Architect's Edition Assassin's Creed II AC Brotherhood CoD Black OPS Call of Juarez - The Cartel Dante’s Inferno Halo - Combat Evolved Anniversary alebo 1 hru z uvedenych: Assassin's Creed - Syndicate (CZ, HU); Unity (CZ) Battlefield V BioShock - The Collection Borderlands - The Handsome Collection Call of Duty - Black OPS III, 4 CoD - Ghosts Dead Island (Definitive Collection) Devil May Cry 5 Doom UAC Pack; Eternal Dragon's Dogma - Dark Arisen Far Cry Primal (CZ) Halo - The Master Chief Collection L.A. Noire Metal Gear Solid V - The Phantom Pain Metro 2033 Redux (CZ) Monster Hunter - World Mortal Kombat X Overwatch - Origins Edition Rage 2 Redeemer - Enhanced Edition Resident Evil VII Biohazard; Revelations 2 Rise of the Tomb Raider Shadow of the Tomb Raider Star Wars Jedi - Fallen Order The Elder Scrolls V - Skyrim (Special Edition) The Surge 2 The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt (CZ; HU) Thief (Limited Edition) - Bank Heist Mission + ArtCards Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Breakpoint (CZ); Wildlands (CZ) Tomb Raider - Definitive Edition Warhammer 40;000 Inquisitor - Martyr (HU) Wasteland 2 (Director's Cut) Watch Dogs 2 (CZ; HU) Wolfenstein II - The New Colossus PES2020 (eFootball) Steep Winter Games Edition WWE W2K20 Bendy and the Ink Machine Dragon Ball FighterZ; Ball Xenoverse Ghostbusters the Video Game Remastered Batman - Arkham Origins Gears of War Prince of Persia Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell – Blacklist * * * V pripade zaujmu mam: - Microsoft Xbox One Kinect Sensor s ADAPTEROM -90€ - originalny microsoft "Xbox Play & Charge Kit" (1 akumulator + 1 kabel) - 12€ - 1 akumulator (+ kabel) -10€ - headset - rozne v ponuke - nastavec k headsetu s 3,5mm jack .biela
Predám Dragon Ball Super TCG karty 124ks
Dragon Ball Super - CROSS SPIRITS - 62ks Dragon Ball Super - SUPREME RIVALRY - 62ks common a rare karty žiadne duplikáty všetky karty po jednom kuse poštovné zadarmo