drum machine - strana 47
Počet nájdených inzerátov DRUM MACHINE
: 1000 - strana 47

Bornholm ...on the way of the hunting moon (digipak,nový) 10,00 €
Bornholm Inexorable defiance (digibook) 10,00 €
Brujeria Pocho aztlan (nový) 8,00 €
Carcass Surgical steel 9,00 €
Cavalera Conspiracy Pandemonium (digipak,nový) 7,00 €
Cemetary Sundown 7,00 €
Coroner No more color (nový) 8,00 €
Cradle of Filth Dusk and her embrace (nový) 8,00 €
Cradle of Filth Cruelty and the beast 6,00 €
Cradle of Filth Midian 7,00 €
Cradle of Filth Damnation and a day 5,00 €
Cradle of Filth Damnation and a day (nový) 7,00 €
Cradle of Filth Nymphetamine 7,00 €
Cradle of Filth Thornography 7,00 €
Cradle of Filth Godspeed of the devil's thunder (digipak,2CD) 7,00 €
Cradle of Filth Darkly,darkly,venus aversa 8,00 €
Cradle of Filth The manticore and other horrors 8,00 €
Cradle of Filth Hammer of the witches 9,00 €
Dark Fortress Eidolon 7,00 €
Dark Tranquillity Character (digipak) 8,00 €
Death Symbolic (nový) 8,00 €
Death Angel Act III 10,00 €
Decapitated Blood mantra (digipak,CD+DVD,nový) 9,00 €
Deceased As the weird travel on 12,00 €
Deicide The stench of redemption 9,00 €
Demonica Demonstrous (nový) 8,00 €
Devilment The great and secret show (digipak,bonus track) 9,00 €
Devin Townsend Ocean Machine: Biomech (nový) 10,00 €
Devin Townsend Project Sky blue (nový) 8,00 €
Devin Townsend Empath (nový) 8,00 €
Dimmu Borgir Stormblåst MMV (digipak,CD+DVD) 10,00 €
Dismember Like an everflowing stream (Hammerheart,nový) 15,00 €
Dissection Reinkaos (Icarus,nový) 10,00 €
Draconian A rose for the apocalypse (nový) 9,00 €
Draconian Arcane rain fell (nový) 9,00 €
Draconian Sovran (nový) 9,00 €
Ensiferum Thalassic 8,00 €
Enslaved Monumension 12,00 €
Enslaved Vertebrae 9,00 €
Enslaved Riitiir (nový) 9,00 €
Enslaved Riitiir (digipak,CD+DVD) 11,00 €
Enslaved In times (NuclearBlast Russia,jewel) 7,00 €
Enslaved In times (digipak) 9,00 €
Enslaved E (digipak,nový) 11,00 €
Entombed Wolverine blues (digipak,nový) 9,00 €
Equilibrium Armageddon (digipak,2CD) 7,00 €
Escape the Fate Hate me (nový) 3,00 €
klikni na meno a pozri ponuku
kontakt: zaxas@

Iron Maiden Piece of mind (enhanced) 7,00 €
Iron Maiden Powerslave (enhanced) 7,00 €
Iron Maiden Live after death (CDP 7 46186 2 UK) 8,00 €
Iron Maiden Seventh son of a seventh son (1.press Italy 1988) 8,00 €
Iron Maiden Seventh son of a seventh son (1.press UK 1988) 10,00 €
Iron Maiden No prayer for the dying (1.press Holland 1990) 8,00 €
Iron Maiden The X factor 7,00 €
Iron Maiden The X factor (nový) 9,00 €
Iron Maiden Virtual XI 8,00 €
Iron Maiden Brave new world 7,00 €
Iron Maiden Dance of death 7,00 €
Iron Maiden A matter of life and death 7,00 €
Iron Maiden A matter of life and death (CD+DVD) 8,00 €
Iron Maiden The final frontier (nový) 9,00 €
Iron Maiden Somewhere back in time The best of: 1980-1989 8,00 €
Ironbird Black mountain (digipak) 7,00 €
Joel Hoekstra's 13 Running games (Irond) 5,00 €
Johnny Lima Shine on 15,00 €
Johnny Lima Made in California 12,00 €
Jon Oliva's Pain Festival (AFM/Soyuz) 9,00 €
Judas Priest Killing machine (RM,nový) 8,00 €
Judas Priest Priest in the east (japan) 12,00 €
Judas Priest British steel (CD 304212) 8,00 €
Judas Priest British steel 9,00 €
Judas Priest Point of entry (RM) 8,00 €
Judas Priest Turbo (CBS 463365 2) 8,00 €
Judas Priest Ram it down 6,00 €
Judas Priest Jugulator 18,00 €
Judas Priest Angel of retribution 6,00 €
Judas Priest Redeemer of souls 8,00 €
Judas Priest Metal works (2CD) 6,00 €
Kamelot Poetry for the poisoned (digibook,2CD) 10,00 €
Kamelot The shadow theory (digipak,2CD,nový) 10,00 €
King Diamond Abigail II - The revenge (nový) 10,00 €
King Diamond The graveyard (digipak,nový) 9,00 €
Kissin' Dynamite Money, sex and power (Fono) 10,00 €
Kissin' Dynamite Megalomania (Fono) 10,00 €
Kissin' Dynamite Generation goodbye (Fono) 10,00 €
Korn Korn 6,00 €
Korn Life is peachy 2,00 €
Korn Life is peachy 5,00 €
Korn Life is peachy (nový) 7,00 €
Korn Follow the leader 5,00 €
Korn Issues (nový) 7,00 €
Korn Untouchables (nový) 7,00 €
Korn Take a look in the mirror 5,00 €
Korn Take a look in the mirror (digipak,CD+DVD) 3,00 €
Korn Take a look in the mirror (digipak,CD+DVD) 7,00 €
Korn See you on the other side 7,00 €
Korn untitled 8,00 €
Korn Korn III: Remember who you are 6,00 €
Korn The path of totality 6,00 €
Korn Live & rare (nový) 6,00 €
Korn Greatest hits Vol.1 (nový) 7,00 €
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Ponúkame Vám na prenájom luxusný, tehlový 3-izbový byt s balkónom, na ulici Obrancov mieru, v mestskej časti Košice - Sever. Byt má rozlohu 64m2, je kompletne zrekonštruovaný, nachádza sa na 2./4. poschodí v zateplenom bytovom dome. Byt sa prenajíma sa kompletne dizajnovo zariadený nábytkom a vybavený spotrebičmi.
vstupná chodba, kuchyňa s jedálňou, obývacia izba s výstupom na balkón, spálňa, hosťovská izba/pracovňa, kúpeľňa s vaňou a WC
kuchyňa - plne vybavená: vstavané spotrebiče - elektrická rúra, mikrovlnná rúra, indukčná varná doska, digestor, umývačka riadu, práčka, veľká chladnička s mrazničkou, jedálenský stôl so 4 stoličkami
obývacia izba - veľká pohodlná pohovka, konferenčný stolík, taburet, TV, dizajnový elektrický krb, stolík pod TV
spálňa - manželská posteľ, skriňa
hosťovská izba - skrinková zostava, písací stolík, kreslo, válenda s úložným priestorom, skriňa
kúpeľňa - vaňa, umývadlo so skrinkou a zásuvkami, veľké zrkadlo
Luxusný, dizajnovo zariadený tehlový 3-izbový byt vo výbornej lokalite, blízko centra - veľmi dobrá dostupnosť do centra (autom do 5 minút). Tichá lokalita, z bytu je výhľad do parku. Dobré možnosti parkovania priamo pred bytom.
CENA NÁJMU: 690€/mesiac vrátane energií, TV a vysokorýchlostného internetu
Preferovaný je dlhodobý prenájom pre 1-2 dospelé osoby.
For rent a luxurious, brick 3-room apartment (1 bedroom + 1 quest room) with a balcony, on Obrancov Mieru, near the center. The apartment has an area of 64 m2, it is completely renovated, located on the 2nd/4th floor, completely designed with furniture and appliances.
entrance hall, kitchen with dining room, living room with access to the balcony, bedroom, guest room/study, bathroom with bathtub and toilet
kitchen - fully equipped: built-in appliances - electric oven, microwave oven, induction hob, hood, dishwasher, washing machine, large fridge with freezer, dining table with 4 chairs
living room - large comfortable sofa, coffee table, stool, TV, designer electric fireplace, TV table
bedroom - double bed, wardrobe
guest room - cabinet set, desk, armchair, wardrobe
bathroom - bath, sink with cabinet and drawers, large mirror
Luxurious, design-furnished brick 3-room apartment in an excellent location, close to the center (within 5 minutes by car). Quiet location, the apartment has a view of the park. Good parking possibilities right in front of the apartment.
RENT PRICE: 690€/month including utilities, TV and high-speed internet
Long-term rental for 1-2 adults is preferred.

Predám lyžiarky Notdica Sport Machine. Majú na sebe mierne známky používania (viď. foto). Veľkosť sedí 36/37. Osobný odber možný na Bukovci, poprípade sa vieme dohodnúť niekde v centre Košíc. Možné je aj doručenie packetou/slovenskou poštou v prípade platby vopred. Ak máte záujem alebo otázky ma neváhajte kontaktovať ;)

Ponúkam na prenájom 3i byt vo vyhľadávanej lokalite na sídlisku Terasa, Ipeľská ulica. Lekárska fakulta a nová nemocnica je necelé 2 min chôdze. Na Hlavnej ulici ste za 15 min pešej chôdze.
Samozrejmosťou je excelentná občianska vybavenosť. Potraviny, lekáreň, kaderníctvo, kaviareň sú vzdialené necelé 3min chôdze.
Byt sa prenajíma plne zariadený, stačí si priniesť osobné veci.
Ponúkame vám 2 samostatné spálne (v jednej z nich je manželská posteľ) a priestrannú obývaciu izbamu spojenú s jedálenským kútom a kuchyňou.
K dispozícii chladnička s mrazakom, mikrovlnka, elektrická rúra, rýchlovarná kanvica, práčka so sušičkou a umývačka riadu.
Byt je vhodný pre 2-3 ľudí, domáce zvieratá po dohode.
V cene sú zahrnuté všetky energie vrátane internetu.
Volný ihneď.
We offer 3 roomed fully furnished flat to rent, located on Ipeľská street. Medical faculty and hospital is within 2 minutes of walk. You will be on the lecture in no time.
Suitable for 2-3 people.
- Two separate bedrooms
- Large living room connected with fully equipped kitchen (including cutlery, plates, glasses, pans and pots
- 2 build in wardrobes
- dishwasher, microwave, electric kettle, washing machine.
Available now.
The price includes all the bills and internet.
Two months deposit needed.

aktualizácia 26.1.
Predám alebo vymením kartičky, v ponuke mám
HERO 0.30€-,
FANS FAVOURITE 0,80 €-289,314,317,320,329,341
TITAN 0,80 €-346,347,349,350,352,355,356
MAGICAN 0,80 €-365,366,367,371,374,375,376,377,
GOAL MACHINE 0,80 €-381,383,385,386,387,388,390,393,395
CONTENDER 0,50 €-425,428,438,440,451,453,457,458,459,461,462,466,467,469,472,474,481,484,487
Potrebujeme 3,6,7,226,353,364,369

Rodinný dom v centre Koliby v tichej lokalite, plocha 250 m2, 3 podlažný dom, dom je po úplnej rekonštrukcii, 6 izbový s galériou, priestranná obývacia izba s jedálenskou časťou s východom na terasu a do okrasnej záhrady, samostatná kuchyňa so zabudovanou chladničkou a umývačkou riadu, 3 kúpelne a 3 WC + bidet, samostatná práčovňa v suteréne /pračka + sušička/, okrasná záhrada, garáž na diaľkové ovládanie pre 2 auta + parkovanie vo dvore - brána na diaľkové ovládanie, svetlý priestranný dom v peknom a tichom prostredí Koliby, voľný ihneď. Cena: 2 000 €/mesiac + energie.
Family house in the center of Koliba in quiet locality, useabe area 250 m2, 3 floors house, the house is completely renovated, 6 rooms with gallery, spacious living room with dining area with exit to the terrace and ornamental garden, separate kitchen with built-in refrigerator and dishwasher, 3 bathroom and 3 toilets + bidet, separate laundry in the basement / washing machine + dryer /, ornamental garden, garage for remote control for 2 cars + parking in the yard - remote control gate, bright spacious house in a nice and quiet environment Koliby, available inmediately. Price: 2.000 € / month + energy.

Neymar JR - goal machine 5€
Gavi - Rookie 4€
Brundo fernandes - game changer 4€
viac info v sprave na - nikobazos10@ NEREAGUJEM NA CISLO A SMS IBA EMAIL

Na prenájom útulný 2-izbový byt v novostavbe (kolaudácia 2021) s výmerou 50,70 m² a 9,7 m² balkónom v Slnečniciach, Zóna Viladomy.
Byt je plne zariadený - disponuje obývačkou s kuchyňou, vybavenou všetkými spotrebičmi, vrátane umývačky riadu a kávovaru. V byte sú vstavané skrine vo vstupnej hale, ako aj samostatnej spálni. Zo spálne a obývačky ústi vstup na balkón s výhľadom na petržalskú hrádzu. Byt sa nachádza na 2. nadzemnom podlaží (pod bytom je byt s predzáhradkou). V okolí je výborná občianska vybavenosť, ako aj možnosti pre športové aktivity.
Cena: 700 EUR / mesačne (530 EUR nájom + 150 EUR energie + 20 EUR TV+internet) + možnosť parkovacieho miesta priamo pred vchodom do bytového domu + 50 EUR
Pri podpise zmluvy sa skladá vratná kaucia vo výške mesačného nájmu. Byt je k dispozícii ihneď.
We offer 2-room apartment for rent with an area of 50.70 m² and 9.70m² balcony in Slnečnice, Viladomy (Fialová street).
The apartment is fully furnished. Living room with a kitchen is equipped with all appli-ances, including a dishwasher and a coffee machine. The apartment has built-in wardrobes in the en-trance hall and a separate bedroom. There is an entrance to the balcony both from living room and bed-room. The apartment is located on the 2nd floor (below the apartment is an apartment with a yard). There are excellent amenities in the area, as well as opportunities for sports activities.
Price: 700 EUR / month (530 EUR + 150 EUR utilities + 20 EUR TV & internet) + parking directly in front of the apartment building (not necessary to rent parking place)+ 50 EUR/month
Upon signing the contract, a refundable deposit in the amount of the monthly rent is required. The apartment is available immediately.

Prenájom 3-izbového bytu na vyvýšenom prízemí s výmerou 65m2 v Prievoze neďaleko Gagarinovej ul. Byt prešiel pred 3 rokmi kompletnou rekonštrukciou. Pozostáva z predsiene, 2 samostatných, nepriechodných izieb, priechodnej obývačky, kuchyne so špajzou, kúpeľne a samostatného WC.
Kuchyňa je vybavená elektrospotrebičmi (chladnička s mrazničkou, umývačka riadu, mikrovlnka, plynový sporák, rúra). Práčka sa nachádza v kúpeľni. Obývačka a kuchyňa je kompletne zariadená, 2 nepriechodné izby sú nezariadené. Byt sa nachádza v tichej lokalite s veľmi dobrým pripojením do centra. Zastávka a supermarket sú len 300m od domu. Bezplatné parkovanie je možné na chodníku pred domom.
Byt bude dostupný od 01.02.2023
Mesačný nájom je 720eur (nájom 450 eur + 270 eur poplatky, energie a internet) Pri podpise zmluvy sa platí vratná kaucia vo výške 1500 eur. Kaucia slúži ako zábezpeka pre prípad poškodenia zariadenia bytu alebo neplatenia nájmu a vracia sa nájomníkovi pri vysťahovaní z bytu.
Byt je vhodný pre maximálne 4 osoby.
Byt priamo od majiteľa, bez provízie za sprostredkovanie.
3-room apartment located in Bratislava - Ružinov for rent. It was fully renovated 3 years ago. The property is situated in the ground floor of a 4-storey house in a quiet side road. The 65 sqm appartment consists of anteroom, storage room, fully furnished living and dining room, two not furnished bedrooms, kitchen with all appliances (dishwasher, microwave, baking oven, gas hob, fridge-freezer), bathroom with a bathtub and washing machine and separate toilet.
Bus station and grocery store is 300m nearby. It takes 20 minutes by bus to the city center of Bratislava.
Car parking in front of the house is for free.
The apartment is available from 01.02.2023
The monthly rent is 720 € (450€ rent + 270€ fees, energy costs and internet). Security deposit is 1500€ and it is refundable once you move out as all rent is paid and the rental is undamaged.
Maximum occupancy – 4 persons.

Ponúkam na prenájom 2,5 izbový novo zrekonštruovaný a plne zariadený byt v úplnom centre mesta na Mojmirovej ulici, len pár krokov od Auparku, pešej zóny či rektorátu Univezity UPJŠ. Byt má vysoké stropy, a je zariadený tak, aby vytváral príjemnú atmosféru staromestského bývania. Okná má iba do dvora budovy, preto sa hluku centra z ulice báť netreba. V byte sú všetky spotrebiče: Chladnička s mrazničkou, sporák, rúra, práčka, sušička, umývačka riadu. Má vlastné nezávislé kúrenie od mestských teplární. V byte je aj smart televízia Samsung s viacerými programami, TV archívom a wifi router. Mimo Hlavnej spálne s manželskou posteľou, sa nad kuchyňou nachádza menší priestor na spanie pre hostí. Takisto je v obývacej izbe výklopná posteľ zo skrine a tak byt v prípade nutnosti dokáže ponúknuť ešte navyše 4 pohodlné miesta pre hostí. Cena mesačného nájómného je 950 euro s energiami, internetom a televíziou. Pri prenajatí + 1 mesačný depozit. V prípade otázok či záujmu ma neváhajte kontaktovať.
I offer for rent a 2.5-room newly renovated and fully furnished apartment in the very center of the city on Mojmirová street, just a few steps from Aupark, the pedestrian zone or the rectorate of UPJŠ University. The apartment has high ceilings and is furnished to create a pleasant atmosphere of old-town living. It only has windows to the courtyard of the building, so there is no need to worry about the noise of the center from the street. The apartment has all appliances: refrigerator with freezer, stove, oven, washing machine, dryer, dishwasher. It has its own independent heating from the municipal heating plants. The apartment also has a Samsung smart TV with several programs, a TV archive and a Wi-Fi router. Apart from the main bedroom with a double bed, there is a smaller sleeping area for guests above the kitchen. There is also a fold-out bed from the closet in the living room, so the apartment can offer 4 extra comfortable places for guests if necessary. The price of the monthly rent is 950 euros with utilities, internet and television. When renting + 1 month's deposit. If you are have a questions or interested, do not hesitate to contact me.

Hello and glad that you are interested in my toys:)
All toys were created by me at home with the amigurumi technique.
All my toys are unique, you can't find the same one, because it's hand made, they might slightly be different from one another.
I pay a lot of attention to every detail, to do all toys only with the best quality material!
All my toys are made with love and care, so by buying this toy you can be sure it will bring you only positive emotions.
100% hand-made produced with the best quality and big love
All toys are packed in the box.
We can add a congrats card with any content that you wish:)
You can wash it in the washing machine in Delicate mode and dry it in the air.
We have global delivery to any country.
The toy will be sent the next day after confirming the order.
All taxes due in your country will be paid by you.
Also if you have any questions please contact us, we will be happy to answer them!

Hello and glad that you are interested in my toys:)
All toys were created by me at home with the amigurumi technique.
All my toys are unique, you can't find the same one, because it's hand made, they might slightly be different from one another.
I pay a lot of attention to every detail, to do all toys only with the best quality material!
All my toys are made with love and care, so by buying this toy you can be sure it will bring you only positive emotions.
100% hand-made produced with the best quality and big love
All toys are packed in the box.
We can add a congrats card with any content that you wish:)
You can wash it in the washing machine in Delicate mode and dry it in the air.
We have global delivery to any country.
The toy will be sent the next day after confirming the order.
All taxes due in your country will be paid by you.
Also if you have any questions please contact us, we will be happy to answer them!

Hello and glad that you are interested in my toys:)
All toys were created by me at home with the amigurumi technique.
All my toys are unique, you can't find the same one, because it's hand made, they might slightly be different from one another.
I pay a lot of attention to every detail, to do all toys only with the best quality material!
All my toys are made with love and care, so by buying this toy you can be sure it will bring you only positive emotions.
100% hand-made produced with the best quality and big love
All toys are packed in the box.
We can add a congrats card with any content that you wish:)
You can wash it in the washing machine in Delicate mode and dry it in the air.
We have global delivery to any country.
The toy will be sent the next day after confirming the order.
All taxes due in your country will be paid by you.
Also if you have any questions please contact us, we will be happy to answer them!

Hello and glad that you are interested in my toys:)
All toys were created by me at home with the amigurumi technique.
All my toys are unique, you can't find the same one, because it's hand made, they might slightly be different from one another.
I pay a lot of attention to every detail, to do all toys only with the best quality material!
All my toys are made with love and care, so by buying this toy you can be sure it will bring you only positive emotions.
100% hand-made produced with the best quality and big love
All toys are packed in the box.
We can add a congrats card with any content that you wish:)
You can wash it in the washing machine in Delicate mode and dry it in the air.
We have global delivery to any country.
The toy will be sent the next day after confirming the order.
All taxes due in your country will be paid by you.
Also if you have any questions please contact us, we will be happy to answer them!

Hello and glad that you are interested in my toys:)
All toys were created by me at home with the amigurumi technique.
All my toys are unique, you can't find the same one, because it's hand made, they might slightly be different from one another.
I pay a lot of attention to every detail, to do all toys only with the best quality material!
All my toys are made with love and care, so by buying this toy you can be sure it will bring you only positive emotions.
100% hand-made produced with the best quality and big love
All toys are packed in the box.
We can add a congrats card with any content that you wish:)
You can wash it in the washing machine in Delicate mode and dry it in the air.
We have global delivery to any country.
The toy will be sent the next day after confirming the order.
All taxes due in your country will be paid by you.
Also if you have any questions please contact us, we will be happy to answer them!

Hello and glad that you are interested in my toys:)
All toys were created by me at home with the amigurumi technique.
All my toys are unique, you can't find the same one, because it's hand made, they might slightly be different from one another.
I pay a lot of attention to every detail, to do all toys only with the best quality material!
All my toys are made with love and care, so by buying this toy you can be sure it will bring you only positive emotions.
100% hand-made produced with the best quality and big love
All toys are packed in the box.
We can add a congrats card with any content that you wish:)
You can wash it in the washing machine in Delicate mode and dry it in the air.
We have global delivery to any country.
The toy will be sent the next day after confirming the order.
All taxes due in your country will be paid by you.
Also if you have any questions please contact us, we will be happy to answer them!

Hello and glad that you are interested in my toys:)
All toys were created by me at home with the amigurumi technique.
All my toys are unique, you can't find the same one, because it's hand made, they might slightly be different from one another.
I pay a lot of attention to every detail, to do all toys only with the best quality material!
All my toys are made with love and care, so by buying this toy you can be sure it will bring you only positive emotions.
100% hand-made produced with the best quality and big love
All toys are packed in the box.
We can add a congrats card with any content that you wish:)
You can wash it in the washing machine in Delicate mode and dry it in the air.
We have global delivery to any country.
The toy will be sent the next day after confirming the order.
All taxes due in your country will be paid by you.
Also if you have any questions please contact us, we will be happy to answer them!

Hello and glad that you are interested in my toys:)
All toys were created by me at home with the amigurumi technique.
All my toys are unique, you can't find the same one, because it's hand made, they might slightly be different from one another.
I pay a lot of attention to every detail, to do all toys only with the best quality material!
All my toys are made with love and care, so by buying this toy you can be sure it will bring you only positive emotions.
100% hand-made produced with the best quality and big love
All toys are packed in the box.
We can add a congrats card with any content that you wish:)
You can wash it in the washing machine in Delicate mode and dry it in the air.
We have global delivery to any country.
The toy will be sent the next day after confirming the order.
All taxes due in your country will be paid by you.
Also if you have any questions please contact us, we will be happy to answer them!