dxracer gaming chair - strana 20
Počet nájdených inzerátov DXRACER GAMING CHAIR
: 1000 - strana 20

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Kreslo má pohodlnú širokú základňu, je vyrobené z kvalitných materiálov 600 D polyesteru s PVC záterom proti znečisteniu a má odolnú oceľovú konštrukciu zosilnenú na opierkach. Disponuje držiakom na pitie. Hmotnosť 3,3 kg
nosnosť 113 kg
74 × 50 × 90 cm
Dĺžka v zloženom stave: 88 cm
Cena: 20 €
Mám 2 ks

Mike Oldfield- Tubular Bells
SBB 1978 Supraphon
SBB 2 nowy horyzont
SBB 3 pamiec
SBB Memento y banalnym tryptykiem
Scorpions Tokyo tapes
STING The dream of the blue turtles
STING Soul cages
SUPERTRAMP Even in the quietest moments
SUPERTRAMP Breakfast in Amerika
TEARS FOR FEARS Song from the big chair
Tchaikovski Klavierkonzert
U 2 The Unforgettable fire
U 2 The Joshua tree
URIAH HEEP The best of. BEST
URIAH HEEP High and mighty 1976
URIAH HEEP Demons and wizards 1972
URIAH HEEP Innocent victim
VAN HALEN Women and childre first
Various Shining stars
WHO Whos next...1971
WHO Who are you
WONDER Stevie Innervisions
WONDER Stevie Hotter than july
YES Yesterdays
YES The yes album
YES Fragile
YES Close to the edge
YES Going for the one
YES Tormato
YES Drama
YES Big generator
YES 2 x LP Box 2 Originals of Yes
ZAPPA Frank Sheik Yerbouti
ZAPPA Frank One size fits all

Podložka pod kreslo Trust GXT 715 Chair mat v čiernej farbe ochráni podklad pred poškriabaním. Je vyrobená z odolného a pevného materiálu, vďaka čomu zamedzí poškodeniu podlahy alebo koberca, pričom zabezpečí plynulý pohyb kresla. Podložka má rozmery 99 x 120 cm, čo predstavuje pokrytie plochy 1,20 m2.
Len osobný to odber.

Dobrý deň, ponúkam 2/4 kusy nových dizajnových stoličiek (kresiel)
kombinácia zlatý kov + zamat
Bližsšie info na foto.
Pôvodná cena 1ks cca 620 €
Cena teraz 1ks 349 €
Odber 2 alebo 4 ks.
Inzerát je platný do zmazania.
Kontaktujte ma, prosím vás, telefonicky alebo prostredníctvom SMS.
stolička stoličky kreslo kreslá sedenie

Lehátko len odskúšané, nové.
Predávam, lebo to bol nevhodný darček, nakoľko už máme hupatko.
Lehátko je vibrujuce a hra melódie, polohovatelne, komplet príslušenstvo, hračka, deka, sieťka proti hmyzu. Príjemný materiál, možné prať v práčke.
Viac info tu

Predám 2 ks barových stoličiek, kópia Eames chair, kvalitné prevedenie. Signal ENZO H-1, pôvodná cena 96€, 1 ks za 50€, 2 ks za 90€. Takmer pôvodný stav, málo používané.
Barová stolička ENZO H-1 bude skvelo fungovať v bare, kuchyni aj v modernej obývacej izbe.
Barová stolička vyzerá pekne ako v klasickom interiéri, tak aj v izbách s moderným dizajnom.
Sedadlo a operadlo stoličky sú vyrobené z veľmi odolného plastu.
Rám je vyrobený z masívneho bukového dreva a čiernych kovových prvkov, ktoré jej zároveň dodávajú jedinečný dizajn a zaisťujú stabilitu konštrukcie.
Barová stolička je modelovaná podľa dnes veľmi módneho škandinávskeho štýlu, vyznačuje sa jednoduchosťou a eleganciou a svojimi farbami sa hodí do každého interiéru.

Predám nové (5x použité) All Mountain lyžiarky. Nemajú známky používania. Mondopoint - 28.5 ciže velkosť 44. Flex je 100. Predávam ich z dôvou nevyužitia, mám druhé. Pri rýchlom jednaní možná dohoda. Pôvodná cena 399eur.

Ford Mondeo 2.0 d, 2010, 6 Manuel 327.000 km, , timing belt has been changed, car is everything good condition... Ghia special dizayn, full otomatik chair.... (I can change with automatik auto.)
Ford Mondeo 2.0 d 6 Manuel 327.000 km, ,rozvodový remeň bol vymenený, auto je všetko vo dobrom stave..Ghia special dizayn, full otomatik kreslo...Môžem zmeniť s automatickým automatom.). ( talking english or sms ) thanks, have a nice Day.

LP platne predaj
Vladimír Merta- Hodina vlka
Sade - Stronger than Príde / Epic /
Vitězslav Vávra and Maximum Petra Hanniga
Tanita Tikaram-ancient hearts
Progres2 -Dialig s vesmírem - PREDANÉ
Mantovani and his Orchestra
OMD Dazzle Ships
Toto Cutugno
Elvis Presley -Pure Gold - PREDANÉ
Deep Purple -the house od blue light
The Madness , singel
Samantha Fox ,singel
Kylie Minogue ,maxisingel Made in Heaven
Howard Jones
Jennifer Rush - maxisingel Flames Paradise
Blondie - the best of Blondie
Jethro Tull - under wraps
Věra Martinová- dál jen vejdi
Nena- feur and flamme
Laid Back- sunshane reggae
Limahl -Don't suppose
Lady Pank
Heaven 17
Suzane Vega
Ocean - už je iba Haifa
A Flock Of Seagulls
Kate Bush -Lionheart
Pia Zadora / and Jermaine Jackson /
Alison Moyet - ALF
Modrý Efekt and Radim Hladik
The Human League
Level 42
C.C. Catch
Culture Club
Bronski Beat and The Communards
Status Quo
Den Harrow
Cocteau Twins - Treasure - predané
Jon and Vangelis - The friends or je Cairo
Jarre - magnetic fields
Thompson Twiins - Here's to Future Days
Philip Oakey and Giorgio Moroder
Jiří Stivin - Zverokruh
The Doors - Greatest hits
Bangles - Greatest
Matt Bianco - Who se side are you on
Camouflage LP - Rufus With Chaka Khan
Duran Duran -Seven and The Ragged Tiger -predane
NENA - 99 lufbalons
Jennifer Rush - Movin'
Bronski Beat - The age of Consent
AC / DC - The Razors Edge
Anna Rustikano - Prendimi Con Te
Tears for Fears - Songs From The Big Chair
Paul Young - From Time to Time / The Singles Collection
OK Band - Disco
Kraftwerk - Trans Europe Expres
A-HA - Scoundrel Day
New Order - Low Life / poľské vydanie /
Simon and Garfunkel - Bridge Over Troubled Water
Puhdys - Live / Supraphon 1980 /
Michal Tučný - Poslední Kovboj / Supraphon /
The Rolling Stones - Through The Päsť Darkly / OPUS /
Progres 2 - Změna / Supraphon /
Dead or Alive
Limit - Bodliak na plavkách
Herman's Hermits
Bára Basikova - Doba ledová
M.Zbirka - Nemoderný chalan
Den Harrow - Bad Ňou
Mel and Kim
Erasure - Chorus
The Police
Fermata - Biela planéta
Fermata - Generation
Collegium Musicum - Konvergencie
Pavol Hammel +M.Varga + R.Hladik-
Na II.programe sna
Fermata - Dunajská legenda
Fermata- Huascaran
The Doors - L.A.Woman / ELEKTRA , Yugoslavia /
M.Oldfield - gimme back
Musica de Cuba / Made in Cuba /
Isabelle / Musica s.r.o. /
Limahl - Colour All My Days
The Shadows- Change od Address

Michael Jackson Off the wall 6,00 €
Michael Jackson Thriller (CD+DVD,slipcase) 8,00 €
Michael Jackson Bad 6,00 €
Michael Jackson Dangerous 6,00 €
Michael Jackson Invincible 6,00 €
Michael Jackson HIStory-Past,Present and Future Book1 (2CD) 8,00 €
Phil Collins No jacket required 4,00 €
Phil Collins Hello,I must be going 4,00 €
Phil Collins Testify 4,00 €
Phil Collins Both sides 4,00 €
Phil Collins Dance into the light 4,00 €
Phil Collins The singles (2CD) 8,00 €
Pink Missunderztood/Cant take me home (digisleeve,2CD) 5,00 €
Pink I'm not dead 4,00 €
Pink Funhouse 4,00 €
Pink The truth about love 4,00 €
Prodigy Experience 6,00 €
Prodigy Music for the jilted generation 6,00 €
Prodigy The fat of the land 6,00 €
Prodigy Always outnumbered,never outgunned 6,00 €
Prodigy Invaders must die 6,00 €
Prodigy The day is my enemy 5,00 €
Prodigy The day is my enemy (nový) 7,00 €
Robbie Williams Intensive care 2,00 €
Roxette Look sharp! 6,00 €
Roxette Look sharp! (rare cover) 10,00 €
Roxette Joyride 6,00 €
Roxette Crash!boom!bang! 5,00 €
Roxette Have a nice day 6,00 €
Roxette The ballad hits 6,00 €
Roxette Don't bore us - get to the chorus! Roxette's greatest hits 6,00 €
Shania Twain Come on over 4,00 €
Tears for Fears The hurting 8,00 €
Tears for Fears Songs from the big chair 8,00 €
Tears for Fears The seeds of love 8,00 €
Tears for Fears Elemental 8,00 €
Tears for Fears Shout 4,00 €
Vangelis 1492 Conquest in paradise 5,00 €
Vangelis Oceanic 8,00 €
Visage Visage 6,00 €
klikni na meno a pozri ponuku

Michael Jackson Off the wall 6,00 €
Michael Jackson Thriller (CD+DVD,slipcase) 8,00 €
Michael Jackson Bad 6,00 €
Michael Jackson Dangerous 6,00 €
Michael Jackson Invincible 6,00 €
Michael Jackson HIStory-Past,Present and Future Book1 (2CD) 8,00 €
Phil Collins No jacket required 4,00 €
Phil Collins Hello,I must be going 4,00 €
Phil Collins Testify 4,00 €
Phil Collins Both sides 4,00 €
Phil Collins Dance into the light 4,00 €
Phil Collins The singles (2CD) 8,00 €
Pink Missunderztood/Cant take me home (digisleeve,2CD) 5,00 €
Pink I'm not dead 4,00 €
Pink Funhouse 4,00 €
Pink The truth about love 4,00 €
Prodigy Experience 6,00 €
Prodigy Music for the jilted generation 6,00 €
Prodigy The fat of the land 6,00 €
Prodigy Always outnumbered,never outgunned 6,00 €
Prodigy Invaders must die 6,00 €
Prodigy The day is my enemy 5,00 €
Prodigy The day is my enemy (nový) 7,00 €
Robbie Williams Intensive care 2,00 €
Roxette Look sharp! 6,00 €
Roxette Look sharp! (rare cover) 10,00 €
Roxette Joyride 6,00 €
Roxette Crash!boom!bang! 5,00 €
Roxette Have a nice day 6,00 €
Roxette The ballad hits 6,00 €
Roxette Don't bore us - get to the chorus! Roxette's greatest hits 6,00 €
Shania Twain Come on over 4,00 €
Tears for Fears The hurting 8,00 €
Tears for Fears Songs from the big chair 8,00 €
Tears for Fears The seeds of love 8,00 €
Tears for Fears Elemental 8,00 €
Tears for Fears Shout 4,00 €
Vangelis 1492 Conquest in paradise 5,00 €
Vangelis Oceanic 8,00 €
Visage Visage 6,00 €
klikni na meno a pozri ponuku
E-mail: zaxas@

Predam ergonomicku stolicku pre dieta od 4.r. - kupenu pred tyzdnom. Nastavitelna hlbka sedenia,vyska opierky aj vyska stolicky.
Dovod predaja: nekompatibilita so stolom (mam pod stolom suflik,nevojde stolicka s podruckami).
Kupna cena 235€, predajna cena +30€ za pogumovane kolieska. Stolicka ma maly skrabanec na porucke. Do KE a okolia doveziem.
Link na tech detaily:

Location: Its located very close to Trnavske Myto - street Bartoskova
Based on the real estate comments - this is the best location to live in Bratislava :)) as you have here everything, including - Hockey Stadium, Football Stadium, National Tennis Stadium, public open swimming pool,
public covered swimming pool (Pasienky), National Basketball Stadium (pasienky), Central shopping centre, Vivo shopping centre, Lidl very close by, Kraj same, Billa same in central,
next bigger Lidl in Vivo, Bigger Kaufland 10m walk on Trnavska cesta street.
By 20m walk or by 5m tram, you are easily in the city centre. You have public transport connection to any part of Bratislava. Also other possibilities as to go by bike - public or your own etc.
Flat building location - very calm, no busy roads, footpaths, all windows rotated into quiet ""yard""
Building - fully reconstructed as well.
Flat: its bigger 1room flat, fully reconstructed, coming through hallway with coat hanger and shoe storage, then main room, from there to separate kitchen with oven, new fridge, new microvawe, also have a lot of space for your stuff,
from kitchen to nice bathroom with shower and new washing machine with dryer,
main room has a lot of space for your stuff and sofa and table, working table + chair, currently without bed, in case it will be required I will arange that as well.
There is also bigger storage included in the -1 floor to store some stuff you dont use or bike or anything.
The price is 620e/month as total cost internet from UPC included + depozit 620€
In case parking is required, I can also offer that.
There are 2 options - parking in the separate garage - very close to flat - in case you need your car for ""daily"" use
parking in the shared covered garade house, but on specific parking spot - in case you dont need your car for ""daily"" use - 10m walk
Would like to rent it to 1person - I am ok with small dog, no cats.
In case of interest, can also rent it to couple + 30€
Attached photos are not fresh, there were taken before the reconstruction - the kitchen is the same + there is new fridge, main room - new floor, bathroom is currently as per photo
Flat is available from 1.3.2023, can offer few days before to move your stuff in as well.
All is up to agreement.
Something about you: responsible working person, who will be use and care about the flat as his own.
If you like the offer and meet the ""criteria"", I look forward for your message.
Thank you.

Stolička Wishbone Vyrobené na Ukrajine!
Drevo - masív, papierový výplet !
Možný predaj väčších sérií.
Cena jedného je 300 eur.
Cena pri objednávke od 10 stoličiek je 270 eur.
kontaktovať emailom ivansmihura@