el and daf - strana 28
Počet nájdených inzerátov EL AND DAF
: 1000 - strana 28

Ponúkam na predaj balík oblečenia veľkosti 98-104. Oblečenie sa predáva aj samostatne. V balíku je cca 46 kusov.
Pyžamko ružové Lupilu
Pyžamko žlté (dlhé nohavice, krátke tričko)
Tričká F&F, Lupilu, ...
Tepláčiky Kik, Lupilu
Jablkový svetrík Marks and Spencer
Huňatý svetrík F&F
Oranžový svetrík na gombíky Lindex
Červený svetrík na gombíky Lupilu
Huňatý svetrík s kapucňou
Rifle Next, Marks and Spencer
Teplý overal na spinkanie F&F
Riflová sukňa Dopodopo
Letné bodkované kraťase na traky Oshkosh
Riflová košela Next
Blúzka C&A
Šaty zelené jablko s pančuchami Marks and Spencer
Letný bodkovaný overal Lindex
Lesklý čierny overal H&M
Legínky H&M, M&S, Disney....
Plavky Marks and Spencer
Letné overali Lupilu
Letné ľahké šaty H&M
Biela letná košela C&A
Ružová košela Young Dimension
Čiapka Dopodopo

Predam uplne novu knizku, necitana. Povodna cena 13,40€, predam za 7€.
O knihe:
I love you... but what if I can't love your life?
Ava is sick of online dating. She's always trusted her own instincts over an algorithm, anyway, and she wants a break from it all. So when she signs up to a semi-silent, anonymous writing retreat in glorious Italy, love is the last thing on her mind.
Until she meets a handsome stranger... All she knows is that he's funny, he's kind and - she soon learns - he's great in bed. He's equally smitten, and after a whirlwind, intoxicating affair, they pledge their love without even knowing each other's real names.
But when they return home, reality hits. They're both driven mad by each other's weird quirks and annoying habits, from his eccentric, naked-sauna-loving family to her terribly behaved, shirt-shredding dog. As disaster follows disaster, it seems that while they love each other, they just can't love each other's lives. Can they overcome their differences to find one life, together?

Juliet Ashton - The Sunday Lunch Club
Cena + poštovné (v závislosti od hmotnosti). V prípade záujmu ma kontaktujte prosím cez email.
Mám na predaj aj iné knihy - pozrite si moje ďaľšie inzeráty.
Every few Sundays, Anna and her extended family and friends get together for lunch. They talk, they laugh, they bicker, they eat too much. Sometimes the important stuff is left unsaid, other times it's said in the wrong way. Sitting between her ex-husband and her new lover, Anna is coming to terms with an unexpected pregnancy at the age of forty. Also at the table are her ageing grandmother, her promiscuous sister, her flamboyantly gay brother and a memory too terrible to contemplate. Until, that is, a letter arrives from the person Anna scarred all those years ago. Can Anna reconcile her painful past with her uncertain future?

# Angličtina s pastelkami, English in colours – obrázkový slovník s domaľovávaním pre deti; Iveta Dzúriková; 1991; 64 strán; použitá, 22 strán omaľovaných, zvlnené strany; 0 €
# John, Spot and Muff on Holiday - A Picture Textbook of English for Children; Eugen Spálený, Eva Ružičková, David Bloch; 1986; 144 strán; použitá na cca 15%; 4 €
# Veľký obrázkový slovník - slovensko-anglicko-nemecký; Richard Scarry; 1990; 92 strán; veľmi dobrý, venovanie; 6,40 €
# Favourite Fairy Tales - The Pied Piper of Hamelin, Beauty and The Beast, Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves; Kay Brown; 1981; 92 strán; výborný stav; 4 €
# Angličtina 1: Pre Jazykové Školy a Kurzy. Štvrtá časť; Mária Maříková, Ilustroval:Miroslav Cipár; 1990; 78 strán; veľmi dobrý; 0 €
# Angličtina 1: Pre Jazykové Školy a Kurzy. Piata časť; Mária Maříková, Ilustroval:Miroslav Cipár; 1990; 80 strán + 4 prílohy; dobrý, vpisy a podčiarknutia; prehľad gramatiky a slovník; 0 €
# Anglicky za 3 měsíce; František Malíř; 1990; 192 strán; veľmi dobrý; 4 €
# Učebnica angličtiny pre samoukov; Jozef Svozil; 1971; 436 strán; dobrý, podčiarknutia v prvej lekcii; 3 €
# Angličtina pro jazykové školy I; Eva Zábojová, Jaroslav Peprník, Stella Nangonová; 1981; 308 strán; zachovalý, podčiarknutia, podpis, vpisy; 0,90 €
# Angličtina pro jazykové školy II; Eva Zábojová, Jaroslav Peprník, Stella Nangonová; 1982; 312 strán; zachovalý, podčiarknutia, podpis, vpisy; 0,90 €
# Angličtina pro jazykové školy III; Jaroslav Peprník, Stella Nangonová, Don Sparling; 1984; 368 strán; dobrý, min.vpisov; 2,20 €
# Angličtina pre čník stredných škôl; Josef Pytelka, Anna Janská, Karel Veselý; 1971; 276 strán; dobrý, podpis; 1,40 €
# Letter writing in English; Anna Maria Malkoc; 1988; 28 strán; dobrý; 2 €
# Angličtina pro samouky; Ludmila Kollmannová, Libuše Bubeníková, Alena Kopecká; 1977; 620 strán; dobrý, min.vpisov a podčiarknutí; 2,60 €
# Anglicko-slovenský a slovensko-anglický vreckový slovník; Jana Smejkalová, Dagmar Smrčinová, Katarína Herrmannová, Karel Hais; 1970; 800 strán; zachovalý, podpisy, lepenie, vpisy; 2 €
# Anglicko-český slovník výpočetní techniky; Oldřich Minihofer, Jindra Kratochvílová; 1987; 494 strán; ako nová, mierne ošúchaný prebal; 0 €
# The green door and other stories; O.Henry; 1959; 120 strán; zachovalá, ruské vydanie v angličtine; 1 €
Položky za 0€ - možno pridať ako bonus k odberu anglických kníh nad 5€
Cenu možno znížiť - pri odbere 4 kníh v cenách od 2€ z mojej ponuky všetkých kníh - poskytnem zľavu 25%, pri odbere 10 kníh - zľavu 40%.
Klikni na meno (Dušan) a nájdeš aj moju ďalšiu ponuku kníh alebo získaj úplný zoznam:
Preferujem osobný odber, ale objednávku aspoň za 5€ môžem aj poslať, no len po prevode na účet (na dobierku neposielam).

Nový set bezdrôtové slúchadlá, externá nabíjačka a cestovný vankúšik.
Nové, ešte zabalené v krabici, vhodné ako darček.
Slúchadlá sú tiež kompatibilné s Bluetooth a majú mikrofón,
Powerbanky ponúkajú úžasných 5 000 mAh,
Obaja pracujú s Androidom a iOS.
= 25 EUR alebo najlepšia ponuka.
Vyzdvihnutie v Bratislave alebo poštovné.
Prosím, komentujte a kontaktujte ma priamo pre rýchlejšiu komunikáciu;
Môžem poskytnúť odkaz na všetky moje položky!
New set wireless headphone, external charger and travel pillow.
New, still sealed in the box, perfect as gift.
Headphone is also Bluetooth compatible and had microphone,
Power banks features a stunning 5.000 mAh,
They both work with Android and iOS.
= 25 EUR or best offer.
Pick up in Bratislava or shipping.
Please comment and contact me directly for faster communication;
I can provide link to all my items!

Ponúkame na prenájom veľký, vysoko nadštandardný kancelársky priestor v širšom centre mesta o výmere 338 m2. Ucelený priestor v rámci celého jedného tretieho samostatného podlažia pozostáva z dvoch veľkoplošných kancelárií, na ktoré nadväzujú dve menšie samostatné kancelárie. Ďalej sa tam nachádza samostatná rokovacia miestnosť, miestnosť na prípadný samostatný server, kuchynka, toalety a sklad. Všetky kancelárie sú klimatizované, okná majú vonkajšie aj vnútorné žalúzie, v kanceláriách v podlahe je predpríprava na sieťové pripojenie intranetu a telefónu z ústredne (možnosť napojenia na optické vedenie Telekom). Orientácia kancelárií je východ - západ. Na toto tretie poschodie sa dostanete VYŤAHOM. Celý priestor je zároveň BEZBARIÉROVÝ. Priestory sú vhodné pre činnosť administratívnu, projektovú (ako ateliéry), ale aj ako prenájom pre iné voľnočasové aktivity (fitko a pod.), prípadne terapeutické centrum. Je to priestor taktiež vhodný pre expandujúcu slovenskú, alebo zahraničnú spoločnosť, ako centrála, alebo jej filiálka. K priestorom patrí 7 parkovacích miest pred budovou (možnosť dohody) a garáž pre jedno auto. Možnosť doplnkového prenájmu kancelárie na prízemí pri vstupe do budovy. Objekt je napojený na pult centrálnej ochrany. Odporúčam!
English version:
We offer for rent a large, highly above-standard office space in the wider city center with an area of ??338 m2. The complete space within the entire third separate floor consists of two large offices, which are followed by two smaller separate offices. There is also a separate meeting room, a room for a possible separate server, kitchen, toilets and storage. All offices are air-conditioned, the windows have external and internal blinds, the offices in the floor are pre-prepared for the network connection of the intranet and telephone from the exchange (possibility of connection to the Telekom optical line). The orientation of the offices is east - west. An ELEVATOR takes you to this third floor. The whole space is also BARRIER-FREE. The premises are suitable for administrative, project activities (as studios), but also as rent for other leisure activities (fitness, etc.), or therapeutic center. It is also a space suitable for an expanding Slovak or foreign company, such as headquarters or its branch. The premises include 7 parking spaces in front of the building (possibility of agreement) and a garage for one car. Possibility of additional rental of an office on the ground floor at the entrance to the building. The building is connected to the central security desk. I recommend!
Energetická trieda B. Bližšie informácie Vám radi poskytneme na telefónnom čísle alebo na ID ponuky: PO-51683
U NÁS MÁTE ISTOTU: --------------------------------------------------------
- prvotriedny servis a služby po celom Slovensku, dôvera TISÍCOK PREDÁVAJÚCICH
- nestra

Predám čítané knihy v anglickom jazyku. Knihy sú v dobrom stave, mäkká väzba. Cena za knihu 3,50 eur + poštovné a balné v závislosti od hmotnosti. Posielam nasledujúci pracovný deň pri platbe vopred, na dobierku neposielam. Ku každej knihe ručne vyrobená záložka. Na požiadanie pošlem detailnejšie fotky kníh. V prípade záujmu ma kontaktujte.
K dispozicií nasledovné tituly
Thomas Hardy - Jude the Obscure
Nathaniel Hawthorne - The Scarlet Letter
Thomas Hardy - The Mayor of Casterbridge
Mark Twain - Pudd'nhead Wilson and other Tales
Jack London - The Call of the Wild, White Fang, and other Stories
Arthur Conan Doyle - The Return of Sherlock Holmes
Robert Louis Stevenson - Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde and Other Stories
A.J. Cronin - The Citadel
stephen Crane - The Red Badge of Courage

Helen Dunmore - A Spell of Winter. Rozmery: 111 × 180 × 31 mm
Cena + poštovné (v závislosti od hmotnosti). V prípade záujmu ma kontaktujte prosím cez email.
Mám na predaj aj iné knihy - pozrite si moje ďaľšie inzeráty.
'I wanted us to wake to a kingdom of ice where our breath would turn to icicles as it left our lips, and we would walk through tunnels of snow to the outhouses and find birds fallen dead from the air...' In the years just before World War One, Cathy and her brother Rob find themselves living alone in a decaying English mansion with their distant, stern grandfather. Abandoned by their mother while their distraught father is confined to an asylum, they roam the grounds freely with little understanding of trespass. Lost in their own private world, they seek and find new lines to cross. But they are not so separate from the outside, nor as alone, as they believe...

John Green - The Fault In Our Stars
Cena + poštovné. V prípade záujmu ma kontaktujte prosím cez email.
Mám na predaj aj iné knihy - pozrite si moje ďaľšie inzeráty.
Despite the tumor-shrinking medical miracle that has bought her a few years, Hazel has never been anything but terminal, her final chapter inscribed upon diagnosis. But when a gorgeous plot twist named Augustus Waters suddenly appears at Cancer Kid Support Group, Hazel’s story is about to be completely rewritten. Insightful, bold, irreverent, and raw, The Fault in Our Stars is award-winning author John Green’s most ambitious and heartbreaking work yet, brilliantly exploring the funny, thrilling, and tragic business of being alive and in love.

Na predaj, kúpene v Thoman, 27.08.2022, je to respektive nový, použité len skúšobni, predaj len spolu, Katana 100, footswitch Roland GA.FC,6, a čierny cover, (obal). Cena: 500,00 Eur, , alebo
Electric Guitar Combo
Power: 100W
Equipped with 12" custom speakers
5 Amp types: Clean, Crunch, Lead, Brown & Acoustic
5 Independent effects: Booster, Mod, FX, Delay and Reverb - 3 of them simultaneously
4 Memory slots for amplifiers and effects settings plus panel setting
Power Amp input for the use of multi-effect devices
Power Control (0.5 / 50/100 watts) for fully turned amp sound at any volume
Controls: Amp Type, Gain, Volume, Bass, Middle, Treble, Booster / Mod, Delay / FX, Reverb, Master & Power Control, Sounds
Updated Boss Tone Studio sound customisation software with over 60 different Boss effects, channel and global EQs, customisable routing, and more (free on )
Dimensions (W x D x H): 530 x 248 x 484 mm
Weight: 14.8 kg
Suitable footswitch: Boss GA-FC Art.431181 (not included)
Suitable dust cover: Art.438090 (not included)

predam LP platne johnny cash elvis
X johnny cash - show time 15e
X johnny cash - i walk the line 15e
X johnny cash - live from prague 15e
X johnny cash - greatest hits II 14e
X johnny cash - johnny cash 15e
X johnny cash - sings the ballads of the true west 15e
X johnny cash - childrens album 21e ...NOVA
X johnny cash - sings folsom prison blues 21e ...NOVA
X johnny cash - early and rare 31e ...vzacne neoficialne vydanie
X johnny cash - american II unchained 21e ...NOVA
X johnny cash - the best of 21e ...NOVA
X johnny cash - louisiana hayride recordings 31e ...vzacne neoficialne vydanie
X johnny cash - with his hot and blue guitar 21e ...NOVA
X johnny cash - with his hot and blue guitar 80e ...povodne americke vydanie ...VZACNA
X elvis presley - pure gold 8e
X elvis presley - elvis 5e
X elvis presley - moody blue 8e
X elvis presley - rock and roll 7e
X elvis presley - promised land 8e
X elvis presley - from elvis in memphis 50e ...VZACNA original master recording
X elvis presley - Im 10000years old elvis country 20e
X elvis presley - i was the one 10e
X elvis presley - 5000000 elvis fans cant be wrong 15e
X elvis presley - hits of the 70s 10e
X elvis presley - the us male ...England 20e
X elvis presley - elvis 1956 ...USA 20e
X elvis presley - double trouble ...USA 15e
X elvis presley - golden records volume 2 15e
X elvis presley - golden records volume 3 ...USA 20e
X elvis presley - speedway ...USA 19e

Andy Weir - The Martian
Cena + poštovné (v závislosti od hmotnosti). V prípade záujmu ma kontaktujte prosím cez email.
Mám na predaj aj iné knihy - pozrite si moje ďaľšie inzeráty.
Six days ago, astronaut Mark Watney became one of the first people to walk on Mars. Now, he's sure he'll be the first person to die there. After a dust storm nearly kills him and forces his crew to evacuate while thinking him dead, Mark finds himself stranded and completely alone with no way to even signal Earth that he’s alive—and even if he could get word out, his supplies would be gone long before a rescue could arrive. Chances are, though, he won't have time to starve to death. The damaged machinery, unforgiving environment, or plain-old "human error" are much more likely to kill him first. But Mark isn't ready to give up yet. Drawing on his ingenuity, his engineering skills—and a relentless, dogged refusal to quit—he steadfastly confronts one seemingly insurmountable obstacle after the next. Will his resourcefulness be enough to overcome the impossible odds against him?

Predám nové, nepoužité Renault Megane 4 IV RS -20mm Eibach Pro-Kit Lowering Springs.
Nie je vhodný na trophy.
This Eibach PRO-KIT spring kit for the Renault Megane 4 RS, fits without modifications, on both OEM or performance shock absorbers, in order to lower the ride height by 20mm at the front and by 20mm at the rear. Combining comfort and efficiency, this TUV approved progressive spring kit, offers an optimal lowering for a more aggressive look and a great handling.
Direct bolt on
Sold as front and rear kit
Progressive design
Dropping range : -20mm FR / -20mm RR
Match with OEM or performance shocks absorbers
TUV approved
5 years warranty
Made in Germany
- Doesn't fit Trophy -

Všetky knižky sú v top stave, raz prečítané, paperback. K dispozícii mám Harry Potter 2 and the Chamber of secrets, Harry Potter 3 and the prisoner of Azkaban, Harry Potter 4 and the Goblet of fire, Harry Potter 7 and the Deathly Hallows. Cena buď 7,50€/ks, alebo pri odbere všetkých 4 ks dokopy 26€. Poštovné nie je v cene.
Ďakujem za záujem.

Angie Thomas - The Hate U Give. Je ako nová.
Cena + poštovné (v závislosti od hmotnosti). V prípade záujmu ma kontaktujte prosím cez email.
Mám na predaj aj iné knihy - pozrite si moje ďaľšie inzeráty.
A powerful and brave YA novel about what prejudice looks like in the 21st century. Sixteen-year-old Starr lives in two worlds: the poor neighbourhood where she was born and raised and her posh high school in the suburbs. The uneasy balance between them is shattered when Starr is the only witness to the fatal shooting of her unarmed best friend, Khalil, by a police officer. Now what Starr says could destroy her community. It could also get her killed. Inspired by the Black Lives Matter movement, this is a powerful and gripping YA novel about one girl's struggle for justice.

Aimed at beginners as well as connoisseurs, this revised and expanded edition of The World's Best Whiskies encompasses everything you need to know to increase your appreciation of this complex and fascinating spirit. Iconic distilleries, such as Lagavulin, Highland Park, and Glenrothes in Scotland, are fully explored alongside the bourbon innovators of Kentucky, such as Woodford Reserve and Maker’s Mark.

Philips CDM-4/19 CD mechanism
This CD player inherits the philosophy and structure of high-end machines and expands its versatility.
TDA1541A is used for the D/A conversion part.
The mechanism uses a CDM-4M mechanism using a high-rigidity pickup mixed with glass fiber.
Board design by computer design and carefully selected parts are adopted.
The chassis structure adopts newly developed triangle construction which supports all contact points at three points.
Equipped with 5-mode editing functions including FTS, AMS, delete and random play.
It has a digital output that is coaxial with the light.
Type CD Player
Filter Third order Bessel filter
Channel 2 Channel
Frequency characteristic 2 Hz to 20 kHz
Dynamic range 96 dB or more
Signal-to-noise ratio 100dB
Channel separation 100 dB or More (1 kHz)
Total harmonic distortion factor 0.004%(1kHz)
Wow flutter Crystal accuracy
Analog output 2Vrms
Digital output Coaxial : 0.5Vp-p
Optical : -19dBm
Laser AlGaAs semiconductor
Wave length 780nm
Sampling frequency 44.1kHz
Quantization 16-bit linear / channel
Pwer 100 VAC, 50Hz/60Hz
Power consumption 20W
Maximum external dimensions Width 420x Height 117x Depth 288 mm
Made in: Japan

Predám SW-MOTECH FRAME SLIDER SET pre BMW S1000 RR, r.v. 10-20.
Stav: nové, nepoužité, nenamontované. Nevyzdvihnuté zákazníkom.
-Frame crash pads provide additional protection in the event of a fall
-The shape, surface and material of the pads provide excellent sliding properties to reduce damage to the motorcycle
-The robust aluminium mounting bracket is easy to install, and the abrasion-resistant, CNC-milled slider pads are replaceable
-Protection of the frame, engine and fairing
-Well-shaped, exchangeable (if needed) slider pad made of abrasion-resistant polyamide
-Large contact surface for best possible force distribution
-Optimized surface with good gliding properties
-Extremely solid, CNC-milled substructure made of aluminum alloy
-Easy mounting and sturdy frame attachment thanks to bike-specific add-on elements
-Included in delivery
-2 x Crash pads
-Mounting instructions
-Mounting material

Predám rôzne CD, každé po 3 EUR.
K poštovnému pripočítavame balné 1 EUR. Odosielame cez slovenskú poštu alebo zásielkovňu.
Konečne si môžete vybrať | viacerí
Best of Levné knihy |
Sedmdesátá léta byl váš hit |
Láska prý | viacerí
The hits of Eric Burdon (2 CD) | Eric Burdon (6 EUR)
Na skle maľované |
Yvetta Simonová a Milan Chladil | Portréty Českých hvězd
Josef Zíma | Portréty Českých hvězd
Eva Pilarová | Portréty Českých hvězd
Waldemar Matuška | Portréty Českých hvězd
Jan Werich | Portréty Českých hvězd
Rudolf Cortéz | Portréty Českých hvězd
The best of KSČ |
Filmové melodie | Česká filmová hudba
Ananas Caracas | Karel Duda a Eva Martinová
Nejkrásnejší ruské písně |
Best folk songs | Alexandrov song and dance ensemble of the soviet army
Best military songs | Alexandrov song and dance ensemble of the soviet army
Best lyric songs | Alexandrov song and dance ensemble of the soviet army
Alexandrovci | Alexandrovci
Červená aerovka |
1989 Milouš Jakeš Jako kůl v plotě | Projev na Červeném Hrádku
Alexandrovci - Praha - Smetanova síň 12.6.1946 | Alexandrovci
Alexandrovci - The Alexandrov song and dance ensemble in Prague | Alexandrovci - Praha - Smetanova síň 12.6.1946
Soudruzi, když se tak zamyslíme... Aneb rudí baviči |
Soudruzi, to není fakt, to se opravdu stalo! |
Soudruzi, to snad ani není pravda! |
To nejlepší 1950 - 1955 |
Chtěl bych mít kapelu | Karel Vlach
50 důvodů proč mít rád 50. léta (3 CD) | (9 EUR)
Great Masterworks - viaceré CD ako na obrázku, v niektorých obaloch sú 2 CD, pravdepodobne poprehadzované | viacerí, každé CD po 3 EUR

CD za euro / Zoznam v texte / No3
Pozrite aj ďalšie naše inzeráty. Ďakujeme AZM.
Foto je ilustračné. Zoznam a ceny dole v texte. Aktuálne v čase podania inzerátu!!
Poštovné na zakúpený tovar účtujeme podľa hmotnosti zásielky.
Tovar posielame aj do ČR
Jem - Finally Woken / CD .. 1.00 €
Jeremih - Jeremih / CD .. 1.00 €
Jimmie Lunceford - Rhythm Is Our Business / CD .. 1.00 €
Joe - And Then... / CD .. 1.00 €
Joe Longthorne - The Christmas Album / CD .. 1.00 €
Joe Loss - Joe Loss Plays Glenn Miller / CD .. 1.00 €
John Denver - The Best Of The Rocky Mountain Collection / CD .. 1.00 €
Johnny Dodds - Hot Stuff / CD .. 1.00 €
Johnny Mathis - The Very Best Of Johnny Mathis / CD .. 1.00 €
Johnny Patrick - Hammond Organ Favourites / CD .. 1.00 €
Joshua Radin - Simple Times / CD .. 1.00 €
Journey To Love (Rare & Early Elektra Classics) / CD .. 1.00 €
Joy To The World: A Christmas Concert / CD .. 1.00 €
Julia Fordham - Falling Forward / CD .. 1.00 €
Julia Fordham - Porcelain / CD .. 1.00 €
Juliet Turner - Let's Hear It For Pizza / CD .. 1.00 €
Jump Jazz / CD .. 1.00 €
Jussi Bjoerling - The Pearl Fishers Duet / CD .. 1.00 €
Just The Two Of Us / CD .. 1.00 €
Kino Trio - Il Cielo Sopra Berlino / CD / nové .. 1.00 €
Klaus Wunderlich - Music And Romance / CD .. 1.00 €
Ladysmith Black Mambazo - The Best Of (The Star And The Wiseman) / CD .. 1.00 €
Laura Marling - I Speak Because I Can / CD .. 1.00 €
Layo & Bushwacka! - Night Works / CD .. 1.00 €
Lena Horne - Stormy Weather / CD .. 1.00 €
Lena Horne - The Vocal Touch / CD .. 1.00 €
Let's Hear It For The Girls Again (22 Fab Female Hits) / CD .. 1.00 €
Let's Rock 'n' Roll & Nut Rocker Rock 'n' Roll / 2CD .. 1.00 €
Lionel Hampton & His Orchestra - Hamp's Boogie Woogie 1942 - 1949 / CD .. 1.00 €
London Palladium Cast Recording - The Sound Of Music / CD .. 1.00 €
Loretta Lynn - The Concert Collection Loretta Lynn / CD .. 1.00 €
Love Songs / 2CD .. 1.00 €
Madonna - Like A Virgin / CD / Vizuálne horší stav nosiča .. 1.00 €
Mantovani - Classic Melodies / CD .. 1.00 €
Mantovani - Golden Hits, Vol. 2 / CD .. 1.00 €
Mantovani - The Mantovani Collection / CD .. 1.00 €
Mantovani And His Orchestra - Mantovani Magic / CD .. 1.00 €
Mario - Turning Point / CD .. 1.00 €
Matt Cardle - Letters / CD .. 1.00 €
Matt Monro - Born Free - His Greatest Hits / CD .. 1.00 €
Matt Monro - The Very Best Of Matt Monro / CD .. 1.00 €
Matt Monro - The Very Best Of Matt Monro 20 Fab tracks / CD .. 1.00 €