english file - strana 50
Počet nájdených inzerátov ENGLISH FILE
: 1000 - strana 50

Urbanek,Szabova - English for children
Muhlanovci - Prepac,mama, Bud pokojna,mama!, Bud pokojna mama!
Murphy - Moc podvedomia
Janca - Psychotronika pre kazdeho
Miro Slav Svicky - Caro prirody
Nicholson - Gorila
Vlkov stastny den
AKUPUNKTURA v teorii a praxi
JIRI SOVAK - Dik za vas smich!
SLABIKAR - Pre 1.rocnik zakladnych skol z roku 1990
Love Story - Korzarka
COME AND PLAY - Anglictina pre deti
Prislo leto na zelenom vozicku
Domcek z kociek
Lencova - Aladinova carovna lampa
Jozef Ciger Hronsky - Budkacik a Dubkacik, Tri mudre kozliatka
V krajine snov
Puskin - Rozpravky
O zakliatej zabe
Chudoba - Zbohom, Cyrano
Habovstiak - Janosikova studnicka
Jesensky - Malomestske rozpravky
Matuteova - Paulina
Cardoso - Biely konik
Ako siel somarik do sveta
Brezina - Sedem labiek za Penny
Kupka - Rukojemnik z Bella Vista/Major Zeman/
Vysoka skola dievcenskej zrucnosti
Borovicka - Past na kmotra
Haemmerling - Muz, ktory sa volal Shakespeare
Pinne, Grisen
Rudolf - Pusinky
McCulloughova - Vtaky v trni/mam este aj inu verziu/
Vavrincova - Lepe je byt posetily
Blobelova - Zrazu je vsetko ine
Klima - Moje prvni lasky
Stagge - Torzo lasky
Eugen Suchon-Miroslav Filip - Strucna nauka o hudbe
Koktail na rozlucku/knizka skolskeho humoru/
Gierova - Muzi a jine katastrofy
Lexikon informatiky z roku 1986
Angelika a kral,a jej laska,a diabol,a sprisahanie tienov,a novy svet,cesta nadeje
Angelikino rozhodnutie,Neskrotna Angelika,Angelikino vitazstvo,markiza anjelov,
+ 2x Rodokaps
+ DVD Fotri jsou lotri,Escape Room,Cesta bojovnika - rozsirena edice,Lady Chatterley,Kralovna A 2CD a DVD Pioneer Pro DJ
Hitchcock - Strasidla najstrasnejsie
Polsko - turisticky sprievodca
Sedlicky - Hudobne chvilky v zaujmovych zariadeniach
Kallay - Lietadla dneska
Honore De Balzac - Rozmarne poviedky
Slovensky jazyk pre dvojrocne a trojrocne ucebne odbory SOU
Literatura a Citanka k slovenskemu jazyku spominanemu vyssie
Shakespeare - Tragedie 1
Alfred Hitchcock a Traja patraci 1 - Tajomstvo strasidelneho zamku
Puzo - Krstny otec
Corman - Najcennejsie co mam
Nazlerova - Navod na obsluhu dietata
Edicia Stopy: Repko - Tajomstva troch strelenych, Cooper - Cerveny pirat
+ 2 stare knihy - foto
+ VHS videokazeta Frank McKlusky
+ Ucebnica evanjelickeho a.v.krestanskeho nabozenstva pre 6.rocnik strednych skol 1956
+ Prvouka evanjelicke

Predám knihy na foto, aj po jednej, mnohé ako nové
Stredoškolské knihy angličtina, nemčina, murphy English Grammar in use, Sprechen sie Deutsch 1,2
Literatúra 1
Aj jednotlivo za dobrý peniaz

Basic dictionary Američan english slovnik top stav / plus pošta 2e MAM I DALSIE NEMECKE a ANGLICKE SLOVNIKY

- Hardware set
Kúpené v skateshope pred 3 mesiacmi, veľmi málo používané
Bought in skateshop 3 months ago, very little used

Predám učebnicu potrebnú na právnickú angličtinu na právnickej fakulte. Zachovalý stav. Kontaktujte ma mailom.

Predam nove, nenosene smart hodinky P22
Model : P22
GPS : Nie
Športové hodinky : Áno
Bluetooth : Áno
Wi-Fi : Nie
Farba remienku : Čierna
Merač kalórií : Áno
Veľkosť obrazovky : 1,28
Merač srdcovej frekvencie : Áno
Hmotnosť : 259 g
Vode odolne: Ano
Vydrz baterie: cca 7 dni
APP name: Heroband III
Podporovane jazyky: Simplified Chinese, English, Italian, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Japanese, Thai, Arabic, Korean
Ide o tento model

predám použitú pokladničnú tlačiareň Epson TM-U220B s príslušenstvom
- pokladničná tlačiareň
- napájací kábel
- USB komunikačný kabel
- 2x termo páska
- 4x Cartridge ERC-38B - atramentová náplň (neviem či sú všetky plné, ale aspoň 1 z nich je plná)
- bez záruky
- bez krabice
- funguje všetko v poriadku
Základné informácie:
- Technológia tlače: ihličková, 9 ihiel
- Rýchlosť tlače 4,7 lps (40cpl), 6 lps (30 cpl)
- Počet znakov na riadok: 42/40 alebo 35/33
- Rozmery znakov: 1,2×3,1 / 1,6×3,1
- Súbory znakov: 95 Alphanumeric, 37 international, 128×8 graphic
- Veľkosť pamäte: 4 kB alebo 40 B
- Papier: 76mm +/- 0,5mm, priemer kotúčika max.83 mm
- Ovládanie pokladničnej zásuvky
- Šírka: 16 cm
- Hĺbka: 24,8 cm
- Výška: 13,9 cm
- Hmotnosť: 2,5 kg
- Inštaláčny Driver:
EPSON Advanced Printer Driver (for English model) Ver.4.59E
Video inštrukcie inštalácie:
Môžem Vám pomôcť, ak máte pri inštalácii nejaké problémy.
Cena: 100€
Nové stojí aj viac ako 250€
- Osobný odber v BA,
- Packeta alebo Slovenska pošta na dobierku (poštovné hradí kupujúci)
- Cash
- SEPA cez QR kód, vygenerujem na mieste
- Dobierka
Pozrite si aj moje iné inzeráty.

Predám knihy:
Žena 18+ - 4.50€
Jostein Gaarder - Sofiin svet - PREDANÉ
Dan Brown - Bod klamu - PREDANÉ
Ernst Hochberger, Karol Kállay - Divy Slovenska - 15€
Karel Hais - Anglická gramatika - PREDANÉ
English Grammar in use (3.edition) - 25€
Developing strategies (students book) - 15€
Developing strategies (workbook) - 15€
Building strategies (Students book) - 15€
Building strategies (workbook) - 15€
Ceny Niesu pevne, vieme sa ešte dohodnúť
Kontaktujte ma prostredníctvom vyššie uvedeného mailu.

Z. Jurczak-Trojan, H. Mieczkowska, E. Orwinska, M. Papierz - Slovnik Slowacko-polski A-Ô; Slovnik Slowacko - polski P-Ž (Universita 2005) - cena spolu oba diely -10,89€
Fronek Josef - Anglicko - český slovník s nejnovějšími výrazy (Leda 1996,pečiatka z knižnice) - 1,09€
Feigl Josef, Klinger Evžen - Česko anglický technický slovník (Státní nakladatelství technické literatury 1963)- 1,29€
Hamplová Sylva, Jindrová Jaroslava - Česko - portugalský slovník (Leda 1997) - PREDANÁ
Mária Maříková - Angličtina 3 pre jazykové školy a kurzy (SPN 1992, 472 strán, bez poškodení) - 3,69€
Webster's Dictionary - Basic English Words for Daily Use (Landoll's 1990)-1,49€
Francúzska konverzácia pre čník stredných škôl (SPN 1964) - 1,39€
F. Šatura, P. Rosa - Učebnica Esperanta pre kurzy a samoukov (SPN 1969)-7,89€
Hilkka A.Lindroos - Finština nejen pro samouky - klíč /slovník (Leda 2002, 112 strán, brožovaná) - 3,19€
Viktor Smolej - Slovaško-slovenski slovar -Slovensko - Slovinský slovník (Ljubljana 1976) - 3,89€
Prof. R. S. Kaushal - Hindi in thirty days (The Prince of Wales Royal Indian Military College 1948) - 12,09€
Česko - novo řecká konverzace (SPN 1988) - 2,29€
Osobne BA alebo plus poštovné

48MP – 9280 X 5220
Video Frame rate: 4K(4:3)@24fps / 2K@30fps / 1080P@60fps
CMOS: SONY 1/2.33 inch
CMOS pixel: 1.33um x 1.33um
Color setting: Auto
White balance: Auto / one button calibration / Manual
EV: Auto / Manual
Camera mode HDMI output: 1080P @60 FPS
Grid line: 8 horizontal lines, 8 vertical lines
TF card: 4GB (Up to 128GB max)
Cross line: Overlap or Cancel
Lens jack: Standard C
Power: 5V-12V/1A
Size: 68x68x35mm
Weight: 180g
Working temperature: 0-70℃
Remote Control Instruction:
1.+ KEY: Zoom in / - KEY: Zoom out
2.UP: EV+; DOWN: EV-
3.OK: Confirm button or Start recording
5.Mode: Camera / Video / Playback mode change button
6.The bottom button is to take photos
7.Left & Right: Not in use.
Function key operation introduction:
POWER: This camera is plugged in and powered on. Press and hold for 3 seconds to shut down normally, and then short press for 1 second to restart. After the red indicator light is on, you hear a beep sound and the system is turned on successfully.
MODE key: Short press for 1 second to switch to video mode after power on, then short press for 1 second to switch to photo and video clip preview mode, and short press again to return to photo mode;
MENU button: Short press for 1 second after power on, enter the menu page, you can select various functions through UP/DOWN, and then press OK to enter the selected menu
a ) Chinese and English language settings: press the UP/DOWN key to select, and then press the OK key to confirm;
b ) Grid line setting: press the UP/DOWN key to select, then press the OK key to enter, and then press the UP/DOWN key to select the cross line ruler on or off, 8 lines on and off, each line Direction position color thickness, then press OK key to change the direction/position/color/thickness of the line, press MENU again to return to the previous level of the menu;
c ) Exposure setting: Press UP to increase/DOWN to select automatic exposure or manual exposure mode, and press OK to confirm;
d ) Exposure value setting: In automatic exposure mode, enter and select +-0.3/0.71.0/1.3/1.7/2.0 exposure value as needed;
e ) White balance: After entering, you can choose automatic/manual/one-key white balance. If the light source is adjusted, the color may be deviated. You can put a piece of white paper to select the one-key white balance to correct the color; in special applications, it can also be passed Manual mode to adjust the value of R red and B green;
f ) Color: color or black and white can be selected according to needs;
g ) Light source frequency: 50Hz and 60Hz can be selected according to the situation of each country;
h ) Sharpness: choose strong/standard/soft three i) Contrast setting: choose high/medium/low according to needs;
i ) Video size: 2K24fps/1080P 60fps/720P 60fps three formats can be selected according to needs;
j ) Mirror function: You ca

2009 Citroen Jumper 2.2 L2H2 Camper van
So first of all, I'm a foreign student here in Slovakia, and can't speak slovak, so please keep communication in english :)
This van is great to experience having a camper van, but on a budget. I've poured a lot of money and love into it, at everything is built by hand by me and helpful people. The whole kitchen is made from 200 year old refurbished red wood, that used to be old floor boards. It's built to last!
I bought this van early 2021 as an empty cargo van here in Kosice, and drove it to England and converted it to a camper during the summer of 2021. When I got it, it had engine problems, so I put a refurbished engine in, changed the turbo, remade the brakes, and switched all the diesel injectors.
Theres a wooden skeleton put in to accomodate all the conversion.
The van is fully insulated with sheets of 5cm normal house board insulation, with rock wool and spray insulation used for the harder to reach areas. There is then reflective radiant barrier insulation roll added everywhere on top of that. Then wooden paneling had been added. Wooden panels with vinyl I added for the floor.
I've put in two 200ah leisure batteries that are connected to a split charge to the engine, so it charges while the engine is on. It would be relatively simple to add solar panels, though I haven't had the need for it, because when I use it I have driven a lot. The whole system is 12v.
Theres a maxxair fan added to the roof, and another vent towards to back, so there can be complete air flow throughout.
The van has a simple sink with an electric pump, that drains from a 20l tank to another 20l grey water tank.
Theres a diesel heater with exhaust and intake exiting in the bottom on the van.
As you can see from the pictures there is also a 12v fridge (20l or 30l, I can't remember exactly) that runs perfectly.
Lights are added for the roof and kitchen.
Storage under the seating/bed, in the kitchen, over the bulkhead, and over the seating on built in shelves. The storage is also accessible from the back. There is also a drawer next to the sink
I built the seating and in a way that the table can be put down so it turns into a bed, as you can see in the pictures. Very easy and quick.
I also have some things that you could probably take over as well if you need them, like a portable gas stove etc.
Please don't hesitate to message me for any questions you might have! There's definitely things I have to forgotten to mention, as this is quite a big project.
Hope to hear from you!
Najazdené km: 280000

Predám tieto jazykové publikácie:
Pracovný zošit (nemecko-anglický):
Heindler - Huber - Kuebel - Newby - Schuch - Sornig - Wohofsky – Ticket to Britain 1 (1984 Österreichischer Bundesverlag Wien) 2,-
English-Russian Dictionary (miniatúrny anglicko-ruský slovník, 5 x 8 x 3,5 cm) (1974 Izdateľstvo “Russkij jazyk“ Moskva) 2,-
Nemecko-slovenský slovník (rozsiahly - pre profesionálov) (1986 Slovenské pedagogické nakladateľstvo) 10,-
kontakt: , mirotakac1@