english grammar in use - strana 28
Počet nájdených inzerátov ENGLISH GRAMMAR IN USE
: 1000 - strana 28

Predam zachovale Tannoy Reveal aktivne reproduktory.
Pair of active studio monitors
50-watt power handling
6.5" long-throw drivers
1.6" soft-dome tweeters
Frequency Response: 65 Hz - 20 kHz
Magnetic shielding for use near computer video monitors
Sensitivity anechoic/half space 83dB/93dB
Nominal Impedance: 6 ohm
Dispersion: 90 degrees
Features the Neutrik XLR/TRS combi input jacks
Dimensions per monitor: 13.4"W x 8.3"H x 10.2"D
Weight per monitor: 18 lbs. 3 oz.

Brand: Atlas Copco XAHS 237
Year of manufacture: 2012
Hours of use: 4,528 h
Engine Manufacturer: Deutz
Movement type Portable
Compressor type Screw compressors
Oil Oil injected
Carrier type Box
Warranty: 3 months
Equipment Portable, Tank, Battery, Control Panel, Steel canopy, Aftercooler
Certificates CE
Other information Atlas Copco XAHS 237 full CE compliant.
Are you ready to buy a Fully reconditioned, and fully prepared Used machine with Warranty from Atlas Copco.
Then look at this XAHS 237 for the next best thing to New from Atlas Copco.
ATLAS COPCO XAHS 237+ Pressure 12 Bar + Flow 14.3 m3/min
Another Fantastic opportunity to buy direct from Atlas Copco with WARRANTY this Fully prepared and ready to work Machine.
This machine has now been fully reconditioned both technically, and cosmetically and a full 1000 hour running service completed.
All Atlas Copco warranty machines are delivered in a turn key solution, with all the required repairs and service carried out, ready to work.
This is a truly stunning machine both technically and cosmetically.
Ready to work now, with an Atlas Copco Used Warranty, with Global delivery and aftercare support provide through our Atlas Copco Global operation’s .

Ponúkam CD Kings Of Leon v perfektnom stave, málo počúvané.
Zoznam skladieb:
1. Closer,
2. Crawl,
3. Sex On Fire,
4. Use Somebody,
5. Manhattan,
6. Revelry,
7. 17,
8. Notion,
9. I Want You,
10. Be Somebody,
11. Cold Desert.
Pošlem poštou na dobierku. Cena je vrátane poštovného. Kontakt iba cez SMS. Na telefonáty nereagujem.

uplne novy stetec znacky zoeva .
Looking for a brush that has many talents? Then add the 111 Petit Face Finish to your haul. Perfect for applying cream, liquid and powder products, this multi-use brush is the ideal match for blushers, bronzers and highlighter in any formula. The dome shaped design made of ultra-soft synthetic bristles makes it the new must-have addition to add to your makeup kit.
Cruelty free
#makeup #brushes #stetce #zoeva
pozri aj dalsie moje inzeraty, veci vo velmi dobrom stave za symbolicke ceny & nove veci. dakujem:)

Predam tuto hru ani 2x som ju hral nechytila ma pripadne vymenim za,
Red dead redemption 2
The last of use 2 alebo cyberpunk 2077

Predam Rezervu Ford 5x108 R16,Hankook Temporary Use only T125/85R16 99M S300, DOT2505, vhodná, Ford C-Max,Focus,mondeo,cena 50e.

1kW Triak PWM AC Regulator – Vhodny na regulaciu otáčok motora: Vŕtačky; Uhlovej brúsky; Hoblovačky; Mlynčeka a podobne;
Jasu svetla; Revných telies; Špirál ohrievačov vody a vzduchu a iných spotrebičov. –
1000W SCR Voltage Triac Regulator Box.
- Output regulation range: 50V** to AC mains supply
- For use with 220V to 250V, 50Hz supply
- Maximum continuous load: ≤4.5A (≈1000W)
- Non-repetitive 20 second load: 13Amps (≈3000W)
-**Minimum output voltage adjustable via an internal multi-turn trimmer pot
- Triac, BTA24-600B-CDI; rated current 25Amps
- ABS enclosure, 87 x 57 x 39 mm
- Width including mounting tabs 111mm
- Cable glands accept cable sized 4mmØ to 7mmØ (round 3-core 1.00mm² csa recommended)
Application notes:
- Common applications include: hot plate; water heater; other heating elements; tungsten halogen lamps; other filament lamps;
fan/pump motors***; series wound electric motors, eg. repurposed "universal" washing machine motors.
- Power tools with any built-in electronic safety features, speed control,or soft start are not compatible with this device.
- ***Not compatible with induction (capacitor) motors, except in some applications where the load is a fan or impeller pump.
- Regulator must always be earthed, even if the load does not have or require an earth!
- I can advise you, so please ask if you are uncertain about its suitability for a particular application.
Kontakt: emailom alebo spravou►SMS╍►◄ email: ZME95301@
Osobneho odberu alebo dobierkou 4.20€

Konvolut CD, spolu, aj po kusoch:
Madonna - What it feels like girl
The Cardigans - Lovefool
U2 - Discotheque
Edyta Gorniak - One and One
Meredith Brooks - Bitch
Guns N’ Roses - Use Your Illusion 1
25 years of rock and roll
Jeans Rock
Rock´n Roll
Concert For New York
Heather Nowa - Storm
Gun - Swagger
Gretchen Wilson - All Jacked Up
Bubba Sparxxx - Deliverance
City of angel - soundtrack
Pretty Woman - soundtrack
Die verbote frau
Stav: dobrý až ako nový, kupujete to, čo vidíte. Iba mail, sms, nevolať!!!

Technické údaje:
256 ROM (2x 128Gb)
Intel pentium gold G4415Y
Windows 10 pro 64bit
Notebook predávam z dôvodu, že súrne potrebujem peniaze. Notebook je v dobrom stave, batéria sa dobre drží a dá sa používať vonku, je tu podpora dotykového displeja a režim tabletu. Notebook je skvelý do práce aj do školy, aj na nejaké hry.
Cena je 150 eur, dohoda možná, keďže pre pohodlné používanie je nutný Usb hub.
osobne odovzdám
256 ROM (2x 128Gb)
Intel pentium gold G4415Y
Windows 10 pro 64bit
I'm selling my laptop because I'm in dire need of money. The laptop is in good condition, the battery holds well and can be used outdoors, there is touch screen support and tablet mode. The laptop is great for work and school, as well as for some games.
The price is 150 euros, bargaining is possible, since Usb hub is required for comfortable use.
I will personally hand over

Axel Rudi Pell Wild obsession 12,00 €
Axel Rudi Pell Nasty reputation 12,00 €
Babylon Whores King fear (digipak) 4,00 €
Black 'N Blue Hell yeah! (Irond) 8,00 €
Black Label Society Hangover music vol. VI 7,00 €
Black Light Discipline Against each other (nový) 4,00 €
Black Sabbath Paranoid (RM) 8,00 €
Black Sabbath Master of reality (RM) 8,00 €
Black Sabbath Sabotage (RM) 9,00 €
Black Sabbath Technical ecstasy (RM) 12,00 €
Black Sabbath Live evil 6,00 €
Black Sabbath Born again (nový) 10,00 €
Black Sabbath Seventh star (1.press) 20,00 €
Black Sabbath Cross purposes 15,00 €
Black Sabbath Forbidden 15,00 €
Black Sabbath Dehumanizer 8,00 €
Black Sabbath 13 (nový) 7,00 €
Blaze Silicon messiah 8,00 €
Black Sabbath 13 (nový) 7,00 €
Blind Guardian Battalions of fear 7,00 €
Blind Guardian Follow the blind 8,00 €
Blind Guardian Somewhere far beyond 8,00 €
Blind Guardian Imaginations from the other side 8,00 €
Body Count Born dead 4,00 €
Bonfire Knock out 8,00 €
Bonfire Fuel to the flames 8,00 €
Bruce Dickinson Skunkworks 7,00 €
Bruce Dickinson Accident of birth (deluxe,2CD,nový) 9,00 €
Bruce Dickinson The chemical wedding 7,00 €
Bullet for my Valentine The poison 4,00 €
Bullet for my Valentine Temper temper (deluxe edition) 8,00 €
Bullet for my Valentine Venom (deluxe edition, 3D cover) 10,00 €
Cinderella Night songs (nový) 7,00 €
Clawfinger Deaf dumb blind 6,00 €
Clawfinger Use your brain 6,00 €
Clawfinger Clawfinger 6,00 €
Coal Chamber Coal Chamber 7,00 €
Communic Conspiracy in mind/Waves of visual decay (2CD,nový) 7,00 €
Creed My own prison 6,00 €
Creed Human clay 6,00 €
Creed Weathered 6,00 €
Creed Full circle 7,00 €
Crossfire Second attack (digipak,nový) 11,00 €
Cydonia Cydonia 7,00 €
Danzig Danzig (nový) 6,00 €
Danzig How the gods kill (nový) 5,00 €
David Lee Roth A little ain't enough 7,00 €
Deathstars Synthetic generation 7,00 €
Deathstars Termination bliss 5,00 €
Deathstars Night electric night (digibook,CD+DVD) 7,00 €
klikni na meno a pozri ponuku

Pekné bývanie s atmosférou, v centre Košíc, výborná lokalita. Ponúkam na prenájom pekný, veľký 1 izbový byt o výmere 44 m2, priamo v centre , v Starom meste na Jesenského ulici. Byt je tehlový , disponuje 3,5 m vysokými stropmi, nachádza sa na 1 poschodí a skladá sa z jednej veľkej izby, kuchyne , predsiene a kúpeľne . Len na skok od historického centra, vedľa sa nachádza pekný Mestský park.Veľkou výhodou tohto bývania je, že nájomca môže využívať priestranný, upravený vnútorný dvor.
Cena prenájmu, ktorá zahŕňa aj cenu energií je pre 2 osoby 600 eur. Depozit je 1200 eur. Minimálna dĺžka nájmu je 12 mesiacov. Fajčenie v byte ani domáce zvieratá povolené nie sú. Byt sa môže prenajímať na základe dohody zariadený alebo s vlastným zariadením.
Byt je voľný od 1.februára, momentálne prebiehajú menšie úpravy ( maľovanie, parkety ) , v prípade záujmu o bližšie informácie ma prosím kontaktujte telefonicky a dohodneme aj obhliadku bytu.
I offer for RENT a nice, large 1-room apartment with an area of 44 m², right in the center, in the Old Town on Jesenského Street.
This beautiful brick apartment has 3.5 m high ceilings, is located on the 1st floor and consists of one large room, kitchen, hallway and bathroom. The tenant can use the common garden. There is also a nice City Park just a stone's throw from the historic center ,right next to it. The rental price, which also includes the price of energy, is 600 euros for 2 people. The deposit is 1200 euros. The minimum rental period is 12 months. Smoking in the apartment and pets are not allowed. The apartment can be rented furnished on the basis of an agreement or it can be furnished by the tenant. The apartment has been available since February 1st, but the apartment is currently undergoing minor renovations (painting, parquet floors) . If you are interested in more information, contact me at the phone
and we will arrange a viewing of the apartment.

Verzia chestboxu: ANH / R1 príp. Obi Wan Kenobi. Po dohode je možné vyrobiť aj inú verziu chestboxu.
Materiál: plast
Možnosť zakúpiť aj nafarbené (79€) / nenafarbené (25€).
Prípadne je možné zakúpiť aj iba samostatný súbor stl na vlastnú 3D tlač za (10€) so súkromnou licenciou (t.j. iba na vlastné účely - tzv. for personal use only) čiže je s ňou zakázané ďalej predávať súbor alebo profitovať z predaja výtlačkov tohto súboru).
K chestboxu si je možné dokúpiť aj pásy na uchytenie zo syntetickej čiernej kože. Prípadne je ho možné vyrobiť podľa Vašich požiadaviek (farba, veľkosť…).
Bez svetelných a zvukových efektov. Možné po dohode dorobiť aj svetlá za príplatok.
Celú ponuku produktov môžete nájst na stránke:
Alebo na Facebooku: M&J props

Predám úplne nový model geo use Sadillac? Ťažko prečítať je to vryte, benzínový zapaľovač, cely kovový a sa zatvára.
Cena dohodou
Druhý zapaľovač je kovový
San Marino tiež na benzín používaný dáva iskru no benzín tam není tak nevyskušam,je to otvorený ako na foto na spodnej časti ma znamienka +....- ...asi na pridávanie plameňa .

Predám brzdové čeluste ATE 650267
Astra F,G, Vectra,Cavalier, Daewoo Lanos, Cielo, Nexia, Espero
Nové ani nerozbalené, najlepšie osobne na trase BA-DS

Axel Rudi Pell Wild obsession 12,00 €
Axel Rudi Pell Nasty reputation 12,00 €
Babylon Whores King fear (digipak) 4,00 €
Black 'N Blue Hell yeah! (Irond) 8,00 €
Black Label Society Hangover music vol. VI 7,00 €
Black Light Discipline Against each other (nový) 4,00 €
Black Sabbath Paranoid (RM) 8,00 €
Black Sabbath Master of reality (RM) 8,00 €
Black Sabbath Sabotage (RM) 9,00 €
Black Sabbath Technical ecstasy (RM) 12,00 €
Black Sabbath Live evil 6,00 €
Black Sabbath Born again (nový) 10,00 €
Black Sabbath Seventh star (1.press) 20,00 €
Black Sabbath Dehumanizer 8,00 €
Black Sabbath 13 (nový) 7,00 €
Blaze Silicon messiah 8,00 €
Black Sabbath 13 (nový) 7,00 €
Blind Guardian Battalions of fear 7,00 €
Blind Guardian Follow the blind 8,00 €
Blind Guardian Somewhere far beyond 8,00 €
Body Count Born dead 4,00 €
Bonfire Knock out 8,00 €
Bonfire Fuel to the flames 8,00 €
Bruce Dickinson Skunkworks 7,00 €
Bruce Dickinson Accident of birth (deluxe,2CD,nový) 9,00 €
Bruce Dickinson The chemical wedding 7,00 €
Bullet for my Valentine The poison 4,00 €
Bullet for my Valentine Temper temper (deluxe edition) 8,00 €
Bullet for my Valentine Venom (deluxe edition, 3D cover) 10,00 €
Cinderella Night songs (nový) 7,00 €
Clawfinger Deaf dumb blind 6,00 €
Clawfinger Use your brain 6,00 €
Clawfinger Clawfinger 6,00 €
Coal Chamber Coal Chamber 7,00 €
Communic Conspiracy in mind/Waves of visual decay (2CD,nový) 7,00 €
Creed My own prison 6,00 €
Creed Human clay 6,00 €
Creed Weathered 6,00 €
Creed Full circle 7,00 €
Crossfire Second attack (digipak,nový) 11,00 €
Cydonia Cydonia 7,00 €
Danzig Danzig (nový) 6,00 €
Danzig How the gods kill (nový) 5,00 €
David Lee Roth A little ain't enough 7,00 €
Deathstars Synthetic generation 7,00 €
Deathstars Termination bliss 5,00 €
Deathstars Night electric night (digibook,CD+DVD) 7,00 €
klikni na meno a pozri ponuku

Na predaj herny monitor Acer 24" Predator XB240H Full HD TN vo velmi zachovalom stave, bez chyb a poskodenia. Monitor uz nie je v zaruke.
Key Features
The 1920 x 1080 resolution of the Acer 24" Predator XB240H Full HD TN Gaming Monitor makes it ideal for RPG, FPS, and other games that prioritise immersion and high levels of detail.
With its 144Hz refresh rate, this gaming monitor delivers content with reduced motion blur, frame rendering, and input lags.
Thanks to its 1ms response time, the Acer Predator Gaming Monitor renders fast-moving actions smoothly without ghosting or smearing.
When playing in dark environments, you can use the monitor's low dimming technology to dim the screen to only 15% of brightness.
Ideal for heavy monitor users like writers, graphic designers, and programmers, the Predator XB240H Full HD TN Monitor incorporates flicker-less technology.

I am selling a building in the center of Bratislava in its original condition.
I'm sorry RK Don't call me.
I have a reason for that. Thank you.
The object in question is 5 min. from TESCO.
The building has three floors. The building has a partial basement.
Possibility of extension of 2-3 floors. S.P. existing.
Use: apartments, offices, shops...
We will negotiate an asset deal as well as the sale of 100% of the company, which was founded exclusively for the management of the property in question and for all permits for reconstruction.

predám základovú dosku: Gigabyte P35-DS4, socket LGA 775
Supports Intel® Core™2 Extreme Quad-Core / Core™2 Duo / Intel® Pentium® Extreme/ Intel® Pentium® D processors
Supports1333/1066/800 MHz FSB
Northbridge: Intel® P35 Express Chipset
Southbridge: Intel® ICH9R
T.I IEEE 1394 Controller
Gigabit Lan Controller
8 Channels ALC889A Audio controller
Supports DDR2 1066*/800/667 memory
Dual Channel architecture supports up to 8GB by 4 DIMM slots
* Please refer "Memory Support List" for memory support information.
Expansion Slots
2 PCI Express X16 slot(x16, x4)
3 PCI Express X1 slots
2 PCI slots
Internal I/O Connectors
8 Serial ATA 3Gb/s connectors
1 UDMA ATA 133/100/66/33 connector
1 FDD connector
2 IEEE 1394 connectors
4 USB 2.0/1.1 connectors (supports 8 ports)
1 audio pin header (supports 8-Channel)
1 S/PDIF In pin header
Back Panel Connectors
4 USB 2.0/1.1 ports
2 SPDIF Out port (coaxial+ optical)
1 IEEE 1394 port
1 LPT Port
1 COM Port
1 RJ45 port
6 audio jacks
PS/2 Keyboard/Mouse
Supports DualBIOS Plus
2 x 8 Mbit flash ROM
Use of licensed AWARD BIOS
PnP 1.0a, DMI 2.0, SM BIOS 2.3, ACPI 1.0b.
Unique Features
Ultra Durable 2 Motherboard
All Copper Silent Pipe
All Japanese manufactured solid
Over-clocking Enhanced
Form Factor
ATX form factor, 305 x 244mm
je na nej osadený procesor: Intel core 2 duo E7400
možnosť kúpit s celým pc:
cena základová doska + procesor 20€