english grammar in use - strana 31
Počet nájdených inzerátov ENGLISH GRAMMAR IN USE
: 1000 - strana 31

Dobrý deň,
Predám veľmi málo nosený Desert Warrior 4.3 od firmy WE. Zbraň je skôr nosena ako hraná,bez poškodení akurát jemne osuchana farba na rohoch RIS montážne (od holsteru), zbraň je rady to use. Balenie krabica, zbraň, zásobník.
po dohode sa viem vrámci BA stretnú, preferujem osobný odber (možnosť vyskúšať funkčnosť zbrane)
Na poziadanie viem spravit viac a detailenjsie foto

Prenajmeme štýlový komerčný nebytový priestor - klenbovú tehlovú pivnicu,1 miestnosť o výmere 36m2, v suteréne budovy na Dunajskej ul v Starom Meste ,v absolútnom centre mesta. Priestor je vhodný na komerčné využitie (súkromná klubovňa, internetový obchod s výdajným skladom, sklad, vinotéka, masážny salón, kaderníctvo, drobná prevádzka, predajňa a pod...) V priestore s klenbovým stropom sa nachádza kuchynská linka a kúpeľňa s vaňou a WC. Nachádza sa za elektrickou bránou, ktorá sa v noci zatvára.
Cena: nájom 500,-Eur/mesiac, energie 90,-Eur/mesiac
Ponúkame aj možnosť prenájmu parkovacích miest na vnútroblokovom parkovisku. Cena: 120,-Eur+DPH/mesiac
We offer for rent a stylish commercial non-residential space , 1 room with an area of 36 m2, in the basement of a building on Dunajská st in the Old Town, in the absolute center of the city. The space is suitable for commercial use (private clubhouse, online store with delivery warehouse, warehouse, wine shop, massage salon, hairdressing salon, small business, shop, etc.) In the space with a vaulted ceiling, there is a kitchen unit and a bathroom with a bathtub and a toilet . It is behind an electric gate that closes at night.
Price: rent 500,-Eur/month, energy 90,-Eur/month
We also offer the possibility of renting parking spaces in the intra-block parking lot. Price: EUR 120+VAT/month


Model: 2008 NEW
Verzia: 2008 NEW GT LINE 1.5 BlueHDi 130k EAT8 (EURO 6d-ISC)
Farba: N9M6 - Biela Nacré
Pot'ah: Tmavy pot'ah CAPY
Najazdené km: 42000
1.majiteľ - kupované na SK 7/2020 + servisná knižka
Letné/zimné pneu
Zakladná vybava:
Vyskovo nastavitel'né sedadlo spoluiazdca
Hlinikové pedále a opierka pre nohu
Active Safety Brake (automatické núdzové brzdenie) + systémvarovania pred zrazkou
Systém upozornenia na nechcené prekrocenie jazdného pruhu
Pokrocily systém rozpoznávania dopravnych znaciek a odporúcania rychlosti
Klucky dveri vo farbe karosérie
Automatická elektrická parkovacia brzda
3x Bezpecnostné uchytenie ISOFIX - na bo¿nich sedadlách vzadu + na sedadle spolujazdca
Centrálne uzamykanie a dial'kové ovládanie
Systém kontroly stability ESP/ASR, Hill Assist
Tempomat + obmedzova¿ rychlosti
Elektrické sklápatel'né spätné zrkadlá
Zadné LED svetlá
Kryty spätnych zrkadiel a listy okien v ciernei farbe
Extratónované zadné okná
Akustické celné sklo
Automatická jednozónová klimatizácia
Automatické rozsvietenie svetiel, dazdovy senzor
"Peugeot Full LED technology" predné svetlomety
Cúvacia kamera + predné a zadné parkovacie senzory
Apple CarPlay + Android Auto (+ MirrorLink ak nie je navigácia)
Ambientné LED osvetlenie interiéru
LED hmlové svetlomety s funkciou cornering
'Black Diamond'strecha
Pack Bezpecnost' Plus
6 Airbagov (predné, boòné, hlavové)
Volant z perforovanej kozenei use s pochrómovanymi prvkami
Bezrámové vnútorné spätné zrkadlo
Rádio s 7" farebnym dotykovym displejom, Bluetooth, USB vstupom na stredovej konzole, funkciou
3D digitálny prístrojovy panel QUARTZ
Bezklúcové startovanie
Peugeot Connect SOS & Assistance
Podlaha kufra mastavitel'ná v 2 vvskach
Pozdizne stresné nosice
Elektricky ovládané okná vpredu a vadu
Vyskovo nastavitel'né sedadlo vodica
Volitelná vybava:
Systém sledovania mítveho uhla
Vyhrievané predné sedadlá
Bezklúcovy systém odomykania a startovania vozidla s
PROXIMITY senzorom
Doiazdové rezervné koleso
Pack Bezpecnost' Plus + Pack Drive Assist
Sada gumenych kobercov
Povinná vybava
Najazdené km: 42000

Predam 1x WD Elements 14TB
Kupovany v alze v 2021, vyuzivany len na chiu. Top stav
smartctl 7.1 2019-12-30 r5022 [x86_64-linux-5.8.0-63-generic] (local build)
Copyright (C) 2002-19, Bruce Allen, Christian Franke,
Device Model: WDC WD140EDFZ-11A0VA0
Serial Number: *****6PV
LU WWN Device Id: 5 000cca 2a4c23024
Firmware Version: 81.00A81
User Capacity: 14 000 519 643 136 bytes [14,0 TB]
Sector Sizes: 512 bytes logical, 4096 bytes physical
Rotation Rate: 5400 rpm
Form Factor: 3.5 inches
Device is: Not in smartctl database [for details use: -P showall]
ATA Version is: ACS-2, ATA8-ACS T13/1699-D revision 4
SATA Version is: SATA 3.2, 6.0 Gb/s (current: 6.0 Gb/s)
Local Time is: Thu Oct 20 19:07:41 2022 CEST
SMART support is: Available - device has SMART capability.
SMART support is: Enabled
SMART overall-health self-assessment test result: PASSED
SMART Attributes Data Structure revision number: 16
Vendor Specific SMART Attributes with Thresholds:
1 Raw_Read_Error_Rate 0x000b 100 100 001 Pre-fail Always - 0
2 Throughput_Performance 0x0004 135 135 054 Old_age Offline - 104
3 Spin_Up_Time 0x0007 083 083 001 Pre-fail Always - 316 (Average 395)
4 Start_Stop_Count 0x0012 100 100 000 Old_age Always - 89
5 Reallocated_Sector_Ct 0x0033 100 100 001 Pre-fail Always - 0
7 Seek_Error_Rate 0x000a 100 100 001 Old_age Always - 0
8 Seek_Time_Performance 0x0004 133 133 020 Old_age Offline - 18
9 Power_On_Hours 0x0012 099 099 000 Old_age Always - 12026
10 Spin_Retry_Count 0x0012 100 100 001 Old_age Always - 0
12 Power_Cycle_Count 0x0032 099 099 000 Old_age Always - 89
22 Unknown_Attribute 0x0023 100 100 025 Pre-fail Always - 100
192 Power-Off_Retract_Count 0x0032 100 100 000 Old_age Always - 589
193 Load_Cycle_Count 0x0012 100 100 000 Old_age Always - 589
194 Temperature_Celsius 0x0002 028 028 000 Old_age Always - 47 (Min/Max 22/57)
196 Reallocated_Event_Count 0x0032 100 100 000 Old_age Always - 0
197 Current_Pending_Sector 0x0022 100 100 000 Old_age Always - 0
198 Offline_Uncorrectable 0x0008 100 100 000 Old_age Offline - 0
199 UDMA_CRC_Error_Count 0x000a 100 100 000 Old_age Always - 0
SMART Error Log

Predám zachovalý notebook ASUS E203N s uhlopriečkou 11,6” - 980g, čiže lahučký, skvelý do kabelky. Stav - môžete vidieť na foto. Obrazovka bez škrabancov! Uplne maličký zachovalý notebook, pre nenáročnu študentku alebo maminu. Notebook ma 6 rokov, vydrž batérie okolo cca 1,5 hodiny bez pripojenia na nabíjačku. Posledné 3 roky absolutne nepoužívaný, len odložený v polici. Prosím, zvážte kúpu nakoľko je to starý notebook, a k nemu je aj adekvátna cena. Osobný odber BA, popr dobierka. Notebook je vyčistený a pripravený na používanie. K notebooku davam aj neoprénový obal a samozrejme nabijacku + bezdrotovu mysku.
Pri rýchlej dohode sa viem dohodnúť na cene.
Viac info o notebooku:

Brand Name: Nutt
Origin: Mainland China
Braking System: Hydraulic Disc Brake (Hydraulic Brake Pad)
Model Number: NUTT A5-D
Components: Disc Brake
Use: Cruisers,Mountain Bikes
Material: Light Alloy
Name: Nutt hydraulic brake
Type: Double-Piston
Front Housing length: 1.25m
Rear Housing length: 2.1m
Installation front wheel: left side install
Installation rear wheel: left side install
Application 1: E-Bike / Mini / E-MTB
Application 2: electric scooter
Feature: 2 pin sensor male
Cena 100€ + poštovné.
Na dobierku posielam až po prijatí zálohy(30% z ceny) na účet.

predam LP platne na foto
ed sheeran - divide 25e 2LP PREDANE
Michael buble - nobody PREDANE
amy winehouse PREDANE
Michael buble - love 22e
my chemical romance 50e PREDANE
ed sheeran + 21e PREDANE
alphaville - forever young 15e
aha 40e clear vinyl limited PREDANE
kill bill 22e PREDANE
chris rea PREDANE
helloween - helloween 3LP 50e PREDANE
dire straits - brothers in arms 2LP 40e
dio 2LP 35e
gamma ray - empire of undead 2LP 35e PREDANE
alice cooper - paranormal evening 2LP 35e
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doro - forever united 2LP 24e
doro - forever wariors 2LP 24e
iron maiden - killers 35e PREDANE
guns n rosses - use yor illusion 2LP 50e
helloween - the best 2LP 100e
marika gombitova - zem menom laska 40e
karol duchon 27e
citron - rebelie rebelu 40e
lucie - live 40e/kus
mozna vymena za stare zlate sperky,zlomkove zlato,zlate a strieborne mince,
stare bankovky,stare mince,gramofonove platne,hudobne CD,noze,dyky,bodaky

Axel Rudi Pell Wild obsession 12,00 €
Axel Rudi Pell Nasty reputation 12,00 €
Axel Rudi Pell Between the walls 13,00 €
Babylon Whores King fear (digipak) 4,00 €
Black 'N Blue Hell yeah! (Irond) 8,00 €
Black Label Society Hangover music vol. VI 7,00 €
Black Light Discipline Against each other (nový) 4,00 €
Black Sabbath Paranoid (RM) 8,00 €
Black Sabbath Master of reality (RM) 9,00 €
Black Sabbath Vol.4 (RM) 9,00 €
Black Sabbath Sabotage (RM) 9,00 €
Black Sabbath Technical ecstasy (RM) 12,00 €
Black Sabbath Live evil 6,00 €
Black Sabbath Born again (nový) 10,00 €
Black Sabbath Seventh star (1.press) 20,00 €
Black Sabbath Dehumanizer 8,00 €
Black Sabbath 13 (nový) 7,00 €
Blaze Silicon messiah 8,00 €
Black Sabbath 13 (nový) 7,00 €
Blind Guardian Follow the blind 8,00 €
Blind Guardian Somewhere far beyond 8,00 €
Body Count Born dead 4,00 €
Bonfire Knock out 8,00 €
Bonfire Fuel to the flames 8,00 €
Bonfire Strike ten 9,00 €
Bonfire Branded 9,00 €
Bruce Dickinson Tattoed milionaire 8,00 €
Bullet for my Valentine The poison 4,00 €
Bullet for my Valentine Temper temper (deluxe edition) 8,00 €
Bullet for my Valentine Venom (deluxe edition, 3D cover) 10,00 €
Cinderella Night songs (nový) 7,00 €
Clawfinger Deaf dumb blind 6,00 €
Clawfinger Use your brain 6,00 €
Clawfinger Clawfinger 6,00 €
Coal Chamber Coal Chamber 7,00 €
Communic Conspiracy in mind/Waves of visual decay (2CD,nový) 7,00 €
Creed My own prison 6,00 €
Crossfire Second attack (digipak,nový) 9,00 €
Cydonia Cydonia 7,00 €
David Lee Roth A little ain't enough 5,00 €
Deathstars Synthetic generation 8,00 €
Deathstars Termination bliss 8,00 €
Deathstars Night electric night 8,00 €
Dee Snider Leave a scar (nový) 10,00 €
klikni na meno a pozri ponuku

An HP gamer laptop for sale, 17.04.2023. first power on.
Guaranteed scratch and wear free.
The current best gaming laptop on the Hungarian market in price/performance ratio.
For gaming, you won't be able to buy a better machine, either new or used, at this price.
The 4xxx series can already use the DLSS 3.0 technology in games, thus up to a 40% increase in performance can be achieved compared to the most powerful 3080 laptops. You can find a lot of test videos about this on the Internet, and I tested it myself.
The cooling of the laptop is excellent, it doesn't even go up to 65 degrees without a pad.
Windows 11 Home
Intel® Core™ i7-13700HX 16/24 max 5Ghz
The processor is also capable of 157 Watt turbo power. (I measured it, it can go up to 165 without the temperature being 70. Brilliant)
16 GB DDR5-4800 MHz RAM (expandable)
1 TB SSD (expandable)
17.3" FHD 144Hz
NVIDIA® GeForce RTX™ 4070 8GB 140W (it can fly up to 2200Mhz, this can also be clocked with the factory HP software, and it is already made with 5nm production technology.)
RGB Bill
330W HP power supply

1.) Zošívačka s dlhým ramenom (čierna). Cena: 10,00 EUR
2.) Zošívačka veľkokapacitná (šedá). Cena: 20 EUR
3.) Spony Rapesco. Cena: 5 EUR/balenie
Stolová zošívačka s dlhým ramenom R590 USE 24/6 a 26/6, kapacita 25 listov, čierna. Dĺžka 38 cm. Nastavenie okraja pre presné zošívanie. Sponky: 26/6, 24/6.
CENA: 10,00 EUR
Veľkokapacitná zošívačka, šedá, výkon 923/8-923/15, 5 až 115 listov. Dĺžka 33 cm.
Pozinkovaní spony RAPESCO 923/15 mm. (4000 v balení). K dispozícii 2 balenia.
CENA: 5 EUR/balenie (za obe balenia 10 EUR)

BMW suit in good condition. Drove in it only 5000 kilometers. The model of this suit is the best in line of BMW clothing for road use. The suit is excellent, I am selling because of the wrong size. Size is 52.
BMW oblek v dobrom stave. Najazdených v ňom len 5000 km. Model tohto obleku je najlepší v rade BMW oblečenia na cesty.Sunka je výborná, predávam z dôvodu zlej veľkosti. Veľkosť 52.

Ozzy Osbourne - Down to Earth - 6€
Bon Jovi - Slippery When Wet - 6€
Bon Jovi - Crossroads - 6€
Nightwish - predané
Aerosmith - Nine Lives - 6€
Motorhead - We are Motorhead - 6€
Blackberry Smoke - Little Piece of Dixie - 30€
Iron Maiden - Fear of the Dark - 13€
Bruce Dickinson - Balls to Picasso - 9€
Europe - Out of this World - 7€
Bryan Adams - Waking Up the Neighbours - 5€
Guns N Roses - Lies - 6€
Guns N Roses - Use Your Illusion 1 - 6€
Guns N Roses - The Spaghetti Incident - 5€
Guns N Roses - Apetitte for Destruction - 6€
Megadeth - Countdown to Extinction - 6€
Metallica - Load - 6€
Metallica - Death Magnetic - 6€
Metallica - Metallica - 6€
Aerosmith - Pump - 6€
Aerosmith - Permanent Vacation - 6€
pozri aj ďalšie inzeráty

The HD-TM Plus includes the familiarity of the original HDTM “ease of use” functions with the additional features needed with DVB-T, MPEG-4 and SD MPEG-2 Digital and Analogue transmissions often found on higher end test and installation equipment.

Mountain Bike Focus Whistler 29"
Suspension Rock-Shox with hand-lock
Shimano Deore 2x9 speeds
Hydraulic brakes
Frame size M (17.5)
Bike is in perfect state. It has been parked in the garage for the last 2 years without much use.
Bike is in Bratislava, I don't send

Pôsobí veľmi príjemným dojmom, príďte sa sami presvedčiť!
Byt sa nachádza vo vyhľadávanej lokalite: v blízkosti CENTRA KOŠIC 3 min.na Hlavnú, OC TIP-TOP,obchody, školy, škôlky, MHD.
Obhliadka bytu viac napovie...
VOLAŤ!!!!Ďakujem za pochopenie.
We offer to rent fully furnished 2 bedrooms apartment located at Kuzmanyho, just 5 minutes walkl from CITY CENTER of Kosice with close bus and tram stops and free parking!
Apartment is situated at 1st floor offering excellent living space for max 2 person.
Apartment is recently refurbished, with two separated bedrooms, well equiped kitchen and nice bathroom. We are possible to change the furniture based on your needs.
Available from 15.05.2023
Please, contact me on ..I DO NOT USE EMAIL.
Thank you.

1kW Triak Regulátor – Vhodny na regulaciu otáčok motora: Vŕtačky; Uhlovej brúsky; Hoblovačky; Mlynčeka a podobne; Jasu svetla; Revných telies; Špirál ohrievačov vody a vzduchu a iných spotrebičov. –
SCR/Triac 1000W AC PWM Voltage Regulator, with illuminated ON/OFF switch, fuse and over-temperature thermal protection.
- Output regulation range: 50V* to mains supply
- Maximum continuous load: ≤4.5A (≈1000W)
- Overload capability 6.5 Amps (overload duration limited by thermal conditions)
- 500% instantaneous overload current withstand capacity, with 25Amp BTA24-600B-CDI Triac
-*Minimum output voltage adjustable via an internal multi-turn trimmer pot
- For use with 220V to 250V, 50Hz supply
- Illuminated ON/OFF rocker switch: Red as standard; (alt. Yellow/Blue/Green)
- Large 20mm diameter Red/Black control knob; (alt. Blue/Black, White/Black)
- 0 to 100 graduated scale for accurate adjustment
- Screw-top fuse holder with 5 × 20mm fuse
- Over-temperature thermal cut-out switch protected - 1 to 2 minute automatic reset
- Accepts cable sized 4mmØ to 7mmØ - round 3 core1.00mm² csa recommended
- Black ABS enclosure, 39 x 57 x 87 mm (H×W×L)
- Height over control knob 55mm
- Width excluding cable glands 74mm
- Length including mounting tabs 111mm
- Wiring guide/instructions included
- Weight 142g
Application notes:
- Common applications include: hot plate; water heater; other heating elements; tungsten halogen lamps; other filament lamps;
fan/pump motors***; series wound electric motors, eg. repurposed "universal" washing machine motors.
- Power tools with any built-in electronic safety features, speed control,or soft start are not compatible with this device.
- ***Not compatible with induction (capacitor) motors, except in some applications where the load is a fan or impeller pump.
- Regulator must always be earthed, even if the load does not have or require an earth!
- I can advise you, so please ask if you are uncertain about its suitability for a particular application.
1ks 28.00€
Kontakt: emailom alebo spravou►SMS╍►◄ email: ZME95301@
Osobny odber alebo dobierkou 4.50€