epiphone les paul standard - strana 25
Počet nájdených inzerátov EPIPHONE LES PAUL STANDARD
: 1000 - strana 25

Ponúkam na predaj tester Jean Paul Gaultier- Le Male. Veľkosť 125ml. Cena 39€ + pošt.
/kontakt mailom/.

Predám knihy:
Slovenské kúpele – Ján Šípoš a Ivan J. Kovačevič - (1,-€)
Řím a Vatikán - (1,-€)
Praha město fotogenické – Václav Jirku - (1,-€)
Obľúbené izbové kvety – Roy Lancaster, Matthew Biggs - (1,-€)
Akujoga – Michael Reed Gach a Carolyn Marco - (1,-€)
Úžasná krajina - (1,-€)
I.M.T. Smile všetko je presne tak, ako má byť – Dalibor Hladík - (1,-€)
Dávid sa stretol s Ježišom – Elisabeth Heckokvá - (1,-€)
Šťastná nevěsta – Ana seymourová - (1,-€)
Štestí na Aljašce – Debbie Macomberová - (1,-€)
Poviedky o nás dvoch – Eva Urbaníková - (1,-€)
Západoslovenský kraj nositeľ rádu republiky - (1,-€)
Let do súhvezdia pavúka – Milan Gruber - (1,-€)
Smrť s feritovou pamäťou – František Kafka - (1,-€)
Hrbáč 1. Diel – Paul Féval - (1,-€)
Hrbáč 2. Diel – Paul Féval - (1,-€)
Návod k obsluze Moskvič 412,427 a 434 (posledné strany chýbajú) - (1,-€)
Vysoké Tatry – Ivan Urbanovič- (3,-€)
Severný Spiš – Dionýz Dugas- (3,-€)
Zemplín – Ladislav Deneš- (3,-€)
Vlastivedný slovník obcí na Slovensku – SAV- (3,-€)
Veľké psychiatrické případy – Jaroslav Vacek- (6,-€)
Psychiatrie dávnych věku – Eugen Vencovský- (2,-€)
Úskočný milenec- (5,-€)
Lesk a bída kurtizán – Honoré de Balzac- (3,-€)
Tankový prapor – Jpozef Škvorecký- (3,-€)
Miluj ma ironicky – Maxim E. Matkin- (3,-€)
Kontaktujte ma telefonicky, na SMS nereagujem.

Linda Ronstadt-Gratest Hits, Little Amberica- Little America, Barclay James Harvest-Victims Circumstance, Everyone Is Everybody Esle, Tunr of teh Ride, Eyes of jteh universe, Gone to earth, Chicaho - Chicago Transit Authoriy, Chicago 17, Visage, The anvil, Billy oel- 52 nd Street, Silent Running - Shades of Libery, Diana Ross- Swept Away, Workin, Overtime, GordomlIghtfoot - Cold on the Shoulder, Paul Brady - full Moon, Bonnie Tyler- Bitterblue, Mr. Mister - Welcome to the real world, Eddy Grant- vole in ecile, Cliff Richard- im Nearly Famous, Rock,n,roll juvenile, Hit albudm, Andy Baum- Listen to the bad boy, Cartpnters- Sinhles 1969-1973, Supertramp- Famous last words, Meat loaf- Blind before i stop, Bobo Seger- Against The wind,Stranger in towv, The distance,Night Moves, Icehouse-man of colours, measure fo measure, nick Kershaw-Radio Musicola, Sada- Heads or tales, Kim Carnes- Mistaken identity, Rempbrandts- Untitled, David Casidy- Livetour 74, Fleetwood mac- Gratest hits, Manfred Mann, s earth band- The Good earth, Solar Fire, The roaring Silence. Paul Young- No prarlez, The secret Association, Between two Fires, Live, Cat Steverns - Tea for the tillerman, Back to eart. Foreigner - Foreigner. Kontaktovať len telefonicky

Predam vonu Jean Paul Gaulier Le Male 40ml, v pripade blizsieho zaujmu doposlem doklad o kupe z autorizovaneho obchodu.

Predam novu pansku koselu Paul&Shark,dlhy rukav.
Farba khaky. Vel.M
Na dobierku neposielam.Komunikacia len cez mail.
Cena 25 eur.

Predám rozne zahraničné lp platne, celý zoznam pošlem e-mailom.
Al Bano Romina Power
A.vivaldi Inštrumentálne koncerty III.
Amiga Express 1969
Anthology of russian choral music
Anna Rustikano
Aktor Dwa plus jeden Two plus one
ASIA - Geffen records
Aria Pura - AlBano and Romina Power - OPUS
Alice Gioielli Rubati - OPUS
Anna Rustikano Prendimi con te - Supraphon
Anna Rustikano - Supraphon
Andy Gibb - After dark - Balkanton
Aretha - Whos zoomi who? - OPUS
Afric Simone - polská Lp
Bo Andersen and Bernie Paul - Carry on - Supraphon
Baccara - OPUS 2x
Bernie Paul - Lucky - Supraphon 2x
Barbra Streisand - Guilty - CBS (2x)
Barbra Streisand - Emotion
Bonnie Tyler - Diamond Cut OPUS
Supermusic p.a.hire Back-stage pass - MADE IN POLAND
Bananarama - The Greatest hits collection - OPUS
Bee Gees - Living Eyes - OPUS 2x
Bobby McFerrin - Simple Pleasures - OPUS
Bobby McFerrin - Spontaneous inventions - Supraphon
Bonnie Tyler - Diamond Cut - OPUS (2x)
Country Minstrels - Country Palace CMRecords
Country Roads - The Geoff Love Country Singers
Country and Western Greatest Hits II - Delta Music
Country and Western Greatest Hits III ELECTRECORD
Classix Nouveaux - Classics - EMI,Tanpress
Country Roads AMIGA
Country and Western Hits OPUS
Culture Club Colour by numbers - OPUS
Dalida - Paroles,paroles - Electrecord
Dean Reed - Country SUPRAPHON
Die Grosse Stimmungsrakete - AMIGA
Dinner Music - Carla Bley - Supraphon
Drupi - Buonannotte - Supraphon 2x
Drupi - Sereno é - Supraphon
Demis Roussos - Man of the world - MERCURY
Demis Roussos - Souvenirs OPUS
Dobro jutro,ljubavi - OPUS
Dean Reed RocknRoll Country romantic - Supraphon
Diana Ross - Swept away - OPUS
Disco Party - PEPITA
Domenico Modugno Recital - ELECTRECORD
Donna Summer SUPRAPHON
Dream Express
Dream Express - Just Wanna dance with you - polská MUZA
Dynamit- PEPITA
Eberhard Buchner Gunther Fischer-Band Seiten-sprung
Eda muvek
Eagles Hotel California Asylum records
Elton John 1978 - Supraphon
Elton John Love Songs OPUS
Everly Brothers 2x10 Supraphon
Felicita Pop International - AMIGA
Fonograf - Na Mi ujsag wagner ur
George Hamilton IV Jirí Brabec and Country Beat
Gheorghe Zamfir Pan-Pipe
Goombay dance band - Son of Jamaica - MUZA
Gigliola cinquetti - Don Backy - Electrecord
Hawati - The International Orchestra Visits - Birchmount
Hank Williams Jr. High Notes
Hello Again internationale hits
Heisse wurstchen - Neues aus Rock und Pop - AMIGA
Homo Homini 3
Chicago 16
Chris de burgh - man of the line-Supraphon 2x
Christie - Pronit
Chics Greatest hits - OPUS
Imagination - WifonPriTV
Joe Dassin - Supraphon
Jazz Rock 1975 BALKANTO

Paul’s Boutique London: kabelka Odette - červená malá. Nenosená,len skladovaná.
Farba: svetločervená, zlatý kov
Rozmery: 21 x 32 x 11 cm
výška ucha – 10 cm
A4 – nezmestí sa
Pôvodná cena 99 Eur, kupená na predám za 30Eur
Prosím kontaktovať emailom. Osobný odber v BA preferovaný. Možné poslať kuriérom pri platbe vopred na účet (kabelka+8€ kuriér)

Predám krásnu prechodnú teddy bundu Jean Paul.Unisex.Velkost M,alebo S ako oversize.Bez poškodenia.Cena 23€+pošta.

Predám tieto platne:
5 eur/ks
ABBA - Bjorn, Benny, Agnetha and Frida
ABBA - Voulez-Vous
Alphaville-Afternoons in utopia
Andy Gibb-After Dark
Bobby McFerrin-Simple pleasures
Carlo Bergonzi-Italian songs
Cliff Richard-Cliff Richard
Cornell Dupree-Teasin
Dean Reed-Rock'n'Roll Country Romantic
Dean Reed-Dean Reed a jeho svet
Dean Reed-My Song for You
Gaetano Bardini - O sole mio
Giuseppe di Stefano-Recital
Gordon Lightfooot-Endless wire
Grosse Opernchore - Great opera choruses
Gyertyak-V Moto-Rock
José Carreras-London Symphony Orchestra
Lux Lane-Mixed and pickles
Nello Santi/London Symphony Orchestra - I' Arte di Placido Domingo
Robin Gibb-How old are you?
Salvatore Adamo - Puzzle
Steve Khan - Tightrope
Taylor Dayne - Tell it to my heart
The Manhattan Transfer - The Manhattan Transfer
The sensantional seventies-The sensantional seventies
Tom Jones - Tom Jones
Wings - Wings Greatest
7 eur/ks
Everly Brothers-Walk right back
George Gershwin-An American in Paris
Louis Armstrong - Lucerna 1965
Nazareth - Malice in Wonderland
Paul McCartney - Tug of War
Status Quo - 1982
Styx - Paradise Theatre Gala Premier
The Steve Miller Band-Abracadabra
10 eur/ks
Barbra Streisand-Emotion
Bonnie Tyler - Diamond Cut
Freddie Mercury, Montserrat Gaballé - Barcelona
George Gershwin - Porgy Ella&Louis Bess
Goldie Fns - This is my life
Charles Aznavour - Charles Aznavour
Madonna - True Blue
Paul McCartney - Give my regards to Broad Street
Thelma Houston-Thelma Houston
15 eur/ks
Deep purple - Perfect strangers
James Taylor-Mud Slide Slim
Queen - Hot Space
The Beatles - Love Songs (2 platne)
The Rolling Stones - Through the past darkly
The Who-The best of The Who
Barbra Streisand-Guilty - 20 eur
Pink Floyd-Best of Pink Floyd - 40 eur
Pre viac info/foto ma kontaktujte. Pozrite si moje ďalšie inzeráty.