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erik and sons - strana 19

Počet nájdených inzerátov ERIK AND SONS : 1000 - strana 19

Predaj Vila v Portals Nous, Calvia Mallorca
Typ: Vila Ulica: Calvia Obec: Palma de Mallorca Leaders&Partners reality pobočka Bratislava  Vám ponúka na predaj vila v Portals Nous, Calvia  na  ostrove Mallorca . Priestranná dvojpodlažná vila v štýle Ibizian  s 3 spálňami, orientovaná na juh, so záhradným pozemkom s rozlohou 855 m2 , s garážou a bazénom so slanou vodou. Slnečná obývacia izba a jedáleň s veľkými oknami, ktoré vyťažia maximum z vynikajúceho prirodzeného svetla.  Dvere vedú na terasu s výhľadom do záhrady a bazéna. Kuchyňa je kompletne vybavená. Dom je na 2 poschodiach a má tri spálne a tri kúpeľne. Vila je fantastickou príležitosťou na rozvoj v špičkovej lokalite v Portals a je vynikajúcou investíciou do nehnuteľností v bezkonkurenčnej lokalite. Pozrite si video : For Sale in Portals Nous,(Calvia) Mallorca Spacious Ibizan-style semi-detached Villa with 3 Bedrooms, Facing South, with a 855 m2 garden plot with Garage and Saltwater Pool. Excellent opportunity in this luxury location with a short walk to Portals and the beach. Sunny living/dining room with large windows that make the most of the excellent natural light. Doors lead to the terrace with views of the garden and pool. The kitchen is completely equipped. The house is on 2 levels and has three bedrooms and three bathrooms. The villa is a fantastic opportunity to develop in a prime location in Portals and is an excellent property investment in an unbeatable location. Status: aktívne Vlastníctvo: osobné Stav: po rekonštrukcii Celková plocha: 855 m2 Úžitková plocha: 302 m2 Plocha pozemku: 855 m2 Počet podlaží: 2 Počet izieb: 4 Počet kúpeľní: 3
Predaj vila na ostrove Mallorca, Calvia
Typ: Vila Ulica: Baleary Obec: Palma de Mallorca Leaders&Partners reality pobočka Bratislava  Seberíniho Vám ponúka na predaj  vilu nachádzajúcu sa na Costa de La Calma (Calvia) na ostrove Mallorca. Krásna vila orientovaná na juh so záhradou a bazénom, ako aj terasa pri bazéne s verandou a letnou obývacou izbou, kúpeľňa a posilňovňa, na hlavnom poschodí sa nachádza hala, 3 veľké spálne a dve.kúpeľne, jedna z nich v spálni so sprchovacím kútom a veľkou vaňou, obývacia izba so vstupom na terasu, garáž pre dve autá na prízemí. Dom je na pozemku o rozlohe 1 322 m2 a dom má podlahovú plochu262 m2. If what you are looking for is tranquility, this is your home, a villa located in Costa de La Calma (Calvia), a beautiful south-facing villa with a garden and pool as well as a pool terrace with porch and summer living room, bathroom and gym, on the main floor there is a hall, 3 large bedrooms and two bathrooms, one of them en suite with a shower and a large bathtub, a living room with access to the terrace, a garage for two cars on the ground floor. The house is on a plot of 1,322m2 and the house has 262 m2 built. Status: aktívne Vlastníctvo: osobné Stav: po rekonštrukcii Celková plocha: 262 m2 Úžitková plocha: 262 m2 Plocha pozemku: 1322 m2 Typ: exteriérový Terasa plocha: 100 m2
BMW Z4 E85 3.0i
Predám BMW Z4 E85 3.0 i 170kw, motor M54B30, 6 valec. 6st manuálna prevodovka, prvá registrácia 2005, dovoz. Originál 207000 km, STK EK do 3/2025. Servisná história, motor netečie a nežerie olej. 3 kľúče, všetko funkčné. AAA, špekulanti a voziči ani nepísať, len seriózny záujem. Auto predávam na oranžových diskoch zo samostaného inzerátu (nie style 78) a pridám aj znižovacie Eibach Pro-Kit pružiny, tiež zo samostatného inzerátu. Editions And Packages S711 M Sports Seats Comfort And Interior Equipment S423 Floor Mats Velours S428 Warning Triangle And First Aid Kit S459 Seat Adjustment, Electric, With Memory S493 Storage Compartment Package S494 Seat Heating Driver/Passenger Multimedia S601 TV Function S609 Navigation System Professional S640 Preparation F Tel.Installation Universal S672 CD Changer For 6 CDs S676 HiFi Speaker System Driver Assistance And Lightning S502 Headlight Cleaning System S508 Park Distance Control (PDC) S520 Fog Lights S521 Rain Sensor S522 Xenon Light S534 Automatic Air Conditioning S540 Cruise Control S548 Kilometre Speedo Wheels And Drive S224 Driving Dynamic Control S230 Extra Package, EU-Speciifc S249 Multifunction F Steering Wheel S255 Sports Leather Steering Wheel Environment And Safety S302 Alarm System S313 Fold-In Outside Mirror S345 Chrome Line Interieur S380 Hardtop-Preparation S387 Wind Deflector S399 Softtop, Electromech. All-Autom. S863 Dealer List Europe S8SP Control Unit CO2 Other Equipment S1CA Selection Of COP-Relevant Vehicles S925 Dummy-SALAPA
Byt na prenájom - Košice, Staré mesto
Ponúkam na PRENÁJOM plne vybavený - úplne nový GOLDEN APARTMENT LUXURY GOLDEN APARTMÁN, Mlynská Bašta, Košice staré mesto Ponúkam do prenájmu úplne nový, klimatizovaný, priestranný a kompletne zariadený 2 izbový byt ( 55 m2 ) s balkónom a výhľadom na centrum mesta . Veľmi tichý byt /vnútroblok/ s vlastným parkovacím miestom. STAV BYTU: štýlový a kompletne zariadený 2 izbový apartmán nábytok vyrobený na mieru obývacia izba s veľkou rohovou sedačkou a 160 cm 4K NanoCELL TV kompletne vybavená kuchyňa, s modernými zabudovanými spotrebičmi. chladnička s mrazničkou, Indukčná varná doska, rúra na pečenie, mikrovlnná rúra, umývačka riadu samostatná spálňa s pohodlnou posteľou 200 x 180 cm s prémiovým matracom, úložným priestorom, vstavanými šatníkovými skriňami s veľkým zrkadlom a nočnými stolíkmi kúpeľňa je vybavená vaňou, WC je oddelené chodba so skriňou rolldoor s veľkým odkladacím priestorom videovrátnik, klimatizácia LG súkromné parkovacie miesto v podzemnej garáži Byt je veľmi tichý, nakoľko sa nachádza vo vnútrobloku. Byt je Pet friendly. PLATBY: 8OO,- EUR - vrátane energie a klimatizácie,+ 50 EUR- vlastné kryté garážové státie hneď vedľa vchodu do obytného domu. Požadovaný 1 mesačný depozit ( bude vrátený pri ukončení nájmu ) Tel. VIAC INFO: RENT OFFER A brand new EXCLUSIVE GOLDEN APARTMENT OLD TOWN LUXURY GOLDEN APARTMENT, Mlynská Bašta, Košice old town, for rent NOW AVAILABLE We offer for rent a brand new, air-conditioned, spacious and fully furnished 2 rooms apartment (55 m2) with a balcony and a view of the city center. Be the first tenants in this modern apartment in a sought-after location right in the pedestrian zone. APARTMENT STATUS: stylish and fully furnished 2 bedroom apartment custom-made furniture living room with large corner sofa and 160 cm 4K NanoCELL TV Fully equipped kitchen, with modern built-in appliances. Refrigerator with freezer, Induction hob, Oven, Microwave, Dishwasher separate bedroom with a comfortable bed 200 x 180 cm with a premium mattress, storage space, built-in wardrobes with a large mirror and bedside tables The bathroom is equipped with a bathtub, the toilet is separate corridor with rolldoor wardrobe with large storage space Wfree wi-fi, video entry phone, air conditioning LG private parking space in the underground garage The apartment is very quiet, as it is located in the courtyard. The apartment is pet friendly. PAYMENTS: 800, - EUR/per month is including energy, internet and air conditioning, + 50 eur /per garage parking space. Required 1 month deposit (will be returned at the end of the lease) Tel. More informations on:
Byt na prenájom - Košice, Staré mesto - APARTMENT for RENT
Ponúkam na PRENÁJOM plne vybavený - úplne nový GOLDEN APARTMENT LUXURY GOLDEN APARTMÁN, Mlynská Bašta, Košice staré mesto Ponúkam do prenájmu úplne nový, klimatizovaný, priestranný a kompletne zariadený 2 izbový byt ( 55 m2 ) s balkónom a výhľadom na centrum mesta . Veľmi tichý byt /vnútroblok/ s vlastným parkovacím miestom. STAV BYTU: štýlový a kompletne zariadený 2 izbový apartmán nábytok vyrobený na mieru obývacia izba s veľkou rohovou sedačkou a 160 cm 4K NanoCELL TV kompletne vybavená kuchyňa, s modernými zabudovanými spotrebičmi. chladnička s mrazničkou, Indukčná varná doska, rúra na pečenie, mikrovlnná rúra, umývačka riadu samostatná spálňa s pohodlnou posteľou 200 x 180 cm s prémiovým matracom, úložným priestorom, vstavanými šatníkovými skriňami s veľkým zrkadlom a nočnými stolíkmi kúpeľňa je vybavená vaňou, WC je oddelené chodba so skriňou rolldoor s veľkým odkladacím priestorom videovrátnik, klimatizácia LG súkromné parkovacie miesto v podzemnej garáži Byt je veľmi tichý, nakoľko sa nachádza vo vnútrobloku. Byt je Pet friendly. PLATBY: PLATBY: 8OO,- EUR - vrátane energie a klimatizácie,+ 50 EUR- vlastné kryté garážové státie hneď vedľa vchodu do obytného domu. Požadovaný 1 mesačný depozit ( bude vrátený pri ukončení nájmu ) Tel. RENT OFFER A brand new EXCLUSIVE GOLDEN APARTMENT OLD TOWN LUXURY GOLDEN APARTMENT, Mlynská Bašta, Košice old town, for rent NOW AVAILABLE We offer for rent a brand new, air-conditioned, spacious and fully furnished 2 rooms apartment (55 m2) with a balcony and a view of the city center. Be the first tenants in this modern apartment in a sought-after location right in the pedestrian zone. APARTMENT STATUS: stylish and fully furnished 2 bedroom apartment custom-made furniture living room with large corner sofa and 160 cm 4K NanoCELL TV Fully equipped kitchen, with modern built-in appliances. Refrigerator with freezer, Induction hob, Oven, Microwave, Dishwasher separate bedroom with a comfortable bed 200 x 180 cm with a premium mattress, storage space, built-in wardrobes with a large mirror and bedside tables The bathroom is equipped with a bathtub, the toilet is separate corridor with rolldoor wardrobe with large storage space Wfree wi-fi, video entry phone, air conditioning LG private parking space in the underground garage The apartment is very quiet, as it is located in the courtyard. The apartment is pet friendly. PAYMENTS: 800, - EUR/per month is including energy, internet and air conditioning, + 50 eur /per garage parking space. Required 1 month deposit (will be returned at the end of the lease) Tel.
Predam rozne mc kazety originalky v super stave. -andrea bocelli-romanza,5e -andrea bocelli-romanza,5e -ata klimova-spieva hovory a hra,10e -ander 2,5e -ander 5,5e -bestsellers of masters,5e -bohumil martinu-the parables,5e -barbara-barbara,10e -bon jovi-crush,5e -benjo band ivana mladka-the best of,10e -benjo band ivana mladka-the best of 2,10e -cyrano z predmestia,10e -chaozz-p.e.s,15e -chaozz-sakum prdum,15e -d.night-say u love me,30e -dream dance,5e -drisla 1,5e -drislak 2,5e -drislak 3,5e -drislak 3,bez bookletu,3e -dalibor janda-hurikan,10e -darinka rolincova-darinka,15e -dolly roll-vakciooo,5e -exil-go go,10e -exil-i want you,10e -eva kostolanyiova-hviezdna laska,15e -elan-osmy svetadiel,10e -edita gruberova a peter dvorsky-narodil sa kristus pan,10e -fesaci-ostrov fesaku,5e -fesaci-salon fesaku,5e -frantisek nedved-druhe podani,5e -gejza dusik-rodny moj kraj,10e -george michael-order,5e -happy mondays-yes please,5e -herveys-diggi lo diggi ley,5e -hana hegerova-ohlednuti,10e -hana hegerova potmesily host,10e -hana hegerova-2,10e -helena vondrackova-helena,5e -ilona csakova-modry sen,15e -iveta bartosova-vaclavak,20e -ibrahim maiga-tam tam,10e -janko hrasko,5e -kopytovci-mekky drevokocur,10e -korg-you and me,10e -karel gott-komplet 1,30e -karel gott-pismo lasky,10e -karel gott-lod snu,10e -karel gott-79,10e -karel gott-to vam byl dobry rok,10e -kamelot-zachrante kone,10e -katapult-25 let live,20e -lucie bila-uplne naha,5e -lojzo-laz vegaz,20e -lucka vondrackova-2060,20e -lucie-vse nejlepsi,5e -lucy d-come on everybody,10e -louiziana-country club no 3,5e -louiziana-country clun no 3,5e -michal david-blazniva noc,5e -michal david-discopribeh,15e -michal david-discopribeh,15e -madonna-true blue,5e -michaela-sprayer frayer,5e -kurtizany z 25 avenue-strach,10e -m-people-elegan slumming,5e -miso kovac-najlepsie piesme 1,5e -najlepsie piesme 2,5e -marie rottrova-lasko vonis destem,20e -maduar-space,10e -mc erik a barbara-second,bez bookletu,5e -mc erk a barbara-second,10e -mc erik a barbara-u cant stop,10e -natasha atlas-gedida,5e -natalia oreiro-new york,15e -natalia oreiro-new york,15e -noga a skrucany-keby som bol detskm kralom,10e -mloci-dva,10e -mloci-dva,10e -na skle malovane,10e -najkrajsie z vychodu,kus 5e -oldrich novy-jen pro ten dnesni den,10e -orchestr l.staidla 2,5e -olympic-akorat,25e -olympic-brejle,15e -plavci-vuvr,10e -prorock-rokoko,5e -pink floyd-the final cut,10e -precedens-vez z pisku,5e -pavla brinkova-chtela bych tancit jen,5e -puhdys-rock n roll music,20e -pavel vitek-vune tvy kuze,10e -peter nagy-extra,best of,15e -peter nagy-sxtra 2,15e -peter beata vaso,10e -peter nagy a deti 3,10e
Predám čiapku Erik€Sons,nová.Cierna,biely napís..
CD - Original
Alice Cooper - Trash Green Day - International Superhits! Green Day - Shenanigans Pro-Pain - Shreds Of Dignity Die Toten Hosen - In Aller Stille Pink Floyd - The Wall Kraftwerk - Die Mensch Maschine Robbie Williams - Rudebox Robbie Williams - Sing When You´re Winnin Robbie Williams - Escapology Robbie Williams - Intensive Care Biohazard - State of the World Address Ramones - Anthology (2xCD) Ramones - Best of the Chrysalis Years Slobodná Európa - Štvorka Tribute to Ramones - We´re Happy Family Danzig - Thrall-Demonsweatlive Danzig - I 777 Luciferi Danzig - Lucifuge HIM - Deep Shadows and Brilliant... HIM - Dark Light HIM - Uneasy Listening vol.1 Slade - Wall of Hits Sisters of Mercy - Some Girls Wander Sex Pistols - The Great Rock´n´Roll Swindle + Kiss This Slayer - Divine Intervention Atrocity - Non Plus Ultra (2xCD) Kiss - Gold (2xCD) Anthrax - Stomp 442 Red Hot Chili Peppers - What Hits? Metallica - Through the Never (2xCD) Kaiser Chiefs - Employment Franz Ferdinand - FF Blondie - No Exit Blondie - The Course of Blondie Pantera - Official Live 101 Proof Svobodný slovo - Varování věkú Bad Religion - The New America Trainspotting 2 - Soundtrack The Clash - Sandinista (3xCD) Madness - It´s Madness Amy MacDonald - A Curious Thing Iggy Pop - Classic Nina Hagen - Return of the Mother Siouxsie and the Banshies - Live Whiplash vol.2 2/1999 Zabloudil - Zabloudil Kelly Osbourne - Come Dig Me Out Good Charlotte - The Anthem Herman´s Hermits - Greatest Hits Johnny Cash - Classic Rod Steward - Classic Moped Lads - Rock´n´Roll Girl Tripmag - Tráva mix 03 Deadfall - Cut Loose Howling Brown Lobster Tank - Tooth Smoke Nashville Legends - Great Country Hits Ilona Csáková - Pink Marlin Monroe - I Wanna Be Loved By You Elvis Presley - Elvis by the Presley (2xCD) Elvis Presley - Good Rockin´Tonight Tři Sestry - Lihová škola umění Shake It In the Dark Pohoda Fest 2006 Pohoda Fest 2009 The Stranglers - Live in London Ska2Tonics - Toto ti zachutí Rock´n´Roll Generation-Hippy,Hippy Shake The Offspring - Greatest Hits Blink 182 - Dude Ranch Blink 182 - Enema of State Punk! The Years of the Punks (2xCD) Totally Punk (2xCD) Dee Dee Ramone - Greatest and Latest Paradox - Nezmestíme sa do svojej kože John Bon Jovi - Power Station Years 1980-83 Jana Kirschner - Veci čo sa dejú Jana Kirschner - Moruša biela Jana Kirschner - V cudzom meste Jana Kirschner - The Best Of (2xCD) Miroslav Žbirka - Symphonic Album Sarah Brightman - Timeless Enya - Day Without Rain Lucie Bílá - 20 hitu Lucka Vondráčková - Fénix 2xCD MC Erik a Barbara - Keď príde láska Richard Clayderman - Les rendez vous Bon Jovi - Bon Jov 1984 Bon Jovi - Greatest Hits Celine Dion - All The Way Celine Dion - Best Ballads The Kelly Family - L
CD Heavy/Power/Prog 10
Sonata Arctica Songs of silence - Live in Tokyo 7,00 € Sonata Arctica Unia (nový) 8,00 € Sonata Arctica The days of grays (nový) 9,00 € Sonata Arctica Stones grow her name (nový) 8,00 € Sonata Arctica Stones grow her name (digibook,nový) 9,00 € Sonata Arctica Pariah's child (digibook,patch,nový) 9,00 € Sonata Arctica The ninth hour (nový) 8,00 € Sonata Arctica The ninth hour (digipak,nový) 9,00 € Sons of Apollo MMXX (nový) 9,00 € Soul Cages Craft 7,00 € Spock's Beard Feel euphoria (digibox,2CD) 7,00 € Squealer The prophecy 5,00 € Starbreaker Dysphoria 8,00 € Steel Panther Balls out 6,00 € Steel Panther All you can eat (CD+DVD,slipcase) 8,00 € Stone Sour Stone Sour 6,00 € Stone Sour Come what(ever) may 7,00 € Stone Sour Audio secrecy (digi,CD+DVD) 8,00 € Stone Sour Hydrograd (nový) 8,00 € Stone Temple Pilots Core 6,00 € Stone Temple Pilots Purple 3,00 € Stone Temple Pilots Tiny music 6,00 € Stormwitch Walpurgis night 12,00 € Stormwitch Tales of terror 12,00 € Stormwitch Stronger than heaven 12,00 € Stormwitch The beauty and the beast 12,00 € Stormwitch Eye of the storm 12,00 € Stormwitch Eye of the storm (Trend,rare cover) 15,00 € Stormwitch Witchcraft 13,00 € Stormwitch Season of the witch (digipak) 9,00 € Stormwitch Season of the witch (nový) 9,00 € Stratovarius Destiny ( 10,00 € Stratovarius Infinite 5,00 € Stratovarius Elements pt.2 7,00 € Stratovarius Polaris + Polaris Live (digipak,2CD) 8,00 € Stratovarius Elysium 8,00 € Sturm Und Drang Learning to rock (digipak) 6,00 € System of a Down System Of a Down 5,00 € System of a Down Steal this album 6,00 € System of a Down Toxicity 6,00 € System of a Down Mezmerize (digipak) 6,00 € System of a Down Hypnotize (digipak) 7,00 € The Dark Element The Dark Element (Irond) 12,00 € The Dark Element Songs the night sings (Irond) 12,00 € The Doomsday Kingdom The Doomsday Kingdom (digi) 9,00 € The Gathering Nighttime birds 7,00 € The Poodles Metal will stand tall 9,00 € Thundermother Heat wave (digipak) 8,00 € Thunderstone Evolution 4.0 5,00 € Thunderstone Tools of destruction (nový) 6,00 € Thunderstone Dirt metal 6,00 € TMG Tak Matsumoto Group I. (2CD,japan) 8,00 € To/Die/For All eternity 5,00 € Tony MacAlpine Edge of insanity 6,00 € Tony MacAlpine Tony MacAlpine (digipak) 6,00 € Transatlantic SMPTe 9,00 € Transatlantic Bridge across forever 9,00 € Twisted Sister Big hits and nasty cuts 6,00 € klikni na meno a pozri ponuku
CD Heavy/Power/Prog 10
Sonata Arctica Songs of silence - Live in Tokyo 7,00 € Sonata Arctica Unia (nový) 8,00 € Sonata Arctica The days of grays (nový) 9,00 € Sonata Arctica Stones grow her name (nový) 8,00 € Sonata Arctica Stones grow her name (digibook,nový) 9,00 € Sonata Arctica Pariah's child (digibook,patch,nový) 9,00 € Sonata Arctica The ninth hour (nový) 8,00 € Sonata Arctica The ninth hour (digipak,nový) 9,00 € Sons of Apollo MMXX (nový) 9,00 € Soul Cages Craft 7,00 € Spock's Beard Feel euphoria (digibox,2CD) 7,00 € Squealer The prophecy 5,00 € Starbreaker Dysphoria 8,00 € Steel Panther Feel the steel 8,00 € Steel Panther Balls out 7,00 € Steel Panther All you can eat (CD+DVD,slipcase) 8,00 € Stone Sour Stone Sour 6,00 € Stone Sour Come what(ever) may 7,00 € Stone Sour Audio secrecy (digi,CD+DVD) 8,00 € Stone Sour Hydrograd (nový) 8,00 € Stone Temple Pilots Core 6,00 € Stone Temple Pilots Purple 3,00 € Stone Temple Pilots Tiny music 6,00 € Stormwitch Walpurgis night 12,00 € Stormwitch Tales of terror 12,00 € Stormwitch Stronger than heaven 12,00 € Stormwitch The beauty and the beast 12,00 € Stormwitch Eye of the storm 12,00 € Stormwitch Eye of the storm (Trend,rare cover) 15,00 € Stormwitch Witchcraft 13,00 € Stormwitch Season of the witch (digipak) 9,00 € Stormwitch Season of the witch (nový) 9,00 € Stratovarius Destiny ( 10,00 € Stratovarius Infinite 5,00 € Stratovarius Elements pt.2 7,00 € Stratovarius Polaris + Polaris Live (digipak,2CD) 8,00 € Stratovarius Elysium 8,00 € Stratovarius Eternal 9,00 € Sturm Und Drang Learning to rock (digipak) 6,00 € System of a Down System Of a Down 5,00 € System of a Down Steal this album 6,00 € System of a Down Toxicity 6,00 € System of a Down Mezmerize (digipak) 7,00 € System of a Down Hypnotize (digipak) 7,00 € The Doomsday Kingdom The Doomsday Kingdom (digi) 9,00 € The Gathering Nighttime birds 7,00 € Thunderstone Evolution 4.0 5,00 € Thunderstone Tools of destruction (nový) 6,00 € TMG Tak Matsumoto Group I. (2CD,japan) 8,00 € To/Die/For All eternity 5,00 € Tony MacAlpine Edge of insanity 6,00 € Tony MacAlpine Tony MacAlpine (digipak) 6,00 € Transatlantic SMPTe 9,00 € Transatlantic Bridge across forever 9,00 € Transatlantic Whirlwind (nový) 9,00 € Twisted Sister Stay hungry 8,00 € Twisted Sister Big hits and nasty cuts 6,00 € klikni na meno a pozri ponuku
CD Heavy/Power/Prog 10
Sonata Arctica Songs of silence - Live in Tokyo 7,00 € Sonata Arctica Unia (nový) 8,00 € Sonata Arctica The days of grays (nový) 9,00 € Sonata Arctica Stones grow her name (nový) 8,00 € Sonata Arctica Stones grow her name (digibook,nový) 9,00 € Sonata Arctica Pariah's child (digibook,patch,nový) 9,00 € Sonata Arctica The ninth hour (nový) 8,00 € Sonata Arctica The ninth hour (digipak,nový) 9,00 € Sons of Apollo MMXX (nový) 9,00 € Soul Cages Craft 7,00 € Spock's Beard Feel euphoria (digibox,2CD) 7,00 € Squealer The prophecy 5,00 € Starbreaker Dysphoria 8,00 € Steel Panther Feel the steel 8,00 € Steel Panther Balls out 7,00 € Steel Panther All you can eat (CD+DVD,slipcase) 8,00 € Stone Sour Stone Sour 6,00 € Stone Sour Come what(ever) may 7,00 € Stone Sour Audio secrecy (digi,CD+DVD) 8,00 € Stone Sour Hydrograd (nový) 8,00 € Stone Temple Pilots Core 6,00 € Stone Temple Pilots Purple 3,00 € Stone Temple Pilots Tiny music 6,00 € Stormwitch Walpurgis night 12,00 € Stormwitch Tales of terror 12,00 € Stormwitch Stronger than heaven 12,00 € Stormwitch The beauty and the beast 12,00 € Stormwitch Eye of the storm 12,00 € Stormwitch Eye of the storm (Trend,rare cover) 15,00 € Stormwitch Witchcraft 13,00 € Stormwitch Season of the witch (digipak) 7,00 € Stormwitch Season of the witch (nový) 7,00 € Stratovarius Elements pt.2 7,00 € Stratovarius Polaris + Polaris Live (digipak,2CD) 8,00 € Stratovarius Elysium 8,00 € Stratovarius Eternal 9,00 € Sturm Und Drang Learning to rock (digipak) 6,00 € System of a Down System Of a Down 5,00 € System of a Down Steal this album 6,00 € System of a Down Toxicity 6,00 € System of a Down Mezmerize (digipak) 7,00 € System of a Down Hypnotize (digipak) 7,00 € System of a Down Hypnotize (digipak,nový) 8,00 € The Doomsday Kingdom The Doomsday Kingdom (digi) 9,00 € The Gathering Nighttime birds 7,00 € Thunderstone The burning (digipak) 6,00 € Thunderstone Evolution 4.0 5,00 € Thunderstone Tools of destruction (nový) 6,00 € TMG Tak Matsumoto Group I. (2CD,japan) 8,00 € To/Die/For All eternity 5,00 € Tony MacAlpine Edge of insanity 6,00 € Tony MacAlpine Tony MacAlpine (digipak) 6,00 € Transatlantic SMPTe 9,00 € Transatlantic Bridge across forever 9,00 € Transatlantic Whirlwind (nový) 9,00 € Twisted Sister Stay hungry 8,00 € Twisted Sister Big hits and nasty cuts 6,00 € klikni na meno a pozri ponuku
CD Heavy/Power/Prog 10
Sonata Arctica Songs of silence - Live in Tokyo 7,00 € Sonata Arctica Unia (nový) 8,00 € Sonata Arctica The days of grays (nový) 9,00 € Sonata Arctica Stones grow her name (nový) 8,00 € Sonata Arctica Stones grow her name (digibook,nový) 9,00 € Sonata Arctica Pariah's child (digibook,patch,nový) 9,00 € Sonata Arctica The ninth hour (nový) 8,00 € Sonata Arctica The ninth hour (digipak,nový) 9,00 € Sons of Apollo MMXX (nový) 9,00 € Soul Cages Craft 7,00 € Spock's Beard Feel euphoria (digibox,2CD) 7,00 € Squealer The prophecy 5,00 € Starbreaker Dysphoria 8,00 € Steel Panther Feel the steel 8,00 € Steel Panther Balls out 7,00 € Steel Panther All you can eat (CD+DVD,slipcase) 8,00 € Stone Sour Stone Sour 6,00 € Stone Sour Come what(ever) may 7,00 € Stone Sour Audio secrecy (digi,CD+DVD) 8,00 € Stone Sour Hydrograd (nový) 8,00 € Stone Temple Pilots Core 6,00 € Stone Temple Pilots Purple 3,00 € Stone Temple Pilots Tiny music 6,00 € Stormwitch Walpurgis night 12,00 € Stormwitch Tales of terror 12,00 € Stormwitch Stronger than heaven 12,00 € Stormwitch The beauty and the beast 12,00 € Stormwitch Eye of the storm 12,00 € Stormwitch Eye of the storm (Trend,rare cover) 15,00 € Stormwitch Witchcraft 13,00 € Stormwitch Season of the witch (digipak) 7,00 € Stormwitch Season of the witch (nový) 7,00 € Stratovarius Elements pt.2 7,00 € Stratovarius Polaris + Polaris Live (digipak,2CD) 8,00 € Stratovarius Elysium 8,00 € Stratovarius Eternal 9,00 € Sturm Und Drang Learning to rock (digipak) 6,00 € System of a Down System Of a Down 5,00 € System of a Down Steal this album 6,00 € System of a Down Hypnotize (digipak) 7,00 € System of a Down Hypnotize (digipak,nový) 8,00 € The Doomsday Kingdom The Doomsday Kingdom (digi) 9,00 € The Gathering Nighttime birds 7,00 € Thunderstone The burning (digipak) 6,00 € Thunderstone Evolution 4.0 5,00 € Thunderstone Tools of destruction (nový) 6,00 € TMG Tak Matsumoto Group I. (2CD,japan) 8,00 € To/Die/For All eternity 5,00 € Tony MacAlpine Edge of insanity 6,00 € Tony MacAlpine Tony MacAlpine (digipak) 6,00 € Transatlantic SMPTe 9,00 € Transatlantic Bridge across forever 9,00 € Transatlantic Whirlwind (nový) 9,00 € Twisted Sister Stay hungry 8,00 € Twisted Sister Big hits and nasty cuts 6,00 € klikni na meno a pozri ponuku
CD Heavy/Power/Prog 10
Sonata Arctica Songs of silence - Live in Tokyo 7,00 € Sonata Arctica Unia (nový) 8,00 € Sonata Arctica The days of grays (nový) 9,00 € Sonata Arctica Stones grow her name (nový) 8,00 € Sonata Arctica Stones grow her name (digibook,nový) 9,00 € Sonata Arctica Pariah's child (digibook,patch,nový) 9,00 € Sonata Arctica The ninth hour (nový) 8,00 € Sonata Arctica The ninth hour (digipak,nový) 9,00 € Sons of Apollo MMXX (nový) 9,00 € Soul Cages Craft 7,00 € Spock's Beard Feel euphoria (digibox,2CD) 7,00 € Squealer The prophecy 5,00 € Starbreaker Dysphoria 8,00 € Steel Panther Feel the steel 8,00 € Steel Panther Balls out 7,00 € Steel Panther All you can eat (CD+DVD,slipcase) 8,00 € Stone Sour Stone Sour 6,00 € Stone Sour Come what(ever) may 7,00 € Stone Sour Audio secrecy (digi,CD+DVD) 8,00 € Stone Sour Hydrograd (nový) 8,00 € Stone Temple Pilots Core 6,00 € Stone Temple Pilots Purple 3,00 € Stone Temple Pilots Tiny music 6,00 € Stormwitch Walpurgis night 12,00 € Stormwitch Tales of terror 12,00 € Stormwitch Stronger than heaven 12,00 € Stormwitch The beauty and the beast 12,00 € Stormwitch Eye of the storm 12,00 € Stormwitch Eye of the storm (Trend,rare cover) 15,00 € Stormwitch Witchcraft 13,00 € Stormwitch Season of the witch (digipak) 7,00 € Stormwitch Season of the witch (nový) 7,00 € Stratovarius Destiny ( 12,00 € Stratovarius Polaris + Polaris Live (digipak,2CD) 8,00 € Stratovarius Elysium 8,00 € Stratovarius Eternal 9,00 € Sturm Und Drang Learning to rock (digipak) 6,00 € System of a Down System Of a Down 5,00 € System of a Down Steal this album 6,00 € System of a Down Hypnotize (digipak) 7,00 € System of a Down Hypnotize (digipak,nový) 8,00 € The Doomsday Kingdom The Doomsday Kingdom (digi) 9,00 € The Gathering Nighttime birds 7,00 € Thunderstone Evolution 4.0 5,00 € Thunderstone Tools of destruction (nový) 6,00 € TMG Tak Matsumoto Group I. (2CD,japan) 8,00 € To/Die/For All eternity 5,00 € Tony MacAlpine Edge of insanity 6,00 € Tony MacAlpine Tony MacAlpine (digipak) 6,00 € Transatlantic SMPTe 9,00 € Transatlantic Bridge across forever 9,00 € Transatlantic Whirlwind (nový) 9,00 € Treat Tunguska (nový) 13,00 € Twisted Sister Stay hungry 8,00 € Twisted Sister Big hits and nasty cuts 6,00 € klikni na meno a pozri ponuku
Exkluzívne Tantra masáže / Exclusive tantra massage
Navštívte oázu pohody, relaxu a oddychu. Zabudnite na stres a príďte si vychutnať skvelý tantrický masážny rituál. Príjemné prostredie, tlmené svetla sviečok, hudba a vône exotických olejčekov Vás dokonale uvoľnia na tele i na duši. Ak si chcete zrelaxovať cez víkend , sú pre Vás pripravené zaujímavé zľavy na Tantra masáže. Visit an oasis of well-being, relaxation and rest. Forget about stress and come and enjoy a great tantric massage ritual. The pleasant environment, dim candlelight, music and the scent of exotic oils will perfectly relax you on your body and soul. If you want to relax over the weekend, there are interesting discounts on Tantra massages.
Kniha Nelson Mandela
Biografia Nelsona Mandelu - kniha ako nova, necitana, jedina chyba krasy je vyblednuty bok. The riveting memoirs of the outstanding moral and political leader of our time, A LONG WALK TO FREEDOM brilliantly re-creates the drama of the experiences that helped shape Nelson Mandela's destiny. Emotive, compelling and uplifting, A LONG WALK TO FREEDOM is the exhilarating story of an epic life; a story of hardship, resilience and ultimate triumph told with the clarity and eloquence of a born leader. 'Burns with the luminosity of faith in the invincible nature of human hope and dignity... Unforgettable' Andre Brink 'Enthralling...
MERCURY motory - originál vrtuľa + filtre
Marin Alpine Trail 7
Marin Alpine Trail 7 Bajk som kupoval v apríli 2022. Ma najazdenych 300km. Bajk je v 100% stave pripravený na jazdenie. Na cene sa vieme dohodnúť! Ram Series 4 6061 Aluminum Frame, 29” Wheels, 150mm Travel MultiTrac Suspension Platform, Internal Dropper Post and Rear Derailleur Routing, Chainstay Mounted Post Mount Disc Brake, 148x12mm Boost Thru- Axle, 73mm Threaded BB w/ ISCG05 Tabs vidlica RockShox Yari RC, 29”, 160mm of Travel, Air Sprung, Debonair, Compression and Rebound Adjustment, Fast Black Stanchions, 110x15mm Maxle Stealth, 42mm Offset zadný tlmič Rock Shox Deluxe Select + RT, Debonair Air Spring, 2 Position Compression and Rebound Adjustment, 205x65mm, Trunnion Upper Mount, 25mmxM8 Lower Mount hlav. zloženie FSA No 57E, Semi-Sealed Cartridge Bearings, 1 1/8" x 1 1/2” kazetový pastorok Shimano, Deore M6100 12-Speed, 10-51T reťaz KMC X-12 Silver and Black brzdy Shimano BL-M4100 Hydraulic Lever, I-Spec EV Compatible brzdové kotúče Predný: Shimano BR-MT420, 4-Piston Hydraulic Disc Brake, 203mm Rotor Zadný: Shimano BR-MT420, 4-Piston Hydraulic Disc Brake, 180mm Rotor plášte Vee Tire Flow Snap, 29x2.6”, Tackee Compound, 72 TPI, Tubeless Compatible predstavec Marin 3D Forged Alloy, 35mm riadidlá Marin Mini-Riser, 6061 Double Butted Aluminum, 780mm Width, 28mm Rise, 5º Up, 9º Back kľuky FSA Comet Heavy Duty, Modular 1x, 32T Direct Mount Chainring, MegaTooth Technology, Boost Spacing radenie Shimano Deore, 12-Speed, SL6100-IR menič Shimano Deore, 12-Speed, SGS náboje Predný: Shimano HF-MT410B, 110x15mm, Centerlock Zadný: Shimano HB-MT410B, 148x12mm, Centerlock, Microspline Freehub Body ráfiky Marin, Double Wall Alloy, 29mm Inner, Pinned Joint, Disc Specific, 32H, Tubeless Compatible sedlovka TranzX, YSP23JL, 1x Remote, Size S 125mm Travel, Size M and L 150mm Travel, Size XL 175mm Travel, 30.9mm sedlo Marin Speed Concept doplnky Bolt-On Thru-Axle, Downtube Protector Počet prevodov: 1x12 Brzdy: Kotúčové hydraulické Zdvih: 140 - 160 mm Priemer kolies: 28"/29" Materiál: hliník Farba: zelená Sada: Shimano Deore Veľkosť: L
Science in action - v anglictine
Anglicke citanie deti... Velka sada - 25ks vzdelavacich zositkovych knih pre sikovnych skolkarov / mladsich zakladakov. Kazda kniha s navodom, ako s nou pracovat + nadstavba / doplnkove otazky. Na predaj spolu, 25 knih vo folii za 50.00E (2.00E / kniha) Na predaj samostatne rozdelenim: 1. Ludske telo (12 knih) za 30.00E Why do I wash my hands? Why do I run? Your Bones Hearing Touch Taste Smell Sight Why do I brush my teeth? Your Heart and Lungs Your Brain Your Digestive System 2. Zivotne cykly (5 knih) za 12.50E Caterpillar to Butterfly Acorn to Oak Tree Tadpole to Frog Seed to Sunflower Egg to Chicken 3. Fyzika / Earth science (8 knih) za 20.00E Light and Dark Weather and Seasons Planets and Stars Rocks Fossils Pushes and Pulls Materials Electricity Vyborne do skolskej kniznice, knihy su ihned k odberu. Na dobierku neposielam. Osobny odber mozny a vitany v Ziline. Posielame aj do okolitych krajin cez zasielkovnu a platba mozna aj v CZK / HUF. Pytajte sa, ak mate dalsie otazky. Moje hodnotenia ako predajcu najdete na modrom konikovi ako Babatkoling. Dakujem.
Knihy v anglickom jazyku 1
Twain, Mark: The Innocents Abroad, 2010 (*nova): 16€ Morand, Paul: The Allure of Chanel, 2008 (*nova): 16€ Gernsheim, Alison: Victorian and Edwardian Fashion, 1981: 16€ Palmer, Alexandra: Dior (A New Look, A New Enterprise 1947 - 1957), 2009: 16€ Givhan, Robin: The Battle of Versailles, 2015 (*velmi dobry stav): 16€ Weber, Caroline: Queen of Fashion, 2006 (*velmi dobry stav): 16€ Picardie, Justine: Coco Chanel (The Legend and the Life), 2010 (*zachovala): 6€ De La Haye, Amy: Chanel (The Couturiere at Work), 1995 (*dobry stav): 14€ Napias, Jean-Christophe: The World According to Karl, 2018 (*ako nova): 16€ Mankoff, Bob: How About Never? Is Never Good For You? (My Life in Cartoons. Memoir), 2015 (*velmi dobry stav): 14€ Mankoff, Robert (ed.): The New Yorker Book of Technology Cartoons, 2000 (*velmi dobry stav): 14€ Mankoff, Robert (ed.): The New Yorker Book of Money Cartoons, 1999 (*velmi dobry stav): 14€ Mankoff, Robert (ed.): The New Yorker Book of Literary Cartoons, 2000 (*velmi dobry stav): 14€ Medine, Leandra: Man Repeller (Seeking Love, Finding Overalls), 2013 (*velmi dobry stav): 14€ Connor,Steven: A Philosophy of Sport, 2011 (*ako nova): 14€ Mechikoff, Robert: A History and Philosophy of Sport and Physical Education, 2005 (*velmi dobry stav): 14€ Evans, Cadel: Close to Flying, 2010 (*niektore casti su oznacene zvyraznovacom, inak dobry stav): 14€ Evans, Cadel: The Long Road to Paris, 2011(*velmi dobry stav):14€ Woodland, Les: Cycling's 50 Craziest Stories (* par riadkov je podciarknutych zvyraznovacom, inak velmi dobry stav): 14€ Weiss, Eben: Bike Snob, 2010(*par znaciek perom, ako nova): 14€ Barber, Charles: York Notes on William Shakespeare Henry V, 1992 (*velmi dobry stav): 14€ Weisberger, Lauren: The Devil Wears Prada, 2003 (*niektore vety su podciarknute perom, dobry stav): 12€ Bryson, Bill: The Life and Times of the Thunderbolt Kid, 2007 (*niektore vety su podciarknute zvyraznovacom, dobry stav): 12€ Meyer, Stephenie: Breaking Dawn, 2008 (*par slov je podciarknutych zvyraznovacom, velmi dobry stav): 12€ Hartman, Taylor: Color Your Future, 1999 (*niektore casti su podciarknute, velmi dobry stav): 12€ Hartman, Taylor: The Color Code, 1998 (*niektore casti su podciarknute zvyraznovacom, dobry stav): 12€ Staggs, Sam: Born to be Hurt, 2010 (*par podciarknuti zvyraznovacom, inak ako nova): 12€ Kinsella, Sophie: Shopaholic & Baby,2007 (*velmi dobry stav): 12€ Clarke, Stephen (Dial M for Merde), 2008 (*dobry stav): 12€ Truscott, Peter: Putin's Progress, 2004 (*niektore casti su podciarknute, dobry stav): 12€ Binet, Laurent: HhhH, 2013 (*nova): 12€ Marx, Patricia: Him Her Him Again, 2007 (*niektore casti su podciarknute, inak velmi dobry stav): 12€ Clarke, Stephen: Talk to the Snail, 2006 (*par viet je podciarknutych zvyraznovacom, dobry stav): 12€ Sachs, Gunter: The Astrology File, 1999 (*niektore casti su podciarknute, velmi dobry stav): 12€
Predám štvordiskový NAS ZyXEL
Predám výkonné sieťové úložisko, NAS, podporujúci až štyri 2,5 alebo 3,5 palcové disky. Pomocou 4-diskového úložného serveru ZYXEL NAS540 získate ľahký prístup k veľkému množstvu dokumentov a multimediálnych súborov z mobilných zariadení všade tam, kde je k dispozícii pripojenie na internet. Jednoducho ho môžete zosynchronizovať s mobilnými zariadeniami pomocou populárnych cloudových aplikácií. Zariadenie ZYXEL NAS540 je vybavené dvojjadrovým procesorom s frekvenciou 1,2 GHz a pamäťou s veľkosťou 1 GB. Vďaka výkonnému procesoru dokáže plniť aj náročné úlohy. Dva LAN porty s možnosťou agregácie liniek zaisťujú optimálnu rýchlosť prenosu dát a k dispozícii sú aj rýchle USB porty 3.0, ktoré ponúkajú komunikáciu s externými pamäťovými zariadeniami. Úložisko je vybavené aj slotom pre SD kartu a podporuje technológie SDXC. Hardvér: - CPU: FreeScale Dual Core Cortex-A9 1.2 GHz - Memory: DDR3 1GB - 4x 2.5" or 3.5" SATA hard disk the max support up to 64 TB (16 TB x4) - Hot swappable HDD support - 2x Gigabit Ethernet RJ-45 connectors - 3x USB 3.0 ports - 1x SDXC card read (Up to 128 GB) Softvér: - Network protocol: CIFS/SMB for Windows, NFS for Linux/Unix, AFP for Mac, DHCP client, PPPoE, Network Time Protocol (NTP), iSCSI. - Network applications: Media server, Twonky media server with DLNA 1.5 and UPnP AV, iTunes server, Logitech media server, Photo album server - Web service: WebDAV, FTP server, phpMyAdmin/MySQL/PHP, RSS client & server, Print server (CIFS), Remote access support (DyDNS) - iOS and Android application: Zyxel Drive, zCloud, ownCloud - Network application management: User & group management, Package management for setting up applications - Network security: Support HTTPS and FTPES (FTP over explicit TLS/SSL), Encrypted NAS to NAS remote replication, Encrypted NAS to external disk archive backup - Backup support: One-touch copy/sync button for external USB capable devices backup, Backup planner, Instant/Scheduled backup, NAS to NAS synchronization/archive backup, Rsync, NAS to external USB hard disk backup - Download/Upload support: Auto-download from FTP/HTTP/P2P download service (Torrent file supported), Scheduled download, Auto-upload photos and videos - Power control: Internal disk hibernation support, Scheduled power on/off/reboot, Wake-on-LAN support, System automatically resume after power outage, APC USB UPS monitoring and auto shutdown Server je veľmi výkonný, nabitý funkciami, možnosti servera sú rozšíriteľné pomocou doinštalovania ďalších balíčkov aplikácií (rovnako ako pri Synology). Pri serióznom jednaní pridám štartovací 500GB disk ZADARMO.