inzercia, predaj, predám, bazár

essential grammar in use - strana 25

Počet nájdených inzerátov ESSENTIAL GRAMMAR IN USE : 1000 - strana 25

Byt v TOP lokalite /Apartment for rent in Bratislava OldTown
--- for ENGLISH VERSION please see below --- Ponúkam na prenájom zariadený, slnečný, 2+kk byt v skvelej lokalite Bratislava - Staré Mesto, s krásnym výhľadom, v tesnej blízkosti Medickej záhrady. V byte sa nachádza: vstupná hala, samostatná kúpeľňa, samostatná obývačka s kuchynským kútom, samostatná spálňa a dve samostatné loggie. Výmera bytu je 49m2 (40m2 byt + 9m2 dve oddelené loggie spolu). Byt sa nachádza na 5. poschodí zo 7. a vedú ku nemu až dva výťahy. Byt je určený pre maximálne 2 osoby, je striktne nefajčiarsky a nevhodný pre zvieratko. Byt mám v osobnom vlastníctve a nie som realitka. Finálna cena mesačného nájmu je 755 EUR, pričom táto suma zahŕňa aj mesačné náklady spojené s užívaním bytu (voda, elektrina, plyn/kúrenie, atď.) vrátane vysokorýchlostného optického internetu. V cene je tiež zahrnuté voľné (nie vyhradené) parkovacie státie v súkromnom dvore bytového domu, ktorý sa uzatvára elektronickou posuvnou bránou na elektronický čip. V cene je taktiež zahnutá možnosť odložiť si napr. bicykel, kočík a pod., v uzamykateľnej "kočikárni" na prízemí. Kaucia - jednomesačný nájom, ktorý je možné zložiť aj postupne v dvoch splátkach. Byt je voľný takmer ihneď. EMAIL: zocivoci@ TEL: . V prípade otázok ma, prosím, neváhajte kontaktovať :) --- ENGLISH VERSION --- I am renting my furnished, sunny and cozy, 2+kk (2+kitchen corner/kitchenette) apartment in a great location of Bratislava - Staré Mesto, with a beautiful view, close to the famous Medical Garden. In the apartment you will find: an entrance hall, a separate bathroom, a separate living room with a kitchenette, a separate bedroom and two separate loggias. The area of the apartment is 49m2 (40m2 apartment + 9m2 two separate loggias together). The apartment is located on the 5th floor out of 7 and has two elevators. The apartment is intended for maximum of 2 persons, it is strictly non-smoking and not suitable for pets. I am the owner of the apartment and thus I am not a real estate agent. The final price of the monthly rent is EUR 755, while this amount also includes the monthly costs associated with the use of the apartment (water, electricity, gas/heating, etc.) and moreover includes the fee for the high-speed optical Internet. Furthermore, the price also includes a free (not reserved) parking space in the private yard of the apartment building, which is closed by an electronic sliding gate with an electronic chip. The price also includes the possibility to store, for example, a bicycle, a stroller, etc., in the lockable "kočikáreň/stroller room" on the ground floor. Deposit - one month's rent, which can also be paid gradually in two installments. The apartment is available almost immediately. EMAIL: zocivoci@ TEL: . Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me :)
Pekný 1 izbový byt v centre Košíc na prenájom/ for rent
Pekné bývanie s atmosférou, v centre Košíc, výborná lokalita. Ponúkam na prenájom pekný, veľký 1 izbový byt o výmere 44 m2, priamo v centre , v Starom meste na Jesenského ulici. Byt je tehlový , disponuje 3,5 m vysokými stropmi, nachádza sa na 1 poschodí a skladá sa z jednej veľkej izby, kuchyne , predsiene a kúpeľne . Len na skok od historického centra, vedľa sa nachádza pekný Mestský park.Veľkou výhodou tohto bývania je, že nájomca môže využívať priestranný, upravený vnútorný dvor. Cena prenájmu, ktorá zahŕňa aj cenu energií je pre 2 osoby 600 eur. Depozit je 1200 eur. Minimálna dĺžka nájmu je 12 mesiacov. Fajčenie v byte ani domáce zvieratá povolené nie sú. Byt sa môže prenajímať na základe dohody zariadený alebo s vlastným zariadením. Byt je voľný od 1.februára, momentálne prebiehajú menšie úpravy ( maľovanie, parkety ) , v prípade záujmu o bližšie informácie ma prosím kontaktujte telefonicky a dohodneme aj obhliadku bytu. I offer for RENT a nice, large 1-room apartment with an area of 44 m², right in the center, in the Old Town on Jesenského Street. This beautiful brick apartment has 3.5 m high ceilings, is located on the 1st floor and consists of one large room, kitchen, hallway and bathroom. The tenant can use the common garden. There is also a nice City Park just a stone's throw from the historic center ,right next to it. The rental price, which also includes the price of energy, is 600 euros for 2 people. The deposit is 1200 euros. The minimum rental period is 12 months. Smoking in the apartment and pets are not allowed. The apartment can be rented furnished on the basis of an agreement or it can be furnished by the tenant. The apartment has been available since February 1st, but the apartment is currently undergoing minor renovations (painting, parquet floors) . If you are interested in more information, contact me at the phone and we will arrange a viewing of the apartment.
Star wars darth vader chestbox kostym
Verzia chestboxu: ANH / R1 príp. Obi Wan Kenobi. Po dohode je možné vyrobiť aj inú verziu chestboxu. Materiál: plast Možnosť zakúpiť aj nafarbené (79€) / nenafarbené (25€). Prípadne je možné zakúpiť aj iba samostatný súbor stl na vlastnú 3D tlač za (10€) so súkromnou licenciou (t.j. iba na vlastné účely - tzv. for personal use only) čiže je s ňou zakázané ďalej predávať súbor alebo profitovať z predaja výtlačkov tohto súboru). K chestboxu si je možné dokúpiť aj pásy na uchytenie zo syntetickej čiernej kože. Prípadne je ho možné vyrobiť podľa Vašich požiadaviek (farba, veľkosť…). Bez svetelných a zvukových efektov. Možné po dohode dorobiť aj svetlá za príplatok. Celú ponuku produktov môžete nájst na stránke: Alebo na Facebooku: M&J props
Benzínový zapaľovač
Predám úplne nový model geo use Sadillac? Ťažko prečítať je to vryte, benzínový zapaľovač, cely kovový a sa zatvára. Cena dohodou Druhý zapaľovač je kovový San Marino tiež na benzín používaný dáva iskru no benzín tam není tak nevyskušam,je to otvorený ako na foto na spodnej časti ma znamienka +....- ...asi na pridávanie plameňa .
Brzdové čeluste ATE 650267
Predám brzdové čeluste ATE 650267 Astra F,G, Vectra,Cavalier, Daewoo Lanos, Cielo, Nexia, Espero Nové ani nerozbalené, najlepšie osobne na trase BA-DS
Scooter M9
for sale due to lack of use, it is in very good condition, almost new, you can try it.
CD Heavy/Power/Prog 2
Axel Rudi Pell Wild obsession 12,00 € Axel Rudi Pell Nasty reputation 12,00 € Babylon Whores King fear (digipak) 4,00 € Black 'N Blue Hell yeah! (Irond) 8,00 € Black Label Society Hangover music vol. VI 7,00 € Black Light Discipline Against each other (nový) 4,00 € Black Sabbath Paranoid (RM) 8,00 € Black Sabbath Master of reality (RM) 8,00 € Black Sabbath Sabotage (RM) 9,00 € Black Sabbath Technical ecstasy (RM) 12,00 € Black Sabbath Live evil 6,00 € Black Sabbath Born again (nový) 10,00 € Black Sabbath Seventh star ( 20,00 € Black Sabbath Dehumanizer 8,00 € Black Sabbath 13 (nový) 7,00 € Blaze Silicon messiah 8,00 € Black Sabbath 13 (nový) 7,00 € Blind Guardian Battalions of fear 7,00 € Blind Guardian Follow the blind 8,00 € Blind Guardian Somewhere far beyond 8,00 € Body Count Born dead 4,00 € Bonfire Knock out 8,00 € Bonfire Fuel to the flames 8,00 € Bruce Dickinson Skunkworks 7,00 € Bruce Dickinson Accident of birth (deluxe,2CD,nový) 9,00 € Bruce Dickinson The chemical wedding 7,00 € Bullet for my Valentine The poison 4,00 € Bullet for my Valentine Temper temper (deluxe edition) 8,00 € Bullet for my Valentine Venom (deluxe edition, 3D cover) 10,00 € Cinderella Night songs (nový) 7,00 € Clawfinger Deaf dumb blind 6,00 € Clawfinger Use your brain 6,00 € Clawfinger Clawfinger 6,00 € Coal Chamber Coal Chamber 7,00 € Communic Conspiracy in mind/Waves of visual decay (2CD,nový) 7,00 € Creed My own prison 6,00 € Creed Human clay 6,00 € Creed Weathered 6,00 € Creed Full circle 7,00 € Crossfire Second attack (digipak,nový) 11,00 € Cydonia Cydonia 7,00 € Danzig Danzig (nový) 6,00 € Danzig How the gods kill (nový) 5,00 € David Lee Roth A little ain't enough 7,00 € Deathstars Synthetic generation 7,00 € Deathstars Termination bliss 5,00 € Deathstars Night electric night (digibook,CD+DVD) 7,00 € klikni na meno a pozri ponuku
Acer 24" Predator XB240H Full HD TN Gaming Monitor
Na predaj herny monitor Acer 24" Predator XB240H Full HD TN vo velmi zachovalom stave, bez chyb a poskodenia. Monitor uz nie je v zaruke. Key Features The 1920 x 1080 resolution of the Acer 24" Predator XB240H Full HD TN Gaming Monitor makes it ideal for RPG, FPS, and other games that prioritise immersion and high levels of detail. With its 144Hz refresh rate, this gaming monitor delivers content with reduced motion blur, frame rendering, and input lags. Thanks to its 1ms response time, the Acer Predator Gaming Monitor renders fast-moving actions smoothly without ghosting or smearing. When playing in dark environments, you can use the monitor's low dimming technology to dim the screen to only 15% of brightness. Ideal for heavy monitor users like writers, graphic designers, and programmers, the Predator XB240H Full HD TN Monitor incorporates flicker-less technology.
Byt v TOP lokalite /Apartment for rent in Bratislava OldTown
--- for ENGLISH VERSION please see below --- Ponúkam na prenájom zariadený, slnečný, 2+kk byt v skvelej lokalite Bratislava - Staré Mesto, s krásnym výhľadom, v tesnej blízkosti Medickej záhrady. V byte sa nachádza: vstupná hala, samostatná kúpeľňa, samostatná obývačka s kuchynským kútom, samostatná spálňa a dve samostatné loggie. Výmera bytu je 49m2 (40m2 byt + 9m2 dve oddelené loggie spolu). Byt sa nachádza na 5. poschodí zo 7. a vedú ku nemu až dva výťahy. Byt je určený pre maximálne 2 osoby, je striktne nefajčiarsky a nevhodný pre zvieratko. Byt mám v osobnom vlastníctve a nie som realitka. Cena mesačného nájmu je 590 EUR. K tejto sume je potrebné pripočítať 155 EUR za mesačné náklady spojené s užívaním bytu (voda, elektrina, plyn/kúrenie, vysokorýchlostný optický internet, atď.). SPOLU CELKOVO 745 EUR mesačne. V cene je tiež zahrnuté voľné (nie vyhradené) parkovacie státie v súkromnom dvore bytového domu, ktorý sa uzatvára elektronickou posuvnou bránou na elektronický čip. V cene je taktiež zahnutá možnosť odložiť si napr. bicykel, kočík a pod., v uzamykateľnej "kočikárni" na prízemí. Kaucia - jednomesačný nájom, ktorý je možné zložiť aj postupne v dvoch splátkach. Byt je voľný takmer ihneď. EMAIL: zocivoci@ TEL: . V prípade otázok ma, prosím, neváhajte kontaktovať :) --- ENGLISH VERSION --- I am renting my furnished, sunny and cozy, 2+kk (2+kitchen corner/kitchenette) apartment in a great location of Bratislava - Staré Mesto, with a beautiful view, close to the famous Medical Garden. In the apartment you will find: an entrance hall, a separate bathroom, a separate living room with a kitchenette, a separate bedroom and two separate loggias. The area of the apartment is 49m2 (40m2 apartment + 9m2 two separate loggias together). The apartment is located on the 5th floor out of 7 and has two elevators. The apartment is intended for maximum of 2 persons, it is strictly non-smoking and not suitable for pets. I am the owner of the apartment and thus I am not a real estate agent. The monthly rent is 590 EUR. To this amount, 155 EUR must be added for the monthly costs associated with the use of the apartment (water, electricity, gas/heating, high-speed optical Internet, etc.). IN TOTAL 745 EUR monthly. Furthermore, the price also includes a free (not reserved) parking space in the private yard of the apartment building, which is closed by an electronic sliding gate with an electronic chip. The price also includes the possibility to store, for example, a bicycle, a stroller, etc., in the lockable "kočikáreň/stroller room" on the ground floor. Deposit - one month's rent, which can also be paid gradually in two installments. The apartment is available almost immediately. EMAIL: zocivoci@ TEL: . Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me :)
I am selling a building in the center of Bratislava.
I am selling a building in the center of Bratislava in its original condition. I'm sorry RK Don't call me. I have a reason for that. Thank you. The object in question is 5 min. from TESCO. The building has three floors. The building has a partial basement. Possibility of extension of 2-3 floors. S.P. existing. Use: apartments, offices, shops... THE PRICE. We will negotiate an asset deal as well as the sale of 100% of the company, which was founded exclusively for the management of the property in question and for all permits for reconstruction.
predám MB Gigabyte P35-DS4, socket LGA 775
predám základovú dosku: Gigabyte P35-DS4, socket LGA 775 -------------------------------------------------------------------- CPU Supports Intel® Core™2 Extreme Quad-Core / Core™2 Duo / Intel® Pentium® Extreme/ Intel® Pentium® D processors Supports1333/1066/800 MHz FSB Chipset Northbridge: Intel® P35 Express Chipset Southbridge: Intel® ICH9R T.I IEEE 1394 Controller Gigabit Lan Controller 8 Channels ALC889A Audio controller Memory Supports DDR2 1066*/800/667 memory Dual Channel architecture supports up to 8GB by 4 DIMM slots * Please refer "Memory Support List" for memory support information. Expansion Slots 2 PCI Express X16 slot(x16, x4) 3 PCI Express X1 slots 2 PCI slots Internal I/O Connectors 8 Serial ATA 3Gb/s connectors 1 UDMA ATA 133/100/66/33 connector 1 FDD connector 2 IEEE 1394 connectors 4 USB 2.0/1.1 connectors (supports 8 ports) 1 audio pin header (supports 8-Channel) 1 S/PDIF In pin header Back Panel Connectors 4 USB 2.0/1.1 ports 2 SPDIF Out port (coaxial+ optical) 1 IEEE 1394 port 1 LPT Port 1 COM Port 1 RJ45 port 6 audio jacks PS/2 Keyboard/Mouse BIOS Supports DualBIOS Plus 2 x 8 Mbit flash ROM Use of licensed AWARD BIOS PnP 1.0a, DMI 2.0, SM BIOS 2.3, ACPI 1.0b. Unique Features Ultra Durable 2 Motherboard All Copper Silent Pipe All Japanese manufactured solid Over-clocking Enhanced Form Factor ATX form factor, 305 x 244mm -------------------------------------------- je na nej osadený procesor: Intel core 2 duo E7400 možnosť kúpit s celým pc: cena základová doska + procesor 20€
Predám detskú lyžiarsku prilbu.
Predám detskú lyžiarsku prilbu značky ARCORE, model:TANTO-USE, veľkosť xs (50-56cm). Okuliare ku prilbe grátis.
Predám professional English in use
Predám knihu a zadarmo priložím materiály na semináre.
Switch TRENDnet
Predám switch TRENDnet model TPE-5240WS Parametre: 52-Port Gigabit Web Smart PoE+ Switch 48 x Gigabit PoE+ ports 4 x Shared Gigabit ports (RJ-45 or SFP) 370W PoE370W PoE power budget Easy-to-use web-based management interface PoE alive check automatically attempts to recover an unresponsive PoE device connected Remote cloud management with TRENDnet Hive (Additional fee applies) Supports IPv6, LACP, VLAN, QoS, and IGMP Snooping Bandwidth control per port Private, Multicast, and Voice VLAN support Smart Fan 104Gbps switching capacity IEEE 802.1p QoS with queue scheduling support
wifi modul MediaTek MT7921 - WIFI 6 + bluetooth 5.2
Dobry den, predam wifi modul s bluetoothom, len odskusany inak uplne novy, bez zaruky. Wi-Fi 6 MediaTek MT7921 NGFF M.2 WiFi Card Dual Band WiFi Bluetooth 5.2 Adapter The MediaTek MT7921 Wi-Fi 6 chipset adapter is based on the 22nm process and has higher performance and lower power consumption. Compared with the Wi-Fi 5 solution, the MediaTek Wi-Fi 6 platform supports 2x2 dual-band antennas with higher throughput performance. With lower latency and hardware enhancements, it can provide better signal transmission to support ultra-long-distance connections. Features: Model: MT7921 Standard sizes: 22x30mm Standard: iEEE 802.11 ax / ac/a/b/g/n Dual Band: 2.4ghz/5ghz Maximum speed: speed up to 1800mbps (the router should be at 160mhz) Bluetooth version: bluetooth 5.2 Interface: M.2 2230 NGFF Antennas Info:MHF4 IP4X Supported operating systems: only work with microsoft windows 10/11 64 bit. Support MU-MIMO TX/RX Security support for WFA/WPA/WPA2/WPA3 personal/WPS2.0/WAP1 Compatible with: It can be used in samsung/dell/sony/acer/isus/msi/clevo/terransforce/hasee etc (do not include lenovo and hp if it can use after rewriting the whitelist). Note: does not support IBM/Thinkpad/Lenovo/HP some portable. The main features of MediaTek MT7921 Wi-Fi 6 solution include: Compared with the Wi-Fi 5 solution, the MediaTek Wi-Fi 6 platform supports 2x2 dual-band antennas with higher throughput performance; Based on 22nm process, with higher performance and lower power consumption; With lower latency and hardware enhancements, it can provide better signal transmission to support ultra-long-distance connections. v pripade dobierky postovne v cene
Skúšačka Elektro "AC"
Predám novú, nikdy nepoužitú skúšačku s certifikátom CE. Tech. paramatere: Dual sensitivity AC voltage range of 12V~1000V & 48V~1000V with switching S button. Detect AC voltage by contacting the power socket or getting near the live wire with non-contact tip. With flashlight, convenient to use at night or dark corner. Breakpoint checking, live wire measurement and full wire measurement. Automatically turn off when no operation and no detection of AC voltage after 3 minutes. Neposielam na dobierku - iba osobný odber Rozhanovce (KS), prípadne po úhrade po dohode, SK POŠTOU (3 EUR), resp. GLS (+4 EUR), príp. keďže často cestujem, dovoz (+5EUR) KE, RV, RS, LC, ZV, BA, PP, RK, MT, ZA, PB, TN ...
I am selling a building in the center of Bratislava.
I am selling a three-story building in the center of Bratislava in its original condition. I'm sorry RK Don't call me. I have a reason for that. Thank you. The object in question is 5 min. from TESCA and consists of three buildings. 1. three floors, area 1293 m2 (of which the cellar is 300 m2). 2. three floors, area 480 m2. 3. three floors, 682 m2. All together, the usable area is 2456 m2 + terraces of 6 m2 and 66 m2. Possibility of extension of 2-3 floors. A building permit has been issued for it. Use: apartments, offices, shops... THE PRICE. For sale is the asset deal as well as the 100% share of the company, which was founded exclusively for the management of the property in question and for all permits for reconstruction.
predam 7palcové single DEPECHE MODE, Mute Records UK, Vogue FR. pre zberatelov uvadzam aj matrix konkretneho vydania. uprednostnujem predat vsetko naraz. Osobny odber Bratislava; platba predom SK. Prevod predom, Packeta atd. grading: Nosič/Obal Behind The Wheel BONG15 MUTE UK Barcode (Printed): 5 01Matrix / Runout (Runout etched side A): ✶DS-BONG-15 A-1 ✶ The Exchange Matrix / Runout (Runout etched side B): ✶ S BONG-15 B-1 ✶ 1 MT. JONZ T €4€ / VG+/EX A Question Of Time 7BONG15 UK Matry / Runout (Runout side A,): 7BONG-12 F.A-1 MT1 Soundclinic DAMONT I Matrix / Runout (Runout side B): 7BONG-12-B1 MT3 DAMONT B - WOT SOT A CHEMICS U USE? €4€ / EX/EX Shake The Disease 102076 VG108 Virging FR Matrix / Runout (Stamped A side): 102076 A [AGI logo] 85/4 Matrix / Runout (Stamped B side): 102076 B [AGI logo] 85/4 €5 / VG/VG+ ; odtrhnuta cenovka na prednej strane Strangelove 90323A Virgin FR Matrix / Runout (Runout side A): 90323 A 1 M 3 35 61 43 Matrix / Runout (Runout side B): 90323 B 1 M 3 35 61 44 €6 / NME/VG+ ; cenovka na prednej strane See You 7MUTE018 Rear cover has a thumb notch cut out of the back cover. Matrix / Runout (Side AA, variant 1): 7 BONG 7 AA1 Ty MPO Matrix / Runout (Side A runout): 7 MUTE - 018-A-2 JA TAPE ONE THE BIG APPLE CRUNCH DECISION! Matrix / Runout (Side B runout): 7 MUTE - 018-B-1 BILBO TAPE ONE €10 NM/NM See You 7MUTE018 Rear cover has a thumb notch cut out of the back cover. Matrix / Runout (Side AA, variant 1): 7 BONG 7 AA1 Ty MPO Matrix / Runout (Side A runout): 7 MUTE - 018-A-2 JA TAPE ONE THE BIG APPLE CRUNCH DECISION! €3 / BEZ OBALU ; generic sleeve dodam See You 7MUTE018 Rear cover has a thumb notch cut out of the back cover. Matrix / Runout (Side AA, variant 1): 7 BONG 7 AA1 Ty MPO Matrix / Runout (Side A runout): 7 MUTE - 018-A-2 JA TAPE ONE THE BIG APPLE CRUNCH DECISION! Matrix / Runout (Side B runout): 7 MUTE - 018-B-1 BILBO TAPE ONE €2 VG / BEZ OBALU ; generic sleeve dodam ; trochu poskrabany na strane B ale „asi“ nehrany Just Cant Get Enough MUTE016 UK Matrix / Runout (Runout side A, etched, variant 1): MUTE 016 A-1 PORKY. EG THIS ONE S FOR JU Matrix / Runout (Runout side B, etched, variant 1): MUTE 016 B-1 EG A PORKY PRIME CUT. GREETINGS TO TWINKIE TOLES. €3 VG+ -EX/ BEZ OBALU ; nahradny obal Just Cant Get Enough MUTE016 UK 10€/VG/VG Get The Balance right 7BONG2 2€ VG/G Everything Counts BONG2 5€ NM/VG Everything Counts BONG2 15€ NM New Life MUTE014 8€ NM/VG ; PAP 3€ G
Rezervovane Skialpove lyžiarky Scott NOVA II
Dámské touringové lyžáky Scott Nova II W jsou dámskou verzí modelu Orbit II s celou řadou technických inovací a se specificky vyváženým poměrem nízké hmotnosti a výkonnosti. Velkost 286 (38,5-39) Váha 1100 Podrážka Vibram Na techové aj rámové viazko Vcelku lahke na vyslap a zaroven pevné na zjazd Range of use Freeski Mountaineering Composition Technology: POWERLITE Last Width: 103.5mm Flex Index: 110 Shell: Grilamid®/ Pebax®; Bi material tongue for proof and mobility Forward Lean: 13° + free for walking Cuff Rotation: 60° Liner: PWR LITE Women's with breathability membrane Features POWERLITE Tongue TwinOne® Buckle System Full-length Vibram® bi-density rubber SCOTT Tech Inserts Shock Damper Inserts Lock Catches
Benzínový zapaľovač
Predám úplne nový model geo use Sadillac? Ťažko prečítať je to vryte, benzínový zapaľovač, cely kovový a sa zatvára. Cena je 6eur Druhý zapaľovač je kovový San Marino tiež na benzín používaný dáva iskru no benzín tam není tak nevyskušam,je to otvorený ako na foto na spodnej časti ma znamienka +....- .. pridávanie plameňa . Cena je 4eur.