evil within - strana 18
Počet nájdených inzerátov EVIL WITHIN
: 955 - strana 18

Znížené ceny:
RAINBOW: Rising 1976 6€
RAINBOW: Catch the Rainbow-The Anthology 2CD 2003 10€
KANSAS: The Best Of 1984 5€
KANSAS: Dust in the Wind Live 2001 4€
STYX: Icon 2010 7€
FOREIGNER: The Best Of Ballads 1998 6€
FOREIGNER: Records 1982 6€
DEF LEPPARD: Hysteria 2017 (new) 8€
STEELHEART: Steelheart 1 1990 7€
MR.BIG: The Best Of the Ballads 2000 6€
EUROPE: Definitive Collection 1997 7€
TEMPLE OF THE DOG: The Same 1991 9€
THIN LIZZY: Whiskey in the Jar 1994 7€
DAVID GILMOUR: On An Island 2006 8€
JACK BRUCE: Shadows in the Air 2001 8€
SUPERTRAMP: Some things never change 1997 5€
CINDERELLA: The Greatest Hits 2005 7€
BBM(BRUCE,BAKER,MOORE): Around the Next Dream 1994 8€
JOHN LENNON: The Collection 1989 9€
THE DOORS: L.A.Woman 2011 2CD 9€
THE POLICE: Outlandos d'Amour 1978 6,5€
THE POLICE: Regatta de Blanc 1979 6,5€
STING: Ten Summoner's Tales 1993 6,5€
STING: The Last Ship 2003 6,5€
WARRANT: Ultraphobic 1995 6€
NIRVANA: In Utero 1993 7€
NIRVANA: Sliver-The Best Of the Box 2005 7€
KURT COBAIN: Montage Of Heck 2015 9€
DAVE MATTHEWS BAND: Everyday 2001 7,5€
KENNY WAYNE SHEPHERD: Ledbetter Heights 1995 6,5€
GREEN DAY: American Idiot 2004 6€
GREEN DAY: Dookie 1994 6€
GREEN DAY: Insomniac 1995 6€
GREEN DAY: International Superhits! 2001 6€
BRUCE DICKINSON: Scream for me Sarajevo 2018 8€
GAMMA RAY: Land Of the Free 2002 7,5€
HANSEN & FRIENDS: XXX-Three Decades in Metal 2016 8,5€
BULLET: Storm Of Blades 2014 6€
BULLET: Highway Pirates 2011 6€
RONNY MUNROE(Metal Church): The Fire Within 2009 6€
GRIM REAPER: Best Of 1999 9€
SOULFLY: Primitive 2000 7€
AIRBOURNE: Breakin' Outta Hell 2016 8€
AIRBOURNE: Boneshaker 2019 8,5€
RAGE: Carved in Stone/Speak Of the Dead 2CD 2016 10,5€
LUCA TURILLI'S RHAPSODY: Prometheus 2015 8€
NEVERMORE: This Godless Endeavor 2005 7€
PRIMAL FEAR: Seven Seals 2005 7€
PAGANS MIND: Heavenly Ecstasy 2011 7€
CHINCHILLA: Madness 2000 6,5€
SAVIOUR MACHINE: Live in Deutschland 2CD 2002 10,5€
CIRCUS MAXIMUS: Havoc 2016 6,5€
TARJA: In the Raw 2019 8€
GENERATION AXE(Vai,Malmsteen,Wylde...)
Live in China 2019 10€
Pozri aj moje ostatné inzeráty, ďakujem.

Amon Amarth – Versus the world - 2-CD limited digipack
Theatre of tragedy – Storm
Evergrey - A night to remember live 2004
Occult – Of flesh and blood
Legion of the dammned - Feel the blade
Legion of the Dammned – Cult of the dead special 2-CD edition digipack
Megadeth - Peace sells...
Die Apokalyptischen Reiter – Samurai
Rammstein - Die Liebe ist fuer alle da
Malevolent Creation – Invidious dominion
Beyond Twillight - The devils hall of fame
Edguy - Hellfires club
Edguy - Rocket ride
Gotthard - Dial Hard
Gotthard - G
Gotthard – Homerun
Type O Negative – October rust
Eldritch - The portrait of the abyss within
Wayd – Ghostwalk
Wayd – Decadence
Lunatic Gods – The Wilderness
Pagan Spirit – Latent doctrine
Children of Bodom – Follow the reaper
Children of Bodom – Hate crew deathroll
Nine Inch Nails – Further down the spiral
God dethroned – Bloody blasphemy
Steve Vai – Sex & religion
Masterplan II – Aeronautics
Grave Digger – Excalibur
Grave Digger – Last Supper
Incantation - The Infernal Storm
Venom - Cast in Stone 2-CD special edition
Van Halen – 1984
Van Halen – III.
Soilwork – Figure number five
Virgin Steele - The marriage between heaven and hell part II.
CD zasielam po pripísaní (nie odoslaní) dohodnutej sumy na môj účet, alebo odovzdám osobne v Košiciach.
K cene CD sa pripočítava cena doporučeného poštovného podľa cenníka Slovenskej pošty.
Na dobierku nezasielam.
Pre ďalšiu ponuku si pozrite aj ostatné moje inzeráty.

Moonspell Sin/Pecado 8,00 €
Moonspell Memorial (digipak) 10,00 €
Moonspell Alpha noir (nový) 10,00 €
Moonspell Extinct (nový) 9,00 €
Musica Diablo Musica Diablo 7,00 €
Naglfar Pariah (Fono) 8,00 €
Napalm Death Words from the exit wound (Earache 1998 UK) 10,00 €
Necronomicon The final chapter (Irond) 8,00 €
Nervosa Victim of yourself (nový) 9,00 €
Nevermore Nevermore 9,00 €
Nevermore Enemies of reality 8,00 €
Nevermore Dead heart in a dead world 8,00 €
Nevermore This godless endeavor (digipak) 8,00 €
Nevermore The obsidian conspiracy (box,bonusCD,postcards) 10,00 €
Novembre Materia 5,00 €
Obituary Frozen in time (1.press) 15,00 €
Oceans The sun and the cold (digipak,2CD,nový) 8,00 €
Opeth Blackwater park (nový) 6,00 €
Opeth Deliverance (nový) 6,00 €
Opeth Heritage 6,00 €
Orphaned Land The never ending way of Orwarior 7,00 €
Orphaned Land Unsung prophets and dead messiahs (nový) 7,00 €
Ov Hell The underworld regime (Indie Recordings/Soyuz) 12,00 €
Pain Dancing with the dead 5,00 €
Pain Coming home (digibook,2CD,nový) 8,00 €
Pantera Cowboys from hell 6,00 €
Pantera Vulgar display of power 6,00 €
Pantera Far beyond driven 3,00 €
Pantera Far beyond driven 6,00 €
Pantera The great southern trendkill 5,00 €
Pantera Reinventing hell - the best of Pantera (CD+DVD) 7,00 €
Panzer Send them all to hell (digipak) 8,00 €
Paradise Lost Draconian times 8,00 €
Paradise Lost One second 8,00 €
Paradise Lost Host 8,00 €
Paradise Lost Believe in nothing 8,00 €
Paradise Lost Symbol of life (digipak) 10,00 €
Paradise Lost In requiem 7,00 €
Paradise Lost Faith divides us - death unites us 8,00 €
Paradise Lost Tragic idol (digipak,Mazzar,nový) 7,00 €
Paradise Lost The plague within (nový) 8,00 €
Paradise Lost Obsidian (digipak,Soyuz) 8,00 €
Paradox Riot squad 8,00 €
Pestilence Resurrection macabre (digipak) 9,00 €
klikni na meno a pozri ponuku
kontakt: zaxas@

1.Muž který nebyl(Joel Coen)
3.Kód Navajo
4.Čierny jastrab zostrelený(predĺžená verzia)
6.Léto s kovbojem
8.Kráľ Artuš (rozšírená DVD verzia)
11.Síla srdce
12.Labyrint lží
13.Dead Can Dance-Toward The Within(koncert VHS kazeta)
14.Tetovaný(Luis De Funnes)
20.Smrť v Benátkach(L.Visconti)
23.O bohoch a ľuďoch
25.Malý Budha(B.Bertolucci)
27.Goebelsov Experiment a Göringova poslední bitva (2xDVD filmové dokumenty)
28.Zvoník u Matky Boží(nové nevybalené)
29.Zázraky Ježíše Krista(BBC dokument,nové nevybalené)
31.Bojový plán(vojnový dokument)
32.Vraždící stroje-Pravda o dinosauroch zabijácích
33.Show Bennyho Hilla
43.Slunce seno a pár facek
44.Bobule 2
45.Princové jsou na draka
46.Kamarát do deště
47.Vítr v kapse
48.Musíme si pomáhat
49.Dirty Dancing(oficiální taneční škola)
50.The Mission (Niro,Irons)
51.Tanec s Vlkmi
54.Zázraky se nedějí
56.Praktická angličtina(audio CD)
57.Priatelia Vianoc(CD,nové nerozbalené)
58.Vykúpenie z väznice Shawshank
59.Údolie tieňov(M.Gibson)
61.Narodený 4.júla(T.Cruise)
62.Horem pádem
63.Vesničko má středisková
64.Vrať se do hrobu
66.Jeden Čihí druhý hot(Luis de Funes)
67.Fantomas se zlobí(Luis de Funes)
68.Oskar(Luis de Funes)
69.Topiaci sa slamky chytá(Luis de Funes)
70.Zelňačka(kolekce Luis de Funes)
71.Vrchní, prchni!
73.Zoznámte sa,Joe Black
74.Daleko do nebe
75.Ali(Muhammad Ali)-film Michaela Manna.

1. Babylon 5 - Legenda o strázcích
2. Tajemna reka - Mystic River
4. Pan Prstenu - Dve Veze
5. Harry Potter a tajomna komnata
6. Mesto šílencu - Mad City
7. Zrození - Birth
8. Matrix reloaded
9. Skrítek
10. Neprítel meho neprítele
11. Vše pro lásku - All for love
12. Skola krásy - Beauty school
13. Ruská ruleta
14. Spitfire Grill
15. Dabelský zabiják - Serial Killer
16. Kourove signály - Smoke signals
17. Teseract
18. Od soumraku do usvitu 3 - dcera obesence
19. Ruda horecka - Red hot
20. Neprítel Nr. 1
21. Výplata
22. Obhajoba
23. 8 MM
24. XXX - Nová dimenze
25. Yankee Zulu
27. Frekvence
28. Spiknutí
29. Stastnou cestu
30. Trhala fialky dynamitem
31. Stepfordske paničky
32. Nesnesitelna krutost
33. Holky opet v akci
34. Pulnoc nikdy nekončí
35. Priznáni
36. Cas probuzení - awakenings
37. Lásky z lisabonu
38. Ohne lásky - Fires within
39. Frank McKlusky
40. Vesmírná past
41. Omega Doom
43. Nesahejte na duhu
44. Lavina
45. Kamufláž
46. Pyramida boha slunce
47. Sama na lásku
48. Kamenák 2
49. Deník princezny
50. Svaty otec Ján Pavol II. Levoča 3.7.1995
51. LUX prvá celonárodna put do svatej zeme
52. Videre Petrum
53. Videre Petrum
54. Aikido Basic I
55. Aikido Basic II
60. Homolka a Tobolka
61. S zenami pod kuzi - skin deep
62. Sváko Ragan - I. seria
63. Sváko Ragan - II. seria
64. Sváko Ragan - III. séria
65. Jamie Olivier 6
66. Jamie Olivier 5
67. Závist - envy
68. Snehurka a 7 trpaslíku
69. Seniori a mládi
Moznost dovozu alebo vymeny za niečo. Klikni na moje meno a uvidiš dalšie inzeraty

Ponúkame na prenájom 2 izbový byt v historickom centre Starého Mesta na ulici Medená
Byt sa prenajíma kompletne zariadený nábytkom a spotrebičmi
Rozloha bytu 60 m2 , 2.poschodie
Byt je svetlý a vzdušný, pozostáva z predsiene, kde je veľký šatník s množstvom úložneho priestoru, samostatné WC a kúpeľňa s vaňou a práčkou, spálňa so vstavaným šatníkom , obývacia izba, kuchyňa s jedálňou a komorou.
Kompletná občianska vybavenosť : v pešej dostupnosti potraviny , historické centrum Starého Mesta , OC EUROVEA...
Byt je vhodný pre 1/2 osoby , pár . ( bez zvieratiek )
Pri podpise zmluvy sa platí následovné :
Nájom 800 EUR vrátane energií a Internetu
Depozit 800 EUR
Právny servis / provizia RK 600 EUR
K dispozícii ihneď.
Obhliadky možné kedykoľvek, napíšte mi správu.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
2-room apartment in the historic center of the Old Town on Medená street
The apartment is rented fully furnished with furniture and appliances
Apartment area 60 m2, 2nd floor
The apartment is bright and airy, consists of an entrance hall with a large wardrobe with plenty of storage space, a separate toilet and bathroom with a bathtub and a washing machine, a bedroom with a built-in wardrobe, a living room, a kitchen with a dining room and a pantry.
Complete civic amenities: within walking distance of food, the historic center of the Old Town, OC EUROVEA...
The apartment is suitable for 1/2 person, a couple. (without animals)
When signing the contract, the following is payable:
Rent 800 EUR including utilities energies and Internet
Deposit 800 EUR
Legal service /Agency fee 600 EUR
Available immediately.
Viewings possible at any time, write me a message or email

Prenajom Garsónky o výmere 21m2 na prízemí na Grosslingovej ul v Starom meste v Bratislave. Priestor je vhodný na bývanie aj podnikanie, nakoľko je zapísaný na LV ako kancelária. Prenajíma sa zariadený. Vybavenie: kuchynská linka, sporák so sklokeramickou varnou doskou, digestor, chladnička, rozkladacia posteľ a klimatizácia. V kúpeľni je vaňa a práčka. Všetkým nájomníkom je k dispozícii zelená záhrada s prístreškom a posedením na grilovanie a stojanom na bicykle.
Lokalita: centrum mesta, v blízkosti MHD, autobusová stanica Mlynské Nivy
Občianska vybavenosť: nákupné centrá Eurovea, Tesco, Lidl, Yeme, kaviarne, reštaurácie, parky, všetko v pešej dostupnosti
Cena garsónky je od 450,-Eur s energiami na mesiac (pri 1 osobe).
Priestor je voľný ihneď.
For Rent a studio apartment with an area of 21 square meters on the ground floor on Grosslingova Street in the Old Town in Bratislava. The space is suitable for living and business, as it is registered at LV as an office. For rent furnished. Equipment: kitchen, stove with ceramic hob, extractor hood, refrigerator, sofa bed and air conditioning. The bathroom has a bathtub and a washing machine. A green garden with a shelter and a barbecue area and a bicycle stand is available to all tenants.
Location: city center, close to public transport, bus station Mlynské Nivy
Civic amenities: shopping centers Eurovea, Tesco, Lidl, Yeme, cafes, restaurants, parks, all within walking distance
The price of the studio is 450 EUR including energy per month (for 1 person).
Space is available immediately.

We offer for rent a spacious sunny one-room apartment in private ownership with an area of 44 m2 + balcony 3.70 m2 + cellar 4 m2 + 1 parking space
The apartment is located on the 1st floor of the recently approved apartment building "Jelšina" in the newly established modern residential district NOVÉ ZLATOVCE on Odevná Street in Trenčín, which offers urban living with complete civic amenities within easy reach and at the same time living in a quiet location surrounded by greenery.
Energy certificate of the apartment building: A0
Elevator, disabled access
Layout of the apartment/accessories:
- Spacious hallway
- Living room with kitchen
- Bathroom with bathtub and skylight
- Separate toilet
- Wardrobe
- Balcony
- A cellar in the basement of an apartment building
Equipment of the apartment:
- Kitchen with built-in appliances
- Dishwasher
- Combined refrigerator and freezer
- induction hob
- Security doors
Civic amenities:
- bus stop -1 min
- city center - 10 min on foot/5 min by car
- dam and river Váh – 5 min
- school, kindergarten – 5 min
- shopping network, restaurants – 5 min
- health center – 5 min
- highway feeder - 6 min
Monthly rent: EUR 390 plus a deposit for utilities
The monthly rent includes:
- Rent
- Use of the cellar
- 1 x parking space
Rent is due on the 1st of the month
The deposit is in the amount of 3 monthly rents
Notice period: 3 months
The apartment is available from November 1, 2022
The apartment is intended for non-smokers. Pets are not acceptable
390 eur plus 100 eur energy costs per month
see propositions of the flat on youtube:

Garsónka výmere 24m2 na prízemí na Grosslingovej ul v Starom meste v Bratislave od 1.12.2022. , so samostatným vstupom z dvora. Priestor je vhodný na bývanie aj podnikanie, nakoľko je zapísaný na LV ako kancelária. Prenajíma sa zariadený. Vybavenie: kuchynská linka, sporák so sklokeramickou varnou doskou, digestor, chladnička, 2 jednolôžkové postele, stôl s 2 stoličkami.. V kúpeľni je vaňa a práčka. Všetkým nájomníkom je k dispozícii zelená záhrada s prístreškom a posedením na grilovanie a stojanom na bicykle.
Lokalita: centrum mesta, v blízkosti MHD, autobusová stanica Mlynské Nivy
Občianska vybavenosť: nákupné centrá Eurovea, Tesco, Lidl, Yeme, kaviarne, reštaurácie, parky, všetko v pešej dostupnosti
Cena garsónky je od 530,-Eur s energiami na mesiac (pri 1 osobe).
We offer 24m2 studio apartment on the ground floor at Grosslingová st in the Old Town in Bratislava from 1/12/2022. , with a separate entrance from the yard. The space is suitable for living and doing business, as it is registered with the Land Register as an office. Furnished for rent. Equipment: kitchen unit, stove with ceramic hob, hood, refrigerator, 2 single beds, table with 2 chairs. The bathroom has a bathtub and a washing machine. All tenants have access to a green garden with a shelter and seating area for grilling and a bicycle rack.
Location: city center, near public transport, Mlynské Nivy bus station
Civic amenities: shopping centers Eurovea, Tesco, Lidl, Yeme, cafes, restaurants, parks, all within walking distance
The price of a studio apartment is from 530,-Eur including utilities for a month (for 1 person).

Predam Automatic Transfer Switch ATS, 5.5kW/11kW, DC 12/24/48V, AC 110/220V, Battery low cut adjustable, fotovoltaika, FV,offgrid,
pouzivany 1 rok s malou zatazou cca 1-2kw.
MOES Dual Power Controller 50A 5500 Watt Automatic Transfer Switch for Off Grid Solar Wind System ATS DC 12V 24V 48V AC 110V 220V.
【Beneficial to Solar or Wind System】: On cloudy or windless days when your battery gets low, it will automatically switch to grid power, protect your battery.
【Works like an opposite direction UPS】: The ATS controller will switch to grid power when batteries votagle are lower than cut off point,it will switch back to battery power when the batteries votagle are higher than recovery point.
【Auto distinguish】: DC 12/24/48V,AC 100-120V 60HZ / 220-240V 50HZ auto distinguish.User can define the Cut-Off and Recovery Voltages.Recovery voltage must be higher than Cut-off voltage. Battery type: Suitable for Sealed,Gel,Lead-acid,Lithium battery and so on. as long as the voltage of your battery are within the voltage ranges in the followings.9-17V at 12V system;18-30V at 24V system; 30-60V at 48V system.
【Big Power】: 5.5kw(110V) or 11KW(220v),Fast Transfer time:Inverter transfer to public power ≤10ms,public power transfer to inverter ≤16ms.
【LCD display】: Battery real-time voltage;working status of public power,inverter and battery.⭐Note: The controller needs to connect the battery, powered by the battery and get battery power data.

T. Christian Miller/Ken Armstrong - Unbelievable. Je ako nová.
Cena + poštovné. V prípade záujmu ma kontaktujte prosím cez email.
Ponúkam na predaj aj iné knihy - pozrite si moje ďaľšie inzeráty.
She said she was raped.
Police said she lied.
She was made to retract the report - but the nightmare only got worse.
On 11 August 2008, eighteen-year-old Marie reported that a masked man had broken into her home and raped her. Within days, police - and even those closest to Marie - became suspicious of her story. Confronted by these minor inconsistencies and doubt, Marie broke down and said her story was a lie. The police charged her with making a false report. Two years later, Colorado detective Stacy Galbraith was assigned to a case of sexual assault. It bore an eerie resemblance to a rape that had taken place months earlier in a nearby town. Joining forces with the detective on that case, Edna Hendershot, the two soon discovered they were dealing with a serial rapist. As their investigation deepened, it became clear that numerous police departments had extremely similar cases on their hands - and that Marie's story bore an eerie resemblance to the cases they were investigating.
Unbelievable is a chilling tale of doubt, lies, and the hunt for justice, unveiling the disturbing reality of how sexual assault is investigated and the long history of skepticism toward its victims. Previously published as A False Report

Zdravím všetkých, ktorí sa potrebujú naučiť alebo zdokonaliť v angličtine.
Osobne sa zameriavam na výuku Cambridge English (A1-C2), všeobecnú angličtinu a špecifický obor angličtiny zvolený podľa Vašich potrieb, taktiež príprava na skúšky z AJ.
Učím/doučujem rôzne vekové kategórie.
Možnosť zamerania sa na britskú/americkú angličtinu, prispôsobenie sa prízvuku.
Pre mňa ako aj pre Vás je dôležitá prax, teória prichádza na druhé miesto.
Výuka prebieha on-line poprípade osobne v lokalite Žilina.
Všetko čo potrebujete je počítač, wifi a samozrejme Vy :).
V krátkosti o mne.
Mám dlhoročné skúsenosti z pobytu vo Veľkej Británii (Anglicko-prevažne Londýn, Škótsko, Severné Írsko).
Už 6 rokov nepretržite učím on-line, osobne či už individuálne alebo skupinovo, pre firmy, jazykové školy.
Nedávne pôsobisko Praha, aktuálne Žilina.
V prípade záujmu je k dostupe môj životopis, recenzie a certifikácie.
Cena je uvedená za hodinu výuky.
V prípade on-line výuky je platba potrebná vopred na účet. Potvrdenie o platbe je taktiež postačujúce.
V prípade otázok ma môžete kedykoľvek kontaktovať.
POZNAMKA: poprosim kontaktovat iba v pripade skutocneho zaujmu, ziadne plytvanie casu!
Hello guys,
Let me introduce myself a bit.
I've been working as a private on-line English tutor/teacher for alian and domestic clients at the moment and been in this field of work since 2017.
I tutor/teach within the broad age span six to around sixty years either individually or in a group and that is in person or via on-line platforms.
I'm in between C1-C2 level notably thanks to loads of years working and residing overseas in particular in the UK and it's parts like Scotland, England-London, The Northern Ireland.
On the subjects of tutoring/teaching particular English it is all the Cambridge levels (A1-C2), general, business English or majoring on the specific one chosen by you.
I am more empirical than hypothetical tutor/teacher what entirely pays off and the same I offer to you because in the end its not about references and certificates but about possessing the original practice from English speaking countries.
All you need is a good wifi, your drive and of course its you above all :).
In terms of paying if its an on-line tutoring the payment must be transferred beforehand or a statement of the paid amount is sufficiently enough.
Do not hesitate to contact me for any further questions.
CV, references and certificates are available on request.
NOTE: pls contact me only if your interest is real, no time wasters!
Looking forward hearing from you.

Apocalyptica - Inquisition Symphony (cello-metal) - 2ks
Apocalyptica - Plays Metallica By Four Cellos (cello-metal) - 2ks
Eluveitie - Slania/Evocation I (folk metal)
HIM – Razorblade Romance (alternative rock)
Lordi – The Arockalypse (heavy metal)
Marilyn Manson - Holy Wood (industrial/alternative rock)
Megadeth - Greatest Hits (thrash-metal)
Metallica - Reload (thrash-metal)
Morifade – Domi-Nation (power/prog-metal)
Queensryche - Hear In The Now Frontier (progressive-metal)
Sonic Syndicate - Only Inhuman (melodic death-metal)
Soulfly – Primitive (thrash-metal/hardcore)
Turisas - Battle Metal (folk/viking-metal)
Turisas - Stand Up And Fight (folk/viking-metal)
Within Temptation - The Silent Force (symphonic metal)
Yngwie Malmsteen - The Collection (heavy-metal)
Cena: 6€/ks
Pozri aj dalsie moje inzeraty

Richard Muller - 20€
Neural Paralitic - 8 €
The Gathering - 8 €
Over De Top II - 3 €
Lucilectric - 2 €
Eso hity 7 - 6 €
Eso hity 8 - 4 €
Maxi Super Dance - 3 €
Bravo Hits 16 (2 CD) - 3 €
Dance Max 13 (2 CD) - 4 €
A - single - po 2 €
Jungle Rot - 3 €
Beast Within The Sound - 3 €
Endless Main - 3 €
Heresy - 5 €
Kinetik - 5 €
Haunt (zabalené) - 8 €
Elysium - 3 €
Arawn - 3 €
Peter Paul Pačut - 3 €
Daniel Krob - 2 €
Citron - 2
Mighty Sounds - 2
Trny & žiletky - 3 €
Seven - 2 €
Armored Dawn - 3 €
Píšte na mail:

Jedna z najlepsich zakladnych dosiek na chipsete B450.Bohuzial bez krabice.Funguje skvele.
Inspired by the curve and shape of supercars, offers colorful customization with MSI Mystic Light RGB, tuned for better performance by Core boost, DDR4 Boost, M.2 Shield, Wi-Fi AC Solution, AMD Turbo USB 3.2 Gen2
Supports 1st, 2nd and 3rd Gen AMD Ryzen™ / Ryzen™ with Radeon™ Vega Graphics and 2nd Gen AMD Ryzen™ with Radeon™ Graphics / Athlon™ with Radeon™ Vega Graphics Desktop Processors for Socket AM4
Supports DDR4 Memory, up to 4133(OC) MHz
Mystic Light and Mystic Light Sync: 16.8 million colors / 17 effects in one click. Synchronize RGB/RAINBOW strips and other RGB solutions for customization.
Lightning Fast Game experience: TURBO M.2 with M.2 Shield, StoreMI, AMD Turbo USB 3.2 GEN2
Core Boost: With premium layout and fully digital power design to support more cores and provide better performance.
Audio Boost 4 with Nahimic: Reward your ears with studio grade sound quality for the most immersive gaming experience
Flash BIOS Button: Simply use a USB key to flash any BIOS within seconds, without installing a CPU, memory or graphics card.
DDR4 Boost: Give your DDR4 memory a performance boost with A-XMP
GAMING LAN and Wireless support, powered by Intel®: The best online gaming experience with lowest latency and bandwidth management.
V pripade zaujmu o tuto zakladnu dosku piste na mail Najlepsie osobne stretnutie Zaslanie na dobierku po samostatnej dohode.

Predam nasledovne hry pre Xbox, Xbox 360 a niektore aj pre Xbox One, hry su vyskusane a funkcne, v kompletnom stave.
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Packeta 3,3€ pri platbe vopred / 4,60€ na dobierku.
Pozri i moje dalsie inzeraty, mozes usetrit na postovnom.

Richard Dawkins - The God Delusion
Cena + poštovné. V prípade záujmu ma kontaktujte prosím cez email.
Ponúkam na predaj aj iné knihy - pozrite si moje ďaľšie inzeráty.
The God Delusion caused a sensation when it was published in 2006. Within weeks it became the most hotly debated topic, with Dawkins himself branded as either saint or sinner for presenting his hard-hitting, impassioned rebuttal of religion of all types. His argument could hardly be more topical. While Europe is becoming increasingly secularized, the rise of religious fundamentalism, whether in the Middle East or Middle America, is dramatically and dangerously dividing opinion around the world. In America, and elsewhere, a vigorous dispute between 'intelligent design' and Darwinism is seriously undermining and restricting the teaching of science. In many countries religious dogma from medieval times still serves to abuse basic human rights such as women's and gay rights. And all from a belief in a God whose existence lacks evidence of any kind. Dawkins attacks God in all his forms. He eviscerates the major arguments for religion and demonstrates the supreme improbability of a supreme being. He shows how religion fuels war, foments bigotry and abuses children. The God Delusion is a brilliantly argued, fascinating polemic that will be required reading for anyone interested in this most emotional and important subject.

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Predam uplne novu knizku, necitana. Povodna cena 11,50€, predam za 7€.
O knihe:
Get ready for a night like no other . . .
Within days of wishing she could change her life, Fran Cooper is working for a celebrity, on a yacht, and en route to a tiny Italian island and the glittering Crystal Ball.
When she - quite literally - bumps into a handsome American called Evan the magic really begins. He makes her a promise: no last names, no life stories, just one unforgettable night.
But Evan belongs at the ball and Fran is a gatecrasher. Their lives are a world apart - unless, on a night like this, everything can change forever..

Ponukam novu, profesionalnu, nikdy nepouzivanu laserovu tlaciaren Dell 5350dn v originalnom baleni.
Product description Networked monochrome laser printer offering high performance, robust reliability and a wide variety of
expandability options in a single function printer.
Printer specifications
Print speed Up to 50 ppm letter (actual print speed will vary with use)
First page out time
From ready state As fast as 7.5 seconds
Print resolution 600 x 600 dpi (printer default), 1200 dpi Image Quality (driver default), maximum 1200 x 1200 dpi,
2400 dpi Image Quality
User interface 4-line backlit LCD, one two-toned LED (green, red) and a 20-button keypad
Data streams PCL® 5e Emulation, PCL 6 Emulation, HTML, Personal Printer Data Stream (PPDS), XPS and PostScript® Level 3
Emulation, PDF 1.6, Direct Image
Processor 500 MHz
Memory (RAM) 128 MB standard, 640 MB maximum using optional 512 MB memory module
Memory expansion One DIMM slot available for optional 128 MB, 256 MB, or 512 MB memory module
Maximum duty cycle Up to 225,000 pages per month
Recommended duty cycle 3,000 - 30,000 pages per month
Paper handling
Standard input sources 550-sheet covered tray and 100-sheet multipurpose tray
Additional input capacity Up to 3 x optional 550-sheet tray + 2,000-sheet high-capacity feeder
Maximum input capacity 4,300 sheets
Duplex unit Automatic duplex unit (print both sides)
Standard output destination 350-sheet bin
Maximum output capacity: 2,750 sheets (350-sheet tray + 1 optional 550-sheet output expander + 1,850 sheet
output stacker)
Envelope feeder Up to 85 envelopes
Supported media types,
sizes and paper weights
Media types supported Card stock, envelopes (smooth), paper labels, plain paper, transparencies, bond, letterhead, preprinted, colored
paper, custom, light/heavy, rough/cotton, recycled
Media size and weight Media and size: A4, A5, A6, JIS B5, letter, legal, executive, folio, statement, universal, B5/C5/DL envelope, 7 3/4
envelope (Monarch), 9 & 10 envelope, Oficio (Mexico).
Paper: 16 - 36 lb; Cardstock: 36 - 43 lb; Envelopes: 16 - 28 lb
Printable area Within 0.167 inches of all edges of the media
Standard interfaces Standard Ethernet 10/100 Base T, one rear standard USB-B (high-speed) device port, one front full speed USB-A
host port, one available internal solution port. (cables not included)
Print languages and fonts
PC® 5e Emulation, PCL 6 Emulation, HTML, Personal Printer Data Stream (PPDS), XPS and PostScript® Level 3
Emulation, PDF 1.6, DirectImage
3 of 9 scalable PCL 5e fonts in Narrow, Regular and Wide, 158 scalable PostScript fonts, 2 PCL bitmap fonts, 39
scalable PPDS fonts, 5 PPDS bitmap fonts, 84 scalable PCL fonts, OCR-A, OCR-B scalable PCL 5e fonts
Operating Systems (OS) support
Microsoft® Windows Server® 2008, Microsoft® Windows 2000 Server running Terminal Services with Citrix