inzercia, predaj, predám, bazár

family and friends 2 - strana 18

Počet nájdených inzerátov FAMILY AND FRIENDS 2 : 1000 - strana 18

2-izbový byt na Rezedovej ulici v Ružinove
#2743 Ponúkam do prenájmu kompletne zariadený (a čerstvo vymaľovaný) 2-izbový byt na Rezedovej ulici v Ružinove, situovaný na 3. poschodí bytového domu. Byt má KLIMATIZÁCIU. Výmera bytu je 54 m2. Disponuje balkónom a pivničnou kobkou. Bytový dom je z roku 2010, zateplený a s kontrolovaným vstupom a výťahom. Má výbornú dostupnosť do centra i na obchvat. V blízkosti je OC Retro, športoviská, poliklinika, non-stop lekáreň, nemocnica, Štrkovecké jazero, park Andrej Hlinku, atď. Byt sa prenajíma len dospelým osobám, maximálne 2 osoby, bez domácich miláčikov. Cena: 550 EUR + energie (aktuálny odhad správcu na budúci rok je cca. 140 EUR) a internet/TV. Byt je dostupný od cca 15.1.2023. …………………………………. We offer for rent a fully furnished (and freshly painted) 2-rooms apartment on Rezedová Street in Ružinov, located on the 3rd floor of an apartment building. The apartment has AIR CONDITIONING. The area of ​​the apartment is 54 m2. It has a balcony and a cellar dungeon. The apartment building is from 2010, insulated and with a controlled entrance and elevator. It has excellent accessibility to the center and the bypass. Nearby is OC Retro, sports fields, polyclinic, non-stop pharmacy, hospital, Štrkovecké lake, Andrej Hlinku park, etc. The apartment is rented only to adults, maximum 2 people, no pets. Price: EUR 550 + energy (the administrator's current estimate for next year is approx. EUR 140) and internet/TV. The apartment is available from approx 15.1.2023. Kontact: Adrian
Na prenajom 2izb byt na Rezedovej ulici v Ružinove,
#2729 Ponúkam do prenájmu kompletne zariadený (a čerstvo vymaľovaný) 2-izbový byt na Rezedovej ulici v Ružinove, situovaný na 3. poschodí bytového domu. Byt má KLIMATIZÁCIU. Výmera bytu je 54 m2. Disponuje balkónom a pivničnou kobkou. Bytový dom je z roku 2010, zateplený a s kontrolovaným vstupom a výťahom. Má výbornú dostupnosť do centra i na obchvat. V blízkosti je OC Retro, športoviská, poliklinika, non-stop lekáreň, nemocnica, Štrkovecké jazero, park Andrej Hlinku, atď. Byt sa prenajíma len dospelým osobám, maximálne 2 osoby, bez domácich miláčikov. Cena: 550 EUR + energie (aktuálny odhad správcu na budúci rok je cca. 140 EUR) a internet/TV. Byt je dostupný od cca 15.1.2023. …………………………………. We offer for rent a fully furnished (and freshly painted) 2-rooms apartment on Rezedová Street in Ružinov, located on the 3rd floor of an apartment building. The apartment has AIR CONDITIONING. The area of ​​the apartment is 54 m2. It has a balcony and a cellar dungeon. The apartment building is from 2010, insulated and with a controlled entrance and elevator. It has excellent accessibility to the center and the bypass. Nearby is OC Retro, sports fields, polyclinic, non-stop pharmacy, hospital, Štrkovecké lake, Andrej Hlinku park, etc. The apartment is rented only to adults, maximum 2 people, no pets. Price: EUR 550 + energy (the administrator's current estimate for next year is approx. EUR 140) and internet/TV. The apartment is available from approx 15.1.2023. Kontact: Adrian
CD Death/Black/Thrash 2
Bornholm ...on the way of the hunting moon (digipak,nový) 10,00 € Bornholm Inexorable defiance (digibook) 10,00 € Brujeria Pocho aztlan (nový) 8,00 € Carcass Surgical steel 9,00 € Cavalera Conspiracy Pandemonium (digipak,nový) 7,00 € Cemetary Sundown 7,00 € Coroner No more color (nový) 8,00 € Cradle of Filth Dusk and her embrace (nový) 8,00 € Cradle of Filth Cruelty and the beast 6,00 € Cradle of Filth Midian 7,00 € Cradle of Filth Damnation and a day 5,00 € Cradle of Filth Damnation and a day (nový) 7,00 € Cradle of Filth Nymphetamine 7,00 € Cradle of Filth Thornography 7,00 € Cradle of Filth Godspeed of the devil's thunder (digipak,2CD) 7,00 € Cradle of Filth The manticore and other horrors 8,00 € Cradle of Filth Hammer of the witches 9,00 € Dark Fortress Eidolon 7,00 € Dark Tranquillity Character (digipak) 8,00 € Death Symbolic (nový) 8,00 € Death Angel Act III 10,00 € Decapitated Blood mantra (digipak,CD+DVD,nový) 9,00 € Deceased As the weird travel on 12,00 € Deicide The stench of redemption 9,00 € Demonica Demonstrous (nový) 8,00 € Devilment The great and secret show (digipak,bonus track) 9,00 € Devin Townsend Ocean Machine: Biomech (nový) 10,00 € Devin Townsend Project Sky blue (nový) 8,00 € Devin Townsend Empath (nový) 8,00 € Dimmu Borgir Stormblåst MMV (digipak,CD+DVD) 10,00 € Dismember Like an everflowing stream (Hammerheart,nový) 15,00 € Dissection Reinkaos (Icarus,nový) 10,00 € Draconian A rose for the apocalypse (nový) 9,00 € Draconian Arcane rain fell (nový) 9,00 € Draconian Sovran (nový) 9,00 € Ensiferum Thalassic 8,00 € Enslaved Monumension 12,00 € Enslaved Vertebrae 9,00 € Enslaved Riitiir (nový) 9,00 € Enslaved Riitiir (digipak,CD+DVD) 11,00 € Enslaved In times (NuclearBlast Russia,jewel) 7,00 € Enslaved In times (digipak) 9,00 € Enslaved E (digipak,nový) 11,00 € Entombed Wolverine blues (digipak,nový) 9,00 € Equilibrium Armageddon (digipak,2CD) 7,00 € Escape the Fate Hate me (nový) 3,00 € klikni na meno a pozri ponuku kontakt: zaxas@
BMW E90 335i
Predám BMW E90 335i: - rok výroby 2009 čiže LCI verzia, najazdené 191 000 km - motor N54 s manualnou prevodovkou - STK + EK platná do 02/24 - tankovaný 100 oktan, - olej menených každých 6-8tisic Mobil 1 5w50 - v CIC menený HDD koncom minulého roka, mapy sú tam 2022 viď foto - auto predávam na zimných styling 193 (majú aj senzory tlaku, ktoré fungujú) - momentálne je tam JXB performance uloženie kardanu (auto pri prutkých rozbehoch vibruje), k autu dám aj druhý kardan, kde je sériove uloženie - k autu dám aj 8l oleja a filtre (olejový, kabínový a vzduchový) - menené: turbá + tesnenia okolo (nove mitsubishi), tlmice dorazy prachovky, vodná pumpa + termostat, performance spojka + zotrvačník a mnoho iného viď screen z excelu - výpis výbavy: (sedí všetko okrem adaptívnych svetiel sú tam bi-xenóny) Editions And Packages S715 M Aerodynamics Package S337 M Sports Package S704 M Sports Suspension S710 M Leather Steering Wheel Comfort And Interior Equipment S417 Roller Sun Visor, Rear Door S488 Lumbar Support, Driver And Passenger S465 Through-Loading System S403 Glass Roof, Electrical S481 Sports Seat S459 Seat Adjustment, Electric, With Memory S431 Interior Mirror With Automatic-Dip S494 Seat Heating Driver/Passenger S430 Interior/Outside Mirror With Auto Dip S415 Sun-Blind, Rear S4NA Interior Mirror With Digital Compass S497 Centre Armrest, Rear S4MG Int. Mouldings Aluminium Glacier-Silver Multimedia S620 Voice Control S677 HiFi System Professional DSP S639 Preparation F Mobile Phone Cpl. USA/CDN S645 BMW US Radio S697 Area-Code 1 For DVD S6AB Control, Teleservices S653 High Definition Radio S6UH Traffic Information S693 Preparation BMW Satellite Radio S6FL USB/Audio Interface S6AA BMW TeleServices S609 Navigation System Professional S615 Extended BMW Online Information Driver Assistance And Lightning S522 Xenon Light S521 Rain Sensor S570 Reinforced Power Supply S534 Automatic Air Conditioning S544 Cruise Control With Brake Function S502 Headlight Cleaning System S507 Park Distance Control (PDC), Rear S563 Light Package S524 Adaptive Headlights Wheels And Drive S2MF BMW Alloy Wheel, M Spider Spoke 193 S2VB Tyre Pressure Display Environment And Safety S8SP Control Unit COP S8SC Telematics Access Request,Country-Spec. S319 Integrated Universal Remote Control S853 Language Version, English S823 Hot-Climate Version S840 High Speed Synchronisation S876 Radio Frequency 315 MHz S850 Dummy-SALAPA S8S4 Decoding, Variable Light Distribution S845 Acoustic Fasten Seat Belt Reminder Individual Equipment S760 High Gloss Shadow Line S775 Headlining Anthracite
Bmw 525d e39 120kw
Predám toto bwm radu 5, generácie e39, facelift, sedan s manuálnou prevodovkou a naftovým motorom. Rok výroby je 2001, z výbavy to má funkčnú klímu, bixenony, parkovacie senzory(nefunkčné), kožený interiér, vyhrievané predné sedadlá, tempomat, palubný počítač, dažďový senzor, skibag, roletky vzadu, m-packet interiér čiže volant a športové sedačky, fólie na oknách vzadu, hliníkové disky, alarm, cd menič, kazetový prehrávač atd. Manuálna prevodovka, 5 stupňov, diesel, 6 valec m57, 120kw, v podstate totožné s 530d (135kw, 142kw, akurát s menším objemom 2,5 litra). Spotreba na palubnom mimo mesta svieti aj pod 5 litrov, reálne ale neverím. Nájazd je 475k km. Tk/ek do 03/23. Na fotkách vyzerá lepšie ako naživo, je celé hrdzavé. Po technickej stránke plne funkčné, ide dopredu, dozadu, topí a podobne. Je tam veľa drobnosti ak to chce niekto do top stavu alebo proste na dožitie, vozí sa v tom fajn a nežerie to veľa. Neviem čo bolo menené predchádzajúcim majiteľom, mnou cca 2000km dozadu olej, filtre, vodná pumpa s visco spojkou, termostat, tycky stabika vpredu a horné uloženia predné. VIN GW58936 Prod. Date 2001-04-25 Service History !! CHECK HISTORY !! Type 525D Series E39 (5 Series) Body Type Sedan Steering Left Hand Drive Engine M57 Displacement 0 Power 0kw / 0hp Drive rwd Colour cosmos-schwarz Upholstery Leather Montana/basic equip/sandbeige Check mileage !! CHECK HISTORY !! Editions And Packages S710 M Sports Steering Wheel, Multifunction S785 White Direction Indicator Lights Comfort And Interior Equipment S415 Sun-Blind, Rear S416 Roller Sun Visor, Rear Lateral S423 Floor Mats Velours S428 Warning Triangle And First Aid Kit S438 Fine Wood Trim S441 Smoker Package S464 Ski Bag S473 Armrest Front S481 Sports Seat S494 Seat Heating Driver/Passenger Multimedia S661 Radio BMW Business (C43) S690 Cassette Holder S694 Provisions For BMW 6 CD Changer Driver Assistance And Lightning S500 Headl.washer System/Intensive Cleaning S508 Park Distance Control (PDC) S520 Fog Lights S522 Xenon Light S534 Automatic Air Conditioning S548 Kilometre Speedo S555 On-Board Computer V With Remote Control Wheels And Drive S210 Dynamic Stability Control S261 Side Airbags For Rear Passengers Environment And Safety S302 Alarm System S818 Battery Master Switch S851 Language Version German S863 Dealer List Europe S879 On-Board Literature, German Other Equipment S925 Dummy-SALAPA Najazdené km: 475364
Trnavske myto 1room apartment for rent
Hello, Location: Its located very close to Trnavske Myto - street Bartoskova Based on the real estate comments - this is the best location to live in Bratislava :)) as you have here everything, including - Hockey Stadium, Football Stadium, National Tennis Stadium, public open swimming pool, public covered swimming pool (Pasienky), National Basketball Stadium (pasienky), Central shopping centre, Vivo shopping centre, Lidl very close by, Kraj same, Billa same in central, next bigger Lidl in Vivo, Bigger Kaufland 10m walk on Trnavska cesta street. By 20m walk or by 5m tram, you are easily in the city centre. You have public transport connection to any part of Bratislava. Also other possibilities as to go by bike - public or your own etc. Flat building location - very calm, no busy roads, footpaths, all windows rotated into quiet ""yard"" Building - fully reconstructed as well. Flat: its bigger 1room flat, fully reconstructed, coming through hallway with coat hanger and shoe storage, then main room, from there to separate kitchen with oven, new fridge, new microvawe, also have a lot of space for your stuff, from kitchen to nice bathroom with shower and new washing machine with dryer, main room has a lot of space for your stuff and sofa and table, working table + chair, currently without bed, in case it will be required I will arange that as well. There is also bigger storage included in the -1 floor to store some stuff you dont use or bike or anything. The price is 620e/month as total cost internet from UPC included + depozit 620€ In case parking is required, I can also offer that. There are 2 options - parking in the separate garage - very close to flat - in case you need your car for ""daily"" use parking in the shared covered garade house, but on specific parking spot - in case you dont need your car for ""daily"" use - 10m walk Would like to rent it to 1person - I am ok with small dog, no cats. In case of interest, can also rent it to couple + 30€ Attached photos are not fresh, there were taken before the reconstruction - the kitchen is the same + there is new fridge, main room - new floor, bathroom is currently as per photo Flat is available from 1.3.2023, can offer few days before to move your stuff in as well. All is up to agreement. Something about you: responsible working person, who will be use and care about the flat as his own. If you like the offer and meet the ""criteria"", I look forward for your message. Thank you.
Creative Soudblaster X-Fi XtremeMusic SB0460
The Sound Blaster® X-Fi XtremeMusic delivers clear, crisp Xtreme Fidelity audio playback, ultra-realistic surround sound over headphones or multichannel speakers, and the fastest, smoothest game play with hardware-accelerated game audio. Technical Specifications 24-bit Analog-to-Digital conversion of analog inputs at 96kHz sample rate 24-bit Digital-to-Analog conversion of digital sources at 96kHz to analog 7.1 speaker output 24-bit Digital-to-Analog conversion of stereo digital sources at 192kHz to stereo output 16-bit to 24-bit recording sampling rates: 8, 11.025, 16, 22.05, 24, 32, 44.1, 48 and 96kHz ASIO 2.0 support with direct monitoring at 16 and 24-bit at sample rates of 44.1/48/88.22 and 96kHz Enhanced SoundFont support at up to 24-bit resolution Audio Performance (Rated Output @ 2Vrms, Typical Value) Signal-to-Noise Ratio (20kHz Low-pass filter, A-Weighted) Stereo Output 109dB Front and Rear Channels 109dB Center, Subwoofer and Side Channels 109dB Total Harmonic Distortion + Noise at 1kHz (20kHz Low-pass filter) = 0.004% Frequency Response (+/-3dB, 24-bit/96kHz input) = lt;10Hz to 46kHz Frequency Response (Stereo only) (+/-3dB, 24-bit/192kHz input) = lt;10Hz to 88kHz Connectivity FlexiJack (Digital In / Digital Out / Line In / Microphone) via 3.50 mm minijack Line level out (Front / Rear / Center / Subwoofer / Rear Center) via 3.50 mm minijacks AUX_IN line-level analog input via 4-pin Molex connector on card One External AD_Link (26 pin) connector for linking to the X-Fi I/O Console (upgrade option) One Internal AD_Ext connector for linking to the X-Fi I/O Drive (upgrade option) Package Contents Sound Blaster X-Fi PCI Card Driver W10: bez prislusenstva, pozlatene konektory, cena je bez postovneho
wifi modul MediaTek MT7921 - WIFI 6 + bluetooth 5.2
Dobry den, predam wifi modul s bluetoothom, len odskusany inak uplne novy, bez zaruky. Wi-Fi 6 MediaTek MT7921 NGFF M.2 WiFi Card Dual Band WiFi Bluetooth 5.2 Adapter The MediaTek MT7921 Wi-Fi 6 chipset adapter is based on the 22nm process and has higher performance and lower power consumption. Compared with the Wi-Fi 5 solution, the MediaTek Wi-Fi 6 platform supports 2x2 dual-band antennas with higher throughput performance. With lower latency and hardware enhancements, it can provide better signal transmission to support ultra-long-distance connections. Features: Model: MT7921 Standard sizes: 22x30mm Standard: iEEE 802.11 ax / ac/a/b/g/n Dual Band: 2.4ghz/5ghz Maximum speed: speed up to 1800mbps (the router should be at 160mhz) Bluetooth version: bluetooth 5.2 Interface: M.2 2230 NGFF Antennas Info:MHF4 IP4X Supported operating systems: only work with microsoft windows 10/11 64 bit. Support MU-MIMO TX/RX Security support for WFA/WPA/WPA2/WPA3 personal/WPS2.0/WAP1 Compatible with: It can be used in samsung/dell/sony/acer/isus/msi/clevo/terransforce/hasee etc (do not include lenovo and hp if it can use after rewriting the whitelist). Note: does not support IBM/Thinkpad/Lenovo/HP some portable. The main features of MediaTek MT7921 Wi-Fi 6 solution include: Compared with the Wi-Fi 5 solution, the MediaTek Wi-Fi 6 platform supports 2x2 dual-band antennas with higher throughput performance; Based on 22nm process, with higher performance and lower power consumption; With lower latency and hardware enhancements, it can provide better signal transmission to support ultra-long-distance connections. v pripade dobierky postovne v cene
CD Death/Black/Thrash 2
Bornholm ...on the way of the hunting moon (digipak,nový) 10,00 € Bornholm Inexorable defiance (digibook) 10,00 € Brujeria Pocho aztlan (nový) 8,00 € Carcass Surgical steel 9,00 € Cavalera Conspiracy Pandemonium (digipak,nový) 7,00 € Cemetary Sundown 7,00 € Coroner No more color (nový) 8,00 € Cradle of Filth Dusk and her embrace (nový) 8,00 € Cradle of Filth Cruelty and the beast 6,00 € Cradle of Filth Midian 7,00 € Cradle of Filth Damnation and a day 5,00 € Cradle of Filth Damnation and a day (nový) 7,00 € Cradle of Filth Nymphetamine 8,00 € Cradle of Filth Godspeed of the devil's thunder (digipak,2CD) 7,00 € Cradle of Filth The manticore and other horrors 8,00 € Cradle of Filth Hammer of the witches 9,00 € Dark Fortress Eidolon 7,00 € Dark Tranquillity Character (digipak) 8,00 € Death Symbolic (nový) 8,00 € Death Angel Act III 10,00 € Decapitated Blood mantra (digipak,CD+DVD,nový) 9,00 € Deceased As the weird travel on 12,00 € Demonica Demonstrous (nový) 8,00 € Devilment The great and secret show (digipak,bonus track) 9,00 € Devin Townsend Ocean Machine: Biomech (nový) 10,00 € Devin Townsend Project Sky blue (nový) 8,00 € Devin Townsend Empath (nový) 8,00 € Dimmu Borgir Stormblåst MMV (digipak,CD+DVD) 10,00 € Dismember Like an everflowing stream (Hammerheart,nový) 15,00 € Dissection Reinkaos (Icarus,nový) 10,00 € Draconian A rose for the apocalypse (nový) 9,00 € Draconian Arcane rain fell (nový) 9,00 € Draconian Sovran (nový) 9,00 € Ensiferum Thalassic 8,00 € Enslaved Monumension 12,00 € Enslaved Vertebrae 9,00 € Enslaved Riitiir (nový) 9,00 € Enslaved Riitiir (digipak,CD+DVD) 11,00 € Enslaved In times (NuclearBlast Russia,jewel) 7,00 € Enslaved In times (digipak) 9,00 € Enslaved E (digipak,nový) 11,00 € Entombed Wolverine blues (digipak,nový) 9,00 € Equilibrium Armageddon (digipak,2CD) 7,00 € Escape the Fate Hate me (nový) 3,00 € klikni na meno a pozri ponuku kontakt: zaxas@
Apple Airport Extreme 802.11n Wi-Fi
Dobrý deň, ponúkam na predaj Wi-fi router Apple Airport Extreme 802.11n 5. Generácie. Kompletné balenie vrátane dokumentácie. Parametre: AirPort Extreme 802.11n (5th Generation) - Technical Specifications Size and weight Length: 6.5 inches (165 mm) Width: 6.5 inches (165 mm) Height: 1.3 inches (34 mm) Weight: 1.66 pounds (753 grams)1 Wireless protocols IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n Frequency bands 2.4GHz and 5GHz simultaneously Radio output power 20 dBm (nominal) Compatibility Interoperable with Wi-Fi Certified 802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11g, or 802.11n enabled Mac computers, iPad, iPhone, iPod touch, and Windows-based PCs NAT, DHCP, PPPoE, VPN Passthrough (IPSec, PPTP, and L2TP), DNS Proxy, SNMP, IPv6 (6to4 and manual tunnels) Included in the box AirPort Extreme Base Station Power supply with cord Printed documentation Security Wi-Fi Protected Access™ (WPA/WPA2)2 Wireless security (WEP) configurable for 40-bit and 128-bit encryption MAC address filtering NAT firewall Support for RADIUS authentication 802.1X, PEAP, LEAP, TTLS, TLS, FAST Time-based access control Interfaces One Gigabit Ethernet WAN port for connecting a DSL or cable modem Three Gigabit Ethernet LAN ports for connecting computers or network devices USB 2.0 port for connecting a USB printer or USB external hard drive 802.11n wireless Osobný odber BA PB
CD Death/Black/Thrash 2
Bornholm ...on the way of the hunting moon (digipak,nový) 10,00 € Bornholm Inexorable defiance (digibook) 10,00 € Brujeria Pocho aztlan (nový) 8,00 € Carcass Surgical steel 9,00 € Cemetary Sundown 7,00 € Coroner No more color (nový) 8,00 € Cradle of Filth Dusk and her embrace (nový) 8,00 € Cradle of Filth Cruelty and the beast 6,00 € Cradle of Filth Midian 7,00 € Cradle of Filth Damnation and a day 5,00 € Cradle of Filth Damnation and a day (nový) 7,00 € Cradle of Filth Nymphetamine 8,00 € Cradle of Filth Godspeed of the devil's thunder (digipak,2CD) 7,00 € Cradle of Filth The manticore and other horrors 8,00 € Cradle of Filth Hammer of the witches 9,00 € Dark Fortress Eidolon 7,00 € Dark Tranquillity Character (digipak) 8,00 € Death Symbolic (nový) 8,00 € Death Angel Act III 10,00 € Decapitated Blood mantra (digipak,CD+DVD,nový) 9,00 € Deceased As the weird travel on 12,00 € Demonica Demonstrous (nový) 8,00 € Devilment The great and secret show (digipak,bonus track) 9,00 € Devin Townsend Ocean Machine: Biomech (nový) 10,00 € Devin Townsend Project Sky blue (nový) 8,00 € Devin Townsend Empath (nový) 8,00 € Dimmu Borgir Stormblåst MMV (digipak,CD+DVD) 10,00 € Dismember Like an everflowing stream (Hammerheart,nový) 15,00 € Dissection Reinkaos (Icarus,nový) 10,00 € Draconian A rose for the apocalypse (nový) 9,00 € Draconian Arcane rain fell (nový) 9,00 € Draconian Sovran (nový) 9,00 € Ensiferum Thalassic 8,00 € Enslaved Monumension 12,00 € Enslaved Vertebrae 9,00 € Enslaved Riitiir (nový) 9,00 € Enslaved Riitiir (digipak,CD+DVD) 11,00 € Enslaved In times (NuclearBlast Russia,jewel) 7,00 € Enslaved In times (digipak) 9,00 € Enslaved E (digipak,nový) 11,00 € Entombed Wolverine blues (digipak,nový) 9,00 € Equilibrium Armageddon (digipak,2CD) 7,00 € Escape the Fate Hate me (nový) 3,00 € klikni na meno a pozri ponuku kontakt: zaxas@
ALTO Maxidrive 3,4
Ponukam na predaj speaker managment ALTO Polarity reverse and 5° phase adjustment steps allows each output phase rotation up to 360° degrees Bessel, Butterworth and Linkwitz/Riley Crossover filters up to 48dB/oct A/D and D/A converters for a 117dB dynamic range Each input and output with parametric Eqs Stereo digital input in AES/EBU format for MAXIDRIVE3.4 only Switching power supply Noise gate for each input and limiter for each output Dimensions (W×D×H): 483 × 300 × 44mm (19" × 11.8" × 1.7") Weight: 4kg (8.8 lb) A/D and D/A converters for 117dB dynamic range 10 factory presets/64 user presets ma vyrobnu vadu - od nova nijak raz nekomunikuje s PC (RS232,RS485), nejaky naznak komunikacie tam je (LCD ukazuje stav pri dialkovom ovladani, ale pc ho nikdy nedetekuje. zalozna bateria na doske procesora je vymenena za novu. vsetky parametre je ale mozne nastavovat cez predny panel. bol od nova namontovany v racku - pouzity tak 5x ako vyhybka a eq vratane krabice. cena pevna
Apple Airport Extreme 802.11n Wi-Fi
Dobrý deň, ponúkam na predaj Wi-fi router Apple Airport Extreme 802.11n 5. Generácie. Kompletné balenie vrátane dokumentácie. Parametre: AirPort Extreme 802.11n (5th Generation) - Technical Specifications Size and weight Length: 6.5 inches (165 mm) Width: 6.5 inches (165 mm) Height: 1.3 inches (34 mm) Weight: 1.66 pounds (753 grams)1 Wireless protocols IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n Frequency bands 2.4GHz and 5GHz simultaneously Radio output power 20 dBm (nominal) Compatibility Interoperable with Wi-Fi Certified 802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11g, or 802.11n enabled Mac computers, iPad, iPhone, iPod touch, and Windows-based PCs NAT, DHCP, PPPoE, VPN Passthrough (IPSec, PPTP, and L2TP), DNS Proxy, SNMP, IPv6 (6to4 and manual tunnels) Included in the box AirPort Extreme Base Station Power supply with cord Printed documentation Security Wi-Fi Protected Access™ (WPA/WPA2)2 Wireless security (WEP) configurable for 40-bit and 128-bit encryption MAC address filtering NAT firewall Support for RADIUS authentication 802.1X, PEAP, LEAP, TTLS, TLS, FAST Time-based access control Interfaces One Gigabit Ethernet WAN port for connecting a DSL or cable modem Three Gigabit Ethernet LAN ports for connecting computers or network devices USB 2.0 port for connecting a USB printer or USB external hard drive 802.11n wireless Ideálne osobný odber BA Vrakuňa
A Year of Marvellous Ways
Sarah Winman - A Year of Marvellous Ways Cena + poštovné. V prípade záujmu ma kontaktujte prosím cez email. Ponúkam na predaj aj iné knihy - pozrite si moje ďaľšie inzeráty. *** Marvellous Ways is eighty-nine years old and has lived alone in a remote Cornish creek for nearly all her life. Lately she's taken to spending her days sitting on a mooring stone by the river with a telescope. She's waiting for something - she's not sure what, but she'll know it when she sees it. Drake is a young soldier left reeling by the Second World War. When his promise to fulfil a dying man's last wish sees him wash up in Marvellous' creek, broken in body and spirit, the old woman comes to his aid. A Year of Marvellous Ways is a glorious, life-affirming story about the magic in everyday life and the pull of the sea, the healing powers of storytelling and sloe gin, love and death and how we carry on when grief comes snapping at our heels.
1-room apartment for rent, Kosice Sever
I offer a 1-room apartment for rent. The apartment is located in Kosice-Sever on Obrancov Mieru Street, 10 minutes walk from the city center. The apartment has an area of 43 m2, is on the 3rd floor, with an elevator, oriented to the southeast, with a view of the courtyard and offering a peaceful and quiet environment. I offer an apartment with standard equipment (gas stove, electric oven, refrigerator with freezer, microwave, washing machine). Furnishing of the living room by arrangement. Energy and internet are included in the price. Kosice-Sever location is very popular and offers excellent civic amenities. Nearby you will find groceries, parks, playgrounds, schools, Technical University and University of veterinary medicine and pharmacy.
i7-12700K, GB RTX 3060Ti, 32GB DDR5/1TB SSD SATA III, 750W
Ponúkam na predaj herný/pracovný PC: ●Procesor (CPU) : Intel® Core™ i7-12700K: - Total Cores - 12 - # of Performance-cores - 8 - # of Efficient-cores - 4 - Total Threads - 20 - Max Turbo Frequency - 5.00 GHz - Intel® Turbo Boost Max Technology 3.0 Frequency - 5.00 GHz - Cache - 25 MB Intel® Smart Cache - Total L2 Cache - 12 MB - Processor Base Power - 125 W - Maximum Turbo Power - 190 W ●Chladenie procesora: be quiet! DARK ROCK PRO 4: - Model Dark Rock Pro 4 - TDP (W) 250 - Color option Black - Overall dimensions without mounting material (L x W x H), (mm) 121 x 136 x 163 - Total weight (kg) 1.13 - Socket compatibility Intel 1700 / 1200 / 2066 / 1150 / 1151 / 1155 / 2011(-3) -Square ILM - Socket compatibility AMD AM5 / AM4 - Overall noise level (dB(A)) @ 50/75/100% (rpm) 12.8 / 17.9 / 24.3 - Number of fans 2 - Decoupled fan mounting ✓ ●Základná doska (MB): MAG Z690 TOMAHAWK WIFI: - Supports 12th/ 13th Gen Intel® Core™, Pentium® Gold and Celeron® processors for LGA 1700 socket - Supports DDR5 Memory, up to 6400(OC) MHz - Premium Thermal Solution: Extended Heatsink Design and M.2 Shield Frozr are built for high performance system and non-stop works - 2.5G LAN and Intel Wi-Fi Solution: Upgraded network solution for professional and multimedia use. Delivers a secure, stable and fast network connection - Lightning M.2: Running at PCIe Gen 5 maximizes performance for NVMe based SSDs - Lightning USB 20G: Built-in USB 3.2 Gen 2x2 port, offers 20Gbps transmission speed, 4X faster than USB 3.2 Gen 1 - AUDIO BOOST 5: Reward your ears with studio grade sound quality for the most immersive gaming experience - Multi-GPU: With Steel armor PCIe slots. Supports AMD Crossfire™ ●Operačná pamäť (RAM): FURY Beast Black XMP 32GB (2x16GB) DDR5 5200MT/s CL40 ●SSD disk: Samsung 860 EVO 1TB, MZ-76E1T0B/EU - Výrobca Samsung - Formát disku 2.5 " - Rozhranie SATA III - Kapacita 1000 GB - Otáčky SSD - Vyrovnávacia pamäť 1024 MB - Hmotnosť 51 g ●Grafická karta (GPU): GeForce RTX™ 3060 Ti GAMING OC 8G (rev. 2.0) ●Skriňa (CASE): Corsair Carbide Series SPEC-DELTA RGB + ARCTIC P12 PWM PST value Pack (5x 120mm) ●Zdroj (PSU): EVGA SuperNOVA 750 GA, 80 Plus Gold 750W, Fully Modular, Eco Mode, 10 Year Warranty, Includes Power ON Self Tester, Compact 150mm Size, Power Supply 220-GA-0750-X1 ●Operačný Systém (OS): Windows 10 PRO 64bit - Počítač je pripravený k okamžité mu použitiu. ____________________________________________ ❗️ Sú doklady o nakúpe aj krabice jednotlivých dielov ● Fotky sú moje a inzerát je platný do zmazania. ✉ mcfurrrypants@, SMS, WhatsApp, Telegram. ☎ ✈ Osobný odber v Prešove s odskúšaním. ✈ Nákup všetkých komponentov sa uskutočnil na jar roka 2022 (Mám relevantné doklady!) ✈ Montáž PC prebehol na jeseň 2022, počítač bol používaný 6 mesiacov, stav ko
Byt na prenájom len pár krokov od Hlavnej
Ponúkam na prenájom príjemný, priestranný a komfortne zariadený byt ktorý sa nachádza v lukratívnej lokalite-Staré Mesto len pár krokov na Hlavnú ulicu za OC Urban oproti kinu Úsmev. Nachádza sa na prvom poschodí a je bez lodžie plocha bytu je 60m2. Byt je plne vybavený nábytkom, zariadením a spotrebičmi. Parkovanie vo dvore zdarma. V byte je zavedený internet s TV. Cena 730 EUR na mesiac je vrátane médií a internetu. Kaucia 1000 eur. I offer for the rent cozy, spacious and and comfortably furnished flat located in a lucrative area of Old Town just a few steps from from the Main Street behind OC Urban and opposite the Úsmev cinema. It is located on the first floor and has no balcony. The useful area is 60m2. The apartment is full equipped with the furniture and househol appliances. Free parking available in court yard. The flat has internet as well as Tv. The cots are 730€/month including the media and internet. The caution is 1000€.
Predaj Vila v Portals Nous, Calvia Mallorca
Typ: Vila Ulica: Seberíniho Obec: Bratislava-Ružinov Leaders&Partners reality pobočka Bratislava  Vám ponúka na predaj vila v Portals Nous, Calvia  na  ostrove Mallorca . Priestranná dvojpodlažná vila v štýle Ibizian  s 3 spálňami, orientovaná na juh, so záhradným pozemkom s rozlohou 855 m2 , s garážou a bazénom so slanou vodou. Slnečná obývacia izba a jedáleň s veľkými oknami, ktoré vyťažia maximum z vynikajúceho prirodzeného svetla.  Dvere vedú na terasu s výhľadom do záhrady a bazéna. Kuchyňa je kompletne vybavená. Dom je na 2 poschodiach a má tri spálne a tri kúpeľne. Vila je fantastickou príležitosťou na rozvoj v špičkovej lokalite v Portals a je vynikajúcou investíciou do nehnuteľností v bezkonkurenčnej lokalite. Pozrite si video : For Sale in Portals Nous,(Calvia) Mallorca Spacious Ibizan-style semi-detached Villa with 3 Bedrooms, Facing South, with a 855 m2 garden plot with Garage and Saltwater Pool. Excellent opportunity in this luxury location with a short walk to Portals and the beach. Sunny living/dining room with large windows that make the most of the excellent natural light. Doors lead to the terrace with views of the garden and pool. The kitchen is completely equipped. The house is on 2 levels and has three bedrooms and three bathrooms. The villa is a fantastic opportunity to develop in a prime location in Portals and is an excellent property investment in an unbeatable location. Status: aktívne Vlastníctvo: osobné Stav: po rekonštrukcii Celková plocha: 855 m2 Úžitková plocha: 302 m2 Plocha pozemku: 855 m2 Počet podlaží: 2 Počet izieb: 4 Počet kúpeľní: 3
PREDAM PS3 ACCOUNT S HRYM Hry su Napista SMS ALEBO EMAIL! God of war 1/2 Ratchet and clank Quest for body Ratchet and clank nexus Ratchet and clank crack in time Ratchet and clank 1 Ratchet and clank Qforce Ratchet and clank tools of distructio Jak II Renegade Far cry 4 Prince of persia forgetten sands Saints Row Gat out of hell Battlefield 3 Ssx Saints row 3 Infamous Festival of blood Tekken 5 dark resurrection Jak III
Sprievodca Prahou/Eyewitness Prague travel guide
Sprievodca Prahou úplně nová, perfektní velikost právě do ruky 22x13cm pro procházku, 610 fotografii, mapa, 65 ilustrácií s histórií, ukazuje největší zaujímavosti, top restaurace, obchody, zábava, v angličtině, 272 strán. 2ks k dispozici. Nová v obchodě v ČR cca 16eur. ----- Dodanie: továr mám v Prahe, takže v Poprade alebo na trase Praha-Poprad 1x/2-3 mesiace alebo pošta/zasielkovna/paketa/dobierka kedykoľvek z ČR (2eur plus záloha poštovné na účet pred zasláním). ----------- Handbook Eyewitness Prague travel guide New, not used, perfect size 22x13cm to hand while walking, 610 pictures, map, 65 illustrations with history, top interesting recommended places to visit, restaurants, shops, entertainment, in Enlish, 272 pages. 4pcs available. This guide presents the best things to do in Prague - from crossing the beautiful Charles Bridge at dawn to sampling superb Czech beers - are showcased with fantastic photography, unique illustrations and detailed descriptions. Soak up the history of the Little Quarter, its buildings almost unchanged since the 18th century, discover majestic churches and cathedrals, the atmospheric Jewish Quarter, and colourful Golden Lane. DK Eyewitness Travels reviews of shops, restaurants and hotels in Prague - along with detailed maps and great ideas for walks and itineraries - will help you plan your perfect trip. Price in shop in ČR 15eur. ------------ Delivery: book in Prague, so in a way Prague to Poprad or in Poprad 1x/2-3months. Then in Prague or post/zasielkovna/payment when pick up (2eur plus post costs, payment in advance).