family and friends 2 - strana 5
Počet nájdených inzerátov FAMILY AND FRIENDS 2
: 1000 - strana 5

Meet our beautiful F1 standard Bernedoodle puppies! I hope you are ready for a lifetime of endless love?????????
They were born on December 27 so they are our Christmas litter: Blitzen, Vixen, Dancer and Prancer (1 boy and 3 girls).????
They can move in the spring (around April) but they can be booked already. They move with a full vaccination program and a microchip and, of course, we offer a one-year health guarantee. We ship worldwide, we also have our own carrier so everything can be solved????
They will love you and be a part of your family and give a lots of happy moments with extra kisses. We have 2 little kids (5 years and 2 years) so the puppies are very socialized and child friendly. Ask in private message for more info and photos! ????
Only emails - English
(Phone number doesn’t work)

Prenájom 2 podlažného rodinného domu v tichom prostredí, ktorý je situovaný priamo na Bôriku, dom je 5 izbový, slnečný a poskytuje maximálne súkromie, úžitková plocha 240 m2, k domu patrí záhrada so stromami a kríkmi, garáž pre 1 auto + 1 parkovacie miesto na pozemku vo dvore, dom sa prenajíma nezariadený, vstavané šatníkové skrine sa nachádzajú v spálni a v hale, k dispozícii satelit, na spodnom podlaží vonkajšie rolety, na poschodí vnútorné žalúzie, klimatizácia na poschodí v 2 izbách. Dom je po celkovej rekonštrukcii.
Dispozičné riešenie:
- prízemie tvorí obývacia izba s krbom prepojená s kuchyňou vybavenou spotrebičmi a jedálenskou časťou, priamy východ na terasu do záhrady, samostatná izba, kúpeľňa so sprchovacím kútom a WC.
- poschodie domu tvoria 3 samostatné izby, hala ,šatník, 2 x kúpelňa s masážnou vaňou a sprchovacím kútom a WC.
- suterén domu tvoria 3 miestnosti využiteľné ako izba, herňa a na pohodlné odkladanie vecí.
Príjemná a tichá lokalita na hradnom kopci uprostred zelene, výborná blízka dostupnosť priamo do centra mesta ako aj na obchvat. Dom je voľný od 1.4.2023.
Cena prenájmu: 2 700 €/mesiac + energie.
Renting a 2-storey family house in a quiet area, which is located directly on Bôrik, the house is 5 rooms, sunny and provides maximum privacy, usable area 240 m2, the house includes a garden with trees and bushes, a garage for 1 car + 1 parking space on plot in the yard, the house is rented unfurnished, built-in wardrobes are located in the bedroom and in the hall, satellite is available, external blinds on the lower floor, internal blinds on the upper floor, air conditioning in 2 rooms on the upper floor. The house has been completely renovated.
Layout solution:
- the ground floor consists of a living room with a fireplace connected to a kitchen equipped with appliances and a dining area, a direct exit to the terrace to the garden, a separate room, a bathroom with a shower and a toilet.
- the first floor of the house consists of 3 separate rooms, a hall, a wardrobe, 2 bathrooms with a massage bath and a shower and a toilet.
- the basement of the house consists of 3 rooms that can be used as a room, a playroom and for convenient storage.
Pleasant and quiet location on the castle hill in the middle of greenery, excellent close accessibility directly to the city center as well as to the bypass. The house is available from April 1, 2023.
Rental price: € 2,700/month + energy.

Predám vypracované maturitné témy z angličtiny B1 vo worde.
Témy - Family, Culture, Shopping and services, Sport, Housing, Travelling, Education, Jobs and professions, Human relations, Health, Man and nature, Man and society, Science and technology, Communication, Mass media,Young people and society,Food, Towns and placesHobbies and free time, Fashion, Examples and ideals, Multicultural society, English speaking countries, Slovakia
Uprednostňujem kontakt cez email. (nikolavender7@)
Maturitné témy zasielam mailom ihneď po platbe.

Nadštandardný a priestranný rodinný dom v krásnom prostredí Koliby, úžitková plocha 270 m2, k domu patrí veľmi pekná okrasná záhrada. V dome boli použité nadštandardné značkové kvalitne materiály a pôsobí reprezentatívnym dojmom. Dom sa ponúka ako nezariadený bez nábytku.
Dispozíciu domu tvorí:
- prízemie domu tvorí vstupná chodba, veľká spálňa spolu s pracovňou, detská izba, veľká kúpelňa s dvoma umývadlami a WC s bidetom zn. Versace, práčovňa,
- poschodie tvorí veľká priestranná obývacia izba s krbom, jedálenskou časťou a kuchynskou časťou s výstupom na priestranný balkón priamo do záhrady (kuchyňa je kompletne vybavená všetkými spotrebičmi), druhá veľká kúpelňa s vaňou, sprchovací kútom s parnou saunou, WC,
- ďalšie poschodie domu tvorí ďalšia izba so šatníkom.
V dome je výťah priamo do garáže na diaľkové ovládanie pre 2 autá. K domu patrí aj hosťovský domček na pozemku, ktorý je možné využívať počas celého roka a ktorý sa skladá zo spálne, obývačky spojenej s kuchynskou časťou a kúpelne s WC. Domček má svoju terasu v záhrade.
Dom sa nachádza v absolútne tichej ulici s maximálnym súkromím a s výbornou dostupnosťou do centra alebo do lesoparku na Kolibe, kde je široká možnosť oddychu či športového vyžitia ako turistika a bike.
Cena: 2 500 €/mesiac + energie 300 EUR. Dom je voľný od 1.9.2023.
Luxury and spacious family house in the beautiful surroundings of Koliba, usable area 270 m2, the house includes a very nice ornamental garden. In the house, above-standard branded quality materials were used and it has a representative impression. The house is offered unfurnished without furniture.
The layout of the house consists of:
- the ground floor of the house consists of an entrance hall, a large bedroom with an office, a children's room, a large bathroom with two sinks and a toilet with a bidet. Versace, laundry,
- the first floor consists of a large spacious living room with a fireplace, a dining area and a kitchen area with access to a spacious balcony directly into the garden (the kitchen is fully equipped with all appliances),
- a second large bathroom with a bathtub, a shower cabin with a steam sauna, a toilet, - another floor of the house it forms another room with a wardrobe.
The house has a remote-controlled elevator directly to the garage for 2 cars. The house also includes a guest house on the property, which can be used throughout the year and which consists of a bedroom, a living room connected to the kitchen area, and a bathroom with a toilet. The house has its own terrace in the garden.
The house is located in an absolutely quiet street with maximum privacy and excellent accessibility to the center or to the forest park on Koliba, where there is a wide range of recreation and sports activities such as hiking and biking.
Price: €2,500/month + energy €300. The house is available from September 1, 2023.

Prenájom 2 podlažného rodinného domu v tichom prostredí, ktorý je situovaný priamo na Bôriku, dom je 5 izbový, slnečný a poskytuje maximálne súkromie, úžitková plocha 240 m2, k domu patrí záhrada so stromami a kríkmi, garáž pre 1 auto + 1 parkovacie miesto na pozemku vo dvore, dom sa prenajíma nezariadený, vstavané šatníkové skrine sa nachádzajú v spálni a v hale, k dispozícii satelit, na spodnom podlaží vonkajšie rolety, na poschodí vnútorné žalúzie, klimatizácia na poschodí v 2 izbách. Dom je po celkovej rekonštrukcii.
Dispozičné riešenie:
- prízemie tvorí obývacia izba s krbom prepojená s kuchyňou vybavenou spotrebičmi a jedálenskou časťou, priamy východ na terasu do záhrady, samostatná izba, kúpeľňa so sprchovacím kútom a WC.
- poschodie domu tvoria 3 samostatné izby, hala ,šatník, 2 x kúpelňa s masážnou vaňou a sprchovacím kútom a WC.
- suterén domu tvoria 3 miestnosti využiteľné ako izba, herňa a na pohodlné odkladanie vecí.
Príjemná a tichá lokalita na hradnom kopci uprostred zelene, výborná blízka dostupnosť priamo do centra mesta ako aj na obchvat. Dom je voľný ihneď.
Cena prenájmu: 2 700 €/mesiac + energie.
Renting a 2-storey family house in a quiet area, which is located directly on Bôrik, the house is 5 rooms, sunny and provides maximum privacy, usable area 240 m2, the house includes a garden with trees and bushes, a garage for 1 car + 1 parking space on plot in the yard, the house is rented unfurnished, built-in wardrobes are located in the bedroom and in the hall, satellite is available, external blinds on the lower floor, internal blinds on the upper floor, air conditioning in 2 rooms on the upper floor. The house has been completely renovated.
Layout solution:
- the ground floor consists of a living room with a fireplace connected to a kitchen equipped with appliances and a dining area, a direct exit to the terrace to the garden, a separate room, a bathroom with a shower and a toilet.
- the first floor of the house consists of 3 separate rooms, a hall, a wardrobe, 2 bathrooms with a massage bath and a shower and a toilet.
- the basement of the house consists of 3 rooms that can be used as a room, a playroom and for convenient storage.
Pleasant and quiet location on the castle hill in the middle of greenery, excellent close accessibility directly to the city center as well as to the bypass. The house is available inmediately.
Rental price: € 2,700/month + energy.

Chovateľská stanica Fluffy family ponúka kvalitné dlhosrsté morčiatka s PP a VP. Aktuálne u nás hľadajú nový domov dvaja 3- týždňový samčekovia, jeden dvojmesačný samec a jedna 2- mesačná samička.
•Chip Fluffy family- samec, alpaka, čokoládová- biela s oranžovou
•Chandler Fluffy family- samec, alpaka, čokoládová s bielou a oranžovou
•Emily Fluffy family- samica, alpaka, červená s bielou
•Freddie Fluffy family- samec, alpaka, červená s bielou
Na prvých fotkách sú naše dospelé morčiatka, na dvoch predposledných Chip a Chandler, na posledných fotkách je Emily.
Samčekovia sú k odberu od 13.2. , samička Emily a samček Freddie ihneď. Odber možný v Skalici, Bratislave, Brne, 16.2.- Oščadnica alebo prepravcom zvierat, na doprave sa dá vždy nejako dohodnúť.
Viac informácii v správe, emaile- lukasvyleta9@ , alebo na našej facebookovej stránke: Chovateľská stanica Fluffy family.

Chovateľská stanica Fluffy family ponúka kvalitné dlhosrsté morčiatka s PP a VP. Aktuálne u nás hľadajú nový domov dvaja 3- týždňový samčekovia, jeden dvojmesačný samec a jedna 2- mesačná samička.
•Chip Fluffy family- samec, alpaka, čokoládová- biela s oranžovou
•Chandler Fluffy family- samec, alpaka, čokoládová s bielou a oranžovou
•Emily Fluffy family- samica, alpaka, červená s bielou
•Freddie Fluffy family- samec, alpaka, červená s bielou
Na prvých fotkách sú naše dospelé morčiatka, na dvoch predposledných Chip a Chandler, na posledných fotkách je Emily.
Samčekovia sú k odberu od 13.2. , samička Emily a samček Freddie ihneď. Odber možný v Skalici, Bratislave, Trnave, Brne, 16.2.- Oščadnica alebo prepravcom zvierat, na doprave sa dá vždy nejako dohodnúť.
Viac informácii v správe, emaile- lukasvyleta9@ , alebo na našej facebookovej stránke: Chovateľská stanica Fluffy family.

Predam tehly heluz , zostatok zo stavby
HeluzFamily 50 brúsená 3p+6ks=186ks
Heluz Family 50 K-1/2 brúsená 1p=100ks
Heluz Family 50 K brúsená 1p=60ks
Heluz Family 44 2in1 16ks 6€/ks
Heluz Family 44 K-1/2 2in1 26ks 3€/ks
Heluz Family 44 R 2in1 17ks 4,5€/ks
Heluz vencovka 8/25 brúsená 40ks 1,5€/ks
Heluz UNI 30 brúsená 41 ks 2€/ks
Heluz 11,5 brúsená 2p+18ks=258ks 1,5€/ks
Heluz 14 brúsená 12ks 2€/ks
Heluz Family 30 1/2 brúsená 33ks 1,2€/ks
Heluz preklad 14,5-125 1ks 9€/ks
Heluz preklad 23,8b-100 4ks 10€/ks
Heluz preklad 23,8b-125 1ks 12€/ks
Heluz preklad 23,8b-225 3ks 30€/ks

Predám/vymením poschodový rekonštruovaný, zateplený rodiný dom s balkónom , ktorý bol dokončený okolo roku 1980. Dom má centrálne ústredné kúrenie s kondenzačným plynovým kotlom zn. Junkers. Má dubové parkety, nové na mieru vyrobené nové drevené dvere s presklením , dve kúpeľne s WC a jednou sprchou, 4 izby, kuchyňa, kotolňa, komora, bezpečnostné prvky, dvere, umelecké mreže, balkón, nová moderná kuchynská linka so spotrebičmi- plynový šporák a mikrovlnka. V roku 2021 bola urobená nová zateplená strecha. Vedľa domu je veľká garáž so skladom. Dom má a vlastnú čističku odpadových vôd. Nachádza sa v malebnej obci pri sútoku troch riek Laborec, Uh, Čierna voda, cca 20 km od Michaloviec s pozemkom okolo 30 árov. Pôdorys poschodového domu je cca 10x10 m. Súčasťou rodinného domu je cca 30 árová záhrada a poľnohospodárska pôda. Pozemok je nanovo oplotený s 260 ks vysaných tují na vytvorenie živého plotu, novovysadené ovocné stromy (cca 40 ks). Vzadu na pozemku je Unimo bunka na skladovacie účely, novovybudovaný altánok s el. osvetlením a zásuvkami. Dom je napojený na mestský vodovod a plyn, aj elektrinu. Má aj vlastnú studňa s vodou, včelín sa 22 úľmi. Dom je vhodný na okamžité bývanie pre mladých aj starších ľudí hľadajúcich kľud na vidieku s romantickým nížinným okolím neďaleko riek a lesa, prostredie je vhodné pre rybárčenie a poľovníctvo. Má dobrý prístup do okolitých miest, mesto Michalovce je vzdialené cca 20 km. V obci žijú ľudia slovenskej národnosti a nežijú tam neprispôsobiví občania.
Kontakt pre kupcov: vincent.nagy@
Cena : 220 000 €
I´m selling a two-storey reconstructed, insulated family house, which was completed around 1980. The house has central central heating with a condensing gas boiler. Junkers. It has oak parquet floors, new custom-made wooden doors with glazing, two bathrooms with toilet and one shower, 4 rooms, kitchen, boiler room, pantry, security features, doors, art nets, balcony, new modern kitchen with appliances - gas stove and microwave. In 2021, a new insulated roof was made. Next to the house is a large garage with storage. The house has its own wastewater treatment plant. It is located in a picturesque village at the confluence of three rivers Laborec, Uh, Čierna voda, about 20 km from Michalovce with a plot of about 30 acres. The floor plan of the multi-storey house is about 10x10 m. The family house has about 30 acres of garden and agricultural land. The land is newly fenced with 260 pieces planted to create a hedge, newly planted fruit trees (about 40 pieces). At the back of the plot is a Unimo cell for storage purposes, a newly built gazebo with el. lighting and sockets. The house is connected to the city water and gas, as well as electricity. It also has its own well with water, an apiary with 22 hives. The house is suitable for immediate living for young and old people looking for peace in the countryside with a romantic lowland area near rivers and forests, the environment is suitable

Ponúkam knihu v angličtine - Jodi Picoult - House Rules.
Jacob Hunt is a teen with Asperger's syndrome. He's hopeless at reading social cues or expressing himself well to others, though he is brilliant in many ways. But he has a special focus on one subject - forensic analysis. A police scanner in his room clues him in to crime scenes, and he's always showing up and telling the cops what to do. And he's usually right.
But when Jacob's small hometown is rocked by a terrible murder, law enforcement comes to him. Jacob's behaviors are hallmark Asperger's, but they look a lot like guilt to the local police. Suddenly the Hunt family, who only want to fit in, are directly in the spotlight. For Jacob's mother, Emma, it's a brutal reminder of the intolerance and misunderstanding that always threaten her family. For his brother, Theo, it's another indication why nothing is normal because of Jacob.
And over this small family, the soul-searing question looms: Did Jacob commit murder?

Predám túto plne funkcnu základnú dosku. Plne funkčná napáleny posledný bios. Cena pevná nezjednavam.
North bridge:VIA KT-133A
South bridge:VIA VT82C686B
Bus Type 5 PCI slots
CPU Support Socket A AMD Athlon and Duron Processors
AMD Athlon Processors at 750/800/850/900/950MHz , 1.1GHz and future 266MHZ FSB Athlon processor
AMD Duron Processors at 600/650/700/750/800MHz and future
System Memory Three 168 pin 3.3V PC133 DIMM sockets
Supports up to 1.5G SDRAM
Supports 66/100/133 MHz Synchronous DRAM and VCM SDRAM
Power Management ACPI V1.0 and APM compliant
Supports S0, S1, S3, S4, S5 ACPI power status
Auto adjust FAN speed in the different power status
USB 4 USB ports (2 for I/O panel and 2 for front panel)
USB 1.1 specification compliant
Bus Speed 200/266MHz FSB
BIOS 2 Mbit Flash ROM
Licensed advanced AWARD BIOS
Supports Plug and Play
Supports ACPI and OS directed power management
Storage system Two PCI Master IDE ports support up to 4 IDE devices
Supports ATA 100
One floppy port support up to two 3.5!± or 5.25!± floppy drives
( 360K/720K/1.2M/1.44M/2.88M)
Supports LS-120 floppy disk drive and ZIP drive
I/O Feature 2 High Speed Serial Ports (16550 Fast UART Compatible)
1 Enhanced Parallel Port Support EPP/ECP/SPP
1 PS/2 keyboard port
1 PS/2 mouse port
IrDA port support up to 115.2Kb/s transfer rate
All I/O ports can be enabled/disabled by BIOS setup
Graphics AGP 4X Support
Universal AGP Slot
Transfer rate up to 1 GB/s
Onboard Audio KinetiZ 7E: No Audio
KinetiZ 7E-A: Onboard AC'97 Audio AC'97 2.1 Compliant, 16-bit Stereo Codec
KinetiZ 7E-C: Onboard Creative 5880 PCI Hardware Audio
4 Channel Speaker out
3D Surrounding Audio
Advanced Feature Wake up on LAN
Wake up on Modem
Trend ChipAwayVirus on Guard
QDI Innovative Technology BootEasy, RecoveryEasy, BIOS-ProtectEasy, ManageEasy, LogoEasy
System Health Monitoring CPU temperature, System temperature, CPU fan speed
Chassis fan speed, 5 System Voltages
Board Size ATX: 305X230mm

Predám nepoužitý modem Allied Telesis gateway AT-iMG646BD so šiestimi portami.
Active Ethernet fiber intelligent Multiservice Gateway with FXS x 4 ports and LAN x 6 ports.
1 x 100BX WAN (SC), 6 x 10/100TX, 4 x FXS. 1 x AT-iMG001 faceplate outlet. Order optional Battery Backup (RG005G+RG008 cable) for backup power.
The AT-iMG646BD is a full-featured broadband media gateway and router, designed for cost-effective deliver of advanced IP Triple Play voice, video and data services over fiber.
The AT-iMG646BD supports Layer 3 functions, including NAT, DMZ, and stateful inspection firewall for delivery of revenue-generating services such as home networking and security services.
- Bi-directional fiber WAN interface
- Plug-and-play fiber outlet
- FXS Ports for analog telephone / fax
including T.38 support
- H.323, SIP or MGCP VoIP protocol support
- Major softswitch manufacturer compatibility
- Class 5 services
- QoS management
- Support for analog and VoIP phones
- Triple Play ready
- Stateful Inspection Firewall / NAT
- DMZ support
- Access Control List
- Intrusion Detection System: DoS, Port Scanning and Web Spoofing protection
- Zero Touch Configurator and TR-069 remote management and configuration
- RoHS Compliant
- Small footprint at customer site Innovative two-part case
- Optional UPS with battery alarm monitoring

Anthony McCarten - Darkest Hour
Cena + poštovné. V prípade záujmu ma kontaktujte prosím cez email.
Mám na predaj aj iné knihy - pozrite si moje ďaľšie inzeráty.
From the prize-winning screenwriter of The Theory of Everything, this is a cinematic, behind-the-scenes account of a crucial moment which takes us inside the mind of one of the world's greatest leaders - and provides a revisionist, more rounded portrait of his leadership. May, 1940. Britain is at war, European democracies are falling rapidly and the public are unaware of this dangerous new world. Just days after his unlikely succession to Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, faces this horror - and a skeptical King and a party plotting against him. He wonders how he can capture the public mood and does so, magnificently, before leading the country to victory. It is this fascinating period that Anthony McCarten captures in this deeply researched, gripping day-by-day (and often hour-by-hour) narrative. In doing so he revises the familiar view of Churchill - he made himself into the iconic figure we remember and changed the course of history, but through those turbulent and dangerous weeks he was plagued by doubt, and even explored a peace treaty with Nazi Germany. It's a scarier, and more human story, than has ever been told.

Ted Chiang - Exhalation
Cena + poštovné (v závislosti od hmotnosti). V prípade záujmu ma kontaktujte prosím cez email.
Mám na predaj aj iné knihy - pozrite si moje ďaľšie inzeráty.
THE NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLERF rom the acclaimed author of Stories of Your Life and Others - the basis for the Academy Award nominated film Arrival - comes a groundbreaking second collection of short fiction: nine stunningly original, provocative, and poignant stories. In 'The Merchant and the Alchemist's Gate', a portal through time forces a fabric-seller in ancient Baghdad to grapple with past mistakes and the temptation of second chances. In the epistolary 'Exhalation', an alien scientist makes a shocking discovery with ramifications not just for his own people, but for all of reality. And in 'The Lifecycle of Software Objects', a woman cares for an artificial intelligence over twenty years, elevating a faddish digital pet into what might be a true living being. Also included are two previously unpublished stories: 'Omphalos' and 'Anxiety Is the Dizziness of Freedom'. In Exhalation, Ted Chiang wrestles with the oldest questions on earth - What is the nature of the universe? What does it mean to be human? - and ones that no one else has even imagined.
And, each in its own way, the stories prove that complex and thoughtful science fiction can rise to new heights of beauty, meaning, and compassion.

Predám nové raz vyskúšané Bluetooth sluchádla Earbuds Bluedio P(Particle)
【Clear Sound Quality】-- Bluedio Particle Wireless Earbuds adopt 6mm driver bigger than before, and built-in and advanced patented technology VFT of Bluedio,which bring you a better and clear sound quality.
【More Comfortable Wearing】-- Bluedio Particle Bluetooth Earbuds adopted ABS material and designed 3 sizes silicone earplugs to suit different person, both samll and lightweight, and you won't feel any uncomfortable and burdensome when they are in your ears, not-easy falling so you can enjoy the clear sound.
【Stable Wearing for Carefree Sports】-- Humanized and ergonomic design, together with three diffrent sizes of earplugs(L.M.S),gives you more suitble, stable and comfortable wearing, less restriction and worry in sporting.
【6 Hours No-stop Play】-- You can enjoy 6 hours no-stop play for just one single charge. It also provides 4 additional full charge, total playtime can be up to 24 hours.
【Face Recognition Technology】-- The built-in touch sensor chip intelligently senses the wearing status. When you take down only the RIGHT earbud from your ear, the music will stop to save power, when you wear it, the music will continue to play.

Predam audioknihu Wink (and Grow Rich) prvy a druhy diel.
Kniha popisuje dynamiku bohatstva cez pribeh 9 rocneho chlapca, ktory chce pomoct svojmu otcovi a nastupi na cestu hladania, kde stretava ludi, ktori mu popisuju ako sa dopracovali k svojmu bohatstvu. Aj ked sposoby su rozne, spaja ich to, ze ich dany sposob bavi.
Autor: Roger Hamilton/ Wealth Dynamics
Format: 2 original CD od autora
Viac o audioknihe:
"Wink and Grow Rich" is the fable of a nine year old boy being raised by his carpenter father who is both sick and tired...In fact, he is tired of being sick and sick of being tired. Every day for the last twenty years the carpenter has visited the Well of Wealth and spent a dollar there, because it is generally known by the townsfolk that if they give generously to the Well, it will give generously to them in return. On this day, the carpenter is so ill that he is unable to visit the well, so he entrusts his nine-year-old son Richard with a crumpled but treasured dollar and sends him in his place. Along the way, Richard discovers that the Well of Wealth is not where he thought it would be – so he follows a different, more overgrown path, on which he meets an old woman, an optometrist, a plumber, a gardener, a fisherman, a rower, a musician, and an innkeeper. These intriguing and mysterious characters act as guides for Richard and share their wisdom with him. They have all built their wealth in very different ways, yet there is something about each that is common to all. This fictional tale makes one think more deeply about the dynamics of wealth creation. The keys to wealth are in the story behind the story; the lesson behind the lesson. That means that to find the key, the reader needs to become better at seeing – a philosophy the author sums up as: "What you see is always what you get." Each time the reader reads this book, they will discover new keys, one by one, until finally they unlock the doors to their own wealth.
BA Ruzinov.
Viem poslat aj postou, postovne cez postu 2.40 eur, zasielkovna 3,30 eur.
Kontaktovat ma mozete mailom (cez formular), telefonicky (nie sms), pripadne mozete napisat spravu cez Telegram aplikaciu.
Pozrite si aj moje ostatne inzeraty kliknutim na meno.

Predám 6ks kamier DAHUA
Dahua IP Camera 8MP 2.8 mm Full-Color IPC-HDW3849H-AS-PV
Built-in Mic Audio I/O Supports SD card WizSense Red and Blue Flashlight Alarm
- originál Dahua, podporuje firemný SW update, kvalitné kovové prevedenie.
- zakúpene v polovici tohto roka, VOBEC NEPOUZIVANE! Ležali v krabici.
- dôvod predaja: upustenie od projektu.
- majú na sebe ešte fóliu (nepoužívali sa).
- pôvodná cena 170 €/ks.
- cena teraz 120 €/ks pri kúpe všetkých 6ks.
- funkcia nahrávania zvuku, ako aj zvukový výstup (zvukový a svetelný alarm).
- farebné nočné videnie = plnohodnotné svetlo miesto klasického IR prisvetlenia.
- v prípade zaujmu prosim napisat sms na prilozene cislo.
- inzerát platí do zmazania.
Špecifikácia v ENG (komplet info viem zaslať na mail):
8MP Full-color Active Deterrence Fixed-focal Eyeball WizSense Network Camera
>8MP, 1/2.8” CMOS image sensor, low illuminance, high image definition
>Outputs max.8MP (3840 2160) @20 fps (AI function enabled by default)and supports 8MP (3840 2160) @25/30 fps (when AI function disabled)
> H.265 codec, high compression rate, low bit rate
> Built-in warm illuminator, illumination distance: 30 m
> ROI, SMART H.264+/H.265+, flexible coding,
> Rotation mode, WDR, 3D DNR, HLC, BLC, digital watermarking,
> Intelligent detection: Intrusion, tripwire (support the classification and accurate detection of vehicle and human)
> Abnormality detection: Motion detection, video tampering, scene changing, audio detection, no SD card, SD card full, SD card error, network disconnection, IP conflict, illegal access, and voltage detection.
> Supports sound and light alarm linkage. When an alarm is triggered, the camera links sound alarm and light flashing.
> Supports one-tap disarming. You can disarm the events of alarm output, sending email, audio, and light in the configured period.
> Alarm: 1 in, 1 out; audio: 1 in, 1 out; supports max. 256 G Micro SD card, built-in Mic and spearker
> 12V DC/PoE power supply
> IP67 protection
> SMD Plus
> Red and blue flashlight alarm
Image Sensor 1/2.8”8 Megapixel progressive CMOS
Max. Resolution 3840 (H) 2160(V)
Electronic Shutter Speed Auto/Manual 1/3 s–1/100,000 s
Min. Illumination 0.007 Lux @ F1.4
S/N Ratio >56 dB
Illumination Distance 30 m (98.4 ft)
Illuminator On/Off Control Auto/Manual
Illuminator Number 1 (Warm light)
Pan/Tilt/Rotation Range Pan: 0–360
Tilt: 0–78
Rotation: 0–360
Lens Type Fixed-focal
Mount Type M12
Focal Length 2.8 mm;
Max. Aperture F1.4
Field of View 2.8 mm: Horizontal 103 Vertical 53 Diagonal 122
Operating Conditions –40C to +60C (–40F to +140F)/Less than 95% RH
Protection Grade IP67
Dimensions Φ122.0 mm 110.9 mm
Net Weight 754 g
Gross Weight 915 g

Pre toho, kto potrebuje. Nové za zlomok ceny.
PureTools - eARC Adapter, 4K (60Hz 4:4:4) HDCP2.3
eARC decoupling with 1 HDMI input to 1 HDMI eARC output and 1 HDMI pass-through
Supports 18 Gb/s for resolutions up to 4K/UltraHD at 60 Hz, including HDR
HDMI audio output for uncompressed eARC, ARC + HDMI audio with 720p black image
Complies with HDMI 2.0b/HDCP 2.3, signal equaliser, CEC pass-through and EDID management
Ultra-slim and lightweight housing, plug and play functionality
PureTools PT-C-HDEARC-4K HDMI eARC adapter/extractor
The HDMI eARC adapter and extractor PT-C-HDEARC-4K forwards eARC and ARC signals from a connected TV or the audio signal from a connected HDMI player uncompressed via separate a HDMI audio output plus a 720p black image to an AVR, amplifier or sound bar. Thus, even older AVR devices are compatible with the latest audio formats. The adapter/extractor complies with HDMI 2.0b and HDCP 2.3 and therefore supports a bandwidth of 18 Gb/s for resolutions up to 4K/UltraHD at 60 Hz and includes HDR formats. Two DIP switches can be used to control EDID and eARC functions.

I offer piano lessons for beginners, adults and advanced players.
As a pianist and piano teacher, I received a master degree at VŠMU music academy and I would like to pass on my experience to other musicians.
I am also professionally engaged in piano collaboration with solo instruments or singers. The lessons take place in my studio on the new grand piano and can be extended by the basics of theory and musical composition.
It is important that my students practise with good technique and skills in sight reading from the beginning, which makes playing the piano easy and pleasant as possible and gives space for musical creativity.
Some of them placed in international competitions and for some the piano became a pleasant hobby. I speak English, Slovak and Chinese fluently.
I will be happy if you contact me at this number 9

Dobry den.
Predavam tieto spickove rotacne hlavy od znacky MARTIN, typ RUSH MH1 profile.
Su to kvalitne americke svetla, ziadna cina!
Mam na predaj 4ks, popripade viem dopredat 5ty kus.
Krasny stav, vizualne, aj technicky v 100% stave, pravidelne cistene a servisovane
Su vhodne na velke podujatia, vonkajsie akcie, maju velmi silny svetelny vykon.
Su vhodne aj pre divadelne saly, maju regulaciu teploty bielej farby, luc nastavitelny od 16° do 30° (BEAM-SPOT)
Popis svetla:
LED profile moving head
Super bright - efficient optics
Rotating gobo wheel
Fixed gobo wheel
2 x color wheels
Electronic dimming and strobe
Iris and 3-facet prism
3 & 5 pin XLR
•Light source: 180W LED
Color wheel 1: 7 colors plus open, rotation with variable direction and speedColor wheel 2: 7 colors (incl. 1 x UV, 2 x CTC) plus open, rotation with variable direction and speed
Rotating gobo wheel: 7 gobos plus open, wheel rotation, gobo indexing, rotation and shake
Static gobo wheel: 8 gobos plus open, wheel rotation and shakeElectronic 'shutter' effect: Strobe effect, pulse effects, instant open and blackout
Prism: Indexing and rotation with variable direction and speed
Motorized Focus and Iris
Motorized Electronic dimming: 0 - 100%
four dimming curve options
Pan: 540° Tilt: 270°
Cena za set: 3800,-€
4ks hlava, 2ks double Case, neutrik powercon kable, omega clampy ku kazdej hlave
Moznost predaja aj samostatne..
Cena 1ks novej hlavy okolo 2700,- (Vid. Foto)
Povodna cena bola 2500,- za kus
!!Pri serioznom jednani mozna dohoda na cene!!
Pre akekolvek otazky ma nevahajte kontaktovat mailom, cislo vymyslene.
Mozem poslat videa na poziadanie
Pozri moje dalsie inzeraty :)