family and friends 2 pracovný zošit
Počet nájdených inzerátov FAMILY AND FRIENDS 2 PRACOVNÝ ZOŠIT
: 1000

Lego Friends 41128 Vesmirna atrakcia 15
Lego friends 41100 Lietadlo 24
Lego friends 41094 Majak 21
Lego friends 41036 Zachrana na moste v dzungli 15
Lego friends 41008 Kupalisko 40
Lego friends 41037 Plazovy dom Stephani 25
Lego friends 41004 Skusobne podium 15
Lego friends 43186 Emin prives 24
Lego friends41378 Misia na zachranu delfinov 28
Lego friends 41699 Kaviarnicka pre zatulanezvierat 20
Lego Friends 41332 Emma a jej umelecky stojan 16
Lego friends 41097 Balon 24
Lego friends 41033 Zachrana pri vodopade v dzungli 14
Lego Friends 41024 Papagaj na bydielku 14
Lego Friends 41113 Party s darcekmi a suvenirmi 13
Lego Friends 41019 Mala oaza korytnacky 10
Lego Friends 41048 Levica v savane 10
Lego Friends 41029 Male jahniatko Stephani 12
Lego Friends 41359 Balenie srdieckovych boxov 20
Lego Friends 41026 Slnecny zber 20
Lego Friends 41027 Mia a stanok s limonadou 20
Lego Junior 10748 Emma a oslava milacikov 12
Lego Friends 41017 Domcek na strome pre vevericku 9
Lego Friends 41018 Ihrisko pre macky 7
Lego Friends 41023 Srnka v lese 8
Lego Friends 41011 Stephanie trenuje futbal 13
Lego Friends 41020 Jezkov ukryt 8
Lego Friends Konik 10
Lego friends 41125 Veterinarsky prives s konom 23
Lego Elves 41186 lves Nadine dobrodruzstvo 17
Lego Friends 41038 Zakladna zachranarov v dzungli 20
Lego friends 41313 Kupalisko 29
Lego friends 41374 Andrea party pri bazene 38
Lego friends 41124 starostlivost o steniatka 24
Lego friend 41311 pizzeria v Heartlake 24
Lego friends 4138 Olivia a jej uhrisko so skreckami 13
Lego friends 41128 kolotoc raketa 14
LEGO Friends 41011 Stephanie trénuje futbal 7
Lego Friends 30113 Pekársky stánok 5
Lego Disney 41143 Cucoriedka a jej kuchyna 10
Lego Friends 41332 umelecky stojan 12
Lego Friends 41107 auto popovej hviezdy 15
Lego Friends 41103 podium 12
Lego friends 41117 štúdio s popovou hviezdou 10

Predám nove sintermetalické brzdové platničky zadné. Platnicky maju dobrú životnosť a brzne učinky na mokrom,blatistom aj prasnom povrchu. Možem poslať poštou+posto. Platne do zmazania.
Pasuju na tieto motorky:
TM 85cc MX 85 (Big wheels) 2013-and up
TM 85cc MX 85 JR (Small wheels) 2013-and up
TM 85cc SM 85 2018-and up
BENELLI 500cc Leoncino 500 Cinquecento 2018-and up
BMW 1600cc K1600 Grand America 2018-and up
FANTIC 250cc Enduro 4T 2016-and up
GASGAS 200cc XC 200 2018-and up
GASGAS 250cc EC 250 Enduro GP 2018-and up
GASGAS 300cc EC 300 Enduro GP 2018-and up
HONDA 125cc CR 125 2002-2003
HONDA 125cc CR 125 2004-2007
HONDA 125cc CRE 125 RR 2011-and up
HONDA 150cc CRF 150 R 2007-2017
HONDA 150cc CRF 150 R 2018-and up
HONDA 150cc CRF 150 RB 2007-2017
HONDA 150cc CRF 150 RB 2018-and up
HONDA 250cc CR 250 2002-2003
HONDA 250cc CR 250 2004-2007
HONDA 250cc CRF 250 R 2004-2008
HONDA 250cc CRF 250 R 2009-2009
HONDA 250cc CRF 250 R 2010-2014
HONDA 250cc CRF 250 R 2015-2017
HONDA 250cc CRF 250 R 2018-and up
HONDA 250cc CRF 250 X 2004-2017
HONDA 300cc CB300 2018-and up
HONDA 450cc CRF 450 R 2002-2003
HONDA 450cc CRF 450 R 2004-2008
HONDA 450cc CRF 450 R 2009-2014
HONDA 450cc CRF 450 R 2015-and up
HONDA 450cc CRF 450 RX 2017-and up
HONDA 450cc CRF 450 X 2005-2017
KTM 105cc 105 SX 2004-2004
KTM 105cc 105 SX 2005-2010
KTM 105cc 105 SX 2011-2011
KYMCO 125cc People S ABS 2018-and up
KYMCO 150cc People S ABS 2018-and up
KYMCO 350cc Downtown 350i, ABS 2016-and up
MOTO-MORINI 1200cc 11.5 2018-and up
MOTO-MORINI 1200cc Corsaro ZZ 1200 2018-and up
MOTO-MORINI 1200cc Milano 1200 2018-and up
MOTO-MORINI 1200cc Scrambler 1200 2018-and up
MV AGUSTA 1000cc F4 LH44 ABS 2018-and up
MV AGUSTA 800cc Brutale 800 Dragster RR LH44 ABS 2018-and up
MV AGUSTA 800cc Brutale 800 Dragster RR Pirelli ABS 2018-and up
NORTON 1200cc V4 RR 2018-and up
NORTON 961cc Commando Cafe Racer MKII 2018-and up
NORTON 961cc Commando Sport 2018-and up
NORTON 961cc Dominator Naked 2017-and up
PIAGGIO 300cc MP3 S 300 Yourban 2018-and up
SIDECAR -cc VMC KTM/Huqvarna engine All
SIDECAR -cc VMC Zabel/Mega engine All
SIDECAR -cc WSP KTM/Huqvarna engine All
SWM 440cc Six Days 2018-and up
SWM 600cc Superdual GT Pack 2018-and up
SYM 50cc Symphony SR 50 2018-and up
TM 85cc MX 85 (Big wheels) 2013-and up
TM 85cc MX 85 JR (Small wheels) 2013-and up
TM 85cc SM 85 2018-and up
TRIUMPH 1200cc Tiger 1200 XCX ABS 2018-and up
TRIUMPH 1200cc Tiger 1200 XR ABS 2018-and up
TRIUMPH 1200cc Tiger 1200 XRX Low ABS 2018-and up
TRIUMPH 800cc Tiger 800 XCX, ABS 2018-and up
TRIUMPH 800cc Tiger 800 XRX Low, ABS 2018-and up
VESPA 125cc GTS Touring 125 ABS 2018-and up
VESPA 300cc GTS 300 ABS-ASR Notte 2018-and up
VESPA 300cc GTS 300 ABS-

Učebnica - Derek Strange Chatterbox Pupil´s book 1 = 5 eur
Učebnica - Derek Strange Chatterbox Pupil´s book 2 = 5 eur
Učebnica - Tom Hutchinson Project 1 Student´s book (vyplnený pracovný zošit zdarma) = 3 eurá
Učebnica - Tom Hutchinson Project 3 Student´s book (vyplnený pracovný zošit zdarma) = 3 eurá
Učebnica - Tom Hutchinson Project 4 Student´s book (vyplnený pracovný zošit zdarma) = 3 eurá
Učebnica - Luke Prodromou A Pre-First Certificate Course (vyplnený pracovný zošit zdarma) = 2 eurá
Učebnica - Luke Prodromou An Intermediate Course (vyplnený pracovný zošit zdarma) = 2 eurá
Učebnica - Steve Elsworth a Jim Rose Energy 2
(vyplnený pracovný zošit a wordstore zdarma) = 15 eur
Učebnica - Steve Elsworth a Jim Rose Energy 3
(vyplnený pracovný zošit a wordstore zdarma) = 15 eur
Učebnica - Steve Elsworth a Jim Rose Energy 4
(vyplnený pracovný zošit a wordstore zdarma) = 15 eur
Učebnica nemčiny - Studio d A1 = (bez CD) 5 eur
Učebnica - Bob Hastings a kolektív Longman Exam Activator Students Book + Work Book = 10 eur
Učebnica - New Hotline Elementary workbook = 2 eurá
Učebnica - Gold Pre-First 2016 Coursebook = 25 eur
Pracovný zošit - Gold Pre-First 2014 Exam Maximiser = 10 eur (pár prvých strán vyplnených)
Učebnica - Splash! 2 = 2 eurá
Učebnica - David Bonamy Technical English 2 (nová) = 15 eur
Učebnica ruštiny - Raduga po novomu 1 = 5 eur
Učebnica ruštiny - Erika Ondrejčeková Eva Dekanová Ruský jazyk = 3 eurá
SPU Integrované systémy riadenia 2013 Polák,Žitňavský = 3eurá
Pracovný zošit Fyzika pre 9. ročník základných škôl a 4. ročník gymnázií s osemročným štúdiom 1 (nový) = 5 eur
Pracovný zošit Fyzika pre 9. ročník základných škôl a 4. ročník gymnázií s osemročným štúdiom 2 (nový) = 5 eur
Učebnica - Barbara Silvanová Angličtina
maturita po novom 1 - interná časť skúšky = 3 eurá
Učebnica - Barbara Silvanová Angličtina
maturita po novom 2 - externá časť skúšky = 3 eurá
Učebnica - Mária Ivanová Slovenský jazyk a literatúra 1 - základná príručka = 3 eurá

Učebnica - Derek Strange Chatterbox Pupil´s book 1 = 5 eur
Učebnica - Derek Strange Chatterbox Pupil´s book 2 = 5 eur
Učebnica - Tom Hutchinson Project 1 Student´s book (vyplnený pracovný zošit zdarma) = 3 eurá
Učebnica - Tom Hutchinson Project 3 Student´s book (vyplnený pracovný zošit zdarma) = 3 eurá
Učebnica - Tom Hutchinson Project 4 Student´s book (vyplnený pracovný zošit zdarma) = 3 eurá
Učebnica - Luke Prodromou A Pre-First Certificate Course (vyplnený pracovný zošit zdarma) = 2 eurá
Učebnica - Luke Prodromou An Intermediate Course (vyplnený pracovný zošit zdarma) = 2 eurá
Učebnica - Steve Elsworth a Jim Rose Energy 2
(vyplnený pracovný zošit a wordstore zdarma) = 15 eur
Učebnica - Steve Elsworth a Jim Rose Energy 3
(vyplnený pracovný zošit a wordstore zdarma) = 15 eur
Učebnica - Steve Elsworth a Jim Rose Energy 4
(vyplnený pracovný zošit a wordstore zdarma) = 15 eur
Učebnica nemčiny - Studio d A1 = (bez CD) 5 eur
Učebnica - Bob Hastings a kolektív Longman Exam Activator Students Book + Work Book = 10 eur
Učebnica - New Hotline Elementary workbook = 2 eurá
Učebnica - Gold Pre-First 2016 Coursebook = 25 eur
Pracovný zošit - Gold Pre-First 2014 Exam Maximiser = 10 eur (pár prvých strán vyplnených)
Učebnica - Splash! 2 = 2 eurá
Učebnica - David Bonamy Technical English 2 (nová) = 15 eur
Učebnica ruštiny - Raduga po novomu 1 = 5 eur
Učebnica ruštiny - Erika Ondrejčeková Eva Dekanová Ruský jazyk = 3 eurá
SPU Integrované systémy riadenia 2013 Polák,Žitňavský = 3eurá
Pracovný zošit Fyzika pre 9. ročník základných škôl a 4. ročník gymnázií s osemročným štúdiom 1 (nový) = 5 eur
Pracovný zošit Fyzika pre 9. ročník základných škôl a 4. ročník gymnázií s osemročným štúdiom 2 (nový) = 5 eur
Učebnica - Barbara Silvanová Angličtina
maturita po novom 1 - interná časť skúšky = 3 eurá
Učebnica - Barbara Silvanová Angličtina
maturita po novom 2 - externá časť skúšky = 3 eurá
Učebnica - Mária Ivanová Slovenský jazyk a literatúra 1 - základná príručka = 3 eurá

Predám učebnice & Pracovné zošity
Kategória 1: Hravá... (pracovný zošit):
1. Hravá geografia pracovný zošit pre 9 ročník - čistý
2. Hravá slovenčina pracovný zošit pre 9 ročník - čistý
3. Hravá chémia pracovný zošit pre 9 ročník - prvé štyri strany zapísané + zvyšok čistý
4. Hravá chémia pracovný zošit pre 8 ročník - čistý
5. Hravá fyzika pracovný zošit pre 8 ročník - jedna strana zapísaná zvyšok čistý
6. Hravá geografia pracovný zošit pre 8 ročník - čistý
Cena: 1€ za 1 pracovný zošit
Kategória 2: Matematický trenažér (pracovný zošit):
1. Matematický trenažér pre 9 ročník 2 časť - čistý
2. Matematický trenažér pre 9 ročník 1 časť - nápis na vonkajšej strane zošita (vnútro úplne čisté)
3. Matematický trenažér pre 9 ročník 2 časť - čistý (2x ta istá učebnica)
4. Matematický trenažér pre 8 ročník 2 časť - čistý
Cena: 1€ za jeden trenažér
Kategória 3: Literatúra UČEBNICE
1. Literatúra pre stredné školy I - čistá
2. Literatúra pre stredné školy II - čistá
Cena: 3€ za 1 učebnicu
Kategória 4:
1. Pracovný zošit z fyziky pre 9 ročník a 4 ročník gymnázií - čistý
Cena: 1€
Kategória 5: Zemepis 7 druhá časť UČEBNICA - čistý
Cena: 1€
Iba osobný odber alebo dobierka, napíšte mi SMS.
PS: fotky mam ale z nejakého dôvodu mi sem nejdu pridať (vôbec ich nenacita)

Predam sadu brzdovych platniciek Moto Master typ 403202
Cena 24€ + postovne 4€.
Vhodne pre:
APRILIA RST Futura 1000 2001-2003
BIMOTA DBX 1100 2013-and up
BMW HP2 1200 Enduro (K25) (Enduro tires) 2004-2006
BMW HP2 1200 Enduro (K25) (Street tires) 2004-2006
BMW HP2 1200 Sport (K29) 2007-2010
BMW K 1200 GT (K44) (retrofit rivet kit) 2004-2007
BMW K 1200 GT (K44) (standard solution rivet pack) 2007-2008
BMW K 1300 GT (K44) 2007-2013
BMW R 900 RT (K26) (retrofit rivet kit) 2005-2007
BMW R 900 RT (K26) (standard solution rivet pack) 2007-2009
BMW R 900 RT (K26) 2009-2013
BMW R nineT 1200 (K21) 2014-2016
BMW R nineT 1200 (K21) 2017-and up
BMW R nineT 1200 Pure (K21) 2017-and up
BMW R nineT 1200 Racer (K21) 2017-and up
BMW R nineT 1200 Scrambler (K21) 2016-and up
BMW R nineT 1200 Urbans GS (K21) 2017-and up
CAGIVA Elefant 750 1993-1997
CAGIVA Elefant 900 I.E. 1993-and up
DUCATI Multistrada 1200 2015
DUCATI Multistrada 1200 2016-2018
DUCATI Multistrada 1200 Enduro 2016-2018
DUCATI Multistrada 1200 Enduro Pro 2018
DUCATI Multistrada 1200 Granturismo 2013-2014
DUCATI Multistrada 1200 S 2015-2018
DUCATI Multistrada 1200 S D-air 2015-2017
DUCATI Multistrada 1260 2019-and up
DUCATI Multistrada 1260 Enduro 2019-and up
DUCATI Multistrada 1260 Pikes Peak 2018-and up
DUCATI Multistrada 1260 S 2018-and up
DUCATI Multistrada 1260 S D Air 2018-and up
DUCATI Multistrada 1260 S Grand Tour 2020-and up
DUCATI Multistrada 950 (S) 2017-and up
KTM 1050 Adventure 2015-2017
KTM 1090 Adventure 2013-and up
KTM 1090 Adventure L 2017-and up
KTM 1090 Adventure R 2017-and up
KTM 1190 Adventure 2014-2017
KTM 1190 Adventure R 2013-2017
KTM 1290 Adventure 2015-and up
KTM 1290 Super Adventure 2016-and up
KTM 1290 Super Adventure R 2017-and up
KTM 1290 Super Adventure S 2017-and up
KTM 1290 Super Adventure T 2017
KTM 790 Adventure R 2019-and up
KTM 790 Adventure R Rally 2020-and up
KTM 950 Adventure 2003-2006
KTM 950 Super Enduro R 2006-2008
KTM 950 Supermoto 2005-2007
KTM 950 Supermoto R 2007-2008
KTM 990 Adventure R Dakar (ABS) 2006-2013
KTM 990 Adventure R Dakar (non-ABS) 2006-2013
KTM 990 Supermoto (ABS) 2007-2014
KTM 990 Supermoto R (ABS) 2009-2012
KTM 990 Supermoto R (non-ABS) 2009-2012
KTM 990 Supermoto T (ABS) 2011-2013
KTM 990 Supermoto T (non-ABS) 2011-2013
a ine...

Real estate agency RE/MAX offers you a comfortable and cozy complex where you have all that is necessary for your rest: sea, sun and beautiful nature.
The complex Konak Seaside Premium is under construction on 25.000 m² and consists from 8 blocks. There is a remarkable sea view and mountain view from main windows of apartments and balconies. All territory of the complex have a sea view, irrigated with beautiful green lawn and decorative trees.
In the complex you have following facilities: 3 big pools, a pool with slides, a pool with relaxation and recreation area and 2 paddling pools. There is a bar near the pool, a place for a brazier, an arbor, basketball platform and huge tennis courts. A covered car park is located above all blocks. SPA salon is located above A-B blocks with the size of 3.000 m², and another SPA salon is located under L block, with the size of 6.000 m².
In the SPA salon you have: an indoor pool, a restaurant, an Ottoman bath, a steam room, a sauna, the salt room, rooms for massage, a restroom, fitness, Pilates yoga, billiard, a table tennis, a squash (tennis), a cinema hall, dressing rooms and bathrooms.
Technical characteristics: An antibacterial facade, noise – and water isolation. Spacious and modern elevator. Fire-prevention alarm system. Central satellite systems. Protection and tracking cameras.
In apartments: steel doors, an on-door speakerphone with a video system. False ceilings and pointed hidden lighting. Washable paint on walls and floors from granite. Porcelains and ceramics are covering designer kitchens and bathrooms. Conditioners in all rooms, a home telephone number and double glass İtalian PVC windows and doors on balcony with noise isolation. The complex is located on the first coastline of the Mediterranean Sea.
To the center of Alanya - 15 km.
To Gazipasha Airport - 15 km.
To the sea – 25m.
To Antalya city - 150 km.
Construction begun on 20.10.2018 Commissioning of the complex on 31.12.2021
We guarantee you a full service in Turkey from the moment you arrive. We will arrange a transfer, find you an accommoondation, help you open a bank account, open a tax number and do a full process of registration of the ownership.
You can also contact us and give your request on the exact type of property you are looking for in Turkey and we will find you a best option.

Predám knihu 'Modern C++ Programming Cookbook: Recipes to explore data structure, multithreading, and networking in C++17 (English Edition)'
Délka tištěné verze: 590 stránek
Jazyk: angličtina
Vydavatel: Packt Publishing
Datum vydání: 15 května 2017
Rozměry: 19.05 x 3.38 x 23.5 cm
ISBN-10: 1786465183
Kniha je ako nová. Na slovensku sa predava za 60-80eur.
Over 100 recipes to help you overcome your difficulties with C++ programming and gain a deeper understanding of the working of modern C++
About This Book
Explore the most important language and library features of C++17, including containers, algorithms, regular expressions, threads, and more,
Get going with unit testing frameworks Boost.Test, Google Test and Catch,
Extend your C++ knowledge and take your development skills to new heights by making your applications fast, robust, and scalable.
Who This Book Is For
If you want to overcome difficult phases of development with C++ and leverage its features using modern programming practices, then this book is for you. The book is designed for both experienced C++ programmers as well as people with strong knowledge of OOP concepts.
What You Will Learn
Get to know about the new core language features and the problems they were intended to solve
Understand the standard support for threading and concurrency and know how to put them on work for daily basic tasks
Leverage C++'s features to get increased robustness and performance
Explore the widely-used testing frameworks for C++ and implement various useful patterns and idioms
Work with various types of strings and look at the various aspects of compilation
Explore functions and callable objects with a focus on modern features
Leverage the standard library and work with containers, algorithms, and iterators
Use regular expressions for find and replace string operations
Take advantage of the new filesystem library to work with files and directories

Olimp City :
A premium complex of villas and apartments on the Alanya Coast surrounded by the Taurus mountains and coniferous forests with stunning panoramic sea views.
Kargicak is one of the most eastern
and picturesque districts of Alanya.
The infrastructure of the district is
actively developing and already now
there is everything necessary for life:
supermarkets, pharmacies, restaurants,
cafes, polyclinics, schools, farmers
• 38913 m2 - the total area
• 8000 m2 - of infrastructure for comfortable living and pastime
• 40 villas - with the panoramic sea view, swimming pool and garage
• 7 buildings - with 5 floors and the sea views.
~ 2.2 km to the sandy and pebble beach
~ 18 km to the center of Alanya
~ 28 km to Gazipasa Airport
Type of villas : 4+1, 3 floors, 2 terraces
Villas area : 338 m2 - the house, 35-45 m2 - the swimming pool
The land plot : 336-755 m2
Parking lot : 1 garage, space for parking on the villa's area
The uniqueness of the villas : panoramic sea view, the proximity of the pine forest
Finishing (is included in the price) :
-kitchen set with built-in appliances of the Italian brand SMEG:
-2 built-in refrigerators
- microwave
- electric built-in oven
- built-in dishwasher
- touch control induction hob
- extractor hood with carbon filter
All Olimp City Villas and Apartments are being provided with a white box finishing which means you will have a high-quality prepared "CANVAS" for the quick
realization of any ideas.
White Box :
• washable wall surfaces (paint)
• interior and exterior doors
• internal and outdoor lighting
• system and outputs for the air conditioners Mitsubishi
• outputs for the installation of Internet and television
• communications for the radiator heating system installing
• electrical fittings
• accessories for the installation of automatic shutters in villas
• aluminum profiles with double glazing Asas
• floor covering - laminate
• kitchen with Lideadecor built-in furniture
• bathroom with built-in furniture and plumbing
Everything for a life without worries :
• concierge service 24/7
• Wi-Fi and Web cameras on the territory of the complex
• management company services
• car parking service
• transfer to the beach
• business spaces for work and meetings
• the shops
• laundry and atelier service
Everything for kids :
• children's club with educational programs for kids of different ages
• children's pool and water slides
• game spaces and a cinema
• babysitter
Everything for self care :
Bath complex -
• steam rooms
• pools a

Predam knihu Kardashian Dynasty - Ian Halperin
New York Times bestselling author and investigator Ian Halperin pulls back the curtain on America’s notorious Kardashian family – exposing their shaky foundation for fame – one shocking revelation at a time.
The Kardashians and Jenners have taken the world by storm, collectively rising to superfame after making their reality show debut on E! with Keeping Up with the Kardashians in 2007. Since then, their family life has remained a constant circus of tabloid headlines, red carpet appearances, branding deals, reality shows and their spinoffs, and a slew of media coverage. As revered and polarizing as royalty, the Kardashians have stolen the celebrity spotlight – and they show no signs of giving it up.
And yet, amidst their mega success, the Kardashians have faced a firestorm of negative publicity over the years: particularly over Kris Jenner’s role in the family. As matriarch and momager of the Kardashian clan, Kris has been accused of exploiting her children for fame and money and playing the media like a deck of cards.
Based on extensive research, Ian Halperin delivers the salacious details behind the Kardashians’ rise to fame. With revelations exposing the family’s foundation as shaky at best and scandalous at worst, Halperin provides an unparalleled glimpse into the events and scandals that have propelled the Kardashians to worldwide celebrity, for better or worse.

Predám Lego Polybagy (sáčky) Friends:
- LEGO Friends 30408 Tulipány
- Lego 30203 Friends Playbag Emma a minigolf
- Lego 30400 Friends Polybag
- Lego 30396 Friends Polybag Stánok s tortami
- Lego 30403 Friends Olívia a jej diaľkovo ovládaná loď Polybag
- Lego 30413 Friends Kvetinový vozík Polybag
- Lego Friends polybag 30411 Bonboniera a kvetina
- Lego Friends polybag 30410 Mia a vodná zábava
Cena 4,50€/ks + prípadné poštovné

The Ultimate Cigar Book is a classic on the subject, covering everything from how cigars are made, to storage, etiquette, and accessories.
Richard Carleton Hacker’s category bestselling is often credited with helping to create a new generation of cigar aficionados. No other book contains as much detailed and factual information on virtually every facet of cigar making and cigar smoking. And now this trendsetting has been revised in this fourth edition for the aficionado of the future!
Forget 1492. This book starts out in B. C. (Before Columbus) and transports the cigar enthusiast on a fun and fact-filled adventure into virtually every realm of today’s popular and growing cigar smoking pastime. Written by one of the most knowledgeable and internationally-celebrated pipe and cigar authors of our time, Richard Carleton Hacker’s well-known wit and wisdom will keep the reader enthralled with every turn of the page, as he takes you on an information-packed would tour of cigars.
Starting off with a history of cigar smoking, the author then shows us how cigars are made today (handmade, handrolled, and machine made), divulges the secrets of finding the “perfect” cigar, and discusses the ritual of smoking and how to properly care for and store our cigars. From there the book lists a number of innovative cigar accessories, suggests which beers, wines, whiskeys, brandies, and cognacs go with what cigars, enlightens us with a chapter on cigar smoking celebrities, and concludes with the world’s first International Compendium of virtually every cigar brand known today, complete with histories and observations on taste, according to the author’s HPH (Highly Prejudiced Hacker-Scale) ratings. If that was not enough, there is even a dictionary of CigarSpeak!
The Ultimate Cigar Book is the most comprehensive, factual, and up-to-date book for the cigar smoker or for those who just want to learn more about the fascinating and popular world of cigar smoking.

Predám tento notebook v sto percentom stave. Notebook ide s Ubuntu 20.04, ale cez virtuálku som skúšal Mac aj Windows - obe idú v poriadku. Notebook predávam kvôli kúpe Mac-u. Viac informácií tu:
Xiaomi Mi Notebook Pro
is a cost-effective notebook which supports fingerprint recognition. Equipped with a 15.6 inch FHD display, brings your photos and videos to life. Powered by Intel Core processor, featuring NVIDIA GeForce MX150 graphics, ensures high performance. 256GB huge hard disk storage brings you smooth using experience. Dual band 2.4GHz / 5.0GHz WiFi supported, ensures you high-speed surfing.
Main Features:
● Microsoft Windows 10 OS
Offers more powerful performance brings you more smooth and wonderful user experienceXiaomi Mi Notebook Pro
is a cost-effective notebook which supports fingerprint recognition. Equipped with a 15.6 inch FHD display, brings your photos and videos to life. Powered by Intel Core processor, featuring NVIDIA GeForce MX150 graphics, ensures high performance. 256GB huge hard disk storage brings you smooth using experience. Dual band 2.4GHz / 5.0GHz WiFi supported, ensures you high-speed surfing.
Main Features:
● Intel Core i7-8550U Quad Core 1.8GHz, up to 4.0GHz
Ultra-low-voltage platform and quad-core processing provide maximum high-efficiency power
● NVIDIA GeForce MX150 GPU
Dual graphics supported, better and faster in playing games and watching videos
● 16GB DDR4 RAM for Advanced Multitasking
Substantial high-bandwidth RAM to smoothly run your games, photos and video-editing applications
● 256GB SSD Storage Capacity
Provides room to store pictures, videos, music and more
● Front Camera for Photos and Face-to-face Chat
1.0MP front camera allows you to capture memorable moments or chat with friends
● HDMI Output Expands Your Viewing Options
You can connect the device to an HDTV or high-definition monitor to set up two screens side by side or just enlarge pictures
● Dual Band 2.4GHz / 5.0GHz WiFi
● Intel Core i7-8550U Quad Core 1.8GHz, up to 4.0GHz
Ultra-low-voltage platform and quad-core processing provide maximum high-efficiency power
● NVIDIA GeForce MX150 GPU
Dual graphics supported, better and faster in playing games and watching videos
● 16GB DDR4 RAM for Advanced Multitasking
Substantial high-bandwidth RAM to smoothly run your games, photos and video-editing applications
● 256GB SSD Storage Capacity
Provides room to store pictures, videos, music and more
● Front Camera for Photos and Face-to-face Chat
1.0MP front camera allows you to capture memorable moments or chat with friends
● HDMI Output Expands Your Viewing Options
You can connect the device to an HDTV or high-definition monitor to set up two screens side by side or just enlarge pictures
● Dual Band 2.4GHz / 5.0GHz WiFi
802.11a/b/g/n/ac wireless Inter

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Dobry den,
predam novy Garmin Edge 1030 este v ochrannej folii s manualom aj uchytom.
Ultimate GPS Bike Computer with Navigation and Connected Features
3.5” bike computer with comprehensive navigation, performance and cycling awareness features
Trendline™ popularity routing uses billions of miles of Garmin Connect™ ride data to show the best on- and off-road routes
Preloaded Garmin Cycle Map provides turn-by-turn directions and new navigation alerts
New rider-to-rider messaging¹ lets you stay in contact with other cyclists in your group
Challenge yourself every ride with newly updated preloaded Strava Live Segments feature
Battery life: up to 20 hours², extendable up to 40 hours with the optional Garmin Charge™ power pack
Ride longer and stronger while staying connected with the Edge 1030 GPS cycling computer. It features Trendline popularity routing, which uses billions of miles of rider data to show you the best on- and off-road routes. Whether you’re a competitor, commuter or an adventure-seeker, we’ve found a better ride for you.
Create the Ultimate Cycling Hub
Edge 1030 includes the latest navigation tools and is compatible with our expansive line of cycling accessories that let you measure key aspects of your performance, and awareness add-ons that can help create a safer riding environment. You can build your perfect ride network with Garmin, and it all starts with an Edge.
Popularity Routing Knows Where Riders Go
Since the Garmin Connect online community was created, cyclists have uploaded billions of miles of ride data. It’s time to put that data to good use with Trendline popularity routing technology. When Edge 1030 generates a ride for you, it finds the best route — choosing from the roads (and trails) most traveled by your fellow cyclists. Or, use the improved and revamped Course Creator in Garmin Connect to generate additional bike-friendly routes based on popularity data.
Advanced Navigation with Garmin Cycle Map
Garmin is your guide, whether you like to ride on the road or off. Edge 1030 bike computer is preloaded with the Garmin Cycle Map and includes turn-by-turn navigation and new navigation alerts that notify you of upcoming sharp turns. While you ride, get information about elevation data, see points of interest and search for addresses. Round-trip routing will even generate a route for you. Simply tell Edge 1030 a distance and a starting direction, and it will give you a choice of up to 3 routes. And, of course, it’s smart enough to guide you back to the route if you deviate from it. When you’re planning long rides, you can count on your Edge 1030. It gets up to 20 hours of power, and with the new Garmin Charge integrated battery pack, you can keep your Edge running as long as you do.
Messages From Rider to Rider
No need to reach for the phone or worry about your fellow riders when they pull ahead or fall behind. Rider-to-rider messa

Predam uplne novu knihu By J. B. West, Mary Lynn Kotz - Upstairs at the White House: My Life with the First Ladies. Nebol ani raz citana. n this New York Times bestseller, the White House chief usher for nearly three decades offers a behind-the-scenes look at America's first families.
J. B. West, chief usher of the White House, directed the operations and maintenance of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue--and coordinated its daily life--at the request of the president and his family. He directed state functions
planned parties, weddings and funerals, gardens and playgrounds, and extensive renovations
and, with a large staff, supervised every activity in the presidential home. For twenty-eight years, first as assistant to the chief usher, then as chief usher, he witnessed national crises and triumphs, and interacted daily with six consecutive presidents and first ladies, as well as their parents, children and grandchildren, and houseguests--including friends, relatives, and heads of state.
J. B. West, whom Jackie Kennedy called "one of the most extraordinary men I have ever met," provides an absorbing, one-of-a-kind history of life among the first ladies. Alive with anecdotes ranging from Eleanor Roosevelt's fascinating political strategies to Jackie Kennedy's tragic loss and the personal struggles of Pat Nixon, Upstairs at the White House is a rich account of a slice of American history that usually remains behind closed doors.

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Predám vypracované témy na maturitu z podnikovej ekonomiky v anglickom jazyku na úrovni C1, ktoré som poctivo vypracovala. Obsahuje 24 tém, vypracované sú na 5-8 strán. Témy som vypracovala počas štúdia na obchodnej akadémiii, bilingválna sekcia. Témy sú spracované vo Worde. Sú spracované podľa pokynov, čo sa týka obsahu aj počtu strán, podľa knižky Complete Business Studies (viď. foto), zrozumiteľne, ľahko na učenie. Vďaka týmto témam som zmaturovala bez problémov na jednotku. Témy:
- Business growth and measurement of size
- Business objectives and their importance
- Government economic policies
- Business reaction to market changes and the competitive environment
- Mixed and market economies
- International trade
- Types of business organization
- Organizational structure, organizational hierarchies and management
- Financing business activity, internal and external resources of finance for a business
- Role of marketing, marketing research
- Market segmentation and product in the marketing mix
- Price, price elasticity of demand, pricing methods and strategies, distribution channels
- Promotion, promotion methods, marketing strategy and marketing budget
- Production and productivity, methods of production, lean production practices
- Cost and cost classification, break-even level of production
- Increasing the scale of production, business location
- Cash and cash flow forecasts
- Profit, profit and loss account, purpose and main elements of balance sheet
- Analysing financial accounts, financial budgets
- Human needs and rewards, motivation methods in work
- Human resources management
- Workforce and the working environment
- The external impact of business decisions on people, the economy and the environment
- Basics of macroeconomics

Predám knihu 'Java Persistence with Hibernate', kde si môžete rozšíriť svoje znalosti ohladom frameworku Hibernate.
Jazyk: angličtina
strán: 608
Vydavatel: Manning
Autor: Christian Bauer, Gavin King, Gary Gregory
Java Persistence with Hibernate, Second Edition explores Hibernate by developing an application that ties together hundreds of individual examples. In this revised edition, authors Christian Bauer, Gavin King, and Gary Gregory cover Hibernate 5 in detail with the Java Persistence 2.1 standard (JSR 338). All examples have been updated for the latest Hibernate and Java EE specification versions.
About the Technology
Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications.
Persistence—the ability of data to outlive an instance of a program—is central to modern applications. Hibernate, the most popular Java persistence tool, offers automatic and transparent object/relational mapping, making it a snap to work with SQL databases in Java applications.
About the Book
Java Persistence with Hibernate, Second Edition explores Hibernate by developing an application that ties together hundreds of individual examples. You'll immediately dig into the rich programming model of Hibernate, working through mappings, queries, fetching strategies, transactions, conversations, caching, and more. Along the way you'll find a well-illustrated discussion of best practices in database design and optimization techniques. In this revised edition, authors Christian Bauer, Gavin King, and Gary Gregory cover Hibernate 5 in detail with the Java Persistence 2.1 standard (JSR 338). All examples have been updated for the latest Hibernate and Java EE specification versions.
What's Inside
Object/relational mapping concepts
Efficient database application design
Comprehensive Hibernate and Java Persistence reference
Integration of Java Persistence with EJB, CDI, JSF, and JAX-RS * Unmatched breadth and depth
About the Reader
The book assumes a working knowledge of Java.
Table of Contents
2. Understanding object/relational persistence
3. Starting a project
4. Domain models and metadata
6. Mapping persistent classes
7. Mapping value types
8. Mapping inheritance
9. Mapping collections and entity associations
10. Advanced entity association mappings
11. Complex and legacy schemas
13. Managing data
14. Transactions and concurrency
15. Fetch plans, strategies, and profiles
16. Filtering data
18. Creating and executing queries
19. The query languages
20. Advanced query options
21. Customizing SQL