family and friends 2 pracovný zošit - strana 3
Počet nájdených inzerátov FAMILY AND FRIENDS 2 PRACOVNÝ ZOŠIT
: 1000 - strana 3

Predám 5-izbovy rodinný dom v obci Chorvatsky Grob.
Dom sa nachádza v starej časti obce, tichá lokalita, v blízkosti školy, všeobecného lekára, pošty a potravín. Miestny úrad a autobusová zastávka je cca 5 minút chodze.
Dom má nové dlážky, podlahové kúrenie, keramická dlažba v celom dome a v hlavnej spálni je plávajúca podlaha. Kuchyňa je prepojená s jedálenskou časťou a obývačkou. Dom má dve spálne a dve kúpelne. Technická miestnosť s práčkou a pripravou na sušičku. Pri kuchyni je komora na uskladnenie potravín s chladničkou. Celé steny zvnútra sú obložené sadrokartónom. Nové dvere a nové okná. Okná do ulice majú protislnečné sklá. Dom je zvonku zateplený, izolovaný strop a má novú strechu. Pozemok má studňu, na ktorú je napojené splachovanie záchodov. Dom má vonkajšíkamerový systém a vnútorný alarm. V kuchyni je dymový senzor a v technickej miestnosti a za umývačkou riadu je alarm na vodu. V každej izbe je senzor na pohyb, plus dom je rozdelený na dve samostatné zóny. Všetko je prepojené cez wifi a na váš telefón prichadzaju upozornenia, vrátane výpadku elektrického prúdu. Úžitková plocha domu je 125 m² .
Záhrada je nedokončená. Dom má malú pivnicu, cca 3x4 m, vchod do nej je zvonku. Rozloha pozemku je 459 m².
Dom sa predáva aj so zariadením. V hlavnej spálni je vstavaná skriňa roldor.
Viac foto pošlem mailom.
POPROSIM nie realitne kancelarie!
Selling a 5-room family house in the village of Chorvatsky Grob.
The house is located in the old part of the village, quiet location, close to the school, doctor, post office and a grocery store. The local municipal office and the bus stop are about a 5-minute walk.
The house has new floors, underfloor heating, ceramic tiles throughout the house and a floating floor in the master bedroom. The kitchen is connected to the dining area and the living room. The house has two bedrooms and two bathrooms. Utility room with washing machine and rough in for dryer. There is a food storage room with a refrigerator near the kitchen. The entire walls from the inside are drywall. New doors and new windows. The windows to the street have anti-sun glass. The house is insulated from the outside, insulated ceilings and has a new roof. The land has a well to which the toilet plumbing is connected. The house has an external camera system and an internal alarm. There is a smoke sensor in the kitchen and a water alarm in the utility room and behind the dishwasher. There is a motion sensor in every room, plus the house is divided into two separate zones. Everything is connected via Wi-Fi and notifications are sent to your phone, including power outages. The square footage of the house is 125 m².
The garden is unfinished. The house has a small cellar, approx. 3x4 m, the entrance to it is from the

Predam knihu Kardashian Konfidential od Kim Kardashian, Kourtney Kardashian , Khloe Kardashian
Confessions of life as a Kardashian sister—stuffed with family stories, advice, beauty tips and exclusive gorgeous full color photos, personal snapshots and the inside scoop on their life growing up into the gorgeous Dash Dolls
The stars of not one but two #1 reality television shows, and frequent cover girls on all the weekly celebrity magazines, Kourtney, Kim & Khloé Kardashian live large and glamorous lives. But not everything is on the screen—how they really live, get along (and feud) as sisters is the subject of the Kardashians’ very first book. Kardashian Konfidential is their sisterhood autobiography, full of fun facts about their childhoods (guess who was the ugly duckling?), their beauty and style secrets, the wisdom they learned from their beloved father, and the street smarts they got from their mother that sustain them in life and in business.
Kardashian Konfidential is bursting at the seams with photos, memorabilia, diary entries, datebook pages, and old Valentines the girls sent to each other, as well as many other artifacts put together just for their book. As glamorous, fun and fashionable as the girls themselves, this is the perfect buy-one-for-me-buy-three-for-friends fan’s book.

Biologia - Pracovný zošit z biológie pre 8. ročník ZŠ a 3. ročník gymnázií s osemročným štúdiom. Použité, čiastočne vyplnené gumovacím perom ( len po 16. stranu).
Z netu: Popis
Množstvo tvorivých úloh spojených s názornými obrázkami zvierat a živočíchov, resp. dejov v živej i neživej prírode, testy a iné slovné úlohy, prípadne hlavolamy a doplňovačky zvyšujú atraktívnosť hodín biológie aj domácu prípravu žiakov.
V biologickom zošite sa v užitočnej symbióze stretávajú poznámkový zošit, tvorivé úlohy, množstvo názorných farebných obrázkov, schém a nechýba ani hravosť a zábava, rôzne krížovky, osemsmerovky a hádanky.
Pracovný zošit je koncipovaný v súlade so schváleným vzdelávacím štandardom pre 8. ročník základnej školy a pre 3. ročník osemročného gymnázia.
Zaoberá sa základnými životnými procesmi organizmov, organizáciou živej hmoty, dedičnosťou a premenlivosťou organizmov, životným prostredím organizmov a človeka.
Pracovný zošit je výbornou pomôckou nielen počas spoločnej práce na vyučovacej hodine, ale aj pri samostatnej domácej príprave. Obsahuje úlohy na pochopenie a upevnenie učiva, texty na čítanie s porozumením, dve dvojstrany pod názvom Test prírodovednej gramotnosti, doplňovačky, obrázky, tabuľky a ďalšie prvky, ktoré zvyšujú efektivitu vyučovania. Súčasťou zošita sú aj 4 strany pod názvom Upevňovanie učiva I-IV.

Paperback, raz prečítaný. Vidieť mierne známky na obale. Praktická kniha pre každého, kto hľadá trochu voľného času medzi svojimi každodennými povinnosťami. Kniha je v angličtine. Cena je už aj s poštový, posielam po zaplatení na účet.
In I Know How She Does It, time management expert Laura Vanderkam offers powerful insights from the diaries of successful women. Everyone has an opinion, anecdote, or horror story about women and work. Most believe that a woman who wants a challenging career will have to make huge sacrifices - in family, social life, hobbies or even a decent night's sleep. But what if balancing work and family is actually not as hard as it's made out to be? What if all those tragic anecdotes ignore the women who quietly but consistently do just fine with the juggle? Instead of relying on scattered stories, time management expert Laura Vanderkam set out to find some hard data. She collected hour-by-hour time logs from 1,001 days in the lives of women who make at least $100,000 a year. And she found some surprising patterns: these women worked less and slept more than they thought. They went to the gym, played with their children, scheduled date nights, and had lunches with friends. They could be spontaneous and make time for the things that gave them pleasure and meaning.
With examples from hundreds of real women, Vanderkam proves that you don't have to give up on the things you really want. In I Know How She Does It, she offers specific strategies proven to help you manage your time and build a life that works, one hour at a time.

Omar El Akkad - American War
Cena + poštovné. V prípade záujmu ma kontaktujte prosím cez email.
Ponúkam na predaj aj iné knihy - pozrite si moje ďaľšie inzeráty.
An audacious and powerful debut novel: a second American Civil War, a devastating plague, and one family caught deep in the middle - a story that asks what might happen if America were to turn its most devastating policies and deadly weapons upon itself. Sarat Chestnut, born in Louisiana, is only six when the Second American Civil War breaks out in 2074. But even she knows that oil is outlawed, that Louisiana is half underwater, and that unmanned drones fill the sky. When her father is killed and her family is forced into Camp Patience for displaced persons, she begins to grow up shaped by her particular time and place. But not everyone at Camp Patience is who they claim to be. Eventually Sarat is befriended by a mysterious functionary, under whose influence she is turned into a deadly instrument of war. The decisions that she makes will have tremendous consequences not just for Sarat but for her family and her country, rippling through generations of strangers and kin alike.

Predám slúchadlový zosilňovač Douk-U3.
•Adopting innovative circuit design, DC 5-20V wide input working voltage, the amplifier circuit can always work at a high voltage of 26V, and the background noise index is excellent. With wide frequency response extension, excellent transient response, excellent purity and transparency, and good dynamic range.
•Adopting original TI-NE5532 classical op amp and transistor expanding current circuit, using 1300mA large current output transistor working in class A status, with ultra-low distortion, and the sound is warm and delicate, full and mellow.
•Pluggable op amp socket design, convenient to upgrade different op amps and bring much DIY fun and playability for audiophiles. Smooth and mellow sound, suitable for listening to vocals or string music, classic or pop music, and even with unique charm when playing rock.
•Mini size with exquisite appearance and most cost-effective, brings big surprise for all audiophiles, easily to drive most headphones in the market, providing larger power, better sound field and details, very suitable for home/office desltop audio system use.
•With stong drive power, easily to drive most high-impedance headphones such as:
•Audio input: stereo L/R RCA
•Audio output: 6.35mm headphone jack
•Output power: ≥1300mW (32Ω)
•Matched headphone impedance: 18-600Ω
•Frequency response: 20-30KHz
•Signal to noise ratio: ≥110DB
•Max output amplitude voltage: 25V
•Input voltage: DC 5-20V
•Dimension(W*D*H): 67*93*30mm / 2.64*3.66*1.18in
•Net weight: 169g / 0.37lb
•Package weight: 310g / 0.68lb
Packing List
•1*U3 Headphone Amplifier
•1*USB to DC Cable

Cena 70€ plus postovne.
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Instant 4K entertainment
Enjoy the latest blockbusters and TV shows in glorious 4K resolution with the Amazon Fire TV Stick 4K Ultra HD with Alexa Voice Remote. Its powerful processor lets you search through multiple streaming services all at once. Just pick what you want to watch, and the Fire TV will find it. No need to browse through all your streaming platforms individually.
There are plenty of apps to keep you entertained too, from the likes of Netflix, YouTube and Disney+. There's instant access to Prime Video content, and members can watch tons of content at no additional cost. To get started, simply plug the stick into your TV, connect to WiFi and enjoy.
HDR & Atmos
TV shows and movies look better than ever thanks to support for popular HDR formats such as Dolby Vision and HDR10+. Every scene is enhanced for balanced contrast.
Make the most of your Dolby Atmos soundbar or home cinema system with support on select titles from Prime, Netflix and Disney+.
You'll feel like the action is happening all around you.
Alexa voice remote
Launch apps and control content using the Alexa Voice Remote included with the Fire TV Stick. You can effortlessly search for the type of entertainment you're looking for within all the installed apps - just say "find comedies" and Alexa will bring up a selection of shows guaranteed to make you smile.
You can enjoy all the benefits of Alexa too - see your security camera on the TV, check the weather, and stream music - using only your voice.
This 2021 version of the Alexa remote features a channel guide and app buttons, making it even easier to access your favourite TV shows, movies and music.

Predam novy - este nerozbaleny - kus zariadenia Cisco Wireless Access point Cisco WAP371 Wireless-AC/N Dual Radio Access Point with Single Point Setup (WAP371-E-K9).
● Provides cost-effective 802.11ac connectivity up to three times the 802.11n speed
● Supports 3x3 multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) technology with three spatial streams for maximum performance
● Gigabit Ethernet LAN interface with Power over Ethernet (PoE) facilitates flexible installation
● Captive portal helps enable highly secure guest access with customized roles and rights
● Single Point Setup requires no controller, for easy cost-effective deployment of multiple access points
● Works right out of the box with easy installation and simple web-based configuration and wizard
● Concurrent dual-band radio support up to 900 Mbps to maximize capacity and coverage.
● 3x3 multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) with three spatial streams allows maximum performance.
● Single Point Setup, a controller-less technology, simplifies the deployment and management of multiple access points - without requiring additional hardware.
● The Gigabit Ethernet LAN interface enables a high-speed uplink to the wired network.
● Robust security, including WPA2, 802.1X with RADIUS secure authentication, and rogue access point detection, help protect sensitive business information.
● Captive portal support facilitates highly secure, customized guest access with multiple rights and roles.
● Simple installation and intuitive web-based configuration and wizard facilitate fast, simple deployment and setup in minutes.
● Support for PoE allows for easy installation without expensive additional wiring.
● Sleek design with multiple internal antennas and versatile mounting kit allows for installation on a ceiling, wall, or desktop.
● Intelligent QoS prioritizes network traffic to help keep critical network applications running at top performance.
● Power-saving sleep mode and port control features help maximize energy efficiency.
● Workgroup Bridge mode lets you expand your network by wirelessly connecting to a second Ethernet network.
● Support for IPv6 lets you deploy future networking applications and operating systems without costly upgrades.
● Limited lifetime hardware warranty provides peace of mind.
Package Contents
● Cisco WAP371 Wireless-AC/N Dual Radio Access Point
● Ceiling/wall mounting kit
● User guide on CD-ROM
● Quick-start guide
● Ethernet network cable
V zaruke do September 30, 2024.
Osobne v BA alebo dobierkou.

Predam prilbu Schuberth R2 Gray velkost S/55. Pouzita par krat,vzdy s kuklou.Ma necely rok. S ciernym aj cirym plexi,krabica, kompletne balenie. Spolu s komunikatorom SC1.
Be it a naked bike, roadster, sports touring bike or race bike, the new R2 is right for any head and any bike.
Puristic. Multifunctional. Modern.
This classic full-face helmet in modern design incorporating state-of-the-art SCHUBERTH technology offers maximum safety and a super-cool image.
Full Face Motocycle helmet - fully equipped
Integrated antenna, pre-nstalled speakers and microphone Ideally designed for the new communication system SC1
Everything for ultimate wearing comfort
Perfect fit and high-quality ShinyTex® inner lining with seamless head pad
Ensuring a cool head
Ventilation with inlets in forehead and chin areas as well as an intricate channel system
The motor cycle helmet is in accordance with the testing standard ECE R 22.05 and can therefore be used throughout Europe.
The R2 is available in sizes from XS to 2XL. This conforms to head circumferences from 52 to 63 centimetres.
High-tech where safety is concerned:
The unique method for manufacturing shells used by SCHUBERTH makes for low weight combined with optimum stability. Direct Fiber Processing (DFP) is an innovation developed by SCHUBERTH.
It involves an endless glass fibre being cut into pieces by a robot and being blown into a mould. This preform is baked under high pressure in a heatable mould with the addition of a precisely defined quantity of resin to produce an exceptionally solid shell.
The multi-part construction of the inner lining allows for outstanding force absorption, thereby enhancing safety.
Safety Technology
The emergency quick-release cheek pads can be removed in one swift movement if necessary, which will make it easy to take the helmet off.
Reflective surfaces on the helmet make the rider even more visible in the dark.
The secure double-D fastener readjusts the helmet fit afresh every time it is worn.
The ShinyTex® inner lining is designed to ensure a secure and comfortable fit. The fabrics are fast-drying and washable. The seamless head pad guarantees outstanding wearing comfort. Good air circulation through multi-channel ventilation provides additional cooling for the wearer. Of course, the inner lining is Öko-Tex 100 certified, removable and washable.
Fresh air!
Fresh air intakes in the forehead and chin areas ensure that the air circulation within the helmet remains comfortable at all times. The multi-channel ventilation of the R2 makes for a cool head during every ride.
Radio, navigation and communication in the same helmet size
Communicating, talking on the phone, using the satnav, listening to music – communication no

Title: Miller's Classic Motorcycles Price Guide ...
Publisher: Antique Collectors Club Ltd
Publication Date: 1997
Vintage, veteran, manufacturer's specials, side cars, and even restoration projects are included in this comprehensive coverage of classic, pre-1980 motorcycles. There are special features on military bikes, road and racing motorcycles, and Cafe Racers. Each motorcycle has a complete price range description and date of manufacture. 1,500 photos, with 360 in full color.
About the Author:
Judith Miller began collecting in the 1960s while a student at Edinburgh University in Scotland. She has since become one of the world's leading antiques experts in the field. In 1979 she co-founded the international best-seller Miller's Antiques Price Guide and has since written more than 100 books. Judith Miller appears regularly on TV and radio. She is an expert on the BBC's 'Antiques Roadshow' and hosted the BBC TV series 'The House Detectives', ITV's 'Antiques Trail', and Discovery's 'It's Your Bid'. She has appeared on 'The Martha Stewart Show' and CNN. She is a regular lecturer and contributor to numerous newspapers and magazines, including Financial Times, BBC Homes & Antiques and House & Garden. She has lectured extensively, including at the V&A in London and the Smithsonian in Washington.

Ponúkam prístroj na diagnostiku motora Launch CR3008 nový v krabici, kompletné balenie. Pripája sa cez ODB konektor. Má USB port na aktualizácie a tlač reportov.
Moznosti detekcie :
1. Read engine or emission related fault codes error codes.
2. Erase and delete the fault code,
3. Turns off Check Engine Light (MIL), warning light, clears codes and resets monitors
4. Retrieves generic (P0, P2, P3 and U0), manufacturer specific (P1, P3 and U1) codes and pending codes
5. Easily determines the cause of the Check Engine Light (MIL), show definitions of the fault codes.
6. Displays monitor and I/M readiness status (emissions)
7. Reads live PCM data stream
8. Displays Live sensor data readings in both text mode and graph mode (1996 and newer vehicles)
9. Storage data stream, and playback, printing the stored sensor readings.
10. Views freeze frame data to analyze the real cause of engine failures
11. Displays live O2 oxygen sensor test data
12. Enhanced OBD2 Mode 6 On Board Monitoring Test Results for Specific Monitored Systems.
13. EVAP System test data
14. Battery Voltage real time monitoring.
15. Retrieves vehicle information (VIN code, CIN and CVN Number)
16. Built-in DTC look-up library and display definition.
17. Troubleshooter code tips guide technicians to the root cause of a trouble code faster, save diagnosis and repair time
18. Internet updateable and upgradeable, life-time update free
19. Prints the stored trouble codes/ freeze frame/ live data readings via PC, works for all windows system.

2009 Citroen Jumper 2.2 L2H2 Camper van
So first of all, I'm a foreign student here in Slovakia, and can't speak slovak, so please keep communication in english :)
This van is great to experience having a camper van, but on a budget. I've poured a lot of money and love into it, at everything is built by hand by me and helpful people. The whole kitchen is made from 200 year old refurbished red wood, that used to be old floor boards. It's built to last!
I bought this van early 2021 as an empty cargo van here in Kosice, and drove it to England and converted it to a camper during the summer of 2021. When I got it, it had engine problems, so I put a refurbished engine in, changed the turbo, remade the brakes, and switched all the diesel injectors.
Theres a wooden skeleton put in to accomodate all the conversion.
The van is fully insulated with sheets of 5cm normal house board insulation, with rock wool and spray insulation used for the harder to reach areas. There is then reflective radiant barrier insulation roll added everywhere on top of that. Then wooden paneling had been added. Wooden panels with vinyl I added for the floor.
I've put in two 200ah leisure batteries that are connected to a split charge to the engine, so it charges while the engine is on. It would be relatively simple to add solar panels, though I haven't had the need for it, because when I use it I have driven a lot. The whole system is 12v.
Theres a maxxair fan added to the roof, and another vent towards to back, so there can be complete air flow throughout.
The van has a simple sink with an electric pump, that drains from a 20l tank to another 20l grey water tank.
Theres a diesel heater with exhaust and intake exiting in the bottom on the van.
As you can see from the pictures there is also a 12v fridge (20l or 30l, I can't remember exactly) that runs perfectly.
Lights are added for the roof and kitchen.
Storage under the seating/bed, in the kitchen, over the bulkhead, and over the seating on built in shelves. The storage is also accessible from the back. There is also a drawer next to the sink
I built the seating and in a way that the table can be put down so it turns into a bed, as you can see in the pictures. Very easy and quick.
I also have some things that you could probably take over as well if you need them, like a portable gas stove etc.
Please don't hesitate to message me for any questions you might have! There's definitely things I have to forgotten to mention, as this is quite a big project.
Hope to hear from you!
Najazdené km: 280000

LAUNCH X431 PRO V3 diagnostikaPonúkam prístroj na diagnostiku motora Launch X431 PRO V3. Pripája sa cez ODB konektor. Má USB port na aktualizácie a tlač reportov.
Moznosti detekcie :
1. Read engine or emission related fault codes error codes.
2. Erase and delete the fault code,
3. Turns off Check Engine Light (MIL), warning light, clears codes and resets monitors
4. Retrieves generic (P0, P2, P3 and U0), manufacturer specific (P1, P3 and U1) codes and pending codes
5. Easily determines the cause of the Check Engine Light (MIL), show definitions of the fault codes.
6. Displays monitor and I/M readiness status (emissions)
7. Reads live PCM data stream
8. Displays Live sensor data readings in both text mode and graph mode (1996 and newer vehicles)
9. Storage data stream, and playback, printing the stored sensor readings.
10. Views freeze frame data to analyze the real cause of engine failures
11. Displays live O2 oxygen sensor test data
12. Enhanced OBD2 Mode 6 On Board Monitoring Test Results for Specific Monitored Systems.
13. EVAP System test data
14. Battery Voltage real time monitoring.
15. Retrieves vehicle information (VIN code, CIN and CVN Number)
16. Built-in DTC look-up library and display definition.
17. Troubleshooter code tips guide technicians to the root cause of a trouble code faster, save diagnosis and repair time
18. Internet updateable and upgradeable, life-time update free
19. Prints the stored trouble codes/ freeze frame/ live data readings via PC, works for all windows system.

LP platne predaj
Vladimír Merta- Hodina vlka
Sade - Stronger than Príde / Epic /
Vitězslav Vávra and Maximum Petra Hanniga
Tanita Tikaram-ancient hearts
Progres2 -Dialig s vesmírem
Mantovani and his Orchestra
OMD Dazzle Ships
Toto Cutugno
Elvis Presley -Pure Gold
Deep Purple -the house od blue light
The Madness , singel
Samantha Fox ,singel
Kylie Minogue ,maxisingel Made in Heaven
Howard Jones
Jennifer Rush - maxisingel Flames Paradise
Blondie - the best of Blondie
Jethro Tull - under wraps
Věra Martinová- dál jen vejdi
Nena- feur and flamme
Laid Back- sunshane reggae
Limahl -Don't suppose
Lady Pank
Heaven 17
Suzane Vega
Ocean - už je iba Haifa
A Flock Of Seagulls
Kate Bush -Lionheart
Pia Zadora / and Jermaine Jackson /
Alison Moyet - ALF
Modrý Efekt and Radim Hladik
The Human League
Level 42
C.C. Catch
Culture Club
Bronski Beat and The Communards
Status Quo
Den Harrow
Cocteau Twins - Treasure - predané
Jon and Vangelis - The friends or je Cairo
Jarre - magnetic fields
Thompson Twiins - Here's to Future Days
Philip Oakey and Giorgio Moroder
Jiří Stivin - Zverokruh
The Doors - Greatest hits
Bangles - Greatest
Matt Bianco - Who se side are you on
Camouflage LP - Rufus With Chaka Khan
Duran Duran -Seven and The Ragged Tiger -predane
NENA - 99 lufbalons
Jennifer Rush - Movin'
Bronski Beat - The age of Consent
AC / DC - The Razors Edge
Anna Rustikano - Prendimi Con Te
Tears for Fears - Songs From The Big Chair
Paul Young - From Time to Time / The Singles Collection
OK Band - Disco
Kraftwerk - Trans Europe Expres
A-HA - Scoundrel Day
New Order - Low Life / poľské vydanie /
Simon and Garfunkel - Bridge Over Troubled Water
Puhdys - Live / Supraphon 1980 /
Michal Tučný - Poslední Kovboj / Supraphon /
The Rolling Stones - Through The Päsť Darkly / OPUS /
Progres 2 - Změna / Supraphon /
Dead or Alive
Limit - Bodliak na plavkách
Herman's Hermits
Bára Basikova - Doba ledová
M.Zbirka - Nemoderný chalan
Den Harrow - Bad Ňou
Mel and Kim
Erasure - Chorus
The Police
Fermata - Biela planéta
Fermata - Generation
Collegium Musicum - Konvergencie
Pavol Hammel +M.Varga + R.Hladik-
Na II.programe sna
Fermata - Dunajská legenda
Fermata- Huascaran
The Doors - L.A.Woman / ELEKTRA , Yugoslavia /
M.Oldfield - gimme back
Musica de Cuba / Made in Cuba /
Isabelle / Musica s.r.o. /
Limahl - Colour All My Days
The Shadows- Change od Address

LP platne predaj
Vladimír Merta- Hodina vlka
Sade - Stronger than Príde / Epic /
Vitězslav Vávra and Maximum Petra Hanniga
Tanita Tikaram-ancient hearts
Progres2 -Dialig s vesmírem - PREDANÉ
Mantovani and his Orchestra
OMD Dazzle Ships
Toto Cutugno
Elvis Presley -Pure Gold - PREDANÉ
Deep Purple -the house od blue light
The Madness , singel
Samantha Fox ,singel
Kylie Minogue ,maxisingel Made in Heaven
Howard Jones
Jennifer Rush - maxisingel Flames Paradise
Blondie - the best of Blondie
Jethro Tull - under wraps
Věra Martinová- dál jen vejdi
Nena- feur and flamme
Laid Back- sunshane reggae
Limahl -Don't suppose
Lady Pank
Heaven 17
Suzane Vega
Ocean - už je iba Haifa
A Flock Of Seagulls
Kate Bush -Lionheart
Pia Zadora / and Jermaine Jackson /
Alison Moyet - ALF
Modrý Efekt and Radim Hladik
The Human League
Level 42
C.C. Catch
Culture Club
Bronski Beat and The Communards
Status Quo
Den Harrow
Cocteau Twins - Treasure - predané
Jon and Vangelis - The friends or je Cairo
Jarre - magnetic fields
Thompson Twiins - Here's to Future Days
Philip Oakey and Giorgio Moroder
Jiří Stivin - Zverokruh
The Doors - Greatest hits
Bangles - Greatest
Matt Bianco - Who se side are you on
Camouflage LP - Rufus With Chaka Khan
Duran Duran -Seven and The Ragged Tiger -predane
NENA - 99 lufbalons
Jennifer Rush - Movin'
Bronski Beat - The age of Consent
AC / DC - The Razors Edge
Anna Rustikano - Prendimi Con Te
Tears for Fears - Songs From The Big Chair
Paul Young - From Time to Time / The Singles Collection
OK Band - Disco
Kraftwerk - Trans Europe Expres
A-HA - Scoundrel Day
New Order - Low Life / poľské vydanie /
Simon and Garfunkel - Bridge Over Troubled Water
Puhdys - Live / Supraphon 1980 /
Michal Tučný - Poslední Kovboj / Supraphon /
The Rolling Stones - Through The Päsť Darkly / OPUS /
Progres 2 - Změna / Supraphon /
Dead or Alive
Limit - Bodliak na plavkách
Herman's Hermits
Bára Basikova - Doba ledová
M.Zbirka - Nemoderný chalan
Den Harrow - Bad Ňou
Mel and Kim
Erasure - Chorus
The Police
Fermata - Biela planéta
Fermata - Generation
Collegium Musicum - Konvergencie
Pavol Hammel +M.Varga + R.Hladik-
Na II.programe sna
Fermata - Dunajská legenda
Fermata- Huascaran
The Doors - L.A.Woman / ELEKTRA , Yugoslavia /
M.Oldfield - gimme back
Musica de Cuba / Made in Cuba /
Isabelle / Musica s.r.o. /
Limahl - Colour All My Days
The Shadows- Change od Address

LP platne predaj
Vladimír Merta- Hodina vlka
Sade - Stronger than Príde / Epic /
Vitězslav Vávra and Maximum Petra Hanniga
Tanita Tikaram-ancient hearts
Progres2 -Dialig s vesmírem - PREDANÉ
Mantovani and his Orchestra
OMD Dazzle Ships
Toto Cutugno
Elvis Presley -Pure Gold - PREDANÉ
Deep Purple -the house od blue light
The Madness , singel
Samantha Fox ,singel
Kylie Minogue ,maxisingel Made in Heaven
Howard Jones
Jennifer Rush - maxisingel Flames Paradise
Blondie - the best of Blondie
Jethro Tull - under wraps
Věra Martinová- dál jen vejdi
Nena- feur and flamme
Laid Back- sunshane reggae
Limahl -Don't suppose
Lady Pank
Heaven 17
Suzane Vega
Ocean - už je iba Haifa
A Flock Of Seagulls
Kate Bush -Lionheart
Pia Zadora / and Jermaine Jackson /
Alison Moyet - ALF
Modrý Efekt and Radim Hladik
The Human League
Level 42
C.C. Catch
Culture Club
Bronski Beat and The Communards
Status Quo
Den Harrow
Cocteau Twins - Treasure - predané
Jon and Vangelis - The friends or je Cairo
Jarre - magnetic fields
Thompson Twiins - Here's to Future Days
Philip Oakey and Giorgio Moroder
Jiří Stivin - Zverokruh
The Doors - Greatest hits - predané
Bangles - Greatest
Matt Bianco - Who se side are you on
Camouflage LP - Rufus With Chaka Khan
Duran Duran -Seven and The Ragged Tiger -predane
NENA - 99 lufbalons
Jennifer Rush - Movin'
Bronski Beat - The age of Consent
AC / DC - The Razors Edge - predané
Anna Rustikano - Prendimi Con Te
Tears for Fears - Songs From The Big Chair- predané
Paul Young - From Time to Time / The Singles Collection
OK Band - Disco
Kraftwerk - Trans Europe Expres
A-HA - Scoundrel Day
New Order - Low Life / poľské vydanie /
Simon and Garfunkel - Bridge Over Troubled Water
Puhdys - Live / Supraphon 1980 /
Michal Tučný - Poslední Kovboj / Supraphon /
The Rolling Stones - Through The Päsť Darkly / OPUS /
Progres 2 - Změna / Supraphon /
Dead or Alive
Limit - Bodliak na plavkách
Herman's Hermits
Bára Basikova - Doba ledová
M.Zbirka - Nemoderný chalan
Den Harrow - Bad Ňou
Mel and Kim
Erasure - Chorus
The Police
Fermata - Biela planéta
Fermata - Generation
Collegium Musicum - Konvergencie
Pavol Hammel +M.Varga + R.Hladik-
Na II.programe sna
Fermata - Dunajská legenda
Fermata- Huascaran
The Doors - L.A.Woman / ELEKTRA , Yugoslavia /
M.Oldfield - gimme back
Musica de Cuba / Made in Cuba /
Isabelle / Musica s.r.o. /- predanē
Limahl - Colour All My Days
The Shadows- Change od Address

Zaži Tatry a dovolenkuj v srdci Liptova v novom apartmáne IľanovSKI. Apartmán sa nachádza v Iľanove, pri Liptovskom Mikuláši (medzi Demänovskou dolinou a Závažnou Porubou). Iba niekoľko krokov od hranice Národného parku Nízke Tatry. Na dosah ruky všetkým lákadlám a aktivitám, ktoré Liptov ponúka: hory, lesy, jaskyne, hrady, skanzeny, prirodné termálne pramene, Liptovská Mara, rieka Belá, lyžiarske strediská, aquaparky, bikeparky, turistika, cykloturistika, lyžovačka, skialp, vodné športy, no najmä relax v prostredí plnom úchvatných scenérií. Apartmán IľanovSKI pohodlne ubytuje tri osoby, prípadne rodinu s dvoma malými deťmi. K apartmánu prislúcha vyhradené parkovacie miesto, lyžiareň/bicykláreň a záhrada so stromami a altánkom. Apartmán IľanovSKI ponúka plne vybavenú kuchyňu s potrebami na varenie a pečenie, ako aj kávovar a príjemné posedenie s rannou kávou na balkóne. Ďalej kúpeľňu so sprchovacím kútom s uterákmi, osuškami, fénom a toaletnými potrebami. Samozrejmosťou je wifi internet a 39“ LED SmartTV s Netflix. Lyžiari ocenia aj sušič na lyžiarky, deti zas sánky. Apartmán IľanovSKI má rozlohu 35m2, jednu manželskú posteľ (200x180cm) a jeden rozťahovací gauč (200x145cm). Z apartmánu IľanovSKI majú hostia pre potešenie výhľad na Západné Tatry s dominantou Baranca. V tesnej blízkosti apartmánu sa nachádza detské ihrisko, cukráreň, potraviny, pohostinstvo a zastávka MAD. Apartmán je nefajčiarsky a domáce zvieratá nie sú dovolené. Minimálna dlžka pobytu sú dve noci. Cena (v závislosti od termínu) od 79 eur/apartmán/noc. Rezervácie-
Experience the Tatra Mountains and stay in the heart of Liptov region in the brand new IľanovSKI apartment. The apartment is located in Iľanovo, near Liptovský Mikuláš (between Demänovská Valley and Závažná Poruba), just a few steps away from the border of the Low Tatras National Park. All of the attractions and activities that Liptov has to offer are within close reach. The IľanovSKI apartment comfortably accommodates 3 people or a family with 2 small children. A reserved parking space, ski/bicycle storage, and a garden are included with the apartment. The IľanovSKI apartment offers a fully equipped kitchen, as well as a coffee machine and a pleasant seating area for a morning coffee on the balcony. The bathroom has an enclosed shower and includes towels, a hairdryer, and toiletries. Wi-Fi internet and a 39" LED SmartTV with Netflix are also available. Skiers will appreciate the ski boot dryer, while children will enjoy the sleds. The IľanovSKI apartment has a floor area of 35m2, one king size double bed and one sofa bed. Guests of the apartment can enjoy a view of the Western Tatras. There is a playground, café, grocery store, pub, and a bus stop in close proximity to the apartment. The apartment is non-smoking and pets are not allowed. The minimum stay is 2 nights. Price (depending on the date) from 79 €/apartment/night. Reservation-

Zaži Tatry a dovolenkuj v srdci Liptova v novom apartmáne IľanovSKI. Apartmán sa nachádza v Iľanove, pri Liptovskom Mikuláši (medzi Demänovskou dolinou a Závažnou Porubou). Iba niekoľko krokov od hranice Národného parku Nízke Tatry. Na dosah ruky všetkým lákadlám a aktivitám, ktoré Liptov ponúka: hory, lesy, jaskyne, hrady, skanzeny, prirodné termálne pramene, Liptovská Mara, rieka Belá, lyžiarske strediská, aquaparky, bikeparky, turistika, cykloturistika, lyžovačka, skialp, vodné športy, no najmä relax v prostredí plnom úchvatných scenérií. Apartmán IľanovSKI pohodlne ubytuje tri osoby, prípadne rodinu s dvoma malými deťmi. K apartmánu prislúcha vyhradené parkovacie miesto, lyžiareň/bicykláreň a záhrada so stromami a altánkom. Apartmán IľanovSKI ponúka plne vybavenú kuchyňu s potrebami na varenie a pečenie, ako aj kávovar a príjemné posedenie s rannou kávou na balkóne. Ďalej kúpeľňu so sprchovacím kútom s uterákmi, osuškami, fénom a toaletnými potrebami. Samozrejmosťou je wifi internet a 39“ LED SmartTV s Netflix. Lyžiari ocenia aj sušič na lyžiarky, deti zas sánky. Apartmán IľanovSKI má rozlohu 35m2, jednu manželskú posteľ (200x180cm) a jeden rozťahovací gauč (200x145cm). Z apartmánu IľanovSKI majú hostia pre potešenie výhľad na Západné Tatry s dominantou Baranca. V tesnej blízkosti apartmánu sa nachádza detské ihrisko, cukráreň, potraviny, pohostinstvo a zastávka MAD. Apartmán je nefajčiarsky a domáce zvieratá nie sú dovolené. Minimálna dlžka pobytu sú dve noci. Cena (v závislosti od termínu) od 69 eur/apartmán/noc. Rezervácie-
Experience the Tatra Mountains and stay in the heart of Liptov region in the brand new IľanovSKI apartment. The apartment is located in Iľanovo, near Liptovský Mikuláš (between Demänovská Valley and Závažná Poruba), just a few steps away from the border of the Low Tatras National Park. All of the attractions and activities that Liptov has to offer are within close reach. The IľanovSKI apartment comfortably accommodates 3 people or a family with 2 small children. A reserved parking space, ski/bicycle storage, and a garden are included with the apartment. The IľanovSKI apartment offers a fully equipped kitchen, as well as a coffee machine and a pleasant seating area for a morning coffee on the balcony. The bathroom has an enclosed shower and includes towels, a hairdryer, and toiletries. Wi-Fi internet and a 39" LED SmartTV with Netflix are also available. Skiers will appreciate the ski boot dryer, while children will enjoy the sleds. The IľanovSKI apartment has a floor area of 35m2, one king size double bed and one sofa bed. Guests of the apartment can enjoy a view of the Western Tatras. There is a playground, café, grocery store, pub, and a bus stop in close proximity to the apartment. The apartment is non-smoking and pets are not allowed. The minimum stay is 2 nights. Price (depending on the date) from 69 €/apartment/night. Reservation-

Ponúkame na predaj novostavbu 3-izbového nízkoenergetického rodinného domu v lokalite rekreačná oblasť vo Vojke nad Dunajom.
Nehnuteľnosť sa nachádza v stráženej rekreačnej oblasti s priamym prístupom ku jazeru so zriadenými plážami iba 3 km od samotnej Vojky nad Dunajom.
Pozemok o rozlohe 392 m2 ponúka priestor na terasové posedenie, domček na záhradné náradie, jacuzzi, veľký gril, predpripravený povrch pre bazén a závlaha na trávnik zabezpečuje takmer celoročnú zeleň.
Areál zároveň ponúka možnosť prenájmu tenisových kurtov, beach volejbalového ihriska, kosenie trávnikov a osvetlenia v cene mesačných nákladov.
Rodinný dom: 2x spálňa, priestranná obývacia izba spojená s kuchyňou a jedálenským kútom, kúpeľňa s vaňou a WC. V technickej miestnosti sa nachádza práčka a dom disponuje aj samostatnou špajzou. Krb v obývacej izbe vytvára príjemné teplo a pocit domova, zatiaľ čo podlahové kúrenie vo zvyšku domu vykuruje ostatné miestnosti.
✅ tichá rekreačná oblasť
✅ vnútorné parkovanie pre 2 autá + vonkajšie parkovanie
✅ záhrada s možnosťou pestovania, grilovania a iných voľnočasových aktivít
✅ priamy prístup do jazera a predpripravená pláž
✅ 24hod strážený areál s vrátnicou
✅ klimatizácia v dome
✅ rýchla dostupnosť do Bratislavy
Pre lepšiu predstavivosť si pozrite virtuálnu prehliadku a prelet dronom.
V prípade potreby Vám vieme zabezpečiť komplexné financovanie na mieru v ktorejkoľvek banke s výhodnejším ako bežným úrokom.
We offer you for sale a newly built 3-room low energy family house in the recreation area of Vojka nad Dunajom. The property is located in guarded recreation area with direct access to the lake with established beaches only 3 km from Vojka nad Dunajom.
Land with an area of 392m2 offers space for sitting on terrace, tool house for garden work, jacuzzi, large grill, surface prepared for a pool and lawn irrigation ensures almost year round greenery.
The complex also offers the possibility of renting tennis courts, a beach volleyball court, lawn mowing and lighting at the price of monthly costs.
Family house: 2x bedrooms, spacious living room with kitchen and dining area, bathroom with bathtub and toilet. There is a washing machine in the utility room and the house also has a separate pantry. The fireplace in the living room creates a pleasant warmth and a feeling of home, while the underfloor heating in the rest of the house heats the other rooms
Land under the house is rented from CRESCO company for 99 years, and contract is renewed each time after change of the owners.
✅ quite recreation area
✅ indoor parking for 2 cars + outdoor parking
✅ garden with the possibility of growing, grilling and other leisure activities
✅ direct access to the lake and prepared beach
✅ 24/7 guarded area with a gatehouse
✅ air conditioning in the house
✅ quick access to Bratislava
For better imagina

Ponúkame na predaj novostavbu 3-izbového nízkoenergetického rodinného domu v lokalite rekreačná oblasť vo Vojke nad Dunajom.
Nehnuteľnosť sa nachádza v stráženej rekreačnej oblasti s priamym prístupom ku jazeru so zriadenými plážami iba 3 km od samotnej Vojky nad Dunajom.
Pozemok o rozlohe 392 m2 ponúka priestor na terasové posedenie, domček na záhradné náradie, jacuzzi, veľký gril, predpripravený povrch pre bazén a závlaha na trávnik zabezpečuje takmer celoročnú zeleň.
Areál zároveň ponúka možnosť prenájmu tenisových kurtov, beach volejbalového ihriska, kosenie trávnikov a osvetlenia v cene mesačných nákladov.
Rodinný dom: 2x spálňa, priestranná obývacia izba spojená s kuchyňou a jedálenským kútom, kúpeľňa s vaňou a WC. V technickej miestnosti sa nachádza práčka a dom disponuje aj samostatnou špajzou. Krb v obývacej izbe vytvára príjemné teplo a pocit domova, zatiaľ čo podlahové kúrenie vo zvyšku domu vykuruje ostatné miestnosti.
✅ tichá rekreačná oblasť
✅ vnútorné parkovanie pre 2 autá + vonkajšie parkovanie
✅ záhrada s možnosťou pestovania, grilovania a iných voľnočasových aktivít
✅ priamy prístup do jazera a predpripravená pláž
✅ 24hod strážený areál s vrátnicou
✅ klimatizácia v dome
✅ rýchla dostupnosť do Bratislavy
Pre lepšiu predstavivosť si pozrite virtuálnu prehliadku a prelet dronom.
V prípade potreby Vám vieme zabezpečiť komplexné financovanie na mieru v ktorejkoľvek banke s výhodnejším ako bežným úrokom.
We offer you for sale a newly built 3-room low energy family house in the recreation area of Vojka nad Dunajom. The property is located in guarded recreation area with direct access to the lake with established beaches only 3 km from Vojka nad Dunajom.
Land with an area of 392m2 offers space for sitting on terrace, tool house for garden work, jacuzzi, large grill, surface prepared for a pool and lawn irrigation ensures almost year round greenery.
The complex also offers the possibility of renting tennis courts, a beach volleyball court, lawn mowing and lighting at the price of monthly costs.
Family house: 2x bedrooms, spacious living room with kitchen and dining area, bathroom with bathtub and toilet. There is a washing machine in the utility room and the house also has a separate pantry. The fireplace in the living room creates a pleasant warmth and a feeling of home, while the underfloor heating in the rest of the house heats the other rooms
Land under the house is rented from CRESCO company for 99 years, and contract is renewed each time after change of the owners.
✅ quite recreation area
✅ indoor parking for 2 cars + outdoor parking
✅ garden with the possibility of growing, grilling and other leisure activities
✅ direct access to the lake and prepared beach
✅ 24/7 guarded area with a gatehouse
✅ air conditioning in the house
✅ quick access to Bratislava
For better imagina