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family and friends 2 pracovný zošit - strana 4

Počet nájdených inzerátov FAMILY AND FRIENDS 2 PRACOVNÝ ZOŠIT : 1000 - strana 4

Welsh Corgi Cardigan FCI
Welsh Corgi Cardigan ZKwP FCI - wonderful puppies In our Welsh Corgi kennel, which is registered in the Kennel Club in Poland, on March 24, 2023, beautiful WCC puppies were born. Parents of puppies are beautiful representatives of the breed. The mother of puppies is born in our kennel. Dad is a beautiful imported dog. Parents have wonderful, balanced characters and are genetically tested and free from diseases typical for the breed. Welsh Corgi has been with us for 9 years. This is a breed that adapts well to any lifestyle. This breed is very intelligent, loyal, affectionate, vigilant, sociable. They will also prove themselves in sports, e.g. in agility or obedience. Our WCCs are family members, they live with us at home, they have contact with children and other animals. Puppies promise to be very good in terms of exterior. They are under constant veterinary care. When they are ready for their new home, puppies will be microchipped, vaccinated and dewormed according to their age, and will have an FCI export pedigree. Our dogs are a member of the family. Health and proper socialization are very important to us. Feel free to contact us and visit our FB page Rajska Kraina FCI - Welsh Corgi Cardigan & Welsh Corgi Pembroke kennel. We will gladly answer all your questions. The content of the advertisement and photos are my property and I do not agree to their copying. Kind regards.
Ponúkame Vám na prenájom luxusný 2-izbový byt o rozlohe 75m2 v Rezidencii Cassovar - Žriedlová ulica. Dominuje mu priestranná obývacia časť prepojená s kuchyňou. Byt sa prenajíma kompletne zariadený. ZARIADENIE A VYBAVENIE BYTU : kuchyňa – indukčná doska a rúra, chladnička s mrazničkou, umývačka riadu, mikrovlnka, rýchlovarnou kanvicou a drobným vybavením (taniere, príbor, poháre, hrnce atď.) kúpeľňa – práčka, sprchový kút a vaňa spálňa - kvalitná posteľ a matrace obývačka - SMART TV a WiFi Ďalšou veľkou výhodou bytu je zabudovaná klimatizácia a vonkajšie motorizované žalúzie. CENA: 1000,- Eur zahŕňa nájom, médiá, internet a TV V prípade potreby ponúkame parkovacie státie v podzemnej garáži za cenu 100€. REZIDENCIA CASSOVAR: Nachádza sa v mestskej časti Staré mesto na Žriedlovej ulici. Bola kolaudovaná koncom roku 2009. Rezidencia s 90 nadštandardnými bytmi predstavuje kvalitatívne novú úroveň v segmente bývania. OBČIANSKA VYBAVENOSŤ: Rezidencia Cassovar leží na hranici historického jadra, Starého a Nového mesta a pešo iba 7 min. od Dómu Sv. Alžbety. V blízkosti sú dostupné všetky zariadenia vyššej občianskej vybavenosti - supermarket Fajne potraviny, najmodernejšie fitnescentrum v Košiciach – Family Gym, reštaurácie, kaderníctvo atd. VÝHODY: výborná lokalita v Košiciach, plne klimatizované priestory, luxusné vybavenie, možnosť podzemného parkovania OSTATNÉ: bez zvierat, 2 mesačný depozit Žiadame, aby nás realitné kancelárie nekontaktovali. Ďakujeme za pochopenie. -- We exclusively offer for rent a luxury fully furnished 2-rooms apartment. Usable area is 75m2. The living room is connected to the open plan kitchen and dining area. The kitchen is modern, fully equipped with built-in appliances. EQUIPMENT: Kitchen – induction hob and oven, fridge / freezer, dishwasher, microwave, kettle and small equipment (plates, cutlery, cups, pots, etc.) Bathroom - washing machine, shower and bath bedroom - high quality bed and mattress living room - SMART TV and WiFi RENT: 1000, - € including media and internet If you need a parking spot, we offer one in the underground garage for the additional price of 100 €. LOCATION: Rezidencia Cassovar lies near the historical city center of Košice. Apartment is only 7 min. from the city center. Apartment is close to local amenities – Family Gym, supermarket Fajne potraviny, restaurants, theatre, hairdresser and many more. ADVANTAGES: luxury furnished (high quality furniture and appliances), usable area 75m2, great location near the city center, air conditioning, outdoor motorised blinds, LED mood lightning, possibility of the underground parking, close to the grocery store (30m), cafe in the building OTHERS: pets are not allowed, 2 months deposit
How To Make Friends With The Dark
Kathleen Glasgow - How To Make Friends With The Dark Cena + poštovné. V prípade záujmu ma kontaktujte prosím cez email. Ponúkam na predaj aj iné knihy - pozrite si moje ďaľšie inzeráty. *** The story of an awful, universe-gone-mad-mistake, and one girl's emotional battle for clarity and forgiveness. Tiger's mother has always been her whole world, but now she's sixteen her mother's control over everything in her life is suffocating. Just when Tiger feels she can no longer bear the way her life is managed, the unimaginable happens and her mother dies. As she slowly begins to make a way for herself, Tiger creates a new kind of family, some related and some not, who will love her and travel forward with her. This is how you make friends with the dark.
Pracovné zošity pre základné, stredné školy a gymnázia-NOVÉ
Ponúkam na predaj učebnice pre základné, stredné školy a gymnázia od vydavateľstva Orbis Pictus Istropolitana. Sú úplne nové nepoškodené, nepopísané. Bližšie info na dole uvedenom tel. čísle alebo mailom. Pošlem na dobierku alebo osobne Prešov. Pracovné zošity: Čítanka - CUDZIE JAZYKY pre každého prváka Bobo, Zuzka a ich kamaráti - 2 € Literatúra pre 1. ročník stredných škôl (POLAKOVIČOVÁ, CALTÍKOVÁ, ŠTARKOVÁ, LÁBAJ) + zbierka textov a úloh z literatúry - 7 € + 2,50 € Hallo, da bin ich! Arbeitsheft 3 – Pracovný zošit k učebnici nemčiny pre základné školy - 2,50 € CUDZIE JAZYKY pre každého prváka – METODICKÁ PRÍRUČKA - 4,50 € MATEMATIKA pre 8. Ročník ZŠ a 3. Ročník gymnázií s osemročným štúdiom 1. Časť - 4 € MATEMATIKA pre 7. Ročník ZŠ a 2. Ročník gymnázií s osemročným štúdiom 2. Časť - 7,50 € Pomocník z matematiky pre 8. Ročník ZŠ a 3. Ročník gymnázií s osemročným štúdiom 2. Zošit - 2,50 € Pomocník z matematiky pre 8. Ročník ZŠ a 3. Ročník gymnázií s osemročným štúdiom 1. Zošit - 2,50 € Pomocník zo slovenského jazyka – pracovný zošit pre 6. Ročník ZŠ a 1. Ročník GOŠ (J. Krajčovičová) - 2,50 € Pomocník z geografie – pracovný zošit pre 5. Ročník ZŠ - 1,50 €
Matika pre spolužiakov: Funkcie (pracovný zošit)
Názov: Matika pre spolužiakov: Funkcie (pracovný zošit) Stav: Úplne nový, nepoužitý Popis: Tento zošit je ideálny pre stredoškolákov, ktorí sa chcú zlepšiť vo svojich matematických zručnostiach, konkrétne v oblasti funkcií. Pracovný zošit je vhodný pre žiakov všetkých úrovní - od začiatočníkov až po pokročilých. Zošit obsahuje: Širokú škálu úloh zameraných na rôzne typy funkcií (lineárne, kvadratické, exponenciálne, logaritmické, trigonometrické atď.) Postupné zvyšovanie náročnosti úloh, ktoré podporujú rozvoj matematických zručností a pochopenie konceptov Grafické znázornenie funkcií a ich vlastností s úlohami na načítanie a interpretáciu grafov Praktické úlohy na precvičenie teórie z učebnice a aplikáciu získaných vedomostí Priestor pre zápis vlastných výpočtov a poznámok, ktorý podporuje aktívne učenie a zlepšuje porozumenie matematických súvislostí
Matika pre spolužiakov: Goniometria (pracovný zošit)
Názov: Matika pre spolužiakov: Goniometria (pracovný zošit) Stav: Úplne nový, nepoužitý Popis: Tento zošit je ideálny pre stredoškolákov, ktorí sa chcú zlepšiť vo svojich matematických zručnostiach, konkrétne v oblasti goniometrie. Pracovný zošit je vhodný pre žiakov všetkých úrovní - od začiatočníkov až po pokročilých. Zošit obsahuje: Širokú škálu úloh zameraných na goniometrické funkcie, vlastnosti a vzťahy Postupné zvyšovanie náročnosti úloh, ktoré podporujú rozvoj matematických zručností a pochopenie konceptov Grafické znázornenie goniometrických funkcií a ich vlastností s úlohami na načítanie a interpretáciu grafov Praktické úlohy na precvičenie teórie z učebnice a aplikáciu získaných vedomostí Priestor pre zápis vlastných výpočtov a poznámok, ktorý podporuje aktívne učenie a zlepšuje porozumenie matematických súvislostí
Predám - konzervy, granule - Royal Canin a Pet Farm Family
Ponúkam na predaj granule a konzervy pre psov (kupované u veterinára, alebo v online obchode): Konzervy: 5 x Royal Canin Veterinary Health Nutrition Dog Hypoallergenic Can 400 g -- 3Eur / kus 2 x Royal Canin VHN Canine Gastrointestinal 400 g -- 3Eur / kus 1 x Pet Farm Family Baranina -- 2Eur / kus 1 x Pet Farm Family Kačica -- 2Eur / kus 2 x Pet Farm Family Divočina -- 2Eur / kus 29 x Pet Farm Family MSC Losie bobky -- 2.5Eur / kus 6 x Pet Farm Family Divočina Vývar -- 2Eur / kus Granule: 1 x Acana - Pacific Red (otvorené, ostalo 1.5kg+) - 15 EUR 1 x Acana - Pacific Red (otvorené, ostalo 1.5kg+) - 15 EUR 1 x Royal Canin Veterinary Canine Hypoallergenic (otvorené, ostalo 1kg+) - 10 EUR K tomu pridám zadarmo: Otvorené chrumkavé pamlsky Pet Farm Family - Húska a Divá sviňa Všetko spolu: 153.5 Eur, určitá dohoda možná Osobný odber, v prípade záujmu v BA viem doručiť Uprednosťnujem komunikáciu cez Email. Ďakujem
Predám - konzervy, granule - Royal Canin a Pet Farm Family
Ponúkam na predaj granule a konzervy pre psov (kupované u veterinára, alebo v online obchode): Konzervy: 5 x Royal Canin Veterinary Health Nutrition Dog Hypoallergenic Can 400 g -- 3Eur / kus 2 x Royal Canin VHN Canine Gastrointestinal 400 g -- 3Eur / kus 1 x Pet Farm Family Baranina -- 2Eur / kus 1 x Pet Farm Family Kačica -- 2Eur / kus 2 x Pet Farm Family Divočina -- 2Eur / kus 29 x Pet Farm Family MSC Losie bobky -- 2.5Eur / kus 6 x Pet Farm Family Divočina Vývar -- 2Eur / kus Granule: 1 x Acana - Pacific Red (otvorené, ostalo 1.5kg+) - 15 EUR 1 x Acana - Pacific Red (otvorené, ostalo 1.5kg+) - 15 EUR 1 x Royal Canin Veterinary Canine Hypoallergenic (otvorené, ostalo 1kg+) - 10 EUR K tomu pridám zadarmo: Otvorené chrumkavé pamlsky Pet Farm Family - Húska a Divá sviňa Všetko spolu: 153.5 Eur - dohoda možná, dá sa kúpiť aj zvlášť Osobný odber, v prípade záujmu v BA viem doručiť Uprednosťnujem komunikáciu cez Email. Ďakujem
Family and Friends 1,2
Predám pracovný zošit Family and Friends 1 a 2 (nová, nepoužívaná) Cena: 3,50 EUR. Osobný odber alebo dobierka. V prípade záujmu kontaktovať.
Here I Am
Jonathan Safran Foer - Here I Am Cena + poštovné (v závislosti od hmotnosti). V prípade záujmu ma kontaktujte prosím cez email. Mám na predaj aj iné knihy - pozrite si moje ďaľšie inzeráty. *** The New York Times bestselling new novel about modern family lives - from the author of "Everything Is Illuminated" and "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close" Jacob and Julia Bloch are about to be tested... By Jacob's grandfather, who won't go quietly into a retirement home. By the family reunion, that everyone is dreading. By their son's heroic attempts to get expelled. And by the sexting affair that will rock their marriage. A typical modern American family, the Blochs cling together even as they are torn apart. Which is when catastrophe decides to strike... Confronting the enduring question of what it means to be human with inventiveness, playfulness and compassion, Here I Am is a great American family novel for our times, a masterpiece about how we live now.
Here I Am
Jonathan Safran Foer - Here I Am Cena + poštovné. V prípade záujmu ma kontaktujte prosím cez email. Ponúkam na predaj aj iné knihy - pozrite si moje ďaľšie inzeráty. *** The New York Times bestselling new novel about modern family lives - from the author of "Everything Is Illuminated" and "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close" Jacob and Julia Bloch are about to be tested... By Jacob's grandfather, who won't go quietly into a retirement home. By the family reunion, that everyone is dreading. By their son's heroic attempts to get expelled. And by the sexting affair that will rock their marriage. A typical modern American family, the Blochs cling together even as they are torn apart. Which is when catastrophe decides to strike... Confronting the enduring question of what it means to be human with inventiveness, playfulness and compassion, Here I Am is a great American family novel for our times, a masterpiece about how we live now.
Behringer Virtualizer PRO - DSP 1000P
Predám plne funkčný efektový procesor. Celý čas od zakúpenia bol osadený v racku. Popis výrobcu: “Wave Adaptive Virtual Room” reverb algorithms calculated from precise mathematical room models to give you ultra-natural reverb effects 32 breathtaking Reverb, Chorus, Flanger, Delay (10 s), Pitch Shifter, Vocoder, Rotary Speaker effects and more More than 700 effect variations plus two individual parameters and separate low and high EQ section 2 digital processing engines give you independent or coupled effects on left and right channels True stereo processing performance allows separation of left and right channels in the stereo field for open-sounding enhancement of the sound sources Free VIRTUALIZER Design software allows for total remote control via PC (download at 20-bit A/D and D/A converters with 64/128 times oversampling for ultra-high headroom and resolution Internal 24-bit processing with professional 46 kHz sampling rate Servo-balanced inputs and outputs on gold-plated XLR and TRS jack connectors for high signal integrity 100 user preset memories to store programs for instant recall Accurate 8-segment LED level meters simplify level setting for optimum performance “Future-proof” software-upgradeable architecture Full MIDI capability allows real-time parameter control and program selection Internal power supply design for professional application High-quality components and exceptionally rugged construction ensure long life Conceived and designed by BEHRINGER Germany
Kulmifen Babyliss
Predam kulmofen Babyliss Novy nepouzity Povodna cena 56 € Ma rotacnu keramicku hlavicu. Priemer hlavice 50 mm. Treba si dokupit nadstavec na SK.zastrcku Osobnynodber Ba stnosti: - ionizačné technológie - techológia EVEN AIR FLOW - zanecháva vlasy hladké a lesklé - 2 nastavenia rýchlosti a 2 teploty - ergonomický tvar - studený vzduch - rotácia oboma smermi - otočný kábel - odnímateľný zadný filter Balenie obsahuje: - rotačná keramická kefa s nylonovými štetinami 50 mm Achieve a salon-professional blow dry from the comfort of your own home with the BaByliss Big Hair hot brush. This volumising hair tool is the best way to revive flat hair and create endlessly bouncy, natural-looking styles without having to leave the house. Designed with a 50mm ceramic barrel, the styler boasts a dual-rotating brush head to effectively shape and volumise all types of hair, creating bigger and livelier locks. Soft bristles gently comb through strands and minimise the chances of breakages and tangles. Encouraging luxuriously soft and silky-smooth results, an incorporated conditioning system tames fly aways to promote a high-shine and frizz-free finish. 2 rotation speed settings and 2 heat settings work to prevent unnecessary damage to strands, and 1 cool setting helps set and keep locks in place. Accomplish flawless fullness and body every time with this innovative and effective hair styler. Features: • 700W • Large 50mm ceramic barrel • Mixed bristle combination • 2 heats plus cool setting • 2 rotation speed settings • Multi-directional brush • Super ionic frizz-control • Bristle protective shield • 2.5m swivel cord
Dan and Phil
The Amazing Book is Not on Fire The World of Dan and Phil In this book is a world. A world created by two awkward guys who share their lives on the internet! We are Dan and Phil and we invite you on a journey inside our minds! From the stories of our actual births, to exploring Phil’s teenage diary and all the reasons why Dan’s a fail. Learn how to draw the perfect cat whiskers, get advice on how to make YouTube videos and discover which of our dining chairs represents you emotionally. With everything from what we text each other, to the time we met One Direction and what really happened in Vegas... This is The Amazing Book Is Not On Fire! POČET STRÁN 226 HMOTNOSŤ 855 g Dan and Phil Go Outside Dan Howell Phil Lester Dan Howell and Phil Lester, avoiders of human contact and direct sunlight, actually went outside. Travelling around the world on tour, they have collected hundreds of exclusive, intimate and funny photos, as well as revealing and captivating side notes, to show the behind-the-scenes story of their adventure. POČET STRÁN 224 HMOTNOSŤ 937 g neposkodene 1kniha za 10 eur
Digital Marketing All-In-One For Dummies
ASIN: 1119560233 Jazyk: angličtina Typ: paperback – ilustrovaný Datum: 17.5.2019 Nepouzita, necitana. Osobny odber BA alebo posta (postovne hradi kupujuci). O knihe: Unlock the value in online marketing A well-executed digital marketing plan is a proven component of success in business, and Digital Marketing All-In-One For Dummies covers everything you need to build and implement a winning plan. Whether you're a novice in the online space or an expert marketer looking to improve your digital ROI, this book has easy-to-absorb tips and insights that will turn online prospects into loyal customers. This book compresses the essential information on 8 topics, so you have all the information you need and none of what you don't. You'll learn social media marketing, marketing to millennials, account-based marketing, influencer marketing, content marketing strategies, and more! * Use targeted, measurable marketing strategies to promote brands and products * Increase brand awareness, customer acquisitions, and audience engagement * Measure what your online traffic is worth and improve ROI on digital marketing * Develop a solid digital marketing plan and put it to work for your brand From SEO and SEM to brand awareness and why you need it, Digital Marketing All-In-One For Dummies will help you level up your digital marketing game and avoid the common mistakes that might be holding your business back. 15 eur
Nikon D5000 set
Nikon D5000 pouzivany obcas, cca 3400 fotiek vid foto, K základnému baleniu je navyse druha batéria, filter Canon cirkulárka PL-C Key Features 12.3-megapixel DX-format CMOS image sensor Coupled with Nikon's EXPEED image processing and NIKKOR optics, breathtaking picture quality is assured. D-Movie Mode with sound Record 720p HD movie clips enhanced by NIKKOR interchangeable lens quality and versatility. Vari-angle color LCD monitor Position the 2.7-inch monitor freely for fresh shooting perspectives. Screen flips inward for safe keeping. 19 Auto-exposure Scene Modes Capture stunning photos in challenging picture-taking situations including Sunsets, Candlelight, Silhouette, Portrait, Landscape, Beach/Snow, and more. One-button Live View Easy Live View access offers 4 autofocus modes, including Face-priority AF. Continuous shooting as fast as 4 frames per second Combined with fast power-up and split-second shutter response, decisive moments are captured easily without annoying shooting lag. Low noise ISO sensitivity from 200 to 3200 Engineered for exceptional low-light shooting. Built-in image sensor cleaning Effective 4-frequency, ultrasonic sensor cleaning keeps images spot free. 11-point Autofocus System with 3D Focus Tracking Fast and accurate autofocus delivers razor sharpness. Auto Active D-Lighting Restores lost shadow and highlight detail in high contrast exposures—Selectable and Auto modes available. In-camera Retouch image editing Creative in-camera image editing, featuring Soft Filter, Straighten, Color Outline Effect, Perspective Control, Red-eye Correction, Image Overlay, Monochrome and more—all without a computer. Picture Control Settings for personal image control Standard, Neutral, Vivid, Monochrome, Portrait, Landscape and 9 customizable settings. Nikon 3D Color Matrix Metering II Nikon’s renowned 420-pixel RGB 3D Color Matrix Metering II, teamed with the exclusive Scene Recognition System, evaluates each scene for unmatched exposure accuracy. Durable, high precision shutter Testing to over 100,000 cycles assures precision and long shutter life. GPS Geo-tagging GP-1 GPS unit (optional) automatically identifies and records every image’s latitude, longitude and altitude, with satellite time-of-day.
Dan and Phil
The Amazing Book is Not on Fire The World of Dan and Phil In this book is a world. A world created by two awkward guys who share their lives on the internet! We are Dan and Phil and we invite you on a journey inside our minds! From the stories of our actual births, to exploring Phil’s teenage diary and all the reasons why Dan’s a fail. Learn how to draw the perfect cat whiskers, get advice on how to make YouTube videos and discover which of our dining chairs represents you emotionally. With everything from what we text each other, to the time we met One Direction and what really happened in Vegas... This is The Amazing Book Is Not On Fire! POČET STRÁN 226 HMOTNOSŤ 855 g Dan and Phil Go Outside Dan Howell Phil Lester Dan Howell and Phil Lester, avoiders of human contact and direct sunlight, actually went outside. Travelling around the world on tour, they have collected hundreds of exclusive, intimate and funny photos, as well as revealing and captivating side notes, to show the behind-the-scenes story of their adventure. POČET STRÁN 224 HMOTNOSŤ 937 g neposkodene 1kniha za 8 eur
Java SE 8 Programmer II S
Predám knihu 'OCP: Oracle Certified Professional Java SE 8 Programmer II Study Guide: Exam 1Z0-809'. Je to skvelá khiha, vďaka ktorej sa môžete pripravit na certifikačnú skúšku JAVA Oracle Certified Professional 1Z0-809. Detaily k skúške: ISBN-10: 1119067901 ISBN-13: 978-1119067900 Edition: 1st Publisher: Sybex Publication date: December 14, 2015 Language: English Dimensions: 7.3 x 1.6 x 9.2 inches Print length: 720 pages Complete, trusted preparation for the Java Programmer II exam OCP: Oracle Certified Professional Java SE 8 Programmer II Study Guide is your comprehensive companion for preparing for Exam 1Z0-809 as well as upgrade Exam 1Z0-810 and Exam 1Z0-813. With full coverage of 100% of exam objectives, this invaluable guide reinforces what you know, teaches you what you don't know, and gives you the hands-on practice you need to boost your skills. Written by expert Java developers, this book goes beyond mere exam prep with the insight, explanations and perspectives that come from years of experience. You'll review the basics of object-oriented programming, understand functional programming, apply your knowledge to database work, and much more. From the basic to the advanced, this guide walks you through everything you need to know to confidently take the OCP 1Z0-809 Exam and upgrade exams 1Z0-810 and 1Z0-813. Java 8 represents the biggest changes to the language to date, and the latest exam now requires that you demonstrate functional programming competence in order to pass. This guide has you covered, with clear explanations and expert advice. Understand abstract classes, interfaces, and class design Learn object-oriented design principles and patterns Delve into functional programming, advanced strings, and localization Master IO, NIO, and JDBC with expert-led database practice If you're ready to take the next step in your IT career, OCP: Oracle Certified Professional Java SE 8 Programmer II Study Guide is your ideal companion on the road to certification.
Realme GT2 PRO 5G - 8GB Paper White
Predám nový nerozbalený Realme GT2 PRO 5G v bielej farbe. V pomere cena výkon ide o jeden z najlepšie hodnotených telefónov (viď poslednú fotku). K telefonu pribalim aj ochranne sklo. Parametre: 8GB/128GB, 5000 mAh, 50MP + 50 MP dual primary camera, optical stabilization, Snapdragon 8 gen 1 platform, 2K super reality display, Hi-Res Audio Dolby Atmos, Amoled Samsung, Android 13 Tiramisu, NFC, DualSIM. Design and Materials The Realme GT 2 Pro sports a 6.70-inch AMOLED display with a WQHD+ resolution of 1440x3216 and a 120Hz refresh rate. It has a peak brightness of 1400 cd/m2 and a 5000000:1 contrast ratio, plus support for HDR10+. Its design is made of aluminium alloy and polycarbonate, with Corning Gorilla Glass Victus providing additional protection. Its usable surface percentage is 88.2%. As for its weight, it comes in either Forged Black or Titanium Blue and weighs around 199 grams. Audio The Realme GT 2 Pro has stereo speakers, plus Hi-Res Audio and Dolby Atmos for enhanced sound quality. It also has a noise cancellation microphone so you can filter out background noise for phone calls or recorded audio. Hardware The Realme GT 2 Pro packs a powerful Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen1 processor (4nm). It also has 8GB or 12GB of RAM LPDDR5, plus 128GB, 256GB or 512GB of UFS Storage 3.1. It scores an impressive 965817 on AnTuTu v9 and also has a Fingerprint Display for added security. Plus, its Diamond Ice Core cooling system Plus and 36761mm² super flat heat dissipation area help keep it cool under pressure. Camera The Realme GT 2 Pro has a triple camera setup consisting of a 50.0Mpx Sony IMX766 CMOS, a 50.0Mpx Samsung S5KJN1 ISOCELL wide angle lens and a 2.0Mpx GalaxyCore GC02M1 macro lens. It also has Optical Stabilization (OIS), 4K Video, 8K Video and a 6P lens FOV at 84.4°. It can also record in 150º with its Ultra wide angle lens 6P and its 40X microscope lens 4.2mm. On the front, it has a Sony IMX615, 32.0Mpx selfie camera with an FOV of 80.6°. Connectivity In terms of connectivity, the Realme GT 2 Pro has Bluetooth 5.2, dual SIM, NFC, WiFi 6 (802.11ax) and GPS (L1+L5). Battery The device is equipped with a 5000mAh battery, which supports 65.0W fast charging.
Chris Heath - Reveal: Robbie Williams
predam knihu Chris Heath - Reveal: Robbie Williams. An intimate, funny and frank account of the moments behind the music, of the truth behind the headlines and of the fascinatingly complicated man behind the imperious entertainer, Reveal is Robbie Williams as you've never seen him before. More than twelve years ago, Robbie Williams and Chris Heath published a ground-breaking memoir, Feel, about Robert P. Williams' rise to fame; a book that was met with worldwide acclaim, from critics and fans alike.Since that time, Robbie has released six solo albums, reunited with his old band Take That and, in the wake of his twelfth UK number-one album, has returned to the stage with a sold-out run at Wembley Stadium.In Reveal, bestselling author Chris Heath has been working closely with Robbie for many years to create a personal and raw account of fame, fortune, family and music; a vivid and detailed story of the real highs and lows as Robbie has found his way forward, that is unprecedented in its intimacy and honesty.Long-awaited by millions,