family and friends 2 pracovný zošit - strana 5
Počet nájdených inzerátov FAMILY AND FRIENDS 2 PRACOVNÝ ZOŠIT
: 1000 - strana 5

Doberman sučka 1,7r hľadá nový domov.
Z Ukrajiny, Sterilizované čipované, očkované s EU pasom. Zachránil som ju, keď bola šteniatko od zlého chovateľa - so 4 zlomenými kosťami a rachitídou. vzal ju na rehabilitáciu, aby sa mohla znova naučiť chodiť. Ale kým bola pripravená na novú rodinu - začala vojna a vzal som ju so sebou, ale nie je to môj typ plemena (som skôr husky a mám ich 2)
Doberman nemá žiadne zdravotné problémy, chová sa dobre, nie je agresívny voči iným psom, nie je povahovo alfa, je dobrý s mačkou. Nikdy nebol medzi deťmi. Vzhľadom na špecifiká plemena je veľmi ochranársky a pozorný k cudzím ľuďom a veľmi emotívny.
Miluje maznanie, styk s ľuďmi a športovanie - veľmi dobrý v bikejoringu (mushing na bicykli, lyžovanie, beh, snowboarding)
Pozná nejaké triky a prešiel nejakou odľahčenou verziou výcviku poslušnosti a ovláda príkazy v ruštine, ale dá sa ľahko naučiť. preučiť sa, keďže je mladá a má chuť učiť sa nové veci.
Uprednostňujem e-mail, keďže po telefóne neviem veľmi dobre po slovensky (prepáčte). Hovorím anglicky a ukrajinsky.
Doberman female 1,7y is looking for new home.
From Ukraine, Sterilized chipped, vaccinated with EU passport. I saved her when she was a puppy from not good breeder - with 4 broken bones and rachitis. took her for rehabilitation so she could learn how to walk again. But before she was ready for a new family - war started and I took her with me, but it is not my type of breed (I am more husky person and have 2 of them)
Doberman has no health issues, behaves well, not aggressive to other dogs, not alfa kind by character, is good with cat. Has never been around kids. Due to the breed specifics is very protective and attentive to strangers and very emotional.
Loves cuddles, being around with humans and doing sports - very good at bikejoring (mushing bicycle, ski, running, snowboarding)
Knows some tricks and went through some light version of obedience training and knows commands in russian but can be easily trained to. be relearned as she is young and has eager to learn new stuff.
Email is preferable as I don't realy good in Slovak (sorry about it) to understand by phone. I speak English and Ukrainian.

Meet Carrie Bradshaw before ‘Sex and the City!’
The Carrie Diaries is the coming-of-age story of one of the most iconic characters of our generation. Before Sex and the City, Carrie Bradshaw was a small town girl who knew she wanted more. She's ready for real life to start, but first she must navigate her senior year of high school. Up until now, Carrie and her friends have been inseparable. Then Sebastian Kydd comes into the picture, and a friend's betrayal makes her question everything.With an unforgettable cast of characters, The Carrie Diaries is the story of how a regular girl learns to think for herself, and evolves into a sharp, insightful writer. Readers will learn about her family background, how she found her writing voice, and the indelible impression her early friendships and relationships left on her. Through adventures both audacious and poignant, we'll see what brings Carrie to her beloved New York City, where her new life begins.
416 stran

Predám učebnicu a pracovný zošit so slovníkom a CD:
New Opportunities - Intermediate (učebnica so slovníkom) = 6€+poštovné
New Opportunities - Intermediate (pracovný zošit s CD) = 3€+poštovné
New Opportunities - Intermediate (učebnica so slovníkom) a New Opportunities - Intermediate (pracovný zošit s CD) = 7€+poštovné
Učebnica a pracovný zošit so slovníkom a CD boli používané a sú v dobrom stave, popísané ceruzkou.
V prípade záujmu ma kontaktujte sms-kou na uvedené číslo. Ďakujem.

Predám 4 pracovné zošity pre ŠKD:
1.Veselo je v školskom klube 1
Pracovný zošit s aktivitami a úlohami pre školský klub detí – pre 1. ročník ZŠ
Autor: T. Jakabová
2.Veselo je v školskom klube 2
Pracovný zošit s aktivitami a úlohami pre školský klub detí – pre 2. ročník ZŠ
Autor: T. Jakabová
3.Veselo je v školskom klube 3
Pracovný zošit s aktivitami a úlohami pre školský klub detí – pre 3. ročník ZŠ
Autor: T. Jakabová
4.Veselo je v školskom klube 4
Pracovný zošit s aktivitami a úlohami pre školský klub detí – pre 4. ročník ZŠ
Autor: T. Jakabová
Zošity su vo veľmi dobrom stave, ako nové). Cena 3e za kus, pri odbere všetkých cena spolu 9e +pošta.

Predám učebnicu a pracovný zošit Project 1, fourth edition. Učebnica je v stave nová, je čistá a nepopísaná. Pracovný zošit má, bohužiaľ, jedno poškodenie: obálka sa odtrhla, aktuálne je prilepena ako vidno na fotke. Na samotnej obálke je drobné ošúchanie okrajov. Inak je pracovný zosit vo vnútri čistý a nepopisany. Plnohodnotný na používanie. Obsahuje aj CD. Poielam poštou po obdržaní platby na účet alebo osobný odber v Devínskej Novej Vsi alebo podľa dohody.

Učebnica ENGLISH FILE - Elementary Students Book with DVD-ROM a pracovný zošit PREDANÉ!
Vlastním aj učebnicu NEW OPPORTUNITIES- Education for life - Students book with MINI DICTIONARY. Kniha je opotrebovanom stave. Cena s MINI DIctionary je 4 EUR.
Taktiež ponúkam učebnicu angličtiny LASER B2 od Malcolma Manna a Stevea Taylor-Knowlesa. Zároveň vlastním pracovné zošity k tejto sérii, avšak ku knihám levelu A2 (2x) a B1+ (taktiež poväčšine vyplnené). Tiež môžem v prípade záujmu zaslať ako bonus.
Nakoniec ponúkam učebnicu francúzštiny ÉDITO - Méthode de francais (2e édition) - NIVEAU B1 od Marion Dufour, Julie Mainguet, Eugénie Mattironi, Serguei Opatski, Marion Perrard a Ghislaine Tabareau. Cena je 9 EUR.
Okrem učebníc predávam ešte osobitne pracovný zošit CORE CURRICULUM FOR ENGLISH - Pracovné listy pre žiakov (9. ročník). PZ je úplne nový. Cena je 5 EUR a pracovný zošit RADUGA 1 - ruština pre stredné a jazykové školy. Pracovný zošit je napoly vyplnený ceruzkou. Cena je 3 EUR.
Knihy je možno zaslať na adresu formou dobierky, taktiež je možná platba vopred na účet alebo osobný odber v Prešove. Ceny kníh sú bez poštovného, ktoré si hradí kupujúci. V prípade dodatočných otázok ma neváhajte kontaktovať hlavne cez email, popr. telefonátom/SMS na moje telefónne číslo.

Predám učebnice, cena dohodou, ale lacno
Strojnicka fakulta - STU - požiadavky z matematiky na prijímacie skúšky
Ján oravec - príručka slovenského pravopisu
Bohumír Parízek - matematické úlohy na prijímacie skúšky na vysoké školy
Zmaturuje z literatúry 1
Pavel Herout - učebnice jazyka C
Václav Medek - deskriptívna geometria pre gymnázia
Eva mátéffyová - oui francúzština nová maturita
Ralf a. Batzer - alles gute!
Tatiana kačníková - matematická analýza 1 - zbierka príkladov
Jana Bérešová - nová maturita z angličtiny b1
Natália Ihnátková - komunikácia a sloh pre 1 až 4 ročník gymnázia
Das Deutschmobil 3 - pracovný zošit a učebnica
Direkt 2 - učebnica a pracovný zošit
Direkt 3 - učebnica a pracovný zošit
Stepping stones 1 - učebnica a activity book
Solutions intermediate - students book a pracovný zošit
Matrix foundation - students book a workshopov
Karol Rebro, Peter Blaho - rímske právo

Predám učebnicu + pracovný zošit pre nemecký jazyk Themen aktuell 1. Učebnica je vo veľmi dobrom stave, pracovný zošit je na niektorých stránkach popísaný ale stále použiteľný.
Pracovný zošit + učebnica = 10€
Učebnica 7€
Pracovný zošit 5€

predam :1. prirodopis pre 8 rocnik ZŠ : cena 2€. 2. Vlastiveda pre 3.rocnik ZŠ : cena 3,50.
3.Prirodoveda pre 4.rocnik ZŠ: cena 3€. 4.Prirodoveda pre 9.rocnik ZŠ :cena 3€.5.Prirodoveda pre 4.rocnik ZŠ pracovny zosit:cena 2€. 6.Prirodopis pre 9.rocnik ZŠ: cena 3€.7.prirodopis pre 5.rocnik ZŠ.pracovny zosit cena : 2€.8. Matematika pre 2.rocnik ZŠ:cena 5€. 9.Matematika pre prvy stupen ZŠ, pracovny zosit:cena 3€.10.Cvicenia z matematiky pre 5.rocnik ZŠ: cena 8€.11.Zbierka uloh z matematiky pre 5.rocnik ZŠ: cena 3€. 12. Zbierka uloh z matematiky pre 8.rocnik ZŠ: cena 2€.13. Fyzika pre ZŠ 7 - 1. diel :PREDANA .14.Fyzika pre ZŠ 7 - 2 diel : PREDANA. 15. Fyzika pre ZŠ 8 - 1diel :PREDANA.16.Fyzika pre ZŠ 8-2diel: PREDANA.17.Fyzika pre 7rocnik:cena1€.18.Fyzika pre 8rocnikZŠ :cena 2€.19. Slovensky jazyk pre 4.rocnik specialych ZŠ:cena 5€.20.Pracovne listy k citanke pre 5rocnik specialnych ZŠ:cena 10€. 21.Citanka pre 2.rocnik gymnazii a strednych skol : PREDANA.22. Geografia : pomocka pre maturantov a
uchadzacov o vysoke skoly :cena 4€. 23.Dejepisna citanka 3: cena 3€.24.Zemepis 6. : cena 1,50€ 25. Raduga 1 pracovny zosit - rustina pre stredne a jazykove skoly :PREDANA 26.Raduga 1 ucebnica - rustina pre stredne a jazykove skoly : PREDANA 27. Raduga 2 ucebnica - PREDANA . K cenam treba pripocitat postovne a balne.

Predám učebnicu anglického jazyka:
English Plus Starter Student´s book.
K učebnici darujem pracovný zošit:
English Plus Starter Workbook.
Učebnica je vo veľmi dobrom stave. Pracovný zošit je miestami zapísaný ceruzou, miestami perom a miestami nie je vôbec vyplnený. Obsahuje CD, ktoré nebolo nikdy použité.
Učebnicu predávam za 12€, pracovný zošit s CD Vám k nej darujem.

Učebnica ENGLISH FILE - Elementary Students Book with DVD-ROM a pracovný zošit PREDANÉ!
Vlastním aj učebnicu NEW OPPORTUNITIES- Education for life - Students book with MINI DICTIONARY. Kniha je opotrebovanom stave. Cena s MINI DIctionary je 4 EUR.
Taktiež ponúkam učebnicu angličtiny LASER B2 od Malcolma Manna a Stevea Taylor-Knowlesa. Zároveň vlastním pracovné zošity k tejto sérii, avšak ku knihám levelu A2 (2x) a B1+ (taktiež poväčšine vyplnené). Tiež môžem v prípade záujmu zaslať ako bonus.
Nakoniec ponúkam učebnicu francúzštiny ÉDITO - Méthode de francais (2e édition) - NIVEAU B1 od Marion Dufour, Julie Mainguet, Eugénie Mattironi, Serguei Opatski, Marion Perrard a Ghislaine Tabareau. Cena je 9 EUR.
Okrem učebníc predávam ešte osobitne pracovný zošit CORE CURRICULUM FOR ENGLISH - Pracovné listy pre žiakov (9. ročník). PZ je úplne nový. Cena je 5 EUR a pracovný zošit RADUGA 1 - ruština pre stredné a jazykové školy. Pracovný zošit je napoly vyplnený ceruzkou. Cena je 3 EUR.
Knihy je možno zaslať na adresu formou dobierky, taktiež je možná platba vopred na účet alebo osobný odber v Prešove. Ceny kníh sú bez poštovného, ktoré si hradí kupujúci. V prípade dodatočných otázok ma neváhajte kontaktovať hlavne cez email, popr. telefonátom/SMS na moje telefónne číslo.

Ahojte, 2-ročná kastrovaná nemeckej dogy hľadá nový domov. Šteniatko bolo zachránené z Gostomelu (Ukrajina) na začiatku vojny, bolo vo veľmi zlom stave. Teraz je celý dobrý, veľmi milý a veľmi orientovaný na človeka. Ovláda základné povely a je veľmi dobrým partnerom pri prechádzkach. Má 1 starý zlomený prst na prednej labke, takže môžete vidieť, že kríva, ale dokáže rýchlo bežať. Ďalším problémom je, že potrebuje jedlo bez alergií, takže potrebuje dobrú liečbu kŕmením.
Veľmi dobre sa znáša s mačkami a inými psami, s povahou typu beta.
Je kastrovaný, má európsky slovenský pas s najnovším očkovaním a čipom.
Hľadám adopciu, keďže mám vlastného Nemeckej Dogy a zachránil som jeho, keďže toto plemeno poznám a mojím cieľom bolo pomôcť mu, aby sa vrátil späť do normálneho stavu a začal si hľadať rodinu hneď, ako bude na to pripravený. Hľadám rodinu, ktorá vie chlieb, je pripravená na obrovského psa a úplne chápe, že slintanie je pre dogu normálny stav.
Pošlite mi e-mail, pretože nerozumiem po slovensky na telefóne, ale môžem použiť prekladač Google na komunikáciu. Ak to pomôže, hovorím po anglicky =)
Hi, 2-year-old castrated Great Dane is looking for a new home. The puppy has been rescued from Gostomel (Ukraine) in the beginning of the war, it was in very bad condition. Now he is all good, very kind and very person-oriented. Knows basic commands and very good partner in walks. He has 1 old broken toe on his front paw so you may see he is limping but he can run fast. Another issue is he needs allergies free food so he needs good treatment with feeding.
He is very good with cats and other dogs, with a beta kind of character.
He is castrated, has a European Slovak passport with the latest vaccinations and chip.
Looking for adoption as I have my own Grate Dane and rescued his as I know this breed and my goal was to help him so he returns back to a normal state and starts looking for a family as soon as he is ready for it. I am looking for a family that knows bread, is ready for a giant dog and totally understands that drool is a normal state for Greate Dane.
Please email me, as I don;t understand slovak on phone but I can user google translate to communicate. I speak English if it helps =)

Predám nové školské zošity:
Školský zošit č. 510 – 3 ks = cena 0,10 €/ks
Školský zošit č. 511 – 2 ks = cena 0,10 €/ks
Školský zošit č. 511 (s pomocnou linkou) – 1 ks = cena 0,10 €/ks
Školský zošit č. 512 – 9 ks = cena 0,10 €/ks
Školský zošit č. 513 – 5 ks = cena 0,10 €/ks
Školský zošit č. 523 – 31 ks = cena 0,20 €/ks
Osobný odber. Tel. kontakt:

David Epstein - Range. Je ako nová.
Cena + poštovné. V prípade záujmu ma kontaktujte prosím cez email.
Ponúkam na predaj aj iné knihy - pozrite si moje ďaľšie inzeráty.
A powerful argument for how to succeed in any field: develop broad interests and skills while everyone around you is rushing to specialize. From the '10,000 hours rule' to the power of Tiger parenting, we have been taught that success in any field requires early specialization and many hours of deliberate practice. And, worse, that if you dabble or delay, you'll never catch up with those who got a head start. This is completely wrong. In this landmark book, David Epstein shows you that the way to succeed is by sampling widely, gaining a breadth of experiences, taking detours, experimenting relentlessly, juggling many interests - in other words, by developing range. Studying the world's most successful athletes, artists, musicians, inventors and scientists, Epstein demonstrates why in most fields - especially those that are complex and unpredictable - generalists, not specialists are primed to excel. No matter what you do, where you are in life, whether you are a teacher, student, scientist, business analyst, parent, job hunter, retiree, you will see the world differently after you've read Range. You'll understand better how we solve problems, how we learn and how we succeed. You'll see why failing a test is the best way to learn and why frequent quitters end up with the most fulfilling careers. As experts silo themselves further while computers master more of the skills once reserved for highly focused humans, Range shows how people who think broadly and embrace diverse experiences and perspectives will increasingly thrive and why spreading your knowledge across multiple domains is the key to your success, and how to achieve it.

Produkt info:
Expandibility - Plugable UD-6950 provides dual DisplayPort (DP++) outputs, Gigabit Ethernet, audio input/output & six USB 3.0 ports. Dual DisplayPorts support two displays up to 4K@60Hz or a single 5K@60Hz display when using DisplayPort 1.2 displays and cables. Also supports popular lower resolution modes such as 3440x1440, 2560x1440, 1920x1080 (1080P) and more
Dual DisplayPort Monitors - Please note DisplayPort and HDMI are separate standards which utilize different cables and connectors. Most PC monitors and all TVs do not have DisplayPort connections. Conversion to HDMI, Single-Link DVI, or VGA is possible via adapters (sold separately). See additional adapter model information below
System Requirements - Universal docking station connects to modern Windows and Mac systems with USB 3.0 Type-A port or USB-C port. Requires DisplayLink Graphics driver to be installed
Compatibility - Full support for Windows 11, 10, 8.1, and 7 and macOS 10.14+ with driver installation. Linux not supported. Not a charging dock. Docking station suggested for use with web and productivity software; not recommended for gaming, video playback or high end graphics work
2 Year Warranty - We love our Plugable products, and hope you will too. All of our products are backed with a 2-year limited parts and labor warranty as well as Seattle-based email support
Predám usb dokovaciu stanicu vhodnú pre rozšírenie a pripojenie monitorov k Mac s M1 procesorom prípadne Windows Laptop.
Kúpené na .
Medzinárodná záruka do 11.06.2023.
Možnosť osobne vyskúšať.

Paul Davies' "The Mind of God: Science and the Search for Ultimate Meaning" explores how modern science is beginning to shed light on the mysteries of our existence. Is the universe - and our place in it - the result of random chance, or is there an ultimate meaning to existence? Where did the laws of nature come from? Were they created by a higher force, or can they be explained in some other way? How, for example, could a mechanism as complex as an eye have evolved without a creator? Paul Davies argues that the achievement of science and mathematics in unlocking the secrets of nature mean that there must be a deep and significant link between the human mind and the organization of the physical world. In this quest for an ultimate explanation of the universe, he examines the origin of the cosmos, the possibility of other universes and the claim that we inhabit a kind of gigantic computer. The universe is, he concludes, no mere quirk of fate but a meaningful place for thinking beings. Through science, we can truly glimpse the mind of God. "Makes us re-examine the great questions of existence". ("The New York Times"). "The greatest achievement of the book is to provide an insight into the nature of science itself and the uncertainties that lie in the physical realm". (John Gribbin, "Sunday Times"). "For those brought up on a diet of Adam and Eve, "The Mind of God" will make surprising reading". ("Independent"). Paul Davies is Director of the Beyond Center for Fundamental Concepts in Science, and co-Director of the Cosmology Initiative, both at Arizona State University. An internationally-acclaimed physicist, writer and broadcaster, Davies is the author of some twenty award-winning books, including "The Eerie Silence: Searching for Ourselves in the Universe", "The Goldilocks Enigma: Why is the Universe Just Right for Life?" and "About Time: Einstein's Unfinished Revolution".

Predám knihu How Design Makes Us Think: And Feel and Do Things (Sean Adams) - stav knihy - ako nová
From posters to cars, design is everywhere. While we often discuss the aesthetics of design, we don't always dig deeper to unearth the ways design can overtly, and covertly, convince us of a certain way of thinking. How Design Makes Us Think collects hundreds of examples across graphic design, product design, industrial design, and architecture to illustrate how design can inspire, provoke, amuse, anger, or reassure us.
Graphic designer Sean Adams walks us through the power of design to attract attention and convey meaning. The book delves into the sociological, psychological, and historical reasons for our responses to design, offering practitioners and clients alike a new appreciation of their responsibility to create design with the best intentions. How Design Makes Us Think is an essential read for designers, advertisers, marketing professionals, and anyone who wants to understand how the design around us makes us think, feel, and do things.

Fotorealistické 3D vizualizácie.
Ak sa chystáte zariaďovať nové bývanie alebo modernizovať už existujúce, táto služba je určená práve Vám. Interiérový dizajnér Vám pomôžem vhodným a ergonomickým rozmiestnením nábytku, a citlivou kombináciou farieb a materiálov, vytvoriť elegantné bývanie.
Cena závisí od náročnosti konkrétneho interiéru resp. priestoru a od rozsahu poskytovaných služieb, od 10 za m2.
Vizualizácie v inzeráte sú už zrealizované projekty našich spokojných klientov. Technické výkresy k výrobe nábytku na mieru môžu byť tiež súčasťou návrhu.
Doba dodania závisí od zložitosti projektu ale väčšinou je od 24 hodín do 3 dní.
Neváhajte nás kontaktovať, telefonicky alebo emailom, konzultácia je nezáväzná a zdarma.
Homestaging / priprava nehnuteľnosti na predaj.
Pokiaľ predávate nehnuteľnosť, je táto služba určená Vám. Pre klientov, ale aj pre realitné kancelárie, poskytujeme tzv. virtuálny homestaging, vizualizácie existujúcich priestorov s návrhom ako je možné interiér zredizajnovať resp. zrenovovať. Ak v inzeráte svojej nehnuteľnosti ponúknete kupujúcemu konkrétnu predstavu a potenciál domu či bytu, môžete predaj výrazne urýchliť, dokonca zvýšiť jeho cenu.
Vyhľadávanie: 3D vizualizácie, interiérový design, návrhy interiérov, návrhy interiérov, nábytok, bytové zariadenie, architektúra, projekt, pôdorys, staging
Photo realistic 3D visualization of interiors.
Whether you are planning to design your new home or space, or to update an existing one, this is the place for you. As an interior designer I will help you harmonize your ideas and expectations with the right ergonomic placement of furniture, lighting and sensitive combination of colours and materials into a holistic and elegant space design. The complete look and design will bring up the overall quality and comfort of your space.
3D visualizations allow you to see the final outcome before the actual implementation. Consultations sessions can take place in person, by phone or via email. Price will depend on the difficulty of the particular interior or space and on the scale of the provided service, 10euros per m2.
Home staging.
Are you selling a property? We are here to help! We offer virtual home staging for individual clients as well as for realty firms. Virtual home staging is a way to digitally design an existing space into a 3D visualization to demonstrate how this space can be upgraded, redesigned and renovated. Once you show a client the potential of your property through concrete design and renovation examples, you will be able to sell faster and even raise the price.
Search words: interior design, furniture, architecture, project, floor plan
ELEVEN design and projects

This book"'s aim is to submerge the reader in the world of illustration. The first section ranges from how to start to draw a human figure to the techniques to stylize and synthesize it. This section provides a large amount of figures in different poses, as well as hands and feet-often the most difficult parts - in diverse postures and angles. However, in the field of fashion it is also essential to know how to draw fabric, and even more important to know how to draw the folds of clothing. The items of clothing are presented as much in technical drawing as in figures in movement, and forming light and shadow is also explained, as this gives quality to the illustration.
The second part of the book revolves around color and the different techniques with which one can work: watercolor, wax, pastel, and so on. All the drawings that appear constitute a brief exhibition of the changes that the fashion world has experienced and with this in mind a path has been laid which starts in 1900, illustrated in watercolors, and finishes in 2000, illustrated in pencil. The goal of this volume is to uncover the reader"""""""""""""""'s desire to paint and to provide him with some of the secrets that will encourage him to do so. After all, experience is the most effective way to learn, whatever the subject.
Autor: Maite Lafuente
Vydavateľstvo: Rockport Publishers
Jazyk: anglický
Počet strán: 192 str.
Rozmer: 22×26 cm
Vydané: 2006
ISBN: 978-1-59253-253-7

TUreality offers for rent a 2-room apartment in the centre of Žilina on J. Milca street No.19 with a
total living area of 55m2. The apartment is located on the elevated ground floor/3rd floor in a brick
apartment building. The apartment is after a complete reconstruction from 2021. It has a bricked
core, changed floors, plastic windows, new wiring throughout the apartment, trowels. The layout is
set up by an entrance hallway, a kitchen/diner connected to the living room and a separate
bedroom. In the kitchen there is a new custom kitchen unit and a dining area. In the living room
there is a corner sofa, in the bedroom there is a double bed and a spacious built-in wardrobe for
storing things. A laminate floor is newly laid throughout the apartment. There is a bathtub in the
bathroom. The toilet is separate. The apartment has a separate pantry and has a larger cellar in the
basement. The entrance and yard are secured by a camera system. There is a private plot of land
behind the apartment building, which allows the tenant to park without fees and a resident card
right in the city centre. The apartment is rented completely furnished with built-in furniture and with
following appliances: washing machine, dryer, refrigerator with freezer, induction hob with oven,
microwave. Monthly rent is 650€ / month including energy and without internet (available at
additional cost of 16€. Requirements: individual or couple (possibly with a child), non-smokers,
without pets. Rental at least 1 calendar year. The apartment is free from 03/2023. 1 month’s rent is
required as deposit.
The strategic location in combination with fair size of the apartment will ensure perfect living. 5 min.
walk there is train and bus station, shopping malls Mirage and Aupark, main square, high street,
public transport, grocery, pharmacy and much more. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. Viewings also
available in English language.
More information: haluska@ or call +421 41 3217800