family and friends 2 pracovný zošit - strana 17
Počet nájdených inzerátov FAMILY AND FRIENDS 2 PRACOVNÝ ZOŠIT
: 1000 - strana 17

Predám tehlu brúsenú Heluz Family.
Heluz Family 25 143 kusov, jednakomplet paleta zabalená.
Heluz Family 14,5 15 kusov.
Heluz Family 11,5 19 kusov.

Ponúkam na predaj zvyškové preklady a tehly HELUZ z novostavby (2022). Nepoužité, skladované na paletách a zafoliované.
14 ks - HELUZ FAMILY 44-K brúsená - 4.50 Eur/ ks
10 ks - HELUZ FAMILY 38 2in1 brúsená - 6.50 Eur/s
18 ks - HELUZ FAMILY 44-K-1/2 brúsená - 2.50 Eur/ks
4 ks - HELUZ FAMILY 44-R brúsená - 3.50 Eur/ks
2 ks - Preklad HELUZ 14,5 - 100 - 8 Eur
Najlepšie ak si zabezpečíte nakládku a odvoz sami.
V prípade potreby však viem zabezpečiť aj nakládku + dovoz (cena dohodou podľa km).

Predám tehlu HELUZ Family Brúsenú 30 a 25 na paletách nepoužité, zabalené.
Heluz Family 30 brusena 2 palety 96ks/paleta
Heluz Family 25 brusena 3 palety 120ks/paleta
cena za 30 - 4,20€ /ks
cena za 25 - 3,30€ /ks
predaj len po paletách nie kusovo
Dohoda možná pri odbere všetkých paliet.
dopravu a nákladku si treba zabezpečiť.

Sme registrovaná chovateľská stanica morčiat Fluffy family. Chováme dlhosrsté plemená peruánec, alpaka, lunkarya peruánec, v pigmentových aj nepigmentových farbách.
Aktuálne ešte dve morčiatka z našej CHS hľadajú nový domov:
•Freddie Fluffy family ( !!! možná kastrácia)
-plemeno: alpaka
-farba: červená s bielou
-oči: tmavé
-dátum narodenia: 24.11. 2022
-s PP
-po prekonzultovaní by bol možno vhodný aj do chovu
!!! keďže má Freddie už 3 mesiace, je možné ho odobrať už vykastrovaného, kastrácia u nášho veterinára prebieha bezpečne pod inhalačnou anestézou !!!
•Emily Fluffy family
-plemeno: alpaka
-farba: červená s bielou
-oči: tmavé
-dátum narodenia: 23.11. 2022
-s VP
-po prekonzultovaní by bola možno vhodná aj do chovu
-do nového domova môže odísť aj Freddiem (keď bude vykastrovaný)
Odber zdarma možný v Skalici, Bratislave, Brne. Kuriérom alebo cez BlaBlaCar po celom Slovensku( BRATISLAVA, TRENČÍN, ŽILINA, POPRAD, PREŠOV, MICHALOVCE, KOŠICE, LUČENEC, BANSKÁ BYSTRICA, NITRA, TRNAVA) aj po celom Česku.
-ak hľadáte luxusného domáceho miláčika zo zodpovednej CHS tak nás neváhajte kontaktovať.
- lukasvyleta9@
- SMSkou alebo nám zavolajte
- cez FB stránku: Chovateľská stanica Fluffy family .

Sme registrovaná chovateľská stanica morčiat Fluffy family. Chováme dlhosrsté plemená peruánec, alpaka, lunkarya peruánec, v pigmentových aj nepigmentových farbách.
Aktuálne ešte dve morčiatka z našej CHS hľadajú nový domov:
•Freddie Fluffy family ( !!! možná kastrácia)
-plemeno: alpaka
-farba: červená s bielou
-oči: tmavé
-dátum narodenia: 24.11. 2022
-s PP
-po prekonzultovaní by bol možno vhodný aj do chovu
!!! keďže má Freddie už 3 mesiace, je možné ho odobrať už vykastrovaného, kastrácia u nášho veterinára prebieha bezpečne pod inhalačnou anestézou !!!
•Emily Fluffy family
-plemeno: alpaka
-farba: červená s bielou
-oči: tmavé
-dátum narodenia: 23.11. 2022
-s VP
-po prekonzultovaní by bola možno vhodná aj do chovu
-do nového domova môže odísť aj Freddiem (keď bude vykastrovaný)
Odber zdarma možný v Skalici, Bratislave, Brne. Kuriérom alebo cez BlaBlaCar po celom Slovensku( BRATISLAVA, TRENČÍN, ŽILINA, POPRAD, PREŠOV, MICHALOVCE, KOŠICE, LUČENEC, BANSKÁ BYSTRICA, NITRA, TRNAVA) aj po celom Česku.
-ak hľadáte luxusného domáceho miláčika zo zodpovednej CHS tak nás neváhajte kontaktovať.
- lukasvyleta9@
- SMSkou alebo nám zavolajte
- cez FB stránku: Chovateľská stanica Fluffy family

- sme registrovaná chovateľská stanica morčiat Fluffy family. Chováme dlhosrsté plemená peruánec, alpaka, lunkarya peruánec, v pigmentových aj nepigmentových farbách.
Aktuálne ešte dve morčiatka z našej CHS hľadajú nový domov:
•Freddie Fluffy family ( !!! možná kastrácia)
-plemeno: alpaka
-farba: červená s bielou
-oči: tmavé
-dátum narodenia: 24.11. 2022
-s PP
-po prekonzultovaní by bol možno vhodný aj do chovu
!!! keďže má Freddie už 3 mesiace, je možné ho odobrať už vykastrovaného, kastrácia u nášho veterinára prebieha bezpečne pod inhalačnou anestézou !!!
•Emily Fluffy family
-plemeno: alpaka
-farba: červená s bielou
-oči: tmavé
-dátum narodenia: 23.11. 2022
-s VP
-po prekonzultovaní by bola možno vhodná aj do chovu
-do nového domova môže odísť aj Freddiem (keď bude vykastrovaný)
Odber zdarma možný v Skalici, Bratislave, Brne. Kuriérom alebo cez BlaBlaCar po celom Slovensku( BRATISLAVA, TRENČÍN, ŽILINA, POPRAD, PREŠOV, MICHALOVCE, KOŠICE, LUČENEC, BANSKÁ BYSTRICA, NITRA, TRNAVA) aj po celom Česku.
-ak hľadáte luxusného domáceho miláčika zo zodpovednej CHS tak nás neváhajte kontaktovať.
- lukasvyleta9@
- SMSkou alebo nám zavolajte
- cez FB stránku: Chovateľská stanica Fluffy family

Nový strešný stan Family a Family Plus,rozmer zloženého 200 x120 ,rozmer rozloženého 200x240,hliníkový obal,cena Family 2350€,Família plus 2550€,rozdiel, Family Plus má dva teleskopický rebríky,dve samostatné spálne,farba ako na fotkách, možnosť dokúpiť vonkajšiu predsieň cena 580€,viac informácií telefonicky.

Predám tehlu HELUZ Family Brúsenú 30 a 25 na paletách nepoužité, zabalené.
Heluz Family 30 brusena 2 palety 96ks/paleta
Heluz Family 25 brusena 3 palety 120ks/paleta
predaj len po paletách nie kusovo
Tehly sú v Obci Vlčany, okres Šaľa
!!!! dopravu a nákladku si treba zabezpečiť !!!!
Cena za všetky palety 1200€

Predám tehly, ktoré zvýšili zo stavby:
Heluz Family 38-K-1/2 brúsená za 1 €/ks (spolu 82ks),
Heluz Family 38-K brúsená za 2,5€/ks (spolu 7ks),
Heluz Family 38 brúsená za 3€/ks (spolu 13ks)
Tehly sú skladované pod igelitom.

Predám tehly :
HELUZ family 44 - 89ks
HELUZ family 44 K - 21ks
HELUZ family 38 - 44ks
HELUZ family 30 - 6ks
HELUZ 14 - 32ks

Predám brúsené tehly Heluz Family 30 (130ks) za cenu 1,2€/ks a Heluz Family 38-K (100ks) za cenu 2€/ks.

Ponúkam na predaj herný/pracovný PC:
●Procesor (CPU) : Intel® Core™ i7-12700K:
- Total Cores - 12
- # of Performance-cores - 8
- # of Efficient-cores - 4
- Total Threads - 20
- Max Turbo Frequency - 5.00 GHz
- Intel® Turbo Boost Max Technology 3.0 Frequency - 5.00 GHz
- Cache - 25 MB Intel® Smart Cache
- Total L2 Cache - 12 MB
- Processor Base Power - 125 W
- Maximum Turbo Power - 190 W
●Chladenie procesora: be quiet! DARK ROCK PRO 4:
- Model Dark Rock Pro 4
- TDP (W) 250
- Color option Black
- Overall dimensions without mounting material (L x W x H), (mm) 121 x 136 x 163
- Total weight (kg) 1.13
- Socket compatibility Intel 1700 / 1200 / 2066 / 1150 / 1151 / 1155 / 2011(-3) -Square ILM
- Socket compatibility AMD AM5 / AM4
- Overall noise level (dB(A)) @ 50/75/100% (rpm) 12.8 / 17.9 / 24.3
- Number of fans 2
- Decoupled fan mounting ✓
●Základná doska (MB): MAG Z690 TOMAHAWK WIFI:
- Supports 12th/ 13th Gen Intel® Core™, Pentium® Gold and Celeron® processors for LGA 1700 socket
- Supports DDR5 Memory, up to 6400(OC) MHz
- Premium Thermal Solution: Extended Heatsink Design and M.2 Shield Frozr are built for high performance system and non-stop works
- 2.5G LAN and Intel Wi-Fi Solution: Upgraded network solution for professional and multimedia use. Delivers a secure, stable and fast network connection
- Lightning M.2: Running at PCIe Gen 5 maximizes performance for NVMe based SSDs
- Lightning USB 20G: Built-in USB 3.2 Gen 2x2 port, offers 20Gbps transmission speed, 4X faster than USB 3.2 Gen 1
- AUDIO BOOST 5: Reward your ears with studio grade sound quality for the most immersive gaming experience
- Multi-GPU: With Steel armor PCIe slots. Supports AMD Crossfire™
●Operačná pamäť (RAM): FURY Beast Black XMP 32GB (2x16GB) DDR5 5200MT/s CL40
●SSD disk: Samsung 860 EVO 1TB, MZ-76E1T0B/EU
- Výrobca Samsung
- Formát disku 2.5 "
- Rozhranie SATA III
- Kapacita 1000 GB
- Otáčky SSD
- Vyrovnávacia pamäť 1024 MB
- Hmotnosť 51 g
●Grafická karta (GPU): GeForce RTX™ 3060 Ti GAMING OC 8G (rev. 2.0)
●Skriňa (CASE): Corsair Carbide Series SPEC-DELTA RGB + ARCTIC P12 PWM PST value Pack (5x 120mm)
●Zdroj (PSU): EVGA SuperNOVA 750 GA, 80 Plus Gold 750W, Fully Modular, Eco Mode, 10 Year Warranty, Includes Power ON Self Tester, Compact 150mm Size, Power Supply 220-GA-0750-X1
●Operačný Systém (OS): Windows 10 PRO 64bit
- Počítač je pripravený k okamžité mu použitiu.
❗️ Sú doklady o nakúpe aj krabice jednotlivých dielov
● Fotky sú moje a inzerát je platný do zmazania.
✉ mcfurrrypants@, SMS, WhatsApp, Telegram.
✈ Osobný odber v Prešove s odskúšaním.
✈ Nákup všetkých komponentov sa uskutočnil na jar roka 2022 (Mám relevantné doklady!)
✈ Montáž PC prebehol na jeseň 2022, počítač bol používaný 6 mesiacov, stav ko

Podoblek pod suchy oblek na potapanie, ako novy, velkost L, jediny dovod predaja - zla velkost na mna. Je slusne hruby, vhodny aj do chladnejsej vody.
Seemann Subtech 100. Innovative and warmInnovative under suit made of 3 materials, for neoprene and tri-laminate suits.The outer lining is a water repellent, breathable polyester fabric. It gives durability and comfort and easy donning.The inner lining is made of high quality anti peeling double fleece.This material transports wetness away from your skin and provides excellent insulation.The polyester wadding gives additional panels at the left arm and shoulder ensure fast deflation, independent of valve type and position.Easy donning through 2 mm SCS neoprene wrists.The anatomically shaped neoprene ankles are also made of 2 mm neoprene.2 big hip pockets, 1 zipped pocket at the chest, hand loops, durable two-way spiral zipper elasticized waist.

Tim Marshall - Prisoners of Geography
Cena + poštovné. V prípade záujmu ma kontaktujte prosím cez email.
Ponúkam na predaj aj iné knihy - pozrite si moje ďaľšie inzeráty.
All leaders are constrained by geography. Their choices are limited by mountains, rivers, seas and concrete. Yes, to follow world events you need to understand people, ideas and movements - but if you don't know geography, you'll never have the full picture. If you've ever wondered why Putin is so obsessed with Crimea, why the USA was destined to become a global superpower, or why China's power base continues to expand ever outwards, the answers are all here. In ten chapters (covering Russia; China; the USA; Latin America; the Middle East; Africa; India and Pakistan; Europe; Japan and Korea; and the Arctic), using maps, essays and occasionally the personal experiences of the widely travelled author, Prisoners of Geography looks at the past, present and future to offer an essential insight into one of the major factors that determines world history. It's time to put the 'geo' back into geopolitics.

nova / nerozbalena
The Great Zimbabwe is a game about building a trade based civilization in ancient Africa. It has been inspired by the old kingdoms surrounding the Great Zimbabwe, a world heritage site in southern Africa. Far into the previous century, colonial governments denied that a civilization that produced such impressive monuments and beautiful artwork could have been African in origin. But of course, this civilization was African, and the country of Zimbabwe itself was proudly named after this impressive cultural heritage. As always in our games, we have used this history for inspiration; however, first and foremost we wanted to create a highly playable and replayable Splotter game, so in many cases we took liberties with historical names, periods and artwork. In the game, players strive to build the most impressive monuments to one god of their choice. They can choose this god themselves-- each of the twelve gods offers a unique blessing, but each also requires a different amount of work to win the game. Building the monuments is done by developing a logistics network stretching across the region. Through this network, players produce and obtain ritual goods to raise their monuments and bring honour to the god of their choice.

Ideal od Sweden iPhone 11 Pro - Úplne nový nepoužívaný (krabica)
Odporúčaná predajná cena cez 35€
moja cena 9€
(● Claret Agate compels with rhythmic movements of rich colour for a spectacular agate-inspired composition. Agate stone was first discovered in modern-day Sicily and today is one of the most adored stones for it’s captivating and elegant appearance.
● Made from strong but flexible plastic
● Microfiber lining to prevent scratches
● Compatible with IDEAL OF SWEDENs QI chargers
● Part of Accessories of Attraction and magnetically compatible with our wallets and mounts
● Swedish design, always on trend
● Gold details to add a luxurious feel
● Perfectly fits your phone to provide protection and a great look )
SPIGEN iPhone XR Liquid Air - Vyskúšané na telefóne raz - používam iné
odporúčaná predajná cena - 20€
moja cena - 7€
Stav nového - bez obalu
(● Flexible case resistant to fingerprint smudges
● Slim and form-fitted to stay pocket-friendly
● Modern geometric engravings enhances grip
● Mil-grade certified with Air Cushion Technology®
● Supports wireless charging and compatible with )
X-Doria Defense Ultra for iPhone XR - úplne nové
odporúčaná predajná cena - 35€
moja cena 10€
(- elegantný luxusný dizajn
- ochrana pri páde z výšky 4 metre
- vyvýšený okraj krytu pre ochranu obrazovky
- spĺňa a prevyšuje vojenský štandard ochrany pri páde MIL-STD-810G
- integrovaný zvukový kanál pre najlepší zvukový zážitok
- vedecky dokázaná ochrana pri náraze DropShield
- ochrana okrajov kovovými pásmi
- vnútorná gumená vrstva absorbujúca náraz a pevná vonkajšia vrstva z polykarbonátu
- vonkajší obal z eloxovaného hliníku
- obal nezabraňuje bezdrôtovému nabíjaniu
- jednoduché nasadenie)
Quad lock iPhone 11 Pro
odporúčaná predajná cena 30€
moja cena 20€

Predam novu knihu Milan Kundera - Identity.Sometimes - perhaps only for an instant - we fail to recognise a companion; for a moment their identity ceases to exist, and thus we come to doubt our own. The effect is at its most acute in a couple where our existence is given meaning by our perception of a lover, and theirs of us. With his astonishing skill at building on and out from the significant moment, Kundera has placed such a situation and the resulting wave of panic at the core of the novel. In a narrative as intense as it is brief, a moment of confusion sets in motion a complex chain of events which forces the reader to cross and recross the divide between fantasy and reality. Profound, sad and disquieting but above all a love story, Identity provides further proof of Kundera's astonishing gifts as a novelist.

Originalna, nova este s vysackami bunda znacky Arcteryx vo velkosti XS. Zial mi je mala. Povodna cena 250 EUR.
The Proton Hoody is equipped with a breathable insulation package to manage the dynamic needs of mountain pursuits and perform as a self-regulating mid layer for a variety of high output activities. Breathable insulation means excess heat and moisture can pass through the combination of air permeable fabrics and insulation. In addition to being extremely air permeable, the Fortius™ Air 20 face fabric has unrivaled hardwearing durability, over 60 times more durable in abrasion tests than the industry standard. Coreloft™ Compact 80 synthetic insulation in the body maintains excellent stretch recovery. The No Slip Zip™ keeps the main zipper from self-opening and the helmet compatible insulated hood gives additional warmth. Put it on, leave it on and stay focused on the activity.
Technical Features
Air permeable
Abrasion resistant
Water resistant
Wind resistant
Fortius™ Air 20 face fabric effectively balances air permeability and weather resistance with lightweight durability
Air permeable Coreloft™ Compact 80 insulation regulates a comfortable micro climate
Coreloft™ Compact 60 insulated helmet compatible hood gives additional warmth
Cuff & Sleeves Configuration
Stretch-knit cuffs
Design & Fit
Women's specific design for optimal fit and performance
Trim fit for athletic performance
Fabric Treatment
DWR (Durable Water Repellent) finish repels moisture
Hem Configuration
Dual lower hem adjusters
Drop back hem
Hood Configuration
Helmet compatible
Insulated hood
Adjustable hood drawcords
Pocket Configuration
Two insulated hand pockets with zippers
Chest pocket with zip
Zippers & Fly Configuration
No Slip Zip™ front zipper
Dual back flaps on main zipper prevent wind penetration

Ableconn PEX-FW107 1394b & 1394a 3-Port PCI Express (PCIe) Low Profile FireWire Host Adapter Card - TI XIO2213 Chipset
Add two 1394b FireWire 800 ports and one 1394a port to your Mac Pro or Windows system.
* Connector:
- 2x P1394b (9-pin) and 1x 1394a-2000 (6-pin)
- PCI Express x1 Male
- 1x SP4 (4-pin; small drive power) Male
* Chipset: TI XIO2213
* Software:
- No driver installation is required on Windows, Mac, and Linux systems.
* Data transfer rate:
- Support 1394 data transfer rate up to 800 Mbps
* Fully Supports Provisions of IEEE P1394b-2002, IEEE 1394a-2000 and 1394-1995 Standard
* Fully compliant with 1394 Open Host Controller Interface (OHCI) Spec 1.1 and Rev 1.2 Draft
* Two Bilingual 1394b 9-pin Ports at S800 or S400b speed
* One 1394a-2000 Fully Compliant 6-Pin Port at S400, S200, S100 speed
* On Board Molex mini 4Pin Power connector to provide sufficient 1394 1.5A/12V bus power from PC power supply
* Supports Plug and Play
* Compliant with PCI Express Specification, revision 1.1
* 1-lane 2.5Gbps PCI Express host interface
* Low Profile PCIe Form Factor
* Regular size PCIe bracket on board and an additional Low Profile bracket included
* Fully RoHS compliant.
* Made in Taiwan
Package Contents
* Ableconn 1394b & 1394a 3-Port PCIe FireWire Host Adapter
* 1 x Y Power Cable (LP4 Molex to LP4 +SP4)
* One (1) low profile PCIe bracket
dobierka: 3€
E-mail: bazos123@

Prodám pasivní snímače typu humbucker EMG H4 a H4A, zakoupené v akci na Aleximu. Kompletní balení, (vč. schémat) jsem pouze rozbalil a zkontroloval. Z následného projektu časem sešlo, tím pádem nebylo možné snímače vrátit. Snímače na sobě mají ochranou fólii. Viz. fotky a faktura.
Prodávám za původní cenu po slevě. Cena je pevná. Možno odkoupit i zvlášť (94,5Eur).
Pro kontakt preferuji e-mail:vymetalMLP@
Orig. popis "The H4 is our best selling passive humbucker. Combining the power of our active 81 with the soul of a passive PAF, the tone is well balanced, with tight bass, glassy mids, and crunchy highs. These great tonal features are achieved by utilizing over wound coils loaded with ceramic bar magnets, all fully shielded for minimal noise. This pickup is most often used in the bridge position where it shines with excellent range, responsiveness and sweet harmonics. If you want a big rock or heavy modern sound, this is the pickup for you."
"Endowed with warmth, body and clarity, the H4A is a very versatile pickup and is perfect for everything from blues to rock to metal. The tone is very well-balanced, with solid bass, pronounced mids, and fat highs. These great tonal features are achieved by utilizing vintage wound coils loaded with Alnico V bar magnets, all fully shielded for minimal noise. The H4A is most often used in the neck position, and is commonly used in conjunction with its cousin, the H4, for a perfect balance of tones. The H4A shines with superb clarity, full body, and delicate responsiveness which will suit almost any style or mood"