family and friends 2 pracovný zošit - strana 45
Počet nájdených inzerátov FAMILY AND FRIENDS 2 PRACOVNÝ ZOŠIT
: 1000 - strana 45

Plne funkcna pri pohnuti zahra pesničku. Po jednom dietati.
Kupovana v obchode (nie z druhej ruky). Hudobna hračka.
2 pesničky
3 zvukove efekty
Monkey on ball baby activity toy
The Fisher Price Crawl Along Musical Ball is a brightly colored baby toy with a monkey that stays balanced on top. Babies are encouraged to push on the monkey by an entertaining tune or funny sound effect that plays when the monkey is moved. There are two tunes and three sound effects that play when the ball rolls and the monkey balances on top. The Fisher-Price monkey ball engages attention with bright colors, fun sounds and entertaining movements. The majority of the ball is a bright blue with a yellow star and purple swirl. On top of the ball there is an orange monkey with pink cheeks. The monkey keeps balanced even as the ball rolls. This product is suitable for both boys and girls.

2 izbový slnečný byt v novostavbe s parkovacím státím, ul. Staré Grunty, lokalita Staré Grunty, byt sa nachádza v novostavbe bytového domu v blízkosti nákupného centra Cubicon, má južnú orientáciu, byt situovaný na 4. posch./z 5, výmera bytu 55 m2 + dva balkóny so vstupom z obývačky a spálne, byt je kompletne moderne zariadený a vybavený, k bytu patrí aj pivnica, parkovanie na vonkajšom parkovisku pred bytovým domom na uzatvorenom parkovisku s rampou, aj možnosť prenajatia parkovacieho státia nachádzajúceho sa v suteréne bytového domu komfortne prepojené s výťahom priamo k bytu
v blízkosti bytového domu sa nachádza nákupné centrum Cubicon, bezproblémová dostupnosť na diaľničný obchvat aj do centra mesta,
Cena: 850.-EUR + E (150.-EUR) vrátane vonkajšieho parkovacieho státia a pivnice, bez telekomunikačných poplatkov (TV a internet) v prípade záujmu parkovacieho státia v suteréne bytového domu + 100.-EUR
2-rooms sunny apartment in a new building with parking, ul. Staré Grunty, location Staré Grunty, the apartment is located in a new apartment building near the Cubicon shopping center, it has a southern orientation, the apartment is located on the 4th floor/out of 5, the area of the apartment is 55 m2 + two balconies with entrance from the living room and bedroom, apartment it is completely modernly furnished and equipped, the apartment also includes a cellar, parking in the outdoor parking lot in front of the apartment building in a closed parking lot with a ramp, as well as the possibility of renting a parking space located in the basement of the apartment building, comfortably connected with an elevator directly to the apartment
the Cubicon shopping center is located near the apartment building, with easy access to the highway bypass and the city center,
Price: EUR 850 + E (EUR 150) including outdoor parking space and cellar, without telecommunications fees (TV and Internet) in case of interest in parking space in the basement of the apartment building + EUR 100

--- for ENGLISH VERSION please see below ---
Ponúkam na prenájom zariadený, slnečný, 2+kk byt v skvelej lokalite Bratislava - Staré Mesto, s krásnym výhľadom, v tesnej blízkosti Medickej záhrady.
V byte sa nachádza: vstupná hala, samostatná kúpeľňa, samostatná obývačka s kuchynským kútom, samostatná spálňa a dve samostatné loggie. Výmera bytu je 49m2 (40m2 byt + 9m2 dve oddelené loggie spolu). Byt sa nachádza na 5. poschodí zo 7. a vedú ku nemu až dva výťahy. Byt je určený pre maximálne 2 osoby, je striktne nefajčiarsky a nevhodný pre zvieratko.
Byt mám v osobnom vlastníctve a nie som realitka. Cena mesačného nájmu je 590 EUR. K tejto sume je potrebné pripočítať 155 EUR za mesačné náklady spojené s užívaním bytu (voda, elektrina, plyn/kúrenie, vysokorýchlostný optický internet, atď.). SPOLU CELKOVO 745 EUR mesačne.
V cene je tiež zahrnuté voľné (nie vyhradené) parkovacie státie v súkromnom dvore bytového domu, ktorý sa uzatvára elektronickou posuvnou bránou na elektronický čip. V cene je taktiež zahnutá možnosť odložiť si napr. bicykel, kočík a pod., v uzamykateľnej "kočikárni" na prízemí.
Kaucia - jednomesačný nájom, ktorý je možné zložiť aj postupne v dvoch splátkach. Byt je voľný takmer ihneď. EMAIL: zocivoci@ TEL: . V prípade otázok ma, prosím, neváhajte kontaktovať :)
I am renting my furnished, sunny and cozy, 2+kk (2+kitchen corner/kitchenette) apartment in a great location of Bratislava - Staré Mesto, with a beautiful view, close to the famous Medical Garden.
In the apartment you will find: an entrance hall, a separate bathroom, a separate living room with a kitchenette, a separate bedroom and two separate loggias. The area of the apartment is 49m2 (40m2 apartment + 9m2 two separate loggias together). The apartment is located on the 5th floor out of 7 and has two elevators. The apartment is intended for maximum of 2 persons, it is strictly non-smoking and not suitable for pets.
I am the owner of the apartment and thus I am not a real estate agent. The monthly rent is 590 EUR. To this amount, 155 EUR must be added for the monthly costs associated with the use of the apartment (water, electricity, gas/heating, high-speed optical Internet, etc.). IN TOTAL 745 EUR monthly.
Furthermore, the price also includes a free (not reserved) parking space in the private yard of the apartment building, which is closed by an electronic sliding gate with an electronic chip. The price also includes the possibility to store, for example, a bicycle, a stroller, etc., in the lockable "kočikáreň/stroller room" on the ground floor.
Deposit - one month's rent, which can also be paid gradually in two installments. The apartment is available almost immediately. EMAIL: zocivoci@ TEL: . Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me :)

Fully Refurbished and Tested with Warranty Cisco Catalyst Switch 2960G switch 48 x 10/100/1000 Gigabit Ethernet Ports (Non-PoE) - 4 x Dual Purpose Ports - LAN Base Image
Product Details
The Cisco® Catalyst® 2960-S and 2960 Series Switches are the leading Layer 2 edge, providing improved ease of use, highly secure business operations, improved sustainability, and a borderless network experience.
What's new for the Cisco Catalyst 2960 Series Switches with LAN Base Software:
• 24 or 48 ports of Gigabit Ethernet desktop connectivity
• A wide range of software features to provide ease of operation, highly secure business operations, sustainability, and a borderless network experience
The Cisco Catalyst 2960 Series Switches with LAN Base Software offer the following:
• Dual-purpose uplinks for Gigabit Ethernet uplink flexibility, allowing use of either a copper or fiber uplink; each dual-purpose uplink port has one 10/100/1000 Ethernet port and one SFP-based Gigabit Ethernet port, with one port active at a time

k dispozícii sú CD v zozname (nie na fotke):
Cradle of Filth - Dusk and her embrace (nový) 8,00 €
Cradle of Filth - Cruelty and the beast 6,00 €
Cradle of Filth - Midian 7,00 €
Cradle of Filth - Damnation and a day 5,00 €
Cradle of Filth - Damnation and a day (nový) 7,00 €
Cradle of Filth - Nymphetamine 7,00 €
Cradle of Filth - Thornography 7,00 €
Cradle of Filth - Godspeed of the devil's thunder (digipak,2CD) 7,00
Cradle of Filth - The manticore and other horrors 8,00 €
Cradle of Filth - Hammer of the witches 9,00 €
klikni na meno a pozri aj ďalšiu ponuku
aktuálny kompletný zoznam s ponukou pošlem na požiadanie do mailu
kontakt: zaxas@

Predam pekny a kvalitny damsky snowboard Nitro Fate collection dlzka 149 cm spolu s viazanim Burton Lexa velkost M. Directional twin shape.
Board aj viazko su v super stave, cena 170 eur.
V pripade zaujmu mam na predaj aj topanky.
Charakteristika z internetu:
Powercore - Tip-to-tail poplar wood provides strength with the perfect amount of board feel and flex.
Optimal Matrix Laminates - Proven configuration of bi-axial fiberglass engineered for effortless turns and a forgiving flex.
FH Base - The best elements of sintered and redline base material blended into one ultra fast base.
Profile Tip - Tapered at the tips of the board to disperse energy and reduce swing weight. Progressive Sidecut - Smooth and easy turn initiation with powerful exit acceleration.

Predávam pár aktívnych štúdiových monitorov zn. Neumann KH120A.
Dôvodom predaja je ich nevyužitosť po zakúpení nových bední. Slúžili mi 5 rokov a sú zachovalé ako nové, dostali veľa lásky. Presunul som ich iba raz po presťahovaní štúdia.
Cena je 23 000,-kč za 2ks (920€). Napájacie káble sú súčasťou.
Text skopírovaný z :
Consists of: 5,25"" Woofer, 1"" Tweeter
Frequency range: 52 Hz - 21 kHz (+/- 3 dB)
Peak SPL: 112.2 dB
Power: 50 W Woofer and 50 W Tweeter
4-Position bass, low-mid and treble acoustical controls
Separate woofer and tweeter electronic peak limiters and thermal-protection circuitry
Input gain and output level controls
Input: Balanced XLR
Magnetically shielded
Dimensions: 277 x 182 x 220 mm
Weight: 6,2 kg

Shelving ekvalizér, používaný v špičkových masteringových štúdiách po celom svete, málo používaný v domácom štúdiu, cena nového 3800€
Channel Hi-Fidelity Tone Control Equalizer
All potentiometers are screened for accurate and reproducible work
Wide Q shelving for a natural and open sound character
7 Positions High Pass and Low Pass Filter on Relays for Phase Equality
8 Position high and low frequency selection
5 dB Cut and Boost Controls in 1 / 2dB for accurate settings
Frequency range: +/- 0.1 dB from 10 Hz to 20 kHz, +/- 0.2 dB from 1 Hz to 80 kHz
Maximum level: > +28 dBu

1.Georg Philipp Telemann-Die Blockflöten-sonaten
2.Melchior anthology vol.3 1928-1931 2lp-NM 10e
3.Melchior Anthology Vol.2 1923.1926 2lp-NM 10e
4.Wilhelm Furtwängler Beethoven – Symphony No.5 NM 10e
5.Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart-NM 5e
6.Marie-Claire Jamet – Four centuries of music for the harp-NM 5e
7.Jørgen Ernst Hansen – Master works for organ volume 2 - The north german school-NM 5e
8.William Byrd -The choir of new college-EX 5e
9.Joseph Haydn-Symphony No.101 D Major "The Clock"/Symphony No.44 E Minor "Trauer"-NM 5e
10.Jussi Bjoerling With Robert Merrill – Operatic Duets-EX 5e
11.Charles Ives - Kohon String Quartet Of New York University NM 5e
12.Schumann,Rubinstein,Szeryng,Fournier – Trio In D Minor,Op. 63-EX 10e
13.Music For Organ And Brass: Canzonas Of Gabrieli And Frescobaldi-NM 5e
14.Dvorak/Sir John BarbirolliSymphony No.8 In G Major,Op.88/Scherzo Capriccioso,Op.66-EX 5e
15.Berlioz – Symphonie Fantastique-NM 5e
16.Hummel/Dussek/Vorisek- Vladimir Pleshakov – Poets Of The Piano-EX 10e
17.Memories of chor concord-NM 5e
18.Bach-Hans Otto – At The Silbermann Organ At Fraureuth-NM 5e
19.Anton Bruckner-Requiem In D Minor-NM 5e
20.Giuseppe Verdi – Luisa Miller-NM 5e
21.Carl Reinecke - Gerald Robbins – Piano concerto-NM 5e
22.University Of Michigan Men's Glee Club – White Tie And Tails-EX 5e
23.Die Schöne Müllerin -Franz Schubert op.25-NM 5e
24.Joseph Haydn-Organ concerto No. 1 In C major/violin concerto No. 2 In G Major-NM 5e
25.Sir Thomas Beecham,Bart.C.H.-Borodin,Balakirev-Polovtsian dances/Symphony No.1 In C major-NM 5e
26.Collegium Musicum De Paris-Symphonies and fanfares for the king's supper-EX 5e
27.Concerto for violin and orchestra/Concerto for violin-EX 5e
28.Händel/Bach-Wassermusik-Suite/Feuerwerksmusik/Orchester-Suiten Nr. 1C-Dur Und Nr.2 H-Moll-2LP NM 7e
29.Heitor Villa-Lobos-Narciso Yepes-12 Etüden-5 Präludien-NM 5e
30.Brahms – Symphony No. 4 In E Minor, Op. 98-NM 5e
31.Joseph Haydn, Michael Haydn – Trumpet & Horn-NM 5e
32.Schubert-Berté-Das dreimäderlhaus-NM 5e
33.Johann Sebastian Bach / Heinz Wunderlich-EX 5e
34.WERNER JACOB Arp Schnittger-Orgeln 1. Folge 2 LP NM 10e
35.Helmut Walcha – Invitation To Bach's Organ Music-EX 5e
36.Elisabeth Schumann on the art of lieder - Mozart Schubert Brahms Wolf-EX 5e
37.Rosa Ponselle – Rosa Ponselle Volume II-NM 5e
38.Schubert-The Amsterdam Quintet-Piano Quintet In A, D.667 "The Trout" EX 5e
39.Beethoven – Symphony No 6 In F, Op. 68 "Pastoral" NM 5e
-Richard Strauss - Birgit Nilsson,The Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra Conducted By Georg Solti – Salome-2LP NM 10e
--Ludwig van Beethoven, Smetana Quartet – Beethoven Late String Quartets N°12-16 4LP NM 20e
predaj75@ NA SMS NEODPOVEDáM- bližšie info mailom predaj75@-alebo telefonicky-pozri aj dalšie inzeráty

Ideal od Sweden iPhone 11 Pro - Úplne nový nepoužívaný (krabica)
Odporúčaná predajná cena cez 35€
moja cena 8€
(● Claret Agate compels with rhythmic movements of rich colour for a spectacular agate-inspired composition. Agate stone was first discovered in modern-day Sicily and today is one of the most adored stones for it’s captivating and elegant appearance.
● Made from strong but flexible plastic
● Microfiber lining to prevent scratches
● Compatible with IDEAL OF SWEDENs QI chargers
● Part of Accessories of Attraction and magnetically compatible with our wallets and mounts
● Swedish design, always on trend
● Gold details to add a luxurious feel
● Perfectly fits your phone to provide protection and a great look )
Quad lock iPhone 11 Pro
odporúčaná predajná cena 30€
moja cena 20€

2-izbový podkrovný byt s balkónom a terasou. Podstrešná novostavba pri VIVO! - Blízko CENTRÁL.
Mestská ul. BA III.- Nové Mesto
Kompletne vkusne zariadený. Lokalita a budova je v tichom prostredí.
Vlastné kúrenie, plynový kotol. Klimatizovaný.
Samostatná kuchyňa. Vstup na terasu je zo spáľne.
Z kuchyne je vstup na samostatný balkón.
Spálňa a terasa je orientovaná na západ do tichého dvora.
Štýlová obývačka so strešnými oknami a podkrovím.
Byt je otvorený vzdušný podkrovný špecifický priestor bez dverí so vstupmi na terasu a balkón.
Všetky izby sú prepojené bez dverí, aj kuchyňa. Dvere sú len do kúpeľne a WC.
Je preto vhodný pre jednu osobu, alebo pár bez detí.
V cene sú všetky energie, INTERNET a KTV.
CENA: nájomné 630 EUR/mesiac + energie 120 = 750 EUR/mesiac VRÁTANE ENERGIÍ, INTERNETU, KTV.
MOBIL/ WhatsApp/Viber :, NETreal.TK
2-bedroom attic apartment with balcony and terrace. Roofing new building at Polus. BA III.
Mestská str. BA III.- Nové Mesto
Complete and newly furnished.
Separate kitchen. Exit to the terrace from the bedroom. Bedroom and terrace faces west into the quiet courtyard. Stylish living room with skylights and attic.
The price of all energy, INTERNET and KTV.
PRICE: rent 750 EUR / month including utilities, internet, KTV.
MOBIL/ WhatsApp/Viber :, NETreal.TK
** dvoj izbový dvojizbovy dvoj – izbovy 2-izb 2 izbovy podkrovný tehlovy dom terasa s terasou s balkonom balkon podkrovne podlažie tichá lokalita romanticke byvanie inšpirativny priestor atypicky

Trieda SNP, Košice II – TERASA, 3/7 p., 55 m2, + loggia 7 m2, špajza, 1x nový výťah (2021).
Ponúkaná nehnuteľnosť prešla kompletnou rekonštrukciou v roku 2012.
Okná bytu sú orientované na dve svetové strany.
VÝHODY nehnuteľnosti:
-v celom byte znížené stropy s bodovými svetlami
-svetlý a slnečný byt
-vyhľadávaná a obľúbená lokalita vďaka svojej polohe a občianskej vybavenosti
-murované jadro
-pražský byt - príležitosť upraviť si byt podľa vlastných predstáv
-plastové okná
- indukčná doska
Lokalita: výborná lokalita v širšom centre, pri Novej Nemocnici, vzdialená od OC Galéria cca 5 minút autom, kompletná občianska vybavenosť v pešom dosahu, hneď pri dome je škôlka, školy, detské ihriská, zeleň, …
Energetický certifikát budovy : B
We are offering 3 bedroom flat at street SNP 4 in close proximity to the hospital Nová Nemocnica. Flat is located in an excellent location close to centre. The flat has an area of 55m2 and is divided into an entrance hall connected to the kitchen and living room, two separate rooms and a bathroom with the toilet.
The apartment is being sold as furnished. In the vicinity of the apartment there is a shopping center Galeria with all services, bus and tram stops.
Security doors.
The apartment is suitable for medical or technical university students due to the proximity of the faculties and the hospital.

k dispozícii sú CD v zozname (nie na fotke):
Cradle of Filth - Dusk and her embrace (nový) 8,00 €
Cradle of Filth - Cruelty and the beast 6,00 €
Cradle of Filth - Midian 7,00 €
Cradle of Filth - Damnation and a day 5,00 €
Cradle of Filth - Damnation and a day (nový) 7,00 €
Cradle of Filth - Nymphetamine 8,00 €
Cradle of Filth - Godspeed of the devil's thunder (digipak,2CD) 7,00
Cradle of Filth - The manticore and other horrors 8,00 €
Cradle of Filth - Hammer of the witches 9,00 €
klikni na meno a pozri aj ďalšiu ponuku
aktuálny kompletný zoznam s ponukou pošlem na požiadanie do mailu
kontakt: zaxas@

Typ: 3-izbový byt
Ulica: Seberiniho
Mestská časť: Nivy
Obec: Bratislava-Ružinov
Leaders&Partners reality pobočka Bratislava Seberíniho Vám ponúka
na predaj
luxusný apartmán na Palma´s Paseo Maritimo s výhľadom na more a katedrálu zo všetkých izieb.
Apartmán snúbi eleganciu a exkluzívny design vo vysokej kvalite.
Nový projekt je situovaný pri mori s celkom 10 jedinečnými domami . Domy majú 2 alebo 3 spáľne s vlastnou kúpeľňou a apartmány sú na piatich poschodiach s iba 2 apartmánmi na poschodí, ktoré ponúkajú intímne a tiché prostredie. Majú klimatizáciu, podlahové kúrenie, výťah a práčovňu.
Apartmán má 2 spáľne a 2 kúpeľne. Plocha 112 m2.
Luxury apartments for sale on Palma's Paseo Marítimo with views of the sea and the cathedral from all rooms. The homes combine elegance and exclusivity of design with high quality. The new construction project, located on the seafront, with a total of 10 unique homes with typologies of 2 and 3 bedrooms with en suite bathrooms, is distributed in 5 heights with only 2 apartments per floor, offering an intimate and quiet environment. They have air conditioning, underfloor heating, elevator and laundry room.
Status: aktívne
Vlastníctvo: osobné
Stav: novostavba
Celková plocha: 112 m2
Úžitková plocha: 112 m2

Predam Generator Tektronix TSG 271,vyrobene v USA Oregon,cena 32€.
The Tektronix TSG271 PAL Television Generator provides a comprehensive set of test signals integrated with a high stability master sync generator. The TSG271 is well suited for operational applications as well as equipment performance verification and maintenance.
Additional Features:
Precise 12-Bit Digitally Derived Test Signals
SCH Phase Accuracy, Guaranteed by Use of a Single DAC
Conforms to EBU Statements D23 and D25
Stable Internal Reference, Ideal for Master Sync Operation
Reliable Slave Operation Through Use of Digital Genlock
Separate Front Panel Genlock and Sync Timing Controls
Test Signal and Sync Generation for Broadcast and Post Production
Equipment Maintenance
Digital Composite Plant Operations

Hi folks,
Our lovely drummer is leaving the band, so we are looking for a Bro Number 4!
If you are interested to play indie-un-pop genre with us, please write me.
We are 23-26 years band existing approximately 1 year and playing our songs.
Having 1-2 gigs per month in Bratislava. Furthermore, planning to travel to some festivals during the summer and much more in the future.
The ideal candidate(not strict requirements):
- a good musician.
- a good person and would like hanging out with us.
- is mobile (able to travel with drum-kit, playing on streets)
- seriously taking music and ready to work much on one track.
- creative (can take a part on the songwriting).
We do already have a rehearsal spot in istrochem with drum kit in it (so it is not necessary to bring yours to rehearsals, but we will need some for the gigs).
You could check out our insta page ( ) to have the image and also I can send you some additional tracks.
Looking forward to have a new bro.

Trieda SNP, Košice II – TERASA, 3/7 p., 55 m2, + loggia 7 m2, špajza, 1x nový výťah (2021).
Ponúkaná nehnuteľnosť prešla kompletnou rekonštrukciou v roku 2012.
Okná bytu sú orientované na dve svetové strany.
VÝHODY nehnuteľnosti:
-v celom byte znížené stropy s bodovými svetlami
-svetlý a slnečný byt
-vyhľadávaná a obľúbená lokalita vďaka svojej polohe a občianskej vybavenosti
-murované jadro
-pražský byt - príležitosť upraviť si byt podľa vlastných predstáv
-plastové okná
- indukčná doska
Lokalita: výborná lokalita v širšom centre, pri Novej Nemocnici, vzdialená od OC Galéria cca 5 minút autom, kompletná občianska vybavenosť v pešom dosahu, hneď pri dome je škôlka, školy, detské ihriská, zeleň, …
Energetický certifikát budovy : B
We are offering 3 bedroom flat at street SNP 4 in close proximity to the hospital Nová Nemocnica. Flat is located in an excellent location close to centre. The flat has an area of 55m2 and is divided into an entrance hall connected to the kitchen and living room, two separate rooms and a bathroom with the toilet.
The apartment is being sold as furnished. In the vicinity of the apartment there is a shopping center Galeria with all services, bus and tram stops.
Security doors.
The apartment is suitable for medical or technical university students due to the proximity of the faculties and the hospital.
Feel free to call in case of any questions

English below.
Ako Vlastnik ponúkam na prenájom 3i byt na ul. Srbska, Kosice-Juh
byt sa prenajima zariadený, nachadza sa na 4/4 poschodí bez výťahu.
Nemocnica, Škola, Školka, potraviny-Lidl a Fresh, Zastavky MHD a SAD, Centrum Mesta 15 min. Pešo, Bezproblemové parkovanie
Bytovy Dom je kompletne zateplený, priestor na odkladanie bicyklov a kočíkov. Bezproblémový susedia, čistý slušný vchod. Orientácia bytu - východ – Západ. Pred domom sa nachadza oddychova zóna s detskym ihriskom.
* 750,- EUR, v cene su energie a Internet
* 1 mesacny depozit
Ak vás táto ponuka zaujala, kontaktujte ma ohľadne obhliadky, prípadne ďalších informácií na t.č
As a landlord, I offer for rent a 3-room apartment on Street Srbska,in Kosice-South
the apartment is for rent furnished, it is located on the 4/4 floor without an elevator.
Hospital, School, Kindergarten, food-Lidl and Fresh, public transport stops and SAD, City Center 15 min. On foot, Easy parking
The apartment building is completely insulated, space for storing bicycles and strollers. Trouble-free neighbors, clean decent entrance. Orientation of the apartment - East - West. In front of the house there is a recreation area with a children's playground.
* EUR 750, the price includes energy and Internet
* 1 month deposit
If you are interested in this offer, please contact me regarding a viewing or further information on tel. no.

Moderný pražský byt, ktorý si viete upraviť podľa vlastných predstáv.
Trieda SNP, Košice II – TERASA, 3/7 p., 55 m2, + loggia 7 m2, špajza, 1x nový výťah (2021).
Ponúkaná nehnuteľnosť prešla kompletnou rekonštrukciou v roku 2012.
Okná bytu sú orientované na dve svetové strany.
VÝHODY nehnuteľnosti:
-v celom byte znížené stropy s bodovými svetlami
-svetlý a slnečný byt
-vyhľadávaná a obľúbená lokalita vďaka svojej polohe a občianskej vybavenosti
-murované jadro
-pražský byt - príležitosť upraviť si byt podľa vlastných predstáv
-plastové okná
- indukčná doska
Lokalita: výborná lokalita v širšom centre, pri Novej Nemocnici, vzdialená od OC Galéria cca 5 minút autom, kompletná občianska vybavenosť v pešom dosahu, hneď pri dome je škôlka, školy, detské ihriská, zeleň, …
Energetický certifikát budovy : B
We are offering 3 bedroom flat at street SNP 4 in close proximity to the hospital Nová Nemocnica. Flat is located in an excellent location close to centre. The flat has an area of 55m2 and is divided into an entrance hall connected to the kitchen and living room, two separate rooms and a bathroom with the toilet.
The apartment is being sold as furnished. In the vicinity of the apartment there is a shopping center Galeria with all services, bus and tram stops.
Security doors.
The apartment is suitable for medical or technical university students due to the proximity of the faculties and the hospital.
Obhliadku priamo s majiteľom nehnuteľnosti si môžete dohodnúť na webovej stránke prevádzkovateľa v sekcii nehnuteľnosti po zadaní ID 104290, alebo nás kontaktujte telefonicky

Možný osobný odber v Bratislave
This is the definitive book on mindfulness from the beloved Zen master and Nobel Peace Prize nominee Thich Nhat Hanh. With his signature clarity and warmth, he shares practical exercises and anecdotes to help us arrive at greater self-understanding and peacefulness, whether we are beginners or advanced students. Beautifully written, The Miracle of Mindfulness is the essential guide to welcoming presence in your life and truly living in the moment from the father of mindfulness.