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family friends - strana 28

Počet nájdených inzerátov FAMILY FRIENDS : 1000 - strana 28

Lego Friends Nemocnica 41318
Lego set - už sa nevyrába, set z roku 2017 - cena 75€, návod, bez krabice ⛵️LEGO® Friends Nemocnica 41318 Osobný odber Žilina, inak odošlem poštou alebo cez Packetu, na náklady kupujúceho. V ponuke viacero Lego setov, klikni na moje meno a ukáže ich.
Predám dienčenské lego friends a disney 8,8kg
Predám čiastočne roztriedené lego friends a disney s návodmi v zachovalom stave.
Lego friends 41712
Lego friends smetiarske auto. Nové, nerozbalene. Iba email, na sms neodpovedam
Lego friends 41726
Lego friends prázdninova kempovacka. Nové, nerozbalene. Iba email, na sms neodpovedam
Lego friends rozne casti,podlozky
Rozpredavam velku zbierku lega friends,rozne casti podlozky
LEGO Friends 41101
Predám LEGO Friends 41101. Sú tam všetky dieliky + návod. Pozrite aj ďalšie inzeráty, máme ich viac. V prípade záujmu ma PROSÍM kontakujte e-mailom alebo cez sms. ĎAKUJEM. Poštovné vypočítam podľa cenníka Slovenskej pošty alebo Packeta.
Lego friends 4.2 kg
Predam Lego friends 1 kg Cena 30e alebo spolu 4.2 kg 120e
Lego friends 30633
Lego friends skateboard sada polybag. Nové, nerozbalene. Iba email, na sms neodpovedam.
Lego Friends
Predám lego Friends pre dievčatá ako celok na foto. Ema a jej umelecký stojan, Záchranná ponorka pre delfíny, Obchod pre domácich miláčikov, Dom na strome-dobrodružný tábor, Pojazdný zmrzlinový stánok, Ihrisko pre škrečky, 2 herné boxíky, 13 figúrok+zvieratká..cena za celok 70 €,platba vopred na účet..
Predám dievčenské lego "friends" ako celok na foto.. Lyžiarsky vlek v zimnom stredisku, Kolotoč-raketa, Starostlivost o šteniatka, Olívia a jej prieskumné auto, Servisný voz s formuľou, Andrea a jej vystúpenie v parku, Srdiečkový box, 13 figúrok+zvieratká, Legá sú bez krabíc a bez návodov.Cena za celok 69 €,platba vopred na účet
Family and friends angličtina
Predám, nepoužité, nové, učebnica pracovný zošit plus cd. Viď fotografie.
OXFORD-FAMILY and FRIENDS 1(ucebnica aj zosit) za 10E
❤️Nepouzite, nepopisane.Ako nove. Obe (ucebnica a zosit) za 10E.Jednotlivo 7E ucebnica a 5E zosit. ------------------------------------------------------------- NA DOBIERKU NEPOSIELAM a na SMS nereagujem.FUNGUJE mobil() aj mail.DAKUJEM ZA POCHOPENIE!A POKIAL NIE JE INZERAT AKTUALNY-BOL BY VYMAZANY Z BAZOSU.SOM PROFI PREDAJCA. NAJDETE MA AJ NA FB pod Viera Fkš alebo na MODROMKONIKU pod VIERA so stovkami pozitivnych hodnoteni.
Kardashian Konfidential
Predam knihu Kardashian Konfidential od Kim Kardashian, Kourtney Kardashian , Khloe Kardashian Confessions of life as a Kardashian sister—stuffed with family stories, advice, beauty tips and exclusive gorgeous full color photos, personal snapshots and the inside scoop on their life growing up into the gorgeous Dash Dolls The stars of not one but two #1 reality television shows, and frequent cover girls on all the weekly celebrity magazines, Kourtney, Kim & Khloé Kardashian live large and glamorous lives. But not everything is on the screen—how they really live, get along (and feud) as sisters is the subject of the Kardashians’ very first book. Kardashian Konfidential is their sisterhood autobiography, full of fun facts about their childhoods (guess who was the ugly duckling?), their beauty and style secrets, the wisdom they learned from their beloved father, and the street smarts they got from their mother that sustain them in life and in business. Kardashian Konfidential is bursting at the seams with photos, memorabilia, diary entries, datebook pages, and old Valentines the girls sent to each other, as well as many other artifacts put together just for their book. As glamorous, fun and fashionable as the girls themselves, this is the perfect buy-one-for-me-buy-three-for-friends fan’s book.
Predám rôzne učebnice pre čník ZŠ aj čník
Predám učebnice pre čník ZŠ Všetky po 2,50 eur Iba ANJ po 6eur. V angličtine je prvých 5 strán doplnených perom ostatné je čisté Geografia učebnica, Geografia prac. zošit ANJ - Family and Friends 4 Fyzika učebnica Biológia ucebnica - predané!!! Dejepis učebnica Matematika učebnica ZBIERKA úloh - iba prvá strana je poškodená kúsok odtrhnutá ZBIERKA úloh pre 5ročník. Najideálnejšie odber všetkých kníh naraz ale predám aj po kuse Pošlem poštou (plus poštovné podľa váhy) Alebo osobný odber Miloslavov (5km od BA) Dá sa dohodnúť aj odber v BA
PONÚKAM DOUČOVANIE ANGLIČTINY PRE ŽIAKOV 1. A 2. STUPŇA ZŠ. Za doučovanie sa platí 1.stupeň 6€/na hod. a 2.stupňa 7€/na hod. Mám dlhoročné skúsenosti s doučovaním žiakov online prostredníctvom Skype, Zoom, Teams, etc. Používam učebnice Family and Friends, Project Explorer, Gateway, English Unlimited a iné. Uprednostňujem dlhodobú a pravidelnú spoluprácu, ktorá žiakom prinesie nadpriemerné a trvajúce výsledky.
Predam nove ucebnice Family and Friends a Project
Cena za pracovny zosit je 6 eur a za ucebnicu je 9 eur. Ak nedviham, piste SMS
Oblubena knizka zo serie Tom Gates
Knizka od Liz Pichon, seria Tom Gates = Family, Friends and Furry Creatures. Tvrda vazba, super na zdokonalenie sa v anglickom jazyku. Prosim pozrite si aj dalsie anglicke knizky. Dakujem
The Sunday Lunch Club
Juliet Ashton - The Sunday Lunch Club Cena + poštovné (v závislosti od hmotnosti). V prípade záujmu ma kontaktujte prosím cez email. Mám na predaj aj iné knihy - pozrite si moje ďaľšie inzeráty. *** Every few Sundays, Anna and her extended family and friends get together for lunch. They talk, they laugh, they bicker, they eat too much. Sometimes the important stuff is left unsaid, other times it's said in the wrong way. Sitting between her ex-husband and her new lover, Anna is coming to terms with an unexpected pregnancy at the age of forty. Also at the table are her ageing grandmother, her promiscuous sister, her flamboyantly gay brother and a memory too terrible to contemplate. Until, that is, a letter arrives from the person Anna scarred all those years ago. Can Anna reconcile her painful past with her uncertain future?
Učebnice anj
Posuniem tieto knihy z anj. Niektoré sú ako nové, nepopísaný, slúžili len ako učiteľský materiál. Opportunities len za poštovné. Navigate, new deatinations, English file, pioneer - za 10€+ poštovné Family and friends, English hub, incredible English - 8€+poštovné World club, project 4€ + poštovné
The Carrie Diaries
Meet Carrie Bradshaw before ‘Sex and the City!’ The Carrie Diaries is the coming-of-age story of one of the most iconic characters of our generation. Before Sex and the City, Carrie Bradshaw was a small town girl who knew she wanted more. She's ready for real life to start, but first she must navigate her senior year of high school. Up until now, Carrie and her friends have been inseparable. Then Sebastian Kydd comes into the picture, and a friend's betrayal makes her question everything.With an unforgettable cast of characters, The Carrie Diaries is the story of how a regular girl learns to think for herself, and evolves into a sharp, insightful writer. Readers will learn about her family background, how she found her writing voice, and the indelible impression her early friendships and relationships left on her. Through adventures both audacious and poignant, we'll see what brings Carrie to her beloved New York City, where her new life begins. 416 stran 333g