far cry primal - strana 49
Počet nájdených inzerátov FAR CRY PRIMAL
: 1000 - strana 49

Predám hry na ps4
Assasins cred black flag 15eur
Farcry primal 15eur
Metro exodus 15eur
The last of us 20eur
Pošlem aj poštou poštovne+balné 2,40 eurá
V pripade že by mal niekto záujem kúpit všetky hry cena 60eur.

ponúkam svoju pokemon booster zbierku
ceny sú pevné. Osobný odber Možný v Trnave
Pokemon Base Set 1 Booster - 450€
Pokemon Celebrations (25th Anniversary) Booster - 7€
Pokemon Detective Pikachu Booster - 16€
Pokemon Dragon Majesty Booster - 50€
Pokemon First Partner Pack: Johto USA verzia-(3 Oversize karty + 2 boostre) - 30€
Pokemon Shining Fates Booster (4x) 6€ kus
Pokemon Sun & Moon: Base Set Booster 9€
Pokemon Sun & Moon: Guardians Rising - 14€
Pokemon Sun & Moon: Ultra Prism Booster - 17€
Pokemon Sun & Moon: Forbidden Light Booster - 18€
Pokemon Sun & Moon: Unbroken Bonds Booster - 19€
Pokemon Sun & Moon: Ultra Prism sampling pack 3 karty (2x) 6€ ks
Pokemon Sun & Moon: Cosmic Elipse 56€ Artwork set 4x booster. Cena spolu
Pokemon Sun & Moon: forbidden light sampling pack 3 karty 6€
Pokemon Sword & Shield: Rebel Clash Booster - 6,2€
Pokemon Sword & Shield: Battle Styles Booster - 4€
Pokemon Sword & Shield: Evolving Skies Booster - (20x) 8€ kus
Pokemon Sword & Shield: sword and shield (3x) 7€ kus
Pokemon Sword & Shield:Silver Tempest (2x) 4€ kus
Pokemon Trick or Trade Mini Booster - 4€
Pokemon XY: Base Set Booster - 35€
Pokemon XY: Furious Fists - 33€
Pokemon XY: Primal Clash - 22€
Pokemon XY: Roaring Skies Booster - 25€
Pokemon XY: Ancient Origins Booster - 35€
Pokemon XY: BREAKthrough Booster - 20€
Pokemon XY: Fates Collide Booster - 20€
Pokemon XY: Steam Siege Booster - 9,8€
Pokemon XY: Evolutions (20th Anniversary) Booster - 27€
Pokemon Go Booster - 6€
Sword & Shield artwork set
4x Sword and Shield 34€
4X Darkness Ablaze 24€
4x Evolving Skies 34€
4x Fusion Strike 20€
4x Battle Styles 22€
4x Vivid Voltage 20€
4x Chilling Reign 20€
4x Brilliant Star 22€
4x Shining Fates 27€
4x Lost Origin 22€
4x Astral Radiance 22€
4x Silver Tempest 19€
alebo 1350€ za všetko

Predám nenosené(raz vyskúšané) barefoot tenisky značky Lems. Mužská veľkosť 13, teoreticky je to unisex, ale 46 nohy asi nemá veľa žien. Pôvodne stáli 110 USD, predám za 70€. Dovoz z USA:

vymenim alebo predam hry na ps4 horizon je uplne nova 1krat pouzita, nhl, assassin origins a farcry primal su tiez skoro nepouzivane vymenim za ine hry na ps4 alebo predam horizon za 10€ farcry 15€ assaassin 20€ nhl 15€

Nové tenisové výplety.
Luxilon Smart 125 200m-140eur
Luxilon Smart 130 200m-140eur
Luxilon Alu Power 125 220m-140eur
Luxilon 4G 200m-150eur
Head Primal Hybrid 130 200m-110eur

Predám 3 pokémon karty - všetky spolu alebo aj zvlášť
Cena: Primal Kyogre EX - 90€
Rayquaza V - 120€
Metagross EX - 30€
Len osobný odber - Trnava

Znížené ceny:
RAINBOW: Rising 1976 6€
RAINBOW: Catch the Rainbow-The Anthology 2CD 2003 10€
KANSAS: Dust in the Wind Live 2001 4€
STYX: Icon 2010 7€
FOREIGNER: The Best Of Ballads 1998 6€
DEF LEPPARD: Hysteria 2017 (new) 8€
STEELHEART: Steelheart 1 1990 7€
MR.BIG: The Best Of the Ballads 2000 6€
HOUSE OF LORDS: House of Lords 1 2000 (1988) + bonus track 9€
TEMPLE OF THE DOG: The Same 1991 9€
THIN LIZZY: Whiskey in the Jar 1994 7€
SUPERTRAMP: Some things never change 1997 5€
CINDERELLA: The Greatest Hits 2005 7€
JOHN LENNON: The Collection 1989 9€
THE DOORS: L.A.Woman 2011 2CD 9€
STING: The Last Ship 2003 6,5€
STING: ...All This Time 2001(special ed.) 9€
NIRVANA: In Utero 1993 7€
NIRVANA: Sliver-The Best Of the Box 2005 7€
KURT COBAIN: Montage Of Heck 2015 9€
DAVE MATTHEWS BAND: Everyday 2001 7,5€
KENNY WAYNE SHEPHERD: Ledbetter Heights 1995 6,5€
GREEN DAY: American Idiot 2004 6€
GREEN DAY: Dookie 1994 6€
GREEN DAY: Insomniac 1995 6€
GREEN DAY: International Superhits! 2001 6€
HANSEN & FRIENDS: XXX-Three Decades in Metal 2016 8,5€
BULLET: Storm Of Blades 2014 6€
BULLET: Highway Pirates 2011 6€
RONNY MUNROE(Metal Church): The Fire Within 2009 6€
GRIM REAPER: Best Of 1999 9€
SOULFLY: Primitive 2000 7€
AIRBOURNE: Breakin' Outta Hell 2016 8€
AIRBOURNE: Boneshaker 2019 8,5€
RAGE: Carved in Stone/Speak Of the Dead 2CD 2016 10,5€
LUCA TURILLI'S RHAPSODY: Prometheus 2015 8€
NEVERMORE: This Godless Endeavor 2005 7€
PRIMAL FEAR: Seven Seals 2005 7€
PAGANS MIND: Heavenly Ecstasy 2011 7€
CHINCHILLA: Madness 2000 6,5€
SAVIOUR MACHINE: Live in Deutschland 2CD 2002 10,5€
CIRCUS MAXIMUS: Havoc 2016 6,5€
aktuálne len tituly v texte!!
Pozri aj moje ostatné inzeráty, ďakujem.

Predám staršie boostre zo série XY
Pokemon XY: Base Set Booster - 32€
Pokemon XY: Furious Fists - 28€
Pokemon XY: Primal Clash - 19€
Pokemon XY: Roaring Skies Booster - 23€
Pokemon XY: Ancient Origins Booster - 28€
Pokemon XY: BREAKthrough Booster - 18€
Pokemon XY: Fates Collide Booster - 17€
Pokemon XY: Steam Siege Booster - 9,8€
Pokemon XY: Evolutions (20th Anniversary) Booster - 26€
Pri kúpe všetkých cena 198€
Osobný odber možný v Trnave poprípade pošlem poštou/ packetou
Kontakt cez email

Playstation 2
FIFA 06 - 4e
Full Spectrum Warrior: Ten Hammers - 2e
The Sims 2 Mazlíčci - 5e
Pacific Warriors II: Dogfight! - 2e
Dragon Quest - The Journey of the Cursed King - 10e
NHL 2002 - 2e
Dead or Alive 2 - 3e
Kya Dark Lineage - 9e
Ghosthunter - 5e
This is Football 2002 - 1e
Harry Potter a Ohnivý pohár - 2e
FIFA 10 - 4e
Medal of Honor Frontline - 2e
War of the Monsters - 12e
Primal - 4e
Playstation 3
Assassin's Creed Brotherhood - 2e
NBA LIVE 09 - 3e
Red Faction Armageddon - 2e
Fight Night Round 4 - 3e
NBA 2K17 - 10e
FIFA 13 - 1e
Motorstorm Pacific Rift - 4e
Telefon vymysleny, kontaktovat mailom.

Predám originaly CD
Hammerfall - Renegade:-13€
Helloween - The Dark Ride:-13€
Falco – The Hit-Singles (Barcode: 6 39842 34792 1):-7€
Nazareth – Golden Hits:-7€
Nelly Furtado – Folklore:-7€
Madonna – Ray Of Light:-7€
Whitney Houston - Just Whitney:-7€
Jožo Ráž + ELÁN -Najvacsie hity 2000 Vol.2:-7€
Robbie Williams – Greatest Hits:-7€
Jimi Hendrix – Jimi Hendrix (CD97011):-4€
Paint the Sky With Stars-The Best of Enya:-4€
Barry White – Grand Collection:-4€
Primal Fear – Seven Seals:-10€
The Darkness – Permission To Land:-5€
The Very Best Of 3 (OMV 016):-3€
Originaly CD bez obalov 5€/ks
Roger Waters – Amused To Death:
ZZ Top – Live From Texas:
Judas Priest – Painkiller:
Motörhead – Hellraiser - Best Of The Epic Years:
Smokie – The Best Of Smokie:
YES - Open Your Eyes:
Smokie – The Best Of Smokie:
Motorhead – Collections:
Johnny Cash & June Carter Cash – Collections:
Bob Dylan - Time Out Of Mind:
Prazdne obaly s original potlač CD 10ks/10€
-kovovovy stojan na CD 10€
MC kazety
original MC Kazety 3,50€/ks
neoriginal MC Kazety polske kupované na burze 3€/ks
MC Kazety 2€/ks
DVD/2€ za ks
CD /1€ za ks
Na dobierku neposielam!!!!!!!!!!

Nové tenisové výplety.
Luxilon Smart 125 200m-120eur
Luxilon Smart 130 200m-120eur
Luxilon Alu Power 125 220m-130eur
Luxilon 4G 200m-130eur
Head Primal Hybrid 130 200m-100eur

Predám PS4 hry- The Last Of us - 5eur,Farcry primal v CZ- 10eur,Assassins creed syndicate v CZ -10eur ,Life is strange- 15eur - raz prejdene nepoškodené ako nové v originál obaloch - kontakt tel. len vážny záujem ďakujem.

Ahojte, predám pár x použitý batoh- stav veľmi dobrý- ako nový, nevyužitý nevhodný darček.
Osobné predanie v Žiline, ale poštou kuriérom.

Dobierka 4€
SpiderMan - Miles Morales - 40€
Assassin's Creed Origins - 12€
Rugby 2018 - 9€
FarCry Primal - 12€ (2 kusy)
Tom Clancy's The Division - 9€
Tom Clancy's The Division 2 - 10€
Destiny 2 - 12€ (2 kusy)
Call Of Duty Infinite Warfare - 11€
No man's sky - 9€
Mass Effect Andromeda - 13€
Final Fantasy XV - 7€
Battlefield Hardline - 14€
StarWars Battlefront - 10€
Starwars Battlefront 2 Deluxe Edition - 16€
Watch dogs Special Edition - 11€
F1 2022 - 14€
NHL 2023 CZ - 28€
The Crew - 10€

Nové tenisové výplety.
Luxilon Smart 125 200m-120eur
Luxilon Smart 130 200m-120eur
Luxilon Alu Power 125(použitý)196m-120eur
Luxilon 4G 200m-130eur
Head Primal Hybrid 130 200m-100eur

Predám Chestrig / taktickú vestu. Má dve vstavane miesta na veľké zásobníky a je kompatibilný s molle systémom. Je nastaviteľný na rôznu výšku a šírku človeka. Farba Multicam.
Nepoužitý , len som ho vyskúšal keď prišiel a zavesil do skrine. Nový stal 60€, predám za 45 so všetkým čo s ním prišlo.

Predám hry na PS4 a PS5
Farcry Primal 10€
Farcry New Dawn 10 €
Rise of the Tomb Raider 15 €
Shadow of the Tomb Raider 10€
Assassins Creed The Ezio Collection 12
Assassins Creed Unity 10€
Tom Clancy's The division 10€
Until Dawn 5 €
Grand Turismo na PS5 za 30 €
Prosím ak máte záujem píšte SMS!! Na volanie nereagujem.

Brainstorm – Metus Mortis (digipack) (VG+;VG+) 6€
Primal Fear – Nuclear Fire (VG+, NM) 10€
Tarot – The Spell Of Iron MMXI (NM;NM) 8€
Manowar – Louder Than Hell (NM;NM) 8€
Rhapsody – Power Of The Dragonflame 10€
Rhapsody – Emerald Sword (singel) 20€
Grave Digger – Yesterday 2CD (NM;NM) 10€
Edguy – Burning Down The Opera (Live)(Digibook) (G;VG+) 4€
Revolution Renaissance - New Era (CD, Album, Sli) (NM;NM) 7€