fast and furious - strana 14
Počet nájdených inzerátov FAST AND FURIOUS
: 1000 - strana 14

Predám plne funkčné enterprise switche HP A5500-24G-4SFP HI swch w2 JG311A , esteticky pekné , neponičené, sú vyresetované + nový firmware.
Sú tam redudantné zdroje resp. 2 zdroje.
Hewlett Packard Enterprise A 5500-24G-4SFP HI Switch. Switch layer: L3. Basic switching RJ-45 Ethernet ports quantity: 24. MAC address table: 12000 entries, Switching capacity: 176 Gbit/s. Networking standards: IEEE 802.3,IEEE 802.3ab,IEEE 802.3u. Rack mounting
The HP 5500 HI Series of Gigabit Ethernet switches delivers outstanding resiliency, security, and multiservice support capabilities at the edge layer of data center, large campus, and metro Ethernet networks. The switches can also be used in the core layer of SMB networks. The HP 5500 HI Switch Series supports a dual power supply and an IRF virtual fabric to provide the highest levels of resiliency and manageability. With complete IPv4/IPv6 and MPLS/VPLS features, the series provides investment protection with an easy transition from IPv4 to IPv6 networks. Designed with two fixed 10G ports and extension flexibility, these switches can provide up to six 10-GbE uplink or 70 GbE ports. - High expandability for investment protection - Premium resiliency and integrated management - Enhanced MPLS/VPLS support - Full-featured IPv4/IPv6 dual stack - Dual power supplies for high resiliency
2 kusy mám.

Prodám pasivní snímače typu humbucker EMG H4 a H4A, zakoupené v akci na Aleximu. Kompletní balení, (vč. schémat) jsem pouze rozbalil a zkontroloval. Z následného projektu časem sešlo, tím pádem nebylo možné snímače vrátit. Snímače na sobě mají ochranou fólii. Viz. fotky a faktura.
Původní cena po slevě 198Eur. Možno odkoupit i zvlášť (99Eur).
Pro kontakt preferuji e-mail:vymetalMLP@
Orig. popis "The H4 is our best selling passive humbucker. Combining the power of our active 81 with the soul of a passive PAF, the tone is well balanced, with tight bass, glassy mids, and crunchy highs. These great tonal features are achieved by utilizing over wound coils loaded with ceramic bar magnets, all fully shielded for minimal noise. This pickup is most often used in the bridge position where it shines with excellent range, responsiveness and sweet harmonics. If you want a big rock or heavy modern sound, this is the pickup for you."
"Endowed with warmth, body and clarity, the H4A is a very versatile pickup and is perfect for everything from blues to rock to metal. The tone is very well-balanced, with solid bass, pronounced mids, and fat highs. These great tonal features are achieved by utilizing vintage wound coils loaded with Alnico V bar magnets, all fully shielded for minimal noise. The H4A is most often used in the neck position, and is commonly used in conjunction with its cousin, the H4, for a perfect balance of tones. The H4A shines with superb clarity, full body, and delicate responsiveness which will suit almost any style or mood"

Minimalny odber 2ks - Volat pôbede
LP LIONEL RICHIE - Cant slow down 1983 /US/ 15,-
LP LIONEL RICHIE Dancing on the ceiling /D/ 12,-
LP AL HUDSON and ONE WAY -A new begining 1988 /US/ 12,-
LP CARL ANDERSON -Carl Anderson 1986 /US/ 12,-
LP ATLANTIC STAR - As the band turns 1985 /D/ 12,-
LP ALEXANDER O NEAL -All true man 1991 /NL/ 12,-
LP DEBARGE -Bad boys 1987 /D/ 10,-
LP PATTI LABELLE - Winner 1986 /D/ 10,-
LP IMAGINATION - Body talk - 1981 /I/ 12,-
LP TEENA MARIE -Starchild 1984 /D/ 12,-
LP THE JETS - The Jets 1985 /US/ 15,-
LP MICA PARIS - Contribution 1990 /D/ 15,-
LP FIVE STAR - Silk and STEEL 1986 /D/ 12,-
2LP ROSE ROYCE - Car wash /Soundtrack/ /UK/ 20,-
LP JACKSONS -2300Jackson st /NL/ 12-
2LP CHAKA KHAN - Dance hits classics remixed /US/ 25,
LP EARTH,WIND AND FIRE -Open our eyes 1974 /NL/ 15,-
LP QUINCY JONES - Back on the block 1989 /D/ 20,-
LP KOOL AND THE GANG -Forever 1986 /D/ 15,-
LP DONNA SUMMER - Cats without claws 1984 /US/ 12,-
LP DONNA SUMMER -Four seasons of love 1976 /E/ 10,-
LP DONNA SUMMER - All systems go 1987 /D/ 10,-
LP JODY WATLEY - Largen than life 1989 /D/ 15,-
LP TERENCE TRENT DARBY -Introducing the hardline../NL/ 12,-
LP Varius artist -THATS SALSOUL 1977 /D/ 12,-
LP HOWARD KENNEY - Super star 1978 /US/ 12,-
LP EDDIE FLOYD - Ive never found a girl 1968 /UK/ 10,-
LP JAMES AND BOBBY PURIFY -You and me together /US/ 12,-
LP SERGIO MENDES - Alegria 1980 /E/ 12,-
LP HERB ALPERT -Beyond 1980 /NL/ 12,-
LP HERB ALPERT -Magic man 1981 /NL/ 12,-
2LP JONATHAN BUTLER - Jonathan Butler 1987 /D/ 20,-
LP RICHARD TEE - 1. 1979 /NL/ 12,-
LP JONATHAN BUTLER - More than friends /D/ 15,-
LP KENNY G - Duotones 1986 /D/ 15,-
2LP GEORGE BENSON - Livin inside your love 1979 /US/ 25,-
LP MARK EGAN - Mosaic 1985 /D/ 15,-

Spectran HF-6065 je prístroj slúžiaci na meranie vysokofrekvenčných signálov v pásme 100 MHz–6 GHz.
Kompletné balenie v kufríku so všetkým potrebným príslušenstvom a anténou. Vrátane návodu a softvéru pre PC/Mac.
100% stav, nevyužitý.
The Spectran HF6000 V4 series of handheld spectrum analyzers are a versatile solution for any RF spectrum analysis application, including field frequency coordination and testing, systems installations, interference tracking, and general RF test and measurement These handheld units are lightweight and durable for on-the-go applications, and offer full featured spectrum analysis with and without the included PC software.
Frequency Range – 10MHz – 6GHz
Peak Power Detector – 6GHz (optional)
Level Min – -100dbm (typical -110dbm)
Level Max – +10dbm (+30dbm optional)
Attenuation – “Auto,” 0, 10, 20, 30dB
Filter Bandwidth Min – 3KHz
Filter Bandwidth Max – 50MHz
Accuracy – +/-2dB
Features: Real Time PC Analysis,
Unlimited Marker Points,
Internal Data Logging, PC Data
Views: Waterfall/Spectrogram,
Spectrum, Histogram
Functions: Peak, RMS, and Hold Functions
Najlepšie osobne v BA, prípadne po dohode SC, ZV, DT.
Možnosť odskúšania samozrejmosťou.
Uvedená cena je bez DPH.

Carcass Torn arteries (digipak,nový) 10,00 €
Cemetary Sundown 7,00 €
Coroner No more color (nový) 8,00 €
Cradle of Filth Dusk and her embrace (nový) 8,00 €
Cradle of Filth Cruelty and the beast 7,00 €
Cradle of Filth Midian 7,00 €
Cradle of Filth Damnation and a day 5,00 €
Cradle of Filth Damnation and a day (nový) 7,00 €
Cradle of Filth Godspeed of the devil's thunder (digipak,2CD) 9,00 €
Cradle of Filth The manticore and other horrors 9,00 €
Cradle of Filth Cryptoriana - The seductiveness of decay (nový) 10,00 €
Dark Fortress Eidolon 7,00 €
Dark Tranquillity Character (digipak) 8,00 €
Death Symbolic (nový) 8,00 €
Death Angel Act III 10,00 €
Decapitated Blood mantra (digipak,CD+DVD,nový) 9,00 €
Deceased As the weird travel on 12,00 €
Demonica Demonstrous (nový) 8,00 €
Devin Townsend Ocean Machine: Biomech (nový) 10,00 €
Devin Townsend Project Sky blue (nový) 8,00 €
Devin Townsend Empath (nový) 8,00 €
Devilment The great and secret show (nový) 9,00 €
Devilment The great and secret show (digipak) 10,00 €
Dimmu Borgir Stormblåst MMV (digipak,CD+DVD) 10,00 €
Dismember Like an everflowing stream (Hammerheart,nový) 15,00 €
Dismember Dismember (nový) 15,00 €
Dissection Reinkaos (nový) 13,00 €
Draconian A rose for the apocalypse (nový) 8,00 €
Draconian Arcane rain fell (nový) 8,00 €
Draconian Sovran (nový) 8,00 €
Ensiferum Thalassic 8,00 €
Enslaved Monumension 12,00 €
Enslaved Vertebrae 9,00 €
Enslaved Axioma ethica odini (nový) 10,00 €
Enslaved Riitiir (nový) 9,00 €
Enslaved Riitiir (digipak,CD+DVD) 11,00 €
Enslaved In times (NuclearBlast Russia,jewel) 7,00 €
Enslaved In times (digipak) 9,00 €
Enslaved E (digipak,nový) 11,00 €
Escape the Fate Hate me (nový) 3,00 €
klikni na meno a pozri ponuku
kontakt: zaxas@

Ponúkame Vám na predaj 3- izbový mezonet Bratislava-Ružinov, Jašíkova ul. v novostavbe PRIMA PARK
- byt o výmere 78,5 m2
- 2x loggia 7,4 m2 a 7,9 m2
- pivnica 3,75 m2
- vonkajšie parkovacie miesto
Dispozícia bytu: byt sa nachádza na 6. a 7. poschodí bytového domu, ktorý má iba 2 vchody. Na 6. poschodí je vstupná hala so vstavanými šatníkmi, obývačka spojená s kuchyňou a východom na veľkú priestrannú loggiu orientovanú na juho-západ a kúpeľňu s pračkou, WC a umývadlom. V obývačke je na mieru nábytok, kuchyňa má vstavané spotrebiče. Na oknách sú vonkajšie žalúzie.
Na 7. poschodí sú 2 samostatné spálne a kúpeľňa s vaňou, umývadlom a WC. Byt je kompletne klimatizovaný.
Cena 367,000 €
We offer for sale a 3-rooms maisonette in Bratislava-Ružinov, Jašíkova ul. in the new PRIMA PARK building
- apartment with an area of 78.5 m2
- 2 loggias of 7.4 m2 and 7.9 m2
- cellar 3.75 m2
- outdoor parking space
Layout of the apartment: the apartment is located on the 6th and 7th floors of an apartment building, which has only 2 entrances. On the 6th floor there is an entrance hall with built-in wardrobes, a living room connected to the kitchen and an exit to a large, spacious loggia oriented to the south-west and separately with a washing machine, toilet and sink. The living room has custom-made furniture, the kitchen has built-in appliances. There are external blinds on the windows.
On the 7th floor there are 2 separate bedrooms and a bathroom with a bathroom, sink and toilet. The apartment is completely renovated.
Price €367,000

Predám modely aj s 1.0/2.0 komponentami pre Star Wars X-wing Miniatures game:
Rebel Alliance:
2x X-wing (1.0 and 2.0 components)
2x A-wing (1.0 and 2.0 components)
1x B-wing (1.0 and 2.0 components)
2x Sheathipede-Class Shuttle (2.0 components)
PREDANÉ 1x YT-1300 aka Millennium Falcon (1.0 and 2.0 components)
1x PREDANÉ 2x YT-2400 (1.0 and 2.0 components - only one 1.0 movement dial)
PREDANÉ 1x U-wing (2.0 components)
Galactic Empire:
3x Tie Interceptor (1.0 components)
1x Tie Advanced x1 (1.0 and 2.0 components)
PREDANÉ 1x VT-49 Decimator (1.0 and 2.0 components)
Scum & Villainy:
PREDANÉ 1x M3-A Interceptor (2.0 components)
PREDANÉ Firespray aka Slave 1 (2.0 components, possibility of 1.0 Empire components)
PREDANÉ 1x Y-666 aka Hound's Tooth (2.0 components)
1x Lancer-Class Pursuit Craft (2.0 components)
- malá loď 10,-
- stredná/veľká loď 20,-
Pri väčšom odbere možná zľava.
Prešov-Košice osobne alebo Packeta.

Ponúkame Vám na predaj 3- izbový mezonet Bratislava-Ružinov, Jašíkova ul. v novostavbe PRIMA PARK
- byt o výmere 78,5 m2
- 2x loggia 7,4 m2 a 7,9 m2
- pivnica 3,75 m2
- vonkajšie parkovacie miesto
Dispozícia bytu: byt sa nachádza na 6. a 7. poschodí bytového domu, ktorý má iba 2 vchody. Na 6. poschodí je vstupná hala so vstavanými šatníkmi, obývačka spojená s kuchyňou a východom na veľkú priestrannú loggiu orientovanú na juho-západ a kúpeľňu s pračkou, WC a umývadlom. V obývačke je na mieru nábytok, kuchyňa má vstavané spotrebiče. Na oknách sú vonkajšie žalúzie.
Na 7. poschodí sú 2 samostatné spálne a kúpeľňa s vaňou, umývadlom a WC. Byt je kompletne klimatizovaný.
Cena 367,000 €
We offer for sale a 3-rooms maisonette in Bratislava-Ružinov, Jašíkova ul. in the new PRIMA PARK building
- apartment with an area of 78.5 m2
- 2 loggias of 7.4 m2 and 7.9 m2
- cellar 3.75 m2
- outdoor parking space
Layout of the apartment: the apartment is located on the 6th and 7th floors of an apartment building, which has only 2 entrances. On the 6th floor there is an entrance hall with built-in wardrobes, a living room connected to the kitchen and an exit to a large, spacious loggia oriented to the south-west and separately with a washing machine, toilet and sink. The living room has custom-made furniture, the kitchen has built-in appliances. There are external blinds on the windows.
On the 7th floor there are 2 separate bedrooms and a bathroom with a bathroom, sink and toilet. The apartment is completely renovated.
Price €367,000

Ponúkame Vám na predaj 3- izbový mezonet Bratislava-Ružinov, Jašíkova ul. v novostavbe PRIMA PARK
- byt o výmere 78,5 m2
- 2x loggia 7,4 m2 a 7,9 m2
- pivnica 3,75 m2
- vonkajšie parkovacie miesto
Dispozícia bytu: byt sa nachádza na 6. a 7. poschodí bytového domu, ktorý má iba 2 vchody. Na 6. poschodí je vstupná hala so vstavanými šatníkmi, obývačka spojená s kuchyňou a východom na veľkú priestrannú loggiu orientovanú na juho-západ a kúpeľňu s pračkou, WC a umývadlom. V obývačke je na mieru nábytok, kuchyňa má vstavané spotrebiče. Na oknách sú vonkajšie žalúzie.
Na 7. poschodí sú 2 samostatné spálne a kúpeľňa s vaňou, umývadlom a WC. Byt je kompletne klimatizovaný.
Cena 370 000 €
We offer for sale a 3-rooms maisonette in Bratislava-Ružinov, Jašíkova ul. in the new PRIMA PARK building
- apartment with an area of 78.5 m2
- 2 loggias of 7.4 m2 and 7.9 m2
- cellar 3.75 m2
- outdoor parking space
Layout of the apartment: the apartment is located on the 6th and 7th floors of an apartment building, which has only 2 entrances. On the 6th floor there is an entrance hall with built-in wardrobes, a living room connected to the kitchen and an exit to a large, spacious loggia oriented to the south-west and separately with a washing machine, toilet and sink. The living room has custom-made furniture, the kitchen has built-in appliances. There are external blinds on the windows.
On the 7th floor there are 2 separate bedrooms and a bathroom with a bathroom, sink and toilet. The apartment is completely renovated.
Price €370,000

Marin Alpine Trail 7
Bajk som kupoval v apríli 2022.
Ma najazdenych 300km.
Bajk je v 100% stave pripravený na jazdenie.
Na cene sa vieme dohodnúť!
Series 4 6061 Aluminum Frame, 29” Wheels, 150mm Travel MultiTrac Suspension Platform, Internal Dropper Post and Rear Derailleur Routing, Chainstay Mounted Post Mount Disc Brake, 148x12mm Boost Thru- Axle, 73mm Threaded BB w/ ISCG05 Tabs
RockShox Yari RC, 29”, 160mm of Travel, Air Sprung, Debonair, Compression and Rebound Adjustment, Fast Black Stanchions, 110x15mm Maxle Stealth, 42mm Offset
zadný tlmič
Rock Shox Deluxe Select + RT, Debonair Air Spring, 2 Position Compression and Rebound Adjustment, 205x65mm, Trunnion Upper Mount, 25mmxM8 Lower Mount
hlav. zloženie
FSA No 57E, Semi-Sealed Cartridge Bearings, 1 1/8" x 1 1/2”
kazetový pastorok
Shimano, Deore M6100 12-Speed, 10-51T
KMC X-12 Silver and Black
Shimano BL-M4100 Hydraulic Lever, I-Spec EV Compatible
brzdové kotúče
Predný: Shimano BR-MT420, 4-Piston Hydraulic Disc Brake, 203mm Rotor
Zadný: Shimano BR-MT420, 4-Piston Hydraulic Disc Brake, 180mm Rotor
Vee Tire Flow Snap, 29x2.6”, Tackee Compound, 72 TPI, Tubeless Compatible
Marin 3D Forged Alloy, 35mm
Marin Mini-Riser, 6061 Double Butted Aluminum, 780mm Width, 28mm Rise, 5º Up, 9º Back
FSA Comet Heavy Duty, Modular 1x, 32T Direct Mount Chainring, MegaTooth Technology, Boost Spacing
Shimano Deore, 12-Speed, SL6100-IR
Shimano Deore, 12-Speed, SGS
Predný: Shimano HF-MT410B, 110x15mm, Centerlock
Zadný: Shimano HB-MT410B, 148x12mm, Centerlock, Microspline Freehub Body
Marin, Double Wall Alloy, 29mm Inner, Pinned Joint, Disc Specific, 32H, Tubeless Compatible
TranzX, YSP23JL, 1x Remote, Size S 125mm Travel, Size M and L 150mm Travel, Size XL 175mm Travel, 30.9mm
Marin Speed Concept
Bolt-On Thru-Axle, Downtube Protector
Počet prevodov: 1x12
Brzdy: Kotúčové hydraulické
Zdvih: 140 - 160 mm
Priemer kolies: 28"/29"
Materiál: hliník
Farba: zelená
Sada: Shimano Deore
Veľkosť: L

Predam pekny snowboard NITRO dlzka 146 cm. Viazanie SP s kovovou patkou a kovovymi klipsnami (lepsie, nez plastove ;) ). Rocker - camber. Super stav. Cena 120 eur
Powercore - Tip-to-tail poplar wood provides strength with the perfect amount of board feel and flex.
Optimal Matrix Laminates - Proven configuration of bi-axial fiberglass engineered for effortless turns and a forgiving flex.
FH Base - The best elements of sintered and redline base material blended into one ultra fast base.
Profile Tip - Tapered at the tips of the board to disperse energy and reduce swing weight. Progressive Sidecut - Smooth and easy turn initiation with powerful exit acceleration.

Predam pekny a kvalitny damsky snowboard Nitro Fate collection dlzka 149 cm spolu s viazanim Burton Lexa velkost M. Directional twin shape.
Board aj viazko su v super stave, cena 190 eur.
V pripade zaujmu mam na predaj aj topanky.
Charakteristika z internetu:
Powercore - Tip-to-tail poplar wood provides strength with the perfect amount of board feel and flex.
Optimal Matrix Laminates - Proven configuration of bi-axial fiberglass engineered for effortless turns and a forgiving flex.
FH Base - The best elements of sintered and redline base material blended into one ultra fast base.
Profile Tip - Tapered at the tips of the board to disperse energy and reduce swing weight. Progressive Sidecut - Smooth and easy turn initiation with powerful exit acceleration.

Bajk som kupoval v apríli 2022.
Ma najazdenych 300km.
Pripravený na jazdenie
V záruke do apríla 2024
Series 4 6061 Aluminum Frame, 29” Wheels, 150mm Travel MultiTrac Suspension Platform, Internal Dropper Post and Rear Derailleur Routing, Chainstay Mounted Post Mount Disc Brake, 148x12mm Boost Thru- Axle, 73mm Threaded BB w/ ISCG05 Tabs
RockShox Yari RC, 29”, 160mm of Travel, Air Sprung, Debonair, Compression and Rebound Adjustment, Fast Black Stanchions, 110x15mm Maxle Stealth, 42mm Offset
zadný tlmič
Rock Shox Deluxe Select + RT, Debonair Air Spring, 2 Position Compression and Rebound Adjustment, 205x65mm, Trunnion Upper Mount, 25mmxM8 Lower Mount
hlav. zloženie
FSA No 57E, Semi-Sealed Cartridge Bearings, 1 1/8" x 1 1/2”
kazetový pastorok
Shimano, Deore M6100 12-Speed, 10-51T
KMC X-12 Silver and Black
Shimano BL-M4100 Hydraulic Lever, I-Spec EV Compatible
brzdové kotúče
Predný: Shimano BR-MT420, 4-Piston Hydraulic Disc Brake, 203mm Rotor
Zadný: Shimano BR-MT420, 4-Piston Hydraulic Disc Brake, 180mm Rotor
Maxxis Rekon 2.4
Pripadne originál plašte malo jazdene 2.6 wee tree
Marin 3D Forged Alloy, 35mm
Marin Mini-Riser, 6061 Double Butted Aluminum, 780mm Width, 28mm Rise, 5º Up, 9º Back
FSA Comet Heavy Duty, Modular 1x, 32T Direct Mount Chainring, MegaTooth Technology, Boost Spacing
Shimano Deore, 12-Speed, SL6100-IR
Shimano Deore, 12-Speed, SGS
Predný: Shimano HF-MT410B, 110x15mm, Centerlock
Zadný: Shimano HB-MT410B, 148x12mm, Centerlock, Microspline Freehub Body
Marin, Double Wall Alloy, 29mm Inner, Pinned Joint, Disc Specific, 32H, Tubeless Compatible
TranzX, YSP23JL, 1x Remote, Size S 125mm Travel, Size M and L 150mm Travel, Size XL 175mm Travel, 30.9mm
Marin Speed Concept
Bolt-On Thru-Axle, Downtube Protector

Predam pekny a kvalitny damsky snowboard Nitro Fate collection dlzka 149 cm spolu s viazanim Burton Lexa velkost M. Directional twin shape.
Board aj viazko su v super stave, cena 170 eur.
V pripade zaujmu mam na predaj aj topanky.
Charakteristika z internetu:
Powercore - Tip-to-tail poplar wood provides strength with the perfect amount of board feel and flex.
Optimal Matrix Laminates - Proven configuration of bi-axial fiberglass engineered for effortless turns and a forgiving flex.
FH Base - The best elements of sintered and redline base material blended into one ultra fast base.
Profile Tip - Tapered at the tips of the board to disperse energy and reduce swing weight. Progressive Sidecut - Smooth and easy turn initiation with powerful exit acceleration.

Predam uplne novy Top stojan Tipton komplet balenie PC : 265€
Rigid Steel Frame
• Modular chassis design
• Different modules can be quickly moved, rearranged or removed anywhere along the rail
• Over molded rubber contact pads throughout the device prevent damage to firearm
• Ball and socket articulating clamp pads allow for the pads to adapt to any surface
• Leveling feet on all corners makes scope leveling easier
• Dual Clamp Technology rigidly holds any gun shape in place
• Tube frame structure allows for complete access to your rifle
• Fast-Turn knobs, for quick clamping
• AR Vise Block module included for working on and cleaning AR-15s
• Front and Rear clamps are both height and length adjustable
• Modular system allows you to clamp components like AR Upper assemblies without needing to have them attached to the lowers.
• Works with break action firearms. You can clamp the forward/barrel while leaving the rear to swing open
• Works with Pistols allowing you to mount optics or clean efficiently
• 2 re-arrangeable or removable accessory trays
• Engineered Glass Filled Nylon construction provides a high level of rigidity while preventing damage to your firearm
• Stainless Steel reinforcing plates throughout the design provide reinforcement and rigidity
• Solvent-resistant materials stand up to years of hard use

Bajk som kupoval v apríli 2022.
Ma najazdenych 300km.
Pripravený na jazdenie
V záruke do apríla 2024
Predávam ho na pôvodných nejazdených plášťoch a pôvodné gripy MARIN tiež bez používania.
Bajk predávam bez pedálov.
Series 4 6061 Aluminum Frame, 29” Wheels, 150mm Travel MultiTrac Suspension Platform, Internal Dropper Post and Rear Derailleur Routing, Chainstay Mounted Post Mount Disc Brake, 148x12mm Boost Thru- Axle, 73mm Threaded BB w/ ISCG05 Tabs
RockShox Yari RC, 29”, 160mm of Travel, Air Sprung, Debonair, Compression and Rebound Adjustment, Fast Black Stanchions, 110x15mm Maxle Stealth, 42mm Offset
zadný tlmič
Rock Shox Deluxe Select + RT, Debonair Air Spring, 2 Position Compression and Rebound Adjustment, 205x65mm, Trunnion Upper Mount, 25mmxM8 Lower Mount
hlav. zloženie
FSA No 57E, Semi-Sealed Cartridge Bearings, 1 1/8" x 1 1/2”
kazetový pastorok
Shimano, Deore M6100 12-Speed, 10-51T
KMC X-12 Silver and Black
Shimano BL-M4100 Hydraulic Lever, I-Spec EV Compatible
brzdové kotúče
Predný: Shimano BR-MT420, 4-Piston Hydraulic Disc Brake, 203mm Rotor
Zadný: Shimano BR-MT420, 4-Piston Hydraulic Disc Brake, 180mm Rotor
plašte 2.6 wee tree co
Marin 3D Forged Alloy, 35mm
Marin Mini-Riser, 6061 Double Butted Aluminum, 780mm Width, 28mm Rise, 5º Up, 9º Back
FSA Comet Heavy Duty, Modular 1x, 32T Direct Mount Chainring, MegaTooth Technology, Boost Spacing
Shimano Deore, 12-Speed, SL6100-IR
Shimano Deore, 12-Speed, SGS
Predný: Shimano HF-MT410B, 110x15mm, Centerlock
Zadný: Shimano HB-MT410B, 148x12mm, Centerlock, Microspline Freehub Body
Marin, Double Wall Alloy, 29mm Inner, Pinned Joint, Disc Specific, 32H, Tubeless Compatible
TranzX, YSP23JL, 1x Remote, Size S 125mm Travel, Size M and L 150mm Travel, Size XL 175mm Travel, 30.9mm
Marin Speed Concept
Bolt-On Thru-Axle, Downtube Protector

Dobrý deň predám, Zyxel GS-108A Switch. Síce to nieje najnovší druh switchu ale na domáce použite bohato postačí. (Spotreba max:6.60 Watt)
Predám za 5-10 eur.
System Specifications
IEEE 802.3 10BASE-T Ethernet
IEEE 802.3u 100BASE-TX Fast Ethernet
IEEE 802.3ab 1000BASE-T Gigabit Ethernet
IEEE 802.3 Nway auto-negotiation
IEEE 802.3x full duplex operation and flow control
IEEE 802.3az Energy Efficient Ethernet
Data transfer rate (half duplex/full duplex):
Ethernet: 10/20 Mbps
Fast Ethernet: 100/200 Mbps
Gigabit Ethernet: 1000/2000 Mbps
MAC address table: 8 K
Memory buffer: 128 KB
Switching fabric (non-blocking): 16 Gbps
Auto-MDI/MDIX in all ports
Transmission method: Store-and-forward architecture
Loop detection support
Port-based QoS support
Jumbo frame support up to 9 KB
Hardware Specifications
Eight RJ-45 10/100/1000 Mbps Ethernet ports with auto MDI/MDIX support
QoS Ports
Two high-priority QoS ports and two medium-priority QoS ports
LED Indicator
PWR: Power
Per port: Link/Activity
Amber: 10/100 Mbps
Green: 1000 Mbps
Power Supply
Input: 100-240 V AC
Output: 5 V DC, 1 A
Power consumption: 3.0 watt max.
Physical Specifications
Item dimensions (WxDxH): 155 x 85 x 26 mm (6.1" x 3.3" x 1.0")
Item weight: 325 g (0.72 lb.)
Packing dimensions (WxDxH): 161 x 90 x 95 mm (6.3" x 3.5" x3.7")
Packing weight: 493 g (1.09 lb.)
Environmental Specifications
Operating Environment
Temperature: 0°C to 50°C (32°F to 122°F)
Humidity: 10% to 90% (Non-condensing)
Storage Environment
Temperature: -40°C to 70°C (-40°F to 158°F)
Humidity: 10% to 95% (Non-condensing)

Predam plne funkcny velmi kvalitny herny Asus router AC3100 Dual-Band Wi-Fi Router with double gaming boost, AiMesh for mesh wifi system and MU-MIMO.
V skratke:
- Ultra-fast 802.11ac Wi-Fi router with a combined dual-band data rate of 3167 Mbps for low latency online gaming, smooth 4K streaming and extremely fast file-sharing
- Broadcom® NitroQAM™ technology boosts 5 GHz data rates up to 2167 Mbps and 2.4 GHz up to 1000 Mbps
Cely popis je na stranke asus tu:
Cena noveho bola 270eur.
Stahovali sme firmu a preto ho nepotrebujeme. Je k nemu original adapter, krabicu sme uz niekde vyhodili.
Preferujem osobny odber v Moste pri Bratislave, ale viem prist pripadne aj do Bratislavy.

Predam plne funkcny velmi kvalitny herny Asus router AC3100 Dual-Band Wi-Fi Router with double gaming boost, AiMesh for mesh wifi system and MU-MIMO.
V skratke:
- Ultra-fast 802.11ac Wi-Fi router with a combined dual-band data rate of 3167 Mbps for low latency online gaming, smooth 4K streaming and extremely fast file-sharing
- Broadcom® NitroQAM™ technology boosts 5 GHz data rates up to 2167 Mbps and 2.4 GHz up to 1000 Mbps
Cely popis je na stranke asus tu:
Cena noveho bola 270eur.
Predavam ho lebo nam zaviedli optiku a zrusili VDSL.
Mam k nemu aj krabicu a prislusenstvo.
Poslem aj postou na dobierku po zaplateni postovneho.

VoIP bezdrôtový smerovač
D-Link DVG-G5402SP VoIP Wireless G Router with 2 Phone Ports (SIP)
VoIP Wireless G Router with 2 Phone Ports (SIP)
- Built-in 802.11g wireless access point
- 2 RJ-11 FXS POTS phone ports
- 1 RJ-11 PSTN lifeline phone port
- 4 RJ-45 10/100BaseTX Fast Ethernet port for LAN
- 1 RJ-45 10/100BaseTX Fast Ethernet port for WAN
- DHCP or Static IP address assignment
- RIP-1/RIP-2 and Static routing support
- Latest WPA and WEP wireless security support
- Built-in WAN clients (PPPoE, PPTP)
- NAT IP sharing, DMZ
- Caller ID detection and generation (DTMF, FSK-ETSI)
- VPN Pass-through support (IPSec, PPTP)
- NAT Traversal (SIP, STUN, DDNS client)
- Voice Activity Detection (VAD), Comfort Noise Generation (CNG)
- Built-in codecs: G.711 (A-law, U-law), G.723.1, G.726, G.729A/B
- T.30 fax bypass through G.711, T.38 real time fax (14.4Kbps)
- QoS (ToS), 802.1p priority queues
- Web based HTTP configuration, Telnet