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fast and furious - strana 3

Počet nájdených inzerátov FAST AND FURIOUS : 1000 - strana 3

M-Audio Fast Track Pro USB
Externá profesionálna zvuková karta: # 24-bit/96kHz rozhranie s dvojitým mikrofónnym / nástrojovým predzosilňovačom # symetrické alebo nesymetrické vstupy/výstupy # koaxiálny S/PDIF # midi rozhranie # výstup na slúchadlá s možnosťou voľby zdroja signálu A/B # 2 symetrické výstupy (1/4” TRS) # 4 nesymetrické výstupy (RCA) # 1 x 1 MIDI I/O s indikáciou aktivity # hardware monitoring # napájanie z USB # kompatibilný s PC a Mac Ponúka všetky výhody mobilného nahrávania a pružnosť zariadenia Fast Track USB a navyše ešte poskytuje ďaľšie profesionálne funkcie. Získate napríklad 2 mikrofónne / linkové vstupy na prednom paneli s fantomovým napájaním pre kondenzátorové mikrofóny, inserty pre pripojenie vonkajších efektov so symetrickými a nesymetrickými analógovými výstupmi, S / PDIF digitálny vstup/výstup, MIDI vstup/výstup, a ďalšie. M-Audio Fast Track Pro taktiež dosahuje takmer nulovú latenciu pre priamy hardware monitoring a veľmi nízku latenciu ASIO-softvérový monitoring, plus A/B prepínač zdroja signálu a duálny výstup pre DJ-štýl cueing. Fast Track Pro je kompatibilný s väčšinou hudobných softvérov na PC a Mac. M-Audio Fast Track Pro je navrhnutý tak, aby vám poskytol záznam s profesionálnymi výsledkami kedykoľvek a kdekoľvek potrebujete. Jediné USB pripojenie vám umožní prístup ku všetkým I / O, ktoré potrebujete pre mikrofóny a nástroje ako apríklad gitary, rovnako ako prístup k MIDI-a S / PDIF digitálnemu audio zariadeniu. Mikrofónné vstupy majú fantomové napájanie pre štúdiové kondenzátorové mikrofóny ako napríklad M-Audio Luna a Solaris. Softvér ovládača vám poskytne úplnú kontrolu nad 4 x 4 I / O-vrátane nastavenia účinkov s externými zariadeniami. Jedným zo znakov skvelého audio rozhrania je jeho flexibilita monitorovanie. Fast Track Pro ponúka výkonný slúchadlový zosilňovač s reguláciou hlasitosti. Hardware direct monitoring eliminuje oneskorenie alebo opozdenie pri počúvaní vstupného signálu a existujúcich stôp. Môžete tiež počúvať vstupný signál kompletne s efektami pri nahrávaní vďaka extrémne nízkej latencie cez ASIO drivery. Dva páry analógových výstupov umožňujú Fast Track Pro pripojiť k DJ mix pultu a používať A/ B prepínač na prednom paneli na odposluch každého zdroja zvuku samostatne. Táto špeciálna edícia viacnásobne oceneného softvéru vám umožní pracovať ako profesionálovi. Live lite 7 je revolučný loop software založený na dlhoročných vedomostiach a skúsenostiach. Produkcia je tak jednoduchá, ako premiestnenie zvukového klipu v reálnom čase. Môžete tiež zaznamenať lineárne stopy, pridávať efekty, hrať živé remixy a oveľa viac.
M-Audio Fast Track Pro USB - rezervovana
Externá profesionálna zvuková karta: # 24-bit/96kHz rozhranie s dvojitým mikrofónnym / nástrojovým predzosilňovačom # symetrické alebo nesymetrické vstupy/výstupy # koaxiálny S/PDIF # midi rozhranie # výstup na slúchadlá s možnosťou voľby zdroja signálu A/B # 2 symetrické výstupy (1/4” TRS) # 4 nesymetrické výstupy (RCA) # 1 x 1 MIDI I/O s indikáciou aktivity # hardware monitoring # napájanie z USB # kompatibilný s PC a Mac Ponúka všetky výhody mobilného nahrávania a pružnosť zariadenia Fast Track USB a navyše ešte poskytuje ďaľšie profesionálne funkcie. Získate napríklad 2 mikrofónne / linkové vstupy na prednom paneli s fantomovým napájaním pre kondenzátorové mikrofóny, inserty pre pripojenie vonkajších efektov so symetrickými a nesymetrickými analógovými výstupmi, S / PDIF digitálny vstup/výstup, MIDI vstup/výstup, a ďalšie. M-Audio Fast Track Pro taktiež dosahuje takmer nulovú latenciu pre priamy hardware monitoring a veľmi nízku latenciu ASIO-softvérový monitoring, plus A/B prepínač zdroja signálu a duálny výstup pre DJ-štýl cueing. Fast Track Pro je kompatibilný s väčšinou hudobných softvérov na PC a Mac. M-Audio Fast Track Pro je navrhnutý tak, aby vám poskytol záznam s profesionálnymi výsledkami kedykoľvek a kdekoľvek potrebujete. Jediné USB pripojenie vám umožní prístup ku všetkým I / O, ktoré potrebujete pre mikrofóny a nástroje ako apríklad gitary, rovnako ako prístup k MIDI-a S / PDIF digitálnemu audio zariadeniu. Mikrofónné vstupy majú fantomové napájanie pre štúdiové kondenzátorové mikrofóny ako napríklad M-Audio Luna a Solaris. Softvér ovládača vám poskytne úplnú kontrolu nad 4 x 4 I / O-vrátane nastavenia účinkov s externými zariadeniami. Jedným zo znakov skvelého audio rozhrania je jeho flexibilita monitorovanie. Fast Track Pro ponúka výkonný slúchadlový zosilňovač s reguláciou hlasitosti. Hardware direct monitoring eliminuje oneskorenie alebo opozdenie pri počúvaní vstupného signálu a existujúcich stôp. Môžete tiež počúvať vstupný signál kompletne s efektami pri nahrávaní vďaka extrémne nízkej latencie cez ASIO drivery. Dva páry analógových výstupov umožňujú Fast Track Pro pripojiť k DJ mix pultu a používať A/ B prepínač na prednom paneli na odposluch každého zdroja zvuku samostatne. Táto špeciálna edícia viacnásobne oceneného softvéru vám umožní pracovať ako profesionálovi. Live lite 7 je revolučný loop software založený na dlhoročných vedomostiach a skúsenostiach. Produkcia je tak jednoduchá, ako premiestnenie zvukového klipu v reálnom čase. Môžete tiež zaznamenať lineárne stopy, pridávať efekty, hrať živé remixy a oveľa viac.
Kardashian Dynasty - Ian Halperin
Predam knihu Kardashian Dynasty - Ian Halperin New York Times bestselling author and investigator Ian Halperin pulls back the curtain on America’s notorious Kardashian family – exposing their shaky foundation for fame – one shocking revelation at a time. The Kardashians and Jenners have taken the world by storm, collectively rising to superfame after making their reality show debut on E! with Keeping Up with the Kardashians in 2007. Since then, their family life has remained a constant circus of tabloid headlines, red carpet appearances, branding deals, reality shows and their spinoffs, and a slew of media coverage. As revered and polarizing as royalty, the Kardashians have stolen the celebrity spotlight – and they show no signs of giving it up. And yet, amidst their mega success, the Kardashians have faced a firestorm of negative publicity over the years: particularly over Kris Jenner’s role in the family. As matriarch and momager of the Kardashian clan, Kris has been accused of exploiting her children for fame and money and playing the media like a deck of cards. Based on extensive research, Ian Halperin delivers the salacious details behind the Kardashians’ rise to fame. With revelations exposing the family’s foundation as shaky at best and scandalous at worst, Halperin provides an unparalleled glimpse into the events and scandals that have propelled the Kardashians to worldwide celebrity, for better or worse.
Behringer Virtualizer PRO - DSP 1000P
Predám plne funkčný efektový procesor. Celý čas od zakúpenia bol osadený v racku. Popis výrobcu: “Wave Adaptive Virtual Room” reverb algorithms calculated from precise mathematical room models to give you ultra-natural reverb effects 32 breathtaking Reverb, Chorus, Flanger, Delay (10 s), Pitch Shifter, Vocoder, Rotary Speaker effects and more More than 700 effect variations plus two individual parameters and separate low and high EQ section 2 digital processing engines give you independent or coupled effects on left and right channels True stereo processing performance allows separation of left and right channels in the stereo field for open-sounding enhancement of the sound sources Free VIRTUALIZER Design software allows for total remote control via PC (download at 20-bit A/D and D/A converters with 64/128 times oversampling for ultra-high headroom and resolution Internal 24-bit processing with professional 46 kHz sampling rate Servo-balanced inputs and outputs on gold-plated XLR and TRS jack connectors for high signal integrity 100 user preset memories to store programs for instant recall Accurate 8-segment LED level meters simplify level setting for optimum performance “Future-proof” software-upgradeable architecture Full MIDI capability allows real-time parameter control and program selection Internal power supply design for professional application High-quality components and exceptionally rugged construction ensure long life Conceived and designed by BEHRINGER Germany
Kulmifen Babyliss
Predam kulmofen Babyliss Novy nepouzity Povodna cena 56 € Ma rotacnu keramicku hlavicu. Priemer hlavice 50 mm. Treba si dokupit nadstavec na SK.zastrcku Osobnynodber Ba stnosti: - ionizačné technológie - techológia EVEN AIR FLOW - zanecháva vlasy hladké a lesklé - 2 nastavenia rýchlosti a 2 teploty - ergonomický tvar - studený vzduch - rotácia oboma smermi - otočný kábel - odnímateľný zadný filter Balenie obsahuje: - rotačná keramická kefa s nylonovými štetinami 50 mm Achieve a salon-professional blow dry from the comfort of your own home with the BaByliss Big Hair hot brush. This volumising hair tool is the best way to revive flat hair and create endlessly bouncy, natural-looking styles without having to leave the house. Designed with a 50mm ceramic barrel, the styler boasts a dual-rotating brush head to effectively shape and volumise all types of hair, creating bigger and livelier locks. Soft bristles gently comb through strands and minimise the chances of breakages and tangles. Encouraging luxuriously soft and silky-smooth results, an incorporated conditioning system tames fly aways to promote a high-shine and frizz-free finish. 2 rotation speed settings and 2 heat settings work to prevent unnecessary damage to strands, and 1 cool setting helps set and keep locks in place. Accomplish flawless fullness and body every time with this innovative and effective hair styler. Features: • 700W • Large 50mm ceramic barrel • Mixed bristle combination • 2 heats plus cool setting • 2 rotation speed settings • Multi-directional brush • Super ionic frizz-control • Bristle protective shield • 2.5m swivel cord
Dan and Phil
The Amazing Book is Not on Fire The World of Dan and Phil In this book is a world. A world created by two awkward guys who share their lives on the internet! We are Dan and Phil and we invite you on a journey inside our minds! From the stories of our actual births, to exploring Phil’s teenage diary and all the reasons why Dan’s a fail. Learn how to draw the perfect cat whiskers, get advice on how to make YouTube videos and discover which of our dining chairs represents you emotionally. With everything from what we text each other, to the time we met One Direction and what really happened in Vegas... This is The Amazing Book Is Not On Fire! POČET STRÁN 226 HMOTNOSŤ 855 g Dan and Phil Go Outside Dan Howell Phil Lester Dan Howell and Phil Lester, avoiders of human contact and direct sunlight, actually went outside. Travelling around the world on tour, they have collected hundreds of exclusive, intimate and funny photos, as well as revealing and captivating side notes, to show the behind-the-scenes story of their adventure. POČET STRÁN 224 HMOTNOSŤ 937 g neposkodene 1kniha za 10 eur
Krásny dom v starej časti obce Chorvátsky Grob
Predám 5-izbovy rodinný dom v obci Chorvatsky Grob. Dom sa nachádza v starej časti obce, tichá lokalita, v blízkosti školy, všeobecného lekára, pošty a potravín. Miestny úrad a autobusová zastávka je cca 5 minút chodze. Dom má nové dlážky, podlahové kúrenie, keramická dlažba v celom dome a v hlavnej spálni je plávajúca podlaha. Kuchyňa je prepojená s jedálenskou časťou a obývačkou. Dom má dve spálne a dve kúpelne. Technická miestnosť s práčkou a pripravou na sušičku. Pri kuchyni je komora na uskladnenie potravín s chladničkou. Celé steny zvnútra sú obložené sadrokartónom. Nové dvere a nové okná. Okná do ulice majú protislnečné sklá. Dom je zvonku zateplený, izolovaný strop a má novú strechu. Pozemok má studňu, na ktorú je napojené splachovanie záchodov. Dom má vonkajšíkamerový systém a vnútorný alarm. V kuchyni je dymový senzor a v technickej miestnosti a za umývačkou riadu je alarm na vodu. V každej izbe je senzor na pohyb, plus dom je rozdelený na dve samostatné zóny. Všetko je prepojené cez wifi a na váš telefón prichadzaju upozornenia, vrátane výpadku elektrického prúdu. Úžitková plocha domu je 125 m² . Záhrada je nedokončená. Dom má malú pivnicu, cca 3x4 m, vchod do nej je zvonku. Rozloha pozemku je 459 m². Dom sa predáva aj so zariadením. V hlavnej spálni je vstavaná skriňa roldor. Viac foto pošlem mailom. POPROSIM nie realitne kancelarie! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Selling a 5-room family house in the village of Chorvatsky Grob. The house is located in the old part of the village, quiet location, close to the school, doctor, post office and a grocery store. The local municipal office and the bus stop are about a 5-minute walk. The house has new floors, underfloor heating, ceramic tiles throughout the house and a floating floor in the master bedroom. The kitchen is connected to the dining area and the living room. The house has two bedrooms and two bathrooms. Utility room with washing machine and rough in for dryer. There is a food storage room with a refrigerator near the kitchen. The entire walls from the inside are drywall. New doors and new windows. The windows to the street have anti-sun glass. The house is insulated from the outside, insulated ceilings and has a new roof. The land has a well to which the toilet plumbing is connected. The house has an external camera system and an internal alarm. There is a smoke sensor in the kitchen and a water alarm in the utility room and behind the dishwasher. There is a motion sensor in every room, plus the house is divided into two separate zones. Everything is connected via Wi-Fi and notifications are sent to your phone, including power outages. The square footage of ​​the house is 125 m². The garden is unfinished. The house has a small cellar, approx. 3x4 m, the entrance to it is from the
Digital Marketing All-In-One For Dummies
ASIN: 1119560233 Jazyk: angličtina Typ: paperback – ilustrovaný Datum: 17.5.2019 Nepouzita, necitana. Osobny odber BA alebo posta (postovne hradi kupujuci). O knihe: Unlock the value in online marketing A well-executed digital marketing plan is a proven component of success in business, and Digital Marketing All-In-One For Dummies covers everything you need to build and implement a winning plan. Whether you're a novice in the online space or an expert marketer looking to improve your digital ROI, this book has easy-to-absorb tips and insights that will turn online prospects into loyal customers. This book compresses the essential information on 8 topics, so you have all the information you need and none of what you don't. You'll learn social media marketing, marketing to millennials, account-based marketing, influencer marketing, content marketing strategies, and more! * Use targeted, measurable marketing strategies to promote brands and products * Increase brand awareness, customer acquisitions, and audience engagement * Measure what your online traffic is worth and improve ROI on digital marketing * Develop a solid digital marketing plan and put it to work for your brand From SEO and SEM to brand awareness and why you need it, Digital Marketing All-In-One For Dummies will help you level up your digital marketing game and avoid the common mistakes that might be holding your business back. 15 eur
Susan Cain - Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking. V perfektnom stave. Cena + poštovné. V prípade záujmu ma kontaktujte prosím cez email. Ponúkam na predaj aj iné knihy - pozrite si moje ďaľšie inzeráty. *** Our lives are driven by a fact that most of us can't name and don't understand. It defines who our friends and lovers are, which careers we choose, and whether we blush when we're embarrassed. That fact is whether we're an introvert or an extrovert. The introvert/extrovert divide is the most fundamental dimension of personality. And at least a third of us are on the introverted side. Some of the world's most talented people are introverts. Without them we wouldn't have the Apple computer, the theory of relativity and Van Gogh's sunflowers. Yet extroverts have taken over. Shyness, sensitivity and seriousness are often seen as being negative. Introverts feel reproached for being the way they are. In Quiet, Susan Cain shows how the brain chemistry of introverts and extroverts differs, and how society misunderstands and undervalues introverts. She gives introverts the tools to better understand themselves and take full advantage of their strengths. Passionately argued, superbly researched, and filled with real stories, Quiet will permanently change how we see introverts - and how you see yourself.
Dan and Phil
The Amazing Book is Not on Fire The World of Dan and Phil In this book is a world. A world created by two awkward guys who share their lives on the internet! We are Dan and Phil and we invite you on a journey inside our minds! From the stories of our actual births, to exploring Phil’s teenage diary and all the reasons why Dan’s a fail. Learn how to draw the perfect cat whiskers, get advice on how to make YouTube videos and discover which of our dining chairs represents you emotionally. With everything from what we text each other, to the time we met One Direction and what really happened in Vegas... This is The Amazing Book Is Not On Fire! POČET STRÁN 226 HMOTNOSŤ 855 g Dan and Phil Go Outside Dan Howell Phil Lester Dan Howell and Phil Lester, avoiders of human contact and direct sunlight, actually went outside. Travelling around the world on tour, they have collected hundreds of exclusive, intimate and funny photos, as well as revealing and captivating side notes, to show the behind-the-scenes story of their adventure. POČET STRÁN 224 HMOTNOSŤ 937 g neposkodene 1kniha za 8 eur
Java SE 8 Programmer II S
Predám knihu 'OCP: Oracle Certified Professional Java SE 8 Programmer II Study Guide: Exam 1Z0-809'. Je to skvelá khiha, vďaka ktorej sa môžete pripravit na certifikačnú skúšku JAVA Oracle Certified Professional 1Z0-809. Detaily k skúške: ISBN-10: 1119067901 ISBN-13: 978-1119067900 Edition: 1st Publisher: Sybex Publication date: December 14, 2015 Language: English Dimensions: 7.3 x 1.6 x 9.2 inches Print length: 720 pages Complete, trusted preparation for the Java Programmer II exam OCP: Oracle Certified Professional Java SE 8 Programmer II Study Guide is your comprehensive companion for preparing for Exam 1Z0-809 as well as upgrade Exam 1Z0-810 and Exam 1Z0-813. With full coverage of 100% of exam objectives, this invaluable guide reinforces what you know, teaches you what you don't know, and gives you the hands-on practice you need to boost your skills. Written by expert Java developers, this book goes beyond mere exam prep with the insight, explanations and perspectives that come from years of experience. You'll review the basics of object-oriented programming, understand functional programming, apply your knowledge to database work, and much more. From the basic to the advanced, this guide walks you through everything you need to know to confidently take the OCP 1Z0-809 Exam and upgrade exams 1Z0-810 and 1Z0-813. Java 8 represents the biggest changes to the language to date, and the latest exam now requires that you demonstrate functional programming competence in order to pass. This guide has you covered, with clear explanations and expert advice. Understand abstract classes, interfaces, and class design Learn object-oriented design principles and patterns Delve into functional programming, advanced strings, and localization Master IO, NIO, and JDBC with expert-led database practice If you're ready to take the next step in your IT career, OCP: Oracle Certified Professional Java SE 8 Programmer II Study Guide is your ideal companion on the road to certification.
Qdi kinetiz 7E amd athlon duron
Predám túto plne funkcnu základnú dosku. Plne funkčná napáleny posledný bios. Cena pevná nezjednavam. Chipset North bridge:VIA KT-133A South bridge:VIA VT82C686B Bus Type 5 PCI slots 1 AMR 1 AGP 1 ISA CPU Support Socket A AMD Athlon and Duron Processors AMD Athlon Processors at 750/800/850/900/950MHz , 1.1GHz and future 266MHZ FSB Athlon processor AMD Duron Processors at 600/650/700/750/800MHz and future System Memory Three 168 pin 3.3V PC133 DIMM sockets Supports up to 1.5G SDRAM Supports 66/100/133 MHz Synchronous DRAM and VCM SDRAM And 66MHz EDO DRAM Power Management ACPI V1.0 and APM compliant Supports S0, S1, S3, S4, S5 ACPI power status Auto adjust FAN speed in the different power status USB 4 USB ports (2 for I/O panel and 2 for front panel) USB 1.1 specification compliant Bus Speed 200/266MHz FSB BIOS 2 Mbit Flash ROM Licensed advanced AWARD BIOS Supports Plug and Play Supports ACPI and OS directed power management Storage system Two PCI Master IDE ports support up to 4 IDE devices Supports ATA 100 One floppy port support up to two 3.5!± or 5.25!± floppy drives ( 360K/720K/1.2M/1.44M/2.88M) Supports LS-120 floppy disk drive and ZIP drive I/O Feature 2 High Speed Serial Ports (16550 Fast UART Compatible) 1 Enhanced Parallel Port Support EPP/ECP/SPP 1 PS/2 keyboard port 1 PS/2 mouse port IrDA port support up to 115.2Kb/s transfer rate All I/O ports can be enabled/disabled by BIOS setup Graphics AGP 4X Support Universal AGP Slot Transfer rate up to 1 GB/s Onboard Audio KinetiZ 7E: No Audio KinetiZ 7E-A: Onboard AC'97 Audio AC'97 2.1 Compliant, 16-bit Stereo Codec KinetiZ 7E-C: Onboard Creative 5880 PCI Hardware Audio 4 Channel Speaker out 3D Surrounding Audio Advanced Feature Wake up on LAN Wake up on Modem Trend ChipAwayVirus on Guard QDI Innovative Technology BootEasy, RecoveryEasy, BIOS-ProtectEasy, ManageEasy, LogoEasy System Health Monitoring CPU temperature, System temperature, CPU fan speed Chassis fan speed, 5 System Voltages Board Size ATX: 305X230mm
Force Fin Pro
Profi plutvy, velkost L. Neskutocny komfort - minimalizuju krce, vysoka obratnost vo vode a umoznuju aj chodenie na rozdiel od beznych plutiev. Velkost je vhodna skor na mensiu nohu/botku. Combat swimmers and combat divers around the world have found productivity does not have to come at such a high cardiovascular price as other fins demand. Applying common sense, careful engineering and high quality materials, requirements for mission success are exceeded. Force Fins are far more comfortable. Energy is delivered from the fin to extend time in the water without fatigue. Combat swimmers wearing Force Fins experience dramatic extension of in-water operation time with a shorter recovery interval required between immersions. More energy is reserved for operations. What makes Force Fins better than other fins? Toes-free foot pocket reduces cramping and leverages power from strongest kicking muscles. Open toe pocket unique to Force Fin forces the entire leg to do the kicking work. Foot points and flexes with each kick, a mechanic like walking. Muscle fatigue and cramping is significantly reduced. Small, snappy, effective blade is perfect size, shape and configuration for turbulent free, lessening sound signature, while fast movement of water. Force Fin blade is optimized for maximum surface area contact with the water, matching propulsion of fins twice its size. Up-curved wing tips combined with high performance polyurethane material for highest rebound, or SNAP, results in lower surface air consumption rate (SAC), or better efficiency and directional control of water for optimum thrust. Force Fins move more water, generating more thrust on the recovery than one can generate from kicking any other fin up and down. Force Fin is easier to negotiate in cramped interior spaces, such as helo, small boat, SDV or during submerged craft penetrations. Upcurved-fin tips are easier to walk on docks, for rocky shore entries and on shipboard. This unique design feature also provides for less impact force flet on the diver’s ankles when deploying from helicopters and large ship gunwales.
Dell 5350dn laser printer
Ponukam novu, profesionalnu, nikdy nepouzivanu laserovu tlaciaren Dell 5350dn v originalnom baleni. Product description Networked monochrome laser printer offering high performance, robust reliability and a wide variety of expandability options in a single function printer. Printer specifications Print speed Up to 50 ppm letter (actual print speed will vary with use) First page out time From ready state As fast as 7.5 seconds Print resolution 600 x 600 dpi (printer default), 1200 dpi Image Quality (driver default), maximum 1200 x 1200 dpi, 2400 dpi Image Quality User interface 4-line backlit LCD, one two-toned LED (green, red) and a 20-button keypad Data streams PCL® 5e Emulation, PCL 6 Emulation, HTML, Personal Printer Data Stream (PPDS), XPS and PostScript® Level 3 Emulation, PDF 1.6, Direct Image Processor 500 MHz Memory (RAM) 128 MB standard, 640 MB maximum using optional 512 MB memory module Memory expansion One DIMM slot available for optional 128 MB, 256 MB, or 512 MB memory module Maximum duty cycle Up to 225,000 pages per month Recommended duty cycle 3,000 - 30,000 pages per month Paper handling Standard input sources 550-sheet covered tray and 100-sheet multipurpose tray Additional input capacity Up to 3 x optional 550-sheet tray + 2,000-sheet high-capacity feeder Maximum input capacity 4,300 sheets Duplex unit Automatic duplex unit (print both sides) Standard output destination 350-sheet bin Maximum output capacity: 2,750 sheets (350-sheet tray + 1 optional 550-sheet output expander + 1,850 sheet output stacker) Envelope feeder Up to 85 envelopes Supported media types, sizes and paper weights Media types supported Card stock, envelopes (smooth), paper labels, plain paper, transparencies, bond, letterhead, preprinted, colored paper, custom, light/heavy, rough/cotton, recycled Media size and weight Media and size: A4, A5, A6, JIS B5, letter, legal, executive, folio, statement, universal, B5/C5/DL envelope, 7 3/4 envelope (Monarch), 9 & 10 envelope, Oficio (Mexico). Paper: 16 - 36 lb; Cardstock: 36 - 43 lb; Envelopes: 16 - 28 lb Printable area Within 0.167 inches of all edges of the media Connectivity Standard interfaces Standard Ethernet 10/100 Base T, one rear standard USB-B (high-speed) device port, one front full speed USB-A host port, one available internal solution port. (cables not included) Print languages and fonts PC® 5e Emulation, PCL 6 Emulation, HTML, Personal Printer Data Stream (PPDS), XPS and PostScript® Level 3 Emulation, PDF 1.6, DirectImage 3 of 9 scalable PCL 5e fonts in Narrow, Regular and Wide, 158 scalable PostScript fonts, 2 PCL bitmap fonts, 39 scalable PPDS fonts, 5 PPDS bitmap fonts, 84 scalable PCL fonts, OCR-A, OCR-B scalable PCL 5e fonts Operating Systems (OS) support Microsoft® Windows Server® 2008, Microsoft® Windows 2000 Server running Terminal Services with Citrix MetaFra
The Fast and the Furious modely
Na predaj modely od výrobcu hot wheels.Modely z filmu Rýchlo a zbesilo / The Fast and the Furious Nezabalene. Používane. Stav je dobry. Dodge Charger Daytona - Predaný Ice Charger 70 Plymouth Roadrunner 5€/ks +poštovné Pozrite si moje ostatne inzeraty.
Dodge Charger 1970 Fast and Furious 1:43
Dobry den predam Dodge Charger 1970 Fast and Furious 1:43 Cena 17e plus postovne alebo osobny odber Bratislava
RC auta Turbo Racing C71 a C73 RTR 1/76
Predam uplne novu flotilu RC aut Turbo Racing C71 a C73 v mierke 1:76. Rychle a odolne. Toyota Supra Limited edition Fast and Furious ..... 1KS Mazda RX-7 .... 3KS(1KS bez ovladaca) Doba jazdy cca 30min Rychlost nabitia cca 30 min - Lipo 40mAh Moznost nabit auto aj cez ovladac RC Auta len odskusane, nikdy jazdene. 100% stav. Komplet krabica: RC Auto, Dialkove ovladanie,1ks baterie 40mAh,vstava,Kabel usb-C -Mazda RX 7 - Zlta - Komplet krabica -Mazda RX 7 - Zlta - Komplet krabica -Mazda RX 7 - Cervena - Krabicka bez ovladaca -Toytota Supra Limited edition Fast and Furious - Komplet Krabica Plne ovladatelne(dopredu,dozadu,plynuje zatacanie vlavo ci vpravo, ako realne auto) urcene najme na domace zavody. Staci si vyrobit pripadne kupit drahu... Predne a zadne svetla plus zadne sa pri brzdeni zvyraznia.Tiez osvetlenie podvozka.Vsetko sa na regulovat na ovladaci. Komplet cena spolu 170eur povodna cena spolu 320eur Mozem aj zvlast rozpredat: -Mazda RX-7, Zlte, Komplet krabica - 60eur povodne 80eur za kus -Mazda RX-7, Cervena, Bez ovlada - 40eur povodne 60eur -Tyota Supra, Oranzova, Komplet krabica- 80eur povodne 100eur Odber osobny BA Volat ... Moznost poslat, dohoda po tel.
RC auta Turbo Racing C71 a C73 RTR 1/76 4ks
Predam uplne novu flotilu RC aut 4ks Turbo Racing C71 a C73 v mierke 1:76. Rychle a odolne. Toyota Supra Limited edition Fast and Furious ..... 1KS Mazda RX-7 .... 3KS(1KS bez ovladaca) Doba jazdy cca 30min Rychlost nabitia cca 30 min - Lipo 40mAh Moznost nabit auto aj cez ovladac RC Auta len odskusane, nikdy jazdene. 100% stav. Komplet krabica: RC Auto, Dialkove ovladanie,1ks baterie 40mAh,vstava,Kabel usb-C -Mazda RX 7 - Zlta - Komplet krabica -Mazda RX 7 - Zlta - Komplet krabica -Mazda RX 7 - Cervena - Krabicka bez ovladaca -Toytota Supra Limited edition Fast and Furious - Komplet Krabica Plne ovladatelne(dopredu,dozadu,plynuje zatacanie vlavo ci vpravo, ako realne auto) urcene najme na domace zavody. Staci si vyrobit pripadne kupit drahu... Predne a zadne svetla plus zadne sa pri brzdeni zvyraznia.Tiez osvetlenie podvozka.Vsetko sa na regulovat na ovladaci. Komplet cena spolu 170eur povodna cena spolu 320eur Mozem aj zvlast rozpredat: -Mazda RX-7, Zlte, Komplet krabica - 60eur povodne 80eur za kus -Mazda RX-7, Cervena, Bez ovlada - 40eur povodne 60eur -Tyota Supra, Oranzova, Komplet krabica- 80eur povodne 100eur Odber osobny BA Volat ... Moznost poslat, dohoda po tel.
RC auta Turbo Racing C71 a C73 RTR 1/76 4ks
Predam uplne novu flotilu RC aut 4ks Turbo Racing C71 a C73 v mierke 1:76. Rychle a odolne. Toyota Supra Limited edition Fast and Furious ..... 1KS Mazda RX-7 .... 3KS(1KS bez ovladaca) Doba jazdy cca 30min Rychlost nabitia cca 30 min - Lipo 40mAh Moznost nabit auto aj cez ovladac RC Auta len odskusane, nikdy jazdene. 100% stav. Komplet krabica: RC Auto, Dialkove ovladanie,1ks baterie 40mAh,vstava,Kabel usb-C -Mazda RX 7 - Zlta - Komplet krabica -Mazda RX 7 - Zlta - Komplet krabica -Mazda RX 7 - Cervena - Krabicka bez ovladaca -Toytota Supra Limited edition Fast and Furious - Komplet Krabica Plne ovladatelne(dopredu,dozadu,plynuje zatacanie vlavo ci vpravo, ako realne auto) urcene najme na domace zavody. Staci si vyrobit pripadne kupit drahu... Predne a zadne svetla plus zadne sa pri brzdeni zvyraznia.Tiez osvetlenie podvozka.Vsetko sa na regulovat na ovladaci. Komplet cena spolu 170eur povodna cena spolu 320eur Mozem aj zvlast rozpredat: -Mazda RX-7, Zlte, Komplet krabica - 60eur povodne 80eur za kus -Mazda RX-7, Cervena, Bez ovlada - 40eur povodne 60eur -Tyota Supra, Oranzova, Komplet krabica- 80eur povodne 100eur Odber osobny BA Volat ... Moznost poslat, dohoda po tel. Rychle jednanie dohoda ...
Fast and Furious Mazda
Mazda RX 7 ,1:32 , Rýchlo a zbesilo, Dominic Torreto , Fast and Furious nove vo folii Kontakt na mail