fast and furious - strana 15
Počet nájdených inzerátov FAST AND FURIOUS
: 1000 - strana 15

Predám používané fatshark dominator hd3 s pridaným prijímačom od značky furious fpv model trueD. Okuliare boli kupované za 500€ modul s anténami za 200€ a mám aj náhradné batérie s nabíjačkou. Predávam ken ako celok za sumu 350€ , mozna mensia dohoda.. Okuliare sú v skvelom stave a bolo o ne dobre starané. Nie su vypálené pixely a maju super obraz. Sú to profi okuliare určené na freestyle ale lietal som s nimi aj long range.

Cheap trick - Next position please 8e
The NICE feat. Keith Emerson 7e
Olivia Newton John - The Rumour 8e
Bonnie Tyler - Natural Force 8e
Status Quo - Back to Back 9e
Status Quo - Live 15e
WESTBAM - The Mayday Anthem 8e predané
DOUBLE YOU - We All need Love 5e
DOUBLE YOU - We All need Love/Please don´t Go 5e
GRANDMASTER MELLE MEL and the Furious Five - 1984 12e
The Ventures - 20 Rock n Roll Hits 9e
Frank Zappa - Bobby Brown 5e predané
Debbie Harry - Kookoo 7e
Uriah Heep - ...Very Eavy 15e predané
Uriah Heep - Demons and Wizards 15e
The Who - Odds & Sods 15e
Dexys Midnight Runners - TOO-RYE AY 9e
Ian Gillan - Naked Thunder 15e
Pat McGlynn"'s Scotties – Pat McGlynn"'s Scotties (JAP)8e
Kings of the SUN - 1988 8e
Cliff Richard - Always Guaranteed 7e
Jon and Vangelis - The friends of Mr. Cairo 10e
Ringo Starr - Ringo´ s Rotogravure 7e
John Travolta - Sandy 7e
The Shadows - 7e
Ted Nugent-Double Live 8e
SUPERCHART 83 - výber 6e
SKATEBOARD 3- výber (Moby , KLF ...) 12e
Three Dog Night - Captured LIVE at the Forum 7e predané

Talian s 25 ročnými medzinárodnými obchodnými skúsenosťami Vám ponúka možnosť pomôcť a poskytnúť Vám podporu pri Vašich obchodných aktivitách, obchodných stretnutiach, prekladoch zo slovenčiny do taliančiny a naopak z taliančiny do slovenského jazyka.
Ponúkam možnosť naplánovať a zorganizovať pre Vás obchodné stretnutia, prieskum potenciálnych obchodných partnerov alebo špecifický prieskum trhu a iné aktivity podľa dohôd.
Po dohode ponúkam aj možnosť pracovných ciest mimo SR(možnosť aj podpory anglického, českého a čiastočne ruského jazyka).
Nerobim Úradne overené preklady
mail : tmichele1969@
Residente in Slovacchia dal 1997 , con 25 anni di esperienza commerciale a livello Internazionale specializzato soprattutto nei Paesi dell’Est Europa (Rep. Ceca, Slovacchia, altri Paesi) offre l'opportunità di supporto per le vostre attività lavorative sia all’estero sia in Italia riguardanti : incontri di lavoro con partner stranieri, videocall, traduzioni dalla lingua Slovacca alla lingua Italiana e dall’Italiano allo Slovacco.
Offro anche la possibilità di pianificare e organizzare per voi incontri lavorativi direttamente in Slovacchia e altri paesi, ricerche di potenziali partner commerciali o specifiche ricerche di mercato e altre attività collaborative secondo accordi.
I Paesi in cui opero solitamente sono Slovacchia, Rep Ceca, Italia
Previo accordi sono disponibile anche ad effettuare viaggi e trasferimenti
Lingue conosciute :
Italiano Madrelingua
mail : tmichele1969@
Resident in Slovakia since 1997, with 25 years of commercial experience in international contexts specialized especially in Eastern European countries (Czech Republic , Slovakia other countries), offers the opportunity to help and support your work activities both abroad and in Italy concerning : business meetings with foreign partners, videocalls, translations from Slovak into Italian and from Italian to Slovak language.
I also offer the possibility to plan and organize business meetings for you directly in Slovakia, Rep. Czech or other countries, research of potential business partners or specific market research and other collaborative activities according to agreements.
The countries I usually work in are Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Italy
By prior arrangement, I am also available to make trips and transfers
mail : tmichele1969@
Known languages :
Italian Native speaker

Talian s 25 ročnými medzinárodnými obchodnými skúsenosťami Vám ponúka možnosť pomôcť a poskytnúť Vám podporu pri Vašich obchodných aktivitách, obchodných stretnutiach, prekladoch zo slovenčiny do taliančiny a naopak z taliančiny do slovenského jazyka.
Ponúkam možnosť naplánovať a zorganizovať pre Vás obchodné stretnutia, prieskum potenciálnych obchodných partnerov alebo špecifický prieskum trhu a iné aktivity podľa dohôd.
Po dohode ponúkam aj možnosť pracovných ciest mimo SR(možnosť aj podpory anglického, českého a čiastočne ruského jazyka).
Nerobim Úradne overené preklady
mail : tmichele1969@
Residente in Slovacchia dal 1997 , con 25 anni di esperienza commerciale a livello Internazionale specializzato soprattutto nei Paesi dell’Est Europa (Rep. Ceca, Slovacchia, altri Paesi) offre l'opportunità di supporto per le vostre attività lavorative sia all’estero sia in Italia riguardanti : incontri di lavoro con partner stranieri, videocall, traduzioni dalla lingua Slovacca alla lingua Italiana e dall’Italiano allo Slovacco.
Offro anche la possibilità di pianificare e organizzare per voi incontri lavorativi direttamente in Slovacchia e altri paesi, ricerche di potenziali partner commerciali o specifiche ricerche di mercato e altre attività collaborative secondo accordi.
I Paesi in cui opero solitamente sono Slovacchia, Rep Ceca, Italia
Previo accordi sono disponibile anche ad effettuare viaggi e trasferimenti
Lingue conosciute :
Italiano Madrelingua
mail : tmichele1969@
Resident in Slovakia since 1997, with 25 years of commercial experience in international contexts specialized especially in Eastern European countries (Czech Republic , Slovakia other countries), offers the opportunity to help and support your work activities both abroad and in Italy concerning : business meetings with foreign partners, videocalls, translations from Slovak into Italian and from Italian to Slovak language.
I also offer the possibility to plan and organize business meetings for you directly in Slovakia, Rep. Czech or other countries, research of potential business partners or specific market research and other collaborative activities according to agreements.
The countries I usually work in are Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Italy
By prior arrangement, I am also available to make trips and transfers
mail : tmichele1969@
Known languages :
Italian Native speaker

The Cambridge English Course 1 Students Book, Michael Swan and Catherine Walter, Cambridge University Press, SNP 24-02-14/2, ISBN 80-04-55047-9, ISBN 80-0425920-0
The Cambridge English Course 1 Praktice Book, Michael Swan and Catherine Walter, Cambridge University Press, SNP 2312013, ISBN 80-04-26-396-8
The Cambridge English Course 2 Students Book, Michael Swan and Catherine Walter, Cambridge University Press, SNP 2-61-69/1, ISBN 80-04-55035-5, ISBN 80-04-25924-3
The Cambridge English Course 2 Praktice Book, Michael Swan and Catherine Walter, Cambridge University Press, SNP 2-61-70/1, ISBN 80-04-55035-5, ISBN 80-04-25925-1
The Cambridge English Course 3 Students Book, Michael Swan and Catherine Walter, Cambridge University Press, ISBN 0-521-27879-1
The Cambridge English Course 3 Praktice Book, Michael Swan and Catherine Walter, Cambridge University Press, ISBN 0-521-35788-8
cena:dohodou, osobní jednání

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USB port to connect storage drives and printers for sharing
Four internal antennas with 11ac technology to ensure comprehensive home coverage
Remotely view and manage your network over the Internet
Access your network through a mobile app
Mobile Apps
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Predám BMW E90 320d, rok výroby: 2005, motor: M47 120kW, prevodovka: 6st. manuál, 430 000km,
Editions And Packages
S710 M Leather Steering Wheel
Comfort And Interior Equipment
S403 Glass Roof, Electrical
S423 Floor Mats Velours
S428 Warning Triangle And First Aid Kit
S430 Interior/Outside Mirror With Auto Dip
S431 Interior Mirror With Automatic-Dip
S441 Smoker Package
S481 Sports Seat
S493 Storage Compartment Package
S494 Seat Heating Driver/Passenger
S4AD Interior Trim Strips, Brushed Aluminium
S4AE Armrest Front, Retractable
S609 Navigation System Professional
S612 BMW Assist
S620 Voice Control
S633 Preparation, Mobile Phone, Business
S6AA BMW TeleServices
Driver Assistance And Lightning
S502 Headlight Cleaning System
S507 Park Distance Control (PDC), Rear
S520 Fog Lights
S521 Rain Sensor
S522 Xenon Light
S534 Automatic Air Conditioning
S548 Kilometre Speedo
S563 Light Package
Wheels And Drive
S200 Diesel Particulate Filter
S249 Multifunction F Steering Wheel
Environment And Safety
S320 Deleted, Model Lettering
S321 Exterior Parts In Vehicle Colour
S354 Windscreen, Green-Tinted Upper Strip
S801 National Version Germany
S851 Language Version German
S863 Dealer List Europe
S879 On-Board Literature, German
S8SP Control Unit COP
Other Equipment
S1CA Selection Of COP-Relevant Vehicles
SB080 Battery 80 Ah, Plant
Auto vlastním 3,5 roka, za ten čas som menil na aute rozvody, termostaty, vodna pumpa + nová chladiaca, 4ks žhaviče s original riadiacou jednotkou a káblom, separátor oleja, predné+ zadné brzdy, komplet predná aj zadná náprava nová tlmiče+pruziny sachs mpacket, ramena lemforder, nova geometria, hlavná remenica Corteco, napínacia kladka, obidva remene, nova baterka, novo napustená klimatizácia, ccc modul zrepasovany, predné svetlá preleštené, alternator zrepasovany, nový intercooler
Olej som menil po 10 000km, olej Mobil1 5W-30 a filtre Mann,
Viac info telefonicky, možná výmena za E60 530d, 535d
Pri rýchlom serióznom jednaní dohoda na cene

Rhys Thomas - The Unlikely Heroics of Sam Holloway. Je ako nová.
Cena + poštovné. V prípade záujmu ma kontaktujte prosím cez email.
Ponúkam na predaj aj iné knihy - pozrite si moje ďaľšie inzeráty.
Sam Holloway has survived the worst that life can throw at you. But he's not really living. His meticulous routines keep everything nice and safe - with just one exception. Three nights a week, Sam dons his superhero costume and patrols the streets. It makes him feel invincible - but his unlikely heroics are getting him into some sticky situations. Then a girl comes along and starts to shatter the walls Sam has built around himself. Now, he needs to decide if he's brave enough to take off the mask, and to confront the grief he's been avoiding for so long. Hilarious and heart-warming, this is a story about grief, loneliness, and the life-changing power of kindness.

Set in the aftermath of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, this action-packed prequel to the hotly anticipated videogame Battlefront II introduces the Empire's elite force: Inferno Squad. After the humiliating theft of the Death Star plans and the destruction of the battle station, the Empire is on the defensive. But not for long. In retaliation, the elite Imperial soldiers of Inferno Squad have been called in for the crucial mission of infiltrating and eliminating the Partisans-the rebel faction once led by notorious Republic freedom fighter Saw Gerrera. Following the death of their leader, the Partisans have carried on his extremist legacy, determined to thwart the Empire-no matter the cost. Now Inferno Squad must prove its status as the best of the best and take down the Partisans from within. But the growing threat of being discovered in their enemy's midst turns an already dangerous operation into a do-or-die acid test they dare not fail. To protect and preserve the Empire, to what lengths will Inferno Squad go . . . and how far beyond them?The Rebellion may have heroes like Jyn Erso and Luke Skywalker. But the Empire has Inferno Squad.
Jazyk - Anglický, v nepoškodenom stave :)

Na predaj publikácia Family and Social Change in Socialist and Post-Socialist Societies, Change and continuity in Eastern Europe and East Asia - Zsombor Rajkai, BRILL, 2014. Publikácia celá v anglickom jazyku, vynikajúci stav, nepoškodená, je veľmi dobrým zdrojom napr. pri záverečných prácach (plná grafov a štatistík). Cena: 10 eur. Osobný odber v Košiciach, v prípade odoslania cena 10 eur + poštovné. V prípade záujmu volajte alebo píšte mail.

Sprievodca Prahou úplně nová, perfektní velikost právě do ruky 22x13cm pro procházku, 610 fotografii, mapa, 65 ilustrácií s histórií, ukazuje největší zaujímavosti, top restaurace, obchody, zábava, v angličtině, 272 strán. 2ks k dispozici. Nová v obchodě v ČR cca 16eur.
Dodanie: tovar mám v Prahe, takže v Poprade alebo trasa Praha-Poprad 1xmesačne alebo pošta/zasielkovna/dobierka z ČR kedykoľvek (2eur plus záloha poštovné na účet pred zasláním).
Handbook Eyewitness Prague travel guide
New, not used, perfect size 22x13cm to hand while walking, 610 pictures, map, 65 illustrations with history, top interesting recommended places to visit, restaurants, shops, entertainment, in Enlish, 272 pages. 4pcs available. This guide presents the best things to do in Prague - from crossing the beautiful Charles Bridge at dawn to sampling superb Czech beers - are showcased with fantastic photography, unique illustrations and detailed descriptions. Soak up the history of the Little Quarter, its buildings almost unchanged since the 18th century, discover majestic churches and cathedrals, the atmospheric Jewish Quarter, and colourful Golden Lane. DK Eyewitness Travels reviews of shops, restaurants and hotels in Prague - along with detailed maps and great ideas for walks and itineraries - will help you plan your perfect trip. Price in shop in ČR 15eur.
Delivery: book in Prague, so in a way Prague to Poprad or in Poprad 1x/month. Then in Prague or post/zasielkovna/payment when pick up (2eur plus post costs, payment in advance).

Predám knihy Harry Potter všetkých 7 dielov po anglicky. Knihy boli čítané, ale stále sú v zachovanom dobrom stave. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix som už v takom stave od niekoho odkúpila. Posielam cez poštu alebo Zásielkovňu. V cenách nie je zahrnuté poštovné. Platba iba vopred prevodom na účet. V prípade záujmu ma kontaktujte na email.
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban - 8€
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire - 9,50€
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix - 7€
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince - 10€
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - 10€

Predam anglicku beletriu, hlavne young-adult. Vsetky knizky su vo vybornom stave, niektore uplne nove. K cene treba priratat este postovne, popripade mozny osobny odber v Bratislave.
Sarah J Maas - Court of Thorns and Roses - PREDANA
Sarah J Maas - Court of Mist and Fury - PREDANA
Sarah J Maas - Court of Wings and Ruin - PREDANA
Rainbow Rowell - Wayward Son - 6.5€ (pevna vazba)
Rosamund Hodge - Cruel Beauty - 3.5€ (pevna vazba)
Ellie Marney - Every Breath - 3.5€ (pevna vazba)
Kresley Cole - Poison Princess - 3.5€ (pevna vazba)
Michelle Hodkin - Unbecoming of Mara Dyer - 3.5€ (pevna vazba)
Sarah Rees Brennan - Unspoken - 3.5€ (pevna vazba)
Stephanie Perkins - Anna and the French Kiss - 3€
Stephanie Perkins - Lola and the Boy Next Door - 3.5€
Stephanie Perkins - Isla and the Happily Ever After - 3.5€
Simone Elkeles - Chain Reaction - 4.5€ (pevna vazba)
Tammara Webber - Easy - 3.5€
Katie McGarry - Pushing the Limits - 3€
Katie McGarry - Dare You To - 3€
Katie McGarry - Crash into you - 6€ (pevn vazba)
Katie McGarry - Take me on - 6€ (pevn vazba)
Moira Young - Blood Red Road - 3.5€
Moira Young - Rebel Heart - 3.5€
Kerstin Gier - Ruby Red - 5€ (pevna vazba)
Kerstin Gier - Sapphire Blue - 5€ (pevna vazba)
Kerstin Gier - Emerald Green - 5€ (pevna vazba)
Kerstin Gier - Dream a Little Dream - 5€ (pevna vazba)
Richelle Mead - Bloodlines - 5€ (pevna vazba)
Richelle Mead - Golden Lily - 5€ (pevna vazba)
Richelle Mead - Indigo Spell - 5€ (pevna vazba)
Richelle Mead - Fiery Heart - 5€ (pevna vazba)
Anne Bishop - Written in Red - 7.5€ (pevna vazba)
Anne Bishop - Murder of Crows - 7.5€ (pevna vazba)
Diana Gabaldon - Outlander - 9€ (pevna vazba)

Predám tieto šelakové platne:
1A/ SOLVEJGINA PÍSEŇ -Edv. Grieg, J. Venclu se svými sólisty, ULTRAPHON, 25 cm
1B/ CO VE MNĚ TO ZNÍ /píseň/ -F. Chopin, J. Venclu se svými sólisty, ULTRAPHON, 25 cm
2A/ LA PALOMA /Canción/ - S. de Yradier, Canta ROSITA SERRANO conacompaňo de orquesta, ULTRAPHON, 25 cm
2B/ CARMENCITA LA GITANA /Bolero/ - R. Serrano – del Campo, Canta ROSITA SERRANO conacompaňo de orquesta, ULTRAPHON, 25 cm
4A/ MARITA /Samba/ - Paul Misraki,arr. M. Ducháč a V. Hála, zpívají R. Cortés a Allanovy sestry, Karel Vlach se svým orchestrem, SUPRAPHON, 25 cm
4B/ BRAZIL /Samba/ - Ary Barroso, arr. M. Ducháč a V. Hála, Karel Vlach se svým orchestrem, SUPRAPHON, 25 cm
5A/ U NÁS DOMA /píseň ze hry „Divotvorný hrnec/ - hudba Burton Lane, slova V+W, zpívá Soňa Červená a V. Trégl, Karel Vlach se svým orchestrem, SUPRAPHON, 25 cm
5B/ KDYŽ Z CHUDÁKA SE STANE BOHÁČ – /píseň ze hry „Divotvorný hrnec/ - hudba Burton Lane, slova V+W, zpívá Ljuba Hermanová a sbor, Karel Vlach se svým orchestrem, SUPRAPHON, 25 cm
6B/ CARIOCA – Youmans, SUPRAPHON, 25 cm
7A/ LAMENTO ARGENTINO /Argentinská elegie, Argentinské tango/ - Cesare Menikoni, Taneční orchestr Ferdinand Petra, ESTA, 25 cm
7B/ BOCA DE ROSA /Kytice ruží, argentínské tango/ - Julio Blanco, Taneční orchestr Ferdinand Petra, ESTA, 25 cm
8A/ AMIKOR POLKÁT JÁR A NAGYAPÓ– Zoltán Szerdahelyi, slová Iván Szenes, spieva Ján Csík, rytmická skupina Štefana Bugu, SUPRAPHON, 25 cm
8B/ MÉZESKALÁCS SZIVET – Julia Majláth, slová BélaNádas, spieva Ján Csík, rytmická skupina Štefana Bugu, SUPRAPHON, 25 cm
9A/ HVĚZDA Z RIA /tango a serenáda ze stejnojmenného filmu/ - Willy Engel - Berger, J. Venclu se svými sólisty, ULTRAPHON, 25 cm
9B/ KDYŽ ODEJDE LÁSKA /serenáda/ - G. Boulanger, J. Venclu se svými sólisty, ULTRAPHON, 25 cm
10A/ LONG AGO AND FAR AWAY /slow foxtrot, from „CoverGirl“/ - Jerome Kern - Ira Gershwin, arr. M. Ducháč, vocal chorus by V. Irmanov and Allan-Quartet, K. Vlach and his orchestra, SUPRAPHON, 25 cm
10B/ SWEET AND LOVELY/slow foxtrot, from „Twogirls and a Sailor“/ - Arnheim – Tobias - Lemare, arr. K. Krautgartner, vocal by V. Irmanov, K. Vlach and his orchestra, SUPRAPHON, 25 cm
11A/ FILMOVÁ SYMFONIE I.díl – Jubilejní směs světových melodií Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, R. A. Dvorský a jeho symfonický jazz-orchestr, ULTRAPHON, 25 cm
11B/ FILMOVÁ SYMFONIE II.díl – Jubilejní směs světových melodií Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, R. A. Dvorský a jeho symfonický jazz-orchestr, ULTRAPHON, 25 cm
12A/ A FINE ROMANCE /A sarcastic Love song from the film „Swing time“/– Kern-Fields, Greta Kellerwith orchestra, SUPRAPHON, 25 cm
12B/ PENNIES FROM HEAVEN – Johnston – Burke, Greta Kellerwith orchestra, SUPRAPHON, 25 cm
14A/ SIBONEY – Ennesto Lecuona, SUPRAPHON, 25 cm
14B/ MAMA INEZ– Gilbert Grener, SUPRAPHON, 25 cm
Na dobierku neposielam a na SMS nereagujem. Len pre vážnych záujemcov.

Smart TV Android TV 4K Thomson 43"
Má len 7 mesiacov. Predávam ho, pretože odchádzam z krajiny. Dodáva sa so všetkým originálnym balením a materiálmi, vrátane originálnej faktúry!
Ide o Android TV s rozlíšením 4K (Ultra HD) a HDR.
Dokáže inštalovať aplikácie z Playstore, má už NetFlix a Youtube a ešte oveľa viac.
Dokáže čítať videá a iné médiá aj z USB ako počítač.
= 220 EUR, alebo najlepšia ponuka.
Vyzdvihnutie v Bratislave, blízko Patrónskeho Pivovaru.
Pre priamu a rýchlejšiu komunikáciu ma prosím kontaktujte.
Požiadajte ma o môj úplný zoznam položiek na !
Smart TV Android TV 4K Thomson 43"
Only 7 months old. I sell it because I am leaving the country. It comes with all original package and materials, including the original invoice!
It is Android TV, with 4K (Ultra HD) resolution and HDR.
It can install applications from Playstore, it has already NetFlix and Youtube and much more inside.
It can read videos and other media also from USB like a computer.
= 220 EUR, or best offer.
Pick up in Bratislava, close to Patronsky Pivovar.
Please get in touch with me for direct and faster communication.
Ask me for my complete list of items on !

Predam novu knihu Sophie Kinsella - The Tennis Party
It was Patrick's idea that they should have the tennis party. After all, he has the perfect setting - the White House, bought out of his bonuses as an investment banker. He hasn't actually told Caroline, his brash and beautiful wife, what the real reason for the party is.
She is glad to welcome Stephen and Annie, their impoverished former neighbours, less glad to see newly wealthy Charles and his aristocratic wife Cressida, and barely able to tolerate the deadly competitive Don and Valerie. But as the first ball is served over the net it signals the start of two days of tempers, shocks, revelations, the arrival of an uninvited guest, and the realization that the weekend is about anything but tennis.

Ponúkame na prenájom štvorpodlažnú, vysoko nadštandardnú novú budovu s kancelárskymi priestormi v širšom centre mesta o celkovej výmere 1309 m2. Výmery jednotlivých podlaží sú nasledovné:
1. podlažie 218 m2
2. podlažie 363 m2
3. podlažie 364 m2
4. podlažie 364 m2
Každé podlažie tvorí ucelený priestor v ktorom sú dve veľkoplošné kancelárie, na ktoré nadväzujú menšie samostatné kancelárie, samostatná rokovacia miestnosť, miestnosť na prípadný server, kuchynka, toalety a sklady. Všetky kancelárie okrem prízemia sú klimatizované, okná majú vonkajšie aj vnútorné žalúzie, v kanceláriách v podlahe je predpríprava na sieťové pripojenie intranetu a telefónu z ústredne (možnosť napojenia na optické vedenie Telekom). Orientácia kancelárií je východ - západ. Na každé podlažie sa dostanete výťahom aj schodiskom. Všetky priestory v budove sú BEZBARIÉROVÉ. Priestory sú vhodné najmä pre činnosť administratívnu, projektovú (ako ateliéry), ale taktiež pre iné voľnočasové aktivity (fitko a pod.), prípadne terapeutické centrum. Je to priestor taktiež vhodný pre expandujúcu slovenskú, alebo zahraničnú spoločnosť, ako centrála, alebo jej filiálka. K budove patria 3 miesta v garáži, prístrešok pre 8 áut a 16 parkovacích miest. Objekt je napojený na pult centrálnej ochrany. Odporúčam!
English version:
We offer for rent a four-story, high-standard building with office space in the wider city center with a total area of ??1309 m2. The dimensions of the individual floors are as follows:
1st floor 218 m2
2nd floor 363 m2
3rd floor 364 m2
4th floor 364 m2
Each floor forms a complete space in which there are two large-scale offices, which are followed by smaller separate offices, a separate meeting room, a room for a possible server, a kitchenette, toilets and warehouses. All offices except the ground floor are air-conditioned, the windows have external and internal blinds, in the offices on the floor there is preparation for network connection of the intranet and telephone from the switchboard (possibility of connection to the Telekom optical line). The orientation of the offices is east - west. Each floor can be reached by elevator and stairs. All spaces in the building are BARRIER-FREE. The premises are particularly suitable for administrative and project activities (such as studios), but also for other leisure activities (fitness, etc.), or a therapeutic center. It is a space also suitable for an expanding Slovak or foreign company, as a headquarters or its branch. The building includes 3 spaces in the garage, a carport for 8 cars and 16 parking spaces. The object is connected to the central protection desk. I recommend!
Energetická trieda B. Bližšie informácie Vám radi poskytneme na telefónnom čísle alebo na ID ponuky: PO-60100
U NÁS MÁTE ISTOTU: --------------------------------------------------------

Charles Martin - The Mountain Between Us. Je ako nová.
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Mám na predaj aj iné knihy - pozrite si moje ďaľšie inzeráty.
What if your life depended on a stranger? On a stormy winter night, two strangers wait for a flight at the Salt Lake City airport. Ashley Knox is an attractive, successful writer, who is flying East for her much anticipated wedding. Dr Ben Payne has just wrapped up a medical conference and is also eager to return home. When the last outgoing flight is cancelled due to a forthcoming storm, Ben finds a charter plane that can take him around the weather front. And when the pilot says the single engine prop plane can fit one more, Ben offers the seat to Ashley. Then the unthinkable happens and the plane crashes into the High Uintas Wilderness - one of the largest stretches of harsh and remote land in the United States. Ben, who has broken ribs, and Ashley, who suffers a terrible leg fracture, along with the pilot's dog, are faced with a battle to survive. How will they make it out of the wilderness and if they do, will they ever be the same again?

John Green - Paper Towns
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Mám na predaj aj iné knihy - pozrite si moje ďaľšie inzeráty.
Quentin has always loved Margo Roth Spiegelman, for Margo (and her adventures) are the stuff of legend at their high school. So when she one day climbs through his window and summons him on an all-night road trip of revenge he cannot help but follow. But the next day Margo doesn't come to school and a week later she is still missing. Q soon learns that there are clues in her disappearance... and they are for him. But as he gets deeper into the mystery - culminating in another awesome road trip across America - he becomes less sure of who and what he is looking for. Masterfully written by John Green, this is a thoughtful, insightful and hilarious coming-of-age story.

Predávam hodinky Garmin vivomove luxe 3 nosene menej ako mesiac. V skvelom stave, nosené s ochrannou fóliou na display.
S krabicou, nabijackou originál kožený remienok, predávam aj s remienkom z chirurgického ocele.
A náhradné fólie na display.
V prípade otázok ma neváhajte kontaktovať.
Hidden Display
The display only appears when you need it. Interact with the touchscreen, and the hands dynamically move away.
Smart Notifications
Receive emails, texts and alerts right on your watch, when paired with a compatible smartphone.
Fitness Tracking
See your daily steps, floors climbed, intensity minutes and more.
Body Battery
Track your body’s energy levels so you can find the best times for activity and rest.
Stress Tracking
Stress tracking can tell if you’re having a calm, balanced or stressful day. Relax reminders will even prompt you to do a short breathing activity.
Heart Rate
Estimated wrist-based heart rate constantly samples your heart rate and will alert you if it stays high while you’re at rest. It also helps gauge how hard you work during activities.
Hydration Tracking
Log your daily water intake as a reminder to stay hydrated.
Sleep Tracking
Get a full picture of how you’re sleeping with a breakdown of your light, deep and REM sleep stages, as well as Pulse Ox.