fear of god - strana 43
Počet nájdených inzerátov FEAR OF GOD
: 1000 - strana 43

Všetky komiksy sú v anglickom jazyku.
Omnibus The Punisher (nerozbaleny) - PREDANE
CGC 9.8 Spider-Man #1 Silver Edition - PREDANE
CGC 9.8 Deadpool Kills The Marvel Universe Again #1 - PREDANE
CGC 9.6 Wolverine: The End #1 Wizard World 2003 Con Edition - PREDANE
X-Men Grand Design 1 a 2 - 10€
Deadpool vs Old Man Logan 1-5 - 15€
Batman Black and White 1-6 - 18€
Batman Catwoman 1-6 - 18€
Wolverine 1-10 - 30€
Wolverine Black, White & Blood 1-4 - 16€
Spider-Man Noir 1-5 - 15€
Giant Size X-Men Nightcrawler - 5€
The Immortal Hulk The Trashing Place - 5€
X-Men God Loves, Man Kills 1-2 - 8€
Pri kúpe viac komiksov, možná dohoda na cene. Osobne alebo cez Packetu.

Mám na predaj tieto hry, možný len osobný odber Nitra, v prípade záujmu kontaktujte na
Rainbow six siege-10€
Marvel spider man-20€
Crash Bandicoot N.Sane trilogy-25€
God of war-8€
Cod BO4-predané
Pri odbere všetkych hier je cena 69€ (celková cena 78€)

Predam hry
na playstation 4:
God of War PS4 10 eur
Na xbox one
Star wars battlefront 2 10eur
Assassins creed odyssey 12 eur
Osobny odber Nova Baňa
Alebo poštou posielam az po zaplateni postovneho . Ked zaplatite vopred za hry tak je potom lacnejsie postovne.

Predám hry na PS4
Hry sú plne funkčné.Pošlem aj na dobierku.

Zdravím, predám tieto hry na ps5/ps4
The Last of Us Part 1 PS5 - 42e PREDANÉ
Nioh Collection - 20e PREDANÉ
Watch Dogs Legion (Zdarma upgrade na PS5) - 16e
Immortals Fenyx Rising (Zdarma upgrade na PS5) - 15e PREDANÉ
God of War 3 Remastered - 10e PREDANÉ
Osobný odber v Nitre ( v rámci okolia viem priviesť) alebo na dobierku (+3e)
V prípade otázok kľudne volať/sms

nové, nepoužívané, limitované vydania v skvelom stave
Lady Gaga - Chromatica RSD 2021 Yellow Tri Fold Vinyl
Princess Chelsea - Everything Is Going To Be Alright - Yellow Vinyl - 30€
Allie X - Cape God Tour Set - Signed Mint Green Vinyl, Signed Lanyard, Signed Print -100€
Allie X - CollXtion 1+2 Deluxe Double Vinyl Signed - 120€
kontakt - ivyff45@

Predavam notebook Asus TUF Gaming ...použivani rok a pol je v stave ako novy az na zošuchane tlačitka W A SHIFT ide bez chyby je v ňom AMD Ryzen 5 3550H with Radeon Vega mobile Gfx 2.10Ghz RAM: 8 GB Windovs 10 Grafika: Radeon RX 560X Pohode ušlape hry ako Gta 5,God of War,Star Wars Jedi fallen order,CS:GO atd dvovod predaja nemam čas teraz na hranie cena je pevna

▲ reymark@
Ponúkam na predaj hry na hernú konzolu Playstation 2
50 Cent: Bulletproof 7€
Athens 2004 4€
Buzz!: The Mega Quiz 4€
Charlie's Angels 4€
Championship Manager 2006 2€
CSI: 3 Dimensions of Murder 3€
Def Jam Fight For NY 70€
Dropship United Peace Force 6€
Deux Ex 15€
Disney Cars 14€
Dinosaur Adventure 8€
FIFA 07 2€
FIFA 08 3€
FIFA 09 3€
F1 05 5€
GTA San Andreas 20€
GUN 7€
God of War 2 25€
Guitar Hero: World Tour 6€
Hardware: Online Arena 2€
Hitman Contracts 7€
Hitman 2 Silent Assassin 12€
Jak X 15€
Jak and Dexter 40€
Kingdom Hearts 20€
Killzone 5€
LEGO Star Wars 2 The Original Trilogy 12€
Midnight Club 3: DUB Edition Remix 10€
Narnia: The Chronicles of The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe 5€
OPS2M Demo (Playstation 2 Magazine) 5€
Runabout 3 (New York) 6€
Power Rangers Super Legends 5€
Pro Evolution Soccer 4 2€
Peter Jackson's King Kong 6€
Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy 5€
Prince of Persia The Two Thrones 4€
Prince of Persia Warrior Within 5€
Playstation2 Greatest hits Volume 7 2€
Rugby 2008 2€
Ratchet and Clank (zabalená) 110€
Ratchet and Clank 3 (zabalená) 110€
Robot Warlords 5€
Sled Storm 3€
Sky Surfer 3€
Star Wars Battlefront 7€
Star Wars Starfighter 7€
Shrek The Third 12€
True Crime New York City 12€
The Getaway: Black Monday 8€
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Chaos Theory 5€
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell 5€
Tom Clancy´s Rainbow Six 3 5€
Tom Clancy´s Ghost Recon 2 5€
The Lord of The Rings: The Return of The King 16€
The Incredibles 16€
Transformers 7€
Tekken 5 12€
This is Football 2003 3€
This is Football 2005 3€
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2004 2€
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 06 3€
Tottenham Hotspur Club Football 2005 2€
World Poker Tour 2€
World Championship Snooker 2002 2€
Wipeout Fusion 7€
WRC 4 8€
XG3: Extreme-G Racing 4€
Pri rýchlom jednaní možná dohoda na cene.
*Cena je platná pri osobnom stretnutí.
Pri odbere cez poštu sa cena navýši o poštovne a balné.
▲ reymark@

Predám alebo vymením tieto hry na PS4
Horizon forbidden west + sleeve - 30€ - rezervovane
Horizon Zero dawn - 5€
Ghost of Tsushima + sleeve - rezervovane
Guardians of the Galaxy - 25€
Batman - 10€
Watch dogs legion - 12€
God of war 3 - 10€ (nie je na foto) - rezervovane
Cena spolu 100€ za všetko.
Na výmenu hľadám hry ako AC syndicate, AC Valhalla, far cry 6, lego star wars the skywalker sága, far cry news dawn, fitingy light 2, outlast Trinity, prípadne navrhnite iné okrem športových.
Len osobný odber Poprad

▲ reymark@
Ponúkam na predaj hernú konzolu Playstation 2 + joysticky + hry
Playstation 2 (s kompletnou kabelážou a pamäťovou kartou) = 60€
Ovládač = 15€ / ks
50 Cent: Bulletproof 7€
Athens 2004 4€
Buzz!: The Mega Quiz 4€
Charlie's Angels 4€
Championship Manager 2006 2€
CSI: 3 Dimensions of Murder 3€
Def Jam Fight For NY 70€
Dropship United Peace Force 6€
Deux Ex 15€
Disney Cars 14€
Dinosaur Adventure 8€
FIFA 07 2€
FIFA 08 3€
FIFA 09 3€
F1 05 5€
GTA San Andreas 20€
GUN 7€
God of War 2 25€
Guitar Hero: World Tour 6€
Hardware: Online Arena 2€
Hitman Contracts 7€
Hitman 2 Silent Assassin 12€
Jak X 15€
Jak and Dexter 40€
Kingdom Hearts 20€
Killzone 5€
LEGO Star Wars 2 The Original Trilogy 12€
Midnight Club 3: DUB Edition Remix 10€
Narnia: The Chronicles of The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe 5€
OPS2M Demo (Playstation 2 Magazine) 5€
Runabout 3 (New York) 6€
Power Rangers Super Legends 5€
Pro Evolution Soccer 4 2€
Peter Jackson's King Kong 6€
Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy 5€
Prince of Persia The Two Thrones 4€
Prince of Persia Warrior Within 5€
Playstation2 Greatest hits Volume 7 2€
Rugby 2008 2€
Ratchet and Clank (zabalená) 110€
Ratchet and Clank 3 (zabalená) 110€
Robot Warlords 5€
Sled Storm 3€
Sky Surfer 3€
Star Wars Battlefront 7€
Star Wars Starfighter 7€
Shrek The Third 12€
True Crime New York City 12€
The Getaway: Black Monday 8€
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Chaos Theory 5€
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell 5€
Tom Clancy´s Rainbow Six 3 5€
Tom Clancy´s Ghost Recon 2 5€
The Lord of The Rings: The Return of The King 16€
The Incredibles 16€
Transformers 7€
Tekken 5 12€
This is Football 2003 3€
This is Football 2005 3€
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2004 2€
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 06 3€
Tottenham Hotspur Club Football 2005 2€
World Poker Tour 2€
World Championship Snooker 2002 2€
Wipeout Fusion 7€
WRC 4 8€
XG3: Extreme-G Racing 4€
Pri rýchlom jednaní možná dohoda na cene.
*Cena je platná pri osobnom stretnutí.
Pri odbere cez poštu sa cena navýši o poštovne a balné.
▲ reymark@

Počítač zvládá najnovšie hry v 4k rozlíšení na 60fps a viac. Odskúšané na Battlefield 2042, God of War, GTA V, CoD warzone, CS:GO 300fps,
Základná doska tuf gaming B550-plus
Procesor AMD ryzen 5 5500 6-jadro 3,8Ghz
Grafická karta Asus RTX 3060
SSD- 1TB, 240GB

Caravan -"For girls who grow plumb in the night……." 45:48 1973 Deram 820 971-2 350Kč
Casanova-"One night stand" 47:04 1992 WEA 4509-90681-2 400Kč
Cathedral -"Cosmic requiem"43:02 1994 Columbia CK 64326 350Kč
Cathedral-"Forest of equilibrium"54:12 1991 Earache MOSH 43 CD 350Kč
Cathedral-"Soul sacrifice" 24:48 1992 Earache - Columbia CK 53149 300Kč
Cathedral-"The garden of unearlbly delights" 70.51 2005 Nuclear Blast NB 1199-0 300Kč
Cathedral -"The ethereal mirror"54:33 1993 Earache MOSH 77 CD 300Kč
C.C.Catch -"Catch the catch"40:54 1986 Hansa 257 707-222 650Kč
Centaur -"God complex" 45:40 1998 B.O.Records 0073772 B.O. 250Kč
Centaur -"……perception………."49:14 1995 IRS / Zardoz Music9611 /R 300Kč
Cinderella-"Heartbreak station" 53:42 1990 Vertigo 848 018-2 250Kč
Cinderella -"Long cold winter" 44:15 1988 Mercury 834 612-2 300Kč
Cinderella -"Night songs" 36:12 1986 Mercury 830 076-2 M-1 350Kč
Circle II. Circle -"Watching in silence" 45:54 2003 AFM Records AFM 065-2 250Kč
Cirith Ungol -"King of the dead / Frost and fire" 76:52 1981/4 Reborn Classics RC 1003 600Kč
Cirith Ungol -"One foot in hell" 35:35 1986 Metal Blade 3984-14203-2 300Kč
City -"Am fenster" 72:26 1997 BMG - Amiga 7432 1 51688 2 300Kč

Luxuria -"Beast box" 51:25 1990 Beggars Banquet 2233-2-H 250Kč
Lynyrd Skynyrd -"Pronounced le'h-nerd skin-ne'rd" 43:04 1973 MCA MCAD-1685 250Kč
Lynyrd Skynyrd -"Second helping" 37:15 1974 MCA 251 689-2 YG 250Kč
Lynyrd Skynyrd -"Nuthin´ fancy" 37:27 1975 MCA 250 443-2 250Kč
Lynyrd Skynyrd -"One more /for/ from the road"71:16 1977 MCA MCAD-6897 300Kč
Lynyrd Skynyrd -"Street survivors" 35:48 1977 MCA MCAD-1687 250Kč
Lynyrd Skynyrd -"Lynyrd´s skynyrd´s first and…….last" 36:56 1978 MCA 2292-51689-2 250Kč
Lynyrd Skynyrd -"1991" 51:51 1991 Atlantic 7 82258-2 250Kč
Lynyrd Skynyrd -"Twenty" 55:42 1997 CBH SPV 085-44932 250Kč
Lynyrd Skynyrd-"Edge of forever"54:39 1999 SPV-CBH SPV 085-29642 CD 250Kč
Loud Crowd-"Loud crowd" 39:25 1992 ASK LCD-4863 nabídněte min.800(nikde se nenabízí)
Loudness-"Devil soldier"37:12 1982 Denon COCA-11084 (chybí přední booklet - Japan press) 400Kč
Loudness -"On the prowl" 51:16 1991 ATCO 7 91637-2 350Kč
Love / Hate -"Wasted in America" 44:12 1992 Columbia 469453 2 250Kč
Love / Hate-"Black out in the red room" 40:45 1990 Columbia CK 45263 250Kč
Love / Hate-"Let' s rumble" 36:37 1994 Caliber 69052-1005-2 250Kč
Luca Turilli -"Prophet of the last eclipse" 61:15 2002 Limb Music LMP 0210-045 Ltd.CD 300Kč
Lucie -"Dobrá koczka která nemlká" 47:33 2002 B&M Music 018 311-2 200Kč
Lucifer Was-"In anadi´s bower" 52:26 2000 Record Heaven RH CD 26 400Kč
Lullacry-"Be my god" 43:05 2001 Century Media CM 77391-2 250Kč
Lullacry-"Crucify my heart" 43:17 2003 Century Media 77491-2 250Kč
Lou Gramm -"Ready or not"40:40 1987 Atlantic 7 81728-2 250Kč
Lou Gramm -"Long hard look" 45:26 1989 Atlantic 7 81915-2 250Kč
Lost Horizon-"Awakening the worl" 43:27 2001 Music For Nations CDMFN 261 300Kč

PS4 PS5 HRY Playstation hry
Super Kickers League (nova nepoužita) - 15e
Trollhunters (nova nepoužita) - 17e
World of Warriors (nova nepoužita) - 14e
Dragons (Ako vycvičiť draka) - 20e
Velocity - 7e
Journey To The Savage Planet - 12e
Ary secret of seasons - 14e
Sakuna Of Rice and Ruin - 10e
The Sims 4 - 14e
Ty Tasmanian tiger - 16e
Unbox Newbies Adventure - 12e
Mega man 11 - 16e
Rime - 12e
Overcooked 2 - 14e
FIFA 16 (CZ) - 3e
Spike Volleyball Volejbal - 17e
Madden 17 - 10e
Tour de France 2018 - 9e
Tour de France 2019 - 13e
Tour de France 2021 (ps5) - 17e
Steep - 9e
Nascar HEAT 4 - 18e
Alpine Simulation (nova nepoužita) - 13e
WWE Battlegrounds - 12e
DIRT Rally 2.0 Day 1 - 15e
Moto GP 20 - 22e
NHL 17 CZ - 8e
F1 Formula 2017 (nova zabalena) - 12e
F1 2018 Headline ed. steelbook - 20e
Tom clancys Division limit edit (CZ) - 9e
Tom Clancys Ghost Recon Wildlands (CZ) - 10e
Tom Clancys Rainbow Six - 8e
Tom Clancys Ghost Recon Breakpoint (nova nepoužita) - 10e
Watch Dogs (CZ) - 10e
Call of Duty Infinite Warfare - 12e
Call of duty Modern Warfare Remastered - 15e
Metro Redux (CZ)- 14e
The Last of us remastered (CZ) - 9e
Battlefield 4 - 10e
Battlefield 5 - 14e
Battlefield 2042 - 17e
Destiny The Taken King Legendary - 5e
Mafia 2 Definitive ed (CZ) - 12e
Mafia 3 Definitive ed (CZ) - 7e
Resident Evil 2 - 12e
Metal Gear Solid 5 - 10e
Wolfenstein YB Deluxe (nova nepoužita) - 14e
Insurgency Sandstorm (CZ) - 17e
Assassin's Creed 4 Black Flag - 12e
Assassins Creed Unity CZ - 14e
For Honor - 10e
Mortal Shell - 16e
Victor Vran Overkill ed. - 10e
Diablo reaper of souls + Diablo 3 - 15e
Kings Bounty 2 (CZ) D1 - 17e
Shadow of Tomb Raider - 12e
Greedfall - 12e
Nioh 2 - 12e
Shadow of Mordor GOTY - 10e
Horizon Zero Dawn - 10e
Grand Ages Medieval Special - 16e
Immortals Fenyx Rising CZ Shadowmaster ed. - 15e
Death Stranding CZ - 12e
God Eater 2 - 8e
Batman Arkham Asylum - 12e
Batman Arkham City - 12e
The Order 1886 - 10e
Matterfall - 7e
Fallout 76 - 10e
Street Fighter 30th Anniversary - 14e
Red Dead Redemption 2 - 20e
Uncharted 4 (CZ) - 8e
Uncharted Nathan Drake Collection (CZ) - 10e
Uncharted Lost Legacy (CZ) - 12e
Little Nightmares - 16e
Star Wars Battlefront - 10e
It Takes Two - 20e
Need for Speed Payback - 14e
Need for Speed Rivals - 15e
Project Cars - 12e
Driveclub - 10e
Gran Turismo Sport CZ - 10e
Ride 4 - 15e
Lego Avengers - 14e
Pro Evolution Soccer 2020 - 10e
Sniper Elite 3 ultim - 17e
Far Cry 4 CZ limit - 15e
Deadpool - 20e

Zdravim, budem mat na predaj nejake hry na PS5.
Vacsina hier bude novych zabalenych, kupovane kvoli predobjednavkovym bonusom do zbierky, alebo disky len vybrate zo zberatelskych edicii.
Kedze mi ide skor o tie zberatelske predmety ako o hry samotne, tak tie posuvam lacnejsie ako v obchodoch.
Budem mat na predaj tieto hry, ktore mi maju dosjt v den vydania alebo par dni na to:
READY Gotham Knights DELUXE Edition - nova zabalena hra so vsetkymi DLC kodmi, vybrata zo zberatelskej edicie za 40eur
15.11. PRESUN na 30.11. Syberia: The World Before - len disk s hrou z collectorky za 40eur
READY The Dark Pictures Anthology: The Devil in Me - len disk s hrou z Animatronic kollektorky za 30eur
A este Goat simulator 3 - len disk s hrou vybraty z Goat in Box edicie za 25eur
Este zhanam:
God of War hracie kocky z obycajnej collectorky za 15eur.
Protocol Callisto odznak z brlohu za 6eur, toaletak z xzone za 5eur a plagat z pgs za 5eur.
Zatial len osobne Košice, kde viem doniest hry/ prist si po veci. Dakujem za ponuky.