fear of the dark
Počet nájdených inzerátov FEAR OF THE DARK
: 1000

Rolling StonesAngie***Buggles-video killed...***Nazareth Dream on***Laid Back-Sunshine Reggae***Thé Twins-Love systém***Confettis-The sound od C***Erasure-Star***Righeira-Vamos a la playa***Eruption-One way tickets***Communards-Dont leave mě...***Pet Shop Boys-Suburbia+it s sin***Londonbeat-I ve Been thinking...***London Boys-Harlem Disire***KLF-America,What tíme...*Moon Ray-Comanchero***Kool And band-Get Down on it***Technotronic -Pomp up the jam***Boney m-Megamix***Hithouse-Jack to thé sound od the underground a ďalšie.Každe 10. zdarma. Cena 3-5€

Olympos Mons Conquistador 10,00 €
Orden Ogan Easton hope 9,00 €
Orden Ogan To the end (Fono,nový) 9,00 €
Orden Ogan Gunmen (Fono,nový) 9,00 €
Ozzy Osbourne Bark at the moon (RM) 5,00 €
Ozzy Osbourne No more tears 7,00 €
Ozzy Osbourne Ozzmosis 7,00 €
Ozzy Osbourne Down to earth 7,00 €
Ozzy Osbourne Scream (nový) 7,00 €
Ozzy Osbourne Black rain 8,00 €
P.O.D. Payable of death 4,00 €
Pagan's Mind Enigmatic : Calling 12,00 €
Pearl Jam Ten 6,00 €
Pearl Jam Vitalogy (digipak) 8,00 €
Pearl Jam No code (digipak) 7,00 €
Pearl Jam Yield (digipak) 7,00 €
Pearl Jam Pearl Jam (digipak) 7,00 €
Pink Cream 69 One size fits all (japan) 9,00 €
Pink Cream 69 Games people play 8,00 €
Pink Cream 69 Endangered (digipak) 8,00 €
Pink Cream 69 Ceremonial (nový) 10,00 €
Point of Power It's about time 10,00 €
Poison Open up and say… ahh! 7,00 €
Poison Flesh & Blood 5,00 €
Poison Native tongue 7,00 €
Praying Mantis Legacy 15,00 €
Pretty Maids Red, hot & heavy (nový) 6,00 €
Pretty Maids Future world 7,00 €
Pretty Maids Pandemonium (Irond) 9,00 €
Pretty Maids Kingmaker (Irond) 9,00 €
Pretty Maids Undress your madness (Irond) 8,00 €
Primal Fear Live in the USA 8,00 €
Primal Fear New religion (nový) 10,00 €
Primal Fear 16.6 [Before the devils knows you're dead] (nový) 10,00 €
Primal Fear Unbreakable (nový) 10,00 €
Primal Fear Metal commando (nový) 10,00 €
Psychotic Waltz God-shaped void (nový) 8,00 €
Queensrӱche Operation:mindcrime 7,00 €
Queensrӱche Empire 6,00 €
Queensrӱche Empire (2CD) 9,00 €
Quiet Riot Rehab (nový) 7,00 €
Radakka Malice and tranquality 6,00 €
Radakka Requiem for the innocent 6,00 €
Rage Reign of fear 12,00 €
Rage Black in mind 9,00 €
Rage End of all days 9,00 €
Rage XIII (digipak) 8,00 €
Rage Speak of the dead (digipak) 8,00 €
Rage Carved in stone / Speak of the dead (2CD,nový) 8,00 €
Rage Seasons of the black (digibook,2CD,nový) 8,00 €
Rage Against The Machine Evil empire 4,00 €
Rage Against The Machine Renegades 4,00 €
klikni na meno a pozri ponuku

Entombed Wolverine blues (digipak,nový) 9,00 €
Equilibrium Armageddon (digipak,2CD) 7,00 €
Escape the Fate Hate me (nový) 3,00 €
Evangelist Doominicanes (nový) 5,00 €
EvilOne Militia of death (digipak,nový) 8,00 €
Ex Deo Caligvla (nový) 8,00 €
Exodus Shovel headed kill machine (digipak) 10,00 €
Fear Factory Soul of a new machine 8,00 €
Fear Factory Demanufacture 6,00 €
Fear Factory Obsolete (digipak) 7,00 €
Fear Factory Archetype 8,00 €
Fear Factory Genexus (nový) 8,00 €
Five Finger Death Punch War is the answer 8,00 €
Gojira From Mars to Sirius 12,00 €
Gojira The way of all flesh (Fono) 12,00 €
Gojira L'enfant sauvage (nový) 8,00 €
Gojira L'enfant sauvage (digipak,CD+DVD) 9,00 €
Grip Inc. Incorporated 7,00 €
Havok Time is up (digipak,nový) 8,00 €
Heathen Evolution of chaos 9,00 €
Hearse Armageddon mon amour 3,00 €
Hypocrisy The final chapter 12,00 €
Hypocrisy Catch 22 10,00 €
Children of Bodom Hatebreeder 9,00 €
Children of Bodom Hate crew deathroll 7,00 €
Children of Bodom Are you dead yet ? 6,00 €
Children of Bodom Are you dead yet ? (nový) 8,00 €
Children of Bodom Blooddrunk (nový) 8,00 €
Children of Bodom Halo of blood (digipak,CD+DVD) 9,00 €
Children of Bodom Hexed (digipak,nový) 12,00 €
I Between two worlds (Irond) 10,00 €
Ill Niňo Confession 2,00 €
Immortal All shall fall 9,00 €
Immortal Northern chaos gods (digipak) 10,00 €
klikni na meno a pozri ponuku
kontakt: zaxas@

Predám CD kus za 10 eur, dohoda možná pri odbere viac CD . Aktuálny zoznam a viac informácii alebo fotiek pošlem cez email
Kaipa - Mindrevolutions
Kamelot - Poetry for the poisoned
Lordi - Deadache
Liege lord - Burn to my touch
Leatherwolf - World asylum
Lacuna coil - Dark adrenaline
Leather - Shock waves
Mastodon - Once more round the sun
Motorhead - Bastards
Michal Schenker - group
Metalica - Death magnetic
Metalium - Millennium metal - chapter one
Metalium - State of trimph - chapter two
Metalium - Hero nation - chapter three
Metropolis - Hazard
Megadeth - Risk
Megadeth - Endgame
Megadeth - United abominations
Megadeth - The world needs a hero
Metalchurch - The weight of the world
Metalchurch - Masterpeace
Metalchurch - The present wasteland
Metalchurch - Generation nothing
Megadeth - the system has failed
Molly Hatchet - Warriors of the rainbow bridge
Montany - New born day
Mystic prophery - Never ending
Mystic prophecy - Fireangel
Mystic prophecy - Vengeance
Mystic prophecy - Regressus
Nostradameus - The third prophecy
Night ranger - Seven
Neweden - Obscure Master plan
Nevermore - The obsidian conspiracy
Nevermore - The politics of ecstasy
Nevermore - Dead heart in a dead world
Nevermore - Enemies of reality
Nevermore - Dreaming neon black
Nevermore - This godless endeavor
Over kill - Ironbound
Omen - The curse / Nightmares
Omen - Battle cry
Omen - Warning of danger
October 31 - Meet thy maker
Over kill - Rillbox 13
Onward - Reawaken
Oliva - Raise tha curtain
Ozzy ozbourne - scream
Ozzy Osbourne - Black rain
Pyramaze - Immortal
Primal fear - 16.6
Poltergeist - Behind my mask
Pharaoh - Bury the light
Pain - Dancing with the dead
Pinkcream 69 - change
Pinkcream 69 - Electrified
Powergod - Evilution part I.
Powergod - Evilution part II. Back to attack
Powergod - Evilution part III. Nemesis
Porta inferi - Another world
Pegazus - Wings of destiny
Powerwolf - Blood of the saints
Powerwolf - Bible of the beast
Presto Ballet - Invisible places
Primal fear - Jaws of death
Primal fear - Primal fear
Quiet riot - Rehab
Ross the boss - New metal leader
Rage - Black in mind
Rage - Sound chaser
Rage - Reflection of a shadow
Rage - End of all days
Rage - Unity
Rage - Reflection of a shadow
Redemption - This mortal coil
Random damage - Mascot records
Riot - Army of one
Riot - Infestation
Riot - Immortal soul
Riot -Rock city
Riot - Fire down under
Riot - Born in America
Retarded fish - You have are unheard message
Retarded fish - Since 2005
Rock extremum
Reverence - When darkness calls
Ram - Death
Re - vision - Whore venus

Primal Fear-"Primal fear" 1998 Nuclear Blast NB 302-2 250Kč
Tierra Santa -"Legendario"42:28 1999 Locomotive Music LM-024 CD 350Kč
Tierra Santa -"Medieval"45:28 1999 Locomotive Music LM - 038 - CD 350Kč
Tierra Santa -"Tierras de legenda"43:08 2000 Locomotive Music LM-054 CD 350Kč
Tierra Santa -"Sangre de reyes" 47:39 2001 Locomotive Music LM080 350Kč
Tierra Santa -"Indomable" 41:53 2003 Locomotive Music LM 130 300Kč
Tierra Santa -"Major movir en pie"41.56 2006 Locomotive Records LM 270 350Kč
Tigertailz -"Young and crazy"37:00 1987 Relativity 88561-8215-2 min.800Kč (Disgos 45-80Eur)
Tigertailz -"Bezerk"42:21 1990 Music For Nations CDMFN 96 min.500Kč)Disgos 23-50Eur)
Tiles -"Fence the clear"57:42 1995 Inside Out IOMCD 014 350Kč
Tiles -"Presents of mind"52:29 1999 Inside Out IOMCD 032 350Kč
Tim Feehan -"Full contact"44:30 1990 MCA MCAD-10069 300Kč
Tim Karr-"Rubbin´ me the rightway"39:19 1989 EMI - USA CDP 7 90867 2 200Kč
Time Machine-"Shades of time"31.28 1997 Lucretia Records Inc. LU 97015-2 300Kč
Time Machine-"Evil"43.46 2001 Lucretia Records Inc. LU 20015-2 DP 300Kč
Time Machine -"Reviviscence"52.18 2004 Massacre Records MASCD 0434 300Kč
Timo Tolkki -"Hymn to life"60:30 2002 Nuclear Blast 300Kč
Primal Fear-"New religion" 2008 Frontiers Records FR CD 346L 250Kč

Predám špeciálnu limitovanú vinylovú verziu uznávaného piateho a posledného albumu "Fear Inoculum" od TOOL, ktorý získal ocenenie Grammy. Neprehliadnuteľná pevná krabica s neuveriteľným novým artworkom, ktorá obsahuje 5 čiernych vinylových LP platní s hmotnosťou 180 gramov zozbieraných v krásnom viazanom zošite a doplnených nepublikovanými obrázkami a kresbami, ktoré vytvoril Adam Jones, gitarista a spoluzakladateľ TOOL. Na stranách A každej z 5 LP sa nachádzajú piesne z „Fear Inoculum“, zatiaľ čo strany B každej z 5 LP obsahujú jedinečné umelecké rytiny. 1x hrané. Vhodné aj ako exkluzívny vianočný darček. Osobný odber medzi Šamorínom a BA a v blízkom okolí alebo dobierka.
LP 1
1. Tool - Fear Inoculum
2. Tool - Pneuma
LP 2
1. Tool - Invincible
LP 3
1. Tool - Legion Inoculant
2. Tool - Descending
LP 4
1. Tool - Culling Voices
2. Tool - Chocolate Chip Trip
LP 5
1. Tool - 7empest
2. Tool - Mockingbeat

Orden Ogan Easton hope 9,00 €
Orden Ogan To the end (Fono,nový) 9,00 €
Orden Ogan Gunmen (Fono,nový) 9,00 €
Ozzy Osbourne Bark at the moon (RM) 5,00 €
Ozzy Osbourne Ozzmosis 7,00 €
Ozzy Osbourne Down to earth 7,00 €
Ozzy Osbourne Scream (nový) 7,00 €
Ozzy Osbourne Black rain 8,00 €
P.O.D. Payable of death 4,00 €
Pagan's Mind Enigmatic : Calling 12,00 €
Pearl Jam Ten 6,00 €
Pearl Jam Vs. 5,00 €
Pearl Jam No code (digipak) 6,00 €
Pearl Jam No code (special digipak, 9 postcards) 10,00 €
Pearl Jam Pearl Jam (digipak) 7,00 €
Pink Cream 69 One size fits all (japan) 9,00 €
Pink Cream 69 Games people play 8,00 €
Pink Cream 69 Change 8,00 €
Pink Cream 69 Endangered (digipak) 8,00 €
Pink Cream 69 Ceremonial (nový) 10,00 €
Point of Power It's about time 10,00 €
Poison Open up and say… ahh! 7,00 €
Poison Flesh & Blood 5,00 €
Poison Native tongue 6,00 €
Praying Mantis Legacy 15,00 €
Pretty Maids Red, hot & heavy (nový) 6,00 €
Pretty Maids Future world 7,00 €
Pretty Maids Kingmaker (Irond) 8,00 €
Pretty Maids Undress your madness (Irond) 8,00 €
Primal Fear Live in the USA 8,00 €
Primal Fear Unbreakable (nový) 10,00 €
Primal Fear Metal commando (nový) 10,00 €
Psychotic Waltz God-shaped void (nový) 8,00 €
Queensrӱche Operation:mindcrime 7,00 €
Queensrӱche Empire 6,00 €
Queensrӱche Empire (2CD) 9,00 €
Quiet Riot Rehab 8,00 €
Radakka Malice and tranquality 6,00 €
Radakka Requiem for the innocent 6,00 €
Rage Reign of fear 12,00 €
Rage Black in mind 9,00 €
Rage End of all days 9,00 €
Rage XIII (digipak) 8,00 €
Rage Speak of the dead (digipak) 8,00 €
Rage Carved in stone / Speak of the dead (2CD,nový) 8,00 €
Rage Seasons of the black (digibook,2CD,nový) 8,00 €
Rage Against The Machine Evil empire 4,00 €
Rage Against The Machine Renegades 4,00 €
klikni na meno a pozri ponuku

Orden Ogan Easton hope 9,00 €
Orden Ogan To the end (Fono,nový) 9,00 €
Orden Ogan Gunmen (Fono,nový) 9,00 €
Ozzy Osbourne Bark at the moon (RM) 5,00 €
Ozzy Osbourne Ozzmosis 7,00 €
Ozzy Osbourne Down to earth 7,00 €
Ozzy Osbourne Scream (nový) 7,00 €
Ozzy Osbourne Black rain 8,00 €
P.O.D. Payable of death 4,00 €
Pagan's Mind Enigmatic : Calling 12,00 €
Pearl Jam Ten 6,00 €
Pearl Jam Vs. 5,00 €
Pearl Jam No code (digipak) 6,00 €
Pearl Jam No code (special digipak, 9 postcards) 10,00 €
Pearl Jam Pearl Jam (digipak) 7,00 €
Pink Cream 69 One size fits all (japan) 9,00 €
Pink Cream 69 Games people play 8,00 €
Pink Cream 69 Change 8,00 €
Pink Cream 69 Ceremonial (nový) 10,00 €
Point of Power It's about time 10,00 €
Poison Open up and say… ahh! 7,00 €
Poison Flesh & Blood 5,00 €
Poison Native tongue 6,00 €
Praying Mantis Legacy 15,00 €
Pretty Maids Red, hot & heavy (nový) 6,00 €
Pretty Maids Future world 7,00 €
Pretty Maids Kingmaker (Irond) 8,00 €
Pretty Maids Undress your madness (Irond) 8,00 €
Primal Fear Live in the USA 8,00 €
Primal Fear Unbreakable (nový) 10,00 €
Primal Fear Metal commando (nový) 10,00 €
Psychotic Waltz God-shaped void (nový) 8,00 €
Queensrӱche Operation:mindcrime 7,00 €
Queensrӱche Empire 6,00 €
Queensrӱche Empire (2CD) 9,00 €
Quiet Riot Rehab 8,00 €
Radakka Malice and tranquality 6,00 €
Radakka Requiem for the innocent 6,00 €
Rage Reign of fear 12,00 €
Rage Black in mind 9,00 €
Rage End of all days 9,00 €
Rage XIII (digipak) 8,00 €
Rage Speak of the dead (digipak) 8,00 €
Rage Carved in stone / Speak of the dead (2CD,nový) 8,00 €
Rage Seasons of the black (digibook,2CD,nový) 8,00 €
Rage Against The Machine Evil empire 4,00 €
Rage Against The Machine Renegades 4,00 €
klikni na meno a pozri ponuku

Orden Ogan Easton hope 9,00 €
Orden Ogan To the end (Fono,nový) 9,00 €
Orden Ogan Gunmen (Fono,nový) 9,00 €
Ozzy Osbourne Bark at the moon (RM) 5,00 €
Ozzy Osbourne No more tears 7,00 €
Ozzy Osbourne Down to earth 7,00 €
Ozzy Osbourne Scream (nový) 7,00 €
Ozzy Osbourne Black rain 8,00 €
P.O.D. Payable of death 4,00 €
Pagan's Mind Enigmatic : Calling 12,00 €
Pearl Jam Ten 6,00 €
Pearl Jam Vs. 5,00 €
Pearl Jam No code (digipak) 6,00 €
Pearl Jam No code (special digipak, 9 postcards) 10,00 €
Pearl Jam Pearl Jam (digipak) 7,00 €
Pink Cream 69 One size fits all (japan) 9,00 €
Pink Cream 69 Games people play 8,00 €
Pink Cream 69 Change 8,00 €
Pink Cream 69 Ceremonial (nový) 10,00 €
Point of Power It's about time 10,00 €
Poison Open up and say… ahh! 7,00 €
Poison Flesh & Blood 5,00 €
Poison Native tongue 6,00 €
Praying Mantis Legacy 15,00 €
Pretty Maids Red, hot & heavy (nový) 6,00 €
Pretty Maids Future world 7,00 €
Pretty Maids Kingmaker (Irond) 8,00 €
Pretty Maids Undress your madness (Irond) 8,00 €
Primal Fear Live in the USA 8,00 €
Primal Fear Unbreakable (nový) 10,00 €
Primal Fear Metal commando (nový) 10,00 €
Psychotic Waltz God-shaped void (nový) 8,00 €
Queensrӱche Operation:mindcrime 7,00 €
Queensrӱche Empire 6,00 €
Queensrӱche Empire (2CD) 9,00 €
Quiet Riot Rehab 8,00 €
Radakka Malice and tranquality 6,00 €
Radakka Requiem for the innocent 6,00 €
Rage Reign of fear 12,00 €
Rage Black in mind 9,00 €
Rage End of all days 9,00 €
Rage XIII (digipak) 8,00 €
Rage Speak of the dead (digipak) 8,00 €
Rage Carved in stone / Speak of the dead (2CD,nový) 8,00 €
Rage Seasons of the black (digibook,2CD,nový) 8,00 €
Rage Against The Machine Evil empire 4,00 €
Rage Against The Machine Renegades 4,00 €
klikni na meno a pozri ponuku

One Desire One Desire 15,00 €
Orden Ogan Easton hope 9,00 €
Orden Ogan To the end (Fono,nový) 10,00 €
Orden Ogan Ravenhead (digipak,CD+DVD) 15,00 €
Orden Ogan Gunmen (Fono,nový) 10,00 €
Ozzy Osbourne Bark at the moon (RM) 5,00 €
Ozzy Osbourne No more tears 7,00 €
Ozzy Osbourne Ozzmosis 7,00 €
Ozzy Osbourne Down to earth 7,00 €
Ozzy Osbourne Scream (nový) 7,00 €
Ozzy Osbourne Black rain 8,00 €
P.O.D. Payable of death 4,00 €
Pagan's Mind Enigmatic : Calling 12,00 €
Pearl Jam Ten 6,00 €
Pearl Jam Vs. 5,00 €
Pearl Jam No code (digipak) 6,00 €
Pearl Jam No code (special digipak, 9 postcards) 10,00 €
Pearl Jam Pearl Jam (digipak) 7,00 €
Pink Cream 69 One size fits all (japan) 9,00 €
Pink Cream 69 Games people play 8,00 €
Pink Cream 69 Change 8,00 €
Point of Power It's about time 10,00 €
Poison Open up and say… ahh! 7,00 €
Poison Flesh & Blood 5,00 €
Praying Mantis Legacy 15,00 €
Pretty Maids Red, hot & heavy (nový) 6,00 €
Pretty Maids Future world 7,00 €
Pretty Maids Kingmaker (Irond) 8,00 €
Pretty Maids Undress your madness (Irond) 8,00 €
Primal Fear Live in the USA 8,00 €
Primal Fear Unbreakable (nový) 10,00 €
Primal Fear Metal commando (nový) 10,00 €
Psychotic Waltz God-shaped void (nový) 8,00 €
Queensrӱche Operation:mindcrime 7,00 €
Queensrӱche Empire 6,00 €
Queensrӱche Empire (2CD) 9,00 €
Quiet Riot Rehab 8,00 €
Radakka Malice and tranquality 6,00 €
Radakka Requiem for the innocent 6,00 €
Rage Reign of fear 12,00 €
Rage Black in mind 9,00 €
Rage End of all days 9,00 €
Rage XIII (digipak) 8,00 €
Rage Speak of the dead (digipak) 8,00 €
Rage Carved in stone / Speak of the dead (2CD,nový) 8,00 €
Rage Seasons of the black (digibook,2CD,nový) 8,00 €
Rage Against The Machine Evil empire 4,00 €
Rage Against The Machine Renegades 4,00 €
klikni na meno a pozri ponuku

One Desire One Desire 15,00 €
Orden Ogan Vale (digipak,nový) 12,00 €
Orden Ogan Easton hope 9,00 €
Orden Ogan To the end (Fono,nový) 10,00 €
Orden Ogan Ravenhead (digipak,CD+DVD) 15,00 €
Orden Ogan Gunmen (Fono,nový) 10,00 €
Ozzy Osbourne Bark at the moon (RM) 5,00 €
Ozzy Osbourne No more tears 7,00 €
Ozzy Osbourne Ozzmosis 7,00 €
Ozzy Osbourne Down to earth 7,00 €
Ozzy Osbourne Scream (nový) 7,00 €
Ozzy Osbourne Black rain 8,00 €
Pearl Jam Ten 6,00 €
Pearl Jam Vs. 5,00 €
Pearl Jam No code (digipak) 6,00 €
Pearl Jam No code (special digipak, 9 postcards) 10,00 €
Pearl Jam Pearl Jam (digipak) 7,00 €
Pink Cream 69 Games people play 8,00 €
Pink Cream 69 Games people play (special case) 10,00 €
Pink Cream 69 Change 8,00 €
Point of Power It's about time 10,00 €
Poison Open up and say… ahh! 7,00 €
Poison Flesh & Blood 5,00 €
Poison Native tongue 7,00 €
Praying Mantis Legacy 15,00 €
Pretty Maids Red, hot & heavy (nový) 6,00 €
Pretty Maids Future world 7,00 €
Pretty Maids Kingmaker (Irond) 8,00 €
Pretty Maids Undress your madness (Irond) 8,00 €
Primal Fear Live in the USA 7,00 €
Primal Fear Unbreakable (nový) 10,00 €
Primal Fear Metal commando (nový) 10,00 €
Psychotic Waltz God-shaped void (nový) 8,00 €
Queensrӱche The warning (RM) 7,00 €
Queensrӱche Rage for order (RM) 7,00 €
Queensryche Operation:mindcrime (RM) 7,00 €
Queensrӱche Empire (20th anniversary edition,2CD) 8,00 €
Radakka Malice and tranquality 6,00 €
Radakka Requiem for the innocent 6,00 €
Rage Reign of fear 12,00 €
Rage Black in mind 9,00 €
Rage End of all days 9,00 €
Rage XIII (digipak) 8,00 €
Rage Speak of the dead (digipak) 8,00 €
Rage Carved in stone / Speak of the dead (2CD,nový) 8,00 €
Rage Seasons of the black (digibook,2CD,nový) 8,00 €
Rage Against The Machine Evil empire 4,00 €
Rage Against The Machine Renegades 4,00 €
klikni na meno a pozri ponuku

Predám špeciálnu limitovanú vinylovú verziu uznávaného piateho a posledného albumu TOOL "Fear Inoculum", ktorý získal ocenenie Grammy. Neprehliadnuteľná pevná krabica s neuveriteľným novým artworkom, ktorá obsahuje 5 čiernych vinylových LP platní s hmotnosťou 180 gramov zozbieraných v krásnom viazanom zošite a doplnených nepublikovanými obrázkami a kresbami, ktoré vytvoril Adam Jones, gitarista a spoluzakladateľ TOOL. Na stranách A každej z 5 LP sa nachádzajú piesne z „Fear Inoculum“, zatiaľ čo strany B každej z 5 LP obsahujú jedinečné umelecké rytiny. V perfektnom stave (1x hraná, ako nová). Osobný odber od BA po Šamorín alebo dobierka, resp. Packeta.
LP 1
1. Tool - Fear Inoculum
2. Tool - Pneuma
LP 2
1. Tool - Invincible
LP 3
1. Tool - Legion Inoculant
2. Tool - Descending
LP 4
1. Tool - Culling Voices
2. Tool - Chocolate Chip Trip
LP 5
1. Tool - 7empest
2. Tool - Mockingbeat

Gta 5
Gta 4
Uncharted derkne'sfortune
Uncharted 2
Uncharted 3
Thé past od US
Nerad fór speed thé run
NHL 10
NHL 13
Assassin's creed brotherhood
Assassin's creed revelations
Batman Arkham City
Red dead redemption
Blazing Angeles 2 sextet missions od WW2
Darkness 2
Gran turismo 5
Volat len od14:30 do19:00

Kazde CD je original.
Posielam dobierkou.
Cena 10e za CD
Kontakt iba mail.
audioslave - out of exile
praet rain
rage - reflections of shadow
liege lord - burn to my touch
alice cooper - dragon town
jack panzer - the fourth judgement
fire down under riot
metalium - stage of trumph
saxon - unleash the beast
centvrion - arise of the ampire
symphony x - paradise lost
symphony x - twilight in olympus
voice prediction
iomim fused
slaughter - revolution
liquid monster
jack panzer - chain of commann
jack panzer - casting the stones
jack panzer - dessident alliance
dianno - nomad
ufo - sharks
antithesis - dying fo life
pegazus - wings of destiny
weinhold - bellow the line
holy mother - my world war
slaughter - stick into it to ya
porta - infery
another world
edguy - kingdom of maddness
hammer heroes
firewind - forge by fire
pain - dancing with death
virgin stell - the mariage of heaven and hell part 1
sleeping gods - new sensation
the eyes of alice cooper - brutal planet
zandelle - twilight on humanity
guns n roses - chinese democrasy
squealer - made of eternity
slaughter - fear no evil
hollow - modern cathedral
anwill - pound for pound
elegy - manifestation of fear
holy mother - toxic rain
gillian ian
glenn hughes - joe lin turner
ufo - you are here
warior - the code of life
primal - fear
virgin stelle - the mariage of heavea and hell part 2
rage - unity
zandelle - vengeance rising
doctor butcher
leather - shock waves
molly hatchet - wariors of the rainbow bridge
dragon lord - black wings of destiny
the wariors - war is hell
chastain - in an outrage
judas priest - screaming for vengeance
judas priest - nostradamus
halford - crucible
slaughter - back to reality
hell star - burning star
rage - end of all days
metal church - the wait of the world
mistyc prophercy - fireangel
blaze - two originals of blaze
tarantula - chemomarsh
ozzy osbourne - black rain
damage plan - new found power
defenestration - one inch God
halford - resurection
slaughter - the wild life
never more - the politist of estasy
power God - evolution part 2
power God - nemesis
holy mother - criminal after life
badlands - wodoo hihgway
12 stones
agent steel - order of the iluminaty
never more - this Godless endeavour
jack panzer - the age of mastery
rage - reflection of shadow
celtic frost - monohtheyst
ufo - covenant
over kill - kill box 13
retarted fish - u have one unheard message
rage - sound chaser
metal church - master piece
jack panzer - thank to throne
icedearth - something wicked this way comes
never more - enemies of reality
never more - deathheart in dead world
destiny end - breed deep the dark
ian parrys - consortium project
burning s

V ponuke sú 4K UHD filmy, prevažne ide o zahraničné edície v plastovom obale alebo v plechovom-SteelBook obale, ku každému je popis v akom je stave, z akej je krajiny a či má CZ dabing. Posielam na dobierku, prípadne cez zásielkovnu (Packeta), doručenie je v hodnote 4€(dobierka)/ 3€(platba prevodom).
MAN OF STEEL - obsahuje CZ dab na 4K disku
BATMAN VS SUPERMAN: DAWN OF JUSTICE - obsahuje CZ tit. na 4K a BD disku
ZACK SNYDERS JUSTICE LEAGUE - obsahuje CZ dab na 2x4K a na 2xBD disku CZ/SK dab.
cena kolekcie s filmovými kartami je 40eur NOVÉ
AQUAMAN - UHD+BD plast ITA na 4K UHD disku je CZ dab cena 12eur NOVÉ
JUSTICE LEAGUE (Liga spravedlnosti, kino verzia) - 4K UHD+BD plast UK - na 4K UHD disku je CZ dab cena 14eur NOVÉ
ZACK SNYDERS JUSTICE LEAGUE - 2x4K UHD plast UK - na 4K UHD disku je CZ dab cena 15eur NOVÉ
BATMAN VS SUPERMAN: DAWN OF JUSTICE - 4K UHD plast UK - na 4K UHD disku sú CZ tit. cena 13eur PREDANÉ
WONDER WOMAN - UHD+BD plast ITA na 4K UHD disku je CZ dab cena 11eur NOVÉ
WONDER WOMAN 1984 - 4K UHD plast UK - na 4K UHD disku je CZ dab cena 17eur PREDANÉ
WONDER WOMAN 1984 - 4K UHD STEELBOOK UK - na 4K UHD disku je CZ dab cena 22eur NOVÉ
SUICIDE SQUAD (Jednotka samovrahov) - 4K UHD+BD plast ITA na 4K UHD disku je CZ dab cena 10eur NOVÉ
WONDER WOMAN - UHD+BD STEELBOOK Titans Of Cult +(plagát a odznak)- ITA na 4K UHD disku je CZ dab cena 27eur NOVÉ
BATMAN (1989) UHD+BD STEELBOOK Titans Of Cult +(karta a odznak) ITA na 4K UHD disku je CZ dab cena 22eur NOVÉ
BATMAN ANTHOLOGY 1989-1997 (Batman, Batman Returns, Batman Forever,Batman a Robin) 4x4K UHD+BD plast ITA - na 4K UHD diskoch je CZ dab,(Batman Forever, Batman a Robin majú aj na BD disku CZ dab) cena 35eur NOVÉ
BATMAN BEGINS - UHD+BD STEELBOOK ITA na 4K UHD disku je CZ dab cena 25eur NOVÉ
THE DARK KNIGHT - UHD+BD STEELBOOK ITA na 4K UHD disku je CZ dab cena 25eur NOVÉ
SPIDER-MAN: NO WAY HOME - 4K UHD+BD plast UK - na 4K UHD a BD disku je SK a CZ dab. cena 25eur NOVÉ
HELLBOY II: THE GOLDEN ARMY (2008) - 4K UHD+BD plast UK - na 4K UHD disku je CZ dab cena 12eur NOVÉ
V FOR VENDETTA - 4K UHD+BD plast UK - na 4K UHD disku je CZ dab cena 16eur NOVÉ
X-MEN: DARK PHOENIX - 4K UHD STEELBOOK UK - na 4K UHD disku je CZ dab cena 22eur NOVÉ
X-MEN 3-Film Collection (X-MEN-X-MEN 2-X-MEN: THE LAST STAND) 3x4K UHD+BD plast obal UK - na 4K UHD diskoch je CZ dab cena 38eur NOVÉ
DEADPOOL 2 (Super Duper Cut) - 4K UHD+BD plast UK - na 4K UHD disku je CZ dab cena 12eur NOVÉ
![[TOP] Hry na Playstation 4](https://www.senzabazar.sk/images/no-photo.png)
Ponúkam na predaj originálne hry pre PS4
Ideálny typ na darček? Spoločná zábava s hrou!
Hrou ako darček nič nepokazíte!
Ponúkam na predaj všetky žánre:
Detské, tanečné, športové, závodné (pretekárske – autá, motorky), akčné, strieľačky, bitkárske, dobrodružné, hry pre dvoch a viacerých hráčov, hry pre chlapcov a dievčatá
Zoznam hier, ktoré ponúkam:
Alan Wake Remastered – 15€
Alien Isolation – 15€
Back 4 Blood – 15€ (So steelbokom 40€)
Bloodborne – 7€
Crysis Trilogy (Remastered) – 30€
Cyberpunk 2077 – 26€
Dark Souls III: The Fire Fades Edition – 18€
Days Gone – 15€
Dead Island: Definitive Edition – 18€
Death Stranding – 16€
Detroit: Become Human – 15€
Elden Ring – 45€
Fallout 76 – 6€
Ghost of Tsushima – 25€
God of War III Remastered – 12€
God of War 2018 - 12€
God of War Ragnarok - 45€
Horizon Zero Dawn Complete Edition - 10€
Horizon Forbidden West - 37€
Immortal Fenyx Rising - 8€
Kena: Bridge of Spirits (Deluxe Edition) - 30€
Mad Max - 15€
Mafia 1: Definitive Edition - 15€
Mafia 2: Definitive Edition - 15€
Mafia 3: Definitive Edition - 15€
Marvel's Spider-Man - 25€
Marvel's Spider-Man Miles Morales - 40€
Mass Effect: Legendary Edition - 20€
Mortal Shell - 20€ (+ Artbook a Mapa)
Observer System Redux (Day One Edition) - 15€ (+ Soundtrack)
Ratchet and Clank - 10€
Red Dead Redemption 2 - 24€
Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition - 12€
Rise of the Tomb Rider (20 Year Celebration Edition) - 15€
Shadow of the Tomb Rider (Definitive Edition) - 20€
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition - 23€
Spyro: Reignited Trilogy - 29€
Subnautica - 30€
Subnautica: Below Zero - 22€
The Callisto Protocol - 46€
The Dark Pictures Anthology: Man of Medan - 27€ (Steelbook + 30€)
The Dark Pictures Anthology: Little Hope - 25€ (Steelbook + 30€)
The Dark Pictures Anthology: House of Ashes - 35€ (Steelbook + 30€)
The Dark Pictures Anthology: Devil in Me - 40€ (Steelbook + 30€)
The Evil Within - 14€
The Evil Within 2 - 20€
The Last of Us Remastered - 10€
The Last of Us Part II - 23€
The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt: GOTY (CZ) - 28€
Uncharted 4: A Thiefs End - 12€
Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection - 15€
Uncharted: The Lost Legacy - 12€
Until Dawn - 12€

V ponuke sú 4K UHD filmy, prevažne ide o zahraničné edície v plastovom obale alebo v plechovom-SteelBook obale, ku každému je popis v akom je stave, z akej je krajiny a či má CZ dabing. Posielam na dobierku, prípadne cez zásielkovnu (Packeta), doručenie je v hodnote 4€(dobierka)/ 3€(platba prevodom).
AQUAMAN - UHD+BD plast ITA na 4K UHD disku je CZ dab cena 11eur NOVÉ
JUSTICE LEAGUE (Liga spravedlnosti, kino verzia) - 4K UHD+BD plast UK - na 4K UHD disku je CZ dab cena 12eur NOVÉ
ZACK SNYDERS JUSTICE LEAGUE - 2x4K UHD plast UK - na 4K UHD disku je CZ dab cena 14eur NOVÉ
BATMAN VS SUPERMAN: DAWN OF JUSTICE - 4K UHD plast UK - na 4K UHD disku sú CZ tit. cena 13eur PREDANÉ
WONDER WOMAN - UHD+BD plast ITA na 4K UHD disku je CZ dab cena 10eur NOVÉ
WONDER WOMAN 1984 - 4K UHD plast UK - na 4K UHD disku je CZ dab cena 17eur PREDANÉ
WONDER WOMAN 1984 - 4K UHD STEELBOOK UK - na 4K UHD disku je CZ dab cena 22eur PREDANÉ
SUICIDE SQUAD (Jednotka samovrahov) - 4K UHD+BD plast ITA na 4K UHD disku je CZ dab cena 9eur NOVÉ
BATMAN ANTHOLOGY 1989-1997 (Batman, Batman Returns, Batman Forever,Batman a Robin) 4x4K UHD+BD plast ITA - na 4K UHD diskoch je CZ dab,(Batman Forever, Batman a Robin majú aj na BD disku CZ dab) cena 30eur NOVÉ
BATMAN BEGINS - UHD+BD STEELBOOK ITA na 4K UHD disku je CZ dab cena 22eur NOVÉ
THE DARK KNIGHT - UHD+BD STEELBOOK ITA na 4K UHD disku je CZ dab cena 22eur NOVÉ
SPIDER-MAN: NO WAY HOME - 4K UHD+BD plast UK - na 4K UHD a BD disku je SK a CZ dab. cena 25eur NOVÉ
HELLBOY II: THE GOLDEN ARMY (2008) - 4K UHD+BD plast UK - na 4K UHD disku je CZ dab cena 12eur PREDANÉ
V FOR VENDETTA - 4K UHD+BD plast UK - na 4K UHD disku je CZ dab cena 15eur NOVÉ
X-MEN: DARK PHOENIX - 4K UHD STEELBOOK UK - na 4K UHD disku je CZ dab cena 22eur NOVÉ
X-MEN 3-Film Collection (X-MEN-X-MEN 2-X-MEN: THE LAST STAND) 3x4K UHD+BD plast obal UK - na 4K UHD diskoch je CZ dab cena 34eur NOVÉ

Predám bundu Fear of God Plaid Flannel Shirt Jacket SIXTH COLLECTION, modro-biela.
Veľkosť L ale sedí skôr na XL. Materiál zvonka flanel, zvnútra je bunda ľahko zateplená a príjemná na telo. Ideálna na jeseň, prípadne na vrstvenie.
Stav 10/10, nenosená, dodávam v pôvodnom obale.
Možný osobný odber v Bratislave alebo posielam na dobierku. V prípade dobierky požadujem 5€ vopred na úcet ako zálohu.
Značka: Fear of God
Model: Plaid Flannel Shirt Jacket SIXTH COLLECTION
Cena: 220€

Predám zachovalé sťahovacie vaky na prezuvky alebo na výlet.
NO FEAR UNISEX, SPRANDI, Harry Potter, PUMA ( 2 kusy ), BLACK, OXYBAG ( bez potlače ).
NO FEAR UNISEX Cena: 10,00 eur
Ostatné Cena: 5,00 eur
Predaj aj samostatne. Cena nezahŕňa cenu poštovného.
Osobný odber v Bratislave alebo aj poštou ( podľa cenníka SP ).
Kontaktujte ma prosím telefonicky, e-mailom alebo cez WhatsApp. Na SMS neodpovedám. Na odpoveď na inzerát reagujem takmer okamžite. Skontrolujte si SPAM.