fifa 21 ps3 - strana 6
Počet nájdených inzerátov FIFA 21 PS3
: 1000 - strana 6

Hry funkcne moznost vyskusat.
Moznost poslat
Alebo osobne v Leviciach.
Crash its about time 4-25 eur
Injustice 2 -11 eur
Shadow of war cien wojny-15 eur
Assassins creed Valhalla-21 eur
Assassins creed double pack Odyssey & Assassin’s Creed: Origins -29eur
Assassins syndicate-10 eur
Far cry Primal-17 eur
State of decay 2- 13 eur
Rise of the Tomb raider-13 eur
Mafia 3 cz-10 eur
Destiny 2-9 eur
Zaklinac divoky hon-16 eur
Far cry 5-14 eur
Far cry 6 Limited edition-29 eur
Just cause 4-13 eur
Sea of thieves-20 eur
Just cause 3-9 eur
Hitman 2-14 eur
Star wars battlefront-9 eur
Destiny -10 eur
Far cry 4 limited edition-13 eur
Assassins creed unity-13 eur
Fifa 18 cz-8 eur
Fifa 19 cz-9 eur
Fifa 20cz- 10 eur
Fifa 21 cz- 12 eur
Fifa 22 cz-20 eur
Formula 1 2015-8 eur
Formula 1 2019-10 eur
Formula 2020 seventy edition-17eu
Nhl 19-9 eur
Nhl 18-8 eur
Nba 2k 20- 13 eur
Steep-11 eur
Lego worlds-15 eur
Tom clancys ghost recon wildlan deluxe edition-20 eur
Need for speed payback-12 eur
call of duty modern warfare-20 eu
Crash bandicootnsane trilogy-20eu
Star wars battlefr 2-12 eur
Spyro-17 eur
Jurassic world evolution-19 eur
Lego jurassic world-14 eur
Plants vs zombies battle for neigborville-11 eur
Plants vs zombies GW2-14 eur

predam hry na X-BOX, vsetky su vo velmi dobrom stave, vacsinou v nemeckom jazyku, cena za jednu je 2 eur plus postovne. Mam tieto: (aktualny je tento zoznam, nie fotky)
1. hra na X-BOX360: FIFA 15 (nemcina)
2. hra na X-BOX360: FIFA 12 (nemcina)
3. hra na X-BOX360: FIFA 11 (nemcina)
4. hra na X-BOX360: FIFA 09 (nemcina)
5. hra na X-BOX360: FIFA Fussball Brasilien 2014 (nemcina)
6. hra na X-BOX360: Summer Athletics (nemcina)
7. hra na X-BOX360: FarCry 3
8. hra na X-BOX360: Grand Theft Auto IV
9. hra na PS2: Singstar Apres Ski Party
10. hra na X-BOX360: Assassin´s Creed II
11. hra na X-BOX360: Assassin´s Creed Brotherhood
12. hra na X-BOX360: Assassin´s Creed Revelations
13. hra na X-BOX360: Assassin´s Creed

Zdravím... Predávam origin/Epic účty s hrami.
Origin účet je čisto len na sériu hier FIFA:
FIFA 22, FIFA 20, FIFA 17, FIFA 13
Epic Games :
Amnesia: The Dark Descent
Among Us
ARK: Survival Evolved
Assassins Creed Syndicate
Dead by Daylight
Fall Guys
Farming Simulator 19
Grand Theft Auto V
Overcooked 2
Rocket League
Sid Meiers Civilization VI
theHunter: Call of the Wild
Watch dogs
Dôvod predaja je nedostatok času na hranie hier..
Ak by bol záujem prosím kontaktovať ma na mail nižšie.
(ak by bol záujem o fotky účtov taktiež zašlem mailom)
Číslo vymyslené !
Ďakujem :)

Mám na predaj nálepky FIFA 365 2021.
Cena: 0,10 centov
Mám čísla:
Mám na predaj nálepky FIFA 365 2020.
Cena: 0,10 centov
Mám čísla:
Mám na predaj nálepky FIFA 365 2019.
Cena: 0,10 centov
Mám čísla:
Mám na predaj nálepky FIFA 365 2017.
Cena: 0,10 centov
Mám čísla:

Pri kúpe viacerých hier cena dohodou
Motor Storm - 8€
Fifa Street - 8€
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 - 10€
Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm - 8€
Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 - 9€
NHL 11 - 6€ - predané
FIFA 12 - 7€
Fifa Street 3 - 10€
Genji Days of the Blade - 7€
FIFA 13 (v špecialnom obale) - 9€
Uncharted 3 Drake's Deception - 10€
Star Wars the Force Unleashed - 10€ (predane)
Killzone 2 - 8€
FIFA 08 - 6€

Hry su funkcne.
Moznost vyskusat.Moznost poslat.
Pozri moje ostatne inzeraty.
Kontakt email aj mob cislom.
Ps4-kamera-89 eur
Ps5 hry
Horizon forbidden west-27 eur
Dying Light 2 stay human-29 eur
ASSassins creed valhalla-19 eur
Sniper elite 4- 15 eur
Far cry Primal- 13 eur
Anthem- 9 eur
Mad Max-9 eur
Tom clancys rainbow six siege-12e
Uncharted 4-10 eur
Sniper elite 3-12 eur
Metro Redux-12 eur
The last of us -9 eur
Far cry 4 limit edition- 14 eur
Assassins creed syndicate-10 eur
Battlefield hardline-8 eur
Wolfenstein the new order-13 eur
Assassins creed origins cz-14 eur
Metro exodus- 16 eur
Kill zone shadow fall- 9 eur
Tom clancys the division-10 eur
Driveclub- 10 eur
Nhl 17- 7 eur
Wolfenstein the old blood-10 eur
Tom clancys ghost recon breakpoint- 14 eur
Uncharted the lost legacy- 9 eur
Fifa 17-7 eur
Tom clancys ghost recon wildl-
ands-12 eur
Days gone-13 eur
walkyrie vr hra-12 eur
tom clancys the divisions 2- 9eur
Doom- 10 eur
Fallout 4- 7 eur
Rigs-12 eur
The last of us 2 zabalene- 19 eur
rogue stormers-10 eur
fifa 14- 5 eur
fifa 20-9 eur
titanfall 2-10 eur
Detroit become human-13 eur
Ufc 3- 13 eur
Naruto storm-10 eur
Dragonball xenoerse-10 eur
Nhl 18-9 eur
Plants vs zombies garden- warfare-12
Fifa 19-8eur
Nhl 19- 10 eur
Nioh-10 eur
Middle-Earth: Shadow ofMordor-11e
Tittanfall 2-10 eur
call of duty infinitye warf-10eur
Battlefield 1-9 eur
god of war -10 eur
Nba 2K 21-12 eur
Fifa 21 steelbok-16 eur
Horizon zero dawn-10 eur
Deus ex-10 eur
Tomb rider-12 eur
Doom vfr vr- 13 eur
Diablo-13 eur
for honor- 8 eur
fall out goty-9 eur
watch dogs cz- 10 eur
final fantasy XIV-13 eur
Doom eternal-12 eur
Mortal kombat x- 10 eur
Dakar-14 eur
Dirt raly 2.0-15 eur
elsweyr-10 eur
On the road truck simulator-19eur
Star wars battlefront-10 eur
Shadow of mordor-10 eur
Zombies viking-12 eur
Driveclub-10 eur

Pri odbere viac kusov dohoda možná
FIFA 09 - 5 eur
FIFA 10 - 5 eur
FIFA 11 - 5 eur
FIFA 14 + kovovy obal - 8 eur
UFC UNDISPUTED 2010 - 10 eur
PES 2008 - 5 eur
PES 2009 - 5 eur
PES 2010 - 5 eur
PES 2012 - 5 eur
PES 2013 - 8 eur
Možnosť poslať aj poštou alebo osobne v KE/PP

predam hry na X-BOX, vsetky su vo velmi dobrom stave, vacsinou v nemeckom jazyku, cena za jednu je 2 eur plus postovne. Mam tieto: (aktualny je tento zoznam, nie fotky)
1. hra na X-BOX360: FIFA 15 (nemcina)
2. hra na X-BOX360: FIFA 12 (nemcina)
3. hra na X-BOX360: FIFA 11 (nemcina)
4. hra na X-BOX360: FIFA 09 (nemcina)
5. hra na X-BOX360: FIFA Fussball Brasilien 2014 (nemcina)
6. hra na X-BOX360: Summer Athletics (nemcina)
7. hra na X-BOX360: FarCry 3 - PREDANE !!!
8. hra na X-BOX360: Grand Theft Auto IV - PREDANE !!!
9. hra na PS2: Singstar Apres Ski Party
10. hra na X-BOX360: Assassin´s Creed II
11. hra na X-BOX360: Assassin´s Creed Brotherhood
12. hra na X-BOX360: Assassin´s Creed Revelations
13. hra na X-BOX360: Assassin´s Creed

Pri kúpe viacerých hier cena dohodou
Motor Storm - 8€
Fifa Street - 8€
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 - 10€
FIFA 12 - 7€
Fifa Street 3 - 10€
Genji Days of the Blade - 7€
FIFA 13 (v špecialnom obale) - 9€
Uncharted 3 Drake's Deception - 10€
Star Wars the Force Unleashed - 10€ (predane)
Killzone 2 - 8€
FIFA 08 - 6€

Hry na predaj na ps4,
Možnosť poslať.
Wrc 5-predane
Fifa 22 -19 eur
Assassins creed syndicate-10 eur
Mafia 3 delux edit-13 eur
football Pes 2020-10 eur
Crash bandicoot trilogy-predane
Call of duty Vanguard- 33 eur
Tom clancys GhostRecon breakp-16e
CALL OF DUTY WW2 gold edition-15e
Fifa 20 cz-10 eur
Mafia trilogy-19 eur
F1 2018-9 EUR
NHL 23 CZ-predane
FIFA 23 CZ-predane
PROJECT CARS 2-predane
CARS 3 DISNEY-predane
UNCHARTED 2 among thieves-7 eur
F1 22-predane
NBA 2K 14- 6 EUR

Lopta adidas Al Rihla League má grafiku inšpirovanú oficiálnou zápasovou loptou FIFA™ World Cup , ideálnu na zápasy a tréningy . Bezšvový dizajn TSBE vám poskytuje bezpečnejší dotyk s loptou, zatiaľ čo butylový mechúr znamená viac hry a menej pumpovania. Krabička z neho robí perfektný darček.
Lopta využíva technológiu TSBE na vytvorenie bezšvového povrchu pre bezpečnejší kontakt s loptou.
Butylový mechúr umožňuje, aby lopta zadržiavala vzduch dlhšie.
Lopta úspešne prešla testami FIFA z hľadiska obvodu, hmotnosti, odrazu a absorpcie vody.
Bezšvová konštrukcia TSBE
Butylový mechúr
Certifikát kvality FIFA
Vytlačené logo Svetového pohára FIFA™
Model je potrebné naplniť vzduchom
Balené v kartónovej škatuľke
Ideálne ako darček
Značka: Adidas
Kód produktu: H57782
Farba produktu: biela / Pantone
Materiál: povrch, 100% TPU

Predám konzolu Sony PS VITA. TOP stav, ako nová. Mám na predaj aj:
Assassin’s Creed III: Liberation 25€
Legends of War 20€
Ridge Racer 20€
Fifa Football 15€
God of War Collection 45€
Uncharted: Golden Abyss 20€
Killzone: Mercenary 20€
ModNation Racers: Road Trip 15€
Unit 13 20€
Fifa 13 15€
Fifa 14 15€
Fifa 15 20€
Football Manager Classic 2014 20€
MLB 12 The Show 20€
Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham 20€
Injustice: Gods Among Us: Ultimate Edition 20€
Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time 25€
The Sly Trilogy 25€
P4G: Persona 4 Golden 25€
Metal Gear Solid HD Collection 30€
Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster 20€
Dungeon Hunter: Alliance 20€
Lumines: Electronic Symphony 20€
Virtue’s Last Reward 20€
Reality Fighters 20€
Minecraft: PS Vita Edition 20€
Angry Birds: Star Wars 20€
PlayStation All-Stars: Battle Royale 20€
Little Deviants 20€
PlayStation Vita Pets 20€
Little Big Planet 15€
Lego Harry Potter 20€
Lego The Hobbit 20€
Lego Jurrasic World 20€
Lego Batman 2: DC Super Heroes 20€
Fifa 15 Legacy Edition 20€
Virtua Tennis 4 World Tour Edition 15€
Resistance: Burning Skies 25€
Borderlands 2 30€
The Ratchet & Clank Trilogy 25€
The Amazing Spider-Man 25€
Call of Duty Black Ops: Declassified 20€
Mortal Kombat 30€
Sonic: All Stars Racing: Transformed 25€
Lego Ninjago: Nindroids 20€
Lego Ninjago: Shadow of Ronin 20€
Lego Marvel Super Heroes: Universe in Peril 20€
Soul Sacrifice 20€
Wipeout 2048 20€
Rayman Origins 20€
Rayman Legends 20€
Need for Speed: Most Wanted 20€
The Jack and Daxter Trilogy 25€
Phineas an Ferb: Day of Doofenshmitz 20€
Lego: The Movie Videogame 20€
Lego: Marvel Avengers 20€
Nickelodeon: SpongeBob Hero Pants 20€
Looney Tunes: Galactic Sports 20€
WRC: FIA World Rally Championship 4 20€
WRC: FIA World Rally Championship 5 20€
Asphalt: Injection 20€
Everybody’s Golf 15€
Gravity Rush 25€
Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two
Tetris: Ultimate 20€
Tearaway 20€
Smart as... 15€
Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2+ 30€
Spy Hunter 30€
MUD: FIM Motocross World Championship 30€
Lego: Lord of the Rings 20€
Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate 25€
Invizimals: The Resistance 20€
Lego Chima: Laval’s Journey 20€
F1 2011 25€
Street Fighter X Tekken 25€
Farming Simulator 18 30€
Super Monkey Ball Banana Splitz 35€
MotoGP 13 35€
The Walking Dead 35€
New Little King’s Story 35€
Kód na 3 skvelé AR hry: Cliff Diving, Fireworks, Table Football + AR kartičky 20€
Pamäťové karty:
4GB 15€
8GB 25€
16GB 35€
32GB 60€
Púzdro na hry 5€
Púzdro na Vitu Sony 15€
Tvrdené púzdro na Vitu 20€
VITA + krabica 115€

Predám VITU. TOP stav, ako nová. Na predaj aj:
Assassin’s Creed III: Liberation 25€
Legends of War 20€
Ridge Racer 20€
Fifa Football 15€
God of War Collection 45€
Uncharted: Golden Abyss 20€
Killzone: Mercenary 20€
ModNation Racers: Road Trip 15€
Unit 13 20€
Fifa 13 15€
Fifa 14 15€
Fifa 15 20€
Football Manager Classic 2014 20€
MLB 12 The Show 20€
Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham 20€
Injustice: Gods Among Us: Ultimate Edition 20€
Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time 25€
The Sly Trilogy 25€
P4G: Persona 4 Golden 25€
Metal Gear Solid HD Collection 30€
Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster 20€
Dungeon Hunter: Alliance 20€
Lumines: Electronic Symphony 20€
Virtue’s Last Reward 20€
Reality Fighters 20€
Minecraft: PS Vita Edition 20€
Angry Birds: Star Wars 20€
PlayStation All-Stars: Battle Royale 20€
Little Deviants 20€
PlayStation Vita Pets 20€
Little Big Planet 15€
Lego Harry Potter 20€
Lego The Hobbit 20€
Lego Jurrasic World 20€
Lego Batman 2: DC Super Heroes 20€
Fifa 15 Legacy Edition 20€
Virtua Tennis 4 World Tour Edition 15€
Resistance: Burning Skies 25€
Borderlands 2 30€
The Ratchet & Clank Trilogy 25€
The Amazing Spider-Man 25€
Call of Duty Black Ops: Declassified 20€
Mortal Kombat 30€
Sonic: All Stars Racing: Transformed 25€
Lego Ninjago: Nindroids 20€
Lego Ninjago: Shadow of Ronin 20€
Lego Marvel Super Heroes: Universe in Peril 20€
Soul Sacrifice 20€
Wipeout 2048 20€
Rayman Origins 20€
Rayman Legends 20€
Need for Speed: Most Wanted 20€
The Jack and Daxter Trilogy 25€
Phineas an Ferb: Day of Doofenshmitz 20€
Lego: The Movie Videogame 20€
Lego: Marvel Avengers 20€
Nickelodeon: SpongeBob Hero Pants 20€
Looney Tunes: Galactic Sports 20€
WRC: FIA World Rally Championship 4 20€
WRC: FIA World Rally Championship 5 20€
Asphalt: Injection 20€
Everybody’s Golf 15€
Gravity Rush 25€
Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two
Tetris: Ultimate 20€
Tearaway 20€
Smart as... 15€
Ninja Gaiden Sigma + 30€
Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2+ 30€
Spy Hunter 30€
MUD: FIM Motocross World Championship 30€
Lego: Lord of the Rings 20€
Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate 25€
Invizimals: The Resistance 20€
Lego Chima: Laval’s Journey 20€
F1 2011 25€
Street Fighter X Tekken 25€
Farming Simulator 18 30€
Super Monkey Ball Banana Splitz 35€
MotoGP 13 35€
The Walking Dead 35€
New Little King’s Story 35€
Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 45€
Kód na 3 AR hry: Cliff Diving, Fireworks, Table Football + AR kartičky 20€
Pamäťové karty:
4GB 15€
8GB 25€
16GB 35€
32GB 60€
Púzdro na hry 5€
Tvrdené púzdro 20€
VITA + krabica 115€

The Last of Us: Part II: 19€
Minecraft: 25€
Crash Bandicoot Nitro Fueled 25€€
Horizon: Forbidden West: 25€
Alan Wake Remastered: 15€
Assasins Creed: Origins: 12€
Far Cry Primal: 12€
The Order: 1886: 10€
Prey: 9€
Need for Speed Hot Pursuit Remastered: 19€
GTA 5: 19€
Marvel’s Spider-Man: 19€
Red Dead Redemption 2: 22€
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt GOTY: 15€
God of War: 9€
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare: 22€
Call of Duty: WWII: 17€
Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare (Legacy Pro Edition): 22€
Call of Duty: Black Ops 3: 17€
Uncharted (The Nathan Drake Collection): 8€
Uncharted 4: A Thiefs End: 8€
Uncharted: The Lost Legacy: 12€
The Sims 4: 16€
Injustice 2: 9€
Horizon: Zero Dawn Complete: 8€
FIFA 21: 18€
Cyberpunk 2077: 17€
LEGO The Incredibles: 14€
Mafia Trilogy (BEZ DVOJKY): 14€
NieR: Automata: 12€
Sakura Wars: 15€
Final Fantasy X + X-2: 14€
13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim: 28€
World of Final Fantasy: 15€
Detroit: Become Human: 19€
Tom Clancys Ghost Recon: Wildlands: 12€
Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus: 15€
Days Gone: 13€
Killzone: Shadow Fall: 8€
Need For Speed Heat: 19€
Need for Speed 2015: 15€
Gran Turismo Sport: 8€
Diablo 3 (Ultimate Evil Edition): 19€
Friday the 13th: The Game: 7€
Rayman Legends: 13€
Little Big Planet 3: 8€
Ratchet and Clank: 8€
MudRunner: a Spintires Game (American Wilds Edition): 15€
Assassins Creed: The Ezio Collection: 12€
Tom Clancys Rainbow Six: Extraction: 8€
Batman: Arkham Knight: 9€
Dishonored 2: 9€
Subnautica: 15€
Driveclub: 8€
Battlefield 5: 13€
Hidden Agenda: 9€
Infamous Second Son: 9€
Worms W.M.D: 15€
Dead or Alive 6: 7€
F1 2017: 9€
Singstar: 4€
Bravo Team: 12€
WWE 2K18: 14€
Farpoint: 9€
Borderlands Handsome Edition: 9€
Knack: 9€
Until Dawn: Rush of Blood: 12€
Fallout 4: 9€
Chimparty: 6€
Dirt Rally 2.0: 14€
The Division 2: 9€
Robinson: 8€
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain: 8€
Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon: Breakpoint: 14€
Star Wars: Battlefront 2: 15€
ARK: 8€
Project CARS 2 (Limited Edition): 19€
Thats You!: 6€
Just Dance 2018: 16€
Just Dance 2020: 21€
PUBG: 13€
Elex: 8€
Hitman (The Complete First Season): 15€
Destiny: 5€
Destiny 2: 6€
For Honor: 5€
Monster Hunter: 7€
Nioh: 9€
Battlefield 1: 12€
Watch Dogs 2: 12€
Watch Dogs : 9€
Death Stranding: 9€
Jump Force: 9€
Battlefield Hardline: 9€
Middle-earth: Shadow of War: 9€
NHL 16: 12€
FIFA 15: 5€
FIFA 17: 7€
FIFA 19: 9€
FIFA 20: 14€
F1 2019: 14€

Predám hernú konzolu Playstation 4 Slim. Konzola je vo veľmi dobrom stave, nemá žiadne vady a všetko funguje. Ovládač je takisto v perfektnom stave ako vidno aj na fotkách. Možnosť dokúpiť druhý ovládač za 45€, nabíjačku na ovládače za 19€ alebo hry z mojej zbierky:
The Last of Us: Part II: 19€
Minecraft: 25€
Crash Bandicoot Nitro Fueled 25€€
Horizon: Forbidden West: 25€
Alan Wake Remastered: 15€
Assasins Creed: Origins: 12€
Far Cry Primal: 12€
The Order: 1886: 10€
Prey: 9€
Need for Speed Hot Pursuit Remastered: 19€
GTA 5: 19€
Marvel’s Spider-Man: 19€
Red Dead Redemption 2: 22€
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt GOTY: 15€
God of War: 9€
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare: 22€
Call of Duty: WWII: 17€
Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare (Legacy Pro Edition): 22€
Call of Duty: Black Ops 3: 17€
Uncharted (The Nathan Drake Collection): 8€
Uncharted 4: A Thiefs End: 8€
Uncharted: The Lost Legacy: 12€
The Sims 4: 16€
Injustice 2: 9€
Horizon: Zero Dawn Complete: 8€
FIFA 21: 18€
Cyberpunk 2077: 17€
LEGO The Incredibles: 14€
Mafia Trilogy (BEZ DVOJKY): 14€
NieR: Automata: 12€
Sakura Wars: 15€
Final Fantasy X + X-2: 14€
13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim: 28€
World of Final Fantasy: 15€
Detroit: Become Human: 19€
Tom Clancys Ghost Recon: Wildlands: 12€
Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus: 15€
Days Gone: 13€
Killzone: Shadow Fall: 8€
Need For Speed Heat: 19€
Need for Speed 2015: 15€
Gran Turismo Sport: 8€
Diablo 3 (Ultimate Evil Edition): 19€
Friday the 13th: The Game: 7€
Rayman Legends: 13€
Little Big Planet 3: 8€
Ratchet and Clank: 8€
MudRunner: a Spintires Game (American Wilds Edition): 15€
Assassins Creed: The Ezio Collection: 12€
Tom Clancys Rainbow Six: Extraction: 8€
Batman: Arkham Knight: 9€
Dishonored 2: 9€
Subnautica: 15€
Driveclub: 8€
Battlefield 5: 13€
Hidden Agenda: 9€
Infamous Second Son: 9€
Worms W.M.D: 15€
Dead or Alive 6: 7€
F1 2017: 9€
Singstar: 4€
Bravo Team: 12€
WWE 2K18: 14€
Farpoint: 9€
Borderlands Handsome Edition: 9€
Knack: 9€
Until Dawn: Rush of Blood: 12€
Fallout 4: 9€
Chimparty: 6€
Dirt Rally 2.0: 14€
The Division 2: 9€
Robinson: 8€
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain: 8€
Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon: Breakpoint: 14€
Star Wars: Battlefront 2: 15€
ARK: 8€
Project CARS 2 (Limited Edition): 19€
Thats You!: 6€
Just Dance 2018: 16€
Just Dance 2020: 21€
PUBG: 13€
Elex: 8€
Hitman (The Complete First Season): 15€
Destiny: 5€
Destiny 2: 6€
For Honor: 5€
Monster Hunter: 7€
Nioh: 9€
Battlefield 1: 12€
Watch Dogs 2: 12€
Watch Dogs : 9€
Death Stranding: 9€
Jump Force: 9€
Battlefield Hardline: 9€
Middle-earth: Shadow of War: 9€
NHL 16: 12€
FIFA 15: 5€
FIFA 17: 7€
FIFA 19: 9€
FIFA 20: 14€
F1 2019: 14€

Predám hernú konzolu PS4 Pro. Konzola je v 100% stave, nemá žiadne poškodenia a všetko funguje. Pridám ku nej všetko príslušenstvo a ovládač. V prípade záujmu sa dá dokúpiť druhý ovládač za 45€ alebo nabíjačka na ovládače za 19€. Možnosť dokúpiť aj hry z mojej zbierky:
The Last of Us: Part II: 19€
Minecraft: 25€
Crash Bandicoot Nitro Fueled 25€€
Horizon: Forbidden West: 25€
Alan Wake Remastered: 15€
Assasins Creed: Origins: 12€
Far Cry Primal: 12€
The Order: 1886: 10€
Prey: 9€
Need for Speed Hot Pursuit Remastered: 19€
GTA 5: 19€
Marvel’s Spider-Man: 19€
Red Dead Redemption 2: 22€
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt GOTY: 15€
God of War: 9€
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare: 22€
Call of Duty: WWII: 17€
Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare (Legacy Pro Edition): 22€
Call of Duty: Black Ops 3: 17€
Uncharted (The Nathan Drake Collection): 8€
Uncharted 4: A Thiefs End: 8€
Uncharted: The Lost Legacy: 12€
The Sims 4: 16€
Injustice 2: 9€
Horizon: Zero Dawn Complete: 8€
FIFA 21: 18€
Cyberpunk 2077: 17€
LEGO The Incredibles: 14€
Mafia Trilogy (BEZ DVOJKY): 14€
NieR: Automata: 12€
Sakura Wars: 15€
Final Fantasy X + X-2: 14€
13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim: 28€
World of Final Fantasy: 15€
Detroit: Become Human: 19€
Tom Clancys Ghost Recon: Wildlands: 12€
Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus: 15€
Days Gone: 13€
Killzone: Shadow Fall: 8€
Need For Speed Heat: 19€
Need for Speed 2015: 15€
Gran Turismo Sport: 8€
Diablo 3 (Ultimate Evil Edition): 19€
Friday the 13th: The Game: 7€
Rayman Legends: 13€
Little Big Planet 3: 8€
Ratchet and Clank: 8€
MudRunner: a Spintires Game (American Wilds Edition): 15€
Assassins Creed: The Ezio Collection: 12€
Tom Clancys Rainbow Six: Extraction: 8€
Batman: Arkham Knight: 9€
Dishonored 2: 9€
Subnautica: 15€
Driveclub: 8€
Battlefield 5: 13€
Hidden Agenda: 9€
Infamous Second Son: 9€
Worms W.M.D: 15€
Dead or Alive 6: 7€
F1 2017: 9€
Singstar: 4€
Bravo Team: 12€
WWE 2K18: 14€
Farpoint: 9€
Borderlands Handsome Edition: 9€
Knack: 9€
Until Dawn: Rush of Blood: 12€
Fallout 4: 9€
Chimparty: 6€
Dirt Rally 2.0: 14€
The Division 2: 9€
Robinson: 8€
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain: 8€
Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon: Breakpoint: 14€
Star Wars: Battlefront 2: 15€
ARK: 8€
Project CARS 2 (Limited Edition): 19€
Thats You!: 6€
Just Dance 2018: 16€
Just Dance 2020: 21€
PUBG: 13€
Elex: 8€
Hitman (The Complete First Season): 15€
Destiny: 5€
Destiny 2: 6€
For Honor: 5€
Monster Hunter: 7€
Nioh: 9€
Battlefield 1: 12€
Watch Dogs 2: 12€
Watch Dogs : 9€
Death Stranding: 9€
Jump Force: 9€
Battlefield Hardline: 9€
Middle-earth: Shadow of War: 9€
NHL 16: 12€
FIFA 15: 5€
FIFA 17: 7€
FIFA 19: 9€
FIFA 20: 14€
F1 2019: 14€

Predám VITU. TOP stav, ako nová. Na predaj aj:
Assassin’s Creed III: Liberation 25€
Legends of War 20€
Ridge Racer 20€
Fifa Football 15€
God of War Collection 45€
Uncharted: Golden Abyss 20€
Killzone: Mercenary 20€
ModNation Racers: Road Trip 10€
Unit 13 15€
Fifa 13 8€
Fifa 14 15€
Fifa 15 20€
Football Manager Classic 2014 20€
MLB 12 The Show 20€
Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham 20€
Injustice: Gods Among Us: Ultimate Edition 20€
Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time 25€
The Sly Trilogy 25€
P4G: Persona 4 Golden 25€
Metal Gear Solid HD Collection 30€
Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster 20€
Dungeon Hunter: Alliance 20€
Lumines: Electronic Symphony 20€
Virtue’s Last Reward 20€
Reality Fighters 15€
Minecraft: PS Vita Edition 10€
Angry Birds: Star Wars 20€
PlayStation All-Stars: Battle Royale 15€
Little Deviants 15€
PlayStation Vita Pets 20€
Little Big Planet 15€
Lego Harry Potter 20€
Lego The Hobbit 20€
Lego Jurrasic World 20€
Lego Batman 2: DC Super Heroes 20€
Fifa 15 Legacy Edition 20€
Virtua Tennis 4 World Tour Edition 15€
Resistance: Burning Skies 25€
Borderlands 2 30€
The Ratchet & Clank Trilogy 25€
The Amazing Spider-Man 25€
Call of Duty Black Ops: Declassified 20€
Mortal Kombat 25€
Sonic: All Stars Racing: Transformed 25€
Lego Ninjago: Nindroids 20€
Lego Ninjago: Shadow of Ronin 20€
Lego Marvel Super Heroes: Universe in Peril 20€
Soul Sacrifice 20€
Wipeout 2048 20€
Rayman Origins 20€
Rayman Legends 20€
Need for Speed: Most Wanted 15€
The Jack and Daxter Trilogy 25€
Phineas an Ferb: Day of Doofenshmitz 20€
Lego: The Movie Videogame 20€
Lego: Marvel Avengers 20€
Nickelodeon: SpongeBob Hero Pants 20€
Looney Tunes: Galactic Sports 20€
WRC: FIA World Rally Championship 4 20€
WRC: FIA World Rally Championship 5 20€
Asphalt: Injection 20€
Everybody’s Golf 15€
Gravity Rush 25€
Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two
Tetris: Ultimate 20€
Tearaway 20€
Smart as... 15€
Ninja Gaiden Sigma + 30€
Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2+ 30€
Spy Hunter 30€
MUD: FIM Motocross World Championship 30€
Lego: Lord of the Rings 20€
Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate 25€
Invizimals: The Resistance 20€
Lego Chima: Laval’s Journey 20€
F1 2011 25€
Street Fighter X Tekken 25€
Farming Simulator 18 30€
Super Monkey Ball Banana Splitz 35€
MotoGP 13 35€
The Walking Dead 35€
New Little King’s Story 35€
Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 45€
Kód na 3 AR hry: Cliff Diving, Fireworks, Table Football + AR kartičky 20€
Pamäťové karty:
4GB 15€
8GB 25€
16GB 35€
32GB 60€
Púzdro na hry 5€
Tvrdené púzdro 20€
VITA + krabica 115€

Dobrý deň,
ponúkam na predaj originálne hry pre Xbox one, a aj xbox series x. V ponuke momentálne mám :
30 hit games – Rare replay One epic collection -12€
Agents of mayhem – 4€
Alien isolation – 10€
Assasins creed origins – 10€
Batman arkham collection – 15€
Battlefield 4 – 10€
Batman Arkham knight – 13€
Batman return to arkham – 12€
Call of duty advanced warfare – 5€
Call of duty ghosts – 15€
Fifa 2018 – 7€
F1 2016 – 5€
Cyberpunk 2077 – 20€
Crackdown 3 – 4€
Crash bandicoot Its about time – 25€
Deadrising 3 – 6€
Just cause 3 – 10€
Madden NFL 2018 - 5€
Metro Exodus – 15€
Metal gear solid V Ground zeroes - 10€
Far cry 5 12€
Fifa 2017 – 4€
Fifa 2018 – 6€
Fifa 2021 – 12€
Fifa 2022 – 15€
Far cry 3 classic edition – 10€
Farming simulator 2022 – 30€
Grand theft auto The trilogy definitive edition – 25€
Grand theft auto V GTA 5- 20€
Mortal kombat XL – 15€
NHL 2020 – 15€
Hitman 3- 32€
Titanfall – 5€
W2k22 wrestling – 30€
Jagged alliance rage – 6€
Lego star wars the skywalker saga – 15€
Lego jurský svet – 15€
Lego batman 3 Beyond godham – 15€
Lego harry potter kolekcia – 15€
Lego DC super villians - 15€
Lego marvel super heroes 2 – 15€
Lego city undercover – 15€
Lego movie videogame – 15€
Mafia definitive edition – 15€
Need for speed heat – 15€
Overwatch origins edicia – 15€
Payday 2 Crimewave edicia – 10€
Red dead redemption 2 – 17€
Star wars battlefront 2 – 10€
Rise od the Tombraider – 12€
Rocket league collector edition – 15€
Sleeping dogs definitive edition – 10€
Star wars Jedi : fallen order – 8€
Tekken 7 - 15€
Tom clancys the division – 12€
Tennis world tour 2 – 20€
The elder scrools online tamriel unlimitied – 4€
The crew ultimate edition – 10€
Titanfall – 7€
Watch dogs . 10€
Watch dogs 2 – 12€
W2k18 – 10€
Hry sú v dobrom stave.
Hra sa nachádza v predajni Konzoland na Cabajskej ulici 1243/4A v Nitre.
V prípade pošty, alebo packety je nutné započítať 4,5 eura ku cene hry

Predam hry na PS1, PS2, PS3.
Medal of Honor Underground - 20 Eur
Hra je funkčna na PS1, PS2, PS3.
Top Stav.
Hry len pre PS2:
Crash Nitro Kart - 15 Eur
Tekken Tag Tournament - 10 Eur
Hry len pre PS3:
GTA 5 Special Edition - 15 Eur
Call of Duty WAW - 7 Eur
GTA 5 - 12 Eur
Resident Evil 6 - 8 Eur
Všetky hry sú plne funkčne bez škrabancov.
Inzerát platný do zmazania.